Need help to export files in Jpeg format for printing

I'm quite new to this, so any help would be appreciated. I use Lightroom 3 and need to export files in Jpeg format to put on Smugmug for printing. My understanding is that I put 300 PPI, in measuring the "size to fit" and the width and the height, I'm a bit confused. I'm trying to find my size of the original file that I can't find if I can put it in the right dimensions for export. My problem is that I want to export by batch and I need a way where I can export there will be minimum smugmug in culture when people are going to buy prints. I'm looking for the best image quality for printing without losing parts of the image due to the size of the file. Thank you very much!

The size of the image are in the metadata Panel of the library Module.

If you want to allow people of the same image to print sizes, then they will have to crop the image to the right size on Smugmug. There is no way to avoid it. I know that you said you don't want to crop the images, people, but users MUST make a crop so that the image has the same proportions as the print size.

Similarly, if you want to allow people to print 4 x 6 or 11 x 17 or any other standard size, then you must provide as many pixels as possible. You can not, to your computer in Lightroom, choose settings that match all of these possibilities.

So, again, I recommend that you download the whole photo, without culture and without resizing to the default PPP. Nothing else will not provide the end user the flexibility to print in different sizes.

Tags: Photoshop Lightroom

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    Camera used: Sony a700 (12 MP)

    Software used: Adobe Lightroom 3.x

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    A lot of questions, and some would require better Costco!

    (1) for good quality prints at least 240 DPI (Pixels per inch) resolution, you should better be 300 ppi. To get the maximum print size you can do without the magnification of the picture you simply divide the pixels that offers your camera by 240 (or 300 as the case may be) and get the max size in inches. For example: If an image gets out a camera with 3000 x 2000 pixels and you want 300 ppi print you will get a maximum of 10 "x 6.67" print. 240 DPI you would get 12.5 "x 8.33". If you want a print bigger that, and you can't go lower in the ppi, you will need to enlarge the photo.

    I don't know what resolution print Costco wants, you need to ask them.

    (2) you must resize the image, unless Costco would do this - ask them. But I'd do it myself. For resizing, you choose the dimension of the image itself, not the size of the paper/canvas. So, if you want an 8 "x 10" print on paper letter (8.5 x 11) you would resize your image to 8 x 10. Only if you print without borders image size is equal to the size of the paper.

    (3) If you need to enlarge your image to get the print size you want (see above), you must leave the key unchecked. If you have the print sizes equal or less than that of the image file, the button does nothing. If you want a sense of the size 24 x 36 you must enlarge your image, then so do not check or you do not get the size you need.

    (4) I don't know. Ask at Costco if they do any sharpening. I guess. Sharpening for print on canvas is probably not too critical because the roughness of the surface of the canvas will be a non-affutage effect. I would start with and .

    (5) Costco prints probably sRGB (I guess), so it's a good idea to export your images as sRGB. If you do not have Photoshop for ever you can only guess. My advice: don't go overboard with the saturation / intensity. If you have Photoshop softproof it there before sending it.

    Finally: Why not let you do a small print first and see how sharpness and colors work out?


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    Connect-VIServer test

    $cluster = 'test '.

    $clustername = get-cluster $cluster

    $Clusters = get-View - ViewType ComputeResource |? Name - as $

    $Clusters | % {

    $Cluste = $_

    $VMHostsView = $null

    $VMHostsView = get-view $Cluste.Host - name, Hardware Config, property

    $VMss = $clustername | Get - VM

    $HostCount = ($VMHostsView |) Measure - Object). County

    $VMCount = 0 + ($VMss |) Measure - Object). County

    $VMsPerHost = [math]: round (($VMCount/$HostCount), 1).

    $vCPU = 0 + ($VMss: measure-object-sum - NumCPU property). Sum

    $allocatedram = 0 + ($VMss: measure-object-sum - memorygb property). Sum

    $avgrampervm = [math]: round (($allocatedram/$VMCount), 1).

    $pCPUSocket = ($VMHostsView | % {$_.}) Hardware.CPUInfo.NumCpuPackages} | Measure - Object - sum). Sum

    $TpCPUSocket += $pCPUSocket

    $pCPUCore = ($VMHostsView | % {$_.}) Hardware.CPUInfo.NumCpuCores} | Measure - Object - sum). Sum

    $vCPUPerpCPUCore = [math]: round (($vCPU/$pCPUCore), 1).

    $onenode = [math]: tour ((Get-Cluster $cluster |)) Get-VMHost | Select - 1 first | (measure - object - property memorytotalGB-sum) .sum)

    $twonode = [math]: tour ((Get-Cluster $cluster |)) Get-VMHost | Select - first 2 | (measure - object - property memorytotalGB-sum) .sum)

    $onenodepcpucores = [math]: tour ((Get-Cluster $cluster |)) Get-VMHost | Select - 1 first | (measure - object - property numcpu-sum) .sum)

    $twonodepcpucores = [math]: tour ((Get-Cluster $cluster |)) Get-VMHost | Select - first 2 | (measure - object - property numcpu-sum) .sum)

    $totalclusterpcores_failover1 = $pcpucore - $onenodepcpucores

    $totalclusterpcores_failover2 = $pcpucore - $twonodepcpucores

    $TotalClusterRAMGB = [math]: tour ((Get-cluster $cluster | get-vmhost | % {$_} | mesure-objet-propriété memorytotalGB-somme) .sum)

    $TotalClusterRAMFailoverOne = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMGB-$onenode))

    $TotalClusterRAMFailvoerTwo = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMGB-$twonode))

    $TotalClusterRAMusageGB = [math]: tour ((Get-cluster $cluster | get-vmhost | % {$_} | mesure-objet-propriété memoryusageGB-somme) .sum)

    $TotalClusterRAMUsagePercent = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMusageGB/$TotalClusterRAMGB) * 100)

    $TotalClusterRAMFreeGB = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMGB - $TotalClusterRAMUsageGB))

    $TotalClusterRAMReservedGB = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMGB/100) * 15)

    $TotalClusterRAMAvailable = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMFreeGB - $TotalClusterRAMReservedGB))

    $TotalClusterRAMAvailable_FailoverOne = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMAvailable-$onenode))

    $TotalClusterRAMAvailable_failoverTwo = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMAvailable-$twonode))

    $TotalClustervcpuperpcore_FailoverOne = [math]: round (($vCPU/$totalclusterpcores_failover1), 2)

    $TotalClustervcpuperpcore_failoverTwo = [math]: round (($vCPU/$totalclusterpcores_failover2), 2)

    $newvmcount = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMAvailable/$avgrampervm))

    $newvmcount_failover1 = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMAvailable_failoverone/$avgrampervm))

    $newvmcount_failover2 = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMAvailable_failovertwo/$avgrampervm))

    $afternewvmvcpu1 = $vcpu + $newvmcount

    $afternewvmvcpu2 = $afternewvmvcpu1 + $newvmcount

    $new1vcpupcpuratio = [math]: round (($afternewvmvcpu1/$pCPUCore), 1).

    $new2vcpupcpuratio = [math]: round (($afternewvmvcpu2/$pCPUCore), 1).

    New-Object PSObject |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'NOMCLUSTER' $ |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterHostCount' $HostCount |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterVMCount' $VMCount |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty "of AverageVM / Host" $VMsPerHost |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterpCPUSocket' $TpCPUSocket |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterpCPUCore' $pCPUCore |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClustervCPUCount' $VCPU |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty ' TotalClustervCPU/pCPUCore' $vcpuperpcpucore |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty "TotalClustervCPU/pCPUCore after 1 failover" $TotalClustervcpuperpcore_FailoverOne |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty ' TotalClustervCPU/pCPUCore after Failvoer 2' $TotalClustervcpuperpcore_Failovertwo |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMGB' $TotalClusterRAMGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMGB_Failover1' $TotalClusterRAMFailoverOne |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMGB_failover2' $TotalClusterRAMFailvoerTwo |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMUSAGEPercent' $TotalClusterRAMUsagePercent |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMUsageGB' $TotalClusterRAMusageGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMFreeGB' $TotalClusterRAMfreeGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMReservedGB(15%) '. "$TotalClusterRAMReservedGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAM available for NEW virtual machines in GB' $TotalClusterRAMAvailable |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAM available for NEW virtual machines in GB after 1 failover' $TotalClusterRAMAvailable_FailoverOne |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAM available for NEW virtual machines in GB after failover 2' $TotalClusterRAMAvailable_FailoverTwo |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'Allocated RAM by virtual computer on an average' $avgrampervm |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'NEW virtual machines that can be configured based on the average of RAM virtual computer' $newvmcount |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'NEW virtual machines that can be configured based on the average of RAM virtual computer after 1 failover' $newvmcount_failover1 |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'NEW virtual machine that can be provisioned littleboy average RAM per virtual computer after failover 2' $newvmcount_failover2 |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty "vCPU/pCore ratio after new VM provisioning with 1vcpu" $new1vcpupcpuratio |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty ' vCPU/pCore ratio after new VM provisioning with 2vcpu' $new2vcpupcpuratio


    Get-cluster $cluster | Get-vmhost | % {

    $vmhost = $_

    $VMHostView = $VMHost | Get-View

    $VMHostModel = ($VMHostsView | % {$_.}) Hardware.SystemInfo} | Model object-group | Sort - down County | Select - 1 first). Name

    $VMs = $VMHost | Get - VM #|? { $_. PowerState - eq "Receptor"}

    $TotalRAMGB = [math]: round ($vmhost. MemoryTotalGB)

    $TotalRAMUsageGB = [math]: round ($vmhost. MemoryUsageGB)

    $TotalRAMfreeGB = [math]: round ($TotalRAMGB - $TotalRAMUsageGB)

    $PercRAMUsed = [math]: round (($TotalRAMUsageGB/$TotalRAMGB) * 100)

    $TotalRAMReservedFree = [math]: round (($TotalRAMGB/100) * 15)

    $TotalRAMAvailable = [math]: round (($TotalRAMfreegb-$totalramreservedfree))

    New-Object PSObject |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'VMhost' $vmhost. Name |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty model $vmhostmodel |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty Sockets $VMHostView.Hardware.cpuinfo.NumCPUPackages |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty Cores $VMHostView.Hardware.cpuinfo.NumCPUCores |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty son $VMHostView.Hardware.cpuinfo.NumCPUThreads |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty VMCount (($VMs | mesure-objet).) County) |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty vCPU (0 + ($VMs: measure-object-NumCPU of the sum).) Sum).

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty vCPUperCore ((0 + ($VMs | mesure-objet-NumCPU de la somme).)) Sum)/$VMHostView.hardware.cpuinfo.NumCPUCores) |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAMGB' $TotalRAMGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAMUsageGB' $totalramusageGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAMFreeGB' $totalramfreeGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAMUsage %' $PercRAMused |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAMReservedGB(15%) '. "$totalramreservedfree |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAM available for NEW virtual machines in GB' $totalramavailable

    }| Sort VMhost | FT-auto * | Out-String-width 1024

    See the attached script

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    Try the Organizer by selecting thumbnails and use the menu:

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    Or open individual files in the Editor (Expert Mode) and use:

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    < object edited by host >

    We are users like you.  Search locally by using something like Yelp or similar & find_loc = Chicago, + IT & start = 0 & ortby = rating s

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    Hi jurleana15722686,

    Work with a subscription or perpetual version (where you bought the software outright)? Are you faced with a particular problem or receive an error message when you try to activate?

    To start, please consult this document:

    If you're still having problems, please let us know what is exactly the problem, including the error messages that you receive. It would also be useful to know what version of Windows you are using.



    [moved to download, installation, commissioning of disucssion forum]

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    not sure if it of the settings or how to get the right size for printing online.  at present it shows really small on the site of the printing company to the top

    What is the size of your document in Indesign? The printer requires a jpeg file? Most would a pdf.

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    I exported just my first movie PrPro test.

    Three questions.

    1. I'm a little worried because before I exported it, no picture was visible in the tab out of the export settings panel.  I wanted to use to check beforehand that I had no black bars, but all that I had was a black screen, as seen immediately below:

    Screen shot 2011-03-02 at 9.43.30 PM.png

    2. my sequence has been properly exported.  But where it has been exported to?  How can I learn where?

    3. Finally, I would like to present my film 100 trees, which hopefully completed by April 19, a handful of middle and high level film festivals.  I turned it in 1920 x 1080 24 p.  What export format would probably work for the largest percentage of film festivals?

    Thank you!

    Matt Dubuque


    I can't comment on # 2 and # 3.

    2.) exported the file will be located where you chose for the destination folder. If you did not note that, just go through the process to redo the export, but note the destination folder (should be a sticky, so that it won't change until you change), but do not go through the complete export - cancel just, once you see the destination folder. Otherwise, you can search your system for the name of the sequence, or anything that chose you as the name of the export file.

    3.) there is not one answer for this. I communicate with each festival and ask for them plug complete standard for presentations. They all have the same maybe, but you may need to make several exports, one for each festival. Let them tell you what they want. When you get their spec sheets, if you have any questions, come back to this thread and post their requirements, and someone will be able to help interpret the requirements.

    Good luck and good luck to the festivals!


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    In any case, thanks for your help. It is much appreciated.



    We will study your project/sequence Preset - whichever you choose, when you have made a new sequence. What are the parameters?

    You mention a DV tape, so I assume you're a Capture in PrPro through FW of miniDV tapes. Is this correct? If Yes, then your sequence should be PAL or NTSC DV and with NORMAL = 0.9, should be a Standard (4:3).

    Now, let's examine the TIFF. When export you from PowerPoint, which is their pixel x pixel size? If much larger than your frame size of 720 x 480, you will get best results scaling them in Photoshop and then import into PrPro. PS scaling algorithms are better than PrPro, plus you get more control with parameters such as bicubic smoother and Bicubic Sharper - your source images could dictate a being better than the other. It's only once, where the bigger is NOT better.

    Hope it gets sharper things even.


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    Thank you

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    Order date: October 29, 2004 04:56 PDT

    Order number: PON1267F24A

    Thank you

    -Brad Turner

    I doubt you'll have much luck due to the lack of support for old products, but try to support customer:

    To the link below, click on the still need help? the option in the blue box below and choose the option to chat...

    Make sure that you are logged on the Adobe site, having cookies enabled, clearing your cookie cache.  If it fails to connect, try to use another browser.

    Get help from cat with orders, refunds and exchanges (non - CC) ( )

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    If a flashing question mark appears when you start your Mac - Apple Support

    Which shows in disk utility that is located in the recovery?

    Cutting in-house of may have failed or yo have a problem with the internal connection.

    What model of MacBook Pro?

    This is the Office Mac Pro forum. I asked that your post moved to the forum of laptop MacBook Pro or another appropriate forum.

Maybe you are looking for