I know it took a lot... I've read all the discussions about this, but I need to ask one last question...

.am is going to get a new engine which intel 4790K and the gtx 980.
.i lu that the quick fix to that is by removing the text or by adding cuda file the map it... and everyone says that his job very well... but if I did that there is any error that may appear?

and new that adobe will support the new maps such as effects after also supports the same cards?
Please, share your experience and advise me... the last supported gtx is the 780 and I can't seem to find in my country... Help, please

The only thing the GPU accelerated in After Effects was the ray-traced rendering engine. This is a deprecated feature. (More info here: features GPU (CUDA, OpenGL) in After Effects) In addition, if you really want to use the ray-traced rendering engine, you need not to change the text file in its latest versions of After Effects - AE has a checkbox in the settings to use the unsupported cards. The thing is, in their new cards, NVIDIA has changed the Optix library that depended on the ray-traced rendering engine. So, even if you have changed the text file, it would not work with the latest maps anyway.

If you want 3d in After Effects, either use Cinema 4 d Lite which comes free with after effects CC, or use a third party such as Zaxwerks 3d Invigorator or 3-d element plugin (that 's going to use the GTX 980).

Tags: After Effects

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    I used this code...

    package mypackage;

    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    to import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Vector;

    Import javax.microedition.io.Connector;
    Import javax.microedition.io.file.FileConnection;

    Import net.rim.device.api.math.Fixed32;
    Import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;
    Import net.rim.device.api.system.EncodedImage;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Manager;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.BitmapField;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ButtonField;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.FlowFieldManager;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;
    Import net.rim.device.api.util.Comparator;
    Import net.rim.device.api.util.SimpleSortingVector;

    * A class that extends the class screen, which offers default standard
    * behavior for BlackBerry GUI applications.
    / public final class screen extends MyScreen

    private static final String DEVICE_DIR_PATH = System
    .getProperty ("fileconn.dir.photos");
    private static final String SD_IMAGE_DIR_PATH = System
    .getProperty ("fileconn.dir.memorycard.photos");
    private static final String OS6_CAMERA_PATH = "file:///store/home/user/camera/";
    private static final String OS6_SD_CARD_PATH = "file:///SDCard/BlackBerry/camera/";

    public static final int DEVICE_AND_SD = 0;
    public static final int DEVICE_MEM = 1;
    public static final int SD_CARD = 2;
    public static final int OS6_CAMERA = 3;
    public static final int OS6_SD_CAMERA = 4;
    public static final int DEVICE_ALL = 5;
    private static String [] _allImagePaths = null;
    private EncodedImage [encodedbitmap];
    Private bitmap image in Bitmap [];
    private BitmapField [imagebitmapField];

    int dataSize;
    private ButtonField [] bitmapf;

    * Creates a new object of MyScreen
    public MyScreen()
    Set the displayed title of the screen
    setTitle ("MyTitle");

    String [] imagePaths = getImagePaths (DEVICE_ALL);
    FlowFieldManager imageFlowField = FlowFieldManager(Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLL | nouveau Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR);
    If (imagePaths! = null & imagePaths.length > 0) {}
    encodedbitmap = new EncodedImage [imagePaths.length];
    image bitmap = new Bitmap [imagePaths.length];
    imagebitmapField = new BitmapField [imagePaths.length];

    for (int i = 0; i)< imagepaths.length;="" i++)="">
    encodedbitmap [i] = loadEncodedImage ([i] imagePaths);
    [i] bitmap image is scaleImage (encodedbitmap [i], 200, 100);.
    imagebitmapField [i] = new BitmapField(bitmap[i],Field.FOCUSABLE);
    imageFlowField.add (imagebitmapField [i]);
    Add (imageFlowField);


    public Bitmap image scaleImage (EncodedImage img, int width, int height) {}

    int currentWidthF32 = Fixed32.toFP (img.getWidth ());
    int currentHeightF32 = Fixed32.toFP (img.getHeight ());

    If (height == 0) {}
    int requiredWidth = Fixed32.toFP (width);
    int x = Fixed32.div (currentHeightF32, currentWidthF32);
    int y = Fixed32.mul (x, requiredWidth);
    int scaleX = Fixed32.div (currentWidthF32, requiredWidth);
    int scaleY = Fixed32.div (currentHeightF32, y);
    IMG = img.scaleImage32 (scaleX, scaleY);
    } else {}
    int currentWidthFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP (img.getWidth ());
    int currentHeightFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP (img.getHeight ());
    int requiredHeightFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP (height);
    int requiredWidthFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP (width);
    int scaleXFixed32 = Fixed32.div (currentWidthFixed32,
    int scaleYFixed32 = Fixed32.div (currentHeightFixed32,
    IMG = img.scaleImage32 (scaleXFixed32, scaleYFixed32);

    Return img.getBitmap ();

    protected EncodedImage loadEncodedImage (String filePath) {}

    FileConnection connection = null;
    Byte [] byteArray = null;
    Image EncodedImage = null;
    Bitmap bitmap image = null;
    Connection = (FileConnection) Connector.Open (FilePath);
    If (Connection.Exists ())
    byteArray = byte [(int) connection.fileSize (new)];
    InputStream inputStream = connection.openInputStream ();
    inputStream.read (byteArray);
    inputStream.close ();
    image = EncodedImage.createEncodedImage (byteArray, 0, -1);
    catch (System.Exception e)
    System.out.println ("Exception" + try ());
    return image;


    public static String [] getImagePaths (int source) {}

    If get path for all do this recursively
    If (source == DEVICE_ALL) {}
    If (_allImagePaths! = null) {}
    Return _allImagePaths;

    OS6 device Gallery
    String [] os6CameraSDPaths =
    getImagePaths (OS6_SD_CAMERA);

    OS6 Gallery of SD card
    String [] os6CameraPaths =
    getImagePaths (OS6_CAMERA);

    SD card Gallery
    String [] sdCardPaths = getImagePaths (SD_CARD);
    Gallery of the device
    String [] devicePaths =
    getImagePaths (DEVICE_MEM);

    Combine the two in an ImageViewer
    int numOS6CameraSDPaths = os6CameraSDPaths! = null? os6CameraSDPaths.length
    : 0 ;
    int numOS6CameraPaths = os6CameraPaths! = null? os6CameraPaths.length
    : 0 ;
    int numSDCardPaths = sdCardPaths! = null? sdCardPaths.length: 0;
    int numDevicePaths = devicePaths! = null? devicePaths.length: 0;

    int totalNumPaths = numDevicePaths + numSDCardPaths
    + numOS6CameraPaths + numOS6CameraSDPaths;
    If (totalNumPaths > 0) {}
    String of paths [] = new String [totalNumPaths];

    If (os6CameraSDPaths! = null) {}
    System.arraycopy (os6CameraSDPaths, 0, 0, paths)
    If (os6CameraPaths! = null) {}
    System.arraycopy (os6CameraPaths, 0, paths,)
    (numOS6CameraSDPaths, numOS6CameraPaths);
    If (sdCardPaths! = null) {}
    System.arraycopy (sdCardPaths, 0, numOS6CameraSDPaths)
    + numOS6CameraPaths, numSDCardPaths);
    If (devicePaths! = null) {}
    System.arraycopy (devicePaths, 0, paths, numOS6CameraSDPaths)
    + numOS6CameraPaths, + numSDCardPaths,

    _allImagePaths = sortPaths (paths);

    Return _allImagePaths;
    } else {}
    Returns a null value.

    Set the path to look for
    String imagePath = DEVICE_DIR_PATH;
    If (source == SD_CARD) {}
    imagePath = SD_IMAGE_DIR_PATH;

    If (source == OS6_CAMERA) {}
    imagePath = OS6_CAMERA_PATH;

    If (source == OS6_SD_CAMERA) {}
    imagePath = OS6_SD_CARD_PATH;

    Listed in the directory looking for image files
    ImagePaths vector = new Vector();
    FileConnection imageDir = null;
    try {}
    imageDir = Connector.open (imagePath) (FileConnection);
    If (imageDir! = null) {}
    Enumeration = imageDir.list ();

    imageDir.close ();
    While (enumeration.hasMoreElements ()) {}
    String imageName = (String) enumeration.nextElement ();
    If (isSupported (imageName)) {}
    imagePaths.addElement (imagePath + imageName);
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    XLogger.error (ImagePath.class, "cannot read file:")
    + e.getMessage ());
    } {Finally
    If (imageDir! = null) {}
    try {}
    imageDir.close ();
    } catch (IOException e) {}
    XLogger.error (ImagePath.class, "cannot close the file:")
    + e.getMessage ());

    If there is no images don't return the null value
    If (imagePaths.size)<= 0)="">
    Returns a null value.

    Return the results in an array of strings
    _allImagePaths = new String [imagePaths.size ()];
    imagePaths.copyInto (_allImagePaths);
    Return _allImagePaths;

    private static String [] sortPaths (String [] paths) {}
    Sort the paths of the time, where modified files.
    Class PathAndLastModified {}

    timeStamp long private;
    private String path;

    {} public void setTimeStamp (long timeStamp)
    this.timeStamp = timeStamp;

    {} public void setPath (String path)
    This.Path = path;

    public String GetExtension() {}
    Returns the path;

    Comparator to sort paths
    Comparator pathComparator = new Comparator() {}
    public int compare (Object o1, Object o2) {}
    If (((PathAndLastModified) o1) .timeStamp)< ((pathandlastmodified)o2).timestamp="" )="">
    Return 1;
    } ElseIf (((PathAndLastModified) o1) .timeStamp > .timeStamp (o2 (PathAndLastModified))) {}
    Returns - 1;
    } else {}
    return 0;

    Return (int) (((PathAndLastModified) o2) .timeStamp - .timeStamp (o1 (PathAndLastModified)));

    Add the paths to the vector sorting
    SimpleSortingVector sortedPaths = new SimpleSortingVector();
    sortedPaths.setSortComparator (pathComparator);
    for (int i = 0; i)< paths.length;="" i++)="">
    String filePath = path [i];
    long lastModified = 0;

    FileConnection baseConn = null;
    try {}
    baseConn = (FileConnection), Connector.open (paths [i]);
    lastModified = baseConn.lastModified ();

    PathAndLastModified pathAndLastModified = new PathAndLastModified();
    pathAndLastModified.setPath (filePath);
    pathAndLastModified.setTimeStamp (lastModified);

    sortedPaths.addElement (pathAndLastModified);
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    Do nothing
    } {Finally
    try {}
    baseConn.close ();
    } catch (IOException e) {}
    Do nothing
    sortedPaths.reSort ();

    Browse to create an array of sorted paths
    String [] sortedArray = new String [sortedPaths.size ()];
    for (int i = 0; i)
    sortedArray [i] = ((PathAndLastModified) sortedPaths.elementAt (i)) .getPath ();

    Return sortedArray;

    private static Boolean isSupported (image String) {}
    Make sure that the image is of the correct type
    If (image == null) {}
    Returns false;
    check the directory
    If (image.indexOf("/") > = 0) {}
    Returns false;

    int delimiterIndex = image.indexOf(".");
    If (delimiterIndex ==-1) {}
    probably a directory
    Returns false;

    the text is a list of extensions supported
    String [] extensions = {".jpg", ".jpeg"};
    for (int i = 0; i)< extensions.length;="" i++)="">
    If (image.length () > extensions [i] .length ()) {}
    Dim ext = image.substring (image.length)
    (-extensions [i] .length ());
    If (ext.equalsIgnoreCase (extensions [i])) {}
    Returns true;
    Returns false;

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    If you want to ignore it for the field that you do not have to use getLeafFieldWithFocus.

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    We have a few podcast shows we produce and publish. The problems below seem to have an impact on all of these shows that I will focus on a specific show for reasons of readability and the confusion.

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    Over the weekend, people started to lose the ability to download episodes or subscribe to the show. Some of the things we noticed;

    1. Playing the episode in iTunes without subscribing Office is very well
    2. iTunes and other Podcasting software (test with Pocketcasts on my Android) consistently show too few episodes later the 1, 2 or 3 missing.
    3. Trying to subscribe to the show in iTunes on the product IOS error "the link provided is not a valid podcast." (Note the 1 post - reading in the EP in iTunes Office is fine).
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    So, I can confirm that there has been no changes to code on our site, the feed or any changes made to the storage at all. I can say that I had problems with the validation of the food (https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nova969.com.au%2Fpo dcast % 2Fshow % 2F292789% 2Ffeed) - looks like that maybe there is a problem with the first empty line? All foods seem to fall with it.

    It's our problem and I would like any help with this as its cause a lot of problems with both of our podcasts of the problems.

    Thank you


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    My iTunes purchased movie took forever to download, and when I play it, it freezes constantly.  Help!

    Hi there awhitley58,

    If I understand you try to play a movie that you downloaded but it stops time return inconsistent. I would say first to start in safe mode to clear some system-level caches and perform a disk check and repair if necessary:

    Try safe mode if your Mac does not end commissioning

    If not do play correctly, and no other videos you have downloaded in the past are affected, I'd say delete the file and download it again. Thank you for using communities of Apple Support.

  • Lot of change-lost all the original tracks

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    Is that a reason that they got rid of 'Batch Change?'

    Thank you


    Restore your backup is the only way today.

    User error is not a factor in the changes in the new app. attend this by noting that change of lot is available in Photos.

  • I can't connect to xbox live on windows8 and updates until get game and then nada nothing. I know it's not my connection because I use the connection for this post (I'm in oz)

    I tried like 10 times to get the collection of solitaire to update, I tried to upgrade the application games and nothing works. I checked my firewall settings still nothing.

    I can't connect to xbox live via the above. I know that's not me, i'm at my wits end


    Hi André,.

    This seems to be a problem with your Xbox Live account. So, I suggest you to post this query on the Xbox Live Forums since this link:


    Hope this information helps you.

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    My MacBook Pro doesn't start then you want to erase and reinstall iOS. Before doing this I want to back up all my files. If I connect to imac via FireWire I can view all the files, but how can I save it it?

    If your MacBook will start in target disk Mode, follow the instructions on how to set up and use...

    Share files between two computers with target - Apple Support disk mode

    But you do not want to share files, just to save them. You can make a "clone", using disk utility. For cloning utility purposes use a program likeSuperDuper! or double clone.

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    I tried malwarebytes, it can't find 'mywebpage' bugs, but I deleted them too. Also, I did a scan of my hard drive and remove five files that all "Babylon" they contain. It still comes back over and over again.


    Start Firefox in Firefox to solve the issues in Safe Mode to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is the cause of the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > appearance/themes).

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    Is there an error or a message when you try to connect to the iTunes Store?

    What have you already tried? Reboot? Reset?

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    You must ask the IT Manager or domain administrator to reset the password.

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    Anyway I recently installed a Kaspersky Internet Security2010 trail version, I run Windows Vista, my computer is new, I know that there are no viruses, malware or spyware. However, I have this error code 6801, and I can not turn on the windows firewall. This started after I removed the version Kaspersky track. He also tells me that the associated program does not want to start "Yes or no" of course I tried yes then received this error 6801. I goggled the error and tried different ways to fix this error but still no luck. I'm a bit about computers, I checked the services and his here said automatic but not started. Tried again to start manually and this time it is said ' cannot start Firewall Win, if it comes to a product non-windows then contact suppliers and relay the error 6801.» So please if someone knows something I can do to solve this problem I do not have the disk to reboot vista and I'm losing my mind, I was in it for five days and his crazy wife. Another reason, I would like to correct this problem is I can not use my bitcomet torrent Downloader, I think that this problem of firewall is the problem because everything was going well until the Kaspersky was installed and then my router accidentally disconnected. Sorry for the hike, I'm very frustrated. Just for you all also say that I tried to port forward, with and without static ip and now I think I need to do something about this error until I can fix my bitcomet. I hope that someone takes the time to read this and respond, thanks hope someone soon!

    Visit the kasperersky site... they have the solution you need... Read it yesterday...

  • A lot of memory used after the repair Installation of Windows XP

    I recently put a new motherboard in my computer and it took that I re - install Windows XP.  I managed to re - install Windows XP with my previous settings still intact, but I noticed that he had a lot of memory used (~ 20 GB) which has not been used before the installation of my new motherboard.  I checked all the files that I had in 'My Computer', and the total memory was not adding up to what was planned to be used.

    During the Windows XP installation process, I chose the option to repair an existing Windows XP, in the hope that it would recover my previous settings.  I could continue until the activation of the installation part and had trouble with it; but was soon fixed.  I thought that if I continued to repair the existing Windows XP that it would remedy the activation part I had problems.  So all I can assume is that additional memory that has been used is from several times, I fixed my existing operating system due to the multiple copies of the same files that were used to repair.
    I contemplated I should save my computer, delete the partition, reformat the hard drive and install a fresh Windows XP or find a way to delete the files that take up a lot of place and who fail to find.  With the first option, I'd still have these files 'Phantom' on my backup, which in turn would be always present when I restore my backup the freshly installed Windows XP.
    I would like to know if I'm near a possible remedy to this situation, or y at - it another option I don't see who could solve this problem?

    How to free up disk space on your laptop or PC

    J W Stuart: http://www.pagestart.com

  • Receive lots of BSOD due to ntoskrnl.exe, they stopped, but started again after a month

    I get lots of BSOD. I installed "WhoCrashed" and analyze the dump files. Here's what he said:

    Saturday, October 3, 14 17:29:30 GMT PM your computer crashed
    crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\031014-15147-01.dmp
    This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt + 0x75B80)
    Bugcheck code: 0x4E (0 x 0x2007E, 0 x 2, 0 20075, 99)
    file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
    product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
    company: Microsoft Corporation
    Description: NT Kernel System &
    Bug control description: This indicates that the page frame number (PFN) list is corrupted.
    This seems to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. This could be a case of corruption of memory. The corruption of memory more often happens because of software errors in the defective drivers buggy, not because of RAM modules.
    The accident took place in the Windows kernel. Maybe this problem is caused by another driver who cannot be identified at this time.

    I have this problem for a long time. I've updated the drivers, windows updates, no effect. But, for some reason, he did not seem since February. But Monday, I used MiniCygwin_GOptimize_v1.34.02 to compress files apk android. He uses a lot of CPU. And after that the BSOD began to reappear. I downloaded the Minidump file and Information System if someone wants to check.

    Let me know the reason for these BSOD and how can I solve this problem.


    We have many bug different controls:


    This indicates that the page frame number (PFN) list is corrupted.

    This error is usually caused by a driver passing a list of descriptor of bad memory. For example, the pilot could call MmUnlockPages twice with the same list.


    This indicates that an error occurred serious memory management.

    Error checking 1A, {5003, fffff780c0000000, 6933, 64ba0002d266}

    -1 setting of the bug check is 5003 which lists free work is corrupt. It is probably a hardware error.

    We also have another 1st parameter:

    Error checking 1 a, {fffff6800005cf40, eab00001beb34867,403, fffff6fc00df59a0}

    - Parameter 1 of the bug check is 403 which indicates the page table and NFPs are out of sync. It is also probably a clerical error.

    ^^ Pointed out that both of the above can still be caused by a driver causing corruption, but it is generally unlikely.

    And another...

    Error checking 1A, {41284, 159a0e001, 104 d 57, fffff70001080000}

    -1 setting of the bug check is 41284 indicating a PTE or the fixed work list is corrupted.


    This indicates that a pool header is corrupt.

    Error checking 19, {20, fffff8a00b91df40, fffff8a00b91e020, 50e040c}

    6: kd >! pool fffff8a00b91df40
    Pool page fffff8a00b91df40 region is unknown
    fffff8a00b91d000 size: 4 d 0 previous size: 0 Ntff (allocated)
    fffff8a00b91d4d0 size: 30 size: 4 d 0 PfFK (allocated)
    fffff8a00b91d500 size: 30 size: 30 PfFK (allocated)
    fffff8a00b91d530 size: 10 previous size: 30 (free) NtfE
    fffff8a00b91d540 size: 30 size: 10 Ntf0 (allocated)
    fffff8a00b91d570 size: size previous 10:30 (free) Nbmc
    fffff8a00b91d580 size: 40 previous size: 10 DxgK (allocated)
    fffff8a00b91d5c0 size: c0 size previous: AfdX (protected) process (allocated) 40: fffffa801098c7f0
    fffff8a00b91d680 size: 170 previous size: c0 MPsc (allocated)
    fffff8a00b91d7f0 size: size previous c0: 170 FIcs (allocated)
    fffff8a00b91d8b0 size: 40 size: c0 (allocated) NtFs
    fffff8a00b91d8f0 size: 30 size: 40 (allocated) PfFK
    fffff8a00b91d920 size: 30 size: 30 Ntf0 (allocated)
    fffff8a00b91d950 size: 150 size: 30 FMfn (allocated)
    fffff8a00b91daa0 size: size 160: 150 FMfn (allocated)
    fffff8a00b91dc00 size: 40 size: 160 (allocated) MmSm
    fffff8a00b91dc40 size: c0 size previous: 40 FIcs (allocated)
    fffff8a00b91dd00 size: 10 size: c0 sect (free)
    fffff8a00b91dd10 size: 170 previous size: 10 MPsc (allocated)
    fffff8a00b91de80 size: size previous c0: 170 (allocated) NtFs
    * fffff8a00b91df40 size: size previous e0: c0 (free) * FIcs
            PoolTag FIcs: Context of FileInfo FS-Filter binary stream: fileinfo.sys

    ^^ Block of pool who looked in the page pool belongs to the context of FileInfo FS-Filter flow. This is related to the file system.

    6: kd >! poolval fffff8a00b91df40
    Pool page fffff8a00b91df40 region is unknown

    Validation of the headers of pool the pool page: fffff8a00b91df40

    [Fffff8a00b91d000] page pool is __inVALID.

    System_service_exception (3B)

    This indicates that an exception happened during execution of a routine that passes from non-preferred to the privileged code code.

    This error has been linked to the excessive use of expanded memory and resulting from user mode graphics drivers enjambment and passing data incorrect of the kernel code.

    2: kd > fffff960000a874f ln
    (fffff960'000 a 8720)   win32k! NextOwnedWindow + 0x2f |  (fffff960'000 a 8770) win32k! xxxRemoveDeleteMenuHelper

    ^^ The exception is produced in win32k! NextOwnedWindow.


    Overall, this looks like the faulty RAM. It's not like there is a foul-smelling waters driver causing memory corruption here, but it is possible. The reason I mention this is because I see it in the crash dumps after dumping the! v

    OVERLAPPED_MODULE: Address overlap 'WinUsb' and 'ssudbus.sys'.

    ^^ WinUsb.sys - pilot class USB Windows system, it is a part of Windows. ssudbus.sys-

    SAMSUNG USB Composite Device Driver. Probably a part of Samsung Kies. Uninstall everything that you can find this topic.


    Please run Memtest for NOT LESS than 8 ~ (several hours):

    Memtest86 +:

    Download Memtest86 + here:


    Which should I download?

    You can either download the ISO pre-built you want to burn to a CD and then boot from the CD, or you can download the automatic installer of the USB. What this will do is format your USB drive, make a boot device and then install the necessary files. Both do the same job, it's just you that you choose, or you have available (be it CD or USB).

    Note that some older generation motherboards do not support USB boot, your only option is CD (or floppy if you really wanted to).

    How Memtest works:

    Memtest86 writes a series of test patterns for most of the addresses of memory, reads the written data and compares it to find errors.

    The default pass is 9 different tests, varying in the modes of access and test data. A tenth test, bland, is selectable in the menu. He wrote all the memory with zeros, then sleeps 90 minutes before checking to see if the bits have changed (perhaps because of refresh problems). This is repeated with all those for a total time of 3 hours by pass.

    Many chipsets can report RAM speed and timings by SPD (Serial Presence Detect) or EPP (Enhanced Performance Profiles), and some even support changing the expected memory speed. If the expected memory speed is overclockee, Memtest86 can test that memory is free of error with these faster settings.

    Some hardware is able to report the status of the "PAT" (PAT: active or PAT: disabled). This is a reference to the Intel performance acceleration technology; There may be the BIOS settings that affect this aspect of memory synchronization.

    This information, if it is available for the program, can be displayed via a menu option.

    Other questions, they can most likely be answered by reading this excellent guide here:


    Kind regards


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