Integrated WebLogic fails to start after you have added the security provider


I'm new in the adf and weblogic. I use weblogic built-in jdev 12 c 12.1.2.

I set up the security in my weblogic using this blog.

It is configured successfully. But after you configure when I restart my weblogic server, it will fail to start. This is stack strace.

< 16 April 2014 17:46:33 hours CEST > < error > < security > < BEA-090870 > < the domain 'myrealm' could not be loaded: com.bea.common.engine.ServiceInitializationException: java.lang.NullPointerException. com.bea.common.engine.ServiceInitializationException: java.lang.NullPointerException






Truncated. check the log file full stacktrace

Caused by: com.bea.common.engine.ServiceInitializationException: java.lang.NullPointerException

at com.bea.common.engine.internal.ServiceEngineImpl.findOrStartService(

at com.bea.common.engine.internal.ServiceEngineImpl.findOrStartService(

at com.bea.common.engine.internal.ServiceEngineImpl.lookupService(

at com.bea.common.engine.internal.ServicesImpl.getService(


Truncated. check the log file full stacktrace

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException



to < init > (



Truncated. check the log file full stacktrace


< 16 April 2014 17:46:33 hours CEST > < opinion > < security > < BEA-090082 > < security initialization using security realm myrealm. >

< 16 April 2014 17:46:33 hours CEST > < critical > < WebLogicServer > < BEA-000362 > < server failed. Reason:

There are 1 nested errors: security services [Security: 090399] not available









< 16 April 2014 17:46:33 hours CEST > < opinion > < WebLogicServer > < BEA-000365 > < Server state changed to FAILED. >

< 16 April 2014 17:46:33 hours CEST > < error > < WebLogicServer > < BEA-000383 > < is not an essential service. The server shuts itself down. >

< 16 April 2014 17:46:33 hours CEST > < opinion > < WebLogicServer > < BEA-000365 > < Server state has changed to FORCE_SHUTTING_DOWN. >

Stopping Server Derby...

Derby server stopped.

Process is complete.

[End of IntegratedWebLogicServer.]

SQL authentication is configured using a data source. If I change the name of blind in weblogic in the config.xml file data source, he throws exception but able to start the server. can any body help to what he's trying to find the data source before inilizing it. Here is my file config.xml

<? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF - 8"? >

" < domain xmlns =" http://xmlns. "xmlns:sec =" http://xmlns. " "xmlns:wls =" http://xmlns. " "" xmlns: xsi = " " xsi: schemaLocation = " http://xmlns." / security/wls' > .

< name > DefaultDomain < / name >

field < version > < / domain-version >

> security configuration <

< name > DefaultDomain < / name >

< domain >

< sec: authentication - provider xsi: type = "wls:sql - authenticatorType" >

db_user < sec: name > < / sec: name >

< sec: control - flag > SUFFICIENT < / sec: control - flag >

< wls: data-source-name >workdayDS< / wls: data-source-name >

< wls:plaintext - passwords-activated > true < / wls:plaintext - passwords-enabled >

< wls:sql - get-users-Word of past > SELECT PASSWORD FROM WORKDAY_USERS WHERE username =? < / wls:sql - get-users-Word of past >

< wls:sql - user - exists > SELECT name from USER OF WORKDAY_USERS WHERE username =? < / wls:sql - user - exists >

< wls:sql - list-members-groups > short_name SELECT OF WORKDAY_user_role_grants g, workday_roles r, workday_users u WHERE g.usr_id = AND g.rle_id = AND u.username =? < / wls:sql - list-members-groups >

< wls:sql - list-users > SELECT USER FROM WORKDAY_USERS WHERE name LIKE USER name? < / wls:sql - list-users >

< wls:sql - get-user-description > SELECT DISPLAY_NAME FROM WORKDAY_USERS WHERE username =? < / wls:sql - get-user-description >

< wls:sql - list-groups > SELECT SHORT_NAME FROM WORKDAY_ROLES WHERE SHORT_NAME AS? < / wls:sql - list-groups >

< wls:sql - group - exists > SELECT SHORT_NAME WORKDAY_ROLES WHERE SHORT_NAME =? < / wls:sql - group - exists >

< wls:sql - East-members > SELECT u.username OF WORKDAY_user_role_grants g, WORKDAY_users u WHERE = g.usr_id AND rle_id = (SELECT id FROM WORKDAY_roles WHERE short_name =?) AND usr_id = (SELECT id FROM WORKDAY_users WHERE username =?) < / wls:sql - is-member >

< wls:sql - get-group-description > SELECT name FROM workday_roles WHERE the short_name =? < / wls:sql - get-group-description >

< wls:password - algorithm > < / wls:password - algorithm >

< wls:password - style > PLAINTEXT < / wls:password - style >

< wls:sql - create-user > INSERT INTO WORKDAY_USERS (USERNAME, PASSWORD, DISPLAY_NAME) VALUES (?,?,?) < / wls:sql - create-user >

< wls:sql - user-delete > DELETE FROM WORKDAY_USERS WHERE username =? < / wls:sql - remove-user >

< wls:sql - remove group memberships > DELETE FROM WORKDAY_user_role_grants WHERE rle_id = (SELECT id FROM workday_roles WHERE short_name =?) OR usr_id = (SELECT id FROM workday_users WHERE username =?) < / wls:sql - remove group memberships >

< wls:sql - set-user-description > UPDATE WORKDAY_USERS SET DISPLAY_NAME =? WHERE USERNAME =? < / wls:sql - set-user-description >

< wls:sql - set-user-word of past > UPDATE WORKDAY_USERS SET PASSWORD =? WHERE USERNAME =? < / wls:sql - set-user-word of past >

< wls:sql - create group > VALUES INSERT INTO WORKDAY_ROLES (id, short_name, name) (ROLES_SEQ. NEXTVAL,?,?) < / wls:sql - create group >

< wls:sql - set-group-description > UPDATE workday_roles SET name =? WHERE short_name =? < / wls:sql - set-group-description >

< wls:sql - Add-Member-to-group > INSERT INTO workday_user_role_grants (id, rle_id, usr_id) VALUES (workday_user_role_grants_seq. NEXTVAL, (SELECT id FROM workday_roles WHERE short_name =?), (SELECT id FROM workday_users WHERE username =?)) < / wls:sql - Add-Member-to-group >

< wls:sql - remove-member-of-group > DELETE FROM workday_user_role_grants WHERE rle_id = (SELECT id FROM workday_roles WHERE short_name =?) AND usr_id = (SELECT id FROM workday_users WHERE username =?) < / wls:sql - remove-member-of-group >

< wls:sql - group-delete > DELETE FROM WORKDAY_ROLES WHERE short_name =? < / wls:sql - remove group >

< wls:sql - delete-Group-members > DELETE FROM workday_user_role_grants WHERE rle_id = (SELECT id FROM workday_roles WHERE short_name =?) < / wls:sql - remove group member >

< wls:sql - list-group-members > SELECT username FROM workday_user_role_grants g, workday_roles r, u workday_users WHERE g.usr_id = AND g.rle_id = AND r.short_name =? AND u.username AS? < / wls:sql - list-group-members >

< / sec: authentication - provider >

< sec: authentication - provider xsi: type = "wls:default - authenticatorType" >

< sec: name > DefaultAuthenticator < / sec: name >

< / sec: authentication - provider >

" < sec: authentication - provider xmlns:prov = ' "xsi: type ="prov:trust - service-identity-asserterType"> ".

Trust Service identity Asserter < sec: name > < / sec: name >

< / sec: authentication - provider >

< sec: authentication - provider xsi: type = "wls:default - identity-asserterType" >

< sec: name > DefaultIdentityAsserter < / sec: name >

< dry: active-type > AuthenticatedUser < / dry: active-type >

< / sec: authentication - provider >

" < sec: role - Mapper = xmlns:xac ' "xsi: type =" xac:xacml - role-mapperType "> ".

< sec: name > XACMLRoleMapper < / sec: name >

< / sec: role - Mapper >

" < sec: authorizer = xmlns:xac ' "xsi: type =" xac:xacml - authorizerType "> ".

< sec: name > XACMLAuthorizer < / sec: name >

< / sec: authorizer >

< sec: adjudicator xsi: type = "wls:default - adjudicatorType" >

< sec: name > DefaultAdjudicator < / sec: name >

< / sec: adjudicator >

< sec: credential - Mapper xsi: type = "wls:default - credential-mapperType" >

< sec: name > DefaultCredentialMapper < / sec: name >

< / sec: credential - Mapper >

< sec: cert - path-provider xsi: type = "wls:web - logic-cert-path-providerType" >

< sec: name > WebLogicCertPathProvider < / sec: name >

< / sec: cert - path-supplier >

< sec: cert - road-builder > WebLogicCertPathProvider < / sec: cert - road-builder >

< sec: name > myrealm < / sec: name >

" < sec: password - validator = xmlns:pas ' "xsi: type =" not: System-Password - validatorType "> ".

< sec: name > SystemPasswordValidator < / sec: name >

< not: min - password - > 8 length < / not: min - password - length >

< not: min-digital - or - special-characters > 1 < / not: min-digital - or - special characters >

< / sec: password - validator >

< / domain >

< domain >

< sec: authentication - provider xsi: type = "wls:sql - authenticatorType" >

db_user < sec: name > < / sec: name >

< sec: control - flag > OPTIONAL < / sec: control - flag >

< / sec: authentication - provider >

< s: deploy-credential-mapping-ignored > true < / sec: deploy-credential-mapping-ignored >

RDBMS < sec: name > < / sec: name >

< / domain >

field < default > myrealm < / default domain >

< credentials encrypted > {ESA} oiXGiKafJRTHRLy3teTxciHGGJde23frXWjmnQAK2qQIuRYhySgd6oh/ZsnHQK1u99KboPN4Tjo5uS6tg37hufUPCJIdgDAhAOjBEZHVTXFc4YwQmZ6jdCpqlqEjUOkK < / encrypted credential >

WebLogic < node-Manager-user name > < / node-Manager-user name >

{ESA} < node-Manager-password - encrypted > dPzCkXm4Z8SaMVCroCwFXEIvbz/FTMroi8W/aDM7blA = < / node-Manager-password encrypted >

< use-kss-for-demo > true < / use-kss-for-demo >

< / security configuration >

< Server >

< name > DefaultServer < / name >

< ssl >

< name > DefaultServer < / name >

< enabled > true < / enabled >

< Listening port >


< / Listen-port >

< two - way ssl compatible > true < / two - way compatible ssl >

< / ssl >

< Listening port >


< / Listen-port >

> web server <

< name > DefaultServer < / name >

< log-server-web >

< name > DefaultServer < / name >

< elf fields > date time cs-method ctx-ctx - sc-status cs - uri DIN ecid < / elf fields >

<-log file format > extended < / format of log file-->

< / Web-server log >

< / web server >

BRP1LAP16 < listen-address > < / listen-address >

< tunneling-enabled > true < / tunnel-enabled >

<-diagnosis-server configuration >

< name > DefaultServer < / name >

< diagnosis-context-activated > true < / diagnosis-context-enabled >

< / config-diagnosis-server >

defaultCoherenceCluster < consistency cluster-system-resource > < / coherence-cluster-system-resources >

< / Server >

< incorporated-ldap >

< name > DefaultDomain < / name >

< credentials encrypted > {ESA} WRTXOv5WcAtcIZFA7g9azU4v/ogflkbFEN1TAdhhGbU6R7RiiSfLaouE6fgnkjRg < / encrypted credential >

< / embedded-ldap >

configuration < version > < / configuration-version >

< app deployment >

State-management-provider-memory-rar < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

RAR < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/com.Oracle.State-management.State-management-provider-memory-RAR-impl_12.1.2.rar < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / app-deployment >

< app deployment >

DMS Application # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

war of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.dms_12.1.2/DMS.war < source path > < / source-path >

< deployment-order > 5 < / order of deployment >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / app-deployment >

< app deployment >

< name > wsil-wls # < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

ear of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/com.Oracle.WebServices.FMW.WSIL-WLS-impl_12.1.2.ear < source path > < / source-path >

< deployment-order > 5 < / order of deployment >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / app-deployment >

< app deployment >

< name > coherence-transaction-rar < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

RAR < module-type > < / module-type >

< source path - > C:/Oracle12c/Middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common /... /Coherence/lib/Coherence-transaction.rar < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / app-deployment >

< app deployment >

< name > wsm - h < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

ear of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.WSM.pm_12.1.2/WSM-pm.ear < source path > < / source-path >

< deployment-order > 5 < / order of deployment >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / app-deployment >

< Library >

[email protected] oracle.sdp.client # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.SDP.client_12.1.2/sdpclient.jar < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] oracle.pwdgen # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.pwdgen_12.1.2/pwdgen.jar < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] owasp.esapi # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.owasp_12.1.2/OWASP-esapi.jar < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] oracle.wsm.seedpolicies # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.WSM.common_12.1.2/WSM-seed-policies.jar < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] odl.clickhistory # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.odl_12.1.2/clickhistory.jar < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] odl.clickhistory.webapp # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.odl_12.1.2/clickhistory.war < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

< name > oracle.jrf.system.filter < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.jrf_12.1.2/system-filters.war < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.jsp_12.1.2/ojsp.jar < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

< name > oracle.dconfig - infra #[email protected] < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.dConfig-infra_12.1.2.jar < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

< name > orai18n-adf #[email protected] < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.nlsgdk_12.1.2/orai18n-ADF.jar < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] oracle.adf.dconfigbeans # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

jar of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.ADF.dconfigbeans_12.1.2.jar < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

ear of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.ADF.model_12.1.2/ADF.Oracle.domain.ear < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

war of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.ADF.businesseditor_12.1.2/ADF.businesseditor.war < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

war of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.ADF.management_12.1.2/ADF-management.war < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

war of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.ADF.view_12.1.2/ADF.Oracle.domain.webapp.war < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

< name > jsf #[email protected]< / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

war of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.jsf_2.1/JSF-RI-21.war < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

< name > jstl #[email protected] < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

war of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:\Oracle12c\Middleware\Oracle_Home\wlserver/common/deployable-libraries/JSTL-1.2.war < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

< name > UIX #[email protected] < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

war of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.uix_12.1.2/uix11.war < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

< name > ohw - FRC #[email protected] < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

war of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.help_5.0/OHW-RCF.war < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

< name > ohw - uix #[email protected] < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

war of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.help_5.0/OHW-UIX.war < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] oracle.adf.desktopintegration.model # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

ear of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.ADF.desktopintegration.model_12.1.2/Oracle.ADF.desktopintegration.model.ear < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] oracle.adf.desktopintegration # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

war of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/Oracle.ADF.desktopintegration_12.1.2/Oracle.ADF.desktopintegration.war < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

ear of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/ < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

war of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/ < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

ear of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/ < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

war of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/ < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >

< Library >

[email protected] # < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

war of < module-type > < / module-type >

C:/Oracle12c/middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/modules/ < source path > < / source-path >

DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

> mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

< / Library >


< name > DMSShutdown < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< deployment-order > 150 < / order of deployment >

> class name < oracle.dms.wls.DMSShutdown < / class name >

< / stop-class >


< name > class start JPS < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< deployment > 115 order < / order of deployment >

> class name < < / class name >

< failure-is-fatal > false < / failure-is-fatal >

< charge-before-app-deployments > true < / load-front-app-deployments >

< charge-before-app-activation > true < / load-front-app-activation >

< / start class >


< name > JPS start after Activation class < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< deployment-order > 160 < / order of deployment >

> class name < < / class name >

< failure-is-fatal > false < / failure-is-fatal >

< charge-before-app-deployments > false < / load-front-app-deployments >

< charge-before-app-activation > true < / load-front-app-activation >

< / start class >


< name > class start WSM < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

> class name < oracle.wsm.config.WSMServerStartupShutdownProvider < / class name >

< / start class >


< name > class start JRF < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< deployment > 110 order < / order of deployment >

> class name < oracle.jrf.wls.JRFStartup < / class name >

< failure-is-fatal > false < / failure-is-fatal >

< charge-before-app-deployments > true < / load-front-app-deployments >

< charge-before-app-activation > true < / load-front-app-activation >

< / start class >


< name > ODL-start < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< deployment > 145 order < / order of deployment >

> class name < oracle.core.ojdl.weblogic.ODLConfiguration < / class name >

< failure-is-fatal > false < / failure-is-fatal >

< charge-before-app-deployments > true < / load-front-app-deployments >

< charge-before-app-activation > true < / load-front-app-activation >

< / start class >


< name > DMS-start < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< deployment-order > 150 < / order of deployment >

> class name < oracle.dms.wls.DMSStartup < / class name >

< failure-is-fatal > false < / failure-is-fatal >

< charge-before-app-deployments > true < / load-front-app-deployments >

< charge-before-app-activation > true < / load-front-app-activation >

< / start class >


< name > class start context AWT Application < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< deployment-order > 150 < / order of deployment >

> class name < oracle.jrf.AppContextStartup < / class name >

< failure-is-fatal > false < / failure-is-fatal >

< charge-before-app-deployments > true < / load-front-app-deployments >

< charge-before-app-activation > true < / load-front-app-activation >

< / start class >


< name > class start of Web Services < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< deployment-order > 150 < / order of deployment >

> class name < < / class name >

< failure-is-fatal > false < / failure-is-fatal >

< charge-before-app-deployments > true < / load-front-app-deployments >

< charge-before-app-activation > true < / load-front-app-activation >

< / start class >

store < file >

< name > mds-GOSA < / name >

< Directory > store/gmds < / book >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< / file-store >

< name-server-admin > DefaultServer < / name of the server-admin->

< wldf-system-resources >

Module FMWDFW < name > < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< name-file-descriptor > diagnostics/Module-FMWDFW - 2818.xml < / file-descriptor-name >

incident creates FMWDFW < description > from non-controlled Exceptions and critical errors < / description >

< / wldf-system-resources >

< jdbc-system-resources >

< name > LocalSvcTblDataSource < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< name-file-descriptor > jdbc/LocalSvcTblDataSource - jdbc.xml < / file-descriptor-name >

< / jdbc-system-resources >

< jdbc-system-resources >

< name > opss-data-source < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< name-file-descriptor > jdbc/opss-datasource - jdbc.xml < / file-descriptor-name >

< / jdbc-system-resources >

< jdbc-system-resources >

< name > opss-audit-viewDS < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< name-file-descriptor > jdbc/opss-auditview - jdbc.xml < / file-descriptor-name >

< / jdbc-system-resources >

< jdbc-system-resources >

< name > opss-audit-DBDS < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< name-file-descriptor > jdbc/opss-audit - jdbc.xml < / file-descriptor-name >

< / jdbc-system-resources >

< jdbc-system-resources >

< name > mds-GOSA < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< name-file-descriptor > jdbc/mds-GOSA - jdbc.xml < / file-descriptor-name >

< / jdbc-system-resources >

< jdbc-system-resources >

< name > workdayDS < / name >

DefaultServer < target > < / target >

< name-file-descriptor > jdbc/workdayDS-6554 - jdbc.xml < / file-descriptor-name >

< / jdbc-system-resources >

< consistency cluster-system-resource >

< name > defaultCoherenceCluster < / name >

< name-file-descriptor > coherence/defaultCoherenceCluster - coherence.xml < / file-descriptor-name >

< / coherence-cluster-system-resources >

< / domain >

Data source that I use it is wordayDS.

I have deleted my domain name and create new ones yet to configure SQL authentication, and it works fine.

Tags: Fusion Middleware

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    I put t know if this Microsoft Knowledge base article would be useful for you, but you should check it out.

    [You receive a "Windows didn't start because the following file is missing or corrupt: Isapnp.sys" error message at startup |]

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    Can you post the output of the following commands in OSX Terminal?

    diskutil list

    Cs diskutil list

    sudo TPG - vv - r see the/dev/disk0

    sudo fdisk/dev/disk0

    The "sudo" commands will prompt to enter your password, and there do not appear to come back. You can also see caution against improper use 'sudo' and the potential loss of data due to an "abuse" of the order.

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    java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
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    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    to weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ (
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
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    [End log]

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    [launch the journal]
    File does not exist: D:/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/epmstatic/bpmui/resources/bpm_en-US.js, referer: http://[server]:19000/workspace/index.jsp
    File does not exist: D:/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/epmstatic/wspace/resources/wksp_en-US.js, referer: http://[server]:19000/workspace/index.jsp
    File does not exist: D:/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/epmstatic/raframework/resources/cds_global_en-US.js, referer: http://[server]:19000/workspace/index.jsp
    File does not exist: D:/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/epmstatic/raframework/resources/tools_global_en-US.js, referer: http://[server]:19000/workspace/index.jsp
    File does not exist: D:/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/epmstatic/reporting_analysis/resources/fr/fr_web_en-US.js, referer: http://[server]:19000/workspace/index.jsp
    File does not exist: D:/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/epmstatic/planning/resources/hp_global_en-US.js, referer: http://[server]:19000/workspace/index.jsp
    File does not exist: D:/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/epmstatic/awb/resources/awb/awb_global_en-US.js, referer: http://[server]:19000/workspace/index.jsp
    File does not exist: D:/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/epmstatic/aif/resources/aif-global_en-US.js, referer: http://[server]:19000/workspace/index.jsp
    File does not exist: D:/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/epmstatic/calcmgr/resources/calcmgr_global_en-US.js, referer: http://[server]:19000/workspace/index.jsp
    File does not exist: D:/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/epmstatic/raframework/resources/changeManagement_global_en-US.js, referer: http://[server]:19000/workspace/index.jsp
    File does not exist: D:/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/epmstatic/webanalysis/resources/resources_global_en-US.js, referer: http://[server]:19000/workspace/index.jsp
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    Failure for the request: / HyperionPlanning/servlet/HspAppManagerServlet? action = validate_workforce_or_capex & license_type = all & lang_id = en, Resp Code: [500]
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    Failure for the request: / HyperionPlanning/servlet/HspAppManagerServlet, Resp Code: [500]

    [End log]

    Appreciate any help! and thanks in advance,

    I found that all the. JS files that are missing are actually there only without "-U.S.»

    Published by: Omar on January 23, 2012 15:17

    Have you tried to redeploy planning again?

    In theory, you should be able to install/configure additional products at a later stage if because they are produced of foundation it may have caused problems.

    See you soon


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    2 - Appsn2 (services of all running applications)

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    Please let me know if I'm missing something.

    Kind regards


    Please, try the following:

    -Stop the application services on both nodes

    -Start AutoConfig on the node that you just added and make sure that it ends successfully

    -Start AutoConfig on the head node and make sure that it ends successfully

    -Start the application services on both nodes

    -Then check

    Several Application nodes configured without load balancer Cause Login Redirection (Doc ID 1362885.1)

    Thank you


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    Thank you for the update.

    Given that the problem occurs when the hard drive is connected to a different USB port or another computer, it is probably related to the connection of the hard disk.

    Method 1: check if the problem occurs in another computer after removing the hard disk enclosure.

    Method 2:


    Step 1: Check if the hard drive is detected in Windows Explorer.

    To do this, follow these steps:

    a. connect the hard disk of the computer.

    b. press the Windows key + E to open Windows Explorer.

    c. check if the hard drive is present here.

    Step 2: Check if the hard drive is detected in disk management.

    To do this, follow these steps:

    a. on the desktop, press the Windows key + X , and then select disk management.

    b. check if the hard drive is listed there.

    Contact the manufacturer of the hard drive and hard drive enclosure for assistance.

    Please get back to us if you have any other questions about Windows operating systems. We are happy to help you.

  • How to force the Photos up-to-date original jpeg file after you have added the GPS data and rotation


    Pictures has the ability to add GPS data to an image file, but stores the GPS data in a catalog instead of the actual image file.  The same seems to apply to the rotation of the image.  Is there a way to force the Photos up-to-date the actual image file?

    The only solution I have found so far is to export images updated, remove them from the library of Photos and re - import.  This process, however, replaces the original creation date with the date of the export in the file.  (i.e. a photo taken in 2007 with a creation date of 2007 will now have the date it has been exported photos as a creation date.)

    The reason why I want to update the original file, it is that I use Google Photos automatically create albums using the content of the image, the GPS data and dates.  The backup utility Google downloads the file Master Original therefore excludes files and changes to images in the photos.

    I use the photo Version 1.5 (370.42.0)

    Thank you.

    The same seems to apply to the rotation of the image.  Is there a way to force the Photos up-to-date the actual image file?

    No, Photos will never alter the original image file.

    You can export the photo with the GPS and reimport with file > export and activate "include location information:

    Or use a tool to add location data before importing photos to Photos. I use Jetphoto Studio.

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    the message on the console appears after:

    I added second virtual switch with vmkernel and service and storage console by declaring open to esx.

    What has happened and what needs to be done to solve this problem?

    The interesting part that it keeps me not to access esx even on console, it displays (this machine)?

    Note: this is a laboratory configuration.


    Yes, in WS and Yes, I would add to the team. I have in my team 2 ESX, OF Smoothwall Firewall and W2K3 servers for vCenter.

    Best regards

    Edward L. Haletky

    VMware communities user moderator


    Author of the book "VMWare ESX Server in the enterprise: planning and securing virtualization servers, Copyright 2008 Pearson Education.»

    Blue gears and SearchVMware Pro Articles:

    Security Virtualization top of page links:

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    I can connect ok with USB, but I don't know how to re - enable wireless printing.

    Can anyone help?


    To connect the printer to the network, you will need to use the PC. tehrefore knowing what OS you use will allow you to direct you better.

    If you are using Windows 7, you need to connect the printer with an Ethernet connection first, then enter the pritner EWS page to configure the wireless connection.

    You can find the exact measurements below:

    For Windows XP or Vista, please follow the steps below to connect the pritner to your wireless network:

    Kind regards


  • SRM does not start after you have moved the database

    We're under 4.1 SRM and moved its sql database to a new server sql (new server sql a different host name).  We moved successfully to the virtual center & Manager Update bases sql data, but after moving srm4.1 database, the srm service does not start...

    so far, I uninstalled SRM (DO NOT remove the SRM database)... After uninstalling SRM, I rebooted the server.  Then I have re-directed the SRM installation and started going through the installation of MRS... After pointing the SRM installed on the server vcenter, port 80, and pointing to an existing sql database, etc., I get a thumbnail of certificate message and a prompt on the creation of a new certificate, which i say 'yes' to... Installation continued on and arrived at the end when it says "create certificate"... then does not say "cannot install the certificate...". Database error has occurred. "At this point, the installation failed

    Any ideas on how to remove the old certificate or work around this error?

    Thank you

    I think the error message is misleading in this case and the problem is not related to the certificate.

    I still think that it is permission DB / configuration number.

    Following links may be useful:



  • Partition Windows 10 does not start after you have created the new internal drive

    I'm running OS X 10.11.2.

    I have set up a training camp 10 Windows on my Macbook Pro sometime ago, but today I realized that I need more storage. I watched how do so online and came across this thread:How to resize my bootcamp partition without deleting chtol. I followed the instructions, but could not know how do I find my Windows partition.

    So I think that I have the problem described here: repair Boot Camp after having created the new partition. I did what Christopher Murphy described on the first page and this error message appeared when I pressed "w ":

    "Failed to open device ' / dev/disk0 ' for writing! Errno is 1! Writing of abandonment! »

    I deleted from the extra without internal hard drive name in the hope that he'll fix it, but it didn't.

    I would like to enlarge my Windows partition, but at this point, as long as I can access my Windows Bootcamp partition, that would be great!

    EDIT: I unfortunately do not back to the time Machine.

    Resizing Windows partitions is not officially supported by Apple - Boot Camp: resize the Windows partition .

    Please after the release of

    diskutil list

    Cs diskutil list

    sudo TPG - vv - r see the/dev/disk0

    sudo fdisk/dev/disk0

  • Help my pc does not start after you have uninstalled the video driver

    Please help my pc usually start more after I uninstall my nvidia driver mx/mx 400 with YourUninstaller I try to use this option to uninstall my driver in super mode then prompt YourUninstaller and asked "do you want to restart your computer now" then I click Yes but YourUninstaller software now on the race because the YourUninstaller has finished remove the registry left behind by uninstalling normal after that there is no register found after scanned. Then I click Next, then I closed this request. Then I restart my computer manually but blocked windows then I wait 5 or 10 minutes, but do not restart Windows. I turn off my APR, then I turn on my pc then windows does not start. I try to reformat but it's the same story that windows does not start. I try to remove the cmos battery hoping it will solve then it works. But the problem is that I insert my bootable cd, it runs automatically even I don't not press a key on the keyboard, the process to continue installing windows, it sounds I can not install my windows correctly. When he restrart the process goes again to load all the drivers everywhere why did this happen? Is there something wrong with my HARD drive once I used YourUninstaller?

    RAM of a problem with you, I guess. Remove the RAM and clean including the slot of the motherboard.

    If this post answers your question, click mark as answer .

  • The browser does not start after you have turned off and turned on the computer

    The browser does not start after you have turned off and turned on the computer. I tried to remove the program entirely (as well as personal preferences), to create a new account, install a different browser versions. All this has not helped. (I have Windows 7). Help, please! Every day I have to reinstall Firefox!

    Hello Nastena, try a clean reinstall, some Firefox issues can be resolved by performing a clean reinstall. This means that you Remove Firefox program files and then reinstall Firefox. Please follow these steps:

    Note: You can print these steps or consult them in another browser.

    1. Download the latest version of Firefox from office and save the installer to your computer.
    2. Once the download is complete, close all Firefox Windows (click on quit in the file menu or Firefox).
    3. Remove the Firefox installation folder, which is located in one of these locations, by default:
      • Windows:

        • C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
        • C:\Program Files (x 86) \Mozilla Firefox
      • Mac: Delete Firefox in the Applications folder.
      • Linux: If you have installed Firefox with the distribution-based package manager, you must use the same way to uninstall: see Install Firefox on Linux. If you have downloaded and installed the binary package from the Firefox download page, simply remove the folder firefox in your home directory.
    4. Now, go ahead and reinstall Firefox:
      1. Double-click on the downloaded Setup file and go through the steps in the installation wizard.
      2. Once the wizard is completed, click to open Firefox directly after clicking the Finish button.

    Please report back to see if this helped you!

    • Also check if your antivirus or other access security software (firewall, antispyware etc.) blocks firefox.

    Thank you

  • After you have installed the Realtek drivers, I get code 10 error and cannot start sound.

    original title: help with my sound please

    After you have installed the realtek driver it says code error 10 can't start sound...

    also I can't find the button and games on the Device Manager heres the message in Event Viewer:
    Log name: System
    Source: PlugPlayManager
    Date: 17/05/2012-18:50:27
    Event ID: 12
    Task category: no
    Level: error
    Keywords: Classic
    User: n/a
    : My computer
    The device ' in Build Conexant Type 2 modem "(HDAUDIO\FUNC_02 & VEN_14F1 & DEV_2C06 & SUBSYS_10250126 & REV_1000\4 & 37d33e44 & 0 & 0102) disappeared from the system without first be prepared for removal.
    The event XML:
        0 x 80000000000000
        Modem Conexant - in the generation Type 2
        HDAUDIO\FUNC_02 & VEN_14F1 & DEV_2C06 & SUBSYS_10250126 & REV_1000\4 & 37d33e44 & 0 & 0102

    Hello I want to,

    The problem you describe looks like you are maybe install the wrong driver for your sound card.
    Have you checked that the driver is for your specific device?
    If you look in your system's Device Manager, is there a yellow exclamation next to the audio controller?
    If so, this seems to indicate that the drivers installed are not good for your sound card. Usually if you double-click the device in Device Manager, it will say something in the sense of "Device cannot start".

Maybe you are looking for