inventory including the last report date of extinction


I'm new to power cli (about a week to try) and am trying to run a powercli script that will give me a list of off the virtual computer with specific information, including the date, it has been turned off. My script looks like this:

Title: vminventory.ps1
Description: Export VM Information for vCenter in one. CSV file for import into what anyone
Date: 15/10/2012
# Get virtual center to connect to:
$VCServerName = Read-Host "What is the name of Virtual Center?"
$ExportFilePath = Read-Host "where you want to export the data?
$VC = to connect-VIServer $VCServerName
$Report = @)
#$VMs = get-file $VMFolder | Get - VM
$VMs = get - vm | WHERE-object {$_.powerstate - eq "poweredoff"}
$Datastores = get-Datastore. Select Name, Id
$VMHosts = get-VMHost | Select Name, Parent
# Get turned off from the time of the event:
{ForEach ($VM to $VMs)
Get-VIEvent-body $VM - MaxSamples ([int]: MaxValue) | where {$_-is [VMware.Vim.VmPoweredOffEvent]} |
Group-object - property {$_.} Vm.Name} | %{
$lastPO = $_. Group | Tri-objet-property Createduserid-descending | Select - 1 first | Select Createduserid - ExpandProperty
New-object PSObject-property @ {}
VM = $_. Group [0]. Vm.Name
"The last Poweroff" = $lastPO
$VMView = $VM | Get-View
$VMInfo = {} | Select VMName Powerstate, OS, IPAddress, ToolsStatus, host, Cluster, data store, NumCPU, MemMb, DiskGb, SSGOwner, BUSowner, PowerOFF, Note
$VMInfo.VMName = $
$VMInfo.Powerstate = $vm. PowerState
$VMInfo.OS = $vm. Guest.OSFullName
$VMInfo.IPAddress = $vm. Guest.IPAddress [0]
$VMInfo.ToolsStatus = $VMView.Guest.ToolsStatus
$VMInfo.Host = $
$VMInfo.Cluster = $
$VMInfo.Datastore = ($Datastores | where {$_.}) ID-match (($vmview.)) Data store | Select - first 1) | Select the value). Value} | Select name). Name
$VMInfo.NumCPU = $vm. NumCPU
$VMInfo.MemMb = [math]: round (($vm.)) (MemoryMB), 2)
$VMInfo.DiskGb = [math]: Round ((($vm.)) Hard drives | Measure-Object-CapacityKB property-sum). Summary * 1 k / 1 GB), 2)
$VMInfo.PowerOFF = $lastPO
$VMInfo.SSGOwner = ($vm |) Get-Annotation - CustomAttribute "SSG system owner"). Value
$VMInfo.BUSowner = ($vm |) Get-Annotation - CustomAttribute "Business system owner"). Value
$VMInfo.Note = $vm. Notes
$Report += $VMInfo
$Report = $Report | Sort-Object VMName
IF ($Report - don't ' ') {}
$report | Export-Csv $ExportFilePath - NoTypeInformation
$VC = disconnect VIServer $VCServerName - confirm: $False

I can't get to browse and read the power of the events in the log of the events on the virtual machine?  Someone at - it ideas?

No, my mistake. Which should have been $lastPO.VM.VM.

I've corrected the above code

Update: just noticed another typo, it's fixed

Tags: VMware

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    Try this:

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    SS = server. SecurityService;

    FMS = server. HaMembershipService.getHostName)

    Msg. Append ("FMS; Foglight ID; Foglight roles; lastLogonTS; logonCount; statusDesc; logonType; createdTS\n')

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    We can check the update date-time using the following query


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    If you want something that doesn't require you to hardcode a year, but the numbers automatically in what year it is:

    WHERE   entered_date     >= ADD_MONTHS ( TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'YEAR')
                                              , -24
    AND     entered_date     <  ADD_MONTHS ( TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'YEAR')
                                              , -12

    There are a couple of things to notice on the expression that you posted (in addition to using TO_CHAR TO_DATE instead):

    WHERE  entered_date     BETWEEN TO_DATE ('12/31/2008 11:59:59', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SS')
                          AND       TO_DATE ('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SS')

    BETWEEN includes two end points, so the phrase above covers just a little over a year. It includes a second of 2008 and a second in 2010, as well as the whole of 2009.

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    Thanks for the Bug information.  There is no error in the alert.log file, but I found a trace file with:

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    below should help you get started

    SQL> /
    7 rows selected.
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    I have three columns
    Number DP_FND_CODE;
    Date of DP_DATE;
    Number DPPRICE;

    I want that if dp_uprice not found this particular date (: dd1) then
    Select maximum Dp_uprice that the date would be less then: dd1

    Example: -.
    I run query and :DD1 parameter = 18/10/2010
    SELECT dp_fnd_code, dp_date , dp_uprice dpprice 
    FROM dailyprice where dp_date = :dd1
    DP_FND_CODE DP_DATE                      DPPRICE
    ----------- ----------------------- ------------
              1 18/10/2010                  109.0344
              2 18/10/2010                   10.1045
              3 18/10/2010                  100.4010
              4 18/10/2010                  102.3276
              6 18/10/2010                   14.6958
              7 18/10/2010                   98.8300
              8 18/10/2010                  102.0900
    It will show that all the Archives: dd1 = 18/10/2010, you can see above the result of the query DP_FND 5 is missing.
    I want to if there is no DPRICE of that particular date (: DD1) then it shows the date of the last DPPRICE.
    Like this
    DP_FND_CODE DP_DATE                      DPPRICE
    ----------- ----------------------- ------------
              1 18/10/2010                  109.0344
              2 18/10/2010                   10.1045
              3 18/10/2010                  100.4010
              4 18/10/2010                  102.3276
              5 16/10/2010                  122.3276          
              6 18/10/2010                   14.6958
              7 18/10/2010                   98.8300
              8 18/10/2010                  102.0900
    so I used this query, but correct nicely.
    SELECT dp_fnd_code, dp_date, 
                 case when dp_uprice is null then(
               select max(dp_uprice) dpprice from dailyprice where dp_date < :dd1 group by dp_fnd_code,dp_date
               ) else dp_uprice  end dpprice 
      FROM dailyprice 
      where dp_date = :dd1
      order by dp_fnd_code
    Thanks in advance.
    SELECT dp_fnd_code,
           max(dp_date) keep (dense_rank last order by dp_date),
           max(dpprice) keep (dense_rank last order by dp_date)
      FROM dailyprice
      where dp_date <= :dd1
      group by dp_fnd_code
      order by dp_fnd_code;
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    I created a form to enter data into a custom table.
    When a new record is created, I want to keep track of the date created, last updated date, and who (user id) enters the form.

    Can you please help or point me to a good place to look for this information?

    Thank you!

    Create four new columns in your table called Created_On, Created_By, Last_Updated_On and Last_Updated_By.

    You can create a trigger for the rest:

    create or replace trigger ""
      before insert or update on ""
      for each row
      if inserting then
        :NEW.Created_On := sysdate;
        :NEW.Created_By := v('APP_USER');
      end if;
      if updating then
        :NEW.Last_Updated_On := sysdate;
        :NEW.Last_Updated_By := v('APP_USER');
      end if;

    Whenever you will add or modify data in this table, the trigger will automatically fill these fields.

    Kind regards

  • How to order by the last two dates?


    I try to get the result in a table with the highest of the two dates. First date is a date created_on, the second date is "updated_on". I want to display the rows ordered by the last day between these two.

    I've tried this application without result.
      name "Nom",
      updated_on, created_on,
      greatest (updated_on, created_on) latest
    FROM  doclib_documents
    order by latest desc
    Below is an example of the table data.
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('readme.txt',to_timestamp('08/03/2010 15:16:56','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('12/03/2009 11:22:41','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('doc_library_readme_0.92.txt',to_timestamp('12/02/2010 13:32:30','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('12/03/2009 11:26:14','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('01_informatique.pdf',to_timestamp('10/02/2010 13:49:34','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('12/03/2009 16:29:00','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('readme.txt',to_timestamp('08/03/2010 15:16:56','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('16/02/2010 11:40:16','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('dataguardproblem.txt.txt',to_timestamp('03/03/2010 11:19:44','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('16/02/2010 11:41:03','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('f110.sql',to_timestamp('03/03/2010 10:59:08','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('10/02/2010 13:44:45','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('1.jpg',to_timestamp('08/03/2010 14:22:00','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('08/03/2010 14:17:42','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('dads.conf',to_timestamp('03/03/2010 11:19:56','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('09/02/2010 11:19:30','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('1.doc',to_timestamp('10/02/2010 13:49:46','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('09/02/2010 11:20:28','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('1.doc',to_timestamp('15/02/2010 16:08:06','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('09/02/2010 11:33:02','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('dataguardproblem.txt.txt',to_timestamp('03/03/2010 10:57:52','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('09/02/2010 11:36:15','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('access.rtf',to_timestamp('10/02/2010 13:38:25','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('09/02/2010 12:10:57','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('temp.sql',to_timestamp('12/02/2010 14:43:58','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('11/02/2010 09:59:56','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('evv_E022_doublons.txt',to_timestamp('15/02/2010 15:55:02','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('12/02/2010 15:59:45','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Insert into "table_export" ("Nom",UPDATED_ON,CREATED_ON) values ('evv_E022_doublons.txt',to_timestamp('15/02/2010 16:05:58','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'),to_timestamp('12/02/2010 16:00:25','DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'));
    Thanks for you help!


    It does not work for me

    select t.*, greatest(updated_on, created_on) latest_date
      from "table_export" t
    order by latest_date desc
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    We are still doing our Siebel users. We launched on-air, and therefore some users who were still using legacy systems while some worked far in Siebel. What I'm trying to do now is to take over from representatives in the old system and go to Siebel. I have the file created with the subject, external account id, note (description) and the date that the note was created in the old system. When I try to import the date cannot be set and is broken at the time of that creation of the acutal in Siebel note.

    It is a problem that I have 3 years of account history that should be loaded and if I import all of this now, it will push the notes in the system to bottom of the list who will be upset representatives began uisng Siebel in the first wave.

    My goal is simply to be ordered from oldest to newest on top, but I can't seem to find a way to do that using the tool of importation as a last modification Date is not an option for me to import.

    Is it possible to do? If not, anyone know of a work around to achieve the same goal?

    Any help is very appreciated.


    It wouldn't appear in the Notes section of the retail account. Currently, it is not possible to import the date as part of an import of Notes.

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    Hi all
    can access us report date wise if yes, then please guide me?

    I did text items two, one for the start date and a second for date end in form.if I have date in these two text like that elements

    start date: 08/01/2009 end date: 08/08/2009 and after pressing the when_button_pressed and he give me the report up to the indication of date, is possible?

    Please help me and me more guide

    Thanks in advance


    He must put that in your report query, not anywhere in the form.

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