In NATHALIE data to the portal of dialogue

Can someone help me move (table and text edit boxes) configuration data in a dialog box with a VIEW to the data portal (Group/channel)

Thank you


Hi David,

You want to write information for the properties or values of channel group/channel?  You are not clear about the reading of the values of the SUDialog controls or write the values on the data portal?

Brad Turpin

Tiara Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

Tags: NI Software

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    Can someone help me on how to configure these pagelet in the portal system?

    Do you have configured single signout as well? Take a look at PeopleBooks > Enterprise PeopleTools 8.49 PeopleBook: Security Administration > simple application Signon > configuration PeopleSoft-Only single approval. This document tells you to add signout images to the file signout.html. If your users sign out / logoff, this should solve your problem. If your users don't signout/logoff, then you can force them disconnect by adding this same signout HTML to your file signon.html as well. This will ensure that all expired cookies PS_TOKEN get a security clearance your users try to connect. This should solve your problem, because it looks like you have a problem with the PS_TOKEN cookie.

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    I received continuous error messages and they have yet to fix.  However, they have not run before release products even if existing ones is glitching out.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    The web site Nike + was revised a few months ago.  I like the old better version also...

    Since the revision, when I sync my iPod nano and it has new workout data, I get an error message.  I my case, clicking the button OK in the error message allows the synchronization to continue, and iTunes sends my new workout data to Nike + (despite what the error of not being able to connect to Nike +).  I get the usual message of confirmation.

    In your case, Nike + receive your new workout data?

  • New on the portal provider, digital goods. App update of doubt!

    Hi guys,.

    I'm new to the forum so please be kind if I am not aware of the rules here. I'm new to getting started with selling digital products from the supplier portal. I created a sample application using the AIR, like the BB dev portal. I've also added a new goods (consumable charge .99cents) in the portal provider (draft mode). I added the user sandbox to my account. I opened my Z10 account connected to BBworld with developer on mode. I'm in the content ID and looked content, the app mentioned that he is "not available for this device.

    I have some doubts.

    1. how to connect using the user account of bac to sand? Should I use a different device linked to the same BBID?

    2. why the content is "not available for this device?

    3. can I simulate purchases by using the 'PaymentSystem.CONNECTION_MODE_LOCAL '? I see the UI with the purchase ID and response on the 'success', but 'purchaseSuccessHandler' is not have triggered.

    My final question is,

    4. I'm planning store xml data and other assets in the appStorageDir once the user makes the purchase. Now, what happens if I update the application? The xml in the appStrorageDir file will also get deleted? How to maintain existing data when the user updates the application?

    Sorry for the long post amateur. Help is very appreciated.

    Thank you.

    1 see the following page for information on test applications with a user sandbox account.  You want to make sure that your digital good is approved / available, even if your version of the app is in draft mode.  Make sure to clear cache in BlackBerry World once you have downloaded your application on the portal of the seller.

    2. sometimes, this error occurs if you load the app (from your dev machine) side and try to buy a digital camera right.  The payment service requires that the application be downloaded from BlackBerry World in order to make digital good purchases.  If side you load it, you will get probably errors.

    3. I don't know why purchaseSuccessHandler will not fire.

    4. There is a shared folder on the device that you can place the application in legacy.  If the application is removed, the assets would persist.  You are right, that if you store your goods in the storage location of local file for your application, it will be deleted if a user deletes the app.

  • How to display data on the screen and save the data in a file at the same time?

    The code can display acceleration on the screen of the playbook.

    But, when fprintf (f, "X (m/s2), Accel Accel Y (m/s2), Accel Z (m/s2) \n" ") runs, debug displays no source available.


    Does anyone know how to solve the problem, which writes data to a file?

    The code is below.

    * Copyright (c) 2011 Research In Motion Limited.
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "license");
    * You may not use this file except in compliance with the license.
    * You can get a copy of the license at
    * Unless required by the applicable law or agreement written, software
    * distributed under the license is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS.
    * See the license for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the license.


    The milliseconds between the accelerometer readings. It's the same thing
    * rate in which the accelerometer data will be updated
    * material. The update of material rate is below to help
    * accelerometer_set_update_frequency (FREQ_40_HZ).
    public static const int ACCELEROMETER_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL = 25;

    public static screen_context_t screen_ctx;
    public static screen_window_t screen_win;
    dialog_instance_t main_dialog = 0;

    paused int = 0;

    The forces of the accelerometer
    float force_x, force_y, force_z;

    file elements
    int _logcounter = 0;
    FullName Char [256];
    FILE * f;

    * Use the PID to set the id of Group window.
    public static char
    public static char s_window_group_id [16] = "";
    If (s_window_group_id [0] == '\0') {}
    snprintf (s_window_group_id, sizeof (s_window_group_id), "%d", getpid());
    Return s_window_group_id;

    * Set up a basic screen, so that the browser will be
    * Send window state events when the State of the window changes.
    * @return @c EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE @c
    public static int
    If (screen_create_context (& screen_ctx, SCREEN_APPLICATION_CONTEXT)! = 0) {}
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    If (screen_create_window (& screen_win, screen_ctx)! = 0) {}
    screen_destroy_context (screen_ctx);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    use of int = SCREEN_USAGE_NATIVE;
    If (screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_USAGE, & use)! = 0) goto fail;
    If (screen_create_window_buffers (screen_win, 1)! = 0) goto fail;
    If (screen_create_window_group (screen_win, get_window_group_id())! = 0) goto fail;
    buff screen_buffer_t;
    If (screen_get_window_property_pv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_RENDER_BUFFERS, (void *) & buff)! = 0) goto fail;
    buffer_size int [2];
    If (screen_get_buffer_property_iv (buff, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUFFER_SIZE, buffer_size)! = 0) goto fail;
    int attributes [1] = {SCREEN_BLIT_END};
    If (screen_fill (screen_ctx, chamois, attributes)! = 0) goto fail;
    int dirty_rects [4] = {0, 0, buffer_size [0], buffer_size [1]};
    If (screen_post_window (screen_win, buff, 1, (const int *) dirty_rects, 0)! = 0) goto fail;
    Return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    in case of failure:
    screen_destroy_window (screen_win);
    screen_destroy_context (screen_ctx);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;

    * Rotates the screen at the specified angle.
    @param angle angle to rotate the screen.  Must be 0, 90, 180 or 270.
    * @return @c EXIT_SUCCESS on success, to another @c EXIT_FAILURE
    public static int
    rotate_screen (int angle)
    If ((angle! = 0) & (angle! = 90) & (angle! = 180) & (angle! = 270)) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "Invalid Angle\n");
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    int rc;
    int rotation;
    RC = screen_get_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_ROTATION, & rotation);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error getting the window of the screen rotation: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    int size [2];
    RC = screen_get_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUFFER_SIZE, size);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error getting size memory buffer window screen: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    int temp;
    switch (angle - rotation) {}
    case - 270:
    case - 90:
    decision 90:
    case 270:
    Temp = size [0];
    size [0] = size [1];
    size [1] = temp;
    by default:
    RC = screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_ROTATION, &angle);)
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "screen rotation window for parameter error: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    RC = screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SIZE, size);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error creating window screen size: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    RC = screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SOURCE_SIZE, size);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error creating window screen size: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    RC = screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUFFER_SIZE, size);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error creating window buffer size of the screen: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    Return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    To manage an event of navigator.
    * @return @c the value true if the application should shut down, another fake.
    public static bool
    handle_navigator_event(bps_event_t *Event)
    bool should_exit = false;
    switch (bps_event_get_code (event)) {}
    should_exit = true;
    navigator_orientation_check_response (event, true);
    int angle = navigator_event_get_orientation_angle (event);
    If (rotate_screen (angle) == EXIT_FAILURE) {}
    should_exit = true;
    navigator_done_orientation (Event);
    Return should_exit;
    * Display an alert dialog box that contains the location data.
    public static void
    If {(main_dialog)
    dialog_set_alert_message_text (main_dialog, "Acceleration to first fix");
    dialog_set_size (main_dialog, DIALOG_SIZE_FULL);
    dialog_set_group_id (main_dialog, get_window_group_id());
    dialog_set_cancel_required (main_dialog, true);
    dialog_show (main_dialog);

    * Displays geolocation data in the main dialog box.
    public static void
    display_acceleration_data (float force_x, float force_y, float force_z) {}
    char buf [1024];
    snprintf (buf, sizeof buf,
    "\tX: m\n % 7.3.f.
    "\tY: m\n % 7.3.f.
    "\tZ: m\n % 7.3.f."
    force_x, force_y, force_z);
    dialog_set_alert_message_text (main_dialog, buf);
    dialog_update (main_dialog);

    void createafile() {}
    sprintf (fullname, "shared/documents/Raw-%d.txt",_logcounter);
    file does not exist
    f = fopen (fullname, "r");
    file exists
    fclose (f);
    ++ _logcounter;
    sprintf (fullname, "shared/documents/Raw-%d.txt",_logcounter);
    f = fopen (fullname, "r");

    write data to the file
    void writedataintofile() {}
    f = fopen (fullname, "w");
    fprintf (f, "X (m/s2), Accel Accel Y (m/s2), Accel Z (m/s2) \n" ");
    fprintf (f, "" 7% 7% .3f, .3f, %7.3f\n ', force_x, force_y, force_z ");
    fclose (f);

    * A sample application shows the native APIs of BlackBerry for accelerometer.
    * The example initializes and reads the accelerometer periodically until one
    * NAVIGATOR_EXIT event is received.
    Enforcement also tuned to changes status window in the browser so that
    * It can stop reading the accelerometer when the application is no longer visible.
    int main (int argc, char * argv {})
    bool exit_application = false;
    * Until we can listen for events from the BlackBerry Tablet OS platform
    * services, we need to initialize the BPS infrastructure
    * Once the BPS infrastructure has been initialized, we can save to
    * events of different services of BlackBerry Tablet OS platform. The
    * Browser service manages and provides the life cycle of application and
    * events of visibility.
    For the example, we ask browser events so that we can follow when
    * the system ends the application (NAVIGATOR_EXIT event). This allows to
    * us to clean up resources in the application.
    navigator_request_events (0);
    dialog_request_events (0);
    * Initialize the screen so that the Windows Id is correctly set, to allow
    * dialogs to display.
    If (setup_screen()! = EXIT_SUCCESS) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "Failed to initialize the screen.");
    Exit (-1);
    * Once the BPS infrastructure has been initialized, we can save to
    * events of different services of BlackBerry Tablet OS platform. The
    * Browser service manages and provides the life cycle of application and
    * events of visibility.
    For the example, we ask browser events so that we can follow when
    * the system ends the application (NAVIGATOR_EXIT event).
    * We ask events of dialogue so that we can be notified when the service of dialogue
    * answers to our queries/requests.
    If (BPS_SUCCESS! = navigator_request_events (0)) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error asking navigator events: %s", strerror(errno) (errno));
    Exit (-1);
    If (BPS_SUCCESS! = dialog_request_events (0)) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error asking dialog events: %s", strerror(errno) (errno));
    Exit (-1);
    * Create and display the dialog box that displays the data from the accelerometer.
    Prior to initialize the accelerometer function, we must ensure the unit
    * takes in charge
    If (sensor_is_supported (SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)) {}
    * If the device does not support the accelerometer so warn the user,.
    * clean in and out
    public static const int SENSOR_RATE = 40;
    sensor_request_events (SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);

    * Initialize the accelerometer setting the rate at which the
    * accelerometer values will be updated material
    accelerometer_set_update_frequency (FREQ_40_HZ);

    Treat browser events and take the accelerometer readings periodically
    * until we receive a NAVIGATOR_EXIT event.
    f = fopen (fullname, "w");

    While (! exit_application) {}
    * By setting the timeout to bps_get_event to ACCELEROMETER_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL,
    * We assign the maximum duration (in millis) who will wait before
    * release so that we can take a reading of the accelerometer.
    bps_event_t * event = NULL;
    bps_get_event (& event, ACCELEROMETER_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL);

    If {(event)
    If (bps_event_get_domain (event) is {sensor_get_domain()})
    * We woke up. See if we are in the paused state. If not,
    take a reading of the accelerometer
    If (! pause) {}
    sensor_event_get_xyz (event, & force_x, & force_y, & force_z);
    display_acceleration_data (force_x, force_y, force_z);
    fprintf (f, "X (m/s2), Accel Accel Y (m/s2), Accel Z (m/s2) \n" ");
    fprintf (f, "" 7% 7% .3f, .3f, %7.3f\n ', force_x, force_y, force_z ");
    } //paused
    / * If this is an event of the dialog box, determine the response code and handle
    * the event accordingly.
    {ElseIf (bps_event_get_domain (event) == dialog_get_domain() {)}
    * If it's a NAVIGATOR_EXIT event and then set the exit_application
    * indicator so that the application stops processing events, clean and
    * output.
    {ElseIf (bps_event_get_domain (event) == navigator_get_domain() {)}
    exit_application = handle_navigator_event (event);
    } //if event
    } //while
    * Destroy the dialog box, if it exists.
    If {(main_dialog)
    dialog_destroy (main_dialog);

    fclose (f);

    * Clean the infrastructure bps and output
    sensor_stop_events (SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);
    screen_destroy_window (screen_win);
    screen_destroy_context (screen_ctx);
    return 0;
    } //main


    As I said on your other thread:

    In order to write in the shared directory/documents, your application should request action "access_shared" and it must be granted by the user. Make sure you have


    in your bar - descriptor.xml.

    Also note that the shared documents folder may not be the best place to write the application log data. There is one connects / in the sandbox to this effect, or the application directory data / directory if the information should be persisted. The documents/shared/folder is designed for documents that the user creates or interacts with.



  • On the forms send us and receive in return, data in the form of fields will be not print.  We can view the data, but the fields to print Virgin.  How can I fix it?

    On the forms send us and receive in return, data in the form of fields will be not print.  We can view the data, but the fields to print Virgin.  How can I fix it?

    OK, it's different. These text boxes are (at least engineering point of view) not considered form data, they are annotations (or markup). On your print dialogue box, you will see a group of "Comments & Form". Make sure that the first control is set to "Document and annotations:

    After this change, you should see the markup of your impressions.

  • Unloading of data using the ORACLE_LOADER




    Tempdir default DIRECTORY


    (records delimited BY newline


    terminated BY ', '.

    ' optionally enclosed BY ' "'


    missing field VALUES are NULL


    LOCATION ("S_ORG_BU_trg0.dmp"))


    SQL error: ORA-30657: operation not supported on external organized table

    30657.0000 - "operation not supported on external-organized table".

    * Cause: User attempted on the operation on an external table which is

    not supported.

    * Action: Don't do that!

    Does type Oracle_Loader does not read the table and load the CSV

    My requirement is to read the data and create a flat file. I want to use the portal if possible


    • The ORACLE_LOADER access driver is the default value. It loads data from external to internal tables tables. The data must come from text data files. (The ORACLE_LOADER access driver cannot perform the unloading; in other words, he can't move data from an internal table to an external table.)
    • The ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver can perform loading and unloading. The data must come from binary dump files. Loads of internal tables of external tables are made by extraction from files of binary dump. Unloading of internal tables to external tables are make by filling binary dump of the external table files. The ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver can write files to dump only as part of creating an external table with the SQL CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement. Once the dump file is created, it can be read many times, but it cannot be changed (i.e., no DML operation can be performed).

    You will be able to unload and create an external table (using the ORACLE_DATAPUMP type), but the file will not be csv or readable in the same direction.

  • RSS feed of component in the portal generator

    Hello world

    I created a page in the portal builder where I want to display RSS feeds from a public url data. I moved the flow RSS of the dialog component and provided the url of RSS feeds.

    But at runtime, it displays all the data - instead, I get the foll. error:

    Could not get the RSS feed due to the expiry of the connection after 3 seconds. Provide a higher timeout interval.

    Lack to supply other parameters?

    Thank you.


    To activate the sons of new RSS external WebCenter portal or Portal Framework application, you must configure a proxy server.

    A proxy server is also required if you want to view external links in the activity flow task flows. RSS and the activity stream share the same proxy server settings.

    You can configure a proxy server using Fusion Middleware control or WLST. For more information, see Section 8.2.4, "set up a Proxy Server."

  • Problem with negative filters of refinement and the source of data on the OID 2.3


    I have a problem using the filters of negative refinement on a data source with Information discovered 2.3

    Here is the configuration of data source

    "attributeKey": "COMPANY"
    "attributeValue": "PROMO."
    'class': ' '.
    'class': ' ',.
    "datastoreName": "datastorename",
    'name': 'ABC ',.
    "port": "7770."
    "Server": "XYZ".

    When I reached a dashboard page where all the portlets using this data source, the record filter is applied as expected. However, for negative refinement filter, so that it appears in the portlet of the breadcrumb, it has no effect on the data set. Guided navigation always displays the value as a dimension as possible and I can see in my table of results as the data was not deleted by the negative refinement filter. I tried to restart Tomcat, without effect.
    If I go to the guided navigation and define negatively this value on the dimension of the COMPANY, the data gets filtered and I get 2 negative improvements will appear in the navigation bar to the same value (!)

    Is there something escapes me to configure negative refining filter?

    Thank you

    Your configuration is correct.

    I see two possible problems, but we are really just shooting in the dark:

    (1) "rogue whitespace.
    -If your value is not actually "PROMO" "PROMO", then your filter would not exclude anything. This would also explain why you might then add a negative refinement for the "real value". To validate this, use a browser with some debugging functions (i.e., Chrome), have your applied by default negative refinement and then "apply manually" in Studio.

    And then open the browser debug mode (chrome, right click on the value you just added and click 'Inspect element'). If all goes well, the HTML code will show a little differently, and you can see the white space in the manually added refinement.

    (2) it would happen to be a managed attribute? I think that the managed attribute values can have display names and real names and real name should be used for filtering purposes. I doubt that's the problem, but it's the only other thing I could think of...

    Kind regards

    Patrick Rafferty

  • video playback on the portal page

    I try to view a video on the portal page which I linked in my cdf file created (in the wyswyg element). In the page of the site studio it works but I want video to be embedded in the page portalj. Pls help me in this
    Thank you


    Usually, we have our own definition of the element for the videos. It's only a video selector and store the content file dDocName.
    Now, with the dDocName video is easy to get a video file in a model of CP:

    ${WCAppContext.applicationURL}/content/conn/ucm/uuid/dDocName:${node.propertyMap['dDocName'].value.stringValue / / IF video is not in a data file. BY DIRECTLY SELECTING YOUR VIDEO
    ${WCAppContext.applicationURL}/content/conn/ucm/uuid/dDocName:${node.propertyMap['RDName:video'].value.stringValue / / if the video is a definition of a definition of the region element

    Create a model of CP called video player where you add a Flash video player.
    In the video Flash Player source select your favorite Expression of EL (direct video definition or element).

    Kind regards.

  • On the portal statistics

    Hi Experts,

    I use wc11.1.1.5, my client wants to empty the Portal visit are given in the database so that they can analyze it using tools, typical data they need:
    1. how many times a user visits a page or space
    2 How long he must wait for a response from the page

    We found this kind of info in em, but customer needs more than that:
    1. the data are organized by server individual wc, no summary data
    2. the data will accumulate 0 after reboot of wc
    3. it is not view printer frindly

    Does anyone know if we can get this data into the database or by using the MBean?

    Best regards

    Why do it yourself if it already exists? Have you looked at the analytical module of the webcenter?
    It has all the reports you are talking out of the box... The analytical engine puts this information in the database, so you can write your own reports. I haven't done a blog post on this topic yet, but I have a few examples of this in my book.
    I'll see if I can do a blogpost about it.

    The reports monitoring EM more a real life. It was not intended to act as an analytical module.

    Published by: Yannick Ongena on November 15, 2011 10:41

  • Could not keep the portal admin console repository connections.

    I created the additional WLP (flow in function) repository in oracle.

    and configured as a data source in the server console. and added respective JNDI name in the portal administration console.
    and I could add/remove content. But whenever I'm restart the machine I'm losing the additional connection of the console to the configuration Portal admin console only.the connection server is safe.

    whenever I have to configure with same name JNDI add working with it in the portal administration console only, whenever I restart the machine.

    The content and data sources configuration is secure.

    but whenever I create additional repository WLP, I couldn't see the respective details have updated content - mgmt.xml in the meta-inf EAR.

    is that because of this. If so why is getting updated when it adds new connection in the administration console.

    When you create a connection of repository running with the administrator of the portal, the configuration is written to a Deployment Plan. By default, the deployment Plan is written in a location which can be removed during a redeployment of the application. You can specify a location for the deployment plan, that will not get deleted through the WebLogic Server Console or you can add the information to the/meta-inf content - config.xml in .


  • Jdev 11 g AD / display objects - updated and complete control of data to the web service

    Hi Experts...

    Looking for the best approach here.

    I hope someone can give me some ideas / advice on how best to achieve the filling of a webservice data control to a view object.

    Basically, I created an application traction of data sources by using the ADF BC VO tables I put a command button "Update record", that will open a dialogue with a web service data control.

    I hope to be able to fill in the fields of data control, with the values of the selected recording VO.

    I'm tipping at this point, I'll have to programmatically?

    This is the recommended approach?

    Examples of code?

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!


    Should be similar to this:
    But the first page should get the data from the original Version instead of Webservice.

    Since you use API-PL/SQL in the database to make the update, it may be more efficient to have just a method of AM service that uses the existing JDBC connection / transaction and calls this PL/SQL stored procedure and passes the info of the VO.

    Or even take it:

  • How to stop the file select Dialogue - popup

    I use a plug-in in Acrobat to automate filling out many forms.

    Everything works fine-. Acrobat is a real time saver. But I have a problem that I can't seem to overcome.

    When I pass a full path name by specifying a file name for this script - I get an a file selection dialog pop up.

    Can this be stopped?

    Here is a copy of my script to import data into the form.

    importMHCXFAData = app.trustedFunction (function (cFile)
    app.beginPriv ();
    this.importXFAData (cFile);
    app.endPriv ();

    I tried the security settings, etc.-, but for some reason, the dialogue keeps popping up.

    Thanks for any help on this.

    Make sure cFile is not empty.

Maybe you are looking for