My hyperlinks have went wrong

Help, my hyperlinks did their own thing. I want that all my hyperlinks to be blue as a: link. I set my links in my external stylesheet to be blue; However, when I visited my page in chrome or on my mobile phone some of my links are in blue and the rest are purple. Chrome on the desktop, the "Home" link in the navigation is blue and the rest of the links in the navigation are purple lol. This looks terrible for me and I am sure than others? How can I force every link is blue, can I add some code to the < a href... > tad to each link to force each blue? I have attached my source code and my external stylesheet below. Please help me with this problem. I had this problem in previous designs as well. I know that dreamweaver can be buggy, but there is usually a way around using the code. Thanks to all who help:

Source code:

<! doctype html >

< html >

< head >

< meta charset = "UTF-8" >

The Fat Loss Factor < /title > < title >

< link href = "externalstyles.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" > < style type = "text/css" > "

.sfadsf {do-family: 'Myriad Pro'}

. Size {do-family: 'Myriad Pro'; do-size: 19px ;}}

. Size {make-size: 19px}


left margin: 0px;

do-family: "Myriad Pro";

do-size: 14px;



margin left: 200px;



do-size: 18px;

make-weight: bold;


a: link {}

Color: #00F;


a: hover {}

Color: #F00;


< / style >

<!-the following script tag downloads a font of Adobe Edge Web server fonts to use in the web page. "We recommend that you do not modify it.--> < script > var __adobewebfontsappname__ = 'dreamweaver' < /script > < script src =""type =" text/javascript"> < / script > "

< / head >

< body >

< div class = "nav" >

< table width = "100%" border = "0" >

< b >

" < width ="25% "scope ="col"th > < a href =" http://www.lean-ABS.NET/index.html "> home < /a > < /th > .

" < width ="25% "scope ="col"th > < a href =" http://www.lean-ABS.NET/terms.html "> terms < /a > < /th > .

" < width ="25% "scope ="col"th > < a href =" http://www.lean-ABS.NET/disclaimer.html "> WARNING < /a > < /th > .

" < width ="25% "scope ="col"th > < a href =" http://www.lean-ABS.NET/privacy.html "> privacy < /a > < /th > .

< /tr >

< /table >

< / div >

< div class = "header" id = "header" > < p > < Center > < img src = "header.jpg" width = "1000" height = "294" alt ="" / > < / center > < /p > < / div > "

< div class = "body" >

< h1 style = "text-align: center" > < / h1 >

" < h1 style =" text-align: center "> & quot; presentation < a href =" http://dc06fet7mc2e2y31tboekenhis.hop.ClickBank.NET/ "> the loss factor fat < /a >, your parish priest of detoxification and Solution for losing weight! & quot; < / h1 >

< style p = "text-align: center" > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center" > < / p >

< h2 style = "text-align: center" > download the 1st Bonus & gt; & gt; & gt; < / h2 >

< style p = "text-align: center" > < / p >

" < h3 style =" text-align: center "> < a href =" http://bit.LY/14473an "> DOWNLOAD THE BONUS HERE < /a > < / h3 > .

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; ' > the < span class = "hightlighter" > FREE </span > Bonus ebook - < strong > The Fat loss factor 5 toxins in your body that Sabotage your weight loss, < facilities > Dr. Charles (a $9,99 value): this ebook created by A board certified chiropractic physician, Dr. Charles spurious details (how they are common) and how to get rid of them food additives, facts about proteins, stress, eating more interesting and emotional! < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: no; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: no; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; do-size: no; "" > < a href = "" > < img src = "FLF_5_toxins.jpg" width = "259" height = "330" alt = "" / > < /a > < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: no; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: no; ' > < / p >

< h2 style = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: no; ' > < / h2 >

< h2 > download

The 2nd Bonus & gt; & gt; & gt;

< / h2 >

< p > < / p >

< p > < / p >

< h3 style = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; do-size: 19px; "" > < a href = "" > DOWNLOAD THE BONUS HERE < /a > < / h3 > .

< style p = "text-align: center" > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; "> < span style =" font size: 19px "> the < span class ="hightlighter"> FREE </span > ebook very effective weight loss, < facilities > Bonus - < strong > the 7 habits by Dr. Charles (a $4.99 value): this ebook created by A board certified chiropractic physician, Dr. Charles contains 7 highly effective habits as well as habit a secret bonus. A bit patterns explained are the & quot; pyramid, grazer and holiday & quot; principles. </span > make sure you know and master these basics. A new habit takes 300 repeptitions to implement and 3000 repepitions to break. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; "> < img src ="FLF_7_habits.jpg"width ="259"height ="330"alt =" "/ > < / p >"

< p > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: no; ' > < / p >

< h2 style = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; font size: 24 PX. make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "> Download the 3rd Bonus & gt; & gt; & gt; < br >

< br >

< br >

< br >

< br >

< br >

< / h2 >

< h3 style = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "> < strong > < br >

" < a href =" http://bit.LY/19ZveOv "> DOWNLOAD THE BONUS HERE < /a > < / strong > < / h3 > .

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; ' > the < span class = "hightlighter" > FREE </span > Bonus ebook - < strong > lessons from The Miracle doctors A Step Guide To Optimum Health and relief of a debilitating disease, < facilities > Jon Barron ($19.99 value): this ebook created by Jon Barron is highly accepeted for its value and knowledge that has contributed to inform other healthy practices and alternatives to traditional medicine.  178 pages long, it is a must for any serious person on improving their State of health today, especially for those who have experimented with alternative medical treatments before. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; "> < img src ="FLF_MD_lessons.jpg"width ="259"height ="330"alt =" "/ > < / p >"

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; font size: 24 PX. make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "> these bonus ebooks are highly recommended and will serve as an additive or cumulative effect to the results of The Fat loss factor. Be sure to experience of this extraordinary remedy as the whole package, including bonus. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< h2 style = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "> < span style =" text-align: center; " Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; "> </Span > FAT LOSS FACTOR REVIEW < / h2 >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; do-size: 19px; make-style: normal; make-weight: 400; "" "> < a href =""> here, fat loss factor < /a > and < span class ="hightlighter"> presentations. </span > you have a problem related weight or maybe you are someone who wants to just lose a few pounds to feel and look better? You may have stubborn body fat that does not come off. This is where the fat loss factor can help you achieve your dream. It is a revolutionary program ready to be < span class = "hightlighter" > TAPPED </span > in today. Less than 10 minutes, you can start diving into information brings you start your goal or your ideal weight. Unlike your typical crash diet that can leave you heavier in the long run, the fat loss factor preaches a novel, one-of-a-kind call to action; However, who is Dr. Charles, he knew? < /p >

< style p = "text-align: left;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< div id = 'wrapper' >

< p > < / p >

< span style = "do-family:"Myriad Pro";" font size: 19px; "> Dr. Charles is: </span >

< ul >

< li > a certified chiropractic physician < span style = "text-align: left;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "> < / span > < /li >

certified wellness practitioner < /li > < li >

< li > nutritionist certified advanced < /li >

< li > Speaker & amp; a < /li >

< li > has helped thousands reach their weight loss dreams < /li >

< /ul >

< / div >

< /ul >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "> Dr. Charles invented the fat loss factor after an experience with his favorite client. Lory, after her pregnancy has been a huge weight 210 lbs; However, at the end of the solution of Dr. Charles, Lory innovative weight loss weighed only 120 lbs of total! It's a total weight of incredible loss < span class = "hightlighter" > 90 pounds! </span > in addition, Lori genes were footprints with diabetes and obesity throughout her family line. Lory has accomplished this feat all in raising his child. In the image below, Lori is accomplished on the beach of fat left. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "> < span style =" do-size: 18px; " do-family: Cambria, "Hoefler Text", "Liberation Serif", times, "Times New Roman", serif; Color: #000; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "> < img src ="front & Aftersnaps.jpg"alt =" "/ > < / span > < / p >"

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< h2 style = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; ' > THE LOSS FACTOR FAT HOW can FOR ME? < / h2 >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< ul >

< ul >

< ul >

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< ul >

< ul >

< p > < /p > < /ul > < /ul > < /ul > < /ul > < /ul > < /ul >

< /ul >

< /ul >

< style p = "do-size: 19px;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; Color: #000; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > Lori lost an incredible < span class = "hightlighter" > dress sizes 16 </span >. She realizes yet smaller than his high school days, a goal, you can do it as well! Women, especially need a program like the fat loss factor when examining the obstacles to their success. Let's review basic physiology to build you up in the understanding of the culprits. Success will be more practical when you have knowledge of what works against us, right? < /p >

< style p = "do-size: 18px;" do-family: Cambria, "Hoefler Text", "Liberation Serif", times, "Times New Roman", serif; Color: #000; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< /ul >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "> <! - end wrapper div - > < span style =" do-size: 18px; " Police-family: permanent marker; Color: #000; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "> < img src ="women_hurdles.jpg"alt =" "/ > < / span > < / p >"

< style p = "text-align: left;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; font size: 19px; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< h2 style = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "> SUCCESS WILL BE YOURS! < / h2 >

< dl >

< /dl >

< p > < br >

< br >

< br >

< br >

< span style = "font size: 19px;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; color: #000; make-style: normal; make-weight: 400; ' > Charles thought, if Lori could do, despite its barriers, that many people will experience asoulte weight loss with The Fat loss factor. Their bodies will be SOLD to fat loss. People are going to meet and exceed their expectations, and guess what? There is proof. Come on now, in this video page & gt; & gt; & gt; «< a href = "" > here < /a > and scroll to the bottom of the page to see the incredible amount of facebook comments.» Notice of the thousands of comments from people suceeding as you want, you can do it! Visualize your way to the finish line, you can become the next customer to display a success. Why wait, & quot; "< a href =""> download it < /a > & quot;" a few minutes from now. Experience joy! </span > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center" > < / p > < br >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; "> What a CUSTOMER WANTS YOU EXPERIENCE < /p >

< p > < / p >

< p > < / p >

< div id = "Film FLF" > < p > < Center > < iframe width = "420" height = "315" src = "" / / "frameborder ="0"allowfullscreen > < / iframe > < / center > < /p > < / div >"

< style p = "text-align: center" > video legend: The Incredible < a href = " pid = checkout" > < /a > fat loss factor your now! < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center" > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center" > < / p >

< h2 style = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > WHAT is THE FAT LOSS FACTOR < span class = "hightlighter" > </span > PREACH? < / h2 >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; "> < br >

< br >

< /p >

< style p = "do-size: 18px;" do-family: Cambria, "Hoefler Text", "Liberation Serif", times, "Times New Roman", serif; Color: #000; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "> < span style =" do-size: 19px; " do-family: "Myriad Pro"; Color: #000; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > for an initial period of 12 weeks, the first two are dedicated for detoxification. After purchase, you will have many items to help you achieve your goal. Page 30 of the fat loss factor are recommended foods that will detox your system, linking fat and destroy the organization. These convenience foods are usually organic. You'll also learn which foods are dangerous for the reduction of fat. For not to mention Dr. Charles mailing list will keep you informed with what foods to absorption. The image, of the constant reminders to help you reach your goal, it is all included and very convenient. You start to see and realzie how it all comes together in unity to work for you. </span > < / p >

< style p = "do-size: 18px;" do-family: Cambria, "Hoefler Text", "Liberation Serif", times, "Times New Roman", serif; Color: #000; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< style p = "do-size: 18px;" do-family: Cambria, "Hoefler Text", "Liberation Serif", times, "Times New Roman", serif; Color: #000; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< h2 style = "do-family: permanent marker;" Color: #000; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; text-align: center; "> ME SAY MORE ON THIS POTENTIAL SOLUTION < / h2 >

< br >

< br >

< br >

< br >

< span style = "do-size: 19px;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; Color: #000; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > I want you to know exactly what you can decide to buy that's why I got the entire table of contents of the main ebook in the series: The Fat loss factor. Note This table of contents is condensed to copyright. You'll actually more than what you see below. Note the fat loss factor is divdied in 12 principles and contains 141 pages </span > < / blockquote >

< style p = "text-align: left;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; "> TABLE OF CONTENTS (SUMMARY) CONTAINING & quot; SENSITIVE < span class = "hightlighter" > </span > INSIDER KNOWLEDGE & quot; < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; ' > < / p >

< div id = "Table" >

< p > < span class = "boldbig" > PREPARE to SUCCEED your PRINCIPLE 1 </span > < br >

< br >

< span class = "boldbig" > PRINCIPLE 2 OUT WITH OLD, in with NEW </span > < br >

< br >



< p > < br >

< span class = "boldbig" > PRINCIPLE 3 lifestyle of the Nations United-power SUPPLY </span > < br >

< br >


-PHASE 1 - MASTER CLEANSE (3 to 10 DAYS) < br >


-FIBER for LIFE < br >

-PROTEIN < br >

-THE SKINNY on FAT < br >


-Do not DEPRIVE yourself OF THESE < br >










-FASTING of 48 HOURS < /p >

< p > < br >

< span class = "boldbig" > PRINCIPLE 4 WASH AWAY FAT WITH WATER </span > < br >

< br >


< p > < br >

< span class = "boldbig" > PRINCIPLE 5 GOOD HEALTHY SUPPLEMENTATION </span > < br >

< br >


< p > < br >

< span class = "boldbig" > PRINCIPLE

6 REBUILD YOUR BODY & amp; Melt the FAT THROUGHOUT the DAY </span > < br >

< br >






-Exercise BEST TIME < br >


< p > < br >

< strong class = "boldbig" > PRINCIPLE 7 SCULPT MUSCLES AND the TRIMFAT < / strong > < br >

< br >




< p > < span class = "boldbig" > < br >

< strong > PRINCIPLE 8, it's ALL A MIND GAME RELAX < facilities > < / span > < br >

< br >


-HOW DE-STRESS at < br >



< p > < br >

< strong class = "boldbig" > PRINCIPLE No. 9 BREATHE, NO LIFE < facilities > < br >

< br >



-12 WAYS TO RELAX < br >


-TOP TEN tips of MAKEOVER < /p >

< p > < br >

< strong class = "boldbig" > PRINCIPLE 12 IGNITE YOUR PROGRAM IN < / strong > < strong class = "boldbig" > FOR a lifestyle < facilities > < br >

< br >







< p > < br >

< span class = "boldbig" > < strong APPENDIX > < / strong > < / span > < br >

< br >



< br >

< /p >

< / div >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; ' > < / p >

< h2 style = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "> WHEN I BUY, that FACT THAT THE & quot; The PACKAGE CONTAINS & quot;? < / h2 >

< div id = "PACKAGE" >

< p > < / p >

< ul >

the fat loss factor Ebook < /li > < li >

< li > a Quick Start Guide (Start Here) < /li >

Raw minutes < /li > < li > recipes

< /Li > < li > 90-day meal plans

< li > Master Cleanse video (access anytime) < /li >

< /Li > < li > FooJoo software

Fat Loss Factor Diet/exercise journal < /li > < li >

< li > fat loss factor of training starting < /li >

losing fat intermediate training factor < /li > < li >

the loss of fat factor advanced training < /li > < li >

< li > factor 15-minute fat loss workouts sample 1-5 < /li >

factor fat loss goal setting < /li > < li > Guide

Grocery list for the < /li > < li > fat loss factor

< li > the fat factor loss measures form < /li >

< li > eBook Fat loss factor revenue < /li >

< /ul >

< / div >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > don't forget your bonus above and discover these recommendations below < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< h2 style = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; "> FAT LOSS FACTOR SUCCESS STORIES < / h2 >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; do-size: 22px; "> < strong > since the beginning of this regime in April, I have lost 25 pounds! I love this plan... < facilities >

< p > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; "> Hi Michael... because from this plan in April, I lost 25 pounds! I love this diet... I eat a lot and have found < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > lots of delicious recipes to support me. I eat an Apple a day (with a wide variety of other fruits) and have found that I actually want to Apple, I went the fridge yesterday and found no apples in the pan to fruit, so I jumped in my car and headed straight to the local fruit stand replenish my stock. (as a smoker of cigarettes) It & rsquo; s nice to know the many benefits I get with something I & rsquo; ve learned to truly appreciate! < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > I have 5 pounds to go to accomplish my goal weight... once there, I may have put a new... just for fun!

Best regards,

Joyce Borodemos < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; do-size: 22px; "> < strong > I got my 16 year old girl, it is recommended once school lets out. In 2 weeks, she dropped 24 pounds... < / strong > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; "> Hi Mike

I just thought you might be interested in an update...

I liked the power supply phase 2 weeks so I had my 16 year old daughter it is recommended once school lets out. In 2 weeks, she dropped 24 books (including a significant amount of bloating around his abdomen) and less than 200 pounds for the first time in years. She now has a waist size. More significant still, when she started first, she complained that the food was tasteless. That disappeared in a few days and my junk food-loving teenager was able to enjoy the taste of fresh again. All the chemicals she pumped into his body had substantially changed his taste buds as she couldn & rsquo; t the same real taste food until it & rsquo; d could clean his palace for a few days. Today, it was his first day off the diet without meat, and she really wanted a piece of marzipan (his favorite treat) and a bit of naan bread. Both him rejected when she tried to eat. She complained that they tasted like chemicals! In fact, she ran to the fridge and stacked a pile of vegetables on the plate to drown the horrible taste of what some of his favorite comfort food. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > here & rsquo; s the best part... She & rsquo; d suffered debilitating migraines on a DAILY basis. They were so bad she has missed a significant amount of the school in recent years. Not had a migraine since the second day of the diet without meat.

As for me, I & rsquo; ve noticed significant changes also. I used to have to take 3 pills of pain relief similarly start fighting the headaches I & rsquo; d get to work at my computer. Now, even a half dose (1 Advil) will do the trick if I still need. But above all, I appreciate the more closely, that this process has forged between me and my daughter. Although we & rsquo; ve always been extremely close, it has resented my being a personal trainer and was reluctant to follow one of my professional advice. It was the only area where we never saw eyes in eyes. But between this nutritional change and the conversation we had on our daily walks an hour together, it & rsquo; s has found a new interest in a healthy lifestyle. As a trainer, I am inspired by the benefits of your program. As a parent, I & rsquo; he be eternally grateful to you, because the fat loss factor is showing my daughter that she can, in fact, succeed in bringing positive changes to her body and health that lasts a lifetime! < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; "> now we & rsquo; Re really looking forward to start exercising together. (I & rsquo; m following your advice and ignoring the lemonade detox and I & rsquo; m reluctant to have my daughter to do has given his age and health history)

Thanks again! You & rsquo; Re a true guru in my book! < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; "> < br >

< /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; do-size: 22px; "> < strong > I watched your video several times over a period of several months before finally deciding to try your program. Less than a week, I noticed a huge difference... < / strong > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; do-size: 22px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > Michael LOL, < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > I actually have hypothyroidism and take medication every day but don't use it as an excuse for excess weight. I am overweight because I made some bad decisions on food and has not exercised properly. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; "> from the beginning of your program, I feel better and dropped a size of clothing. Of course, there are some changes to facilitate these changes. After all, I am in my end of the 1950s and were out of shape for a long time. There was a little cheating, but not much. I stand by this and will tighten the reins more as time passes. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > saying that I me better SENSE means exactly that. I better sleep. My more free joints. I breathe more easy without so much abdominal pressure pushing up my diaphragm. It never occurred to me rinse that my system would be so great. It ha such a positive effect on my attitude also. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > I recently tried the flat belly diet. He had me eating every 4 hours and a MUFA with every meal. Yes there are 'good' fats but monounsaturated are still fat. I ate food two times more than before and about 10 times for fat then before. I've gained weight and has been demoralized. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > I watched your video several times over a period of several months before finally deciding to try your program. Less than a week, I noticed a huge difference. Flush out the toxins from my body made me convinced you have me going in the right direction. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > I'm mower slowly upward. My attitude was changed. I'm FEELING better and don't die of hunger myself or obessing more food. my appetite has decreased. It's that simple. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; "> thank you for helping me to change for the better. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > sincerely, Hazel. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; ' > < / p >

< p > < span style = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; "> < span style =" do-size: 18px; " do-family: Cambria, "Hoefler Text", "Liberation Serif", times, "Times New Roman", serif; Color: #000; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "" > < img src = "FinalReview.jpg" alt ="" id = "final" / > < / span > < / span > < / p >

< h2 > < / h2 >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; "> < strong > program name: < facilities > < span class ="hightlighter"> the loss factor fat </span > < br >

< strong > author name: < facilities > Dr. Charles D.C. and Lori A. < br >

Summary < strong >: < facilities > it is a unique and revolutionary approach to dieting that I understand that many people are going and repeat the benefits of fat loss of. The program preaches of detox and diets with updates delivered by e-mail to keep ontop of my game and the current with the Jones. Exercise is reviewed and expressed with moderation. I understand that if I < span class = "hightlighter" > hate </span > the program and it does not help me, I can return it without a doubt for a guarantee of full refund of the money within the first 60 days or 2 months. < /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: "Myriad Pro"; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 19px; ' > I understand this package is worth at least $97,00 but today get a flight at the price of < span class = "hightlighter" > $ 47.00 </span >. I know that Dr. Charles has used these techniques in his clinic in charge of customers over $ 500.00 to reap the same benefits I can win for only $47.00. I also understand the package which includes many elements that not only the Fat loss factor ebook comes with a year of consultation with Dr. Charles via email. < br >

< strong > my good deal price: < facilities > < span class = "hightlighter" > $ 47.00 single </span > < br >

< span class = "hightlighter" > < warranty strong >: < facilities > 60 days </span >, no questions asked, no hassle, money-back guarantee. < br >

< /p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; "> < span style =" do-size: 24 PX; " Police-family: permanent marker; Color: #000; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; "" > < img src = "chevron.jpg" alt ="" id = "chevron" / > < / span > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; Police-weight: 400; font size: 23px; ' > < / p >

< style p = "text-align: center;" do-family: permanent marker; make-style: normal; make-weight: 400; do-size: 23px; "" > < a href = "" > < img src = "order4.png" alt = "" width = "412" height = "215" id = "order" / > < /a > < /p > "

< style p = "text-align: center;" Police-family: Gotham, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; ' > < / p >

< / div >

< div class = "footer" id = "footer" >

"< p > < Center > < img src ="footer.jpg"alt =" "width ="971"height ="186"class ="center"/ > < / center > < /p > < / div >

< / body >

< / html >

External style sheet:

@charset "UTF-8";

H1 {}

Color: #000000;

make-style: normal;

Police-weight: 400;

Police-family: permanent marker;

font size: 30px;

text-align: center;


H2 {}

make-style: normal;

Police-weight: 400;

Police-family: permanent marker;

Color: #000000;

font size: 24 PX.

line-height: 10px;

text-align: center;



text-align: justify;


. Center {}

text-align: center;



margin left: 200px;

text-align: left;


Li {}

background: url (sunny3.png) center left no-repeat;

list-style: none;

padding-bottom: 5px;

padding-left: 26px;

padding-right: 30px;

padding-top: 7px;

text-align: left;

do-family: "Myriad Pro";

font size: 19px



background-color: #FFFF00;

Police-family: permanent marker;

font size: 23px;

make-style: normal;

Police-weight: 400;


.title {}

do-family: "Myriad Pro";

font size: 19px;

make-weight: bold;



do-family: "Myriad Pro";

font size: 19px;

text-align: center;


a: link {color: #00F;}


H3 {}

do-family: "Myriad Pro";

font size: 19px;

text-align: center;


Thank you very much, as above you can see I defined a: link {color: blue ;}}

In CSS, there are five States for links

a: link

a: visited

a: hover

a: active

a: focus

a: link (= not visited or never clicked)

a: visited (= clicked at least once)

a: visited is purple in most browsers by default.

Therefore, you must define a: visited in your CSS and it should come after a: link (otherwise you will never see it)

A solution would be:

a: link, a: visited {}

Color: #00F;


but don't forget that visitors find it convenient, if a: visited is a different color to one: so they know which links they have already clicked on a link.

a: link {}

Color: #00F;


a: visited {}



a: hover {}

Color: #F00;


Tags: Dreamweaver

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    Welcome to the communities of Apple Support! I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing these problems access iCloud. If you are unable to access due to an error of supported browser, you can check the browser requirements set out in the following article:

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    04:54:29.43 30/01/2016 * w3wp.exe (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 files SharePoint Foundation high ak8dj... at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest () at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute () at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep (IExecutionStep step, Boolean & completedSynchronously) at System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineStepManager.ResumeSteps (Exception error) at System.Web.HttpApplication.BeginProcessRequestNotification (HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb) to the System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate (wr IIS7WorkerRequest, HttpContext context) at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationHelper (rootedObjectsPointer IntPtr, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags) to System.Web.Hostin...    634c5a9d-8E11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    04:54:29.43 30/01/2016 * w3wp.exe (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 files SharePoint Foundation ak8dj High... g.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification (rootedObjectsPointer IntPtr, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags) at System.Web.Hosting.UnsafeIISMethods.MgdIndicateCompletion (IntPtr pHandler, RequestNotificationStatus & notificationStatus) at System.Web.Hosting.UnsafeIISMethods.MgdIndicateCompletion (IntPtr pHandler, RequestNotificationStatus & notificationStatus) at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationHelper (IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags) at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification (rootedObjectsPointer IntPtr, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags) 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:29.43 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 files SharePoint Foundation aiv4w average worn 0MS to bind 29783 byte in the file stream 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:29.48 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 0x6FB7003 high ahjqp [forced due to the difference of logging, cached @ 30/01/2016 04:54:29.48, initial level: Verbose] SQL connection time: 0.0919 to Data Source = SPDEV; Initial Catalog = WSS_Content_YammerApp; Integrated Security = True; Enlist = False; Layout common = True; The size of the Pool of min = 0; Max Pool Size = 100; Connect Timeout = 15; Name of the SharePoint [w3wp] = application [2] 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f [WSS_Content_YammerApp]
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:29.48 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 ahh6f Web Content Management Publishing Cache high [forced because of the gap of logging, initial level: Verbose] CreatePageFromUrlNoUpperCase: SPListItem for url '{0}' has got.    634c5a9d-8E11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:29.49 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 SharePoint Foundation General average aj007 skip refreshToken because the token in the memory isn't fresh 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:29.50 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 SharePoint Foundation monitoring high b4ly leaving monitored range (EnsureListItemsData). Execution time = 13.7851 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:29.52 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 Web Content Management Publishing 98ee Cache medium try to store a checked out item (/ PAGES/YAMMEREXAMPLE.) ASPX) in the object cache.  Maybe it's because the extracted user navigates to the page, or it is possible that the SharePoint system account has the checked item.  To improve performance, you must set the property portalsuperuseraccount to the web application.  See the documentation for more information.    634c5a9d-8E11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:29.52 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 SharePoint Foundation monitoring high b4ly leaving monitored range (CachedObjectFactory: Page caching to: / PAGES/YAMMEREXAMPLE.) ASPX). Execution time = 64.6914 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:29.54 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 SharePoint Foundation gallery of apps average ahnhh sends request to with the following 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f URL:
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:29.61 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 alokv SharePoint Foundation received average market response of X-Machine App: eus2 - .net, OmexStorefront_IN_3 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    01/30/2016 04:54:29.61 w3wp.exe (0x1894) 0x2160 SharePoint Foundation App Marketplace ahnhh Medium Sending Request to with the following URL: 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:30.02 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 alokv SharePoint Foundation received average market response of X-Machine App: 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:30.02 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 SharePoint Foundation monitoring high b4ly leaving monitored range (OfficeProxy.SendWebRequest). Execution time = 414.391 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:30.02 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 acjjg deployment of SharePoint Foundation App average current user has System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name = 0 # .w | SPDEV\sp_farm, System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent (). Name = NT AUTHORITY\IUSR, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name = 0 # .w | SPDEV\sp_farm.    634c5a9d-8E11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:30.02 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 SharePoint Foundation Deployment ahkn9 App high removal App with fingerprint digital yH + cZrtZa4ty6W6n0414 + oVNNb6E5W3jVfPcN4H9SDdXJibduRiJqy / WtHXc + VzLIXmgi3zAk + 6TkUFwDeQJMg == 743afc0a-d0a4-4640-987e-c72faf1b3863 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f site
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:30.03 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 SharePoint Foundation App Deployment environment mq71 creating App with fingerprint digital yH + cZrtZa4ty6W6n0414 + oVNNb6E5W3jVfPcN4H9SDdXJibduRiJqy / WtHXc + VzLIXmgi3zAk + 6TkUFwDeQJMg == 743afc0a-d0a4-4640-987e-c72faf1b3863 site.    634c5a9d-8E11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:30.03 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 acjjg deployment of SharePoint Foundation App average current user has System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name = 0 # .w | SPDEV\sp_farm, System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent (). Name = NT AUTHORITY\IUSR, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name = 0 # .w | SPDEV\sp_farm.    634c5a9d-8E11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:30.03 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 SharePoint Foundation General 8nca support Application error when access _layouts/15/addanapp.aspx, error = the system account cannot perform this action.   to Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppAdministrationSecurityContext.DemandUserIsNotSystemAccount (SPUser user) to Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPApp.CreateAppInstance (SPWeb web, CultureInfo installationLocale) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPApp.AsyncLoadAndInstall (Byte [] print, Stream appStream, web As SPWeb, Guid productId, a version, String title, Int64 expectedSize, SPAppSource source, String contentMarket, String marketAssetId, String tempIconUrl, String oauthAppId) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.StorefrontBase.InstallApp (imprint of Byte [], Stream appStream, String oauthAppId, productId Guid, version, asset of the chain...    634c5a9d-8E11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    04:54:30.03 30/01/2016 * w3wp.exe (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 SharePoint Foundation General average 8nca... ID, String title, expectedSize Int64, Boolean isUpgrade, String contentMarket, String iconUrl) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.StorefrontBase.StartDownload (Guid productId, String oauthAppId, Boolean isUpgrade) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.StorefrontBase.AppDownload (Boolean isUpgrade, Boolean autoRedirect) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.StorefrontBase.Render (HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal (HtmlTextWriter writer, a ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain (Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 w3wp.exe 04:54:30.03 (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 tkau SharePoint Foundation Runtime unexpected System.InvalidOperationException: the system account cannot perform this action.    to Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppAdministrationSecurityContext.DemandUserIsNotSystemAccount (SPUser user) to Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPApp.CreateAppInstance (SPWeb web, CultureInfo installationLocale) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPApp.AsyncLoadAndInstall (Byte [] print, Stream appStream, web As SPWeb, Guid productId, a version, String title, Int64 expectedSize, SPAppSource source, String contentMarket, String marketAssetId, String tempIconUrl, String oauthAppId) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.StorefrontBase.InstallApp (imprint of Byte [], appStream Stream, String oauthAppId, Guid productId, a version String assetId, String title, Int64 expec...)    634c5a9d-8E11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f
    30/01/2016 04:54:30.03 * w3wp.exe (0 x 1894) 0 x 2160 SharePoint Foundation Runtime unexpected tkau... tedSize, Boolean isUpgrade, String contentMarket, String iconUrl) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.StorefrontBase.StartDownload (Guid productId, String oauthAppId, Boolean isUpgrade) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.StorefrontBase.AppDownload (Boolean isUpgrade, Boolean autoRedirect) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.StorefrontBase.Render (HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal (HtmlTextWriter writer, a ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain (Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) 634c5a9d-8e11-703a-9cb1-3652a67fc35f

    Please let me know how to solve.

    Tons of thanks in advance.



    Your Question is beyond the scope of this community.

    Please repost your Question in the MSDN Forums for SharePoint:

    Or in the TechNet Forums for SharePoint:

    SQL Server TechNet forums.

    See you soon.

  • Problem access to Microsoft Outlook ("Hotmail") & other Microsoft sites, "something went wrong, try again later."

    I have Windows 7 and almost always use Firefox (latest version).

    Is my current problem #1 by writing an email a little notice popped up saying my session has expired (which has never happened before) and disconnected me (also never happened before).  On trying to reconnect, I kept getting the message "something went wrong, try again later."  It's the exact message I received whenever I try to access any Microsoft website.  On a hunch, I opted for Chrome and has managed to get into my email and this site.  Any idea what could be the cause, and if it's fixable?

    In addition, with both my usual phone (currently disabled) and backup phone, I can't access my email either.  They are both phones 'below basic', but the problems only started at the beginning of this year.  The message still says "untrusted certificates" or something like that.  No telephone company could understand it.


    Thank you for your response.

    I appreciate your time.

    Have you tried using the advice given in the previous post?

    Just reply to the results.

    Thank you

  • Windows 8 Media Center will not install, get useless message error "something went wrong".

    I have the version upgrade of Windows 8 Pro and can not install Media Center.

    I signed up for a key that was sent to me and past the initial check whenever I try to install it.

    I check the checkbox for the conditions once the key is successfully verified.

    I then get the bar of green progression for the verification of updates and after about 30 seconds, I get the error message 'something went wrong '.


    This is how I solved this problem.
    I have notised that a file with the name ehome. has been "created" in the windows folder.
    This seems to block the creation of the eHome folder, where the Media Center should install.
    Remove the ehome. file, create the eHome directory and try again to install the Media Center.
    Worked for me on two different PCs.
    See you soon
  • OOP something went wrong, please try again

    Hello, can I know why I can't create creative cloud conditioner and show me the 'OOP something went wrong, please try again. " I already reinstall the package Adobe Creative Cloud Manager, but still have the same error. Help, please!adobe.JPG

    You can find this article helpful: ain times - yo.html

  • The error "something went wrong initialization library of creative cloud" in all office applications

    The error "something went wrong initialization library of creative cloud" in all office applications. I must have deleted the file CCLibrary 3 times and nothing.

    So I reached out using Adobe. Transferred 4 times, I'm done with that, nobody knew what to do. It is clearly a problem with the communication of the CC with the apps, and no one can figure out who can help, or what is responsible.

    It is a big reason why I do not have a subscription service, when something is wrong (and I needed this functionality), this is what is happening.

    It's terrible. More than two hours of my day for it. No thanks. I'll send my complaints to the top and be more public about Adobe helpdesk.


    Suggested earlier, and I sent the contents of the current hosts at this time file here:


    # Database host


    localhost # is used to configure the loopback interface

    # When the system boots.  Do not change this entry.

    ## broadcasthost

    : 1 localhost

    FE80::1% lo0 localhost

    I had no idea what to change, and no suggestion was really given what to change.

    In any case, I also had the CC on my laptop, so I checked a few apps here, and the library worked well. So, I copied the contents of laptops to my main computer host file:


    # Database host


    localhost # is used to configure the loopback interface

    # When the system boots.  Do not change this entry.

    ## localhost broadcasthost

    : 1 localhost

    .. .and now it works.

    Yes, thanks for pointing me to it, I was able to fix mine.


  • Video memory on the Go 7900 GTX went wrong - new card?

    Hey guys, according to diagnostic tests, the video memory in my nVidia Geforce Go 7900 GTX went wrong. I have a XPS M1710. I'm ready to buy another card or upgrade, but I can't seem to contact Dell without re - certify my guarantee - that seems a bit ridiculous. To make things worse, I just moved to the Australia of Czech Republic - and there is a bit of a language barrier. Unable to find one on eBay. And I said... it's hard to get in touch with Dell (here at least). Maybe I'll be stupid, but it's me nervous a little, and let me just go back to work. If anyone has ANY advice... I would be very happy.

  • The # is not my # mysecurity code to us. You have the wrong number on file and I need to access my account. Can you please give a call me to the

    The # is not my # send my security code. You have the wrong number on file and I need to access my account. How do I allow you to select the correct number or can I change my profile somehow and change the phone number so that you can issue a new security code, or determine what is my existing code. I don't seem to have a number 7 digits on file anywhere.

    Thank you

    George Sedlack

    Please contact support for Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla has no relationship with Microsoft Outlook.

  • I usually get hyperlinks have advertising, the "moms make money at home? How can one, I get rid of this browser bug?

    I usually get hyperlinks have advertising, the "moms make money at home? How can one, I get rid of this browser bug?
    I downloaded, install and scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware laptop several times and it of better, but is still hyper-lier words, with the announcement that the link
    Any suggestions?

    Do a check with some malware malware, analysis of programs on the Windows computer.

    Please scan with all programs, because each program detects a different malicious program.

    Make sure that you update each program to get the latest version of their databases before scanning.

    Alternatively, you can write a check for an infection rootkit TDSSKiller.

    See also:

  • Windows Vista SP1 will fail with a message indicating that I have the wrong language pack.

    Vista SP1 fail with Vista Ultimate...

    Hay there. Recently moved to Sweden, the United Kingdom. Installed Vista Ultimate (64 bit). It's a Swedish and Swedish-language facility. There no SP1, but when I download the stand-alone SP1, the installation didn't say that I have the wrong language pack... suggestions?



    Method 1: Download Service Pack 1 from the given link and see if that helps.

    Windows Vista Service Pack 1 all language standalone (KB936330):


    Method 2: See the following article:

    Error message when you try to install Windows Vista Service Pack 1: "Windows Vista Service Pack 1 cannot be installed on your computer.

  • I get an error message that says I have the wrong codec when I try to transfer my music

    I get an error message indicating that I have the wrong codec.  I'm trying to transfer my music from my Sony Walkman.

    I get an error message indicating that I have the wrong codec.  I'm trying to transfer my music from my Sony Walkman.

    Maybe the music files are in the wrong format.

    The following article is maybe worth a visit:

    How to put music on my MP3 Sony Walkman player

Maybe you are looking for