ImageView files

Recent Utilitybill only gave imageview.spx as the ability to view my Bill. How can I handle this. ?

In fact, when I search imageview.aspx it seems to be used for images (the meaning of the name), then you can try to rename it with an extension .jpg on the assumption that this is probably a JPEG image.

Tags: Firefox App

Similar Questions

  • Working with GIF Image

    Hello guys,.

    I want to use a GIF image in a Qml (ImageView) file.

    I've used this, but it did not work. (No animation)

    ImageView {}
    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
    ID: imageView
    imageSource: "3.gif".
    ImageAnimator {}
    ID: imageAnimator
    animatedImage: imageView.image
    started: true

    Thank you

    He worked with a Web view





  • Load image into ImageView using file:///


    According to this article we should be able to load images QML using file:/// and absolute path.

    For the life of me I can't load an image not only of shared/accounts/1000/shared/subfolders, but even of the application data folder.

    Can someone share * work * example of loading images in ImageView using file:///

    Thank you.

  • ImageView expected to auto-sense orientation

    A few comments to the people of the API:

    Shouldn't the ImageView read the EXIF of a JPEG image and automatic image rotation? And so by default, shouldn't there not a property such as 'autoOrient' or 'function' that this happens?

    Seen developers manually read the EXIF data, manually turn the images, etc., seems to be a waste of developer time.

    Follow-up question: if I do it manually and you end up with a QImage, how to recognize an ImageView to use a QImage? Is this possible?

    And one last question followed: what type is the property of 'image' of the ImageView?  He says it's a QVariant, but is not very useful.  Can we set this property, or is read-only?  Overall, I think that the "image" property documentation could use some improvements.

    Thank you


    Understood that through:

    ... my container was not big enough. I have change the container that has the ImageView to fill the page, and which prevented the cropping. I'm glad it was something simple.

    Here is a very rough code incase it is useful to someone else:

    // Gets called when the root container is resized, so that we can track
    // how large it is.
    void PhotosModel::updateContainerSize(qreal width, qreal height)
        // Is this the initial call to updateContainerSize, or did
        // the size of the container change because of an orientation
        // change?
        bool initOrReInit = (containerWidth != (int)width);
        containerWidth = width;
        containerHeight = height;
        if (initOrReInit && imageLoadedFlag)
            // When we tried to load this, we didn't yet know the width of the
            // screen. Now that we do, display the image.
            qDebug() << "Delayed image load";
    void PhotosModel::loadImage(QString file)
        imageLoadedFlag = true;
        // If the screen hasn't loaded yet and we don't know how wide
        // the container is, then hold off until we do.
        if (containerWidth == 0)
            qDebug() << "Can't display image yet";
        int width = -1;
        int height = -1;
        bool xyFlip = false;
        ExifLoader* loader = exif_loader_new();
        exif_loader_write_file(loader, file.toStdString().c_str());
        ExifData* data = exif_loader_get_data(loader);
        int desiredRotation = 0;
        if (data != NULL)
            // Treating this as int* seems to result in corruption / bad behavior.
            // I think orientation is supposed to be a 'short int', which I would have
            // thought would be 2 bytes, but short int * doesn't seem to be consistent
            // either. So far char* seems to work.
            char* orientationPtr = (char *) GetExifValue(data, EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION);
            if (orientationPtr != NULL)
                //int orientation = *orientationPtr;
                int orientation = orientationPtr[0];
                // 1 -> OK
                // 3 -> Rotate 180
                // 6 -> CC 90
                // 8 -> C 90
                qDebug() << "Orientation: " << orientation;
                if (orientation == 3)
                    desiredRotation = -180;
                // NOTE: Also doing this for orientation == 0, because I have
                //       a photo with orientation 0 that seems to need this.
                //       Confused. Picasa seems to know that the image needs
                //       this rotation.
                else if (orientation == 6 || orientation == 0)
                    desiredRotation = 90;
                    xyFlip = true;
                else if (orientation == 8)
                    desiredRotation = -90;
                    xyFlip = true;
                    desiredRotation = 0;
                //qDebug() << "Width: " << width << ", Height: " << height;
            long* widthPtr = (long *) GetExifValue(data, EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_X_DIMENSION);
            if (widthPtr != NULL)
                width = (int)*widthPtr;
            long* heightPtr = (long *) GetExifValue(data, EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_Y_DIMENSION);
            if (heightPtr != NULL)
                height = (int)*heightPtr;
        if (width == -1 || height == -1)
            // Trouble. We don't know how large the photo is.
            // For now we'll just show nothing. Will this ever happen? How can we
            // fail more gracefully?
            ErrorHelpers::showDialog("Missing EXIF Data", "The EXIF data for this image doesn't indicate its width/height, and so it cannot be displayed.");
        int virtualContainerWidth;
        int virtualContainerHeight;
        if (xyFlip)
            qDebug() << "xyFlip";
            virtualContainerWidth = containerHeight;
            virtualContainerHeight = containerWidth;
            virtualContainerWidth = containerWidth;
            virtualContainerHeight = containerHeight;
        qDebug() << "virtualContainerWidth: " << virtualContainerWidth;
        qDebug() << "virtualContainerHeight: " << virtualContainerHeight;
        float imageAspect = (float)width / (float)height;
        qDebug() << "imageAspect: " << imageAspect;
        float screenAspect = (float)virtualContainerWidth / (float)virtualContainerHeight;
        qDebug() << "screenAspect: " << screenAspect;
        int imageScreenWidth;
        int imageScreenHeight;
        if (imageAspect > screenAspect)
            // Image is wider than screen aspect wise, so X will be limiting dimension.
            if (width > virtualContainerWidth)
                imageScreenWidth = virtualContainerWidth;
                imageScreenWidth = width;
            // Better to round here?
            imageScreenHeight = (int)((float)imageScreenWidth / imageAspect);
            qDebug() << "Limited by X";
            qDebug() << "imageScreenWidth: " << imageScreenWidth;
            qDebug() << "imageScreenHeight: " << imageScreenHeight;
            // Image is taller than screen aspect wise, to Y will be limiting dimension.
            if (height > virtualContainerHeight)
                imageScreenHeight = virtualContainerHeight;
                imageScreenHeight = height;
            // Better to round here?
            imageScreenWidth = (int)((float)imageScreenHeight * imageAspect);
            qDebug() << "Limited by Y";
            qDebug() << "imageScreenWidth: " << imageScreenWidth;
            qDebug() << "imageScreenHeight: " << imageScreenHeight;
        int imageX;
        int imageY;
        imageX = (int)((float)containerWidth / 2.0f - (float)imageScreenWidth / 2.0f);
        imageY = (int)((float)containerHeight / 2.0f - (float)imageScreenHeight / 2.0f);
        qDebug() << "imageX: " << imageX;
        qDebug() << "imageY: " << imageY;
        AbsoluteLayoutProperties* layoutProperties = new AbsoluteLayoutProperties();
        qDebug() << "desiredRotation: " << desiredRotation;
        imageView->setImage(QUrl("file://" + file));
    void* PhotosModel::GetExifValue(ExifData* data, ExifTag tag)
        for (int i = 0; i < EXIF_IFD_COUNT; i++)
            ExifContent* content = data->ifd[i];
            ExifEntry* entry = exif_content_get_entry(content, tag);
            if (entry != NULL)
                return entry->data;
        return NULL;

    ... and some related QML...

    Page {
        Container {
            id: rootContainer
            objectName: "rootContainer"
            background: Color.Black;
            layout: DockLayout {
            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
            attachedObjects: [
                // This handler is tracking the layout frame of the button.
                LayoutUpdateHandler {
                    id: handler
                    onLayoutFrameChanged: {
                        photosModel.updateContainerSize(layoutFrame.width, layoutFrame.height);
            Container {
                layout: AbsoluteLayout {}
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                ImageView {
                    id: imageView
                    objectName: "imageView"
                    scalingMethod: ScalingMethod.Fill
                    //scalingMethod: ScalingMethod.AspectFit
                    preferredWidth: 1
                    preferredHeight: 1
                    layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
                        positionX: 1
                        positionY: 1
                    // Tried this, but the image is still animating into place.
                    loadEffect: ImageViewLoadEffect.None
                    attachedObjects: [
                        ImplicitAnimationController {
                            enabled: false

    It is an amount disappointing nonsense to be caused by the ImageView doesn't Autodetect not the EXIF orientation flag. Please improve this BlackBerry.

  • Integration of ImageView and Qimage

    A large part of this issue has been discussed here:

    Basically, the suggested correct way of converting a QImage ImageView is this one:

    PixelBufferData pbd (PixelBufferData::RGBA_PRE,yourQImage.width(),yourQImage.height(),yourQImage.width(),yourQImage.bits());

    Then there was someone by specifying the format must be probably BGR instead of RGB, which could be done with OpenGL or like this:


    Here is my code I have a problem with:

    PixelBufferData pbd(PixelBufferData::RGBA_PRE, orgPattern.width(), orgPattern.height(),  orgPattern.width(),  orgPattern.rgbSwapped().bits());

    orgPattern is a QImage loaded from a file path that is sure to exist. m_patternFrame is a pointer to the ImageView.

    I know that m_patternFrame is a pointer valid because if I call its method setImageSource by the way I created the QImage, it displays this image. But when I run this code, it is printed in the console:

    Context: Cannot find the node target with id %d 906.

    Sometimes the number is different. When I tried again, it was 563. The application is not cursh or gel, but nothing happens with the framework, it is still empty.

    Can anyone provide any help with this problem?

    Thanks for starting a new thread and referring to another thread.  Allows us to provide you with a timely response.

    Before dive us into this too far, what is the width and height?  (We are within the limits, I guess?)

    And can you try to make the setImage in 2 steps: first to create the Image of the PDB rather than implicitly and test! image.isNull)


  • Filepicker several files

    Hi all

    Try using filepicker to take several pictures and place them in different imageViews at the same time.

    That's what I have so far for one frame at a time:

    ID: picker1
    Title: qsTr ("select an image")
    string selectedFile property
    mode: FilePickerMode.Picker
    type: FileType.Picture
    directories: [' / accounts/1000/shared/camera "]
    viewMode: FilePickerViewMode.GridView
    sortBy: FilePickerSortFlag.Date
    sortOrder: FilePickerSortOrder.Descending
    imageCropEnabled: true
    onFileSelected: {}
    selectedFile = selectedFiles [0]
    imgView1.imageSource = "file://" + selectedFile
    imgView1.visible = true
    imgView1.scaleX = 1
    imgView1.scaleY = 1
    imgView1.rotationZ = 0


    It works perfectly if I want to select a photo and place it in imgView1... but I imgView 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

    I would use the file selector choose 7 photos and put them in each imgView. I use FilePickerMultiple and it works great but can't seem to the get into each imgView separately.


    imgView1.imageSource, imgView2.imageSource, imgView3.imageSource is "file://" + selectedFile

    Does not return an error but puts only the last selected photo imgView3 and not imgView1 or 2.

    Any help would be amazing.



    Thank you very much!!!

    Worked surprisingly well... you're a genius... you made my day.

    This is what the code looks like on your help:

    ID: picker7
    Title: qsTr ("select an image")
    string selectedFile property
    mode: FilePickerMode.PickerMultiple
    type: FileType.Picture
    directories: [' / accounts/1000/shared/camera "]
    viewMode: FilePickerViewMode.GridView
    sortBy: FilePickerSortFlag.Date
    sortOrder: FilePickerSortOrder.Descending
    imageCropEnabled: true
    onFileSelected: {}
    for (var i = 0; i)< selectedfiles.length;="">
    var selectedFile = selectedFiles [i];
    imgView.imageSource = "file://" + selectedFiles [0]
    imgView1.imageSource = "file://" + selectedFiles [1]
    imgView2.imageSource = "file://" + selectedFiles [2]
    imgView3.imageSource = "file://" + selectedFiles [3]
    imgView4.imageSource = "file://" + selectedFiles [4]
    imgView5.imageSource = "file://" + selectedFiles [5]
    imgView6.imageSource = "file://" + selectedFiles [6]
    imgView7.imageSource = "file://" + selectedFiles [7]


    He brings in 7 different photos in separate different imgViews... Impressive... just great!

    Thank you.


  • See the thumbnail of the file

    Hi guys,.

    When I explore BB10 mmlibrary I get thumbnail of the files in the device. It's a chain like that


    I wonder just where are the location of the files and how do I show in an ImageView in my project.

    Thanks in advance

    You can try to look in file:///fs/sfs/mmsynclite/IMG/

    It should work because debugging NowPlayingController cough this URL for the media, do not see why your tile would not show if she is looking in the same folder for the Source ImageView


  • File for images of the Asset Picker


    Here's the current code

            FilePicker {
                type : FileType.Picture
                title : "Select Wallpaper"
                directories : ["app/native/assets/images/"]
                onFileSelected : {
                    console.log("FileSelected signal received : " + selectedFiles);
                    //make sure to prepend "file://" when using as a source for an ImageView or MediaPlayer
                defaultType: FileType.Picture
                sourceRestriction: FilePickerSourceRestriction.LocalOnly
                viewMode: FilePickerViewMode.GridView

    The problem is with the directories.

    I get the error "Cannot find source.

    Anyone got any ideas how I could take the images stored under assets/images /?

    FilePicker works like a card, which means that it is indeed another application. I don't think that he can access your data area of the app sandbox.

  • Loading image file system


    I want to load the special position of my file system image but image is not loaded and I am not able to see the image on siumulator.

    Here is my code for the same thing.

    Image image = Image (QUrl("D:\Megha\linux.png"));)

    ImageView * ImageView = pMyImageView:: create();
    pMyImageView-> setImage (image);

    Page * new = Page() page;
    Page-> setContent (pMyImageView);

    Application::setScene (page);

    But no image is copied

    You hardcoded the path to D: likely this file is not in this location on the Simulator or device.

    See the documentation in for this relative setting or using your assets.

    Image inherits from resource, so isNull().  IsValid() and isEmpty() QUrl a.

    You need to add defensive code.


  • Animated images in place when loading new QML file

    I noticed that when I insert new QML files, the images Animate into place.

    For example, if the screen contains an image at the position X, Y, and width W and height H, then the image becomes visible at the point of coordinates 0,0-0 width and height 0 and anime then in place by flying over to the X, Y coordinates and more in addition to being finally width W and height H.

    If I then click on the 'Back' button and enter this QML screen a second time, it does not animate.

    This implicit animation is intended?  While the implicit animations are pretty amazing and a great tool to have, it seems intuitive to the use of screens animations implicit when they are first loaded. It creates a rather unpleasant company and Visual distraction when loading screen.

    I thought that I could disable it by adding the following to the ImageView controls:

                    attachedObjects: [
                        ImplicitAnimationController {
                            enabled: false

    ... but they are always animate.

    Thank you


    Did you notice the sample code above?  (yes)

    This seems to be fixed with the latest SDK.

  • Push the files in the Simulator


    I would choose a file specifically images and view it in the imageview.

    But now I am unable to crack how to send pictures on the Simulator.

    My camera does not respond within the Simulator as well.

    Please let me know the possible solutions.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards


    Have you tried Target File System Navigator in Momentics?

  • Unable to restore the ImageView ListComponent - image of the data folder

    I downloaded an image in the folder data and want to show it in the listView.

    In Listcomponent, I use an ImageView

    "If I put its imagesource:".. /.. /.. "/ data/files/images/123.png".

    The image appears correctly.

    But if I try to put the same path of C++ code in the GroupDataModel, the image doesn't make.

    Hi friends,

    I found the solution. I hope that is useful you.

    . HPP


    using namespace bb::cascades;
    class App: public QObject {
    public slots:
        void onSelectionChanged(const QVariantList indexPath, bool selected);
        ListView *listView;

    . CPP

    #include "app.hpp"
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    App::App() {
        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("main.qml");
        AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootNode();
        GroupDataModel *model = new GroupDataModel(
                QStringList() << "firstname" << "surname" << "imagepath");
        listView = root->findChild("listView");
        QVariantMap person;
        person["firstname"] = "John";
        person["surname"] = "Mark";
        person["imagepath"] = "I will set on click.";
        person["firstname"] = "Mark";
        person["surname"] = "Russie";
        person["imagepath"] = "asset:///icon.png";
                SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QVariantList, bool)), this,
                SLOT(onSelectionChanged(const QVariantList, bool)));
    void App::onSelectionChanged(const QVariantList indexPath, bool selected) {    if (selected) {        if (sender()) {            GroupDataModel *stampModel =                    (GroupDataModel *) listView->dataModel();            QVariantMap map = stampModel->data(indexPath).toMap();            //map["imagepath"] = "asset:///icon.png";            map["imagepath"] = "../../../data/icon.png";            stampModel->updateItem(indexPath, map);            fprintf(stderr, "\nSelection Called");        }    }}

    . QML


    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Page {
        content: Container {
            ListView {
                objectName: "listView"
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "header"
                        HeaderListItem {
                            title: ListItemData
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "item"
                        StandardListItem {
                            id: root
                            title: ListItemData.firstname
                            description: ListItemData.surname
                            imageSource: ListItemData.imagepath

    Currently, I put a static image and a rest black. It will have the value during the click on list black image (dynamically).

  • Data model with ImageView not displaying the image on OS10.1

    in the qml, I have a ListView with a DataModel.  The DataModel contains a label and ImageView.

    I put the ImageView and etiquette like this

    Entry QVariantMap;

    QFile file (picture_file);  file stored on the device
    QFileInfo fileInfo (file);
    QString qmlPath (fileInfo.absoluteFilePath ());

    the path of the file would like something like that


    entry ['image'] = QUrl (qmlPath);
    entry ["name"] = "Text";

    It works on 10.0.9 but when I recompile the target app to 10.1 or the image is not displayed.  The label is.

    Also, if I set the imagesource to the current folder the image appears fine.

    entry ['image'] = "asset:///images/template.png";

    What is the correct way to set the imageSource for ImageView?

    I think your problem will be solved by file:// adding to the path of your file.

  • ImageView Black question screen on DA - anomaly or something else?

    Hello friends,

    I'm developing an application of connected local transit. Part of it includes essentially maps for each bus line. I use nested within a ScrollPane ImageView. Many of the cards are superior to a dimension 768 and 1280.


    ScrollPane ImageView displays BLACK on some images, but not others. I can't understand why and how to fix it.

    My Application configuration

    1. Standard C + c++ / Cascades project
    2. Directory structure
      [Standard empty project template]
    3. + assets

      import bb.cascades 1.0
      //-- create one page with a label and text
      Page {
          content: Container {
              layout: DockLayout {
              background: Color.create("#FFFFFF")
              preferredWidth: 768
              preferredHeight: 1280
              ScrollView {
                  id: mapScroll
                  scrollViewProperties {
                      scrollMode: ScrollMode.Both
                  // This ImageView Appears Black on the DA - qml preview in IDE ok
                  /*ImageView {
                      id: m45ustock
                      preferredWidth: 2913
                      preferredHeight: 2283
                      imageSource: "asset:///images/m45ustock.png"
                      onTouch: {
                          mapScroll.scrollViewProperties.scrollMode = ScrollMode.Both
                  // THIS ImageView DISPLAYS CORRECTLY
                   ImageView {
                      id: m10town
                      preferredWidth: 1287
                      preferredHeight: 1631
                      imageSource: "asset:///images/m10townsend.png"
                      onTouch: {
                          mapScroll.scrollViewProperties.scrollMode = ScrollMode.Both

      Create a folder "images" add attached images.

      - images


      I commented the ImageView displaying BLACK. Toggle comments to test.

      Why is this happening?

      Ideas? Is this a bug? Are there restrictions on the ImageView in terms of file size, making it the dimensions, etc.?

      Thank you!

    Have you gotten nowhere on that?

    If you need to do a program, one way is to use

    Was it the root cause of your problem?


  • Help me solve my problem with onTouch imageView acted before I have a chance to scroll the Please

    Hi, please help.
    I have a little imageviews in a scrollview. Notecard will sail me to another page, however, at the time wherever I touch the image, it takes me to the appropriate page with no chance to scroll down. How to scroll and then press the image to navigate. It seems that notecard is competing with scrollview and ontouch victories.

    How I've implemented to scroll my arranged vertically imigeviews and then when I find the question I want to, I touch it and it goes to the next page which is a separate qml file.

    scrolling workes fine when I commented the notecard section and ontouch fine work as well.

    I like:

    ImageView {}
    horizontalAlignment: P
    imageSource: "asset:///images/Sunshine.jpeg."
    preferredWidth: 700,0
    minWidth: 30.0
    minHeight: 30.0
    Notecard: {}
    page var getThirdPage() =;
    Console.Debug ("pushing retail" + page)
    navigationPane.push (page);
    Property Page thirdPage
    function getThirdPage() {}
    If (! thirdPage) {}
    thirdPage = thirdPageDefinition.createObject ();
    Return thirdPage;
    ID: thirdPageDefinition
    Source: "thirdfilepage.qml".

    I have several of these points of view image, wraped in a single scrollview.

    I tried to find it through Google as well as the documentation of cascades with no luck. I'd appreciate any help, please

    Thank you

    I'm glad that it worked without any problems!

    Please mark this resolved thread!

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