I have to get someone who claims to be from Microsoft

Hello and thank you in advance for your answers.

I get phone calls from a person claiming to be from Microsoft. They want to inform me that my computer is infected by a visrus and I need to do something for them.

They call a '7' caller ID and said that their name is Jack Thompson of the section of technical support from Microsoft. The callback number is 302-721-5254. Mr. Thompson is not a common name with people that the voice has a strong accent associated with a person of the India.

I've learned in the past that it is an appeal from the scam and what they are looking for is someone to use or to hack computer.

This is the case and if he who report these people?

Thank you


Saturday, April 28, 2012 00:43:14 + 0000, TexasJim/1Bail-bond wrote:

Hello and thank you in advance for your answers.

I get phone calls from a person claiming to be from Microsoft. They want to inform me that my computer is infected by a visrus and I need to do something for them.

They call a '7' caller ID and said that their name is Jack Thompson of the section of technical support from Microsoft. The callback number is 302-721-5254. Mr. Thompson is not a common name with people that the voice has a strong accent associated with a person of the India.

I've learned in the past that it is an appeal from the scam and what they are looking for is someone to use or to hack computer.

Yes, it's a scam and that is becoming more and more common lately.
Just hang up on them.

In addition to their money get on your part to do anything of any value,
If you leave them in your computer, which knows what losses they did are
where confidential information they stole.

So if you have done so, I highly recommend that you do both of the following

1 do a clean reinstall of Windows.
2. change all of your passwords, especially banks or other
financial sites.

There is no one to report to. Everyone who wants to do something
about, he already knows about it, but the judgment is not easy.

Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP

Tags: Windows

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    Thank you!


    Microsoft does not phone calls to people - out of the blue...

    at best, microsoft only responds to requests for information made by the people.

    Try running a system restore point on a date prior to the boot problem.

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    On Saturday, February 12, 2011 14:51:59 + 0000, JudyN34 wrote:

    I just had a similar call from an Indian-sounding man calling himself Michael Smith.  He asked me to run a file called unwanted prefetch.
    I told him I thought he could be a crook and he gave me a phone number 01865 600375 to call him if I changed my mind.

    Do not change your mind. It was certainly a crook.

    Ken Blake (MS-MVP)

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    It's a SCAM

    they want or money on your part for programs without value or make an identity theft on you to get even more money and get your internet banking passwords and credit card by obtaining information allows you to download the software to 'fix' or 'test' for your computer or install via remote access

    read this:


    Microsoft has none of the unsolicited telephone calls to help you fix your computer

    In this type of scam cybercriminals are calling you and claim to be of Support technique Microsoft. They offer help with your computer problems. Once scammers have earned your trust, they try to steal and damage your computer with malicious software, including viruses and spyware.

    Although the law enforcement can trace phone numbers, often authors use pay telephones, disposable cell phones or stolen cellular phone numbers. Better avoid fooling themselves rather than try to repair the damage afterwards.

    Treat all unsolicited sceptically telephone calls. Don't provide personal information.

    If you receive an unsolicited call from someone who claims to be from Technical Support Microsoft, hang up. We do not have such calls.

    If you think you might be a victim of fraud, you can report it. For more information, see: what to do if you think you have been scammed.

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    Hi Debra,

    It's a SCAM! Microsoft does not make that neither have they partners that do and don't they hire contractors or individuals or even to find volunteers to do. There are probably thousands of these companies out there do every day - we get two or three posts like this (or more) each day ask about it. You are lucky who have recognized the scam enough not to be sucked in and eventually identify theft, infections, hacking your computer, convince you to buy software or services you either did not need or that do not really exist at all and all sorts of nefarious stuff. You'd be surprised how much contact us AFTER THAT that they realized they had been duped asking what to do. Don't waste time talking to these people, not give them any personal information it is, don't be fooled by what they can get allows you to see on the computer - in fact, not do anything they suggest on your computer or even to visit Web sites they recommend and for the love of God don't give them access to your computer.

    Microsoft knows this is happening, but with these companies popping up like dandelions, or closing and changing names when discovered and operating mainly from abroad, it would take an army of lawyers to sue each other. They do the best they can, but they are just too many and more added every day. People need to pay attention to these things. They occur not only by telephone, but also by e-mail, instant messaging, mail and all the ways imaginable. Forget not that Microsoft doesn't this and hang up or remove the emails or messages or mail from someone claiming that they do because they know the information on your computer or that you want to get information from you to confirm your account so that it will not be closed and asking you your name of user and password and all sorts of other personal information. Microsoft DO NOT!

    See below for additional information on this topic and what to do and how Microsoft works:




    I'm glad you don't get captured by these crooks and save yourself a big headache. Continue to use the same caution and you should do fine.

    Good luck and best wishes!

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    Hello DianeMcGettigan,

    It is simply one of the many scams that are doing the tour.

    Unless you have a prepaid support contract with Microsoft, then Microsoft will never contact you by phone, mail or e-mail about problems with your PC. You did while refusing to allow him access to your PC. All they want to do is to have access to your PC, so they can steal personal data (banking etc.) on your part.

    This forum post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or the opinion of Microsoft, its employees or other MVPS.

    John Barnett MVP: Windows XP Expert associated with: Windows Expert - consumer: www.winuser.co.uk |  vistasupport.mvps.org | xphelpandsupport.mvps.org | www.silversurfer-Guide.com

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    Calls unrequested telephone of this nature are almost always a common scam. Do not let them give any info, do not give access to your PC, not give them all the money and do not go to all the websites that they suggest. One moment.

    Please see:


    Microsoft issues never not solicited for phone calls of support or security.

    These types of callers can use completely fictitious names or bogusly claim to be of real companies other than Microsoft as well.

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    - What to do if you think that you were scammed

    "If you think that you have responded to a scam with personal or financial information phishing, take these steps to minimize the damage.

    • Change the passwords or pins on all your online accounts that you think could be jeopardized.

    • Place an alert on your credit report fraud. Check with your bank or financial advisor if you are unsure how to proceed.

    • Contact the Bank or online merchant directly. Do not follow the link in the fraudulent e-mail message.

    • If you know all the accounts that have been accessed or opened fraudulently, close those accounts.

    • Regularly check your Bank and credit card statements monthly for unexplained charges or inquiries that you initiate. "

    If you want to ensure the security of your system, make sure that you have backed up all personal data you want to preserve all the installation files for the programs or applications that you have installed.
    Then format the computer and reinstall Vista.

    It's the only way you can be sure that there is no hidden malware present on it after allowing access by a stranger.

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    I keep my updates of microsoft... to this day and all my other accounts etc.

    If someone can advise. Thank you.


    Original title: strange phone call


    It's a scam.

    Continue hanging up on them if they ring again AFTER that you told them that you contact law enforcement on their subject

    And Microsoft does not contact you unless YOU have made prior arrangements with them to do.

    Either these so-called "Microsoft" Tech companies want to sell you a worthless software, or remote access to your computer to try to steal your credit card and bank information and also achieve an identity theft on you.

    What to do if you gave them remote access.

    If you gave them remote access and you do Internet banking, contact your bank, to explain, and change passwords.

    If you use your online credit card, cancel and get a new one issued to you.

    And the only way that willl you know that you are free to them is to backup your data and do a clean install of your operating system.


    Microsoft does not contact you unless YOU have made prior arrangements with them to do.

    There is an article in the link I'm you provide at the end of this one

    Read this Information from Microsoft:

    "Avoid scams to phone for tech support.


    Don't be fooled of unsolicited calls. Don't provide personal information.

    Here are some of the organizations that cyber criminals claim to come:

    • Helpdesk Windows

    • Windows repair center

    • Microsoft technical support

    • Microsoft technical support

    • Windows Support Group Technical Department

    • Microsoft Research and Development Team (team of Microsoft R & D)

    See you soon.

  • Someone called claiming to be from Microsoft is a scam?

    The other day, someone called me claiming to be from microsoft and said there was something wrong with my computer.  He said it could crash any time thay I had no protection and had me find this place that he said proves that my computer was in jeopardy and he told me to look for this site BLAH threw google then I was suppose to download it.  That's when I hung up on him.  Is - this ligit?

    Hello Joannewalker,

    You have done while hanging up. It's a scam. The only way that someone can say that if you have a problem with your PC is if tell 'you' them.

    This link will give you more information:'t-fall-for-phony-phone-tech-support/e5576f0a-827e-4fc0-a4b1-707add212065 http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-security/please-read-don

    This forum post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or the opinion of Microsoft, its employees or other MVPS.

    John Barnett MVP: Windows XP Expert associated with: Windows Expert - consumer: www.winuser.co.uk | vistasupport.mvps.org | xphelpandsupport.mvps.org | www.silversurfer-Guide.com

  • I get phone calls from an unknown number who claims to be from Microsoft.

    Original title: phone call

    At got a call from person than me- CLAIMED they were from the "Windows Operations" CLAIMED it was their phone number , they said they had a windows WARNING report and called for help.  Who is calling and why?  Is there a way I can see if I have questions about my computer showing the functioning issues?

    Calls unrequested telephone of this nature are almost always a common scam. Do not let them give any info, do not give access to your PC, not give them all the money and do not go to all the websites that they suggest. One moment.

    Please see:


    Microsoft issues never not solicited for phone calls of support or security.

    These types of callers can use completely fictitious names or bogusly claim to be of real companies other than Microsoft as well.

  • I get calls from someone who says he is from Microsoft, I asked to call back number, which is 650-989-1221 it is Microsoft?

    This man sounded like he was reading a script with an accent as the India, but he said he's in California... He said my computer is corrupt and sending signals and something else I don't remember. He said that it is from microsoft, but I told him not enything and ask for a number to call back later.

    This is a scam that has become increasingly common in recent years. Microsoft does not cold-call customers, so if you do not contact this 'service', don't give them access to your computer or personal information. Most of the time, they extort money (if you give them the remote control of your computer by going to the sites they tell you of to correct 'issues'), or at least the factory door programs and malware hidden on your computer.

    If you provide access to or information, you should be fine.

    There are a number of complaints or similar concerns registered by the other posters about the present; Unfortunately, there are many fictitious companies to try this type of scam, and international jurisdiction is find and their closing difficult.  The best option is just to ignore the calls for more ' we received your computer Windows error reports.

    Someone better informed than me, with links to the official pages of Microsoft FAQ about these phone scams will probably be along shortly.


  • I get phone calls - (516) 673-0633-someone who claims to work for Microsoft by asking me to turn on my computer and other issues.

    A man called my cell phone once a month in what appears to be a scam.

    This person wants me to turn on the computer or to ask me if I'm on the computer.
    This person claims to be working for Microsoft.
    Usually I say that is I don't have a computer or that I have 10 computers, and I don't have time to do what he wants.
    This person warms me that my computer is in danger and that I need to act now by following the instructions of his phone.
    Usually he hangs up the phone once I tell him to call later.
    The phone number indicated in my identity from the last call, he did today 23 Aug 2012 @ 13:00 Pacific time is: 516-673-0633
    I think Microsoft should be very interested in protecting its reputation and its customers to discover why this person called in what seems to me randomly.
    ask Microsoft behalft.
    Thank you.

    It is a total scam! Do a search on these forums and you will find a LOT of references. Never leave in your computer.

  • Your business contact people by phone about computer problems? I received two calls from someone who claims to be from Windows...

    Your business contact people by phone about computer problems?   I have never contacted Windows on any issue with my computer, but I got two calls from someone claiming to be Windows and telling me they call about a problem they see with my computer.  I hesitate to give any information to anyone by phone.  Help!


    This is just another SCAM

    Microsoft does not contact you unless you request them

    have nothing to do with people who have contacted you

    and certainly no download anything Web sites that they can advise you to go or allow them access to your machine remotely

  • I received a call today from someone who claims to be from windows


    my antivirus expired a few days ago and since my pc has been slow and does not start on a number of occasions so update internet security was already a priority, but today I got a call to the United Kingdom from a woman who sounded Asian. My phone reception was poor and I could barely hear what she was saying half the time, but she said he was calling from windows and said that my PC is downloading from several viruses that have access to my personal data and sending it. She told me to turn on my pc so that she could show me where to lay the problem and how to solve it, she said also that I had been sent a message windows or a warning. I told her 3 or 4 times that I had not had my laptop available, claiming that it was in my car of partners before the message finally seemed to sink, she asked what would be the right time to call me back and I said after 18:00 Fortunately, I am familiar with remote access facilities and became suspicious immediately when told she was calling from windows and therefore , I'm not going to follow other instructions later today it must call back - surprisingly seems to have no message or alerts Windows as she claimed - I just hope that others are on their guard against scams like this.
    Thank you

    Fake phone calls to technical support

    Calls unrequested telephone of this nature are almost always a common scam. Do not let them give any info, do not give access to your PC, not give them all the money and do not go to all the websites that they suggest. One moment.

    Please see:


    Microsoft issues never not solicited for phone calls of support or security.

    These types of callers can use completely fictitious names or bogusly claim to be of real companies other than Microsoft as well.

Maybe you are looking for