Include the XML file with OTA Download

Is it possible to include an XML file generated with OTA Download?  I am writing an app that will be distributed with a web application that comes with it.  It must be deployed on individual sites, each with its own public address, configuration settings, etc.  The config is specified through configuration of web application and then saved (and later edited/updated) in XML format in the same location as the compiled files jad/cod.  This will eliminate the need for the end user specify the public address of the web application so that provide default configuration settings.  It will be on BIS and HTTPS.  I do not expect BES as the target users will be individuals and small businesses.  I'll be providing the source if they want to make changes, but I don't want to require the end user to compile just to use "out of the box', not versions include different OS and compiled the updates I distribute the bugs/feature updates.  In addition, it will access some restricted API and they must sign.

If there is another method to achieve this, I am completely open and still at the design stage of list/original feature on the BB side.

Thank you


OK, I wasn't aware of this limitation (I usually code for bes )

other ideas would be:

-Configure the application mail/SMS (or similar), implement a listener for it.

-use a common server and decide what config to use during execution, (by e-mail domain, for example)

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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  • Generate the XML file with elements and attributes in table Oracle


    I have the following table structure.

    COIL_ID NUMBER (10),
    TEST_ID NUMBER (38),
    For each record COILID, there could be several folders baased on TEST_ID/VALUE/TEST_UOM etc.

    And I would like to prepare the xml file in the following format by selecting data in the COIL?

    <? XML version = "1.0"? >
    -coil xsi: noNamespaceSchemaLocation = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns:xdb = "" >
    < CoilId > 1419532 < / CoilId >
    < CoilNo > D2221050010A0 < / CoilNo >
    Changzhou < CoilPOOperatingUnit > < / CoilPOOperatingUnit >
    < CoilPONo > 4619 < / CoilPONo >
    < MillNo > 86 < / MillNo >
    Test of < MillCoilStatus > < / MillCoilStatus >
    C5 050FP800 < ItemNo > < / ItemNo >
    < weight > 7076 < / weight >
    KILOGRAM of < GLU > < / UDM >
    < DocumentNo > 0 < / DocumentNo >
    < DocumentDate > 2013 - 01 - 11 < / DocumentDate >
    < DocumentStatus > not < / DocumentStatus >
    < DocumentType > test < / DocumentType >
    CHIGMA1 < DocumentSource > < / DocumentSource >
    < DocStsMsg test = '0' EquipmentCode = "CHIGMA1" TesterLogin = "dpkrueger" Value = "0.4992" TestUnit = "mm" Status = 'NonProcessed' TestId = "135" / >
    < test DocStsMsg = '0' EquipmentCode = "CHIGMA1" TesterLogin = "dpkrueger" Value = "0.0128" TestUnit = "mm" Status = 'NonProcessed' TestId = "124" / >
    < DocStsMsg test = '0' EquipmentCode = "CHIGMA1" TesterLogin = "dpkrueger" Value = "12" TestUnit = "mm" Status = 'NonProcessed' TestId = "125" / >
    < DocStsMsg test = '0' EquipmentCode = "CHIGMA1" TesterLogin = "dpkrueger" Value = "0.5095" TestUnit = "mm" Status = 'NonProcessed' TestId = "127" / >
    < DocStsMsg test = '0' EquipmentCode = "CHIGMA1" TesterLogin = "dpkrueger" Value = "0.5042" TestUnit = "mm" Status = 'NonProcessed' TestId = "128" / >
    < DocStsMsg test = '0' EquipmentCode = "CHIGMA1" TesterLogin = "dpkrueger" Value = "0.5058" TestUnit = "mm" Status = 'NonProcessed' TestId = "129" / >
    < DocStsMsg test = '0' EquipmentCode = "CHIGMA1" TesterLogin = "dpkrueger" Value = "0.4967" TestUnit = "mm" Status = 'NonProcessed' TestId = "130" / >
    < DocStsMsg test = '0' EquipmentCode = "CHIGMA1" TesterLogin = "dpkrueger" Value = "0.5049" TestUnit = "mm" Status = 'NonProcessed' TestId = "131" / >
    < DocStsMsg test = '0' EquipmentCode = "CHIGMA1" TesterLogin = "dpkrueger" Value = "0.4972" TestUnit = "mm" Status = 'NonProcessed' TestId = "132" / >
    < DocStsMsg test = '0' EquipmentCode = "CHIGMA1" TesterLogin = "dpkrueger" Value = "0.4960" TestUnit = "mm" Status = 'NonProcessed' TestId = "133" / >
    < DocStsMsg test = '0' EquipmentCode = "CHIGMA1" TesterLogin = "dpkrueger" Value = "0.4996" TestUnit = "mm" Status = 'NonProcessed' TestId = "134" / >
    < / reel >

    Can you please guide me how to do it in a single query?

    Thanks in advance.

    Function EXTRACT will force a print in your version:

    SELECT XMLElement("Coil",
               '' as "xmlns:xsi"
             , '' as "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation"
           , XMLForest(
               COIL_ID                as "CoilId"
             , COIL_NUMBER            as "CoilNo"
             , COIL_PO_OPERATING_UNIT as "CoilPOOperatingUnit"
             , COIL_PO_NUMBER         as "CoilPONo"
             , MILL_NUMBER            as "MillNo"
             , MILL_COIL_STATUS       as "MillCoilStatus"
             , ITEM_NUMBER            as "ItemNo"
             , COIL_WEIGHT            as "Weight"
             , WEIGHT_UOM             as "UOM"
             , DOCUMENT_NUMBER        as "DocumentNo"
             , DOCUMENT_DATE          as "DocumentDate"
             , DOCUMENT_STATUS        as "DocumentStatus"
             , DOCUMENT_TYPE          as "DocumentType"
             , DOCUMENT_SOURCE        as "DocumentSource"
           , XMLAgg(
                   DOC_STS_MSG    as "DocStsMsg"
                 , EQUIPMENT_CODE as "EquipmentCode"
                 , TESTER_LOGIN   as "TesterLogin"
                 , VALUE          as "Value"
                 , TEST_UOM       as "TestUnit"
                 , TEST_STATUS    as "Status"
                 , TEST_ID        as "TestId"
    FROM coil
           , COIL_NUMBER
           , COIL_PO_NUMBER
           , MILL_NUMBER
           , MILL_COIL_STATUS
           , ITEM_NUMBER
           , COIL_WEIGHT
           , WEIGHT_UOM
           , DOCUMENT_NUMBER
           , DOCUMENT_DATE
           , DOCUMENT_STATUS
           , DOCUMENT_TYPE
           , DOCUMENT_SOURCE ;
  • Loading the XML file with the missing elements dynamically by ODI

    Hi guys,.

    I have the XML with two nodes Employee and address below. On a daily basis, sometimes the address element might not come from the source xml file, but my interface has columns mapped to the elements of the address, and that is why it may fail because of the source element is not found in the file or data could not get charged because the State 'and' in the sql query that is generated between the employee and address elements.  Is there a way where I can load the data dynamically where I can search in the file only for items (used) present and dynamically loading data only for these items?

    XML file:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >

    < EMP >

    < Empsch >

    < employee >

    < EmployeeID 12345 > < / EmployeeID >

    < original > t < / initials >

    John < name > < / LastName >

    DOE < FirstName > < / name >

    < / employee >

    < address >

    < > 12345 as WorkPhone < / as WorkPhone >

    < WorkAddress > test 234 < / WorkAddress >

    < / address >

    < / Empsch >

    < / EMP >

    Thank you

    Fabien Tambisetty

    I managed to solve it by using left outer joins, and in referring to the structure of the table of the XSD

  • Static load of the XML file with the list of choices


    So let me explain my problem:

    -J' have XML files: (in my < fx:Declaration >)
    < fx:XML id = "flexang" source = "xml/flex - ang.xml" / >
    < fx:XML id = "flexastro" source = "xml/flex - astro.xml" / >
    < fx:XML id = "flexber" source = "xml/flex - ber.xml" / >

    -J' have a list constructed as follows:

    (in my < fx:Declaration >)

    < fx: Model id = "anim" >
    States <>
    < label State = data="animations/flex-ang.swf"/ "Anguinéa" >
    < label State = "Retrograde motion" data="animations/flex-astro.swf"/ >
    < label State = "Rod of Bérard" data="animations/flex-ber.swf"/ >
    < / states >
    < / fx: Model >

    (and then)

    < mx:List id = 'source' width = '100% ', color = 'blue '.
    dataProvider = "{anim.state}" "
    change = "selectedListItem .selectedItem = list (event.currentTarget);" / > "

    (with public var selectedListItem:Object ;)

    My list is designed to load dynamicaly some SWF files

    < mx:SWFLoader id = "animation".
    source = "{selectedListItem.Data}" "
    autoLoad = 'true '.
    Width="100%"/ >

    -But now I want to display the correspondent. So I tried to build the string to the XML of the id:

    private void xmlFile(swf:String):String
    var pref:String;
    var tab = swf.split (".", 2);
    Tab = Tab [0]. Split("/",2);
    Pref = tab [1];
    Pref pref =. Split("-"). Join("");
    return of pref;

    This gives me, for example, "flexang" of "animations/flex - ang.swf. But my problem is that I want to put my XML file in my region RichText:

    < s:RichEditableText id = 'codeView' editable = textFlow = "{TextFlowUtil.importFromXML (xmlFile ( 'false'}" / > "

    But xmlFile returns a string! and I don't know how to specify that it is an XML ID.

    I hope I am clear enough.

    Thank you if you try to help me

    Wait, that wasn't fair.  Try:

    TextFlow = "{TextFlowUtil.importFromXML (this [xmlFile (])}


  • having a problem with parsing the XML file

    Hi all
    I am trying to get data from XML file
    I want to only 4-5 values in this XML file
    Here is an example of XML file
    -< transaction >
    -< TransCtx >
    > < pAMETranType > IRCVACAPPROVAL < / pAMETranType >
    > < / TransCtx >
    > < / transaction >

    I want to add value and to store this value in table
    I'm here, I want to "IRCVACAPPROVAL".
    the tag
    < pAMETranType >

    for this purpose

    I created a procedure

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE insert_xml_emps (p_directory in varchar2,
    > p_filename in varchar2)
    (> vtableName in varchar2) as
    > v_filelocator BFILE.
    > v_cloblocator CLOB.
    > l_rows NUMBER;
    > v_amount_to_load NUMBER;
    > dest_offset NUMBER: = 1;
    > offset NUMBER: = 1;
    > lang_context NUMBER: = DBMS_LOB. DEFAULT_LANG_CTX;
    > START
    > dbms_lob.createtemporary (v_cloblocator, true);
    > v_filelocator: = bfilename (p_directory, p_filename);
    > (v_filelocator, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
    > v_amount_to_load: = DBMS_LOB.getlength (v_filelocator);
    >-* this line is changed * -.
    > DBMS_LOB. LOADCLOBFROMFILE (v_cloblocator,
    > v_filelocator.
    > v_amount_to_load.
    > dest_offset.
    > offset.
    > 0,
    > lang_context.
    (> warning);
    > l_ctx: = DBMS_XMLSTORE.newContext (vTableName);
    > DBMS_XMLSTORE.setRowTag (l_ctx, 'TRANSACTION');
    > DBMS_XMLSTORE.setRowTag (l_ctx, 'TRANSCTX');
    >-clear the update settings
    > DBMS_XMLStore.clearUpdateColumnList (l_ctx);
    >-set the columns to update a list of values
    > DBMS_XMLStore.setUpdateColumn (l_ctx, 'PAMETRANTYPE');
    >-now insert the doc.
    > l_rows: = DBMS_XMLSTORE.insertxml (l_ctx, v_cloblocator);
    > DBMS_XMLSTORE.closeContext (l_ctx);
    > dbms_output.put_line(l_rows ||) "... inserted rows. ») ;
    > dbms_lob.close (v_filelocator);
    > DBMS_LOB. FREETEMPORARY (v_cloblocator);
    > END;

    I also have on the table who get this value

    whenever I call that created the procedure
    it sometime gives an error or sometime run correctly but store null in the table

    But when I change the XML file
    When convert all lowercase letters in the capital then it works fine

    Is tehre to other ways to parse the XML file with no change in the XML file?

    Did you use the same test (with the exception of file name and directory) case?

    What I posted is a copy/paste direct SQL * Plus, and it works on version

  • How to insert data in the XML file?

    Hi guys,.

    How to insert information into an XML file. I tell you, I have a CFM file with some questions to the user

    When users submit this form within the form information is send in an XML file.

    How can insert this information in the XML file?

    When I don't have a DB?

    Thank you

    Kind regards

    Fabiano Magno Pechibella

    You must

    1. Read in the XML file
    2. Analyze the document in an XML (just one big struct) object
    3. Insert your XML code of the object where you need
    4. rewrite the XML file with your data now included

    You can Google 'ColdFusion working with XML' and find hundreds of items to help you. Here's a beginning tutorial to help you get started:

    Intermediate ColdFusion Tutorials - working with XML

  • Export release build, not including data XML files in the apk package

    Hi, all.

    I have a flash pro project I packed for AIR according to these steps: l-projects.

    There are two differences:

    1. I am loading XML from right next to the swf files
    2. The Flash Pro project and the project Mobile share a directory that is outside of these two projects (this was the workflow already established in the public Service, given that several sovereign wealth funds share the same XML file).

    When I test this on my phone, it adds the XML files to the apk and everything works great. The problem I have is that the export Release Build does not include XML files, and I don't see anything in the Flash Builder interface that looks like it will allow me to add more files than the swf file and the app.xml.


    What Miss me?

    Love - your comments helped me to think about this and get to the essential part that missed me. I've marked it useful, because it has shown the way.

    I'm not a big fan of scoring own "correct" answers, but I'll do this time so that people can easily find the steps.

    The error I thought that the "Debug on the device" was wrong to get an AIR debug version, because the swf file was not a debug swf.

    I did not understand that if I clicked on the button run, it would also be a version out to push to the unit, and that this version would not give the message "waiting to connect to the debugger.

    The entire process that you get when you click on 'Run' is a little weird (I say this to those who have never tried). It will install the application on the device, but does not launch (I think that this is impossible). Flash Builder crashes and then in "Installation application to the device. If you look at the screen, you will see a new download in your notifications bar, and from here you can launch the application.

    To summarize:

    1. To start your swf Flash Pro package for Air using Flash Builder, follow the steps in Renaun ( l-projects /)
    2. Doing this work on Mobile, you have probably installed on your phone in debug version. This uninstall using Astro File Manager (
    3. Instead click the "Debug" button in Flash Builder, click on 'run '. This makes an apk without debugging and pushed back them to your phone (if your Setup allows debugging of the device).

    Additional notes: If you have xml files that are packaged in the apk file and you are using URLLoader (because the app originated as a web application), add "app: /" at the beginning of the URL string you use. Thus, "xml/myFile.xml" becomes "app:/xml/myFile.xml". If you need to keep your original web application logic, add a conditional on Capabilities.playerType == "Desktop. »

    Hope this helps someone else with the same problems

  • Get the table to an XML file with several bays


    So I was faced with this program I have for the past few months but I'm almost there. I have a program that creates several berries and place one after the other in an xml file, and each table has its unique name. Now, I would create a VI that takes this XML file and when the user enters the name of the table specific they are seeking it goes into the xml file concludes the table in its entirety under this name and displays in an indicator of output to be read on the VI. A sample of my xml file and the VI that creates this xml file is attached.

    Thank you


    Something like this should work for you.

  • How to include a .wav file with vi the use of the application builder?


    I am developing an application that uses a .wav file. I want to compress this file along with the vi in an executable so that the end user has a single file to run it.  Is it possible to add the .wav file to the executable using Application Builder? Moreover, to do this, can we configure the path to the .wav file in vi to always search for the file in the installation folder (for example: C:\Program Files\E2C\MSK or according to the user installs the executable folder in)?

    Thank you



    It is not possible to compile a wav file in an executable file using LabVIEW. You can include the wav file in the project and include it in "still included" in your build script that will copy the file in the folder wav data from your executable file. So it is quite easy to distribute the wav with your exe file, even if the wav is not in the exe file.

    hope this helps,


  • Reading data from an XML file with the same parent tag

    We have the XML file that is stored in a CLOB column. We can typecast the CLOB to XML and access to a particular value. We cannot do the same in the case of same parent tag. We read the amount claimed for LABOUR, the FREIGHT_DUTY and MEALS. Can anyone help us.


    IN ln_hl_labor_hrs_on_job



    < paymentComponents class = "dΘfinir" >

    < company.domain.claim.payment.PaymentComponent >

    < id > 30310 / < ID >

    < version > 0 < / version >

    < forCategory class = "company.domain.claim.payment.CostCategory" >

    < id > 6 / < ID >

    < version > 1 < / version >

    Meals from < name > < / name >

    < code > < code > MEALS

    < description > meal < / description >

    < / forCategory >

    < claimedAmount >

    < amount > 0.00 < / amount >

    "< reference currency ="... /... /.. /.. /.. /serviceInformation/ServiceDetail/laborPerformed/company.domain.claim.LaborDetail/laborRate/currency"/ >

    < / claimedAmount >

    < /company.domain.claim.payment.PaymentComponent >

    < company.domain.claim.payment.PaymentComponent >

    < id > 30311 / < ID >

    < version > 0 < / version >

    < forCategory class = "company.domain.claim.payment.CostCategory" >

    < id > 3 < /ID >

    < version > 1 < / version >

    < name > work < / name >

    < code > < code > WORK

    < description > work < / description >

    < / forCategory >

    < claimedAmount >

    < amount > 217.00 < / amount >

    "< reference currency ="... /... /.. /.. /.. /serviceInformation/ServiceDetail/laborPerformed/company.domain.claim.LaborDetail/laborRate/currency"/ >

    < / claimedAmount >

    < /company.domain.claim.payment.PaymentComponent >

    < company.domain.claim.payment.PaymentComponent >

    < id > < /ID > 30312

    < version > 0 < / version >

    < forCategory class = "company.domain.claim.payment.CostCategory" >

    < id > 5 / < ID >

    < version > 1 < / version >

    < name > point freight and duty < / name >

    < code > < code > FREIGHT_DUTY

    < description > point freight and duty < / description >

    < / forCategory >

    < claimedAmount >

    < amount > 0.00 < / amount >

    "< reference currency ="... /... /.. /.. /.. /serviceInformation/ServiceDetail/laborPerformed/company.domain.claim.LaborDetail/laborRate/currency"/ >

    < / claimedAmount >

    < /company.domain.claim.payment.PaymentComponent >

    < / paymentComponents >

    Kind regards

    Franck Giri

    SQL> with t
      2  as
      3  (
      4  select
      5  xmltype
      6  (
      7  '
      9  30310
     10  0
     12  6
     13  1
     14  Meals
     15  MEALS
     16  Meals
     19  0.00
     24  30311
     25  0
     27  3
     28  1
     29  Labor
     30  LABOR
     31  Labor
     34  217.00
     39  30312
     40  0
     42  5
     43  1
     44  Item Freight And Duty
     46  Item Freight And Duty
     49  0.00
     53  '
     54  ) xml_data
     55    from dual
     56  )
     57  select t1.*
     58    from t
     59       , xmltable
     60         (
     61            '/paymentComponents/company.domain.claim.payment.PaymentComponent' passing t.xml_data
     62            columns
     63              code   varchar2(20) path 'forCategory/code',
     64              amount number       path 'claimedAmount/amount'
     65         ) t1;
    CODE                     AMOUNT
    -------------------- ----------
    MEALS                         0
    LABOR                       217
    FREIGHT_DUTY                  0
  • I downloaded red CS6 plugin and added to the contents of the package, replaced the existing files with the new without saving, now my thumbnails images RED and the color correction do not WORK! How to bring back my old file importerRed! ?? Help!

    I downloaded red CS6 plugin and added to the contents of the package, replaced the existing files with the new without saving, now my thumbnails images RED and the color correction do not WORK! How to bring back my old file importerRed! ?? Help!

    Try asking in the forum Premiere Pro seems to be an Adobe first Pro Lab

  • Problem with the date when you load the XML file into Oracle Database 10g

    Hi all

    I have the interface as shown in the screenshot below. In this document, among other things, I am mapping to an element XML file representing a date to an Oracle table column defined as DATE. The source and target columns are highlighted in the screenshot.


    When I run the interface, I get the following error message:

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException to java.sql.Date.valueOf(

    I guess that this is the conversion of the date!

    I already tried to replace SRC_TRADES. DEAL_DATE with TO_DATE (SRC_TRADES. DEAL_DATE, ' DD/MM/YYYY') on the implementation tab. This feature was not recognized when I executed the interface, so it did not work! The value of date in the XML file is in the format DD/MM/YYYY .

    I guess that Date SQL Oracle functions do not work in the implementation tab. Could someone let me know:

    1. what the Date Conversion function I could use instead?
    2. where can I find a reference to the methods/functions that I use in the implementation tab (if such a reference exists)?

    See you soon.



    Try changing the area of execution at the staging area. Once you change it, write in the map box just SRC_TRADERS. DEAL_DATE. When you use TO_DATE, the source field typu should be varchar2, no date (as it is in store for your data source)

  • Passing values from a CO of a page in the xml file of a field with LOV.


    I have 2 pages in this CUSTOMIZATION and the 2nd page got fields that have their turn to LOV.

    The query behind the LOV is sitting in the XML file and as an amendment to this motion, he needs some dynamic values

    I got to a stage where in the Commander of the 2nd page I set up values using getparameters.

    But how to pass this value from the 2nd page to the XML FILE.

    Thank you


    Hi Regis

    Leave; s first focus on your first build errors. You said very well reconstruction work but compilation error comes when you run the page.

    It's strange. Can you please confirm if you have added the OFA libraries to your project. Ideally, they should be there once you create an OA project


    Marie Lise S

  • Need help with loading the XML file


    I spent reviewing the web/forums for an example on how to do this for a few days now.  I managed to get this working in Flash Pro easily enough, but I think I'm missing something when I want to do the same thing in Flex.

    Basically, I want to load an XML file and then set the values of the text of labels 5, equal to the data in the XML file.

    So I have a button created in MXML and have put the following click event:

    Click = "dsSetup (Event)" "

    I also stated the following:

    public var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("assets/myFile.xml");   folder located under the CBC in project

    public var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

    public var myXML:XML;

    My function that loads is as follows:

    public function dsSetup(event:MouseEvent):void


         trace ("dsSetup");

    myXML = new XML (;

    H3. Text = myXML.source.itemA;

    H4.text = myXML.source.itemB;

    H5.text = myXML.source.itemC;

    H7.text = myXML.source.itemD;

    H8.text = myXML.source.itemE;

    currentState = "MainMenu";


    myLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, dsSetup);   I think that this line is no longer as I put it in the MXML

    myLoader.load (myRequest);

    It's the way I did in Flash and it worked fine, but I must be missing something when it comes to Flex.

    Can you explain or point me to a good tutorial that shows how to load XML in Flex code?

    Those I've found seems to have about 50 lines of code just to load a file and add through a complex for a beginner.

    Thank you very much

    I suggest you save the data loaded in a variable that can be linked, then bind the properties of the text - who:


    var myXML:XML;

    public void dsSetup(event:MouseEvent):void


    myXML = new XML (;

    currentState = "MainMenu";



  • Load the XML file into Oracle external Table

    I load the data from the XML file into an intermediate table Oracle using external Tables.

    Let's say below, it is my XML file

    < header >
    < A_CNT > 10 < / A_CNT >
    < E_CNT > 10 < / E_CNT >
    < AF_CNT > 10 < / AF_CNT >
    < / header >
    < student >
    < Student_info >
    < Single_Info >
    < ID > 18 / < ID >
    New York < City > < / City >
    < country > United States < / country >
    < Name_lst >
    < Student_name >
    Samuel < name > < / name >
    Paul < Last_name > < / Last_name >
    < DOB > 19871208 < / DOB >
    Aware of < RecordStatus > < / RecordStatus >
    < / Student_name >
    < Student_name >
    Samuel < name > < / name >
    Paul < Last_name > < / Last_name >
    < DOB > 19871208 < / DOB >

    < TerminationDt > 20050812 < / TerminationDt >
    History of < RecordStatus > < / RecordStatus >
    < / Student_name >
    < / Name_lst >
    < Personal_Info >
    <>men < / Type >
    < 27 > < / Age >
    < / Personal_Info >
    < / Single_Info >
    < / Student_info >

    < student - register >
    class < A >
    < info >
    < detail >
    < ID student > 18 < / student >
    EE < major > < / Major >
    < course-Grades >
    < course > VLSI < / course >
    < degree > 3.0 < / Grade >
    < / course-Grades >
    < course-Grades >
    < course > nanotechnology < / course >
    < degree > 4.0 < / Grade >
    < / course-Grades >
    < / details >
    < detail >
    < ID student > 18 < / student >
    THIS < major > < / Major >
    < / details >
    < / info >
    class < A >
    < Student_Enrol >
    < student >

    I load this XML data file into a single table using an external Table. Could someone help me please with coding.

    Thank you


    Could you please help me how to insert my XML content into that.

    Same as before, try a plain old INSERT:

    insert into xml_pecos


    XmlType (bfilename ('XML_DIR', "test.xml"), nls_charset_id ('AL32UTF8'))


    But you'll probably hit the same limitation as with the binary XMLType table.

    In this case, you can use FTP to load the file as a resource in the XML DB repository.

    If the XML schema has been registered with the hierarchy enabled then the file will be automatically inserted into the table.

    Could you post the exact statement that you used to save the scheme?

    In the meantime, you can also read this article, I did a few years ago, it covers the XML DB features that may be useful here, including details on how to load the file via FTP:

    And documentation of the course:

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