How to get the selected row in a programmatic table of the ADF (table generated from a bean)

Hi all

We use JDeveloper Studio Edition Version and deployed on GlassFish Server Open Source Edition (build 5) and connect to the SQLServer database.

How to get the selected line in a programmatic (using a SortableModel custom not a display object) ADF table (generated from a bean)?

We are trying to get the selected row in a bean of a programmatic ADF table to retrieve data based on the selected line.

Any idea?

Well, you can use selectionListener to set the selected line to a variable of bean (but this bean must be in extended view or some superiors)

Something like this:


Tags: Java

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    Kindly help/tips how to operate or any other way.

    Thank you in advance.

    Hi Lena,.

    ADF managed beans, you can use ExtendedRenderKitService to call the javascript. Something like window.location.href or similar can be used to replace the URL data: text / html mentioned in response format.

    Kind regards


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    How to get the varStatus value in the bean selected lines.

    Best regards

    Claude Reynier.

    You can get the index of the line of the ViewObject.getRangeIndexOf (row) method. Something like this:

    empIter.getViewObject () .getRangeIndexOf (currentRow)


        RowKeySet selectedEmps = getTable().getSelectedRowKeys();
        Iterator selectedEmpIter = selectedEmps.iterator();
        DCBindingContainer bindings = (DCBindingContainer) BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
        DCIteratorBinding empIter = bindings.findIteratorBinding("EmployeesView1Iterator");
        RowSetIterator empRSIter = empIter.getRowSetIterator();
        while (selectedEmpIter.hasNext())
          Key key = (Key) ((List);
          Row currentRow = empRSIter.getRow(key);
          System.out.println("FirstName" + currentRow.getAttribute("FirstName") + "  - Row Index= " + (empIter.getViewObject().getRangeIndexOf(currentRow) + 1));
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    3 configure the iSCSI or NAS to deal directly

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    We will determine if your PC can not even boot from USB devices.  Plug the USB and turn on your PC.  When you get to the HP splash screen, then start typing the escape key to bring up a boot selection menu. If you do not see the USB device then your PC can't boot from a USB device.

    If your PC does support booting from a USB device and then read this MS post article.

    You always have the option to start Windows Defender from a CD or a DVD.

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    Kind regards

    Kevin C.

    With Toshiba laptop, you'll get the Toshiba CD/DVD facilities only.
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    Thank you

    Kind regards


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    As far as I know, a text file has no column.  Be more specific.  Do you mean something like the 5th word on line 4, where the words are separated by a space, and lines are separated by a newline character?  You can read from the spreadsheet String function and set the delimiter to a space.  This will produce a 2D channels table.  Then use the table to index and give the line number and column number.

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    my code:

    package parsepack;

    import java.util.Vector;


    Import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;
    Import net.rim.device.api.system.Display;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.DrawStyle;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.FieldChangeListener;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Manager;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ListField;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ListFieldCallback;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.VerticalFieldManager;
    Import net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    Import net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

    to import org.W3C.DOM.document;
    Import org.w3c.dom.Node;
    Import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

    extends xmlparsing public class UiApplication implements ListFieldCallback, FieldChangeListener

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args)
    xmlparsing app = new xmlparsing();
    app.enterEventDispatcher ();

    public long mycolor;
    Connection _connectionthread;
    private static ListField _list;
    private static Vector listElements is new Vector();.
    public display display = new MainScreen();
    MainManager VerticalFieldManager;
    VerticalFieldManager subManager;

    public xmlparsing()
    pushScreen (screen);

    final Bitmap Imagearriereplan = Bitmap.getBitmapResource ("blackbackground.png");

    mainManager = new VerticalFieldManager(Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLL |) Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR)

    public void paint (Graphics graphics)
    graphics.drawBitmap (0, 0, Display.getWidth (), Display.getHeight (), Imagearriereplan, 0, 0);

    Super.Paint (Graphics);


    subManager = new VerticalFieldManager(Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLL |) Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR)
    protected void sublayout (int maxWidth, maxHeight int)
    int displayWidth = Display.getWidth ();
    int displayHeight = Display.getHeight ();

    Super.sublayout (displayWidth, displayHeight);
    setExtent (displayWidth, displayHeight);

    Screen.Add (mainManager);

    _list = new ListField()


    public void paint (Graphics graphics)

    graphics.setColor ((int) mycolor);
    Super.Paint (Graphics);


    myColor = 0x00FFFFFF;
    _list. Invalidate();
    _list.setEmptyString ("* only supplies not available *", DrawStyle.HCENTER "");
    _list.setRowHeight (50);
    _list.setCallback (this);
    mainManager.add (subManager);
    listElements.removeAllElements ();
    _connectionthread = New Connection();
    _connectionthread. Start();

    protected boolean navigationClick (int status, int time)
    Here, go to another screen if you need.

    catch (System.Exception e)
    System.out.println ("Exception:-: navigationClick()" + try ());
    Returns true;

    private class login extends thread
    Public connection()

    public void run() {}
    Doc document;
    StreamConnection conn = null;
    InputStream is = null;
    try {}

    Conn = (StreamConnection) ("

    DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance ();
    docBuilderFactory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace (true);
    docBuilderFactory.setCoalescing (true);
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder ();
    docBuilder.isValidating ();
    is = conn.openInputStream ();
    doc = docBuilder.parse (is);
    doc.getDocumentElement () .normalize ();
    List of NodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName ("ID");
    for (int i = 0; i)< list.getlength();="" i++)="">
    Node node = list.item (i) .getFirstChild ();
    listElements.addElement (textNode.getNodeValue ());
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    System.out.println (try ());
    } {Finally
    If (is! = null) {}
    try {is.close ();
    } catch (IOException ignored) {}
    } If (conn! = null) {}
    Try {conn.close () ;}
    catch (IOException ignored) {}
    }} UiApplication.getUiApplication () .invokeLater (new Runnable() {}
    public void run() {}
    _list. SetSize (listElements.Size ());
    subManager.add (_list);
    Screen.Invalidate ();


    ' public void drawListRow (list ListField, Graphics g, int index, int y, int w)
    Your string = (String) listElements.elementAt (index);
    int yPos = 0 + y;
    g.drawLine (0, yPos, w, yPos);
    g.drawText (, 5, 15 + y, 0, w);

    public {get {Object (ListField list, int index)
    Return listElements.elementAt (index);
    public int indexOfList (String prefix, ListField list, int, string)
    Return listElements.indexOf (prefix, string);
    public int getPreferredWidth (ListField list)
    Return Display.getWidth ();
    public final void insert (String toInsert, int index) {}
    listElements.addElement (toInsert);

    ' Public Sub fieldChanged (field field, int context) {}


    Thank you.

    I told you that replace the navigationclick() method where initialize you your listfield

    as I think that changing your code and then answer me

    _list = new ListField()
    protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time)
      return true;
    public void paint(Graphics graphics)
    graphics.setColor((int) mycolor);
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    pivotTable.getDataModel().getDataAccess().getValueQDR(startRow, startCol, DataAccess.QDR_WITH_PAGE);
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    Environment: JDev without tasks.

    Thank you


    You can retrieve the value selected in the PivotFilterBar through the PivotFilterBar model, instead of dataaccess:

    Download the template of the bar pivot filter instance
    QueryDescriptior queryDescriptor = (QueryDescriptor) pivotFilterBar.getValue ();

    retrieve a list of criterion, each of them is used to fill each lov in the pivot filter bar
    ConjunctionCriterion conjunctionCriterion = queryDescriptor.getConjunctionCriterion ();
    List criterionList = conjunctionCriterion.getCriterionList ();
    for (int i = 0; i)<_criterionList.size(); i++)="">
    AttributeCriterion = (AttributeCriterion) criterionList.get (i) criterion.

    _selected is the currently selected value
    Selected object = criterion.getValues () .get (0);

    System.out.println (_selected);

    Hope that helps,

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    How to get the value of a selected character unicode?

    The content property of a 'Character' InDesign object is a simple Unicode string. For access to the various characters is a basic javascript operation, and a google gives this as a good first result:

    Therefore, the value of a selected character unicode is

    App.Selection [0]. Characters [0].contents.charCodeAt (0)

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    You should do something like this:

    var itemRenderer:DisplayObject = fileSystemTree.itemToItemRenderer (fileSystemTree.selectedItem) as DisplayObject;
    Contact information: Point = itemRenderer.parent.localToGlobal (new Point (itemRenderer.x, itemRenderer.y)) var;

    contact information is now an object point representing the coordinates of your itemRenderer in the global coordinate system.

  • How to get the date of end of week max and its rows of a table

    Table [temp2]
       id          name        dt
      123        a             2-mar-2010
      124        b            1-feb-2010
      125        c             3-apr-2010
      123        a             13-mar-2010
      125        c             13-mar-2010
      123        a             12-feb-2010
    This table how to get this line by id - name (id and the name of the composite key) whose date is the date of last weekend (last Saturday).
    for example, suppose to have IDs 123 values date February 12, 2010, 13-mar-2010 this date falls on the last Saturday 13-mar-2010, how to get the value of the line on Saturday last for all the unique id and the name?

    So I wrote this but probably there a few traps...
    select id,name,dt from (select id,name,dt,max(dt) over(partition by id,name) as 
    max_date from temp2) t where dt=t.max_date and dt in ('3-apr-2010'
    Here I have spent in the in clause 4 last weekend dates manually (although either has been calculated by programming) in front.
    Thank you

    Here's another option:

    SELECT     *
         SELECT     ID
         ,     NAME
         FROM     TEMP2
         GROUP BY ID, NAME

    It is always useful to provide the following information:

    1. oracle version (SELECT * FROM V$ VERSION)
    2. examples of data in the form to CREATE / INSERT commands.
    3. expected results
    4 explanation of the expected results (alias "business logic")
    5. use.

     tags for #2 and #3. See FAQ (Link on top right side) for details.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
  • How to get the selected DataGrid item?


    I have a datagrid

    < mx:DataGrid = "10" XY = dataProvider "36" = "{acEmaillist}" width = "319" >
    < mx:columns >
    < mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "Full name" dataField = "cn" width = "150" / >
    < mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "Email" dataField = "mail" width = "150" / >
    < / mx:columns >
    < / mx:DataGrid >

    I want to select a name, click it, get the selected name and save it in a string variable. Please let me know how to get the selected name when I click it. Thank you very much.


    This code can help."width ="100% ">

    Import mx.controls.DataGrid;

    private var nameStr:String;

    public void getName(event:ListEvent):void {}
    var dg:DataGrid = DataGrid (;
    nameStr =;

    Bob Smith
    [email protected]

    Ted Alan
    [email protected]

    Fred Tobs
    [email protected]

  • How to get the selected values from the shuttle


    Please tell me how to get the values of the option chosen by the shuttle leading the list.

    Thank you

    Check out this link and that this might help you.

    Attack-shuttle leak problem

    Thank you

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