Is it to extract data from a database and insert it into a session variable?

$_SESSION ['Stud_FirstName'] = $row_rs_Login ["Stud_FirstName"];

because it is not work. I swear to you that the more I learn, the less I know.

What to do to change?

Thank you!

Yes. However, the recordset must exist before you can assign value to another variable. The last line of code that creates a recordset object looks like this:

$totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($Recordset1);

If you attempt to create the variable session before this line, as you are, I suspect, is not really surprising that it does not work.

Even if you don't want to write all the code yourself, you must understand the code that Dreamweaver is written for you. Otherwise you will be constantly bumping your head on the keyboard. A PHP script is executed from top to bottom, and the flow of the script is controlled by loops and conditional statements. Get your head around these concepts, and you can find customizing Dreamweaver code much easier.

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    ONLY 40 PA
    MUL NY 50

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    S DC 10
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    It will work you need to add units in the group by clause

    SELECT a.state, SUM (dollars) / units
    FROM a, (SELECT state, SUM (units) units
             FROM b
             GROUP BY state) sub
    WHERE payment = 'SINGLE' AND a.state = sub.state
    GROUP BY a.state, units;


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    r.setAttribute ("IdAg", Integer.parseInt (ag.toString ()) ");

    r.setAttribute ("IdAffAv", seq);

    r.setAttribute ("KmDep", km);

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    r.setAttribute ("DateAff", date);

    r.setAttribute ("KmArriv", null);

    r.setAttribute ("ConsoCarb", null);

    vo.insertRow (r);

    this.getDBTransaction () .commit ();


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    Hi Dev

    Please pass.

    java.sql.SQLException: column type invalid in the adf

    Thank you

    Subramanian M

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    Your VI is way too complicated. If you get a 2D array and you want just the second column, you should only use the Array Index to take off from the second column. That's all.

    Once again, the structure of your sequence is completely useless.

    I will reiterate my statement about to spend some time with the LabVIEW tutorials.

  • problem to extract data from the database using UTL_FILE

    Dear members

    I make use of series for the SUBSTR and INSTR function to extract the fields of a data file and carve out spaces based on the number of post mentioned in the Excel worksheet. I was able to extract the first 3 areas namely, customer, manufacturer, product, but for quantity, requested delivery date, price, I can't do it.

    the flat file structure is as follows:
    Field                       Position From     Position To
    CUSTOMER_NAME               1     30
    MANUFACTURER              31     70
    PRODUCT_NAME              71     90
    QUANTITY                        91     95
    REQUESTED_SHIP_DATE    96     115
    REQUESTED_PRICE            116     120
    Sample data in the flat file is as follows:
    BESTBUY                       SONY ERICSSON                           W580i               25   1-AUG-2008          50
    BESTBUY                       SAMSUNG                                 BLACKJACK           50   15-JUL-2008         150
    BESTBUY                       APPLE                                   IPHONE 4GB          50   15-JUL-2008         
    BESTBUY                       ATT                                     TILT                100  15-JUN-2008         
    BESTBUY                       NOKIA                                   N73                 50   15-JUL-2008         200
    My program code is the following:

        v_file_type utl_file.file_type;
        v_buffer VARCHAR2(1000);
        V_QUANTITY NUMBER(10);
        V_REQ_PRICE NUMBER(10);
        V_LOG_FILE utl_file.file_type;
        v_start_pos number := 1;
        v_end_pos number;
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inside begin 1');
        v_file_type := UTL_FILE.fopen(FILE_PATH, FILE_NAME, 'r',null);
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inside begin 1.1');
                    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inside begin 2');
                UTL_FILE.GET_LINE (v_file_type,v_buffer); 
                    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inside begin 2.1');
                           select instr('v_buffer',' ', 1, 1) - 1
                            --into v_end_pos
                            from dual;
                            select substr('v_buffer', 1, 7)
                            --into V_CUSTOMER_NAME
                            from dual;
                            select instr('v_buffer', ' ', 31, 2)-1
                            --into v_end_pos
                            from dual;
                            select trim(substr('v_buffer', 28, 43))
                            --into V_MANUFACTURER
                            from dual;
                            select instr('v_buffer', ' ', 45, 1) - 1
                            --into v_end_pos
                            from dual;
                            select trim(substr('v_buffer', 44, 45))
                            --into V_PRODUCT_NAME
                            from dual;
                V_LOG_FILE := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(FILE_PATH, 'LOG_FILE.dat', 'A');
                    IF (V_QUANTITY > 0)
                       SELECT COUNT (*)
                       INTO V_COUNT_CUST
                       FROM CONVERSION_CUSTOMERS
                       WHERE CUSTOMER_NAME = V_CUSTOMER_NAME;
                       IF(V_COUNT_CUST > 0)
                           SELECT COUNT(*)
                           INTO V_COUNT_PROD
                           FROM conversion_products
                           WHERE PRODUCT_NAME = V_PRODUCT_NAME;
                          IF(V_COUNT_PROD >0)
                                DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('PRODUCT SHOULD BE VALID');
                                UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(V_LOG_FILE, 'PRODUCT SHOULD BE VALID');                    
                           END IF; 
                       END IF;       
                    END IF; 
                    WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
        END LOOP;
    I was able to extract the first 3 fields of the file data, but when I use the same SUBSTR and INSTR functions to extract then three fields I am unable to do so (I get 5, 6 on the ground as well when I extract the 4th field). I've hardcoded the position values in these functions, such as mentioned in the structure of flat file.

    It would be great if someone can tell me how to extract the three fields in the flat file.

    Thank you


    Why you use v_end_pos to trim spaces when you know the beginning and end of all columns positions?
    I do not see the code when you check out the values of other 3 columns (Qty, Date & price).

    You can use substr underneath rather do SELECT each time.

    V_CUSTOMER_NAME  := SUBSTR(v_buffer,1,30);
    V_MANUFACTURER    := SUBSTR(v_buffer,31,70);
    V_PRODUCT_NAME    := SUBSTR(v_buffer,71,90);
    V_QTY := SUBSTR(v_buffer,91,95);
    V_SHIP_DATE := SUBSTR(v_buffer,96,115);
    V_PRICE := SUBSTR(v_buffer,116,120);


  • extract data from a string and compare it with sysdate


    Since a few days I struggle to find a solution to my problem, maybe I have some luck here.

    Data type:

    11/23 ANA

    Alex 19/11

    1/11 tomorrow

    03/12 FW1

    Makes me tomorrow

    Bo 11/12

    Necessary data should be as MM/DD. I used substr and/or regexp_like, regexp_substr, but having a few problems.

    Months can be like 1, 2.11, 12 or 01,02, 03... 11, 12.

    I don't need the data in the format Month\Day.

    Basically all of the above "/" should be a month.

    And I need to get out all the foregoing, > 13.

    And I need to compare the exp with sysdate.

    Any ideas?


    something like:

    FUNCTION to CREATE or REPLACE makeDate (in_string in VARCHAR2
    in_format IN VARCHAR2: = ' MM/DD')
    date of return
    To_date (in_string, in_format) return;
    When others then return null;

    with sample_data as (choose 11/23 ANA' double str)
    Union of all the
    Select 19/11 Alex' double
    Union of all the
    Select 1/11 tomorrow "of the double
    Union of all the
    Select FW1 10/12 ' double
    Union of all the
    Select "Makes Me" tomorrow the double
    Union of all the
    Select ' Bo' 11/12 double
    SELECT 11/24 09:00 ' FROM dual
    SELECT str
    OF sample_data
    WHERE REGEXP_LIKE (str, ' ^ [[: digit:]] {2} / [[: digit:]] {2}')
    and makeDate (regexp_substr (str, ' ^ [[: digit:]]{2}/[[:digit:]]{2}'))]]))<>



  • Extracting data from Siebel, OPA and impose rules on this

    Hi all

    We have a scenario:

    OPA is used as the server front-end to answer some questions & based on these responses, OPA must validate the data in Siebel and return the result to OPA.

    for example:

    I have a few contracts in siebel, based on my rules in OPA (say, year 2010 > & warranty = 2 years), I need to recover the data that are corresponding to this criterion of Siebel and display in the OPA.

    Can I use OPA connector for Siebel to achieve?

    From now on I saw and heard the examples where connector for Siebel takeover is used when Siebel is the front end application and OPA serves just to validate in the back-end.

    Anticipate some answers.

    Thank you

    You can do this with Siebel connector.

    Specifically, you can use the data in Siebel to begin a session Web determinations then use Web determinations of conduct and maintenance. The results of this interview can then be saved to Siebel.

    See you soon

  • LabVIEW is not able to extract data from a HP4194A and gives me the error code 1073807202.

    I'm trying to get a graph of the impedance of a capacitor of the HP4194A to my laptop and use one or GPIB-USB-HS connection. I downloaded the latest drivers and am using LabView 8.2. Initially I thought it was a connection problem because demand measurement and automation could find the HP4194A, but he has not answered the * IDN? query. However, the HP4194A responded to the ID of the request? which I found by looking at the user manual. What else should try to get the data I need?

    Thank you

    The HP4194A is an old instrument, and as such, it is not unusual for ancient instruments to does not implement does not the SCPI standard commands. Therefore, to have "ID?" instead of "* IDN? That said, what driver do you use? Is this? When you say that you aren't able to pull data, please be more descriptive. Are you an error? If so, what is it? What screws do you use? Do you use an example VI? If so, which? We are not mind readers, don't forget.

  • Extraction of data from a XML and inserting into a table

    Hi all

    I have a problem for which I couldn't find any convincing solution

    I have an XML format


    Now I have to insert this XML DB, the table consists of the following columns

    (line number, property name, value)

    Wait it out put is

    (1, studentname, Raymond).

    (1, studentid, 1)

    (1, studentAge, 11)

    (1, Studentmark, 0)

    The challenge here

    1. how to get the tag names and fill in the property name column?

    2. the number of properties for a student can be variable, how can I deal with them?

    I am very new to PLSQL XML manipulation. Can someone give me some advice I can start with the creation of a solution?  I hope, I've been able to describe my use case. If this isn't the case, please let me know.

    Thanks in advance,


    Here is an example:

    SQL > with sample_data like)

    2. Select xmlparse (document




    6 Raymond

    7        1

    8        11

    9        0



    12 John

    13        2

    14        18

    15        15



    18 ') xmldoc

    19 of the double


    21 select x1.record_id

    22, x2.*

    sample_data 23 t

    24, xmltable)

    25 ' / data/students/pupils.

    26 passage t.xmldoc

    record_id 27 columns for ordinalite

    28, property xmltype path ' *'

    (29) x 1

    30, xmltable)

    31         '*'

    32 passage

    path of varchar2 (30) 33 columns property_name "local - name (.)".

    34, path name varchar2 (30) '.'

    (35) x 2



    ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------

    1 studentname Raymond

    StudentId 1 1

    1 StudentAge 11

    1 StudentMark 0

    2 John studentname

    StudentId 2 2

    2 StudentAge 18

    2 StudentMark 15

    8 selected lines

  • How to change the data from the database and displayed in a DG

    Hello, it's me again with a simple question:

    I received the request of SQLi that returns multiple lines.

    In this line, I have for example:

    Reward-> 1

    How, instead of show 1 in the data grid, change this value to 'YES '.

    I followed this thread:

    private void onResultStats(event:ResultEvent):void


    ServerStatsArr = new ArrayCollection (event.result.source);

    for (var i: int = 0; i < ServerStatsArr.length; i ++)


    If (.abonnement ServerStatsArr [i] == 304) {}

    ServerStatsArr [i] .abonnement = 'Premium ';

    } else {}

    . Subscription ServerStatsArr [i] = 'no ';


    If (ServerStatsArr [i] .transparence == 1) {}

    . Transparency ServerStatsArr [i] = 'yes ';

    } else {}

    . Transparency ServerStatsArr [i] = 'no ';



    ServerStatsArr.refresh ();


    Why this method works for the subscription when (.abonnement ServerStatsArr [i] == 304) he displays Premium, but it does NOT work for transparency ?

    I tested (.transparence ServerStatsArr [i] == 1) and (.transparence ServerStatsArr [i] == '1')

    Thank you

    Hi again,

    private void setLabel(item:Object,column:DataGridColumn):String


    Switch (Column.DataField)


    case 'transparency ':

    If (item.transparence is "1")

    return ('yes')

    on the other

    return ('no')


    case "subscription":

    If (item.abonnement is "304")

    return ("premium")

    on the other

    return ('none')


    by default:




    and your grid adjustments - add the labelfunction to the following topics
    I hope we get a credit of distinction for this mission...
  • Extract DATA from VSA-0 and VSA-1

    Hi, I'm in big trouble.

    VSA with 2hosts 5.5

    My partner install VSA cluster but he buys only the most essential without VSA, while he was in trial waiting period for execution of command of he (VMware but announced the end of the sale)

    Today the license expires and all are offline and there were a few VM important (SAP) and also the vCenter

    After several reboot, none like thing upwards

    We place the order: wscli getStorageCluster | More

    ScreenHunter_126 Apr. 08 16.20.jpg

    And the LoginFailedException error on both nodes

    I don't really know how to solve this

    Thanks for the hand

    Hi, I have solved my problem

    I had to leave the Maintenance Mode each VSA

    for whom:

    Open a console in the ASB

    Lanyard as root (password: svapass) also take a look at this link to open the root access: VMware KB: connection and troubleshooting of the changes to the order for VMware Storage Appliance 5.1

    place the order

    WSCLI exitMaintenanceMode

    and also order

    WSCLI vcsExitMaintenanceMode

    and all the VM back

  • Read data from the Table and load it into the csv file


    I would like to read a table (select * from employees) and load the data into a csv file.

    What methods are available?

    Records will be at high volume.

    Thank you

    If it is to do a lot, use APEX.

    Create a new page with an interactive report based on the SQL code you want. When you go to download Excel, it is actually a CSV file.

    If it is large, you may need to go on the FILE_UTL road.

    If it is only once, use an interface such as SQL tool * or SQL * Developer.

    If it's a learning experience, you must do all three.


  • Extract data from database using php script and entry for datagrid.

    Hi all

    I intend to use the php script below to extract data from a database.

    I want to then display it in a datagrid control, the datagrid control has Ref columns job, the company and the position.

    The php script I have is

    <? PHP
    $hostname_conn = "localhost";
    $username_conn = "";
    $password_conn = "";

    $conn = mysql_connect ($hostname_conn, $username_conn, $password_conn);

    @mysql_select_db ("videochat");

    $query = "SELECT * FROM work."

    $result = mysql_query ($query);

    $row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);

    $ref = $row ["jobref"];
    $company = $row ['company'];
    $position = $row ["position"];

    echo "< Ref > $ref < / Ref >";
    echo "< company > $company < / company > ';
    echo "< location > $position < / location >."

    ? >

    Could someone show me how I chuck this data in a grid?

    Thank you


    You should start using the authority, either zendamf which is used by the data wizards in flashbuilder 4 or with amfphp which is probably better than zend but has not all nicities such as the creation of objects of value.


    This project uses amfphp, basically, it uses remoteobjects so returned php is in a ready to put directly into a grid or a datagroup arraycollection collection.

    If you need help with this sort of thing PM me and I can do a login session...

    the PHP services for calls used in the application


    class pets


    var $db_host = "localhost";

    var $db_name = "flashhub_pets";

    var $db_user = "flashhub_david";

    var $db_pwd = "david";

    function pets()


    Define the methodTable for this class in the constructor

    $this-> methodTable = array)

    "getPets"-online (table)

    'description' => 'Pets, database',

    'access' => 'remote '.




    function getAllPets()


    $mysql = mysql_connect ($this-> $this-> db_user, db_host), $this-> db_pwd;

    @mysql_select_db ($this-> db_name);

    $Query = "SELECT * from pet;

    $Result = mysql_query ($Query);

    return ($Result);


    function getTypeOfPets ($category)


    $mysql = mysql_connect ($this-> $this-> db_user, db_host), $this-> db_pwd;

    @mysql_select_db ($this-> db_name);

    $Query = "SELECT * from pet where CATEGORY = $category;

    $Result = mysql_query ($Query);

    return ($Result);


    function getCategories()


    $mysql = mysql_connect ($this-> $this-> db_user, db_host), $this-> db_pwd;

    @mysql_select_db ($this-> db_name);

    $Query = "SELECT * from category";

    $Result = mysql_query ($Query);

    return ($Result);





  • retrieve a row of data from mysql database


    I extract data from a database.  Use of then in a Web page as <? php echo $row ['product'];? >

    However, if there is an apostrophe in 'product', he displays like a diamond with a question mark.

    Data stored in the database looks like this, 'pearls of Mary. "

    Is the problem when I have the data stored in the database or when it was recovered?

    Thanks, Dan

    This happens usually if you paste from another application like Word or Xpress directly in the database.

    To work around the problem:

    If you are still using the old mysql extension insert the line below before any other query mysql on your page:

    mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8");

    If you uisng the new mysqli extension then use the variable of connection string (in this case $conn) as below:

    $conn-> query ("SET NAMES UTF8");

  • Creating rules file to extract data from Interface OIC


    I'm new on the BEAK, I worked on the DSN earlier method to extract data from the database.
    Can someone give me the steps of how extract data from the interface of the OIC.

    My database is Oracle 11 g 2 and I use version merger.

    Mahesh Balla

    The format is DBSERVERNAME:PORT / service name
    for example ORACLE11G:1521 / ORCL

    See you soon


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