How to properly call modal vi function in the C dll

I have a labview function that takes a string as input and passes out when the user clicks OK in a 2 button dialog box. I have built a dll and then calls the function from a C++ environment by using the LoadLibrary function. If I set the Panel before shows the default settings and NOT modal the vi is displayed correctly but the dialog box box does not work. If I put the Panel before the vi to modal then vi front panel display correctly, therefor there I find that the dialog should be modal in his view.

My question is about C++ How can I call a dll that displays a Modal form correctly? or how can I change the dialog box in modeless behavior / defect that can be done to the face before of the vi?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Hi, thanks for yor reply.

The dialog box displays only partially. No, I have not tried the express vi, but I did create a vi to behave like a dialog box 2 button

allowed me to define it as modeless. It also displays only partially.  I since first announcement also tried to run the dll also using labview and teststand to call the dll, in both cases the dll load and behaves correctly, the dialog box appears correctly.

This suggests that the problem is with the C++ code but not being is not a very experienced C++ programmer I don't know how to debug the problem more far.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Tags: NI Software

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    Thank you!

    Here is the source

    CustomForm.mxml"width ="400"height ="300">

    public function callBack(): void {}

    lblStatus.text = "success";



    label = "Submit" / >

    CustomTitle.mxml '.

    layout = "absolute" width = "200" height = "80".

    showCloseButton = "true" closed = "closeMe (event)" "

    backgroundAlpha = "1".

    Color = "#173553" backgroundColor = "#EEEEEE."

    headerColors = «#FFFFFF, #CBCCCC»

    borderColor = "#666666" borderStyle = "solid" >

    Import mx.managers.PopUpManager;

    public var callBack: Function = new Function();

    private void closeMe(event: Event): void {}

    PopUpManager.removePopUp (this);




    "" xmlns = "*".
    layout = "absolute".
    Width = "100%" height = "100%".
    creationComplete = "init ()" > "
    Import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
    private void init (): void {}
    customForm.submit.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseClick);
    private void onMouseClick(event: MouseEvent): void {}
    customForm.lblStatus.text = "";
    var customTitle: CustomTitle = new CustomTitle();
    customTitle.callBack = customForm.callBack;
    PopUpManager.addPopUp (customTitle, this);
    PopUpManager.centerPopUp (customTitle);
    Width = "100%" height = "100%".
    verticalAlign = "middle" horizontalAlign = "center" >
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    var Subject1timeLeftHr;

    var Subject1timeLeftMin;

    var Subject1timeLeftSec;

    Subject1start_btn._visible = true;

    Subject1pause_btn._visible = false;

    Subject1rotor_mc.gotoAndStop (1);

    Subject1rotor_mc._visible = false;

    Subject1durationHr_txt. Text = "0";

    Subject1durationMin_txt. Text = "00";

    Subject1durationSec_txt. Text = "00";

    Selection.setFocus (Subject1durationHr_txt);

    function SubjectdurationHr (SubjectxdurationHr_txt, SubjectxdurationMin_txt)


    if (SubjectxdurationHr_txt.length == 1)


    Selection.setFocus (SubjectxdurationMin_txt);



    function SubjectdurationMin (SubjectxdurationMin_txt, SubjectxdurationSec_txt)


    if (SubjectxdurationMin_txt.length == 2)


    Selection.setFocus (SubjectxdurationSec_txt);



    function SubjectdurationSec (SubjectxdurationSec_txt, SubjectxdurationHr_txt)


    if (SubjectxdurationSec_txt.length == 2)


    Selection.setFocus (SubjectxdurationHr_txt);



    Subject1durationHr_txt. OnChanged = function()


    SubjectdurationHr (Subject1durationHr_txt, Subject1durationMin_txt);


    Subject1durationMin_txt. OnChanged = function()


    SubjectdurationMin (Subject1durationMin_txt, Subject1durationSec_txt);


    Subject1durationSec_txt. OnChanged = function()


    SubjectdurationSec (Subject1durationSec_txt, Subject1durationHr_txt);


    function startcountdown (SubjectxdurationLeft, SubjectxdurationHr, SubjectxdurationHr_txt, SubjectxdurationMin, SubjectxdurationMin_txt, SubjectxdurationSec, SubjectxdurationSec_txt, Subjectxduration, SubjectxstartTime, SubjectxendTime, Subjectxtimer_mc, Subjectxpause_btn, Subjectxstart_btn, Subjectxrotor_mc, SubjectxtimeLeft, SubjectxtimeLeftHr, SubjectxtimeLeftMin, SubjectxtimeLeftSec, SubjectxtimeLeftHr_txt, SubjectxtimeLeftMin_txt, SubjectxtimeLeftSec_txt)


    delete SubjectxdurationLeft;

    delete SubjectxdurationHr;

    delete SubjectxdurationMin;

    delete SubjectxdurationSec;

    delete Subjectxduration;

    delete SubjectxdurationHr_txt.text;

    delete SubjectxdurationMin_txt.text;

    delete SubjectxdurationSec_txt.text;

    SubjectxstartTime = getTimer();

    Subjectxtimer_mc.onEnterFrame = function()


    if (SubjectxdurationHr_txt.text == Nan |) SubjectxdurationMin_txt.text == Nan | SubjectxdurationSec_txt.text is Nan)





    SubjectxdurationHr = 60 * 60 * 1000 * Number (SubjectxdurationHr_txt.text).

    SubjectxdurationMin = 60 * 1000 * Number (SubjectxdurationMin_txt.text).

    SubjectxdurationSec = 1000 * Number (SubjectxdurationSec_txt.text).

    Subjectxduration = SubjectxdurationHr + SubjectxdurationMin + SubjectxdurationSec;

    SubjectxendTime = SubjectxstartTime + Subjectxduration;

    SubjectxdurationLeft = SubjectxendTime - getTimer();

    if (SubjectxdurationLeft > 0)


    SubjectxdurationHr_txt._visible = false;

    SubjectxdurationMin_txt._visible = false;

    SubjectxdurationSec_txt._visible = false;

    Subjectxpause_btn._visible = true;

    Subjectxstart_btn._visible = false;

    Subjectxrotor_mc._visible = true; ();

    SubjectxtimeLeft = SubjectxdurationLeft / (1000 * 60 * 60);

    SubjectxtimeLeftHr = Math.floor (SubjectxtimeLeft);

    SubjectxtimeLeftMin = Math.floor ((SubjectxtimeLeft-SubjectxtimeLeftHr) * 60);

    SubjectxtimeLeftSec = Math.floor (((SubjectxtimeLeft-SubjectxtimeLeftHr) * 60 - SubjectxtimeLeftMin) * 60);

    SubjectxtimeLeftHr_txt.text = String (SubjectxtimeLeftHr);

    if (SubjectxtimeLeftHr_txt.length < 1)


    SubjectxtimeLeftHr_txt.text = '0' + SubjectxtimeLeftHr_txt.text;


    SubjectxtimeLeftMin_txt.text = String (SubjectxtimeLeftMin);

    if (SubjectxtimeLeftMin_txt.length < 2)


    SubjectxtimeLeftMin_txt.text = '0' + SubjectxtimeLeftMin_txt.text;


    SubjectxtimeLeftSec_txt.text = String (SubjectxtimeLeftSec);

    if (SubjectxtimeLeftSec_txt.length < 2)


    SubjectxtimeLeftSec_txt.text = '0' + SubjectxtimeLeftSec_txt.text;





    delete Subjectxtimer_mc.onEnterFrame;

    SubjectxtimeLeftHr_txt.text = "";

    SubjectxtimeLeftMin_txt.text = "";

    SubjectxtimeLeftSec_txt.text = "";

    SubjectxdurationHr_txt._visible = true;

    SubjectxdurationMin_txt._visible = true;

    SubjectxdurationSec_txt._visible = true;

    Subjectxrotor_mc.gotoAndStop (1);

    Subjectxrotor_mc._visible = false;

    SubjectxdurationHr_txt.text = '0 '.

    SubjectxdurationMin_txt.text = "00";

    SubjectxdurationSec_txt.text = "00";

    Subjectxpause_btn._visible = false;

    Subjectxstart_btn._visible = true;

    Selection.setFocus (SubjectxdurationHr_txt);





    function pausecountdown (SubjectxdurationHr_txt, SubjectxtimeLeftHr, SubjectxdurationMin_txt, SubjectxtimeLeftMin, SubjectxdurationSec_txt, SubjectxtimeLeftSec, Subjectxstart_btn, Subjectxpause_btn, Subjectxrotor_mc)


    delete Subjectxtimer_mc.onEnterFrame;

    SubjectxdurationHr_txt.text = String (SubjectxtimeLeftHr);

    SubjectxdurationMin_txt.text = String (SubjectxtimeLeftMin);

    SubjectxdurationSec_txt.text = String (SubjectxtimeLeftSec);

    Subjectxstart_btn._visible = true;

    Subjectxpause_btn._visible = false;

    Subjectxrotor_mc.stop ();


    Subject1pause_btn.onRelease = function()


    pausecountdown (Subject1durationHr_txt, Subject1timeLeftHr, Subject1durationMin_txt, Subject1t, imeLeftMin, Subject1durationSec_txt, Subject1timeLeftSec, Subject1start_btn, Subject1pause_btn, Subject1rotor_mc);


    Subject1start_btn.onRelease = function()


    startcountdown (Subject1durationLeft, Subject1durationHr, Subject1durationHr_txt, Subject1dura, tionMin, Subject1durationMin_txt, Subject1durationSec, Subject1durationSec_txt, Subject1durati, Subject1startTime, Subject1endTime, Subject1timer_mc, Subject1pause_btn, Subject1start_btn, Subject1rotor_mc, Subject1timeLeft, Subject1timeLeftHr, Subject1timeLeftMin, Subject1timeLeftS ec, Subject1timeLeftHr_txt, Subject1timeLeftMin_txt, Subject1timeLeftSec_txt);


    Subject1cancel_btn.onRelease = function()


    Subject1timeLeftHr_txt.text = "";

    Subject1timeLeftMin_txt.text = "";

    Subject1timeLeftSec_txt.text = "";

    Subject1durationHr_txt._visible = true;

    Subject1durationMin_txt._visible = true;

    Subject1durationSec_txt._visible = true;

    Subject1durationHr_txt.text = '0 '.

    Subject1durationMin_txt.text = "00";

    Subject1durationSec_txt.text = "00";

    Subject1timeLeftHr_txt._visible = true;

    Subject1timeLeftMin_txt._visible = true;

    Subject1timeLeftSec_txt._visible = true;

    Subject1pause_btn._visible = false;

    Subject1start_btn._visible = true;

    Subject1rotor_mc._visible = false;

    Subject1rotor_mc.gotoAndStop (1);

    delete Subject1timer_mc.onEnterFrame;

    delete Subject1durationLeft;

    delete Subject1duration;

    delete Subject1durationHr_txt.text;

    delete Subject1durationMin_txt.text;

    delete Subject1durationSec_txt.text;


    I think you need to spend time by reducing your code at a practical level.  You seem to be any passage in the book in each function and I think that probably none of this is necessary.  If you have declared these variables at the beginning, then you don't need to transfer them to any function, because they are gobally available to one of the functions/code that follows.  Similarly, if you have some textfields on stage, it is pointless to pass those in all functions for the same reason.

    I see you doing the overuse of 'delete' (and possibly errant use as well).  Is probably the only thing you might want or need to use...

    delete Subjectxtimer_mc.onEnterFrame;

    Which stops the enterframe trigger activity, which I think is used to update the textfields which indicate the time.

    And that conditional uses == Nan is not likely to do anything except wonder what is a Nan.  TextFields hold the strings, which are cited.  SO unless you have a variable named Nan somewhere that has a value of string assigned to her, this condition will do nothing for you.  You probably don't need it at all if you get this working properly.

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    < f: facet = 'menus' name / >
    < f: facet name = "toolbar" >
    < af:toolbar id = "t1" >
    < af:inputText id = "it1.
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    < af:commandButton text = 'Go' id = "cb1".
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    < af:commandButton text = "Reset" id = "cb2".
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    < / af:toolbar >
    < / f: facet >
    < name f: facet = 'bar of Θtat' / >
    < af:tree value = "#{pageFlowScope.favoriteTreeMB.tree}" var = 'node' "
    rowSelection = 'single' id = 'pt_t23 '.
    Binding = "#{pageFlowScope.favoriteTreeMB.favTree} '"
    partialTriggers =": cb1: cb2" > "

    < f: facet name = "nodeStamp" >
    < af:outputText value = "#{node.attributes ['Filename']}" "
    rendered = "#{node.rendered}" / >
    < / f: facet >
    < / af:tree >
    < / af:panelCollection >
    < / f: facet >

    The tree is refreshed, I just when pageFlowScope.favoriteTreeMB.searchTree is made or a js method will call.

    The doc:

    void addScript (javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, java.lang.String script)

    Adds a script to run during rendering. >

    So you can put the code somewhere and just call it.


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    None of the html application examples seem to integrate it.

    The flow of sample data (LOCAL magazine) does not seem to have any data either filter.

    So my question is: an html application allows the use of a button filter and if so, how it should be?


    Yes its possible, but you must maintain your filter values either statically or create an instance of local storage.

    We have made such an implementation for a customer.



  • How can I call a pop-up in the pages of the OPS

    Hi all
    Hope you will be good enough.
    I would like to add a pop-up window when I click a button and in this pop-up box, there should be a checkbox.
    and this box should be able to update a database column value.

    How can I do
    Please explain it is urgent.


    There is no integrated for 11i PopUp window.

    You can achieve the same thing using javascript, but at the same time... its very advisable not to use javascript with OFA. Ask your customer to change the way.

    Kind regards

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    Hi all

    I have a problem as in the

    I'm sorry for the repetition of the subject, but I read all your advice and have not yet solved the problem.

    My task very simply: I use USB-6251, differential mode to measure the voltage of the battery (Energizer) 1, 5V (I connect AI0 pole positive and AI8 to the negative pole). But result shows > 10V and shows greater 4V (see attached photo).

    I do not understand what happed with my task?

    Please help me!

    Thank you very much!


    You have a floating signal source. Have you connected resistances to remove polarisation currents? Look at Table 1 at this link and make sure that you connect the wires in this way:

    Wiring and considerations of noise for analog signals

    You mention that you use differential channel AI0 again I can see that you measure AI4 on your façade. Have you tested the Max connection? Are what kind of reading you there? Don't forget to select the continuous Acquisition and acquire 100 samples to 1000 Hz. display a snapshot of the reading you get there.

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    Maybe you can help me solve my problem posted here:

    Thank you

    Edited by: OansZwoa the 24.10.2011 02:23

    I have posted a response to your question on stackoverflow, but included here for convenience (I think most of the users of JavaFX using the Oracle forums vs StackOverflow for the moment)

    private void createTextField() {
            textField = new TextField(getItem());
            textField.setMinWidth(this.getWidth() - this.getGraphicTextGap() * 2);
            // Detect a change in focus on the text field.. If we lose the focus we take appropriate action
            textField.focusedProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener() {
                public void changed(ObservableValue observable, Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) {
            } );
            textField.setOnKeyReleased(new EventHandler() {
                @Override public void handle(KeyEvent t) {
                    if (t.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) {
                    } else if (t.getCode() == KeyCode.ESCAPE) {

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    This is what looks like the VI when my work around (false wait added) is active. It's a small state machine that uses the elements of the array "Test Sequence" to tell him what to do in each step of its implementation. Here he plays a first time-out value, sets a new value of timeout, reading again, the timeout by asking a READING of the controller (without having first asked to say anything), followed by restoring the initial time-out and then tests to stop.  The two indicators in the red rectangle are there to show the current status of the execution, and it is this pair of indicators which are not synchronized with the State of the actual program.

    When execution completes, it is what we see.

    If the false timeout is too short, then the indicators are not synchronized with the State of the program, or in this case, with the other.  Note that the only time wherever the VI display is static enough for me to take a screenshot as it is during the period of "Test Timeout. When the time-out occurs Finally, things be synchronized and the same results are displayed.

    Here's the code.  I am also attaching a folder zipped with the code, just because I don't know if the extracts are smart enough to include all the dll referenced by library call nodes.

    Here on the left of the loop indicator 'State' and 'Index' terminals can be seen. The 'fake Wait' needed to make the indicators work synchronously appears below in the same area. Before coming with this 'fix' things I've tried, what has not worked, were:

    • addition of the structure of flat sequence seen here with the indicators in the first panel
    • Entrance to the 'value' property nodes using linked to two indicators with their outputs error Garland at the entrance of the error on the function 'G Read' (test timeout).
    • defining indicators for "synchronous display" (apparently this parameter actually only works with the multi-threaded code, which I don't believe it is)
    • setting false property to "postpone updates on the front panel.

    Another thing that worked linked a "probe" to any data path entrance side of the conditional structure. I thought that it causes also a few milliseconds of delay as the expectation.

    My best guess at what happens is that display updates are "launch and forget" actions that occur on parallel execution paths in the single execution thread and function on obtaining some of the main process to complete time slices. But when the main process is the name of an external library, which, outside the library can't share time with all other processes that can run in the same thread.  All this makes sense?

    This is because all these CFLN calls to the dll are set to run in the UI thread (to view the color orange on the top of the node).

    If they eat the cycles in the UI thread, they may not leave enough cycles to LabVIEW to make updates to the user interface of the front panel.

    What make these 3 part of the dll?  They need to run in the UI thread?  Is there a problem with the standby so that the DLLs are not pounding the UI thread?

  • Flash cannot call the javascript function in the local html file


    Us is to develop our first application on Playbook. It is an html file including a flash file and javascript code. Everything is packed in. in the file bar, a config.xml file and has been correctly loaded into the Playbook. Everything works locally (no web access)

    Everything works well except when we use an"saveglobalscore",score) in flash that calls a javascript function in the .html file.

    In the actionscript3, we selected the "authorized local file access" and put the 'Security.allowDomain("*) '.

    Any ideas? Thank you!

    External interface tries to access the files packaged locally is currently a known issue.  I have not really of a calendar when or if this can be resolved.  It may be in the code base of flash.

  • Call a function within the same CFC component

    / * Niewbie Question * /.
    I have a strange problem. When I try to call one function on the other in the same CFC component, I get an error named: "Entity has incorrect type to be called as a function."
    I looked on many forums and searched in Google groups. I have yet found a work around for this problem.
    I thought I did caution o not use twice the same name...
    Can someone tell me what I did wrong?

    My sample code to reproduce this error is included

    The full error message is:
    Entity is of the wrong type to be called as a function.
    The symbol you provided superfunction is not the name of a function.

    The error occurred in C:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\admin\_components\test.cfc: line 6

    4: < cfinvoke
    5: method = "superfunction".
    6: returnVariable = "myReturn" >
    7: < / cfinvoke >
    8: < cfset some_text = myReturn >

    OK, solved with all your advice!

    A big thank you to everyone

    Here is the final code for others...

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    so I have a dynamic text field that needs to display something like...

    You have been identified as Syd Barrett. If it is incorrect, click here

    the dynamic part is the name of Syd Barrett in this example, which is introduced by a variable. now how the word 'here' to become a link to an ActionScript function and a different color?

    I was wondering how to do this also. There is a global function called asfunction, described in language AS as Reference: a special protocol for URLS in HTML text fields that allows an HREF link call an ActionScript function.
    The code below is what you're after. Your use does not need the setting but I included it for info. The parameter must be a single string, so if you want to pass multiple values, you need to analyze the in your function.

Maybe you are looking for

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