implemented simple rocking as feature in QML


I want to put in simple toggle as feature in QML.

For example, when the user clicks the button once, it happens an action,

When the user clicks the button again another action happens when the user clicks new

the button of the action happened at the start will be made.

How to keep the State of a variable of that type in QML?

It should be sth like that, but don't know exactly how do:

onClicked: {
   if (variable == true)
     variable = false;
     variable = true;


How using the correct syntax? Thank you.

The container reference by id, the following should work:

 Container {
   id: myContainer
    property int toggleProperty: 0;

            Button {

                imageSource: "asset:///bkg.png"

                onClicked: {
                 if (myContainer.toggleProperty == 0)
                  doSmth() // this never gets called :((??
                  myContainer.toggleProperty = 1
                   myContainer.toggleProperty = 0


    } // end of Container

Another option is declaring alias property in the top-level object:


property alias toggleProperty: myContainer.toggleProperty


The names in this way, even if not qualified will work:

If (toggleProperty == 0)...

It is also possible to declare the property int itself at the highest level.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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        qml->setContextProperty("_app", this);

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    New tab

    Tab 1                    |--------------------------

    Tab 2                    |

    Tab 2                    |


    Tab n                    |-----------------------------

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    He's right, because while the browser uses WebWorks, you use stunts where the TabbedPane is not customizable in this way (at least not close buttons).

    You can certainly make a tab that says 'New tab', however, and have in fact insert a new tab and then switch to him. How to do this should be pretty obvious once you have read the documentation of the API TabbedPane.

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         onClicked:..//how to write here
    within C++
                QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("MyPage.qml");
                AbstractPane *mypage= qml->createRootNode();
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    I want everything first, make sure that you know about the properties of the component in QML. If you have inserted a page in your navigation pane and want to have a back button seems natural, you can use the following code in your definition of QML Page {}:

    paneProperties: {NavigationPaneProperties}
    ButtonBack: {ActionItem}
    Title: 'Back '.
    onTriggered: {}
    _navPane.pop ();

    This will insert a lower bar filled with a previous button following a consistent style.

    If you want to raise the pop event from the QML document via manual button (no), in the property of your onClicked button, you can simply call pop on the handle of your navigation pane.

    for example
    Button {}
    ID: buttonTest
    objectName: "buttonTest.
    text: "text".
    onClicked: {}
    _navPane.pop ();

    Please note that in both cases, you have exposed the handle of "_navPane" in your C++ code with subsequent calls (assuming that m_SidePaneContentQML is the name of your page with the back button):

    m_SidePaneContentQML = QmlDocument::create().load("SidePane/SidePane.qml");
    m_SidePaneQmlContext = m_SidePaneContentQML-> documentContext();
    m_SidePaneQmlContext-> setContextProperty ("_navPane", m_Nav);

    In this case, m_Nav would be the navigation pane that you use.

    Let me know if you need more information, I'm happy to help you.

    Good luck!


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    It can be done since AS3/AIR, but it's quite complicated. Here is an old article to do in Flex, Flash Builder 4.0 with a desktop AIR application. You will need to use another way to call the web browser on mobile and the PayPal API will probably changed now...

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    BB::Cascades:ArrayDataModel (0x82c90a8)

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    Please notify.


    QML all objects are objects c ++ under the surface.

    You probably should learn at least some basics of c ++, your current code snippet has several errors (which must be verified by the compiler):

    ArrayDataModel* adm = qobject_cast(data)

    first of all you need a pointer that add the asterisk after the type (or before the name), for

    and qobject_cast, no case.

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     public long seek(long where) throws IOException {
            if (where < 0) {
                where = 0;
            synchronized (readLock) {
                synchronized (connectionLock) {
                    sharedInputStream.setCurrentPosition((int) where);
                        currentPosition = sharedInputStream.getCurrentPosition();
                        return currentPosition;

    The problem is, when I explicitly call the seek (long) method to move to a time particular/frame, the video remains stuck in a State of buffering. In addition, I'm worried about the method with a parameter int SharedInputStream.setCurrentPosition (int). I fear that this would cause an exception since I play video files.

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      public long seek(long where) throws IOException {
            if (where < 0) {
                where = 0;
            synchronized (readLock) {
                long now = 0;
                    now = sharedInputStream.skip(where);
                } catch (Throwable t){
                return now;

    My questions are:

    1. how the seek (long) method must be implemented using the SharedInputStream.setCurrentPosition (int)?

    2. Similarly, how can you search for videos using the methods InputStream.reset () and .skip (long)?

    3. What is the right way to call the seek (long) method if you want to go to a particular time frame /?

    Thank you!

    Take a look at the following KB that has a very good specimen annex and explains the issues you have raised:

    It uses a CircularStreamingBuffer, and the implementation of seek can handle both seeks in the buffer zone, or outside that case made an additional http request.

    For any initiative the user seeks, you should just use player.setMediaTime () as shown in the example, and it must call your call the implementation on the lower level.

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    QList ApplicationUI::getList() {
        qDebug() << myMap.keys(); // prints ("key1", "key2")
        return myMap.keys();

    In my file QML (sheet), I write the code below:

        onOpened: {
            var myKeys = app.getList();
            console.log(myKeys); // prints undefined
            for (var item in myKeys){

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    Try to send the QList instead. This should make happy qml

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    Found.  Here is a list of sounds that I found.

               id: sysSound
               //sound: SystemSound.CameraShutterEvent
               //sound: SystemSound.BrowserStartEvent
               //sound: SystemSound.DeviceTetherEvent
               //sound: SystemSound.GeneralNotification
               sound: SystemSound.InputKeypress
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    The elemnt, who is trolling, is faster with rectangles personalized inside. There is a code:

        Flickable {
            property int myBottomMargin: 0
                id: flick
                anchors.rightMargin: 0
                anchors.bottomMargin: myBottomMargin
                anchors.leftMargin: 250
                anchors.topMargin: 48
                z: 1
                flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
                contentWidth: 517
                contentHeight: 0
                interactive: true
                clip: true
                anchors.fill: parent

    The objects that are in use this class:

    import QtQuick 1.1
    Rectangle {
        id: story
        property alias storyText : joke.text
        property alias idText : id.text
        property alias dateText : date.text
        property alias ratioText : ratio.text
        //transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
        width: topLine.width
        height: topLine.height + border_image1.height
        Image {
            id: topLine
            x: 0
            y: 0
            source: "../quite_top.png"
            Image {
                id: image1
                x: 20
                y: 4
                width: 21
                height: 18
                source: "../up.png"
            BorderImage {
                id: border_image1
                x: 0
                y: topLine.height + topLine.y
                width: topLine.width
                height: joke.paintedHeight
                border.right: 633
                border.left: 633
                z: -1
                source: "../quite_middle.png"
            Text {
                id: joke
                x: 20
                y: topLine.height + topLine.y
                width: border_image1.width-40
                height: 200
       "Times New Roman"
                //text: qsTr("good joke")
                wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
                font.pixelSize: 18
            Image {
                id: bottomLine
                x: 0
                y: joke.paintedHeight + joke.y
                source: "../quite_bottom.png"
            Text {
                id: id
                x: 497
                y: 6
                width: 116
                height: 14
                text: qsTr("")
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                font.pixelSize: 12
            Text {
                id: date
                x: 327
                y: 6
                text: qsTr("")
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                font.pixelSize: 12
            Text {
                id: ratio
                x: 49
                y: 6
                text: qsTr("")
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
                font.pixelSize: 12

    And how I have the complete list:

    function addObjects() {
        console.log("Add objects")
        isLoading = false
        count = data[0].length
        var component = Qt.createComponent("Story.qml")
        var height_flick = y_offset
        for (var i=0;i

    I use Qt 4.8.3 with settings by default if it is. Thank you


    Faster is not optimized for the display of several elements.

    It is best to use a ListView with delegate & dataModel. ListView creates only items that are currently on the screen and should work very quickly.

  • On the features of Drag and Drop

    Hi I work on ADFMobile I implemented an Application using HTML and JavaScript and CSS. And I provide the functionality of Drag and Drop in HTML5, but the functionality of Drag and Drop didn't work.

    So could you please help me how to implement the drag and drop operation going works in ADFMobile

    <! DOCTYPE html >

    < html >

    < head >

    <!-< script type = "text/javascript" src = "jquery.js" > < / script >

    < script type = "text/javascript" src = "main.js" > < / script >->

    < link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css" >

    < title > < / title >

    < / head >

    < body >

    < div id = 'wrapper' >

    < div class = "header-wrapper" >

    < div class = "wrapper-in-head-left" > Accept < / div >

    < div class = 'wrapper-in-head-right' > reject < / div >

    < / div >

    < div class = "container" >

    < div class = "info-container" >

    < div class = "info-header" > example 1 < / div >

    < div class = "info-tip" >

    Hello World < p > < /p >

    < / div >

    < div class = "info-tip" >

    Hello World < p > < /p >

    < / div >

    < div class = "info-tip" >

    Hello World < p > < /p >

    < / div >

    < div class = "info-tip" >

    Hello World < p > < /p >

    < / div >

    < / div > <! - first contianer ends here - >

    < div class = "info-container" >

    < div class = "info-header" > example2 < / div >

    < div class = "info-tip" >

    Hello World < p > < /p >

    < / div >

    < div class = "info-tip" >

    Hello World < p > < /p >

    < / div >

    < div class = "info-tip" >

    Hello World < p > < /p >

    < / div >

    < div class = "info-tip" >

    Hello World < p > < /p >

    < / div >

    < / div > <! - first contianer ends here - >

    < div class = "info-container" >

    < div class = "info-header" > 3 < / div >

    < div class = "info-tip" >

    Hello World < p > < /p >

    < / div >

    < div class = "info-tip" >

    Hello World < p > < /p >

    < / div >

    < div class = "info-tip" >

    Hello World < p > < /p >

    < / div >

    < div class = "info-tip" >

    Hello World < p > < /p >

    < / div >

    < / div > <! - first contianer ends here - >

    < / div >

    < div class = 'wrapper-footer' >

    < div class = 'wrapper-foot of page-left' > learn... < / div >

    < div class = 'wrapper-foot of page-right' > Later < / div >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < / body >

    < / html >


    Sorry, Frank Nimphius I designed a mobile page with HTML5 JavaScript and CSS in Jdeveloper and I try to implement the functionality of gliding & in this application, but it will not work on the Android browser

    Could you please help me how to implement drag and drop features in the given page





    Hello world

    Hello world

    Hello world

    Hello world


    Hello world

    Hello world

    Hello world

    Hello world


    Hello world

    Hello world

    Hello world

    Hello world


    $(document) .ready (function () {}

    $('.info-tip').mousedown (function (e) {}

    e.preventDefault ();

    Console.log (e.ClientX);

    Console.log (e.ClientY);

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    {if (e.which = 1)}

    $(this).removeClass('info-tip').addClass ("clone-item");




    function() {}

    $('.info-tip').off ("mousemove");




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    position: absolute;


    Using this code, I generate a page on this page I want to drag drag the HellowWorld to accept button so how to implement this feature - déposer in ADFmobile

  • Ability to add images is a partner feature only?

    So I learned to support certain facts disconcerting than I'm having a hard time to believe actually could be true.  Some hope can confirm, or better yet, to refute these.

    1. The Visual Editor does not allow adding images - you can change existing ones.
    2. The Rich Editor (which allows the addition of images) is only available for partners.
    3. The workarounds are either:
      1. Reset the user originally old discouraged editor soon-to-be-eliminated, thus losing any protection"to prevent the user from fouling the layout, etc.
      2. Tell the user to sign up as a partner of BC (have fun explaining that), then take their partner account a link to the site existing, therefore making them a partner in your partner site and Exhibitor information partner only you have no interest in exposing.
      3. Tell them, insertion of images in their emails and pages is a bad habit, and they shouldn't want to do anyway.

    Please tell me I'm wrong or there is an easy fix, I am not aware or is set to be deployed immediately.

    Since you said Visual Editor, I assume you mean campaigns. I think you have confused what has been said.

    1 visual editor - control Image is within the parameters of ice configure you - no top bar has buttons all is through the ice in the campaign. If you configure an image, the customer can change the image and replace it with others.

    2 If you choose to use the new editor for emailings customers do not see the rich editor mode, it is ONLY for partners (who I think that what you have said and misunderstanding) who will all have the editor buttons etc.

    The foregoing, then based on the other bits you said is what support you have said and what is meant. You need to implement your ice and features if you are going to use it for campaigns.

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