Interesting problem

We have two tables X and Y, which meet on a field, which is of type varchar (30) X and field NUMBER type B (10) in Y. In physics, to join the table, that we were faced with an error that the fields are not compatible to reach, so we updated the B field in the table is of type VARCHAR in the physical layer.

Now, when we have created reports through ANSWERS BI, the result contains only 1 record for which X.A both Y.B value sizes are 4-digit, other entries that could have been the result of the join have X.A and Y.B over 4-digit values

Can someone help out us here, as to why the records are not get picked up in the join.

Thank you

Use a complex join in physical layer and add TableX.A = TableY.CAST (B as CHAR).

Tags: Business Intelligence

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  • interesting problem with sending e-mail

    Hello world
    I faced a very interesting problem. In the code below, I want to send a variable (w_data) with the html, but the recipient do not e-mail, but when I remove the part (w_data) "BOLD" and write a string like "Gauthier", the recipient takes this e-mail. What is the problem, why I can't send a varchar2?

    v_from VARCHAR2 (80): = "[email protected]";
    v_recipient VARCHAR2 (80): = "[email protected]";
    v_subject VARCHAR2 (80): = "test subject";
    v_mail_host VARCHAR2 (30): = "";
    v_mail_conn UTL_SMTP.connection;
    CRLF VARCHAR2 (2): = CHR (13) | CHR (10);
    CURSOR cur_
    Select disconnect_cause in the rawticket_voip;
    w_data VARCHAR2 (31000);

    v_mail_conn: = UTL_SMTP.open_connection (v_mail_host, 25);
    UTL_SMTP. HELO (v_mail_conn, v_mail_host);
    UTL_SMTP.mail (v_mail_conn, v_from);
    UTL_SMTP. RCPT (v_mail_conn, v_recipient);

    w_data: = ' < html >
    < table border = "1" >
    < tr bgcolor = 'Light Blue' > ';
    W_DATA: = W_DATA | "< td >" | C.DISCONNECT_CAUSE | "< table >";
    w_data: = w_data | ' < /tr >
    < /table >
    < / html > ';
    ' Date: '
    || To_char (SYSDATE, ' Dy, hh24:mi:ss DD month YYYY ")
    || CRLF
    || "To:
    || v_from
    || CRLF
    || "Subject:"
    || v_subject
    || CRLF
    || « À : »
    || v_recipient
    || CRLF
    || "MIME-Version: 1.0 '"
    || CRLF
    || ' Content-Type: text/html; "charset ="us-ascii"
    || CRLF
    || w_data
    || CRLF
    UTL_SMTP. Quit (v_mail_conn);
    WHEN UTL_SMTP.transient_error OR UTL_SMTP.permanent_error
    raise_application_error (-20000, "cannot send an email: ' |") SQLERRM);

    Suggest that rather try next approach instead - the start_data() and close_data() calls.

    SQL> declare
      2          type TStrings is table of varchar2(1000);
      4          smtpSender      varchar2(100)   := '[email protected];
      5          smtpRecipient   varchar2(100)   := '[email protected];
      6          mailSubject     varchar2(100)   := 'Sample Mail';
      7          smtpConn         UTL_SMTP.connection;
      9          cursor cur is
     10                  select
     11                          ''||object_type||''||
     12                          object_id||''||object_name||
     13                          ''
     14                  from    user_objects
     15                  order by
     16                          object_id;
     18          mailBody        TStrings;
     20  BEGIN
     21          smtpConn := UTL_SMTP.open_connection( '', 25);
     23          UTL_SMTP.helo( smtpConn, '' ); -- // this needs to be your Oracle server hostname or IP!
     24          UTL_SMTP.mail( smtpConn, smtpSender );
     25          UTL_SMTP.rcpt( smtpConn, smtpRecipient );
     27          -- can be done using an implicit cursor instead
     28          open cur;
     29          fetch cur bulk collect into mailBody;
     30          close cur;
     32          -- start sending mail body using the data command
     33          UTL_SMTP.open_data( smtpConn );
     35          -- write header
     36          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, 'MIME-Version: 1.0'||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     37          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, 'Content-Type: text/html'||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     38          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, 'From: '||smtpSender||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     39          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, 'To: '||smtpRecipient||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     40          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, 'Subject: '||mailSubject||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     42          -- empty line between header and rest of mail body
     43          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, utl_tcp.CRLF );
     45          -- now write the HTML
     46          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, ''||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     47          for i in 1..mailBody.Count
     48          loop
     49                  UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, mailBody(i)||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     50          end loop;
     51          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, '
    '||utl_tcp.CRLF ); 52 53 -- close the data command 54 UTL_SMTP.close_data( smtpConn ); 55 56 UTL_SMTP.quit( smtpConn ); 57 end; 58 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>
  • Very interesting problem, urgent need for resolution

    Hi guys,.

    I have weird and interesting problem I repair emergency. Appreciate any help you guys can provide.

    I have a query that is running in all our database but Prod. Our UAT is updated every fortnight by Prod, so I'm sure it's not a data problem. I even tried for very small dataset making sure to select the same data in UAT and Prod.


    ORA-00932: inconsistent data types: expected NUMBER obtained -

    select level ,--works if we reomve this
     xmlelement("L1", XMLATTRIBUTES(resource_name as "L1" ,resource_id as "p_resource_id",resource_manager_id as "p_rm_id",FTE, project_hrs ,
                 misc_hrs , total_hrs, avg_tot_hrs, Perc_utilization))
          from (  SELECT   resource_id,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (FTE),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) FTE,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (project_hrs),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) project_hrs,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (misc_hrs),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) misc_hrs,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (total_hrs),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) total_hrs,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (total_hrs)/decode(SUM (FTE),0,1,SUM (FTE)),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) avg_tot_hrs,
               trim(to_char(ROUND (SUM (project_hrs) * 100 / decode(SUM (expected_project_hrs),0,1,SUM (expected_project_hrs)), 1), '999,999,999,999.9'))
        FROM   (    SELECT   CONNECT_BY_ROOT resource_name AS resource_name,
                             CONNECT_BY_ROOT resource_id AS resource_id,
                             CONNECT_BY_ROOT resource_manager_id AS resource_manager_id,
                      FROM   (    SELECT   r.username resource_name,
                                    FROM   TIME_UTILILIZ_ORG_SUM_L3M_MV r
                              START WITH   resource_id = 129523
                             CONNECT BY   PRIOR r.resource_id = r.resource_manager_id)                
                CONNECT BY   PRIOR resource_id = resource_manager_id)
    GROUP BY   resource_id, resource_name, resource_manager_id) 
              start with resource_id =129523 connect by prior resource_id=resource_manager_id; --works if we remove this
    If we remove outermost connect, it works so not a problem of xmlelement as well. Any idea?

    Published by: 783830 on July 22, 2010 06:58

    I don't know if this will help, but:

    with my_tab as (select 1 resource_id, 0 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 2 resource_id, 1 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 3 resource_id, 1 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 4 resource_id, 2 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 5 resource_id, 2 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 6 resource_id, 0 resource_manager_id, 2 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 7 resource_id, 6 resource_manager_id, 2 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 8 resource_id, 7 resource_manager_id, 2 project_hrs from dual),
    --- end of mimicking some data
        results as (select resource_id,
                           prior resource_id prev_resource_id,
                           level lvl,
                           sum(project_hrs) over (partition by connect_by_root (resource_id)) tot_project_hrs
                    from   my_tab
                    connect by prior resource_id = resource_manager_id),
       results2 as (select resource_id,
                           connect_by_root resource_id top_resource_id,
                           prior resource_id prev_resource_id,
                           level lvl
                    from   my_tab
                    connect by prior resource_id = resource_manager_id
                    start with resource_manager_id = 0)
    select r1.resource_id,
    from   results r1,
           results2 r2
    where  r1.resource_id = r2.resource_id
    and    r1.lvl = 1
    order by resource_id;
    ----------- ----------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- ----------
              1           1               5               1                           1
              2           1               3               1                1          2
              3           1               1               1                1          2
              4           1               1               1                2          3
              5           1               1               1                2          3
              6           2               6               6                           1
              7           2               4               6                6          2
              8           2               2               6                7          3
  • string to datetime interesting problem


    I am solve some problem with Labview and I find very interesting bug.

    It's just time conversation of string to the datetime format.

    In the image below, I did 24 times this conversation to show, the result for each hour of the day.

    Looks like labview have some problems with times of conversation in format 2:XX: XX (I mean, when the number 2 is the first).

    Someone has an idea how to fix this bug?

    The solution is:

    1 convert the variant to a string

    2 channel converted variant with format string %^<%d.%m.%Y % H: % m: %s > T, where ^ is important

    3. Use the Format Date/time with set to True UTC

  • BlackBerry smartphones interesting problem with Outlook synchronization

    I was sync my BB 8310 with my office for over a year without any problems.  For some unknown reason, my calendar in Outlook has all cleared but 19 of my appointment, however, all appointments still exist in my BB.  I am trying to sync w / my Outlook and we tried a lot of new things, including sync on another computer.  Synchronization of 19 appointments even on both machines with anyone else who appear and there are at least 100 with the BB.

    Ive tried a lot of solutions using the Office Manager, but I'm at a loss.  Help, please!

    Thank you all, problem solved.  See below for anyone else having this problem!

  • Manipulating strings using SQL - a interesting problem


    I came across this problem, but have not been able to find a solution yet.
    If an input string, the output must be a string with all the double quotes ("") replaced by two quotation marks (""). In addition, if a double quotation mark is preceded by a number (s) then the output must be a string where the number is enclosed in quotation marks.

    Should be a SQL solution only (no calls to functions allowed). Preferably without using CASE or DECODING.
    What are the different ways to do this?

    1 abc'd is expected to produce abc' "d as output.
    2 ab 'c' d is expected to produce ab "" c"" d as output
    3 abc "d12" is expected to produce abc "" d"12" as output
    4 ab12 "c34" should produce ab '12' c '34' output

    That's what I've done so far, but it does not work for the fourth case above. I know that there must be a more elegant and correct solution.
    SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(REPLACE('&test_string', '"', '""'),
                          '"' || REGEXP_SUBSTR(REPLACE('&test_string', '"', '""'),
    PS: I'll keep the post updated with my attempts.

    Kind regards


    Would you like to if the entry is
    a '12' 3 "4B".

    a"""12" "3"4B ".

    And that's exactly what you get with my solution (see the last line):

    with mydata as
    Select "abc" test_string of all the double union
    Select "ab"c"d" test_string of all the double union
    Select 'abc 'd12' ' test_string of all the double union
    Select "ab12"c34"" test_string of all the double union
    Select ' a '12' 3 "4 b ' double test_string"
    SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE (REPLACE (test_string, ' "'," "" ""),)
    "([0-9]_{1,})" "", '"\1" ') output
    OF mydata;

    ABC"d «»
    AB "" c"" d
    ABC '"d" 12 ".
    AB c '12' "34".
    a"""12" "3"4B ".

  • 3G BT Broadband Mobile (Huawei) problem with IE and Firefox, Satellite L300

    The L300 Satellite running Vista 32 bit.

    I have a connection Broadband BT and with WIFI or ethernet at home I can connect to the internet and go without problem.
    I also have the BT USB Dongle for mobile connection far from home, this is the problem.

    I can connect to the internet through the connection manager BT (the software that is included in the dongle and installed on the Satellite L300) and some dongles light and software see I am connected. Too, it is shown on the icons at the bottom of the computer screen.

    Problem is IE and firefox will open, but neither more, "cannot display this page' or 'Connection timed Out' my access provider Internet (BT) said this isn't a matter of Dongle it's a software issue.

    I know that it is typical of an ISP as much as the two BT lines did not know what to say,
    Funny it is... until last week it worked so I was away from home, I used IE then tried to do the full-screen page and then stopped with "cannot display this page". He has not worked since. I then installed Firefox to check that it was not just IE.

    I disabled my firewall and tried to connect, the same problems.
    My ISP said has the laptop computer connection selected an obscure port that IE of Firefox cannot find?

    If anyone can help?

    I'll go to MS and reinstall IE, I think now if the IE software "crushed" and changed some settings has firefox then tried to use the system corrupted settings?

    I have already downloaded again the BT Manager in BT connection

    Interesting problem.

    You are able to back up your data and run recovery?

    Or maybe just try a system restore to an earlier date.

  • Satellite M40X-184: problem with keyboard - only writes a character in 1 second


    There is an interesting problem with my laptop, it cams with Xp Home edition with 1 partition, I used partition magic to create another and then format C:, after installation of XP Pro. Install drivers one by one, now when I try to write something in anywhere like msn, notepad or Word, she wrote just a character in 1 second;

    Like when I write "trial" he write in 5 seconds... Why what happened and above all how can I work this?


    have you tried to uninstall the pilot how you installed? Maybe you should do this, I think it's probably just a software problem and no hardware failure.
    So you can also try to set the rate of your keyboard type in Control Panel-> keyboard control-> (delay repeat, repeat rate) and maybe it s just there a setting that needs to be corrected.

    Welcome them

  • Satellite 1905 - problem with the touchpad after awakening from Hibernation/standby


    I've known a few interesting problems with my Satellite 1905 - S301.
    Whenever he wakes up from hibernation/standby my touchpad stopped accepting "taps" as a click on the left button of the mouse. It works normally with finger motion detection, but stops at all but it is quite annoying to restart the machine whenever he returns from hibernation mode.

    I've done a small workaround and after I close the laptop lid still works but this isn't the way it should work, I would have preferred that she either Hibernate than running for 10 hours without any sense;).

    Can someone give me the solution to this problem, please?
    Thank you in advance.

    Kind regards


    I agree with you. It s very boring to restart the machine each time to use the touchpad.
    This problem appears on the first day?

    I think there might be a software problem and, possibly, the new installation of operating system recovery CD Toshiba could help.
    I know, the complete installation is not the best solution, but it might help.

    You should also check you the touchpad. Satellite 1905 - S301 was designed for the U.S. market and so I checked the American website for available drivers.
    It seems that is a newer version of the Alps touchpad driver for Windows XP.

    I suggest to reinstall the touchpad driver and check if there is no improvement.

  • Pressure sensor ground loop problem


    I have an interesting problem, I hope someone can help me with.

    I'm measuring pressure with a pressure sensor.  We see a lot of noise with the measure, and I believe that we have a ground loop.  I have checked the noise is 60 Hz.  What is interesting is that the case of the pressure sensor is connected to the Earth.  When we put on the sensor of metal pressure in the booth, we see the noise.  When disconnect us the stand noise pressure sensor disappears.  The stand is connected to the Earth.  I'm feeding the sensor with a 24V power supply which is also connected to the Earth.  I think that this is the ground loop.

    My problem is that the 24V power supply should be grounded for safety and the I cannot isolate the ground pressure sensor.

    I attached how I got the system wired.  How to connect up to my analog input module pressure sensor OR 9215 to break the ground loop?

    Thank you


    Ahhhh Yes,

    I have solved this problem.  It is a ground loop.  I had the field related to 2 places.

    We have removed one of the references on the ground and poof everything worked fine.

    One of the problems I've found is a reference of external power supplies and others do not.  If you provide an additional reference to the Earth... Ground loop!

    Ground loops can be mean terrible things.  According to my experience, they are the number one electric goofiness and the noise causes.

    I have compiled some resources on my website to help people


    The best is field wiring and considerations of noise for analog signals

    If you want the final word on the subject see this book

    Techniques of reduction of noise in electronic systems

    Hope that helps!

  • Buffer problem and cases of ring series

    Hi all

    I had an interesting problem and have a moment that is difficult to find a solution and thought a pair of fresh eyes can help!  I read data during the series using VISA.  That's going well.  I do this continuously and then adding in a string.  This string, I look for new lines and pull them out of the buffer series chain.  I have then look at the lines to see if they have the appropriate orders and, if so, analyze these commands to control a box structure.

    Now, here's the interesting part.  When I started, I wrote a vi to take in an arbitrary multiline string in and analyze data and sentences, and it works as expected, but when I do it with serial data direct and the ring, the case statement buffer does not.  Also, when I probe the parsed string that will control the case statement, it LOOKS right, but the case statement will not accept it.

    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, I'm quite confused as to what is happening here.  I have attached the 2 vi.

    Gurus?  Masters?

    Thank you!

    Jim S,.

    I see a few problems.  As previously validated you should use greater or equal? instead of superior?.  The biggest problem is that you have a string constant value '\n', but the constant itself is not configured for '-' code display mode.

  • Windows Update Causes startup problem

    I have an interesting problem with Windows Update (or apparently is from Windows Update). I am running Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit, if that info is needed. There are two updates I have not install, as I am not sure that is the cause. The updates in question are Internet Explorer 8 and Windows Defender definitions 1.63.604.0. Here's what's happening.

    When you restart after Windows updates, the computer starts with a black screen with a mouse pointer. That's all. Happened every time I tried to start after the pdates. I can reboot into SafeMode very well, is apparently a problem driver or update.

    I also installed DivX on the computer, but it seemed to work as I could watch .avi via WMP thereafter, so I excluded. I thought that if there was a problem with it, it would not have worked in the first place, but I thought it was interesting.

    In any case, the only solution I found doing a system restore and do not install updates day or DivX, since technically I don't know which is the cause. I had to restore the system 3 times already and I didn't continue to do because this computer was very expensive and I don't want to ruin the hardware or something.

    Someone knows something about an error with updates, or perhaps with DivX that may have caused this. The computer works fine without the updates or DivX, I just want to know what could be the real problem so if it is only one of the 3, I can install the other two at least.

    Change your update settings, install the updates one at a time, hide the problem:

    Click Start > right click on computer > properties > Windows updates down the lower left corner > updates installed in the lower left corner in the next window

    > then click the one that you don't want > uninstall will appear at the top > uninstall it.


    In addition, on the page where you clicked "Installed updates", click on change settings at the top left corner it

    > Change update settings in the next page of AutoUpdate to "check for updates but let me choose etc" > OK ".

    When you take a look at pending updates, you can either download/install them one at the time, namely the update causing you problems.

    > or if you do not need an individual > right-click on > UAC prompt > hide it

    See you soon.

    Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

  • problem uninstalling windows powershell 1.0

    An interesting problem - I tried to install windows xp professional on windows xp family and received the message that xp pro cannot be installed on windows powershell 1.0. So I used appwiz.cpl in the command prompt and windows powershell is not listed as being installed. So I went through Control Panel/Add / Remove programs and it is not listed, it will fade.

    But when I click on Star/All programs - windows powershell is listed in effect and it works!

    How to uninstall windows powershell?

    Above is a link to the XP newsgroups.

    They may be able to help with your problem related to the XP.

    To the bottom of the MS above link is the uninstaller for Windows Powershell News:

    To uninstall Windows PowerShell 1.0, follow these steps:

    1. Click Start, click run, type appwiz.cpl, and then click OK.
    2. Click to select the Show updates check box.
    3. In the currently installed programs list, click Windows PowerShell (TM) 1.0, and then click Remove.
    4. Follow the instructions to remove Windows PowerShell (TM) 1.0.

      Here is the Vista Forums.

      See you soon. Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

  • Wireless connection problem - "could not contact the primary DNS server.

    Hello. As of today, I had an interesting problem with my connection wireless home.

    I have DSL, and my router (an Actiontec GT704-WG, for reference), periodically decides to abandon the internet connection throughout the entire family. This includes our parent unit, as well as my lap top which relies on a wireless connection.

    Today, I noticed that my laptop was switched to 'Access Local.' only I went to check my modem, only to find all the lights on the side were, and the computer was working fine. I tried to reset the wireless connection, activating / disabling the wireless and switch off, Plug and reconnect to the network without wire, as well as re-booting my computer. None of these things worked.

    I also received and error message that tells me it: "could not contact the primary DNS (fe80::341b:6831:1247:6707 11%).

    I don't know what this means, although I checked to make sure that my ISP address connects well, and as far as I can tell it is. I also checked everything that Microsoft suggested troubleshooting guides, nothing helps.

    I don't know if that makes a difference, but I noticed to my lap top more close to the router, the connection would come periodically power on and off. Also, these problems started occurring after that I installed and then uninstalled Firefox. I use Internet Explorer, but I wanted to try Firefox.

    Also, my computer is an application of Toshiba Satellite L305-S5944, running Vista Home Basic, I believe.

    I hope I've provided enough information.

    Go to the website of the manufacturer of your router > make sure you have the latest Firmware in Vista for it.

    Go to the website of the manufacturer of your computer/notebook > drivers and downloads Section > key in your model number > look for it last network adapters Vista drivers > download/install the.

    Try without commitment TCP/IPv6:

    If you still have internet connection probs, one thing to try is the separation of the TCP/IPv6 (which is done by going to network connection > right click > properties > it uncheck > OK.)

    See you soon.

    Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

  • Vertical scrolling UI problem


    I'm just facing an interesting problem with vertical scrolling. All I need is to have a static text as a header that is always on the top of the screen. Everything under it is inside VerticalScrollManager.

    I put it in place and it worked for OS5 and lower. Now, I tried in OS6 and it does not work so this code is probably not the ideal. Could someone corerct me if you please.

    public MyScreen() {
    VerticalFieldManager content = new VerticalFieldManager(Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLL|Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR) {
    protected void sublayout(int w, int h) {
    Field field;
    //get total number of fields within this manager
    int numberOfFields = getFieldCount();
    int x = 20; // I want the fields to be 20 px left of the edge
    int y = 0;
    for (int i = 0;i < numberOfFields;i++) {
       field = getField(i); //get the field
       setPositionChild(field,x,y); //set the position for the field
       layoutChild(field, w-40, h); //lay out the field
       y += field.getHeight()+5;
    setExtent(w-40, h);
    LabelField topLabel = new LabelField("Always on the top text" );
    add( topLabel );
    // many times...
    LabelField allOthers = new LabelField("Other fields..." );
    content.add( allOthers );
    // end many times
    add( content );

    All fields are positioned okay but when scrolling should appear, nothing happane and the cursor disappear under the screen...

    Note: question just the OS 6

    Thanks for any help.



    I found out the way.

    Pretty simple. Just added

    super.sublayout(w, h);

    the first line of the sublayout method.

    So, can someone help.

Maybe you are looking for