Need help of LabView on loops

I'm doing a LabVIEW MyRIO project on how to display the values. Basically, I give myself a LCD screen and a keyboard. I'm supposed to show three sequences in the order. First, it must ask the user to enter a number on the keyboard to choose his field of interest. Then depending on the number, the user is prompted again to choose another number to specify the particular value he or she wants to watch. Finally, the value is displayed and the user can choose to return to the previous sequence interface by pressing a key. Each of the three sequences are able to "hold" until the user presses a button.

I am able to attend the second interface using all loop inside a structure of the case, but I don't know how to start pressing a button to return to previous sequences. I need help on this particular part.

Thanks in advance!

The code that looks way too complicated for the problem you described.  Where is the state machine that we suggested to you?  Why so many useless people sequence structures?

Tags: NI Software

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  • Need help with LabVIEW code for motor control.


    My name is Sasi. I'm a grad student BME working on my thesis topic of assessment for back pain spine implants. To do this, I'm building a test machine that would apply pure moments of a specimen of the spinal column. I use LabVIEW 8.5 to implement the control of a brushless AC servo motor. My requirement is

    Step 1: Initialize the engine.
    Step 2: Start moving it to a uniform to the right PLAN (this value of RPM too user can enter).
    Step 3: while doing step 2; at the same time read the couple cell data (acquisition of data using Asst.). DAQ o/p is 0 v to 10 V; 0 v is 10 Nm n
    10 v is + 10 Nm
    Step 4: What torque reached + 10 Nm, i.e. 10 V, the engine stops.
    Step 5: from the position where the motor stopped (IE not need to return to the initial position) start moving in the opposite direction to the same
    Uniform rpm as in step 2 at the reading of data in the cells of the couple.
    Step 6: once more what torque reached-10 Nm, i.e. 0 V, the engine should stop.
    Step 7: Repeat "Step 2" to the "step 6' 3 times.
    Step 8: Reset engine position.

    So far, I managed to get the engine to move backward @ a desired vel, the accl, deceleration for 3 cycles before n n. I enclose my code. I have a problem inserting the code for reading DAQmx amidst all this. Can someone help me.



    Hi Sonia,.

    I took a quick glance to your problem and I think I have a solution for you.  I certainly agree with the suggestion of the use of parallel loops Lynn.  This will allow the portion DAQmx run uninhibited by the part of the motion, and vice versa.  In addition, you need only perform an iteration of the loop of the movement whenever the voltage level exceeds a threshold.  Thus, by performing an iteration on the code of movement in the same loop are you iterate over DAQmx code, you essentially waste processor.

    I created a VI that should do what you are wanting.  I tested it on me and it works very well.  You have a tweak a few things to apply to your system (such as motion Council DAQmx and physical channel ID, etc.).  I used two parallel loops and event programming.  Basically, the loop of movement starts the engine turns at the specified speed.  Once the engine is running, he expects the DAQmx loop to tell him that the voltage value has crossed the threshold.  When the voltage value exceeds the maximum threshold (I put a value slightly less than 10 to jitter and saturation), the DAQmx loop indicates the loop of the motion that it may end its iteration.  The motion loop stops the motion, causes a reversal and repeats the motion.  Once the movement has begun, he expects the DAQmx loop once again to tell him that a threshold was held, but this time, it's looking for a minimum threshold.  I used "Occurrences" to implement the event programming in LabVIEW.

    I've commented the code pretty thoroughly, so I hope that comments will answer all remaining questions.  The advantage of using programs that focus on the event for this is that you save time processor, and your movement is more closely synchronized with the DAQmx.  Instead of one iteration of the loop of movement as fast as you can, updates every hour, you just put in pause and wait for the other loop to tell you when to start up again.  Meanwhile, the processor doesn't have to worry about an iteration of this loop over and over again.  In addition, when the accident occurs, you catch him immediately, instead of having to wait until the next iteration.  Thus, you are more closely synchronized with the DAQmx code portion.

    I hope this will help you.  Please report if you have any questions about the code or its implementation.  Good luck!

  • Need help cleaning a recursive loop, please.

    Hello again,

    I'm on another quest to write a function completely fool proof to a very specific task in Illustrator. The task is to create a new work plan in the target document (determined by a guest of small script user interface) which is a certain distance from the existing chart with the highest index Board (so I'm still putting the new plan of work at the end). After I created the work plan, I want to activate the source document and duplicate all the layers (a few layers are empty but will be used later) and work in the doc of the target and place them on the newly created artboard.

    With the help and advice of Silly-V , I wrote a recursive loop to handle the situation of nested layer. This brings me to the first part of my question. Please take a look at recursion and let me know if there is anything I can do to clean it up and simplify as much as possible. (I know it looks really messy. I've learned how do on the fly and I changed a lot of variables and loops after the fact, just trying to make it work). I hope also that somehow slightly more efficient to work this will improve stability as well. As it is, I can only run this script 3 or 4 times (if I'm lucky), before I get persistent errors of MRAP on trivial things such as: layers.getByName("Information").visible = false; At this point, the only recourse is to stop illustrator and reopen files. So I'm usually good for a few runs more...

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    Here's the script in its entirety. Please do not hesitate to rip it and ask me WTH I thought. According to carloscanto, script.elegant is definitely fake.

    var copyToMaster = function(){
      var docRef = app.activeDocument;
      var layers = docRef.layers;
      var masterFile = getTargetDoc();
      if(masterFile == null){
      var master = app.documents.getByName(masterFile);
      var sourceDoc = app.activeDocument;
      var move;
      var myLayer;
      var targetLayer;
      var innerTargetLayer;
      var outerTargetLayer;
      //Logic Container//
      function outerRecursive(layer){
      var name =;
      outerTargetLayer = targetLayer.layers.getByName(;
      outerTargetLayer = targetLayer.layers.add(ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING); = name;
      for(var b=layer.pageItems.length-1;b>-1;b--){
      var curItem = layer.pageItems[b];
      var copyCurItem = curItem.duplicate(outerTargetLayer,ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);
      copyCurItem.left = curItem.left+move;
      for(var e=layer.layers.length-1;e>-1;e--){
      var subSubLayer = layer.layers[e];
      function innerRecursive(subLayer){
      innerTargetLayer = outerTargetLayer.layers.getByName(;
      innerTargetLayer = outerTargetLayer.layers.add(); =;
      for(var g=subLayer.pageItems.length-1;g>-1;g--){
      var curItem = subLayer.pageItems[g];
      var copyCurItem = curItem.duplicate(innerTargetLayer,ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);
      copyCurItem.left = copyCurItem.left + move;
      for(var h=subLayer.layers.length-1;h>-1;h--){
      if(name == "Information"){
      layer.locked = true;
      layer.visible = true;
      else if(name == "Prepress"){
      layer.locked = false;
      layer.visible = false;
      if( == "Information"){
      subLayer.locked = true;
      subLayer.visible = true;
      else if( == "Prepress"){
      subLayer.locked = false;
      subLayer.visible = false;
      function getTargetDoc(){
      var docs = [];
      for(var a=0;a<app.documents.length;a++){
      var targetIndex = new Window("dialog", "Which is Master");
      var newTextGroup = targetIndex.add("group");
      newTextGroup.text = targetIndex.add("statictext",undefined,"Which file do you want to merge to?");
      newTextGroup.align = "center";
      var radioGroup = targetIndex.add("group");
      radioGroup.alignChildren = "left";
      radioGroup.orientation = "column";
      for(var a=0;a<docs.length;a++){
      radioGroup.children[0].value = true;
      var buttonGroup = targetIndex.add("group");
      var ok = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "OK");
      var can = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Cancel");
      function selected(which){
      for(var c=0;c<which.children.length;c++){
      if(which.children[c].value == true){
      return which.children[c].text;
      if( == 1){
      return (selected(radioGroup));
      function createNewArtboard(){
      move = ((master.artboards.length) * 2100)
      var aBcount = master.artboards.length;
      var lastAB = master.artboards[master.artboards.length-1];
      var aB = lastAB.artboardRect;
      var left = aB[0];
      var top = aB[1];
      var right = aB[2];
      var bot = aB[3];
      var moveRight = 2100;
      var moveDown = 2100;
      if(aBcount != 5 && aBcount != 10){
      var newLeft = left + moveRight;
      var newRight = right + moveRight;
      var rect = [newLeft,top,newRight,bot];
      var newAb = master.artboards.add(rect);
      var originAb = master.artboards[0].artboardRect;
      var oLeft = originAb[0];
      var oTop = originAb[1];
      var oRight = originAb[2];
      var oBot = originAb[3];
      oTop = oTop - moveDown;
      oBot = oBot - moveDown;
      var rect = [oLeft,oTop,oRight,oBot];
      var newAb = master.artboards.add(rect);
      //Function Calls
      for(var a=0;a<layers.length;a++){
      layers[a].locked = false;
      layers[a].visible = true;
      for(var a=0;a<master.layers.length;a++){
      master.layers[a].locked = false;
      master.layers[a].visible = true;
      for(var a=layers.length-1;a>-1;a--){
      var curLayer = layers[a];
      targetLayer = master.layers.getByName(;
      targetLayer = master.layers.add(); =;
      for(var k=curLayer.pageItems.length-1;k>-1;k--){
      var curItem = curLayer.pageItems[k];
      var copyCurItem = curItem.duplicate(targetLayer,ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);
      copyCurItem.left = copyCurItem.left + move;
      for(var f=curLayer.layers.length-1;f>-1;f--){
      var curSubLayer = curLayer.layers[f];
      //re-lock/hide layers;
      for(var a=0;a<master.layers.length;a++){
      if(master.layers[a].name == "Guides" || master.layers[a].name == "BKGRD, do not unlock"){
      master.layers[a].locked = true;
      for(var b=0;b<master.layers[a].layers.length;b++){
      var level2 = master.layers[a].layers[b];
      if( == "Prepress"){
      level2.locked = false;
      level2.visible = false;
      else if( == "Information"){
      level2.locked = true;
      level2.visible = true;
    copyToMaster = null;

    How is that?

    function duplicateToMaster(){
        function pasteInMaster(){
            if(app.pasteRemembersLayers === false){
                app.pasteRemembersLayers = true;
                app.pasteRemembersLayers = false;
    var aDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var bDoc = app.documents[1];
  • Need help to use while LOOP to run immediately


    I use the Oracle 11 g R2 database.

    I need to use 'while' below statement so that I'm going to immediate execution with the following ranges in a LOOP.

    USING 100, 200
    USING 201, 300
    WITH THE HELP OF 301, 400
    USING 401, 500
    v_maxseq_id number:=100;
    v_minseq_id number:= 500;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert /*+APPEND*/all into stage_parsed_while
    select * from STAGE_PARSED_h2 WHERE src_file = ''a'' AND load_date = ''03-apr-2013''
    and seq_id between :1 and :2'
    USING v_minseq_id , v_maxseq_id ;
    Kindly help... Thank you

    Your syntax for the While loop:

    set serveroutput on;
      i pls_integer := 101;
      while i < 500 loop
        dbms_output.put_line('Min :: ' ||i || '; Max :: ' || to_char(i + 99));
        i := i + 100;
      end loop;
    anonymous block completed
    Min :: 101; Max :: 200
    Min :: 201; Max :: 300
    Min :: 301; Max :: 400
    Min :: 401; Max :: 500

    And Yes, I'm agree with suggestion of knapen to accomplish the task with a single static SQL, rather than go for dynamic SQL (which is the first wrong approach) and then using loops to slow further (which would be another mistake).

  • Need help with an Audio loop with ACE

    I built a graphic in which audio fades out on a button click. I need also the audio loop, but I can't understand how do. I fiddled it of some old code that I had, probably found on the net, and I don't know where to put the parameters in a loop. Everything that it works just like I need to, I just need the looping sound. Can anyone help? Here is the code:

    Create sound objects *.

    this.createEmptyMovieClip ("holder1", this.getNextHighestDepth ());
    var mySound1:Sound = new Sound (holder1);
    mySound1.loadSound ("yourmusicgoeshere.mp3", true);

    action button *.

    necessary variables:
    var onFaded:Function;
    var currentSound:Number = 1;
    var occupied: Boolean = false;
    var counter: Number;

    B2.onRelease = function() {}
    fadeOut (mySound1);

    B3.onRelease = function() {}
    fadeOut (mySound1);

    bStop.onRelease = function() {}
    mySound1.stop ();
    currentSound = 0;

    fade out function *.

    function fadeOut(theSound:Sound) {}
    counter = 100;
    busy = true;
    clearInterval (nInterval);
    nInterval = setInterval (adjustSoundDown, 10, theSound);
    function adjustSoundDown(theSound:Sound) {}
    If (counter < = 1) {}
    clearInterval (nInterval);
    theSound.stop ();
    busy = false;
    } else {}
    theSound.setVolume (counter);

    the best you can do if you are streaming your sound is to use a listener onsoundcomplete to restart your sound when it is finished.

  • Need help with loops

    Hi all

    I am a beginner in Labview. If need help in loops. Please check the attached vi and suggest me the procedure I followed is effective or not. If this is not the case, correct me.

    Waiting for answer

    According to the commentary of diagram, table sizes are all 16, then here is everything you need:

    (Hmm, clips chiseled Booleans in the constant diagram, just ignore that)

    "Elements of an array AND" checks if all a real (upper thread)

    'The GOLD table elements' check if at least one is true. (all others)

  • Need help with implementing DLL based on LabVIEW below call Lib

    Here is the list of C functions in the doc that I have, but I don't get the right result.

    I need help to understand how these features and how to configure it in LabVIEW


    [in] Specifies a voltage detector to get the value of. There may be flags
    VCORE (1<>
    V25 (1<>
    V33 (1<>
    V50 (1<>
    V120 (1<>
    VSB (1<>
    VBAT (1<>
    VN50 (1<>
    VN120 (1<>
    ATV (1<>
    [out] Points to a variable in which this function returns the voltage in volts.
    If the value is specified as a (non-NULL) pointer to a variable, it will return the types of sensors available in indicators at the level of the ILO-ORed
    Return value
    TRUE (1) indicates a success; FALSE (0) indicates a failure.
    Call the function first with a typesupport non-NULL of the sensors available fan and a subsequent call to get the required voltage.

    Thanks to all...!

    I solved this problem.

    There was a problem in the configuration of the VoltType. We have a cluster of bits.

    Here is the screenshot.

  • Need help on calculation of complex math in labview

    I need help in being pointed in the right direction.  I have an old piece of lab equipment that I have linked to the labview.  In order to send commands to the hardware, I have to calculate a checksum.  The checksum algorithm requires me to take alphanumeric, convert them to binary, perform a binary addition, perform an Xor, hide some numbers and convert the resulting binary string to an ascii character.  LabVIEW has the capabilities to do it on its own, or should I look for to connect to something like an external dll?

    I have Visual Studio 2008 and some previous experience in VB, so I think I could write a program that would make the calculation, but don't really know exactly what kind of project (dll, etc.) is preferable.  Are there specific for the dll parameters so that labview can use it.  I see an example for C++ to Visual Studio 2005, but that's as close as I can get.  I only know VB, c#, or C++

    Can someone tell me please in the right direction?


    You essentially have some quarters of logical work and ANDS.

    Check version 2.


  • Need help to identify the type of object in the loop of pl/sql


    I need help to identify the Type of object declared beneath a procedure as shown below:

    I need to pass the parameter to the procedure as a TYPE of OBJECT and also refer to variables of Type Object in a loop

    create or replace type TEST_VALIDATION_REC is RECORD (order_num varchar2 (30),)

    number of inventory_item_id

    reserved_YN varchar2 (1).

    error_flag varchar2 (1).

    Error_message varchar2 (2000)




    p_lot_number_list IN VALD_TBL,

    p_ord_number IN Varchar2,

    p_user_id in NUMBER: = fnd_profile.value ('USER_ID'),-change 1.10

    p_responsibility_id in NUMBERS: = fnd_profile.value ('RESP_ID'),-change 1.10

    p_application_id IN VARCHAR2: = 'PO',-change 1.10

    x_error_flag OUT Varchar2,

    x_error_msg OUT Varchar2


    In the above procedure, I had the VALD_TBL. Is it OK?

    And how in the loop if the records if I use:

    FOR indx1 IN 1.p_lot_number_list. COUNTY










    lot_number = p_lot_number_list (indx1); - > how direct the item here?



    ln_item_id: = NULL;


    Records are PL/SQL objects.  They are not the SQL objects.  You can create a SQL TYPE (schema level) as a collection (variable-tables only, tables nested).

    So therefore your first statement is syntactically incorrect

    (order_num VARCHAR2(30),
    inventory_item_id NUMBER,
    reserved_YN VARCHAR2(1),
    error_flag VARCHAR2(1),
    Error_message VARCHAR2(2000)

    You must put in an anonymous PL/SQL block or the stored procedure

       TYPE test_validation_rec IS RECORD
        order_num VARCHAR2(30),
        inventory_item_id NUMBER,
        reserved_YN VARCHAR2(1),
        error_flag VARCHAR2(1),
        error_message VARCHAR2(2000)
       TYPE vald_tbl iS VARRAY(10000) OF test_validation_rec;
       lv_tbl vald_tbl;
       lv_tbl := vald_tbl();
      -- insert your code here 
  • The product I bought doesn't work! I need help and I was stuck in your 'contact us loop' for the last few days and I'm frustrated. How can I contact you for help!

    The product I bought doesn't work! I need help and I was stuck in your 'contact us loop' for the last few days and I'm frustrated. How can I contact you for help!

    Probably the best place to start is the right forum for your product. This is the forum for Distiller Server, a product used by corporations long dead, and probably not what you have. If you can't find the right forum, please let us know the FULL name of what you paid for (Please check your invoice, as Adobe have a lot of similar products), and we may be able to direct you. Good luck!

  • Need help in a loop

    Hello everyone
    I need help with loop for
    in pl/sql, I see that we do have to give County loop increment for
    However if I want to increment suppose 2 so what to do
    I want to print an own of stars using the loop
    Like this
          * * *
       * * * * *
     * * * * * * *
    However, I am able to print at a right angle triangle
    for i in 1..10
     for j in 1..i
     dbms_output.put(' ');
     end loop;
     end loop;
        end ;
    Published by: Sara on November 22, 2010 03:28

    Published by: Sara on November 22, 2010 03:37

    Published by: Sara on November 22, 2010 03:37

    Published by: Sara on November 22, 2010 03:38
  • Need help with network home using Airport extreme

    I need help with my home network.  I'm not very aware when it comes to all things network.  Here's how my network is currently set up.

    Cable modem to Airport Extreme for Gigabit Switch.  Cables come out of the switch to all areas of the House.  I have 2 other extreme airport connected in other rooms of the House directly on the wall that dates back to the switch.  I hope I am explaining that properly.

    My problem is that this seems to have caused some of my connections cable does not work.  When everything is configured, it has worked well.  All connections in the House worked.  Then we have disconnected one of the extreme airport and moved to another location in the House to have the best wifi coverage.  Since that time, a lot of the ethernet wall plugs are not working.  For example, when I plug in my Macbook Pro in making ethernet in my kitchen, it says connected but it has an assigned ip address and cannot connect to the internet.

    Any help you can provide would be great.

    I would like to get the return tech to help you to...

    But it is likely that something (or someone) has tampered with the settings.

    The layout is fine... but you can cause problems with the network by creating a loop.

    This can happen because the AE you moved is connected wrongly... somewhere in the network it is connected to the switch again.

    Or AE is set to expand wireless... It's FAKE... It will loop the network on the back main EI wireless.

    Unplug the two AE you have that function as extensions...

    Turning off everything else... then it works again...

    Do it in this order.

    Modem... Wait 2 min

    AE... Wait 2 min


    Now check that the network is working properly... power of customers in various locations and make sure everything is good.

    If so, then manually reset the two AE of factory and redo their installation.

  • Need help for reading in parallel on the same interface and writing XNET

    Hello. I need help to configure CAN interface to write and read from the same interface.

    I use NI PXI-8513/2. I use CAN1 as interface.

    My had TO send status messages CAN every 100ms. I have to read in order to return akntoowlege to keep DUT CAN interface happy and not make mistakes.

    So, I want to open Strim Session and readall frames in the loop. At the same time, I need to be able to write in a frame HAD at the time...

    I only need to read one picture at a time too, but since I know the ID, I can pull it from the stream.

    What I'm confusing all is how to put in place the same CAN1 interface to be able to write and read in parallel.

    I think I would get errors that interface is already in use.

    Since I'm new to CAN, I was read and write only when necessary. But, sometimes I was getting errors on my messages. Sometimes I get message, sometimes miss me. But, when I run CAN test criminal as sniffer he sends and written every time. I was told it's because it recognizes all messages.

    I opened to suggestions of how best to implement the interface.

    I guess I can use CAN2 and separator to work around this problem, but I would use an interface if possible.

    Thank you

    Hi Rus,

    The XNET hadrware takes care of most of the low level of detials for you. The reading and writing of the circuits are both connected to the bus at any time. When you write to the hardware it will try to put a frame on the bus at the first opportunity he can. If the frame loses arbitration material re - will attempt to send the frame up is successful. Reception equipment monitor activity on the bus, regardless of what it conveys. The material received will usually throw a framework that was sent by communication equipment, but there is an Echo property pass to circumvent this behavior too.

    Take a look at the example of the expedition: MAY-> NI - XNET-> Sessions-> multiple Sessions Intro-> CAN even exit entry framework Port unique Keep in mind that this example you will need to use a second CAN interface to recognize frames, it transmits. I would recoment against the example CAN output Frame Single Point which would mimic your ECU if you choose a type of cyclic frame running this example.

  • Need to view daq reads per second but only to record a reading every 10 minutes. I would also like to record the date and time, at the same pace. Need help

    Need to show daq reads per second, but only to record a reading every 10 minutes, need help

    You are also looking to taste to 1 Hz data acquisition?

    My approach would be to use the DAQ acquisition to time your loop display reading each acquisition, then use the loop counter to control the logic of your writing to file.  For 1 Hz and 10 minutes write I would use 'quotient and remainder' I / 600; If rest = 0, then write the data point.

    For the date and time, under Calendar palette use the time get in seconds food a DateTime Format to a string.

  • need help! brike S6000

    Hi every1 I have flashed my device and bad recovery image collapsed I tried to restart it I had meta and recovery mode, but the recovery screen shows these three operations: recovery, quick mode, normal mode by pressing any botton it hangs for minutes then don't reboot loop, no logo no sound screen led just empty my q is cannot I he unbrick bootable sd will do the job How? I have the stock firmware great need help please thank you

    Use this tool to install drivers for your tab. See here: -.

    Using that you can install the drivers for any device. Now, I think you would be knowing how flash ROM flash SP tool. If this isn't the case, then after return.

Maybe you are looking for