layout novo outside

e inacreditavel como o pessoal desenvlvimento faz uma alteracao visual sem consultar os usuariosprofissionais do sistema.

Registro aqui minha indignacao pela forma arbitraria da e atualizacao o tremendo mau gosto desenvolvedores ao put back a "azul" tarja not chat

pergunto posso mudar para o layout a wave that formed estava habituado: mad:

Não deixar o usuario glew is quer essa porcaria atualizacao layout... Porque e worm ruim e atrapalha o course mental ja get

Pessoal... estudem antes mudar... tem gente aqui, EU como, m usa Skype o a 10 años, muoto tempo antes dele but be back uma posse microsoft

Nada contra speak... IMPROVE Mas nao e mudar carrots so pra Serviço show...

VC tem toda a Razão... it was uma m... TM procuro como o antigo e restore layout... sempre bom e Abraço kind of boa...

Tags: Skype

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  • java.lang.IllegalStateException: setPosition called outside the layout

    Hello guys '

    Good day. I try to spend PopupScreen and posted about this before.

    But I can't solve. You can see what I do from here.

    At the request of work, throws exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: setPosition called outside the layout

    I use following code:

    import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.*;import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.HorizontalFieldManager;import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.PopupScreen;import net.rim.device.api.ui.*;import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;import net.rim.device.api.system.KeyListener;
    public class CursorField extends UiApplication {
      private InfoPopupScreen progressPopup;    int x = Graphics.getScreenWidth() / 3;    int y = Graphics.getScreenHeight() / 2;
      public CursorField() {
          ManagedScreen managedScreen = new ManagedScreen();        pushScreen(managedScreen);    }
      private class InfoPopupScreen extends PopupScreen implements KeyListener {
          protected void applyTheme() {         //Nothing     }
          public boolean keyStatus(int keycode, int time) {         return false;     }
          public boolean keyRepeat(int keycode, int time) {         return false;     }
          public boolean keyUp(int keycode, int time) {         return false;     }
          public InfoPopupScreen(Manager manager){          super(manager);       }
          protected boolean navigationMovement(int dx, int dy, int status, int time) {
              return true;      }
          protected void paintBackground(Graphics graphics) {           graphics.setBackgroundColor(16777215);        }
          public void sublayout(int width, int height){         super.sublayout(width, height);           setPosition(x, y);        }
          public boolean keyDown(int keycode, int time) {
              char key =  net.rim.device.api.ui.KeypadUtil.getKeyChar(keycode, net.rim.device.api.ui.KeypadUtil.MODE_UI_CURRENT_LOCALE);
              //Letter 'I'          if(key == 73) {               x = x + 10;               try {                 this.setPosition(x, y);              } catch(Exception e) {                    System.out.println("Exception : " + e.toString());                }         }
              if(key == net.rim.device.api.system.Characters.ESCAPE) {              this.close();         }         return true;      }
          public boolean keyChar(char key, int status, int time) {          return false;     }
          public boolean trackwheelRoll(int amount, int status, int time) {         return false;     }
          public boolean trackwheelUnclick( int status, int time ) {            return false;     }
          public boolean trackwheelClick( int status, int time ) {          super.trackwheelClick(status, time);          return true;      } }
      private class ManagedScreen extends MainScreen {      private BitmapField _cursorField;     private Bitmap _bitmap;
          public ManagedScreen() {
              _bitmap = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("cursor.png");         int[] a = new int [10 * 10];          _bitmap.getARGB(a, 0, 10, 0, 0, 10, 10);
              _cursorField = new BitmapField(_bitmap) {             public void paint(Graphics graphics) {                    graphics.setBackgroundColor(16777215);                    super.paint(graphics);                }         };
              HorizontalFieldManager manager = new HorizontalFieldManager(USE_ALL_WIDTH) {              public void paint(Graphics graphics) {                    graphics.setBackgroundColor(16777215);                    super.paint(graphics);                }         };
              manager.add(_cursorField);            progressPopup = new InfoPopupScreen(manager);
              Bitmap pic = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("background.jpg");          BitmapField picField = new BitmapField(pic);          add(picField);
              ButtonField _closeButton = new ButtonField("Push screen", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK | ButtonField.FIELD_HCENTER);         _closeButton.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() {                public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {                  pushScreen(progressPopup);                }         });
              add(_closeButton);        } }
      public static void main(String[] args) {      CursorField application = new CursorField();      application.enterEventDispatcher();   }}

    I don't know what is the problem here.

    Please help me guys

    TNX in advance"

    You can only call layout() setPosition or sublayout().

    Try this...

    Subclass sublayout() and put your good standing in position one.  Once you update your x / call updateLayout().

  • layout choices for the young: iTunes


    Lately my laptop died, so I bought a desktop computer and installed iTunes. Everything works fine, however, some features have disappeared, such as:

    • The drop down menu "View".
    • The button 'to the top next' is now outside the player
    • ITunes (Apple ID with photo) identification button
    • Media icons, now it's a menu selection drop down
    • The quick menu 'recently added '.

    In addition, even when I check the checkbox "Minimize iTunes to the taskbar", the player does not appear in the taskbar, while he did on my laptop.

    Here are two screenshots so that you can better see what happens:

    It's supposed to look like

    What it looks like

    Why these features do not display up/work? It has nothing to do with it being installed on a computer instead of a laptop?

    Just the latest revision of the page layout.

    Some of the items that you had become accustomed to have been removed, others and buried in menus. Activate the sidebar and click to the right of the word library when you see the Word Edit more hidden options.


  • Layout and properties on the created dynamically containers

    I want to show multiple rows of tiles (3 x 2 on portrait, 2 x 3 on the landscape or square screen).

    I have a ComponentDefintion for a line which is a container with StackLayout LeftToRight. To this, I add the tiles.

    And the ComponentDefintion of the slab:

    ComponentDefinition {
      id: tileDefinition
      Container {
         id: tileContainer
         property string imagePath
         property string hexColor
         onHexColorChanged: {
           background = Color.create(hexColor);
         leftPadding: 15
         Container {
           layout: DockLayout {
         ImageView {
           imageSource: tileContainer.imagePath
           id: tileImageView
           verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
           horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center

    the container is created correctly, but the background and the value of the image.

    However, the leftPaddig is ignored, and the imageview is not centered.

    Quite strange, the line has 15 topPadding displayed correctly.

    I tried to define the available dynamically using a DockLayout ComponentDefinition, but that is not the case.

    Any ideas how to get the centered image and the successfully added leftPadding?

    I solved the problem, the layout works very well if I give the outside container size by first using HorizontalAlignment.Fill, VerticalAlignment.Fill and StackLayoutProperties with spaceQuota: 1.0

    the QML are sometimes mysterious

  • To access the values from the row outside the ListView ListItem


    I spent two hours browsing the forums and documentation with no chance of finding a solution on how to access the list item data from outside the listview.

    Let explain me my code. It is marked with I work and what does not work and its expected behavior.

    Should work behavior

    Tapping & getting data

    The arrayDataModel is filled with 4 rows. Firstly the list item, second item in the list... etc.

    • Tapping on the order of the day, label with the id of triggeredText displays the value of a threaded list item.
    • The index of the tapped icon appears in the label with the id of triggerredIndex.

    Incrementing Index using ActionItems onBar

    By pressing action items 'previous' and 'next', you can increment the index value to the label with the id of triggeredIndex. The order of the index is 0-4, even as total of the items in the list.

    How to extract data from the index when the value of triggeredIndex?


    The buttons at the bottom of the screen... Select 1, select the 2nd, 3rd Select should select indexes 0,1,2 of the list and display the value in triggeredText and triggeredIndex. They do not work.

    How did I pull the values when you click the buttons?

    import bb.cascades 1.3
    TabbedPane {
        id: root
        showTabsOnActionBar: false
        Tab {
            id: mainTab
            title: "Test List"
                Page {
                    id: mainPage
                    titleBar: TitleBar {
                        title: "List Traversal Test"
                    actions: [
                        ActionItem {
                            title: "Previous"
                            ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                            onTriggered: {
                                // get current selected index from list=
                                var currentIndex = parseInt(triggeredIndex.text);
                                if(currentIndex <= 0){
                                    //do nothing already at first item
                                    // subtract 1 from index ( ci - 1) ?
                                    var newIndex = parseInt(triggeredIndex.text) - 1;
                                    // show data from new selected index
                                    // ???
                                    // triggeredItem.text = XXX // the data
                                    // ???
                                    // triggeredIndex.text = X // the current index
                                    triggeredIndex.text = newIndex;
                        ActionItem {
                            title: "Next"
                            ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                            onTriggered: {
                                // get current selected index from list=
                                var currentIndex = parseInt(triggeredIndex.text);
                                if(currentIndex == 4){
                                    //do nothing already at lastitem
                                // add 1 to index ( ci + 1) ?
                                var newIndex = parseInt(triggeredIndex.text) + 1
                                // show data from new selected index
                                // ???
                                // triggeredItem.text = XXX // the data
                                // ???
                                // triggeredIndex.text = X // the current index
                                triggeredIndex.text = newIndex;
                        ActionItem {
                            title: "Clear"
                            ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                            onTriggered: {
                                // set current index to 0 (top item in list)
                    Container {
                        preferredHeight: maxHeight
                        layout: StackLayout {
                            orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
                            id: triggeredItem      // value of listitem from current index
                            text: "0"
                            id: triggeredIndex    // current index
                            text: "0"
                            onTextChanged: {
                                // set triggeredItem.text to contents of selected ListItem with same index
                                // STUCK HERE cannot access ListItem.dataModel(indexPath) from here....
                            ListView {
                                id: theList
                                objectName: "dalist"
                                dataModel: ArrayDataModel {
                                    id: theListModel
                                listItemComponents: ListItemComponent {
                                    StandardListItem {
                                        id: itemRoot
                                        title: ListItemData
                                onTriggered: {
                                    var si =;
                                    triggeredItem.text = "LIST ITEM CONTENT: " + si;  //set content when user taps on item
                                    triggeredIndex.text = "LIST ITEM INDEX INDEX: " + indexPath;  // set index when user taps
                                onSelectionChanged: {
                                onCreationCompleted: {
                                    //add some data to the listview
                                    theListModel.append("First List Item");
                                    theListModel.append("Second List Item");
                                    theListModel.append("Third List Item");
                                    theListModel.append("Fourth List Item");
                            layout: StackLayout {
                                orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                            text: "Select 1st"
                            onClicked: {
                            text: "Select 2nd"
                            onClicked: {
                            text: "Select 3rd item"
                            onClicked: {
                                //expected behaviour is to show data from Third List Item
                                // triggeredIndex.text = INDEX 3
                                // triggeredText.text = (DATA FROM THIRD LIST ITEM)
                                // THIS IS NOT WORKING ....
                                triggeredItem.text = theListModel.dataModel(3);

    Thank you and have a happy and healthy 2015!

    Your help will be greatly appreciated.

    I ran and got this:

    asset:///main.qml:161: TypeError: Result of expression 'theList.dataModel' [bb::cascades::ArrayDataModel(0x1091a838)] is not a function.

    But it works[3])

    But this isn't the solution, you have a more serious problem. You select a value, you trigger. If you add this in onTriggered you select it (and you can see that it changes color when it is selected).;

    If you want to use option to deselect, !theList.isSelected(indexPath));

    And if you want to have that one chose this


    Inside the button 'Select the 3rd point' allows to select programmatically[2]);

    It works but I'm not sure what you're trying to do

  • Layout problem

    I am facing a lot of problems with the layout system which I think is terrible compared to the cascades QtQuick anchoring system. Now, I have this problem: I'm working with a listview that is filled by a remote xml file, I create the listitem for use with.

    It's the source of the listitem:

    Container {
                                    layout: StackLayout {
                                        orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                                    Container {
                                        Label {
                                        Label {
                                    ImageView {
                                        id: imageView

    Now in vertical mode, it look like this:

    But horizontal is like this:

    because the text is too short, but I want image will always be on the right. If I use docklayout text is placed over the image and I could not find a way to prevent this.

    Thank you for your help.


    To force the outside container take all available space horizontally, set preferredWidth is at infinity.

    A value not zero in his StackLayoutProperties left spaceQuota value of the container.

    Substantive definition of the container to a solid color allows the debug configuration.

  • blocking of horizontal scrollbars on fluid layout

    I'm trying to stop the scrolling and let just a portrait.

    but the widget I found and the code, they said to me, is not working.

    the two solutions creates an additional vertical scrolling.

    I also checked all the breakpoints to see if there is no content outside of my canvas, but so good!

    It's a fluid layout.



    I have checked your site location in 3 different browsers but don't see a scrolling horizontal, even when you click on "voltar para o topo" which takes me at the top of the page, as it is and even after resizing of the browser window.

    Can you please to what browser are your tests to your site?

    Best regards


  • Sticks of CheckBox box outside the box

    CheckBox, cDevil mark must be large and must be outside the box.

    Is this possible in Adobe Acrobat Pro...?

    Thank you.


    Answer is Yes and no.

    It requires workaround: place a box on the page layout and a form box without strokecolor and fillcolor above field.

  • How can I add columns to a unique page layout in the theme of Thomas?

    I have a page of unique project within a gallery I want to add multiple columns, unlike the standard single column, but I don't see any adequate options. Essentially, I'm wanting to control the number of images displayed in a grid as the project option covers where you can adjust the number of columns - accessible by outside > site Web container > project covers > columns.

    Anyone know if this is possible, or another way to change the layout of a page, without making the global settings on other pages of the project?

    Thanks in advance for any input.


    Hi there - currently there is not a way to add a second column to a page.  All custom pages / projects are a single vertical column while galleries can have more than one, because they are groups of project covers.

    Hope that makes sense!

  • Image on a full-width layout fluid width

    I try to get a picture of full-width using the new fluid width in Muse CC 2015 page.

    I moved the edges of the image area to the outside edge of the page layout (pint, I can see a red line appears).

    But when I visit the site in Safari, the image remains a fixed width.

    Any idea or alternative work would be much appreciated.

    Try this in addition to the step, you already performed:

    1 look at the icon of scaling in the strip of higher order

    2. your stretching wide browser page by clicking on the double arrow to the left of the breakpoint bar.

  • Tips CSS/HTML please, mobile layout

    Salvation of problems by performing my single mobile column layout to do what I want.  CSS here

    The bare, simplest bones, looking for solutions from beginner I can understand, explain

    1. What is now the header and the wrapper to top - align in the body?

    2. why my nav is not centered? Not sure that all of the stuff I've tried are necessary to have there. Don't really understand the process of sup/child selectors...

    3 - the first shoe, see how the price is back just below the div with the lines?  (#BG_heels_AnkleStrap) Struggling to make the other game 4.

    4 - What is the most simple to have 'Add to Cart' text without point of bullet? Had outside the AMT originally, but IDK how a style link. Tried to put in a div too... (now commented out), but it was a mess.

    5. I have a lot of neg values. here... is this normal coding?

    6 - ago probably thinner / more-simplified ways to build it. Suggestions appreciated.

    1. Add a class in the following

    class = "ir"> shoes Sally

    and style

    . IR {display: none ;}}

    2. Add to the style sheet

    NAV ul {}

    margin: 0;

    padding: 0;

    list-style-type: none;


    3 - 6 too much question at a session. Please refer to Adobe support & resources Forum

  • ECWID Online Store Widget on layout of Muse phone pushing the development of the site on the left

    I tried many widgets of e-commerce, ecwid and they seem to do the same thing.

    On the phone of muse available when the store widget released pushes the layout to the left (looks well on preview) which seem bad but makes also if the menu does not work properly either.

    Can someone help me? Ive tried everything I can think of, there is nothing outside the provision which could be the cause, I also tried it with just the store sample thinking that it might be something on my store do...

    See here:

    It currently has a muse bought widget shop ecwid on that grid.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

    This one gives you the most style controls on all of them Widgets Ecwid | Adobe Muse Ecommerce. Have you tried to use that one? Personally I use it on my store and I've never had problems you describe.

    Shoot me an email or send me a tweet if you have any questions on this subject. I know the ecwid path works in good enough Muse.

  • How can I create a new presentation of shop e-commerce in British Colombia? The default layout is inadmissible and who do not steal! :)

    Hello to everyone.

    I've been building and development using BC for awhile but avoids the functions of e-commerce like the plague, because of all my knowledge and trial a mistake, I couldn't adjust available outside the columns of the table how much I can add. I'm looking to create some sensitive stores but feel completely constrained by the store layout because it can't be adjusted. Yes I tried the same and adjustment module style sheet styles declare my rules with "!" important"with no luck. I then asked the team to BC online chat. If it was still possible, and they said 'no' dish. Then I saw 'light at the end of a tunnel' If you want by browsing a few Business Catalyst models (I honestly can't bring myself to use models that I like a lot of this building and landscaping my own pages). With this model here, the cameras and accessories you can see the shop features sensitive so I know it's possible (Damn you BCGurus and your mad skills). I also found some amazing layouts by Enough of Pollution , which has also made a few sensitive shop like this Web sitelayouts.

    Overall, how can I achieve this? How can I create a fully customized store page layout and virtually any custom also available? I have the feeling that I needed to learn the programming language for this liquid, but seriously, the indications at this point would be greatly appreciated! If I learn liquid programming, I'd love to learn where there might be some amazing courses / tutorials / documentation. I have the feeling, it comes down to create my own model of liquid layout and rerouting of the off-set modules in the new model... I'm on the right track?

    Sorry, so many questions. Let me tackle that I really want to know haha!

    • How can I create a layout of the sensitive shop in British Colombia?
    • What would be the necessary steps?
    • If I need to build models of liquids, where can I learn all this? (I know that the BC user guide has much butI will not lie, it's a little overwhelming)

    Thank you all so much for your time in reading this and I greatly look forward to learn more about Business Catalyst. Honestly, I'd love to try and use this platform for all of my clients.


    Support will be have not said you that it was not possible, they would have told that it is outside the scope of their support. Is this possible? Of course, it's, it's the foundations of basic BC, HTML and CSS more then anything else.

    Honestly, it has nothing to do with incredible skill, amazing code or anything else.

    First of all, BC is just tags and you should use reference material:
    The developer reference

    Here you see the overall plan and tags. If you look at the list of product tags you see that you can set in a list schema (no tables).

    From there allows you to encode your small layout, large presentation cart layout, provision of registration (payment) because you need to and code the CSS to adapt.

    -You can float elements so float the li of the store

    -The basics of the CSS to make the elements of fluid width of code etc.

    -Questions from the media CSS code to make sensitive matters

    All pretty much toast front-end html, css, nothing special here development stuff. You have classes on the points for each element of a line in British Colombia according to the parameters that you set on the tags and so on.

    If you want to take the next step you enable liquid markup in the characteristics of BC and take things further.

  • ªhone and Tablet layouts

    Since the last update (CC2015), phone and Tablet layouts are pushed to the left side! This phenomenon only occurs to me?


    I just checked the site on my phone and page is redirected to provision of the phone, but left-aligned.

    This kind of problem occurs usually when something is placed outside the area of the page.

    Please make sure that there is no evidence outside the area of the page. (For this press command + A to select all the items, if you find something off the page and move it inside the page or delete it)

    If that don't fix the issue, then there could be a problem because any widget as suspected by you.

    If the problem persists, then maybe I need to look at the .muse file.



  • Liquid possible bug: moving data in e-commerce site layout

    Liquid apparently will pass all the data outside of a layout of the e-commerce site in a site e-commerce layouts is intentional or a bug.

    If you create a place to include in a model then try to pass all data IE affect in any provision of e-commerce, it does not work.

    If you need help with breeding let me know.

    Sounds like the addition of the in your overall layout for e-commerce is an excellent solution for the problem. It is not ideal, but it is easy to manage.

Maybe you are looking for

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