How to preset the order of the lines in the outer query of a correlated query?


I have the following simple query:
select empno,
             when rn = 1 then sal
             else -sal
           end) over (order by sal, empno) as running_diff
   from (
         select empno,
                row_number() over (order by sal, empno) as rn
           from emp
          where deptno = 10
Who calculates a difference running and uses «row_number() over (...)» which is a specific feature of the Oracle to do it. We get the following result (that we will consider correct):
---------- ---------- ---------- ------------
      7934 MILLER           1300         1300
      7782 CLARK            2450        -1150
      7839 KING             5000        -6150
I wanted to arrive at a different solution from the solution, it was not a specific Oracle . I tried the following code:

(EDIT: after further thought, this code is entirely different sense and will never get closer, the result above.) Considers that it is wrong and ignore this attempt.)
select a.empno,
       (select case
                 when a.empno = min(b.empno) then sum(b.sal)
                 else sum(-b.sal)
          from emp b
         where b.empno <= a.empno
           and b.deptno = a.deptno) as running_diff
  from emp a
 where a.deptno = 10;
but the result is
---------- ---------- ---------- ------------
      7782 CLARK            2450         2450
      7839 KING             5000        -7450
      7934 MILLER           1300        -8750
that is a long way from the initial result. I tried everything I could think to order lines before running difference is calculated, but were unsuccessful.

Is there a way to change this second request-(without using Oracle specific features) - without the help of windowing functions that give the same result as the first query?

Rephrase the question above:

Is it possible, using plain vanilla SQL (which is the aggregate functions and operations such as joins and unions) to create a query that produces the same result as the first?

In addition, it is not for production code. It's just an exercise in manipulation set I would like to see a solution for.

Thank you for your help,


Published by: 440bx - 11 GR 2 on July 18, 2010 12:50 AM - correct ' ho w "to"how ".

Published by: 440bx - 11 GR 2 on July 18, 2010 01:42 - struck all references to row_number and windowing being features of Oracle functions.

Published by: 440bx - 11 GR 2 on July 18, 2010 03:51 - pointed out that my essay is terribly wrong and it had reaffirmed the goal to make it clearer.

Hi, John,.

A way to get a total operating (which is essentially what you want) must make a self-join. Join each line (let's call it the current line, or c) for himself and everything that preceded it (call this the previous line or p), and do a regular lump SUM, like this:

WITH     got_base_sal     AS
     SELECT       deptno
     ,       2 * MIN (sal)     AS base_sal
     FROM       scott.emp
     GROUP BY  deptno
SELECT       c.deptno
,       c.empno
,       c.ename
,       c.sal
,       b.base_sal - SUM (p.sal)     AS running_diff
FROM       scott.emp     c
JOIN       scott.emp     p     ON     c.deptno     = p.deptno
                    AND     (     c.sal     > p.sal
                         OR     (     c.sal     =  p.sal
                              AND     c.empno     >= p.empno
JOIN       got_base_sal     b     ON     c.deptno     = b.deptno
WHERE       c.deptno     IN (10)
GROUP BY  c.deptno
,       c.empno
,       c.ename
,       c.sal
,       b.base_sal
ORDER BY  c.deptno
,       running_diff     DESC


---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------
        10       7934 MILLER           1300         1300
        10       7782 CLARK            2450        -1150
        10       7839 KING             5000        -6150

I said you basically want a total runninng. There are two differences between a cumulative and your needs
(1) you want to have a total of the negation of what is in the table. That's trivial: use a sign less.
(2) you want the first point to count as positive rather than negative. It's not so trivial. The above query counts all know as negative, but adds an offset to make it appear as if the first item had been posted as a positive, not negative result.

You don't say what you want to do in the case of a tie (two or more lines having the same sal). The above query uses empno as a tiebreaker, so all sals are calculated as if they were separate. This is similar to what the analytical functions do when the window comes from the ranks. If you want something similar to windowing by scope, which could actually be simpler.

The above query calculates a running_diff separate for each deptno, similar to "PARTITION BY deptno" in analytic functions. You happen be interested in a single deptno right now, but you can change the WHERE clause of the main query, or to omit, and the query still works. If you don't want this feature (analagoud for not having any PARTITION BY), it is easy to change the query.

You can also get these results by using a WITH recursive clause. Which meets the criteria to avoid analytical functions and features specific to Oracle, but not on the use of the only clear and simple SQL features.

Tags: Database

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    Including ROWNUM in the result set of the query-void will force the subquery to do first:

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    Hi mickael,.

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    If you want to invoke af:query search by program button, follow these steps:

    1 Select af:query--> Advanced--> connections and bind it to the back bean


    2. in the .jspx add af:link like this:


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        QueryEvent queryEvent = new QueryEvent(getRichQuery(), queryDescriptor);
        return null;
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    Please, please tell us that you have a Test environment? Log into that, then run a trace.
    No doubt you can either descend all test for a few miinutes and/or
    easily distinguish sessions on your Test System? That's exactly what the test
    the environments are for.

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    Date1 | Plane1 | Category | Duration | Fees
    01/01/2011 | A | Gold | 5. 2
    01/01/2011 | C | Money | 4. 11
    01/01/2011 | B | Gold | 6. 2
    01/01/2011 | D | Gold | 2. 4
    01/01/2011 | B | Gold | 3. 5
    01/01/2011 | A | Money | 4. 8
    01/01/2011 | B | Gold | 1. 3

    I need to write a query to get the result below:

    Date1 | Plane1 | Sum_Duration | Sum_Charge | Sum_Gold_Duration | Sum_Gold_Charge | Sum_Silver_Duration | Sum_Silver_Charge
    01/01/2011 | A | 9. 10. 5. 2. 4. 8
    01/01/2011 | B | 10. 10. 10. 10. 0 | 0
    01/01/2011 | C | 4. 11. 0 | 0 | 4. 11
    01/01/2011 | D | 2. 4. 2. 4. 0 | 0

    This query will provide the 1st four columns:

    SELECT Date1,
    Sum (Duration) Sum_Duration,
    Sum (load) Sum_Charge
    GROUP BY date1, rarateplan

    But I need to know how to get the rest of the columns (i.e. Summary according to categories; from 5 to 8 columns)? Is this can be done in a single query without writing subqueries?

    Please let me know, (with code), the best way.

    Thank you-

    Use like this:

    SELECT Date1,
    Sum (Duration) Sum_Duration,
    Sum (load) Sum_Charge,
    SUM (decode(Category,'Gold',duration,0)) Sum_Gold_Duration,
    SUM (decode(Category,'Gold',charge,0)) Sum_Gold_charge,
    SUM (decode(Category,'Silver',duration,0)) Sum_Silver_Duration,
    SUM (decode(Category,'Silver',charge,0)) Sum_Silver_charge
    GROUP BY date1, rarateplan

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    When I try to write the select statement and trying to run I get the error message.

    Select * from Table

    where emo_no = '1,2,3 '.

    That's how I write the query please suggest me how to write the query to select several values in the drop-down box.

    Thank you

    Use the keyword sql 'in '.  If you don't know how, I've heard good things about the book Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes by Ben Forta.

  • How to optimize the select query executed in a cursor for loop?

    Hi friends,

    I run the code below and clocked at the same time for each line of code using DBMS_PROFILER.
       p_file_id              NUMBER                                   := 151;
       v_shipper_ind          ah_item.shipper_ind%TYPE;
       v_sales_reserve_ind    ah_item.special_sales_reserve_ind%TYPE;
       v_location_indicator   ah_item.exe_location_ind%TYPE;
       CURSOR activity_c
          SELECT *
            FROM ah_activity_internal
           WHERE status_id = 30
             AND file_id = p_file_id;
       DBMS_PROFILER.start_profiler ('TEST');
       FOR rec IN activity_c
          SELECT DISTINCT shipper_ind, special_sales_reserve_ind, exe_location_ind
                     INTO v_shipper_ind, v_sales_reserve_ind, v_location_indicator
                     FROM ah_item --464000 rows in this table
                    WHERE item_id_edw IN (
                             SELECT item_id_edw
                               FROM ah_item_xref --700000 rows in this table
                              WHERE item_code_cust = rec.item_code_cust
                                AND facility_num IN (
                                       SELECT facility_code
                                         FROM ah_chain_div_facility --17 rows in this table
                                        WHERE chain_id = ah_internal_data_pkg.get_chain_id (p_file_id)
                                          AND div_id = (SELECT div_id
                                                          FROM ah_div --8 rows in this table 
                                                         WHERE division = rec.division)));
       END LOOP;
    The SELECT inside the LOOP FOR cursor query took 773 seconds.
    I tried to use COLLECT in BULK instead of a cursor for loop, but it did not help.
    When I took the select query separately and executed with a value of the sample, and then he gave the results in a Flash of a second.

    All tables have primary key index.
    Any ideas what can be done to make this code more efficient?

    Thank you
      v_chain_id ah_chain_div_facility.chain_id%TYPE := ah_internal_data_pkg.get_chain_id (p_file_id);
      CURSOR cur_loop IS
      SELECT * -- better off explicitly specifying columns
      FROM ah_activity_internal aai,
      (SELECT DISTINCT aix.item_code_cust, ad.division, ai.shipper_ind, ai.special_sales_reserve_ind, ai.exe_location_ind
         INTO v_shipper_ind, v_sales_reserve_ind, v_location_indicator
         FROM ah_item ai, ah_item_xref aix, ah_chain_div_facility acdf, ah_div ad
        WHERE ai.item_id_edw = aix.item_id_edw
          AND aix.facility_num = acdf.facility_code
          AND acdf.chain_id = v_chain_id
          AND acdf.div_id = ad.div_id) d
      WHERE aai.status_id = 30
        AND aai.file_id = p_file_id
        AND d.item_code_cust = aai.item_code_cust
        AND d.division = aai.division;         
      FOR rec IN cur_loop LOOP
        ... DO your stuff ...
      END LOOP;

    Published by: Dave hemming on December 4, 2008 09:17

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    I use JDeveloper I have a page where I've set up an af:query and an array of result. The problem is that I can't get the exact query that is used during the execution of this component in a managed bean method. Is it possible to get the query string that is run within the af: query?

    Thank you


    Method of the ViewObject getQuery() returns what you need;

    You can replace the executeQueryForCollection(), and prior to calling super, you can print the result of getQuery() method:

    public void executeQueryForCollection (rowset Object,

    Object [] params,

    {int noUserParams)

    System.out.println ("SQL =" + getQuery());

    call the super method here...


  • How to clear the search query result set

    I dropped a search with the table query. When I search a value it is the display of the result, but when I click on the reset button, only the query Panel is reset to zero and not the table. What can I do to reset the table component associated with the query?
    When I click on the reset button, only the query panel goes to zero and no table.

    It will be reset nt table.

    What can I do to reset the table component

    Use of the component range reset. to do so. trickles you want

    -edited lately

    Published by: ADF7 on February 22, 2012 12:58 AM

  • Error giving a subquery, but with the outer query, it gives no error.

    The following query gives error "ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression" (I know to use the filter condition in the WHERE clause, but for reasons explaining the problem, I use the HAVING clause)

    SELECT DeptNo
    HAVING comm IS NULL;

    But when I use it as a subquery in as long as below, the query will run successfully (resultset may be wrong).

    SELECT d.
    BY d Dept.
    (SELECT deptno
    WITH comm IS NULL) a
    WHERE d.deptno = a.deptno;

    Please explain the reason.

    Kind regards

    Sort of philosophical question. But you're right, this behavior can be misleading.

Maybe you are looking for