How to write a decryption function?

Hi! everyone ,

I see one encryption function in my database.

Select f_pwd_encrypt ('password') of double

-> 12412913141313139139130121

My question is

How to write a decryption function?


Select f_pwd_decrypt ('12412913141313139139130121') of double


return varchar2
    vother_p   varchar2(9);
    vtr_pwd  varchar2(2048);
    i       number;
    j         number;
    vsubstr varchar2(9);
    vtemp1 varchar2(08);
    vvalue number := 0;
    vdb_pwd varchar2(100);

    function str_2_bit(vstring in varchar2)
    return varchar2
       i number;
       vtemp number;
       v1 varchar(2048);

     function single_byte(vin in number)
       return varchar2
         i number;
         vresult varchar2(08);
         vtemp number := vin;
         for i in 1..8 loop
           vresult := to_char(mod(vtemp,2))||vresult;
           vtemp := trunc(vtemp/2);
         end loop;
      for i in 1..lengthb(vstring) loop
        select to_number(substrb(dump( vstring ,10,i,1),instr(dump( vstring ,10,i,1),' ',-1)+1))
          into vtemp
        from dual;
        v1 := v1 || single_byte(vtemp);
      end loop;


  vtr_pwd := str_2_bit(vpwd);
  vtr_pwd := substrb(vtr_pwd,4)||substrb(vtr_pwd,1,3);
  vvalue := 0;
  vdb_pwd := null;

   for i in  1..(lengthb(vtr_pwd)/4)  loop
     vtemp1 := substrb(vtr_pwd,(i-1)*4+1,4);
     for j in 1..4 loop
       vvalue :=  vvalue + to_number(substrb(vtemp1,j,1)) * power(2,j-1);
       dbms_output.put_line(j||' '||vvalue);
     end loop;
          vdb_pwd := to_char(vvalue) ||vdb_pwd;
          vvalue := 0;
   end loop;


OK, after reviewing the, I don't think you'll be able to write a function of decryption for him.

The first thing he does is take the ascii value of each character in the password and converts them into a binary string.  The code it uses is far too complex and can be simplified, but which is not a problem here.

I've recreated the first step of SQL like this...

SQL > ed

A written file afiedt.buf

1 with chr_val like)

2. Select level l

3, dump('password',10,level,1) in the dmp

4, to_number (substrb (dump('password',10,level,1), instr (dump('password',10,level,1),' ', 1) + 1)) as chr_val

5, ascii (substr('password',level,1)) as chr_val - equivalent of extraction of useless dump

6 double

7. connect by level<=>

8        )

9, r (l, b, ch, chr_val, result, vtemp) as

10 (select l, 0 b, chr (chr_val), chr_val)

11, cast (null as varchar2 (8)) as a result

12, chr_val as vtemp

13 of chr_val

14 union of all the

15 select l, b + 1, b, ch, chr_val

16, to_char (mod(vtemp,2)) | result as a result

17, trunc(vtemp/2) as vtemp

18 r

where the 19 b + 1<=>

(20) depth search first by l, defined b seq

21, as)

22 select l, ch, chr_val, str_to_bit result

23 r

where the 24 b = 8

25 arrested by l, seq

26            )

27 select listagg (ch) within the Group (order) as password

28, listagg (chr_val, ',') within the Group (order) byte_vals

29, listagg (str_to_bit) within the Group (order) bit_vals

30 sec.

SQL > /.


--------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

password 0111000001100001011100110111001101110111011011110111001001100100 112,97,115,115,119,111,114,100

Then he takes this string binary ("bit_vals" in my example) and does the following:

1. take the first 3 bits of left and to transpose on the right end of the string.

2 chops the resultant bit string upward into sections of 4 bits (which is known as a 'nibble' inside)

3. for each bit in the nibble, he treats the bits in binary reverse to normal and gives them a value of 1,2,4 or 8 from left to right for each bit set to 1

4. for each nibble it adds the value of 1,2,4,8 bits to give a value from 0 to 15

To show that the use SQL...

SQL > byte (select ' 0111000001100001011100110111001101110111011011110111001001100100' as pieces of double)

2, swap3bit as (-take the binary string and put the first bits (high) 3 as a (low) bit of the right hand side)

3. Select bytes.bits

4, substr (bit 4) | substr (bits, 1, 3) as init_substr

5 bytes

6                   )

7, split4 as (-chop the string of bits nibbles (half bytes - 4 bits))

8. Select level l

9, substr (init_substr, ((level-1) * 4) + 1, 4) as a nibble

swap3bit 10

11. connect by level<=>

12                 )

13, bitpowers (select l

14, snack

15, to_number (substr(nibble,1,1)) * power (2, 1-1) as bitval1

16, to_number (substr(nibble,2,1)) * power (2, 2-1) as bitval2

17, to_number (substr(nibble,3,1)) * power (2, 3-1) as bitval3

18, to_number (substr(nibble,4,1)) * power (2, 4-1) as bitval4

19, to_number (substr(nibble,1,1)) * power (2, 1-1) +.

20 to_number (substr (nibble, 2, 1)) * power (2, 2-1) +.

21 to_number (substr (nibble, 3, 1)) * power (2, 3-1) +.

22 to_number (substr (nibble, 4, 1)) * power (2, 4-1) as total_val

23 of split4

24                   )

25 select * from bitpowers



---------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

1 1000          1          0          0          0          1

2 0011          0          0          4          8         12

3 0000          0          0          0          0          0

4 1011          1          0          4          8         13

5 1001          1          0          0          8          9

6 1011          1          0          4          8         13

7 1001          1          0          0          8          9

8 1011          1          0          4          8         13

9 1011          1          0          4          8         13

10 1011          1          0          4          8         13

11 0111          0          2          4          8         14

12 1011          1          0          4          8         13

13 1001          1          0          0          8          9

14 0011          0          0          4          8         12

15 0010          0          0          4          0          4

16 0011          0          0          4          8         12

16 selected lines.

These final values are then re-combination as strings in reverse order so that you get then:

'12' |' 4'||' 12' |' 9'||' 13'... and so on.

In SQL...

SQL > byte (select ' 0111000001100001011100110111001101110111011011110111001001100100' as pieces of double)

2, swap3bit as (-take the binary string and put the first bits (high) 3 as a (low) bit of the right hand side)

3. Select bytes.bits

4, substr (bit 4) | substr (bits, 1, 3) as init_substr

5 bytes

6                   )

7, split4 as (-chop the string of bits nibbles (half bytes - 4 bits))

8. Select level l

9, substr (init_substr, ((level-1) * 4) + 1, 4) as a nibble

swap3bit 10

11. connect by level<=>

12                 )

13, bitpowers (select l

14, snack

15, to_number (substr(nibble,1,1)) * power (2, 1-1) as bitval1

16, to_number (substr(nibble,2,1)) * power (2, 2-1) as bitval2

17, to_number (substr(nibble,3,1)) * power (2, 3-1) as bitval3

18, to_number (substr(nibble,4,1)) * power (2, 4-1) as bitval4

19, to_number (substr(nibble,1,1)) * power (2, 1-1) +.

20 to_number (substr (nibble, 2, 1)) * power (2, 2-1) +.

21 to_number (substr (nibble, 3, 1)) * power (2, 3-1) +.

22 to_number (substr (nibble, 4, 1)) * power (2, 4-1) as total_val

23 of split4

24                   )

25 select listagg (to_char (total_val)) the Group (order of the desc) as pwd

26 of bitpowers





Now, the problem of decryption is that these numbers are concatenated without padding for a fixed number of digits by value, so you don't know if it was

'12' |' 4'||' 12' |' 9'||' 13'... and so forth as we did it, or whether he was

'1'||' 2'||' 4'||' 12' |' 9'||' 1'||' 3'... and so on, or any other combination of values from 0 to 15

There is essentially no information to allow you to divide the string upwards in the correct components to allow the whole process be reversed.

So, you are out of luck... no chance of decrypting it.

Tags: Database

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    ---------- ---------
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             2 10-JAN-12
             3 17-JAN-12
             4 24-JAN-12
             5 31-JAN-12
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      2   (select ROWNUM week_no
      3    ,      TO_DATE('03-JAN-2012','DD-MON-YYYY') + (ROWNUM-1)*7 start_date
      4    FROM   DUAL
      5    CONNECT BY  ROWNUM <= 52)
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      8  ,      LEAD(start_date) OVER (ORDER BY start_date) - 1 end_date
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     10  WHERE week_no <= 5;
    ---------- --------- ---------
             1 03-JAN-12 09-JAN-12
             2 10-JAN-12 16-JAN-12
             3 17-JAN-12 23-JAN-12
             4 24-JAN-12 30-JAN-12
             5 31-JAN-12
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      2  (select ROWNUM week_no
      3   ,      TO_DATE('03-JAN-2012','DD-MON-YYYY') + (ROWNUM-1)*7 start_date
      4   FROM   DUAL
      5   CONNECT BY  ROWNUM <= 52)
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      9   ,      start_date
     10   ,      LEAD(start_date) OVER (ORDER BY start_date) - 1 end_date
     11   FROM   my_cal)
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    ---------- --------- ---------
             2 10-JAN-12 16-JAN-12
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    Alert.Show ("enter in all areas", "Information");


    on the other


    some encodings



    Please go through the following Code:

    xmlns:s = "library://".

    xmlns:MX = "library://" minWidth = "955" = "600" minHeight >

    Import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

    Import mx.controls.Alert;


    protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


    If (comboBox.selectedItem == "Percentage" & textBox1.text == "" & textBox2.text == "") {}

    Alert.Show ("enter the values");



    protected function comboBox_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void



    textBox1.editable = false;

    textBox2.editable = false;


    else {if(comboBox.selectedItem=="Percentage")

    textBox1.editable = true;

    textBox2.editable = true;






    Thank you and best regards,

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --

    Vibhuti Gosavi . [email protected] |

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --

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    int taskHandle;

    given int [8];

    char linename [] = "" dev2/port0 / line0:7 ";"

    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateTask ("", & taskHandle));

    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateDOChan (taskHandle, linename, "", DAQmx_Val_ChanPerLine));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxStartTask (taskHandle));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxWriteDigitalU8 (taskHandle, 1, 1, 10.0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, data, NULL, NULL)); Here the data have 8 digits
    SetWaitCursor (0);
    If (DAQmxFailed (error)) DAQmxGetExtendedErrorInfo (errBuff, 2048);
    If (taskHandle! = 0)
    DAQmxStopTask (taskHandle);
    DAQmxClearTask (taskHandle);
    If (DAQmxFailed (error)) MessagePopup("DAQmx Error", errBuff);

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    char linename [] = "dev2/port0/line 2;


    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxWriteDigitalU8 (taskHandle, 1, 1, 10.0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, & data [2], NULL, NULL)); Here the data have 8 digits

    The data format for the DAQmxWriteDigitalLines() function will do exactly what you want.

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    Text/Font Style

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    Direction of text effect?

    Time that the effect occurs, if it is applied, initiated, comes in? example fly in or fade?

    Time than the last.

    After the effect stops, turns off? example: fly away or fade out?

    2. how to enter the code Muse?

    3. should I have a program to write the code?

    4. is there a function I could use on my computer, such as Notepad, to write the code, copy and paste it into Muse?

    5. What is the best book or books to learn how to write css, code and everything I need to do to be able to do the above and more?

    6. is there anything else I need to know or do to be able to do these things with the text?

    You can find more information on the style of your text (paragraphs, titles, etc. in some of the tutorials here: TUTORIALS |) Adobe Muse CC

    You can also check out tutorials on this page for scrolling effects that can do some of the other effects you need. Without exactly knowing your use case it's hard to give specific advice.

    Basically if it is not covered undressed under the text, scrolling Effects tutorials or in a third party widget already made, then you will need to create it yourself using CSS. You will need to use some sort of browser Firebug like developer tools in Firefox to find the ID of the element you want to add the CSS to write the CSS code and insert it into the head section of the page properties.

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    from temp_table where id_num BETWEEN 1 AND 10;
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    I need to URL escapes with the UTF-8 code points that we have already achieved using the utl_http package. Please help how to do that without using the utl_http package.

    What is wrong with him?

    At present, the only way I can think of to avoid a call to UTL_HTTP. SET_BODY_CHARSET is to write your own little wrapper.
    In this way, you can specify the Boolean parameter or omit it if you choose to use named parameters:

    SQL> create or replace function my_url_escape (url in varchar2)
      2  return varchar2
      3  deterministic
      4  is
      5  begin
      6   return utl_url.escape(url, false, 'AL32UTF8');
      7  end;
      8  /
    Function created
    SQL> select my_url_escape('ôle') from dual;
  • How to write a procedure to call and run the custom package backend

    Hi all

    Oracle 10g
    Oracle Apps R12

    I work with here oracle order management, we have a package called (Pick Release) to customize. Due to a problem, we have this concurrent program execution manually giving Route_id as parameter. The route_id comes from the road to the Table. By using this query

    Select distinct route@DB_LINK_APPS_TO_ROADSHOW route_id
    When trunc (route_date) = trunc (sysdate + 2).

    on a daily basis, we have almost 42 routes and we run this simultaneous program manually close times.

    so now how to write a procedure for this

    Step 1 make the route to the routing table. (By cursor we can get the route_id accordingly)

    Step 2 How to trigger custom backend package and run accordingly to this output of the cursor (route_id)

    If 40 routes of cursor get is - that the simultaneous program runs 40 times according to this route_id.

    can some could provide the steps to do this

    Thanks and greetings


    To submit a competing request from the back - end:

    FND_REQUEST. SUBMIT_REQUEST (Client or server)



    (application IN varchar2 default NULL,

    program IN varchar2 NULL by default,

    Description IN varchar2 default NULL,

    start_time IN varchar2 default NULL,

    sub_request IN default boolean FALSE


    argument2,..., argument99.

    Return to argument100 number);


    Submits a competing treatment by a simultaneous Manager. If the query is successful, this function returns the ID of the concurrent request; Otherwise, it returns 0.

    ATTENTION: FND_REQUEST needs to know information about the user and accountability whose application is submitted. Therefore, this feature works of concurrent programs or forms within the Oracle Applications.

    The FND_REQUEST. SUBMIT_REQUEST function returns the ID of the concurrent application after successfully. It is up to the caller to issue a commit to complete the application.

    Your code should retrieve and handle the error message generated if there is a problem of presentation (the ID of the concurrent request returned is 0). Use FND_MESSAGE. RETRIEVE and FND_MESSAGE. ERROR to retrieve and display the error (if the application is made on the client side).

    Related essays: overview of the Message dictionary (see page)

    You must call FND_REQUEST. SET_MODE before calling FND_REQUEST. SUBMIT_REQUEST of a database trigger.

    If FND_REQUEST. SUBMIT_REQUEST fails to go anywhere but a database trigger, database changes are cancelled until the time of the function call.

    After a call to the FND_REQUEST. SUBMIT_REQUEST function, installation of all parameters are reset to their default values.

    Arguments (input)

    short name of the application associated with the concurrent request for enforcement.
    short simultaneous program (not the executable) name of the program for which the application must be made.
    Description Description of the application that appears in the form of concurrent requests (optional).
    start_time time during which demand is expected to start running in the (optional) HH24 or HH24:MI:SS format.
    sub_request set to TRUE if the request is made by another application and should be treated as a subquery.
    From version 11, this parameter can be used if you submit requests for in a concurrent program of PL/SQL stored procedure.
    argument1... 100 arguments for the concurrent request; up to 100 arguments are allowed. If the Oracle Forms submitted, you must specify all arguments of 100.

  • How to write a custom component

    I have 3 quick questions on How to write a component. Here is the code in my main file I want to write as a component:

    buttonCanvas = new Toile;

    buttonCanvas.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonMouseDownHandler)

    buttonCanvas.addEventListener (FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, setcanvasPosition)

    buttonCanvas.width = 300;

    buttonCanvas.height = 30;

    if (i%2==0){

    buttonCanvas.setStyle ("styleName" "style1");


    buttonCanvas.setStyle ("styleName" "style2");


    This is the component:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >
    " < = xmlns:mx mx:Canvas ' "creationComplete ="init ()">
    < mx:Script >
    <! [CDATA]
    public var i: int
    public void init (): void {}
    trace ("i =" + i)
    This.Width = 300;
    This.Height = 30;
    If (i %2 == 0) {}
    this.setStyle ('styleName', 'style1');
    } else {}
    this.setStyle ('styleName', 'style2');
    this.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN
    []] >
    < / mx:Script >
    < / mx:Canvas >

    Question 1: What is the best way to pass the value of the variable 'i' to the compoonent? What I have to write:

    buttonCanvas.i = i;
    or can I pass the argument to the component as follows, and if so, how I capture the value of the component? :

    buttonCanvas = new ButtonCanvas (i);

    Question 2: Where is the best place to put the listeners? Should I put them in the main file:

    buttonCanvas.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonMouseDownHandler)
    buttonCanvas.addEventListener (FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, setcanvasPosition)
    or should I put them in the component like this:

    this.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonMouseDownHandler)

    Question 3:If I put them in the component, how to point to the function named "buttonMouseDownHandler" in the main file?

    Thanks for your time!

    Hi SiHoop,

    Well come to your question, here is the solution:

    Question 1: What is the best way to pass the value of the variable 'i' to the compoonent? What I have to write:

    buttonCanvas.i = i;
    or can I pass the argument to the component as follows, and if so, how I capture the value of the component? :

    buttonCanvas = new ButtonCanvas (i);

    (A) you can use the method buttonCanvas.i = i; but not buttonCanvas = ButtonCanvas (i) again because this corresponds to an instantiation of the constructor, and you cannot specify a constructor explicitly for your component as the Flex compiler automatically provides at the time of the compilation;

    Using the second approach, you can pass that I appreciate, but you can use this syntax to get the value I have...

    buttonCanvas = new ButtonCanvas();

    buttonCanvas ["i"] = i;

    Question 2: Where is the best place to put the listeners? Should I put them in the main file:

    buttonCanvas.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonMouseDownHandler)
    buttonCanvas.addEventListener (FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, setcanvasPo)
    or should I put them in the component like this:

    this.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonMouseDownHandler)

    (A) it depends purely on your condition if you want to listen to these events with in your component and make somechanges in your component itself and not to other elements, then you can set headphones for events in the same component.

    But if you want to know or communicate with other components in your component event has occurred then define you the eventListeners in other components as below and update of data or make changes in the other component accordingly...

    buttonCanvas = new ButtonCanvas();

    buttonCanvas.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonMouseDownHandler);
    buttonCanvas.addEventListener (FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, setcanvasPosition);

    Question 3: if I put them in the component, how to point to the function named "buttonMouseDownHandler" in the main file?

    (A) If you put the eventListeners with the component and if you want to point to the function named "buttonMouseDownHandler" in the main file, then you must do the following:

    In your component

    this.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonMouseDownHandler);

    private void buttonMouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent)


    Here, you need to send a custim event to warn other components this thi event has been dispatched

    this.dispatchEvent (new Event ("buttonMouseDownEvent"));


    Now in your main mxml, you have to listen to this event, as shown below:

    buttonCanvas = new ButtonCanvas();

    buttonCanvas.addEventListener ("buttonMouseDownEvent", buttonMouseDownHandler);
    buttonCanvas.addEventListener (FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, setcanvasPosition);


    private void buttonMouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent)


    It is the function in your main mxml file


    Hope you understand most... If you have any doubts do let me know...

    Thank you

    Jean Claude

  • How to write expressions/rules/SQL workflow

    Hi all.

    We are recent users of CRM onDemand, we would write a few workflow rules, but can't seem to find all the information on how to do it. The help section is limited in the responses, and some of the issues here are not as specific in what we do.

    Someone has any advice on books, websites, etc. on where to find the knowledge we need on how to write workflow rules and the use of SQL and expressions in CRM on Demand?

    Thanks in advance!

    For your first case:
    1. you cannot create a workflow in r15 for activity but you can in R16

    Create new to create a workflow
    Name: Auto email send
    registration type: activity
    trigger: when the new record
    rules: put your rules by clicking the fx icon IE this is where you enter the rule by saying that the owner is different from the person who creates the activity or the delegate field is filled (another way of seeing things)
    then save the workflow

    In the section actions
    Choose the action 'create e-mail notifications '.
    In the: Section choose "Registration of the user on Relative" and "owner of the activity.

    Save it. Make sure that the activity and workflow are marked active.

    2. in the second scenario:
    How do you create an account and to automatically fill in the name of the sales of the sale - don't know
    But you can create a fill of opportunity and self with the name of the owner of the account using this validation in the field (you need not the workflow), you can use the FieldValueJoin function.

    Hope this helps - btb there's no book you can go thro the help and you will find some directions

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