If you have any with the itemrender have a control label and onther a gri data

Hi friends,

If you have any with the itemrender have a control label and onther a data grid control.

In my application, I used list control. The list control's item converter. In my case if I click on the name list control, releated data corresponding to the data grid need to view and control the list as label.

< mx:List width = "750" id = "Lst_userlist" verticalScrollPolicy = "off" horizontalScrollPolicy = "off" rowCount = "20".
labelField = "sec_user_first_name + sec_user_last_name" labelFunction = "BindUserName" buttonMode = "true" itemClick = "Click_UserList (event)" > "

< mx:itemRenderer >

< fx:Component >

< mx:VBox horizontalScrollPolicy = "off" verticalScrollPolicy = "off" >

< s:Label id = name = "{data .sec_user_first_name + data .sec_user_last_name 'lbl_userhead'} ' buttonMode ="true"color =" #000000 "/ >" "

< mx:DataGrid height = "100%" id = "membershipGrid" alternatingItemColors = "[#DCDCDC, F8F8FF #]" "5" paddingLeft = horizontalScrollPolicy = "off" color = 'black '.
horizontalGridLines = "false" verticalScrollPolicy = 'auto' verticalGridLines = rowCount = "{membershipArrColl.length 'false'}" rowHeight = "25" "
borderSkin = "{null}" showHeaders = 'true' borderVisible = "false" dataProvider = "{membershipArrColl}" width = "750" visible = "false" includeInLayout = "false" >

< mx:columns >
< mx:DataGridColumn width = "180" headerText = "Name" minWidth = "150" sortable = "true" wordWrap = "true" >
< mx:itemRenderer >
< fx:Component >
< mx:HBox horizontalScrollPolicy = "off" >
< fx:Script >
<! [CDATA]
override public function set data(value:Object):void {}
Super.Data = value;

FileImg.Load ("/ist_shared/ist_images/ist_icons/Modern/gif/16/hot/user_favorites_16_hot.gi f");
on the other
lbl_Gridcloumn_name. Text = Data + .sec_user_first_name""+ data.sec_user_last_name;

[]] >

< / fx:Script >
< mx:Image id = "fileimg" buttonMode = "true" toolTip = "This is organization at the home page of the user" / >
< s:Label id = "lbl_Gridcloumn_name" width = "200" buttonMode = "true" textDecoration = "underline" toolTip = "User Menu [{data.sec_user_name}]" click = "outerDocument.Click_Name (event); »    / >

< / mx:HBox >
< / fx:Component >
< / mx:itemRenderer >
< / mx:DataGridColumn >
< mx:DataGridColumn width = "120" minWidth = "110" headerText = "Username" sortable = "true" dataField = "sec_user_name" / >

< mx:DataGridColumn width = "100" minWidth = "80" headerText = "OrgName" dataField = "sec_org_name" >

< / mx:columns >

< / mx:DataGrid >

< / mx:VBox >
< / fx:Component >

< / mx:itemRenderer >
< / mx:List >

Please help a whole for me...

Thank you

Mamoudou R.

If I understand correctly, you want to display a different set of data in a DataGrid control for each selected item in a list?

I would just use link:

This assumes that this list is filled with the data elements in a format similar to this:


label: "Label 1 list."


{col1: "col1", col2: "col2"},

{col1: "col1", col2: "col2"},

{col1: "col1", col2: "col2"}



Tags: Flex

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