Is there a more easy/more simple way to achieve this?

Good morning (afternoon to you, BluShadow).

I got following exact, as you wish, output (derived from the EMP table):
D10     D20     D30     PREZ    MGRS    ANALS   SALESM  CLERKS
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
        SMITH   JAMES                           WARD    SMITH
        SCOTT   BLAKE
by using the following query:
   -- pivoted departments  (haven't studied the Oracle PIVOT clause yet)
   depts as
    select max(case deptno
                 when 10 then ename
               end)                                 as d10,
           max(case deptno
                 when 20 then ename
               end)                                 as d20,
           max(case deptno
                 when 30 then ename
               end)                                 as d30,
      from (
            select deptno,
                   row_number() over (partition by deptno
                                          order by deptno)  rnd
              from emp
     group by rnd
     order by rnd
   -- pivoted jobs
   jobs as
    select max(case job
                 when 'CLERK'         then ename
               end)                                 as Clerks,
           max(case job
                 when 'PRESIDENT'     then ename
               end)                                 as Prez,
           max(case job
                 when 'MANAGER'       then ename
               end)                                 as Mgrs,
           max(case job
                 when 'ANALYST'       then ename
               end)                                 as Anals,
           max(case job
                 when 'SALESMAN'      then ename
               end)                                 as SalesM,
      from (
            select job,
                   row_number() over (partition by job
                                          order by ename)   as rnj
              from emp
     group by rnj
     order by rnj
select d10,
  from depts a full outer join jobs b
                            on a.rnd = b.rnj
 order by rnj, rnd;
that takes a total of 5 selects to get there.

I tried to find a query that would be, I hope more simple, easier and does not require as much selects. My last attempt is the following (which is closer to the desired result, but does not get a cigar yet):
select case deptno
         when 10 then ename
       end                                 as d10,
       case deptno
         when 20 then ename
       end                                 as d20,
       case deptno
         when 30 then ename
       end                                 as d30,
       case job
         when 'CLERK'         then ename
       end                                 as Clerks,
       case job
         when 'PRESIDENT'     then ename
       end                                 as Prez,
       case job
         when 'MANAGER'       then ename
       end                                 as Mgrs,
       case job
         when 'ANALYST'       then ename
       end                                 as Anals,
       case job
         when 'SALESMAN'      then ename
       end                                 as SalesM,
       row_number() over (partition by deptno
                              order by deptno)  as rnd,
       row_number() over (partition by job
                              order by ename)   as rnj
  from emp
 order by rnj;
The query above annoys me to this result which is encouraging, but... the brand:
D10     D20     D30     CLERKS  PREZ    MGRS    ANALS   SALESM   RND  RNJ
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- ----
                ALLEN                                   ALLEN      3    1
        ADAMS           ADAMS                                      2    1
                BLAKE                   BLAKE                      6    1
KING                            KING                               2    1
        FORD                                    FORD               1    1
        SCOTT                                   SCOTT              5    2
                JAMES   JAMES                                      5    2
CLARK                                   CLARK                      3    2
                MARTIN                                  MARTIN     2    2
                TURNER                                  TURNER     1    3
MILLER                  MILLER                                     1    3

D10     D20     D30     CLERKS  PREZ    MGRS    ANALS   SALESM   RND  RNJ
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- ----
        JONES                           JONES                      3    3
                WARD                                    WARD       4    4
        SMITH           SMITH                                      4    4
It uses a single SELECT statement and contains all the data that should be displayed, but I can't find a way to eliminate NULL values without losing a few jobs or departments

Your help is welcome and appreciated,


PS: I'll be perfectly happy to learn that there is no way more easy/simple. In other words, if the answer is simply "No, there no simpler or easier way", please let me know which is the case. (I ask that you be sure enough of that though, thank you)

Published by: 440bx - 11 GR 2 on July 25, 2010 07:19 - added PS.

According to the hoek' suggestion ;-)

SQL> select d10, d20, d30, prez, mgrs, anals, salesm, clerks
  2    from (select row_number() over(partition by deptno order by ename) rn,
  3                 ename,
  4                 to_char(deptno) deptno
  5            from emp
  6          union all
  7          select row_number() over(partition by job order by ename),
  8                 ename,
  9                 job
 10            from emp) pivot(max(ename) for deptno in(10  d10,
 11                                                     20  d20,
 12                                                     30  d30,
 13                                                     'ANALYST'  anals,
 14                                                     'CLERK'  clerks,
 15                                                     'MANAGER'  mgrs,
 16                                                     'PRESIDENT'  prez,
 17                                                     'SALESMAN'  salesm))
 18   order by rn
 19  /

D10        D20        D30        PREZ       MGRS       ANALS      SALESM     CLERKS
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
CLARK      ADAMS      ALLEN      KING       BLAKE      FORD       ALLEN      ADAMS
KING       FORD       BLAKE                 CLARK      SCOTT      MARTIN     JAMES
MILLER     JONES      JAMES                 JONES                 TURNER     MILLER
           SCOTT      MARTIN                                      WARD       SMITH
           SMITH      TURNER

6 rows selected.

Best regards


Tags: Database

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    Simi74 wrote:
    Robert - appreciate the help. The question I have for this juicer is that the price is related to a specific customer. For example:

    ClientType contains 1 client.

    This customer has 2 CustomerValues in his card.

    These entries to resemble the following:

    Key: 100
    Value: CustomerValue.value = 10
    Key: 200
    Value: CustomerValue.value = 50

    If I'm following your logic, the extractor that you recommended would apply to values (that is to say, 10, and 50). So, if I searched for CustomerGroups that have values between 5 and 15,
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    Filter[] filterArray = { new ContainsFilter( new CustomerKeyExtractor(), new Integer( 200 ) ),
    new BetweenFilter( new CustomerValueExtractor(), 5, 15) };
    Filter filter = new AllFilter( filterArray ) ; 

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    Ah, ok, got it now...

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    If it's an arbitrary generated value, then it is a bit more problematic (extraction POF does not support crossed down in individual map entries, so it can't be indexed without the plan, including the entire Customer objects to deserialize), but I wouldn't address that if it is not necessary, so please indicate if the previous approach fits your needs :). In the case that it is not, you would probably want to the extracted value to be structured on the other hand, the value is the code and 32-bit higher at least 32. You must also write a custom filter that supports the index which is able to use this index going in the direction of Alexey BetweenFilter but with additional controls for the code... In addition, you must check whether the consumption of memory of the filter can be too high...

    Best regards


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    Obivious to increase efficiency is

    var USA_animation = sym.getSymbol ("USA_animation")

    USA_animation. Play();

    sym.getSymbol("World_map").play ();

    USA_animation.$("UK").fadeout ();

    USA_animation.$("PieChart").fadeout ();

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    USA_animation.$("UKText").fadeout ();

    USA_animation.$("AUSTRALI_A").fadeout ();

    USA_animation.$("USA"). Show();

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    If you perform a single operation on all the symbols of the "USA_animation" child, you can also reduce somethinng as

    sym.getSymbol("World_map").play ();

    var USA_animation = sym.getSymbol ("USA_animation")

    USA_animation. Play();

    var childSymbols = USA_animation.getChildSymbols (); f

    for (var i = 0; i)

    childSymbols [i] .fadeOut ();

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    So big that you get ready for the transition to! Please see that the specified item was not found. For more detailed information on downloading your files.

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    SQL > desc cname
    Name Null? Type
    ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
    CLIA VARCHAR2 (10)

    SQL > select * from cname;

    ---------- ---------- ----------
    11 can tst
    12 can tst
    12 ucp nbs
    ASF 12 trp

    SQL > ed
    A written file afiedt.buf

    1 Select, a.ctype, a.clias cname, a, cname and b
    where the 2
    3 a.ctype = b.ctype and
    4 a.clias = b.clias and
    5 * a.rowid! = b.rowid
    SQL > /.

    ---------- ---------- ----------
    12 can tst
    11 can tst

    SQL >

    Another way to achieve the above output?

    Thank you. :-)


    select id,ctype,clias
      from cname
     where (ctype,clias) in (select ctype,clias
                               from cname
                              group by ctype,clias
                              having count(*) > 1



    NO TESTS because I did not access database on weekends and holidays

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    So is it possible to link directly, whereas if I change a Figure number in the text, it changes out to Figure? (or vice versa). Or better yet, if I add a Figure number it stunts the change all the way to follow?

    Problem is now I do everything manually, so if a wise guy adds a number at the beginning of a chapter, I need to manually adjust both in the main story and each individual data.

    Maybe a plug-in exists?

    I look forward to suggestions of all workflows. Thank you

    Not automatic (unless you ask someone to write a script that helps out), but with a little work...

    To automatically generate the numbers:

    • Create each chapter as an InDesign Document.
    • Use the Text Variable - chapter number to set the number of chapter for InDesign documents (I guess that the number prefix at the forefront of hyphen to a chapter number)?
    • Define a Paragraph Style with a numbered list of type your Figure of legend, you can define a new list. Set up number using "literal text" followed by Figure number placeholder 'chapter number' a hyphen and number number placeholder current level .
    • Defining an Object Style that has the paragraph Style enabled and apply this style to object to all managers of legend in your document (I hope I got this correct your writing? that legends are in particular unthreaded text frames?)
    • No text will appear in text blocks at this point unfortunately (text appears if the figures were inline text that followed other text).

    The trick is to then insert a character not in frames, as well as the legend of the Figure appears. For example an late Style nested here character. As soon as this character appears, the text of the legend of the Figure should pop up.

    Restart the numbering for each document
    Figure numbering will be continuous through the documents, but that is easily fixed, by setting manually "restart numbering" in the first figure in each chapter.

    You can now use the function references available in CS4 and CS5 to refer to these numbers. If there are other figures inserted, cross-references will display automatically a little yellow WARNING marker, indicating that the text of the referenced paragraph has updated. Select all 'modified' XREF, and you can update all in one shot.

    Hope this helps,



  • More simple way to complete the xml data in a drop-down list

    Hi all

    I have a dept.xml as below.

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >
    < departments >
    Department < and > account < / Department >
    < departmentAdmin < / Department >
    Department < and > Security < / Department >
    < / departments >

    Can I know what is the easiest way to fill in the 'account', 'Admin' and 'Security' in a drop down list?  And how?  Can we by befriending pure?  Or has done by the script?

    Thank you all!


    To embed the XML data in the PDF file, open it in Acrobat and then:

    Forms-> manage form data-> import data.

    And you choose XML file.

    I hope this helps.


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    I fell once trial-error on how easy peasy to do this. All my research I continue to take in complex 'solutions' which are not cut.

    I do not know if you have a right-click of the mouse, but using either make a right or Mac, Ctrl click (on-click) on a toolbar button or the command should give you short a context menu with the option to remove from the toolbar.

    WARNING: Cannot delete the elements incorporated into the address bar without removing the entire address bar.

    If something is wrong:

    • Some add-ons keep forcing their buttons on the bar. Annoying, but I don't know of a way to block to do.


  • my screen move? could you please tell me a simple way to solve this problem? __

    Remember - this is a public forum so never publish information such as email or phone numbe

    • Error messages
    • Recent changes to your computer
    • What you have already tried to solve the problem

    I answered the question of the anotehr with a solution that can help you. Please read my solution here:

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    If you want to keep the same hosting provider, you have nothing to do. Just delete the old files of the site and download your new.

Maybe you are looking for

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