If the record not found this particular date, then select the last recordings date.

I have three columns
Date of DP_DATE;

I want that if dp_uprice not found this particular date (: dd1) then
Select maximum Dp_uprice that the date would be less then: dd1

Example: -.
I run query and :DD1 parameter = 18/10/2010

SELECT dp_fnd_code, dp_date , dp_uprice dpprice 
FROM dailyprice where dp_date = :dd1

DP_FND_CODE DP_DATE                      DPPRICE
----------- ----------------------- ------------
          1 18/10/2010                  109.0344
          2 18/10/2010                   10.1045
          3 18/10/2010                  100.4010
          4 18/10/2010                  102.3276
          6 18/10/2010                   14.6958
          7 18/10/2010                   98.8300
          8 18/10/2010                  102.0900
It will show that all the Archives: dd1 = 18/10/2010, you can see above the result of the query DP_FND 5 is missing.
I want to if there is no DPRICE of that particular date (: DD1) then it shows the date of the last DPPRICE.
Like this
DP_FND_CODE DP_DATE                      DPPRICE
----------- ----------------------- ------------
          1 18/10/2010                  109.0344
          2 18/10/2010                   10.1045
          3 18/10/2010                  100.4010
          4 18/10/2010                  102.3276
          5 16/10/2010                  122.3276          
          6 18/10/2010                   14.6958
          7 18/10/2010                   98.8300
          8 18/10/2010                  102.0900
so I used this query, but correct nicely.
SELECT dp_fnd_code, dp_date, 
             case when dp_uprice is null then(
           select max(dp_uprice) dpprice from dailyprice where dp_date < :dd1 group by dp_fnd_code,dp_date
           ) else dp_uprice  end dpprice 
  FROM dailyprice 
  where dp_date = :dd1
  order by dp_fnd_code
Thanks in advance.
SELECT dp_fnd_code,
       max(dp_date) keep (dense_rank last order by dp_date),
       max(dpprice) keep (dense_rank last order by dp_date)
  FROM dailyprice
  where dp_date <= :dd1
  group by dp_fnd_code
  order by dp_fnd_code;

Tags: Database

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    Hi JohnRobertsonVS,

    Method 1

    Refer to the Microsoft article to download and install Windows Help program (WinHlp32.exe), check to see if it helps.

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    Method 2

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    b. Press ENTER.

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    Method 3

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    For more information please visit the link below.

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    Published by: Javi M on 26-mar-2011 05:52

    Yes, the SQL files and data (of all kinds) are supported by more than one column of data. As you noted, you just point to the Member that represents the column.

    That said, I bet that if you look at your view/table and load the rule against your outline, I bet you find a dimension be mismapped, for example, you think that this column 4 points to the scenario, but you really repointe it produces and which purported to be the column 1, or you missed a dimension. Happens to me all the time.

    Kind regards

    Cameron Lackpour

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    It fills the collection and triggers FRONT header, ALWAYS
      (p_collection_name => 'NEWMSC');
      cursor c_prepop is select j.JOB_ID, j.JOB_ID CHKBX, j.DATE_INDEX, j.SHIFT,
          j.EMP_ID, j.LOCATION_ID,
          j.PAY_CODE, j.JOB_CODE, j.OLD_CODE, j.TASK_HRS, j.PAY_AMT,
        from NONTC_JOBS j, OTHR_RATES r, V_EMP_NM e
       where j.JOB_RATE_ID = r.OTHR_RATE_ID
         and j.EMP_ID = e.EMP_ID (+)
         and j.LOCATION_ID  = :P4_ORG_ID
         and j.APPROVAL_FLAG < 20
       order by j.JOB_ID;
      i         NUMBER;
      v_tc      NUMBER;
      v_chk     NUMBER;
      v_dt      DATE;
      v_shft    VARCHAR2(2);
      v_emp     NUMBER;
      v_loc     NUMBER;
      v_pycd    VARCHAR2(7);
      v_jbcd    NUMBER;
      v_oldcd   VARCHAR2(7);
      v_hrs     NUMBER;
      v_pay     NUMBER;
      v_rt      NUMBER;
      v_status  NUMBER     := 0;
      v_trnflg  NUMBER     := 0;
      v_trnct   NUMBER     := 0;
      v_trnpkg  NUMBER     := 0;
      v_empnm   VARCHAR2(47);
      OPEN c_prepop;
          FETCH c_prepop into v_tc, v_chk, v_dt, v_shft, v_emp,
                 v_loc, v_pycd, v_jbcd, v_oldcd, v_hrs, v_pay,
                 v_rt, v_trnflg, v_empnm;
          EXIT WHEN c_prepop%NOTFOUND;
            select COUNT(EVENT_ID) into v_trnct from EMP_TRN_HISTORY
             where TC_ID = v_tc;
            IF v_trnct = 1 THEN
              select MAX(PKG_ID) into v_trnpkg from EMP_TRN_HISTORY
               where TC_ID = v_tc;
              v_trnpkg  := 0;
            END IF;
            IF v_rt > 0 THEN
              IF v_trnflg = 1 AND v_trnct = 0 THEN
                  v_status := 2;
              ELSIF v_trnflg = 1 AND v_trnct = 1 THEN
                  v_status := 15;
              ELSIF v_trnflg = 0 THEN
                v_status := 15;
              END IF;
              v_status := 0;
            END IF;
              p_collection_name => 'NEWMSC',
              p_c001 => v_tc,                        --TC_ID
              p_c002 => v_chk,                       --(Checkbox)
              p_c003 => to_char(v_dt,'MM/DD/YYYY'),  --DATE_INDEX
              p_c004 => v_shft,                      --SHIFT
              p_c005 => v_emp,                       --EMP_ID
              p_c006 => v_loc,                       --LOCATION_ID
              p_c007 => v_pycd,                      --PAY_CODE
              p_c008 => v_jbcd,                      --JOB_CODE
              p_c009 => v_oldcd,                     --OLD_CODE
              p_c010 => v_hrs,                       --TASK_HRS
              p_c011 => v_pay,                       --PAY_AMT
              p_c012 => v_rt,                        --JOB_RATE_ID
              p_c013 => v_status,                    --(Status)
              p_c014 => v_trnflg,                    --(Training?)
              p_c015 => v_trnpkg,                    --Training Package
              p_c020 => v_empnm                      --Emp Nm
        END LOOP;
      CLOSE c_prepop;
              p_collection_name => 'NEWMSC',
              p_c001 => 0,                           --TC_ID
              p_c002 => 0,                           --(Checkbox)
              p_c003 => to_char(SYSDATE-1,'MM/DD/YYYY'),  --DATE_INDEX
              p_c004 => 'D',                         --SHIFT
              p_c005 => 0,                           --EMP_ID
              p_c006 => :G_USER_ORGID,               --LOCATION_ID
              p_c007 => NULL,                        --PAY_CODE
              p_c008 => NULL,                        --JOB_CODE
              p_c009 => NULL,                        --OLD_CODE
              p_c010 => 0,                           --TASK_HRS
              p_c011 => 0,                           --PAY_AMT
              p_c012 => 0,                           --JOB_RATE_ID
              p_c013 => 0,                           --(Status)
              p_c014 => 0,                           --(Training?)
              p_c015 => 0,                           --Training Package
              p_c020 => NULL                         --Emp Nm
    This displays the contents of the collection and works great:
    select apex_item.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(50, SEQ_ID) SEQID,
        apex_item.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(1, c001) JOB_ID,
        apex_item.CHECKBOX(2, c002) CHK,
        apex_item.DATE_POPUP(3, NULL, to_date(c003, 'MM/DD/YYYY'),'MM/DD/YYYY',10,10) DATE_INDEX,
        apex_item.TEXT(4, c004, 2, 2) SHIFT,
        apex_item.TEXT(5, c005, 8, 8) EMP_ID,
        apex_item.TEXT(6, c006, 8, 8) LOCATION_ID,
        apex_item.TEXT(7, c007, 4, 4) PAY_CODE,
        apex_item.TEXT(8, c008, 4, 4) JOB_CODE,
        apex_item.TEXT(9, c009, 4, 4) OLD_CODE,
        apex_item.TEXT(10, c010, 5, 5) TASK_HRS,
        apex_item.TEXT(11, c011, 6, 6) PAY_AMT,
        apex_item.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(12, c012) RATE_ID,
        CASE TO_NUMBER(c013)
            WHEN 0  THEN 'Invalid'
            WHEN 2  THEN 'Incomplete'
            WHEN 15 THEN 'Ready'
            ELSE 'ERROR'
        END STATUS,
        CASE WHEN TO_NUMBER(c014) = 1
                 THEN  apex_item.POPUPKEY_FROM_LOV(15,TO_NUMBER(c015), 'LOV_CURR_TRN_PKGS')
             ELSE NULL
           END TRAINING,
        apex_item.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(20, c020) EMPNM
    This updates the collection and fire ON SUBMIT - BEFORE VALIDATION:
      i          INTEGER   := 0;
      rt_id      NUMBER    := 0;
      trn_flag   INTEGER   := 0;
      trn_ct     NUMBER    := 0;
      for c1 in (
        select seq_id, TO_NUMBER(c001) jid, TO_NUMBER(c014) t from apex_collections
         where collection_name = 'NEWMSC'
         order by seq_id) loop
        i := i+1;
        IF wwv_flow.g_f07(i) IS NOT NULL and wwv_flow.g_f09(i) IS NOT NULL THEN
          apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'NEWMSC',
              p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>3,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f03(i));
          apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'NEWMSC',
              p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>4,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f04(i));
          apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'NEWMSC',
              p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>5,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f05(i));
          apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'NEWMSC',
              p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>6,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f06(i));
          apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'NEWMSC',
              p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>7,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f07(i));
          --apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'NEWMSC',
          --    p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>8,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f08(i));
          --OLD CODE
          apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'NEWMSC',
              p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>9,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f09(i));
          apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'NEWMSC',
              p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>10,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f10(i));
          apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'NEWMSC',
              p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>11,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f11(i));
          select FN_CALC_OTHR_RATE(wwv_flow.g_f07(i), wwv_flow.g_f09(i), wwv_flow.g_f06(i))
            into rt_id from DUAL;
          :P4_DEBUG  := 'RATE ID = '||rt_id;
          apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'NEWMSC',
              p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>12,p_attr_value=>rt_id);
          :P4_DEBUG  := 'TRAIN = '||trn_flag;
          IF c1.t = 1 THEN
            apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'NEWMSC',
                p_seq=> c1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>15,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f15(i));
          END IF;
        rt_id      := 0;
        trn_flag   := 0;
        trn_ct     := 0;
        END IF;
      end loop;  
    This triggers on PRESENT - AFTER VALIDATIONS and written records in the database:
      new_id      NUMBER;
      for c_jobs in (select TO_NUMBER(c001) m_tc, to_date(c003,'MM/DD/YYYY') m_dt,
           c004 m_shft, TO_NUMBER(c005) m_emp,
           TO_NUMBER(c006) m_loc, c007 m_pycd, c008 m_jbcd, c009 m_oldcd, TO_NUMBER(c010) m_hrs, 
           TO_NUMBER(c011) m_pay, TO_NUMBER(c012) m_rt,
           TO_NUMBER(c014) m_trnflg, TO_NUMBER(c015) m_trnpkg 
              order by SEQ_ID) loop
        IF c_jobs.m_pycd IS NOT NULL and c_jobs.m_oldcd IS NOT NULL AND c_jobs.m_tc > 0 THEN
          --existing row
          UPDATE NONTC_JOBS set DATE_INDEX = c_jobs.m_dt, SHIFT = c_jobs.m_shft,
               EMP_ID = c_jobs.m_emp, LOCATION_ID = c_jobs.m_loc,
               PAY_CODE = c_jobs.m_pycd, JOB_CODE = c_jobs.m_jbcd, OLD_CODE = c_jobs.m_oldcd,
               TASK_HRS = c_jobs.m_hrs, PAY_AMT = c_jobs.m_pay, JOB_RATE_ID = c_jobs.m_rt,
               JOB_ENTRY_FLAG = 0, ENTRY_EMP_ID = :G_USER_ID
           WHERE JOB_ID = c_jobs.m_tc;
          IF c_jobs.m_trnflg = 1 and c_jobs.m_trnpkg > 0 THEN
              delete from EMP_TRN_HISTORY where TC_ID = c_jobs.m_tc;
              for c_trn in (select a.COURSE_ID c
                    from TRAINING_PKG_ASSIGN a
                   where a.COURSE_PKG_ID = c_jobs.m_trnpkg
                     and a.COURSE_PKG_ID > 0 and a.COURSE_ID > 0) loop
                insert into EMP_TRN_HISTORY (EVENT_ID, EVENT_DATE, TRN_CRS_ID, 
                      ENTRY_EMP_ID, ENTRY_DATE, TC_ID, EMP_ID, PKG_ID, JOB_ID)
                   values (SEQ_EMP_HISTORY.nextval, c_jobs.m_dt, c_trn.c,
                      :G_USER_ID, SYSDATE, c_jobs.m_tc, c_jobs.m_emp, c_jobs.m_trnpkg, c_jobs.m_tc);
              end loop;
          END IF;
        elsif c_jobs.m_pycd IS NOT NULL and c_jobs.m_oldcd IS NOT NULL AND c_jobs.m_tc = 0 THEN
          select SEQ_TC_ID.nextval into new_id from dual;
            VALUES (new_id, c_jobs.m_dt, c_jobs.m_emp, c_jobs.m_loc,
                 c_jobs.m_pycd, c_jobs.m_jbcd, c_jobs.m_oldcd, c_jobs.m_hrs, c_jobs.m_pay, 0,
                 0, SYSDATE, :G_USER_ID,
                 c_jobs.m_rt, :G_USER_ID, c_jobs.m_shft);
        else  --Ignore the row
        end if;
      end loop;
    As I said, if I only non-formation entries, it works very well. If I only do training entries, it works fine. When I mix the two, the entrance to the training immediately after the death of the first entry in non-formation. There's obviously a loophole somewhere - a variable resets do not, or something. I can not find and I looked at it all day.

    Thank you

    Ok. Now try this. Here, we declare the popupkey point in all cases but hide it using CSS for non-formation lines.

    CASE WHEN TO_NUMBER(c014) = 1
                 THEN  apex_item.POPUPKEY_FROM_LOV(15,TO_NUMBER(c015), 'LOV_CURR_TRN_PKGS')
             ELSE   '' ||  apex_item.POPUPKEY_FROM_LOV(15,TO_NUMBER(c015), 'LOV_CURR_TRN_PKGS') || ''
           END TRAINING,


  • INFA error: name not found and no data source driver by default specified


    INFA version 8.1, DAC 795. Plain vannila with SQL server installation. Client and the server is installed on the same machine.

    Connectivity DAC with infa and oltp works very well. Using ETL, Informatica session logs give following error:

    ERROR 10-02-2008 15:49:01 node01_PPMBIDEV1 CMN_1022 of MAPPING of database driver error...
    [Microsoft] [ODBC driver manager] Data source name not found and no driver by default specified
    Database driver error...
    Function name: connect
    Database driver error...
    Function name: connect
    [Database error: unable to connect to the database using the user [MDVYAS] and [PPMCRMDEV1@OracleBI_Warehouse] connection string.]

    Pointers appreciated


    Did you follow-up step 4.13.2 - ' relational Configuration Connections in Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager "installation and configuration guide?


  • Record not found in the HR_API_TRANSACTION table

    Through workflow in the absence of information is approved and made its appearance in the per_absence_attendances table.
    I would now like to return path and want to identify the workflow id is to say ITEM_KEY and all its notifications.

    Note that leave the related data is not present in the HR_API_TRANSACTION table once the report is approved.

    where oracle to store all this information?

    Thank you.

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    I have a Pavilion PC with Windows Vista 32 bit OS.  My help and Support feature does not work in offline mode or online. I just installed the 32-bit hotfix for HP Advisor (sp43112) hoping that would resolve the problem. No luck. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


    The proposed solution did not help. I found another suggestion (somewhere, I can't find it now) which lead me to the solution of my problem with no function 'help and Support '. The solution was to fix some permissions problems. I downloaded the program monitor and started then tried to access to help and Support one or two times and then closed the monitor program. Then I saved the file as an excel (.csv) file and open it in Excel. I've sorted the file on the column of search results then all files listed with the result of denial of access.

    There were six files "access denied." I opened all the files and hidden folders then went to each file and changed the security settings allowing everyone access to the files. Here is an example of the path I followed to locate the files where access has been denied: C: / > ProgramData > Microsoft > support > customer > 1.0 > US, then the name of one of the files is: Help_MValidator.H1D

    I always try to find the fix someone provied so I can thank this person, any help on this would be appreciated.

    I hope this helps someone, be it finally resolved my problem. BTW, while I was working this issue and try various suggestions, I got a virus and which of course added to my frustration...

  • Money 2007 will not open - library of record not found

    Money 2007 worked fine yesterday.  This morning, when I tried to update my accounts, it failed with a msg about the library for registration.  How to remedy?

    Please post questions MS Money on this forum:

  • Error when printing from a memory card: "year error occurred while reconnecting to \\epson 8af524\memory z card Microsoft windows network .the network path is not found connection .This has not been restored"

    Original title: there is an error occurred while reconnecting to \\epson 8af524\memory z card Microsoft windows network .the network path is not found .this connection has not been restored

    error message for a memory card has it printed


    ·        Have you been able to print from memory card sooner?

    ·        How are you connected to the computer from which you are trying to print?

    This occurs when a computer uses the network map to connect to another computer to share files.

    To fix this problem, do one or more of the following methods.


    Method 1: Control equipment

    (a) ensure that the computer with file sharing turned on.

    (b) ensure that a hub network or router is powered.

    (c) ensure that the cables are well connected.

    If this does not resolve the problem, go to method 2: ensure that network resources are properly shared.

    Method 2: Ensure that network resources are properly shared

    Share a folder on a drive, then connect to the shared drive, follow these steps.

    Step 1:

    To make a folder that is located on the accessible hard drive on another computer, follow these steps.

    (a) right click onStart and then click Explorer .

    (b) right click on the folder you want to share, clickshare , and then click share this folder .

    Step 2:

    To connect to the shared folder from another computer, follow the steps below.

    (a) clickStart , then click run .

    (b) in theOpen box, type \\computer\share (where computer is the name of the computer where the resource network and share is the share name of the shared folder on that computer).

    (c) clickOK .

    Hope this information is useful.

    Amrita M

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • Error: database name not found and no default driver specified, installing a program and pay using the Microsoft access database.

    Original title: name not found and no data source driver by default specified

    Hi all, I tried to google search and try all methods that talk about the world. but I can't always solve this error for 1 week.
    I have install the program pays to computer A, and it works fine.
    But I install the same program to computer B, it gives me this error
    data source name not found and no driver specified default.
    the computer is windows 7 32 bit, and I did add the system DSN.
    It is using microsoft access database.

    does anyone have the solution for this?

    Thank you


    The question you posted would be better suited for COMPUTING public Pro on TechNet. I would recommend posting your query in the TechNet Forums to get help:

    Office 2010 - IT Pro General Discussions TechNet Forums

    Let us know if you need help with Windows related issues. We will be happy to help you.

  • SOLVED! Explorer.EXE - unable to locate component: the application failed to start because iertutil.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem.

    The manifestation of this issue, it is that you cannot use your computer, because the desktop icons and the taskbar are missing

    It's the perfect solution for this issue:

    Once you see the message, press ctrl + alt + delete to start the Task Manager

    Click new task, and then click Browse

    Navigate to the following path c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\e9e3bc7b49018c1f53cc0d1bd73cad37\sp3gdr

    at the bottom of this dialog box, change the 'programs' to 'all files '.

    Make a right click on the "iertutil.dll" then copy files

    Go again to c:\windows\system32 and paste there

    You should notice the "iertutil.dll" filed copied in the folder system32, otherwise, you will have to repeat the procedure and do not forget that it is copied

    Restart the computer

    You may notice that the IE8 is now complete installation and may ask you to restart again

    Restart the pc and voila, you now have a working computer

    Here are our roadmaps which has been proven in many cases which have already been resolved
    Please follow the roadmaps religiously

    Road map 1:

    Once you see the message, press ctrl + alt + delete to start the Task Manager
    Click new task, and then click Browse
    Navigate to the following path c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\e9e3bc7b49018c1f53cc0d1bd73cad37\sp3gdr
    at the bottom of this dialog box, change the 'programs' to 'all files '.
    Make a right click on the "iertutil.dll" then copy files
    Go again to c:\windows\system32 and paste there
    You should notice the "iertutil.dll" filed copied in the folder system32, otherwise, you will have to repeat the procedure and do not forget that it is copied
    Restart the computer
    You may notice that the IE8 is now complete installation and may ask you to restart again
    Restart the pc and voila, you now have a working computer

    2 Roadmap

    Once you see the message, press ctrl + alt + delete to start the Task Manager
    Open a new task, and then type CMD.
    type this in the command line - copy c:\windows\system32\dllcache\iertutil.dll c:\windows\system32
    You should see the message "1 file copied.
    restart the system
    You may notice that the IE8 is now complete installation and may ask you to restart again
    Restart the pc and voila, you now have a working computer

    3 roadmap

    Once you see the message, press ctrl + alt + delete to start the Task Manager
    Open a new task, and then type %windir%\ie8\spuninst\spuninst.exe
    IE8 uninstall wizard will pop up and follow the wizard
    It maybe of instances that error message will appear just close the error message and continue uninstalling
    Once the system is restarted, it will start normally and reverted to the previous version of Internet Explorer
    Reinstall setup of stand-alone of ie8

    Technical Manager
    Microsoft Technical Support Australia & New Zealand

  • I remove a program, now I can not remove the shortcut. Computer says, "Object not found" (no longer locaated in...)

    I uninstalled a program (Paint.NET); then when I tried to remove the shortcut I get "Item not found - this is no longer in...» Check the location of the item, and then try again.

    How can I get this shortcut off my screen?

    How do you try to remove the shortcut? You should be able to just drag it to the trash. Microsoft® Security MVP, 2004-2009

  • Error: "DNS server not found" when you try to access the internet.

    original title: network WIFI DNS connection issues

    Hi all

    This is my weirdest experience with WIFI connections so far. So let me explain.
    I have several WIFI connection to my modem/router that work very well, 2 phones and 2 laptops work just great, wirelessly.
    Now I have this new ASUS wireless adapter to my PC and it gives me a headache, and the ASUS support... Well, what kind of support?
    When I turn on my pc, my pc connects to the router with full connection bars. But there is no internet, I'm getting DNS SERVER NOT FOUND, this happens every time when starting of the pc. But when my pc has already started and then I reset the router, I get internet with good working DNS and then everything works. But of course, when then restart my pc again, it loses DNS and I can restart the router once more...
    I have tried everything I know, manual setting of DNS does not work, renewing the ip and dns cmd of hot flashes do not work either.
    My setup
    Windows 7 Professional x 64
    ASUS PCE - N15 11n Wireless card
    DHCP enabled
    Dns and ip automatic (ip4/ip6) parameters
    I really hope that you guys can help me, it drives me crazy and the problem continues to exist for a month now.

    Hello Serellyn,

    Have you tried to change the wireless channel that your router is running at? There may be interference that could prevent the internet connection:

    Take a look at step 6 in this article. He further explains this problem as possible:


    If you need assistance to change the settings of the specific router, you will need to contact your router manufacturer or your internet service provider.

  • I get the error message dialogue 'loan token not found. '

    When I try to open a book on my corner which has been downloaded from the library, I get the error message "ready token not found." -What this means and how do I open the book?

    'ready token not found' this is a problem with the download of the eBook itself. You can open the file when it opens Digital Edition before you download in the drive?

  • Error operating system not found Message notebook Compaq Presario F700 {756CA}

    Hello, thank you for this forum!

    Record: Series of laptop HP Compaq Presario 700 {756CA} 32 Bit OS wireless

    ID # #ABC Serial # under the direction of the security KP027UA

    1 I used a service tech, as a gift, the Dec23/10 online. Problems occurred during the 5 hour session. PC was going well in advance.

    2 on PC Dec25 would not start. Operating system not found message that appears. Used F8, last known 5 times and it no longer works. Put into service on battery 4 times. It no longer works.

    3 a written tests HP for operating system not found {but was for XP and WIn2000}, with drive to test the hard drive. Message adjustment but

    other areas didn't have so not.

    4 related to Vista and Win 7. It's for the boot drive address not found Error Message.

    This message comes not so much waited and did as below.

    5 performed a full scan on MBAM, program no. threats 6 Ran Reimage and 2800 + corrupt or missing files found and repaired. This did not help and used the battery when you restart.

    7 when the open PC Windows updates were parties and 71 had to be installed. Had to use battery or reboot.

    8 new updates have shown, once again. Installed 8 and 1 failed. {Windows PowerShell 2.0 and 2.0 WNRM, optional}.  Could not start on more then ran battery test the boot drive HP fix error.  Test the Test of the Bios and the hard disk does not appear to work correctly according to the instructions, but normally open when you restart PC. I'm afraid to stop PC again.

    Questions: 1. can you please help with the BIOS and hard drive tests for my PC?

    2 HP support assistant has always shows failure of updates, analysis and data collection. Why?

    The downloaded program beginning Jan/11

    3 the event viewer displays error messages for updates and contact HP. examples: 134 CPU device breaks down... server windows could not start the process of some updates. What can we do? It comes after new updates.

    4 I want to uninstall the online tech company and all of its files, etc. Should I use REVO uninstaller. ? Windows Defender shows ports and exceptions for several parts of this program. I have to uncheck them?

    5 my adapter is bent at 45% s. This could be part of the problem?  The light is on.

    Your help is very appreciated. I'm at a loss and a user of learning with hours and hours of reading.

    Best regards, athome34

    athome34 wrote:

    Hi, thank you for having responded to my recovery options questions.

    Now, I realize that I did back up discs.

    Questions: 1 Will the Recovery on my PC option return it a 'new' State of the Vista operating system? Yes

    2 I'll Ineed to write important information from the. August 2010 back up? Yes

    3 Aug 2010 will save the files back of disks, programs and my Anti etc on my PC virus program? Must restore all the files and the settings. You must reinstall the anti-virus first.

    3 are Recvovery HP discs this duplicates what was first installed PC? Yes

    Thanks a lot for your help.  Congratulations!

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