I am based in India, I gave a number of pone of sales force that looks bad what is the number of sales force

What is the number of TV sales force team. I am located in India

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Hervé Khare

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    I am writing because I was the victim of what I believe, it's a "Dell inside job" in this scam of technical support for users of computers Dell off warranty or expired support based in INDIA. I've been a customer of DELL since 2003, was always the best technology support without problem, even when I called once about 7 years ago they cleaned up my computer for $49.00 which was ok with me without any problem. I bought an all in one computer in 2012, with 3 years of support. My problem started when I called DELL April 2016 of course didn't help because my computer was not covered, they wanted me to pay $89.00 a service of time, at this time there what I wanted was to get my computer to windows 8.1, I wasn't happy with 10, my computer was working fine. A week later, I started getting calls from ladies with Hindu accent claiming to be from Dell who want to help me fix my computer. I was always busy, and I told them that I not had time to seat 2 hours to do. They called it forth, until the day exactly a 29/08/16 months ago, I had the time to fix my computer slow and accepted their offer. He gave his guarantee Id # DELL9929 its name: Eric Thomas with a Hindu accent, I asked him: are you really from Dell? He reassured me that it was, they were getting signals from my computer that something was wrong. I thought because my computer after this call in April started to have more and more slow. He wanted to have access to my computer which is the only way they can fix it, I gave him access he installed an internet to analyze and clean security program call them KAPERSKY, he began to clear the files etc. According to him clean my computer. I made it clear I was not buying anything, he said no worries we do it because we have too many alerts to your computer. He told me he was going to monitor my computer for a week that he will call me Monday. I didn't go on my bank account or check e-mails because I felt that they looked at me, but instead of Monday he called me on Friday, so I told her that I don't have confidence in him. As soon as I hung up to 02/09/16 I called said Dell TECH SUPPORT what happened, to my great surprise this Hindu guy named Muthu Chidambaram Service Request: 935549938 has acted as he was aware of the scam, told me he's going to clean my computer for $89.00 service time or $239.00 per year. He also told me that I needed better security that he had one that was best for $249.99. I paid the $89.00 did not buy anything, but when I went to the Dell website to find a security software they had some for as low as $14,99 as it was the labor day weekend. I wonder why he tried to sell me one so expensive? As soon as I suspended with DELL, I went into my email to find that I had been charged by PayPal $450,00 leave DEN SUPPORT, called 801-829-7424 # imposter ask my money back either. PayPal and my Bank got my money, but it does not stop there. Why do I say is an inside job? 5 days after calling DELL TECH taking charge on 02/09/16, once again I received a call to a different number I gave only Muthu to contact me in case we were disconnected my phone Earth when it was fix my computer, the guy also Hindu told me exactly the same thing others had said in so many calls : They received signals. After you fix my computer Muthu asked me to respond to his email if I had more problems with my computer. My computer started acting again when I answered by Muthu email because I need help, he never responded, but when I called the 09/09/16 DELL SUPPORT because my computer was not at beginning, they wanted me to pay again, when I asked to speak to a supervisor, Rajeev (name of Tech) told me I had to pay $39.00 to talk to a supervisor which is something that I have never heard in my life, dealing with many companies. I was upset and told him they were running a scam, an inside job of the technical support because everyone involved was based in India, I told Rajeev history and he said that I was going to go further. 13/09/16, I got a call from DELL, a supervisor called Hindu Dave too, not too sweet. I told him about the scam from inside DELL, suddenly, he said: "I can refund your $89.00, you can call the DELL TECHNICAL SUPPORT so they can fix your computer". I got the $89.00. My computer does not work. I'm afraid to call the DELL TECHNICAL SUPPORT because they do the same thing again, their scam's with Dell Support off users guaranteed because they can make money in this way. I think they get a bonus if they sell us more, so our computer will never work as they should, because they want to keep us reminded. If we fall into their trap, like I did, you call DELL to fix our computer every time. A SCAM. They have our computer tag #, all of our personal information. Scary. I think the enamel of Muthu, I answered, was something that has infected my computer. Long story, but true.

    Read thisand follow the link to report your problem to Dell for investigation.

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    User Agent

    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; MSDigitalLocker; FunWebProducts; GTB6; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.0.0 .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

    I'm sorry, but you have not answered my questions.

    (1) on the last stage Setup lets you start Firefox, if you keep all of the checkbox "Launch Firefox now", turns on Firefox when you click on "Finish"?

    (2) how did you launch Firefox when you receive the error message? How do you 'by clicking on the freshly installed target Firefox.exe?

    (3) what is the exact error message? (Post a screenshot if you cannot re-type precisely). Text you have posted it lacks an ending quotation mark and does not resemble any message I know.

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    ·        What operating system is installed on the computer?

    ·        What browser do you use to download?

    Method 1: If you use Internet Explorer, then you can try the steps from the link below and check if it helps:

    Internet Explorer is slow? 5 things to try


    Method 2: I would say as you reset the password and check to see if it helps:

    What is WPA security network key/password for my wireless router?


    How to change the wireless network password


    You can also post your query on Virgin Media forum for additional help:


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    Check local computer stores where they sell software and products.

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    Thank you.

    Some time ago Cisco was a really great host-based IPS, security of Cisco (CSA) officer. It's end of life and you should look for a different provider. Ditto for the MARCH central software system, which also is EOL.

    Looking for a server protection?
    With the help of the AIP - SSM is a good solution, to protect a HTTPS server, you need to think a proxy reversed in the demilitarized zone which completes the SSL and sends pure HTTP to the server of origin. Which can be inspected with a firewall-web on the proxy and also by the epi to the ASA.

    Sent by Cisco Support technique iPad App

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    What is the meaning of the optimizer based on CSSTidy referring "A ORDERED USE_NL" Please?

    I searched the internet without great success (indicators of optimizer). Can you please enlighten me on this? Thank you.

    My problem is that it works well on a database and another data base, it is really slow.

    Kind regards


    Councils ORDERED to join the table in the order that they are put in the FROM clause. USE_NL oracle tips to use sweeping LOOP IMBRIQUEE.

    Here is an example. Find the order in which the tables are specified in the clause and the output of the execution plan.

    SQL> select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(e d) */ d.dname, e.ename from emp e join dept d on e.deptno = d.deptno;
    | Id  | Operation                    | Name    | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |         |       |       |     5 (100)|          |
    |   1 |  NESTED LOOPS                |         |    11 |   242 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL          | EMP     |    11 |    99 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| DEPT    |     1 |    13 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  4 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN         | DEPT_PK |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       4 - access("E"."DEPTNO"="D"."DEPTNO")
    SQL> select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(e d) */ d.dname, e.ename from dept d join emp e on e.deptno = d.deptno;
    | Id  | Operation          | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |      |       |       |     5 (100)|          |
    |   1 |  NESTED LOOPS      |      |    11 |   242 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPT |     4 |    52 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  3 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP  |     3 |    27 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       3 - filter("E"."DEPTNO"="D"."DEPTNO")
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    I'm looking for the api generate the price unit, based on the price list in advanced pricing. In addition, how will I know what are the manual available modifiers / header lines that can be applied to my order?

    Thank you.

    The api to use is QP_PREQ_PUB. PRICE_REQUEST.  You must complete all the variables table with the point attribute information and qualifier info to get a table at the back the modifiers that can be applied.  Check:

    HOW to use QP_PREQ_PUB. PRICE_REQUEST API at the price of an item (Doc ID 759804.1)

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    As a UK based Arts charity for the artistic education of children, what is the best plan to allow more than one team member to access the software?

    It is best to contact Adobe sales team and check with the pricing details:

    Adobe | ADOBE SALES - EMEA

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    Thank you


    Thank you twenty-one... your answer of common sense to me.

    so, in short, can I assume down the chosen quality over compression algorithm?

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    On the Mac Pro, PCIe-based flash storage should be for applications? or?

    Thank you


    Hi, Diane T,.

    The flash storage should be used for data and applications you access most often.

    I hope this helps!


  • I returned my iPhone5 to factory default and gave it to my granddaughter.  She wants to download games etc but the itunes store guard asking my ID and PW.  How can she save herself?  I received and email to say that PW tried to reset

    I returned my iPhone5 to factory default and gave it to my grand daughter as a Christmas gift.

    • She wants to download games etc but the itunes store guard asking my ID and PW.
    • How can she save herself?
    • I received and Apple to say that someone had tried to reset my password by e-mail.
    • It is probably her mother because she also asked me to tell him my PW and ID.
    • I currently use my PW and ID on my new 1Phone6 and do not want to share this.

    Can you please help.

    Julie Bateman

    She needs to log out of your Apple ID in the store and just connect with hers. Go to settings, iTunes and App Store and tap on the Apple ID, then select Disconnect.

  • Convenient to blackBerry Smartphones, based on recommended experience device (f/w? /) s/w version (s) for all PC activities oriented the TELUS Mobility BB Tour 9630

    Hey all the... I wonder if I can pick the brains of the people and get good advice re: practice based experience recommended device (f/w? /) s/w version (s) for all PC activities oriented the TELUS Mobility BB Tour 9630, including PC-resident s/w (pkgs) & USB / USB Serial drivers (on XP Pro SP3).

    I will probably be wanting to improve various (f/w? /) components s/w after a hiatus of three years on the BB before... However, based on my own experience of technology, newer / more recent (f/w?) / s/w (pkgs) is (are) not always the best for the end user and, same can be limiting in some identifiable ways... I'm speaking in general terms here... so... it might be the last BB s/w is the absolute best way to go for my PC o/s and turn device platform... I'm just out there throwing this idea to make a educated to determine what updates to install and what level of version, in the case where the generalized suspicion that I have described above have no worth.

    I don't have (or want) data enabled on the 9630, then, have screen capture or copied the text that he (like all the information in the Options > topic: "BlackBerry (R) 9630, smartphone (3G, CDMA), v5.0.0.419 (Platform", 3G bands 1... "") ([and, or course, there is much more information on this screen...]) me (any suggestion or help on this front would be greatly appreciated) have so far escaped... perhaps the most relevant appliance version information required by the members of the forum to help me to decide this question also appear in my PC screenshots below.

    Here's what I left over on my PC from my relationships with my BB Storm 9530 3 years ago:

    Thank you, FFF

    Hello! Thanks for the clarification... they help greatly to understand your request. Here is my opinion:

    Frankenstien wrote:

    In simpler terms... should I upgrade my TELUS Tour 9630 software (currently at: v5.0.0.419 [Platform] of the most currently available software, regardless of the version # / platform # which may be?)

    Or, is it an advantage in the upgrade only to a certain level of version of BlackBerry OS on this particular device?

    For your 9630, you're already on the last level of operating system that fate/Telus media. I don't know if other carriers have published anything more advanced, but you can read a very good discussion here:

    Of after what I saw, I would assume that there is nothing 'new' than you... at least not officially... but you can dig through the portal to download official to validate the fact that:

    Given that it's carriers who hold responsibility for the release of BB OS packages to their clients, this portal is indeed sorted first by carrier... so you must first dig to find out which carriers support your 9630 and then compare packages of OS coming to present each company support. Unfortunately, it is also the responsibility of carriers to release change log information, but too much of them is rather lax on this point. But this thread I linked to above has I think some very good information that could help you in your quest. You should also look for other threads here (and elsewhere) on similar topics.

    Frankenstien wrote:

    And, I had to upgrade the driver USB BlackBerry / USB Serial Driver / Device Manager / Desktop Manager software on my XP Pro SP 3 PC to newer versions? (1st post screenshots all present the current version # s... this software was installed all around mid-2009)

    Or, is there an advantage in upgrading only at certain levels of version of the BlackBerry software for each of the above elements... in the case of this particular device?

    Desktop software does not care the specific device. On the contrary, it gives some capabilities that you choose. For example, if you need the ability to export your BB to CSV/ASCII, then you need to stay in the range of version 6 because this feature has been removed from version 7. Similarly, if you intend to synchronize your BB with a computer (-) office or PIM, you must make sure that you run a Desktop software version that is compatible with your PIM:

    • KB12268 Support for synchronization for BlackBerry Desktop Software for Windows

    If none of those that are important and/or compatibility is fine with the latest version, it is often wiser to stick to the latest bug fixes, feature enhancements, etc. Is doesn't want to is not to say that people have no problems with the latest version through the Desktop board software on this site is confirm that pretty quickly! But, in general, there should be no harm/no foul to the use of the latest version of the with your BB desktop software.

    In addition, it is always a good idea to also download and install on your PC the BB OS package that is actually running on your BB. This is a little personalized Desktop software so that it can better work with your specific environment of BB. You cannot choose which components within the desktop software you want to update (mentioning "point line" you did)... instead, you install the whole package, and it contains within everything there as 'in progress' based on the global version of the Desktop software package.

    Hope that helps! Good luck!

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    I have windows 7 32 bit? But I want to use windows 7 64-bit now.  can someone explain the best way to buy or upgrade to Windows 7 64-bit edition Professional.  I live in INDIA.

    Thanks in advance...

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