inDesign SDK CS5.5 - deprecated conversion of string constant in "tank."

Hello world

I am just starting with the development of an inDesign plugin, and I can't get the examples provided as example by the SDK to build (DocWatch.sdk for example). Instead, I get multiple errors:

Frowned upon the conversion of the string constant to ' *'

Deprecated conversion of string constant in "tank."

I also tried to follow the tutorial of 'WriteFishPrice' in the getting started document, but I get the same errors.

I'm on Mac OSX10.6, from:

XCode 4.0.2

GCC 4.2

base SDK: Mac OS X 10.6

inDesign SDK CS5.5

I think that the problem is due to the version of gcc. It seems that inDesign SDK is outdated.

Someone at - he informed about the same problem and found a solution?



You can try adding - Wno-writing-strings to CCG or put GCC 4.0



Tags: InDesign

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    Set your path of debugging in visual studio 2013.

    If you find any problem you can contact me please on my mail ID

    [email protected]

    Thank you

    Philippe joshi

    + 91-8860697370

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    Don't know, if you find a shorter way, but it works:

    UIDRef language = YOUR_TABLE;

    Error result code.



    InterfacePtr textModel;

    TextIndex beginning;

    Len Int32;

    result = table_get_text_model (read, 0, 0, textModel, start, len);

    If (result! = kSuccess) break;

    If (! textModel) break;

    UIDRef frameRef = text_query_frame (textModel, start);

    If (! frameRef) break;

    Int32 pnum = - 1;

    PageRef UIDRef = page_getref (frameRef, &pnum);)

    If (! pageRef) break;



    } While (false);


    Error code (Table_get_text_model)

    Language UIDRef,

    Int32 left,

    top of Int32,

    InterfacePtr & textModel,

    TextIndex & start,

    Int32 & len)


    Result ErrorCode = kFailure;




    textModel = InterfacePtr (Nile);

    Start = 0;

    Len = text::kTextLen;

    Make sure that we have a valid table model

    InterfacePtr tableModel (label, UseDefaultIID());

    if(!tableModel) break;

    convert the network to a network ID address

    GridAddress gridAddress (top, left);

    get the container text table so we could make the text template.

    InterfacePtr tableTextContainer (tableModel, UseDefaultIID());

    if(!tableTextContainer) break;

    textModel = InterfacePtr (tableTextContainer-> QueryTextModel());

    if(!textModel) break;

    InterfacePtr tableTextContent (tableModel, UseDefaultIID());

    if(!tableTextContent) break;

    GA GridArea (up, left, top + 1, left + 1);

    Len = tableTextContent-> GetTextChunk (ga, start);

    If (! len) break;

    result = kSuccess;

    } While (false);

    return the result;



    #if (csversion_<>

    # define ITextFrameC_ ITextFrame


    # define ITextFrameC_ ITextFrameColumn


    UIDRef text_query_frame (InterfacePtr txt, TextIndex istartPos)


    UID uid = kInvalidUID;

    TextIndex startPos = istartPos;



    If (! txt) break;

    INNERE Textrahmen of the items

    InterfacePtr frameList (txt-> QueryFrameList ());

    If (! frameList | frameList-> GetFrameCount ())<= 0)="">

    First INNERER Textrahmen of the items

    InterfacePtr textFrame (frameList-> QueryNthFrame (0) / * QUF,: UseDefaultIID () * /);

    #ifndef (csversion_<>

    Location of RangeData (startPos, startPos);


    TextIndex location = startPos;


    Int32 frameIndex = - 1;

    InterfacePtr tf = InterfacePtr (Nile);

    If (startPos < txt-=""> tf TotalLength ()) = InterfacePtr (frameList-> QueryFrameContaining (location, & frameIndex));

    of other tf = InterfacePtr (frameList-> QueryNthFrame (frameList-> GetFrameCount () - 1));

    If textFrame (tf) tf =;

    If (! textFrame) break;


    Aus dem first inner Textrahmen bilden wir jetzt eine hierarchy.

    In der Ebene uber hierarchy suchen wir jetzt nach nach einem dieser

    Objekt, das ein Graphicrahmen ist. Dieses element ist der gesuchte

    ÄUßERE Rahmen.


    InterfacePtr child (textFrame, UseDefaultIID());

    If (! child) break;



    InterfacePtr parent (child-> QueryParent());

    If (parent == nil) break;

    InterfacePtr graphicFrameData (parent, UseDefaultIID());

    If (graphicFrameData! = nil)


    We have a regular text frame.

    UID =: GetUID (graphicFrameData);



    child = parent;

    } While (child! = nil);

    } While (false);

    If (uid == kInvalidUID) return UIDRef (Nile, kInvalidUID);

    Return UIDRef (: GetDataBase (txt), uid);



    #if (csversion_<>

    # define GLayout_:


    # define GLayout_ Utils ()->


    UIDRef page_getref (const UIDRef & frameRef, int32 * pgNum)


    UIDRef result = UIDRef::gNull;



    If (pgNum) * pgNum = 0;

    If (! frameRef) break;

    InterfacePtr itemHier (frameRef, IID_IHIERARCHY);

    If (! itemHier) break;

    If (! pause frameRef.ExistsInDB ());

    ES more like evil EIB GetOwnerPageUID AB. ICH denke badly, at least

    Ein muss ein Rahmen wohl schon haben Parent. Wenn wir da keinen find,.

    tschüss Dann.

    InterfacePtr parent (itemHier-> QueryParent());

    If (! parent) break;

    PageUID UID = GLayout_ GetOwnerPageUID (itemHier);

    If (pageUID == kInvalidUID) break;

    result = UIDRef (frameRef.GetDataBase (), pageUID);

    If (pgNum)


    IDataBase * db = frameRef.GetDataBase ();

    If (! db) break;

    UIDRef docRef (db, db-> GetRootUID ());

    InterfacePtr PageList (docRef, IID_IPAGELIST);

    If (!.) (Break from PageList);

    Int32 pageIndex is PageList-> GetPageIndex (pageUID);.

    * pgNum = pageIndex;


    } While (false);

    return the result;



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    Thank you

    Control of the working channel is \-codes display, while the constant diagram is in normal display. Once you pass the constant \-codes diagram, you will see that it is in fact "/ 1ZR\\r\\n". Switch to \-codes, re - enter the text you want and see if things improve.

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    Looking at your crash report, suitcase does not seem to be involved.

    Instead, your accident is in this odd plugin:


    That seems to be in:

    0 x 17274000 - 0x17292ff3 + com.adobe.InDesign.Telescope.sdk (7.1.2?)- <97F7B6BF-280E-4A72-4820-09258E50379F>/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5/*/Telescope.sdk

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    In any case, try to remove the plugin. Assuming that suits it, contact them.

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    ErrorCode SnpExportDynamicDocument::ExportSWF (const UIDRef & documentUIDRef, IDFile & swfFileName)
    Status of ErrorCode = kFailure;
    OutStream InterfacePtr < IPMStream > (StreamUtil::CreateFileStreamWriteLazy (swfFileName, kOpenOut | kOpenTrunc));

    FileHelper (swfFileName) SDKFileHelper;
    If (fileHelper.GetPath () .empty ())
    ASSERT_FAIL ("invalid or missing filename.");
    Return kFailure;

    create the order export SWF action
    InterfacePtr < ICommand > swfExportCmd(CmdUtils::CreateCommand(kSWFExportCommandBoss));)
    If (swfExportCmd is nil)
    Assert (swfExportCmd);
    Return kFailure;

    UIDList items (documentUIDRef.GetDataBase ());
    InterfacePtr < IPageList const > pageList (documentUIDRef, UseDefaultIID());
    for (int32 pageIndex = 0, pageCount = pageList - > GetPageCount(); pageIndex < pageCount; ++ pageIndex)
    elements. Append (pageList-> GetNthPageUID (pageIndex));
    swfExportCmd-> SetItemList (items);

    Cmd adjustment data
    DynamicDocsCmdData InterfacePtr < IDynamicDocumentsExportCommandData > (swfExportCmd, UseDefaultIID());
    dynamicDocsCmdData-> SetStream (outStream);
    dynamicDocsCmdData-> SetUIFlags (kSuppressUI);

    SwfCmdData InterfacePtr < ISWFExportPreferences > (swfExportCmd, UseDefaultIID());
    InterfacePtr < IWorkspace > iAppWS (GetExecutionContextSession ()-> QueryWorkspace());
    ISWFExportPrefs InterfacePtr < ISWFExportPreferences > (iAppWS, UseDefaultIID());
    swfCmdData-> Copy (iSWFExportPrefs);

    process the order
    retourner CmdUtils::ProcessCommand (swfExportCmd);


    He fled on the very last line. In other words, if I remove the ProcessCommand() then there is no memory leak.

    There seems to be 'leaks 2, 130072 bytes' leaks every time I call the above.

    I'm just stick the code that ships with SDK CS6 examples, so I don't see what the problem is.

    I checked the code

    Any suggestions?

    It could also be a bug in InDesign. You can check if you have a newer version of the ID?

    SDK Build 406

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    I'm trying to find the right date conversion/validation. The problem is that I get as string(dd-Mon-yy) format date in a text file. I need to load it into an Oracle table in the form of text, then post the text as a date is valid.

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    If I use the conversion to this day, I get the error ORA-1843.

    with t1 as
    SELECT ' 01-CCA-11' stringdate FROM DUAL Union all the
    SELECT 1 December 11 ' stringdate FROM DUAL Union all the
    SELECT ' 01-Juk-11' stringdate FROM DUAL Union all the
    SELECT 1st April 11 ' stringdate FROM DUAL

    The first and 3 record is incorrect month.

    Help, please.

    I use
    Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production
    With partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

    Thank you


    If you want to just check the month (and assuming that the month is English), you could do something like

    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with x as (
      2  (SELECT '01-Apd-11' stringdate FROM DUAL union all
      3   SELECT '01-Dec-11' stringdate FROM DUAL union all
      4   SELECT '01-Juk-11' stringdate FROM DUAL union all
      5   SELECT '01-Apr-11' stringdate FROM DUAL ))
      6  select (case when regexp_instr(
      7                       x.stringdate,
      8                       '-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)-'
    ) > 0
      9               then 'Valid'
     10               else 'Invalid'
     11           end) status,
     12         stringdate
     13*   from x
    SQL> /
    ------- ---------
    Invalid 01-Apd-11
    Valid   01-Dec-11
    Invalid 01-Juk-11
    Valid   01-Apr-11


    Published by: Justin cave on July 30, 2011 19:32

  • Find, edit, and remove the tag XML (Adobe InDesign Server CS5)

    Hi all

    I work with Indesign CS5 server and JavaScript, although having some difficulties to come with a solution to a problem...

    I have to build a script JS (called through SOAP) that will allow me to search for an XML tag in an InDesign file.

    After you find the XML tag, if the variable 'action' is set to remove, it should remove the tag and its content.

    If the action is set to edit, he should change the content of the tag to the user-defined content.

    The main warning is that the XML tag is variable, as is the XML of the InDesign file structure.

    Here's what I have in mind, in pseudocode:

    function findXMLTag (tag, action) {}

    app.searchForTag (tag);

    If {(tagIsFound)

    If (action == 'delete') {}

    tag. Delete;

    } Else if (action == 'edit') {}

    tag.contents = "update content";




    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you

    Ben Kay

    'searchForTag' can be implemented as a recursive function.

    Recursion is defined as follows: I thought: "I'll just get this forum for"recursion"." The first post I found was one of my own, which suggests that the poster should search the forum for "recursion".

    Here is an example: find the XML element []

    And another: remove the xml using JS [CS3] element (read carefully, as the OP is stuck on how to remove an item and continue successfully)

    And the other using XML rules - which I am quite familiar with, but may work for you: changing values in XML tags

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    This is a picture of my program

    It's the way the file is returned to the camera

    'I '. «#IMJxs0s1s2s3...» » Enter the JPEG compressed video image

    x = size of the frame in pixels:
    1 = 80 x 64, 3 = 160 x 120, 5 = 320 x 240, 7 = 640 x 480, 9 = 1280 x 1024

    s0s1s2s3 = size of the image in bytes (s0 * 256 ^ 0 + s1 * 256 ^ 1 + s2 * 256 ^ 2 + s3 * 256 ^ 3).
    ... = full frame JPEG

    Note that sometimes the 'I' command returns nothing if the robot camera is busy, then the 'I' command should be called as many times as necessary until a framework is returned

    I changed the format JPEG decode VI by changing the plans of red and blue color. I don't know if this caused the problem though.


    This can be useful for you:


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    I'm doing a program to read data from the buffer of 2182A (nanovoltmeter) using VISA (SCPI Programming). Now, I can get the data in the buffer, but it is in the form of a string. Can you tell me how I can convert it to a (separate for each reading) table (screenshot of my test data is attached)...

    There is also a small scan only steps 10 and 11. Insofar, the scan may be more than 100 steps so please keep this in mind so...

    Found my solution... Post here for everyone perhaps it may be useful for someone

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    What should I do to get the complete number on the chart? I already tried to use more digits in the properties of the graph, but this has no effect.

    Thanks for help.

    Hello Marlon.

    You probably use a PC with the locale 'German', that is by using the comma as decimal separator. So, you should try this:

    The format code "%."; defines the point to be used as the decimal separator, however for your locale.

    This is the reason why I put all measurement systems using the English locale (atleast swap settings German point/comma).

    BTW. increasing the accuracy of the map does not change data related to it

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