Need help to understand how to use the SDK for our use case

Hi all!

I'm having a lot of problems with understanding the SDK and how to work with it.

The documentation available only is generated comments PHP which summarizes the methods, variables, about classes and groups.

It is a reference that helps a little more on the technical aspect of the classes and their relationship with each other, but it IS NOT tell me, for example of one of the sample files:

echo "-ch. |" -netmoref < netmoref > [choose] Vim portgroup MoRef. Required to create. \n » ;

It's the example script that creates an external network, what I have to do to set up a new client, organization.

Another unknown is what is a "fence Mode" in the present: $config-> setFenceMode ($fenceMode);

Another concept of basis of the SDK I could not really grasp yet - is why some of the classes start as VMware_VCloud_API * while others are VMware_VCloud_SDK *.

Another example? in the scree of new organization of the GUI, in terms of policy, there is a section 'Limits' - I searched carefully and found no corresponding SDK/API method in the documentation!

Also, I couldn't find a way to delete organization (when a customer cancels a subscription, for example).

I apologize if my attitude invades a bit on the angry side, but I was home for a while now and every time I get more irritated watching the "documentation" try to understand something

Nevertheless, Kimberly Wang code is simply remarkable and very well written, just help to know how to make this huge puzzel I wish (even in the sample code that I do not understand how to find the right order of things in nesting objects in order to do something like object of class VMware_VCloud_API_OrgSettingsType for the parameters for example then feed him in a VMware_VCloud_API_AdminOrgType (as well as other parameters - why are they not in the $settings object? And finally another object of VMware_VCloud_SDK_Admin is to truly create the Organization!

Why the VMware_VCloud_API_AdminOrgType couldn't be the class doing the creation of the Organization)?

This is a brief summary of the things I'm trying to understand.

Perhaps, I missed some sort of guide for this? and if not, I would be very grateful if someone could explain in a few words to help me to understand this puzzel so that I can start doing my work and build something out of these awesome (even if cryptic) building blocks!

Thank you

Sorry, you must use

$SDKAdminOrgObj = $service-> createSDKObj ($adminOrgRef);

It should return you a... Object SDK_AdminOrg.

Tags: VMware

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