Loading dynamic Subvi

Hey guys...

Please help with this problem... Attached an image Ref

Two things, first it is a VI method to open and close panels of façade which is the recommended technique. Secondly, as written, your code does not return all the data of the Subvi called so if there are errors, you will not see them.

Tags: NI Software

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    Best regards

    Li CQ

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    The call dynamically a VI within a while loop can be pretty bad in terms of performance and I'm not sure it's a good idea.

    But if you really want to do this, using the function "Call by reference node" would be more appropriate in your case (you can find some examples easily).



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    I tried opening them and got the same error you did, so I them opened with a hex editor to see if there was something in the file, and there is literally nothing other than the value of 0x00 for the entire file.

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    Thank you



    The following Flex code coverage your use cases? I sent a [email protected] zip file that has a bunch of flex project a png as below.


    xmlns:s = "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" title = "HomeView" >


    "' private var url: String ="http://www.messersmith.name/wordpress/wp-content/png-national-emblem.png"


    Are you by chance using another swf file that provides the url. No external swf cannot be loaded in the release version. So if your code is prepared in such a way that the url of the png is part of another swf file, then you need to refactor your code to a single swf file.

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    I hope I can explain it properly. The current movie can be seen at

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    See you soon,.



    package {}
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    Import 12345678910111213import;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    to import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
    import flash.net.navigateToURL;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    import flash.net.URLLoader;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.StyleSheet;
    import flash.text.AntiAliasType;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import com.hybrid.ui.ToolTip;
    import com.apdevblog.ui.video.ApdevVideoPlayer;
    import com.apdevblog.ui.video.style.ApdevVideoPlayerDefaultStyle;
    Import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
    Import caurina.transitions.properties.DisplayShortcuts;
    Import caurina.transitions.properties.FilterShortcuts;
    Import caurina.transitions.properties.ColorShortcuts;

    SerializableAttribute public class Main extends MovieClip {}

    the constructor function
    public void Main (): void {}
    If init() (stage);
    of another addEventListener (Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

    private var paramObj: Object;
    optional xml path
    private var xmlPath: String = "xml/gallery.xml;
    the stage size
    private var sw: number;
    private var sh: number;
    private void init(e:Event=null):void {}
    paramObj = LoaderInfo (this.root.loaderInfo) .parameters;
    for (var i in paramObj) {}
    xmlPath = String (paramObj [i])? String(paramObj[i]):xmlpath;

    loadXML (xmlPath);
    DisplayShortcuts.init ();
    FilterShortcuts.init ();
    ColorShortcuts.init ();
    internship. Align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.addEventListener (Event.RESIZE, resizeHandler)
    SW = stage.stageWidth;
    SH = stage.stageHeight;

    the xml loader
    private var _xmlLoader: URLLoader;
    private void loadXML(s:String):void {}
    loading the xml for news here
    _xmlLoader = new URLLoader();
    _xmlLoader.load (new URLRequest (s));
    _xmlLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, completeXML);


    private var _xml: XML;
    store the thumbnail
    private var thumbArr: Array = [];
    the number of items
    private var itemNum: number = 12;
    store the type of the element
    private var typeArr: Array = [];
    store the size of the media of the item file
    private var sizeArr: Array = [];
    store the location of the media of the item file
    private var urlArr: Array = [];
    color of the link in the content
    private var linkColor: String;
    store the location of the link
    private var linkArr: Array = [];
    the thumbnail title
    private var titleArr: Array = [];
    How to open the link
    private var _target: String;

    the number of columns of thumbnails
    private var columns: number;
    size of the thumbnail
    private var thumbWidth: number;
    private var thumbHeight: number;
    filling between each thumbnail
    private var thumbPadding: number;
    value of the assets of the image/video
    private var assetWidth: number;
    private var assetHeight: number;
    store the legend
    private var captionArr: Array = [];

    analyze the data
    private void completeXML(e:Event):void {}
    _xml = new XML (e.target.data);
    _xml. IgnoreWhitespace = true;
    itemNum = _xml.item.length ();
    Columns = Number (_xml.@columns);
    thumbWidth = Number (_xml.@thumbWidth);
    thumbHeight = Number (_xml.@thumbHeight);
    thumbPadding = Number (_xml.@thumbPadding);
    assetWidth = Number (_xml.@assetWidth);
    assetHeight = Number (_xml.@assetHeight);
    linkColor = [email protected] ();
    _target = [email protected] ();
    for (var i = 0; i < itemNum; i ++) {}
    thumbArr [i] = (_xml.item[i].@thumbnail);
    titleArr [i] = (_xml.item[i].@title);
    typeArr [i] = (_xml.item[i][email protected] ());
    _Object var: Object = new Object();
    _Object.width = _xml.item[i].@width;
    _Object.height = _xml.item[i].@height;
    sizeArr [i] = _object;
    urlArr [i] = _xml.item[i].@url;
    linkArr [i] = _xml.item[i].@link;
    captionArr [i] = _xml.item [i] .text () m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ();
    _xmlLoader.removeEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, completeXML);
    _xmlLoader = null;

    store the thumbnail in a container
    private var thumbContainer: Sprite = new Sprite();
    width of the thumbnail box
    private var thumbContainerWidth: number;
    the navigation arrows
    private var nextBtn: ArrowButton = new ArrowButton();
    private var preBtn: ArrowButton = new ArrowButton();
    store the arrows in a container
    private var btnContainer: Sprite = new Sprite();
    store the miniature gripper
    private var thumbClipContainer: Sprite = new Sprite();
    size of the boder hover
    private var borderSize: number = 0;
    store the border
    private var borderArr: Array = [];
    see the thumbnail now or the active
    private var isThumb: Boolean = true;

    store the image or the active video
    private var assetContainer: Sprite = new Sprite();
    store the active clip
    private var assetClipArr: Array = [];
    which image/video is view now
    private var currentAssetNum: number = 0;

    the text of the legend style
    private var textStyle: StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
    initialize the text style
    private function initText (): void {}
    var hoverObj: Object = new Object();
    var linkObj: Object = new Object();
    var bodyObj: Object = new Object();

    linkObj.color = "#00FFFF";
    linkObj.textDecoration = "underline";
    bodyObj.fontFamily = "Arial";
    bodyObj.color = "#FFFFFF";
    bodyObj.letterSpacing = '0 '.
    bodyObj.leading = "4px";
    bodyObj.textAlign = 'left ';
    bodyObj.fontSize = 11;
    hoverObj.color = "#FFFFFF".
    hoverObj.textDecoration = "underline";
    textStyle.setStyle ("body", bodyObj);
    textStyle.setStyle ("a: link", linkObj);
    textStyle.setStyle ("" a: hover ", hoverObj");

    store the caption element
    private var captionClipArr: Array = [];
    Store the image loader
    private var imageLoaderArr: Array = [];
    How image loader
    private var imageLoaderNum: number = 0;
    store the location of the image
    private var imageURLArr: Array = [];
    Ranger miniature charger
    private var thumbLoaderArr: Array = [];
    Add thumbnail image and video assets, etc. to the scene
    private function initUI (): void {}
    addChild (thumbContainer);
    thumbContainer.addChild (thumbClipContainer);
    thumbContainerWidth = columns * (thumbWidth + thumbPadding)-thumbPadding;
    Add the tiles on the stage
    for (var i: int = 0; i < itemNum; i ++) {}
    var _shape: Sprite = new Sprite();
    _shape. Name = I.ToString;
    _shape. Graphics.beginFill (0x000000,. 4);
    _shape. Graphics.drawRect (0, 0, thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
    _shape. Graphics.endFill ();

    var ld: Loader = new Loader();
    LD. Load (new URLRequest (thumbArr [i]))
    _shape. AddChild (LD);
    thumbLoaderArr [i] = ld;
    var _border: Sprite = new Sprite();
    _border. Graphics.beginFill (0xFFFFFF, 0);
    _border. Graphics.LineStyle (borderSize, 0 x 191919);
    _border. Graphics.drawRect (0, 0, thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
    _border. Graphics.endFill ();
    _border.Alpha = 0;
    borderArr [i] = _border;
    _shape. AddChild (_border);
    Tweener.addTween (_shape, {_DropShadow_blurX:16, _DropShadow_blurY:16, _DropShadow_angle:90, _DropShadow_distance:4, _DropShadow_alpha:.4, time: 3});
    thumbClipContainer.addChild (_shape);
    _shape.x is thumbPadding + i *(thumbWidth+thumbPadding);.
    _shape.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    var s: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (s.name);
    var tf: TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    TF. Bold = false;
    TF. Size = 12;
    TF. Leading = 1;
    TF. Color = 0 x 333333;
    var tt:ToolTip = new ToolTip();
    TT. Align = "center";
    tt.titleFormat = tf;
    TT. Hook = true;
    tt.cornerRadius = 0;
    tt.autoSize = true;
    TT. Show (s, titleArr [n]);


    Tweener.addTween (borderArr [n], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    _shape.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    var s: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (s.name);
    Tweener.addTween (borderArr [n], {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    / * Remove click event
    _shape.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    var s: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (s.name);
    var clip: DisplayObject = assetClipArr [currentAssetNum];
    If (clip! = null) Tweener.addTween (clip, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    clip. Visible = false;
    currentAssetNum = n;
    {if (isThumb)}

    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (assetClipArr [currentAssetNum], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (thumbContainer, {y: sh + borderSize, time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    Tweener.addTween (btnContainer, {y: sh + 32, time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    Tweener.addTween (assetContainer, {y:(sh-assetHeight) > > 1, time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    isThumb = false;


    thumbLoaderArr [0] .load (new URLRequest(thumbArr[0]))
    thumbLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, thumbComplete);
    thumbLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, thumbIOError);

    var _mask: Sprite = new Sprite();
    _MASK. Graphics.beginFill (0xB22222,. 4);
    _MASK. Graphics.drawRect (thumbPadding-borderSize, - borderSize, thumbContainerWidth + borderSize * 2, thumbHeight + borderSize * 2);
    _MASK. Graphics.endFill ();
    thumbContainer.addChild (_mask);
    thumbClipContainer.mask = _mask;

    addChild (assetContainer);

    var panelWidth: number = 14;
    var leftPanel: ArrowButton = new ArrowButton();
    leftPanel.rotation = 180
    leftPanel.x = - 12;
    leftPanel.y = assetHeight*.5;

    var right panel: ArrowButton = new ArrowButton();
    rightPanel.x = assetWidth + 12;
    rightPanel.y = assetHeight*.5;
    leftPanel.alpha = rightPanel.alpha = 0;
    leftPanel.buttonMode = rightPanel.buttonMode = true;

    leftPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (leftPanel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    leftPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (leftPanel, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    leftPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    var clip: DisplayObject;
    Clip = assetClipArr [currentAssetNum];
    Tweener.addTween (clip, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    clip. Visible = false;
    if(currentAssetNum>0) {}
    } else {}
    currentAssetNum = itemNum-1;
    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .alpha = 0;
    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (assetClipArr [currentAssetNum], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    rightPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    rightPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    rightPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    var cb: CloseButton = new CloseButton();
    rightPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    If (currentAssetNum < itemNum-1) {}
    currentAssetNum ++;
    } else {}
    currentAssetNum = 0;
    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .alpha = 0;
    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (assetClipArr [currentAssetNum], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    function pauseAsset (): void {}
    var clip: Sprite = assetClipArr [currentAssetNum];
    Tweener.addTween (clip, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    clip. Visible = false;
    If (clip.getChildAt (0) is ApdevVideoPlayer) {}
    (clip.getChildAt (0) as ApdevVideoPlayer) () .pause;


    function tweenToAsset (): void {}
    var clip: Sprite = assetClipArr [currentAssetNum];
    clip.Alpha = 0;
    clip. Visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (, {time: 2, delay:. 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    If (clip.getChildAt (0) is ApdevVideoPlayer) {}
    (clip.getChildAt (0) as ApdevVideoPlayer) .play ();


    Tweener.addTween (clip, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})


    assetContainer.addChild (leftPanel);
    assetContainer.addChild (right panel);

    var _style:ApdevVideoPlayerDefaultStyle = new ApdevVideoPlayerDefaultStyle();
    _Style.bgGradient1 = 0 x 000000;
    _Style.controlsBg = 0 x 000000;
    _Style.controlsBgAlpha = 1.0;
    var closeBtn: CloseButton = new CloseButton();
    assetContainer.addChild (closeBtn);
    closeBtn.x = assetWidth - closeBtn.width*.5;
    closeBtn.y = - closeBtn.height*.5;
    closeBtn.buttonMode = true;
    closeBtn.visible = false;
    closeBtn.name = j.toString ();
    closeBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:Event):void {}
    isThumb = true;
    var s: DisplayObject = e.currentTarget as DisplayObject;
    var n: number = Number (s.name);
    Tweener.addTween (assetContainer, {y:-assetHeight, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (thumbContainer, {y:(sh-thumbHeight) > > 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (btnContainer, {y: sh > > 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})

    Add image/video assets to step
    for (var j: int = 0; j < itemNum; j ++) {}
    var s: Sprite = new Sprite();
    s.graphics.beginFill (0 x 000000, 1);
    s.graphics.drawRect (0, 0, assetWidth, assetHeight);
    s.graphics.endFill ();

    s.buttonMode = true;
    s.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    _s var: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (_s.name).
    try {}
    navigateToURL (new URLRequest (linkArr [n]), _target);

    } catch(err:Error) {}

    s.Visible = false;
    s.Name = j.toString ();
    assetContainer.addChildAt (s, 0);
    assetClipArr [j] = s;
    Tweener.addTween (closeBtn, {_DropShadow_blurX:2, _DropShadow_blurY:2, _DropShadow_angle:75, _DropShadow_distance:4, _DropShadow_alpha:.3, time: 3});

    closeBtn.visible = false;
    s.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (leftPanel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    _s var: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (_s.name).
    captionClipArr [n] .visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (captionClipArr [n], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    s.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (leftPanel, {alpha: 0, time: 4, delay:. 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 0, time: 4, delay:. 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    _s var: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (_s.name).
    Tweener.addTween (captionClipArr [n], {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    captionClipArr [n] .visible = false;


    var imageLoader: Loader = new Loader();
    var _loading: loading = new Loading();
    s.addChild (_loading);
    _loading.x = assetWidth*.5;
    _loading.y = assetHeight*.5;
    _loading. Name = "loading";
    s.addChildAt (chargeurImage, 0);
    imageLoaderArr [imageLoaderNum] = imageLoader;
    imageURLArr [imageLoaderNum] = urlArr [j];
    imageLoaderNum ++;
    } else {if(typeArr[j]=="video")
    var videoPlayer: ApdevVideoPlayer = new ApdevVideoPlayer (assetWidth, assetHeight, _style);
    videoPlayer.videostill = "";
    videoPlayer.name = 'video ';
    position of the videoplayer at the bottom of the video controls
    videoPlayer.controlsOverVideo = true;
    checks should not fade out (not in mode full-screen)
    videoPlayer.controlsAutoHide = true;
    videoPlayer.autoPlay = false;
    videoPlayer.load (urlArr [j]);
    s.addChildAt (videoPlayer, 0);


    var _caption: Caption = new Caption();
    captionClipArr [j] = _caption;
    _caption.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    e.stopPropagation ();
    _caption.Alpha = 0;
    _caption. Visible = false;
    _caption. Name = "caption";
    _caption.Alpha = 0;
    _caption. Visible = false;
    _caption._text. Width = assetWidth - 24;
    _caption._text. StyleSheet = textStyle;
    _caption._text. Selectable = false;
    _caption._text. Multiline = true;
    _caption._text. AutoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    _caption._text.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
    var st:String = encodeURI (captionArr [j]);
    var model: RegExp = /(%09) + | (0 %) + | (0 % D) + / g ;
    St = st.replace (model, "");
    St = decodeURI (st);
    _caption._text. StyleSheet = textStyle;
    _caption._text.htmlText = m;
    _caption._bg. Width = assetWidth;
    _caption._bg. Height = _caption._text.height + 24;
    _caption.y = assetHeight - _caption.height;
    s.addChild (_caption);

    imageLoaderArr [0] .load (new URLRequest(imageURLArr[0]));
    imageLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, imageProgress);
    imageLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageComplete);
    imageLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, imageIOError);


    addChild (btnContainer);
    btnContainer.addChild (nextBtn);
    btnContainer.addChild (preBtn);
    preBtn.rotation = 180;
    nextBtn.buttonMode = preBtn.buttonMode = true;
    nextBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, click Next);
    preBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPre);
    the progress of loading the image
    private void imageProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {}


    How many images have been loaded
    private var imageLoadedNum: number = 0;

    start loading the next image when an image is loaded, start playing the slideshow when images are loaded
    private void imageComplete(e:Event):void {}
    var _loader:Loader = Loader (e.target.loader);
    If (_loader.content is Bitmap) {}
    get the Chargers in the form of bitmap content
    var _bitMap:Bitmap = Bitmap (_loader.content);
    Turn on anti-aliasing
    _bitMap.smoothing = true;
    var _loading: loading = _loader.parent.getChildByName ("loading") as loading;
    if(_loading!=null) _loading.parent.removeChild (_loading);
    if(imageLoadedNum<imageLoaderArr.Length) {}
    imageLoadedNum ++;
    var nextLd: Loader = imageLoaderArr [imageLoadedNum];
    nextLd.load (new URLRequest (imageURLArr [imageLoadedNum]));
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, imageProgress);
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageComplete);
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, imageIOError);
    } else {}



    The location of the error image manager e/s etc.
    private void imageIOError(e:IOErrorEvent):void {}
    if(imageLoadedNum<imageLoaderArr.Length) {}
    imageLoadedNum ++;
    var nextLd: Loader = imageLoaderArr [imageLoadedNum];
    nextLd.load (new URLRequest (imageURLArr [imageLoadedNum]));
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, imageProgress);
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageComplete);
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, imageIOError);
    } else {}



    start loading the next thumbnail when it can't load the previous tile
    private void thumbIOError(e:IOErrorEvent):void {}
    if(thumbLoadedNum<itemNum) {}
    thumbLoadedNum ++;
    var _nextLd: Loader = thumbLoaderArr [thumbLoadedNum];
    _nextLd.load (new URLRequest (thumbArr [thumbLoadedNum]));
    _nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, thumbComplete);
    _nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, thumbIOError);



    How many tile is responsible
    private var thumbLoadedNum: number = 0;
    force the miniature customed size in the xml when they were loaded
    private void thumbComplete(e:Event):void {}
    var _tempLoader:Loader = Loader (e.target.loader);
    If (_tempLoader.content is Bitmap) {}
    get the Chargers in the form of bitmap content
    var _bitMap:Bitmap = Bitmap (_tempLoader.content);
    Turn on anti-aliasing
    _bitMap.smoothing = true;

    _tempLoader.content.width = thumbWidth;
    _tempLoader.content.height = thumbHeight;
    _tempLoader.content.Alpha = 0;
    Tweener.addTween (_tempLoader.content, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    if(thumbLoadedNum<itemNum) {}
    thumbLoadedNum ++;
    var _nextLd: Loader = thumbLoaderArr [thumbLoadedNum];
    _nextLd.load (new URLRequest (thumbArr [thumbLoadedNum]));
    _nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, thumbComplete);
    _nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, thumbIOError);


    private var currentCol: number = 0;
    Move the following block of vignette
    private void clickNext(e:MouseEvent=null):void {}
    currentCol ++;
    If (currentCol < Math.ceil (itemNum/columns)) {}
    Tweener.addTween (thumbClipContainer, {x:-currentCol *(thumbContainerWidth+thumbPadding), time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    } else {}
    currentCol = 0;
    Tweener.addTween (thumbClipContainer, {x: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})

    Move the previous tile
    private void clickPre(e:MouseEvent=null):void {}
    If (currentCol > = 0) {}
    Tweener.addTween (thumbClipContainer, {x:-currentCol *(thumbContainerWidth+thumbPadding), time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    } else {}
    currentCol = Math.ceil(itemNum/columns)-1;
    Tweener.addTween (thumbClipContainer, {x:-currentCol *(thumbContainerWidth+thumbPadding), time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})


    resize the layout
    private void resizeHandler(e:Event=null):void {}
    SW = stage.stageWidth;
    SH = stage.stageHeight;
    thumbContainer.x = (sw - thumbContainerWidth - thumbPadding * 2) > > 1;

    nextBtn.x = thumbContainer.x + thumbContainerWidth + thumbPadding;
    nextBtn.x = sw - 24;
    preBtn.x = 24;

    assetContainer.x = (sw - assetWidth) > > 1;
    {if (isThumb)}
    assetContainer.y = - assetHeight;
    thumbContainer.y = (sh - thumbHeight) > > 1;
    btnContainer.y = sh > > 1;
    } else {}
    assetContainer.y = (sh - assetHeight) > > 1;
    thumbContainer.y = sh + borderSize;
    btnContainer.y = sh + 32;




    You should be able to use addChildAt() once you have loaded evrything else to place the png to the index that you want to.

  • A scroll pane is loaded dynamically?


    I added a scroll pane or two via the Component Inspector to my site in flash.

    I know how to add content in the scrolling pane (rename contentpath to the new movie).

    My question: means that scrolling components loading dynamically, IE. they are called only for when you press a button to call this specific page that has the side scrolling and what it means it would save you filesize on your. SWF?

    Thank you!

    all components are related to the export for actionscript (unless cancel you that) which means that they download, whether or not they are used in a swf file.

  • Compile a CSS into SWF without SDK merged and loading dynamically

    I have a flex application that is built with the SDK merged in (by my own reasons). This application dynamically loads a SWF style that was built without the SDK merged. Unfortunately, it seems that the loaded SWF file fails to solve its references with the SDK and gives me an error of execution of 1014.

    If I merge the SDK in the CSS SWF then it works. If I put my application and the CSS SWF to use the SDK as a RSL, then it works. In short, the matrix is:

    CSS SWF, SDK merged? Application, SDK merged? Œuvres?

    I don't want a big CSS SWF to load dynamically with all the SDK inside when I already have the SDK loaded with my request. Any help much appreciated.

    I generate a link-state of the main application and allows to exclude

    the CSS SWF classes.  The CSS SWF should be built with

    merged in code, but the link-report and - external load-trainees will expel

    they share classes.

  • Loads dynamically using a Subvi included in the .exe of VI

    Dear community,

    I'm trying to figure out how I could make my exe would dynamically load custom libraries, and the external libraries could use as the screws that are "included" in Main.exe subVIs

    I made this simple diagram to show how I see, maybe someone has already faced this issue and found a few technical workaround to make it possible.

    The idea is to keep Main.exe as standard as possible, without having to make a new version whenever we do light news in custom.vi

    See you soon!

    You need not worry about this.  As already said, the version of the Subvi that is currently in memory will be used.  If you don't believe me, that give a try.

    I have a VI that calls Sub - VI and VI another called dynamically which also called the Subvi.  The Subvi just keep track of how many times it was called.

  • Steps loaded dynamically

    I put to TestStand and LabVIEW to very old version level and as a result, some of my steps don't work yet.  The problem is that I can't run the rest of the sequence with the steps broken file.  The error I get suggests to change the load options step 'dynamically load' instead of 'preload begins executing.  See the attached error.  I was not able to find this option.  Can someone tell me please how to do this?

    It is unlikely to solve the underlying problems, but for any step, you can go to Options to run and then there's a drop down option of loading, as shown below.

    Pulido Technologies LLC

  • Load dynamically within the lvlib Lvclass

    I have a table of lvclasses inside a lvlib, as shown below. I'm looking to get the reference to the individual lvclass, I need to dynamically, running.

    The goal is to be able to change or add classes to the lvlib without having to change the rest of my code. In particular, the snippet of code that loads the lvclass will be a built EXE.

    How can I dynamically call these lvclasses inside a lvlib?

    With the help of OR support, I discovered that what I try to do is not available in LabVIEW 2011.

    In 2012 and later, there is a property called ' OwnedItems [of] ' that lists all belonging to a LVLIB. This allows me to dynamically link to a LVCLASS inside a LVLIB.

    I thought it would be nice to see without having to contact Support OR others.

  • loading dynamic vi

    Hello no,.

    I did a visualization of personalized simple data acquisition, here I made a main vi under the present that I charge my control, graphics by using models. What happends here is... when I load this template, then I click the main table the model vi are getting reduced to a minimum. If I separate vi Panel then it was not minimize...

    I want to load my vi dynamic model with the VI main and I can able to then click the main table, the dynamics vi should not get minimize...

    can you suggest me...

    Thank you

    then, when I opened each vi... it shows in the taskbar... I want to hide the model vi... but it shows the main vi...

    How to do this?

  • How to load dynamically an inspection of PC previously built in VBAI 3.6?

    Hello world

    A 1744 SmartCamera jointly with VBAI 3.6 and LabVIEW 7.1.1 is used to conduct inspections on a test bench. Inspections are created in VBAI 3.6, communication between LabVIEW and VBAI is done through ActiveX. For memory used on the SmartCamera (now there are only a few inspections, but their number will increase rapidly because the test bench where the SmartCamera is integrated will test hundreds of different EHR, each with an own inspection) I want to manually export inspections of the SmartCamera to the PC where LabVIEW is executed (this could be done through the control that comes with VBAI Manager) , but then I want to load the necessary inspection dynamically via LabVIEW. How do I do this?

    Access with FTP for the SmartCamera client I see the directory structure, and I know that inspections are in/vbai/products/and everyone in a own subdirectory, where two files exist: Inspect.bin and Info.txt. The control manager creates only a VBAI file when you export an inspection to the PC.

    Of course I can do both ways - export and import of an inspection - via an additional tool of LabVIEW that simply moves the appropriate directory and its contents via FTP, but y at - it another way to do as described above (export manually using the Manager of the Inspection, import programmatically using LabVIEW)?

    Best regards from sunny Berlin


    Guten Morgen Carsten,

    ICH habe heute Antwort aus den USA has. Yesterday our leider wird,

    dass're nur durch den Manager of Inspection possible ist, die zwischen .vbai und .bin conversion

    touch. Man konnte noch den select Inspection stage use, um dem Benutzer die

    Auswahlmoglichkeit zwischen different content zu ermöglichen,

    hyva ja dafur alle auf der Cam vorliegen content however, was bei something 500 content

    schwierig breast uninteresting.

    Possibility surely die, die ich sehe daher, der ist Weg, den of the La showers did.

    namely alle content once by auf die inspection Manager Cam supported.

    die Yes erzeugten bin-files in einem zentralen deposit auf der host-Fliegengitter speichern

    und dann bei Bedarf auf die Smart Cam loaded FTP.

    Sorry, aber das scheint bisher really der Weg zu breast ointment.

    Beste Grüße,


  • Lag loading dynamic Photo


    I am filling an advertisement of cube with pictures and text from a json file dynamically.  The fields are filled are photo, title, desc and price.  When I originally created the ad I got a photo and 3 text fields.  After a second animation 5, the County would increase by 1, and could be new filled all the fields.  When I tested this text has worked perfectly, but there was a lag in the switch of the photo.  My solution was to create a second set of fields to run as follows:

    Drag a (visible): Photo, title, Desc, price

    Slide (hidden) B: filled with the picture next, title Desc, price

    5 second animation, then go

    Slide B (Visible)

    Drag A (hidden) met again the next Photo, title, Desc, price

    5 second animation, then go

    Loop upward...

    This configuration works through the first run through, but the photo then begins again trolling.

    Can someone help me solve the problem of lag?  Here is my code of compositionReady Stadium. I'll also include a zip of my project.  I moved 300px B slide to the right and took the functions of the skin, so I could see what was going on behind the scenes.  I have also included some fields of help text to show what functions are called during execution.

    compositionReady Code:


    imageCount = 0;


    $.getJSON ("slides.json", function (data) {})

    loadDataA (imageCount);

    Load A data

    function loadDataA (i) {}

    SYM.$("Notification1").html ("loadDataA");

    SYM.$("photo"). Empty();

    SYM. $("photo") .attr ("src", data [i] .image);

    Fill A text

    SYM.$("title").html (Data [i] .title);

    SYM.$("DESC").html (Data [i] .desc);

    SYM.$("price").html (Data [i]. Price);

    SYM. $("notification5") .html ("image photo =" + data [i] .image);


    Load data B

    function loadDataB (i) {}

    SYM.$("Notification1").html ("loadDataB");

    SYM.$("PHOTO2"). Empty();

    SYM. $("photo2") .attr ("src", data [i] .image);

    Fill A text

    SYM.$("Title2").html (Data [i] .title);

    SYM.$("desc2").html (Data [i] .desc);

    SYM.$("price2").html (Data [i]. Price);

    SYM. $("notification6") .html ('image photo2 =' + data [i] .image);


    function hideAshowB() {}

    SYM.$("notification2").html ("hideAshowB");

    SYM.$("photo"). Empty();

    SYM.$("photo"). Hide();

    SYM.$("title"). Hide();

    SYM.$("DESC"). Hide();

    SYM.$("price"). Hide();

    SYM.$("PHOTO2"). Show();

    SYM.$("Title2"). Show();

    SYM.$("desc2"). Show();

    SYM.$("price2"). Show();


    function hideBshowA() {}

    SYM.$("notification2").html ("hideBshowA");

    SYM.$("PHOTO2"). Empty();

    SYM.$("PHOTO2"). Hide();

    SYM.$("Title2"). Hide();

    SYM.$("desc2"). Hide();

    SYM.$("price2"). Hide();

    SYM.$("photo"). Show();

    SYM.$("title"). Show();

    SYM.$("DESC"). Show();

    SYM.$("price"). Show();


    function animateSlideshowA() {}

    SYM.$("notification3").html ("animateSlideshowA");

    SYM. $("title") .animate ({x: 9}, 5000, function() {})

    SYM.$("notification4").html ("insideSlideshowALoop");

    imageCount ++;

    If (imageCount > = data.length) {}

    imageCount = 0;


    loadDataA (imageCount);





    function animateSlideshowB() {}

    SYM.$("notification3").html ("animateSlideshowB");

    SYM. $("Titre2") .animate ({x: 309}, 5000, function() {})

    SYM.$("notification4").html ("insideSlideshowBLoop");

    imageCount ++;

    If (imageCount > = data.length) {}

    imageCount = 0;


    loadDataB (imageCount);





    loadDataA (imageCount);

    imageCount ++;

    loadDataB (imageCount);




    Thanks for your help,



    So, here's an edge using a symbol ("animateAds"). Basic approach is to create a collection and walk through it.

    The collections are:

    (a) the json file.

    (b) ==> sym.createChildSymbol ("animateAds", "slider") he creates your collection of ads.

    (sym.getChildSymbols (c)) ==> it returns the collection of ads created by 2).

    I also use a global variable (sym.setVariable ("index")) to read each ad. So: a counter.

    (1) creating the symbol:

    (2) animating the symbol (an ad):

    ==> the demo file to download: Nyssa.zip - box

    It is an infinite loop. You can add events (click, drag).

    Note: I have change the json file to browse an object.

    Finally, but not least: I tested on Apple (OS X Mavericks and iOS 7.1.2) and Microsoft (Windows 8.1 update 04/18 with IE 9,10,11).

    Ask me if you don't understand code. 2 major stages: creating ads (Panel: creationComplete) and playing ads (trigger panels: 0 and 5000).

  • Planning plan utility load / dynamic Calc

    I use outline load utility planning to load the Dimenison account in my planning applications, but I don't see anything on how to set the dynamic Calc with the loading of the dimension

    Please notify

    Published by: level next October 20, 2012 03:39

    Consider the properties of dimension - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17236_01/epm.1112/hp_admin_11122/ch05s02s04s02.html

    Storage of data - dynamic Calc

    See you soon


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