How to write data to the XML in VBA 6


I am using vba 6

I have different data like strings, integer etc I get the object group tag.

I want to write data of XML on the button click.

and save this file on the way to my pc.

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    Thank you


    Sorry, the sheet in effect only allows to read NetCDF files, not writing to the NetCDF format.

    Kind regards


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    Thank you

    Kind regards

    Fabiano Magno Pechibella

    You must

    1. Read in the XML file
    2. Analyze the document in an XML (just one big struct) object
    3. Insert your XML code of the object where you need
    4. rewrite the XML file with your data now included

    You can Google 'ColdFusion working with XML' and find hundreds of items to help you. Here's a beginning tutorial to help you get started:

    Intermediate ColdFusion Tutorials - working with XML

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    .. .etc

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    mStory.insertionPoints.item(-1).select ();

    App.Paste ();

    does not work properly (of course). It does this:






    .. .etc

    How to get





    .. .etc



    Well, I've been basically dealing with moving the notes at the end of the story in the correct order. Anyway, concerning the figures by exposing, there no need to choose things and remove these selections. She considered more safe, like Vamitul too mentioned, to work on the objects. To manage numbers superscript, I would do this:

    app.findGrepPreferences = null;
    // Search just the note contents: lookaround leaves the braces in the text
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = /(?<=\{\{\{).+?(?=\}\}\})/.source;
    found = app.documents[0].findGrep();
    for (i = 0; i < found.length; i++){
        found[i].parentStory.insertionPoints[-1].contents = '\r' + String (i+1) + '.\u2003';
        found[i].move (LocationOptions.after, found[i].parentStory.insertionPoints[-1]);
    // Now search {{{}}}
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = /\{\{\{\}\}\}/.source;
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    for (i = found.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
        found[i].contents = String (i+1);
        found[i].position = Position.SUPERSCRIPT;

    Then first move the notes at the end of the story, leaving behind all the triples of braces. Then, after you have moved the notes, do you a new search on the sextets of braces. Only select and delete, just redefine the content of what you have found and apply an in shape.


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    could you please correct the query in order to obtain the necessary
      EMPNO       NUMBER,
      ENAME       VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
    Insert into EMP_DETAIL
       (7, 'Martin', XMLTYPE('<Dept>
      <Emp Empid="1">
      <Emp Empid="2">
      <Emp Empid="3">
      <Emp Empid="4">
    I need to get the record for Empid = '2'
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    SELECT a.empno,a.ename,a.empdetails.extract('//Dept/Emp/EmpName/text()').getStringVal() AS "EmpNAME",
         a.empdetails.extract('//Dept/Emp/Empno/text()').getStringVal() AS "EMPNumber",
          a.empdetails.extract('//Dept/Emp/DOJ/text()').getStringVal() AS "DOJ",
          a.empdetails.extract('//Dept/Emp/Grade/text()').getStringVal() AS "Grade",
          a.empdetails.extract('//Dept/Emp/Sal/text()').getStringVal() AS "Salary",
          a.empdetails.extract('//Dept/Emp[@Empid="2"]').getStringVal() AS "ID",
          a.empdetails.extract('//Dept/Emp[EmpName="Coster"]').getStringVal() AS "CHK"
         FROM emp_detail a 
         where empno=7  
               AND a.empdetails.existsNode('//Dept/Emp[@Empid="2"]') =1
    Thank you...

    Karthick_Arp wrote:
    I'm not very good at that... But if your XML code should not be more like this

    SQL> Insert into EMP_DETAIL
    3   Values
    4     (7, 'Martin', XMLTYPE('
    6      1
    7      Kevin
    8      50
    9      20092008
    10      E3
    11      3000
    .. cut ..

    Why? It is perfectly valid to data as attributes rather than elements and also quite common for key values.

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    The code is below.

    * Copyright (c) 2011 Research In Motion Limited.
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "license");
    * You may not use this file except in compliance with the license.
    * You can get a copy of the license at
    * Unless required by the applicable law or agreement written, software
    * distributed under the license is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS.
    * See the license for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the license.


    The milliseconds between the accelerometer readings. It's the same thing
    * rate in which the accelerometer data will be updated
    * material. The update of material rate is below to help
    * accelerometer_set_update_frequency (FREQ_40_HZ).
    public static const int ACCELEROMETER_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL = 25;

    public static screen_context_t screen_ctx;
    public static screen_window_t screen_win;
    dialog_instance_t main_dialog = 0;

    paused int = 0;

    The forces of the accelerometer
    float force_x, force_y, force_z;

    file elements
    int _logcounter = 0;
    FullName Char [256];
    FILE * f;

    * Use the PID to set the id of Group window.
    public static char
    public static char s_window_group_id [16] = "";
    If (s_window_group_id [0] == '\0') {}
    snprintf (s_window_group_id, sizeof (s_window_group_id), "%d", getpid());
    Return s_window_group_id;

    * Set up a basic screen, so that the browser will be
    * Send window state events when the State of the window changes.
    * @return @c EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE @c
    public static int
    If (screen_create_context (& screen_ctx, SCREEN_APPLICATION_CONTEXT)! = 0) {}
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    If (screen_create_window (& screen_win, screen_ctx)! = 0) {}
    screen_destroy_context (screen_ctx);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    use of int = SCREEN_USAGE_NATIVE;
    If (screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_USAGE, & use)! = 0) goto fail;
    If (screen_create_window_buffers (screen_win, 1)! = 0) goto fail;
    If (screen_create_window_group (screen_win, get_window_group_id())! = 0) goto fail;
    buff screen_buffer_t;
    If (screen_get_window_property_pv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_RENDER_BUFFERS, (void *) & buff)! = 0) goto fail;
    buffer_size int [2];
    If (screen_get_buffer_property_iv (buff, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUFFER_SIZE, buffer_size)! = 0) goto fail;
    int attributes [1] = {SCREEN_BLIT_END};
    If (screen_fill (screen_ctx, chamois, attributes)! = 0) goto fail;
    int dirty_rects [4] = {0, 0, buffer_size [0], buffer_size [1]};
    If (screen_post_window (screen_win, buff, 1, (const int *) dirty_rects, 0)! = 0) goto fail;
    Return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    in case of failure:
    screen_destroy_window (screen_win);
    screen_destroy_context (screen_ctx);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;

    * Rotates the screen at the specified angle.
    @param angle angle to rotate the screen.  Must be 0, 90, 180 or 270.
    * @return @c EXIT_SUCCESS on success, to another @c EXIT_FAILURE
    public static int
    rotate_screen (int angle)
    If ((angle! = 0) & (angle! = 90) & (angle! = 180) & (angle! = 270)) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "Invalid Angle\n");
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    int rc;
    int rotation;
    RC = screen_get_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_ROTATION, & rotation);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error getting the window of the screen rotation: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    int size [2];
    RC = screen_get_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUFFER_SIZE, size);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error getting size memory buffer window screen: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    int temp;
    switch (angle - rotation) {}
    case - 270:
    case - 90:
    decision 90:
    case 270:
    Temp = size [0];
    size [0] = size [1];
    size [1] = temp;
    by default:
    RC = screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_ROTATION, &angle);)
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "screen rotation window for parameter error: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    RC = screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SIZE, size);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error creating window screen size: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    RC = screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SOURCE_SIZE, size);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error creating window screen size: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    RC = screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUFFER_SIZE, size);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error creating window buffer size of the screen: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    Return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    To manage an event of navigator.
    * @return @c the value true if the application should shut down, another fake.
    public static bool
    handle_navigator_event(bps_event_t *Event)
    bool should_exit = false;
    switch (bps_event_get_code (event)) {}
    should_exit = true;
    navigator_orientation_check_response (event, true);
    int angle = navigator_event_get_orientation_angle (event);
    If (rotate_screen (angle) == EXIT_FAILURE) {}
    should_exit = true;
    navigator_done_orientation (Event);
    Return should_exit;
    * Display an alert dialog box that contains the location data.
    public static void
    If {(main_dialog)
    dialog_set_alert_message_text (main_dialog, "Acceleration to first fix");
    dialog_set_size (main_dialog, DIALOG_SIZE_FULL);
    dialog_set_group_id (main_dialog, get_window_group_id());
    dialog_set_cancel_required (main_dialog, true);
    dialog_show (main_dialog);

    * Displays geolocation data in the main dialog box.
    public static void
    display_acceleration_data (float force_x, float force_y, float force_z) {}
    char buf [1024];
    snprintf (buf, sizeof buf,
    "\tX: m\n % 7.3.f.
    "\tY: m\n % 7.3.f.
    "\tZ: m\n % 7.3.f."
    force_x, force_y, force_z);
    dialog_set_alert_message_text (main_dialog, buf);
    dialog_update (main_dialog);

    void createafile() {}
    sprintf (fullname, "shared/documents/Raw-%d.txt",_logcounter);
    file does not exist
    f = fopen (fullname, "r");
    file exists
    fclose (f);
    ++ _logcounter;
    sprintf (fullname, "shared/documents/Raw-%d.txt",_logcounter);
    f = fopen (fullname, "r");

    write data to the file
    void writedataintofile() {}
    f = fopen (fullname, "w");
    fprintf (f, "X (m/s2), Accel Accel Y (m/s2), Accel Z (m/s2) \n" ");
    fprintf (f, "" 7% 7% .3f, .3f, %7.3f\n ', force_x, force_y, force_z ");
    fclose (f);

    * A sample application shows the native APIs of BlackBerry for accelerometer.
    * The example initializes and reads the accelerometer periodically until one
    * NAVIGATOR_EXIT event is received.
    Enforcement also tuned to changes status window in the browser so that
    * It can stop reading the accelerometer when the application is no longer visible.
    int main (int argc, char * argv {})
    bool exit_application = false;
    * Until we can listen for events from the BlackBerry Tablet OS platform
    * services, we need to initialize the BPS infrastructure
    * Once the BPS infrastructure has been initialized, we can save to
    * events of different services of BlackBerry Tablet OS platform. The
    * Browser service manages and provides the life cycle of application and
    * events of visibility.
    For the example, we ask browser events so that we can follow when
    * the system ends the application (NAVIGATOR_EXIT event). This allows to
    * us to clean up resources in the application.
    navigator_request_events (0);
    dialog_request_events (0);
    * Initialize the screen so that the Windows Id is correctly set, to allow
    * dialogs to display.
    If (setup_screen()! = EXIT_SUCCESS) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "Failed to initialize the screen.");
    Exit (-1);
    * Once the BPS infrastructure has been initialized, we can save to
    * events of different services of BlackBerry Tablet OS platform. The
    * Browser service manages and provides the life cycle of application and
    * events of visibility.
    For the example, we ask browser events so that we can follow when
    * the system ends the application (NAVIGATOR_EXIT event).
    * We ask events of dialogue so that we can be notified when the service of dialogue
    * answers to our queries/requests.
    If (BPS_SUCCESS! = navigator_request_events (0)) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error asking navigator events: %s", strerror(errno) (errno));
    Exit (-1);
    If (BPS_SUCCESS! = dialog_request_events (0)) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error asking dialog events: %s", strerror(errno) (errno));
    Exit (-1);
    * Create and display the dialog box that displays the data from the accelerometer.
    Prior to initialize the accelerometer function, we must ensure the unit
    * takes in charge
    If (sensor_is_supported (SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)) {}
    * If the device does not support the accelerometer so warn the user,.
    * clean in and out
    public static const int SENSOR_RATE = 40;
    sensor_request_events (SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);

    * Initialize the accelerometer setting the rate at which the
    * accelerometer values will be updated material
    accelerometer_set_update_frequency (FREQ_40_HZ);

    Treat browser events and take the accelerometer readings periodically
    * until we receive a NAVIGATOR_EXIT event.
    f = fopen (fullname, "w");

    While (! exit_application) {}
    * By setting the timeout to bps_get_event to ACCELEROMETER_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL,
    * We assign the maximum duration (in millis) who will wait before
    * release so that we can take a reading of the accelerometer.
    bps_event_t * event = NULL;
    bps_get_event (& event, ACCELEROMETER_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL);

    If {(event)
    If (bps_event_get_domain (event) is {sensor_get_domain()})
    * We woke up. See if we are in the paused state. If not,
    take a reading of the accelerometer
    If (! pause) {}
    sensor_event_get_xyz (event, & force_x, & force_y, & force_z);
    display_acceleration_data (force_x, force_y, force_z);
    fprintf (f, "X (m/s2), Accel Accel Y (m/s2), Accel Z (m/s2) \n" ");
    fprintf (f, "" 7% 7% .3f, .3f, %7.3f\n ', force_x, force_y, force_z ");
    } //paused
    / * If this is an event of the dialog box, determine the response code and handle
    * the event accordingly.
    {ElseIf (bps_event_get_domain (event) == dialog_get_domain() {)}
    * If it's a NAVIGATOR_EXIT event and then set the exit_application
    * indicator so that the application stops processing events, clean and
    * output.
    {ElseIf (bps_event_get_domain (event) == navigator_get_domain() {)}
    exit_application = handle_navigator_event (event);
    } //if event
    } //while
    * Destroy the dialog box, if it exists.
    If {(main_dialog)
    dialog_destroy (main_dialog);

    fclose (f);

    * Clean the infrastructure bps and output
    sensor_stop_events (SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);
    screen_destroy_window (screen_win);
    screen_destroy_context (screen_ctx);
    return 0;
    } //main


    As I said on your other thread:

    In order to write in the shared directory/documents, your application should request action "access_shared" and it must be granted by the user. Make sure you have


    in your bar - descriptor.xml.

    Also note that the shared documents folder may not be the best place to write the application log data. There is one connects / in the sandbox to this effect, or the application directory data / directory if the information should be persisted. The documents/shared/folder is designed for documents that the user creates or interacts with.



  • DASYLab how to write data to a file every 15 minutes

    Hi all

    I use dasylab and datashuttle/3000 to record data. What I want to do is to write data to a file every 15 minutes. I use the milti-file, which can write data to the file diffenret, but how do I control the timing, as the journal data every 15 minutes automatically.

    The other problem is that I use FFT analysis of the frequency spectrum. How can I determine the value of frequency where the peaks that happens.

    Thank you

    Write less data in the file that you have collected requires the reduction of certain data.

    There are three techniques to consider.

    With an average or an average of block - both reduce the data by using a function of averaging, defined in the module. To accomplish the reduction of data, choose block or RHM mode in the dialog box properties, and then enter the number of samples/data values that you want to reach on average.

    Average - when you reduce the data, you also should reblock data using the block length of the change in the output parameter. For example if you enjoy at 100 samples/second with a block size of 64, the average module configured on average, more than 10 samples will take 10 times longer to fill a block. The initial block represent 0.64 seconds, the output block represent 6.4 seconds at a sampling rate of 10 samples/second. If you change the size of output in one block, the program remains sensitive.

    Average block - average values in a block against each subsequent block, where the average is based position. The first samples are averaged, all second samples are average... etc. The output is a block of data, where each position has been averaged over the previous blocks. This is how you will be an average data FFT or histogram, for example, because the x-axis has been transformed in Hz or bins.

    Second technique - separate module. This allows to reduce the data and the effective sampling rate jumping blocks or samples. For example, to reduce the data in 1000 samples / second to 100 samples per second, configure the module to keep a sample, jumping 9, keep one, jumping 9, etc. If you configure to skip blocks, you will not reduce the sampling frequency, but will reduce the overall amount of data in a single block 9, for example. It is appropriate for the FFT data or histogram, for example, to have the context of the correct data.

    Finally, you can use a relay and a synchronization module module to control. For example, to reduce a sample data every 15 seconds, configure a generator module of TTL pulses for a cycle of 15 seconds of time. Connect it to a Combi trigger module and configure it to trigger on rising and stop the outbreak directly, with a trigger value after 1. The trigger output connects to the X of the relay command input.

    In addition to these techniques, you can change the third technique to allow a variable duration using a combination of other modules.

    Many of these techniques are covered in the help-tutorial-Quickstart, as the data reduction is one of the most frequently asked questions.

    In regards to the FFT... use the module of statistical values in order to obtain the Maximum and the Max Position. The Position of Max will be the value of the frequency associated with the Maximum value. The output of the statistics module is a single sample per block. Look at the different FFT sample installed in the worksheet calculation/examples folder.

  • How to write data in mode intertwined with TDMS C DLL 2.0?


    How to write data in mode intertwined with TDMS C DLL 2.0?

    I use DAQmx features in Visual Studio C++ without Measurment Studio.

    This function returns the data in interlaced mode.

    How can I configure the functions of DLL C TDMS to store this data in the tdms files?

    I see that it is not possible with the PDM version 2.0 with 1.0.

    Thank you

    -TDM C Dll is not able to do

    -TDM header writer may be usable for this but is not able to be used for tdms files.

  • How to write data in an Excel spreadsheet protected (with unlocked cells)?


    I have LabVIEW 8.2 and I often use the report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office' to save data in Excel spreadsheets. So far, I only used the leaves unprotected.

    But right now, I have an Excel worksheet protected by some cells unlocked. If I open the file using Excel I can fill these unlocked cells without any problem. However, I am not being able to fill these cells unlocked using LabVIEW and the Toolbox. I have a few questions:

    (1) is it possible to use LabVIEW to write data in a protected Excel worksheet, even though she has unlocked the cells?

    (2) if it is possible, how can I do that?

    OBS: I noticed that if I unprotect the sheet, I can write data to the file. But I don't want to be protected and the protection of the sheet, since users will not have the password.

    I hope that I was clear. I really appreciate any help you can provide.

    Thanks for the replies.

    Use ActiveX I could write the cells individually. By doing this, I could write in the unprotected cells without any problem. hour

    Probably, the Toolbox has been activated somehow the overall protection of the spreadsheet and Excel was not allowing writing.

    I had never used before ActiveX, so I had to learn it from scratch. I was looking for some tutorials on the internet but I have not found much information easy. What struck me the most help is an example that comes with LabVIEW named "Excel - write After some tests, I was able to open my data protected from the worksheet and fill in the unlocked cells.

    Thank you guys!

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    < post branched out by host >


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    Hi all

    I would like to kindly save the data table text file or a spreadsheet on vi using fpga spartan 3e as an fpga target. Once I added all the functions related to the operation of file, it gave an error that these functions are not supported by the target device.

    could you please help me with this

    Thank you


    Hi David,

    Thank you for posting. You use LabVIEW? If so, what version of LabVIEW FPGA do you use? You use a host VI, or any deployment of code at your target to run? The file IO VI probably won't compile to target because they are not intended to be used on your host computer. Resources and the paths of files do not exist on the target FPGA, but rather on the side of the host. I have included a link below that describes how to transfer data between the FPGA and host. I hope this helps!

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    getSelectedIndex method will help you.

Maybe you are looking for