Nican.dll call python questions

Hi all

I have a feeling that this issue will be left without an answer, but I'll ask anyway.

For a project, I need to use Python2.7 to receive frames from a bus.  What I have to do is monitor CAN all traffic on the bus, I have to send frames.  I searched (and searched and searched) for some sort of solution to this, but have found none.  Here's the code I have so far:

Test #CAN using Python

types import *.
import table *.

#Load DLL
CANdll = cdll. LoadLibrary ("NICAN.dll")

canName = c_char_p ("CAN0")
canNumAttr = c_ulong (8)

# Define constants
NC_TRUE = c_ulong (1)
NC_TRUE = c_ulong (0)
NC_CAN_MASK_STD_DONTCARE = c_ulong (0x00000000)
NC_CAN_MASK_XTD_DONTCARE = c_ulong (0x00000000)

# The values taken from nican.h
#NC_ATTR_BAUD_RATE = c_ulong (0 x 80000007)
#NC_ATTR_START_ON_OPEN = c_ulong (0 x 80000006)
#NC_ATTR_READ_Q_LEN = c_ulong (0 x 80000013)
#NC_ATTR_WRITE_Q_LEN = c_ulong (0 x 80000014)
#NC_ATTR_CAN_COMP_STD = c_ulong (0 x 80010001)
#NC_ATTR_CAN_MASK_STD = c_ulong (0 x 80010002)
#NC_ATTR_CAN_COMP_XTD = c_ulong (0 x 80010003)
#NC_ATTR_CAN_MASK_XTD = c_ulong (0 x 80010004)

# instantiate the table a
canAttrIdList = (c_ulong * 8))

# Fill the values in the table
canAttrIdList [0] = c_ulong (0 x 80000007)
canAttrIdList [1] = c_ulong (0 x 80000006)
canAttrIdList [2] = c_ulong (0 x 80000013)
canAttrIdList [3] = c_ulong (0 x 80000014)
canAttrIdList [4] = c_ulong (0 x 80010001)
canAttrIdList [5] = c_ulong (0 x 80010002)
canAttrIdList [6] = c_ulong (0 x 80010003)
canAttrIdList [7] = c_ulong (0 x 80010004)


# instantiate table a
canAttrValueList = (c_ulong * 8)

# Fill the values in the table
canAttrValueList [0] = 500000
canAttrValueList [1] = NC_TRUE
canAttrValueList [2] = 100
canAttrValueList [3] = 0
canAttrValueList [4] = 0
canAttrValueList [5] = NC_CAN_MASK_STD_DONTCARE
canAttrValueList [6] = 0
canAttrValueList [7] = NC_CAN_MASK_XTD_DONTCARE

returnValue = CANdll.ncConfig (canNumAttr, canAttrIdList, canName, canAttrValueList)


Which causes this error:

Traceback (most recent call changed):
File "C:\Users\Chadwick\Dropbox\Senior Project\CAN\NI-CAN\ITB CAN\", line 63, in
returnValue = CANdll.ncConfig (canNumAttr, canAttrIdList, canName, canAttrValueList)
ValueError: Procedure called with not enough arguments (missing 16 bytes) or bad calling convention

It seems that I am not calling the function correctly.

Yes, I understand that nor is not supported by the Python.  However, any help with this is appreciated.

Thank you

He is the labour code.  I question the material for how many images of waiting there, then read them individually as I'm having no luck using ncReadMult.  If someone needs to do this, here's a starting point.


types import *.
import table *.
import sys
import of struct
time of import

#Load DLL
CANdll = windll. LoadLibrary ("NICAN.dll")

NC_ST_READ_AVAIL = c_ulong (0x00000001)
NC_ATTR_READ_PENDING = c_ulong (0 x 80000011)


##typedef struct {}
# NCTYPE_ABS_TIME Timestamp;
# NCTYPE_CAN_ARBID ArbitrationId;
# FrameType NCTYPE_UINT8;
# NCTYPE_UINT8 DataLength;
# NCTYPE_UINT8 data [8];

class CAN_STRUCT (Structure):
_fields_ = [("Timestamp", c_ulonglong),
("ArbitrationId", c_ulong);
("Frames", c_ubyte);
('DataLength', c_ubyte);
(«Données», c_ubyte * 8)]

CAN_receive_buffer = (CAN_STRUCT * 1000))

Status = c_long (0)
CAN_HANDLE = c_ulong (0)
#CAN_data_size = c_ulong (sys.getsizeof (CAN_receive_buffer))
CAN_data_size = c_ulong (17600)

CAN_received_size = c_ulong (1)
CAN_NAME = c_char_p ("CAN0")
canNumAttr = c_ulong (8)

# Define constants
NC_TRUE = c_ulong (1)
NC_FALSE = c_ulong (0)
NC_CAN_MASK_STD_DONTCARE = c_ulong (0x00000000)
NC_CAN_MASK_XTD_DONTCARE = c_ulong (0x00000000)

# The values taken from nican.h
#NC_ATTR_BAUD_RATE = c_ulong (0 x 80000007)
#NC_ATTR_START_ON_OPEN = c_ulong (0 x 80000006)
#NC_ATTR_READ_Q_LEN = c_ulong (0 x 80000013)
#NC_ATTR_WRITE_Q_LEN = c_ulong (0 x 80000014)
#NC_ATTR_CAN_COMP_STD = c_ulong (0 x 80010001)
#NC_ATTR_CAN_MASK_STD = c_ulong (0 x 80010002)
#NC_ATTR_CAN_COMP_XTD = c_ulong (0 x 80010003)
#NC_ATTR_CAN_MASK_XTD = c_ulong (0 x 80010004)

# instantiate the table a
canAttrIdList = (c_ulong * 9))

# Fill the values in the table
canAttrIdList [0] = c_ulong (0 x 80000007)
canAttrIdList [1] = c_ulong (0 x 80000006)
canAttrIdList [2] = c_ulong (0 x 80000013)
canAttrIdList [3] = c_ulong (0 x 80000014)
canAttrIdList [4] = c_ulong (0 x 80010001)
canAttrIdList [5] = c_ulong (0 x 80010002)
canAttrIdList [6] = c_ulong (0 x 80010003)
canAttrIdList [7] = c_ulong (0 x 80010004)
canAttrIdList [8] = c_ulong (0 x 80010010)


# instantiate table a
canAttrValueList = (c_ulong * 9)

# Fill the values in the table
canAttrValueList [0] = 500000
canAttrValueList [1] = NC_TRUE
canAttrValueList [2] = 100
canAttrValueList [3] = 0
canAttrValueList [4] = 0
canAttrValueList [5] = NC_CAN_MASK_STD_DONTCARE
canAttrValueList [6] = 0
canAttrValueList [7] = NC_CAN_MASK_XTD_DONTCARE
canAttrValueList [8] = NC_FALSE

# Configure the equipment CAN
Status = CANdll.ncConfig (canNumAttr, canAttrIdList, CAN_NAME, canAttrValueList)
If Status! = 0 :
"Printing on"ncConfig"error
Status of printing

Status = CANdll.ncOpenObject (CAN_NAME, byref (CAN_HANDLE))
If Status! = 0 :
"Printing on"ncOpenObject"error
Status of printing
impression CAN_HANDLE.value

Time.Sleep (1)

Status = CANdll.ncAction (CAN_HANDLE, c_ulong(0x80000001), 0)
If Status! = 0 :
"Printing on"ncAction:start"error
Status of printing
impression CAN_HANDLE.value

I have = 0
##string = "" data: "".
String = «»

pending_CAN_frames = c_ulong (0)
while I<>
Status = CANdll.ncGetAttribute (CAN_HANDLE, NC_ATTR_READ_PENDING,
32, byref (pending_CAN_frames))
Print "waiting for frames: %d" % pending_CAN_frames.value
If Status! = 0 :
"Printing on"ncGetAttribute"error
Status of printing
for n in range (0, pending_CAN_frames.value):
Status = CANdll.ncRead (CAN_HANDLE, CAN_data_size,
ByRef (CAN_receive_buffer [n]))
for n in range(0,pending_CAN_frames.value):
for j in range (0, CAN_receive_buffer [n]. DataLength):
String = string + '%x' % (CAN_receive_buffer [n]. Data [j])
print '% X\t%d\t%s' % (CAN_receive_buffer [n]. ArbitrationId, CAN_receive_buffer [n]. DataLength, string)
String = ' ' #reset chain
I += 1

Status = CANdll.ncCloseObject (CAN_HANDLE)
If Status! = 0 :
"Printing on"ncCloseObject"error
Status of printing


I hope this helps someone in the future.

Tags: NI Products

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    Calling external code (.exe or .dll) since a VI LabVIEW PDA is not as simple as for a classic VI.

    The two following privileges (and privileges which are mentioned) should be helpful to you:

    Launch an external program of LabVIEW Mobile or Application of Module Touch Panel

    Calling external Code in LabVIEW PDA and touch screen

    Kind regards

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    Function: GetControllerListTest (Controller * ptrControllertest, char * max_controller);


    Parameter Controllertest details:

    set NO_OF_CONTROLLER 100
    typedef struct
    CString name;
    status of tank;
    CString blocked_by;
    Char group;
    } controller;


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    Thank you


    What type "CString" defined?

    If it's a C++ type, as defined here, then you can not call this function directly from LabVIEW because LabVIEW can not pass of C++ types.  In this case, you will need to write a wrapper (in Visual Studio or another C++ programming environment) which takes a string (character array) standard C as an input, creates a CString from her and calls GetControllerListTest.

    If CString is defined as a fixed-length character array, then you need to replace the strings of LabVIEW with clusters of U8 containing a number of elements equal to the string length (LabVIEW does not support arrays of fixed length).

    If CString is defined as a pointer to a character array, you can pass the data to LabVIEW, but you must call the memory manager of LabVIEW functions to allocate memory for the string data and copy it.

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    Best regards


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Xml.Linq;

    namespace GetProcessDataLib
    public class ProcessData

    public static String GetProcessDataFunction (out string result)
    String xmlOutput = "";
    code example
    catch (Exception ex)
    Console.WriteLine (example) Message + "\r\n" + ex. StackTrace + "\r\n" + ex. Source);

    xmlOutput = "";

    result = xmlOutput;
    GetProcessDataFunction (without result);

    return xmlOutput;



    Piotr.Zawistowski wrote:

    Hi Nathan,

    Thanks for the reply. I'm new to c#... I don't know I tried to:

    1 / create DLLs with Visual Studio Command Prompt (32 and 64). I used this command:

    csc/target: library / out: GetProcessDataLib64.DLL GetProcessData.cs

    2 / create DLLs to be taken automatically during construction.

    CSC is the compiler C Sharp and will create a default .net assembly, not a Windows DLL function. If you need to use the .net features in LabVIEW to access. And in any case this source code you can not create a Windows DLL function directly since there is no exportable function in there, but only the .net objects.

    And Nathan, C(++/#) compilers do not create header for the dll files. These header files must be created by the programmer creates the source code of the DLL.

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    Here are the source files for my Dll and the program calling dynamically.


    Calling program.

    Problem solved.  The work for Labview and C++ dll must be like that. The shared data segment must also be declared as funtion and with 'extern 'C' ' coming. In addition, Labview can read only pointers from dll.

  • dll call problem

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    I use TS 4.0 which is recognizing the function of the dll, but when try to run it it does not work.

    I thought that it is not so simple, I've attached to specify a part of module.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you

    Dear all,

    Thank you for your efforts in trying to help me to get out and find a solution.

    In the meantime, the problem has been resolved.

    The csAudio.dll is an interface between the original application and a DLL that has the function complete as an executable file.

    I saw this for the first time, I could see only csAudio.dll.

    The other DLL (an audiotester) has a function that uses the settings. One of them is a pointer to a string of zero completed (CString).

    The other two:

    -ReceiveBuffer is a variable passed that will be filled by the DLL and contains the results of
    the DLL.

    -ReceiveBufferLen is an integer variable that contains the length of the string buffer.
    The result of the DLL should be zero.

    The only problem still exist it is that if I call this DLL to stop TestStand freezes.

    So I skipped this step and it seems that TS closes and unload the DLL function when finished sequence.

    Best regards


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    Hi Dadreamer,

    I looked this error and we might be able to fix it by closing the VISA sessions automatically. See this knowledge base article for instructions of the environment of LV: The corresponding section:


    • "In LabVIEW 8.x, select Tools ' Options to display the Options dialog box and select environmentfrom the category list page. "To disable the option, remove the check mark from the check box close automatically to the sessions of VISA and click on the OK button.

    Let me know if it works.

  • Using nilibddc dll with Python types

    I try to use this 'DiaDEM connectivity library' with Python to read files produced by our acquisition of data in the format *.tdms system, but examples of dll are all for C and Matlab. Has anyone else done that could give me advice? I made some progress (see below) by trial and error, but it is slow and I have to get it up and running quickly. I'm trying to reproduce the functions of the C example for reading a file (no need to write again).

    I'm using Python 2.6 on a Windows XP computer.

    Here's what I have so far:

    # Module to manage a *.tdm and a *.tdms National Instruments TDM
    files in the format #.
    types import *.

    #Define of the short names for the required dll functions
    DDCOpen = windll.nilibddc.DDC_OpenFile
    DDCNumGroups = windll.nilibddc.DDC_GetNumChannelGroups
    DDCReadGroups = windll.nilibddc.DDC_GetChannelGroups
    DDCGroupStrPropLen = windll.nilibddc.DDC_GetChannelGroupStringPropertyLength
    DDCGroupProperty = windll.nilibddc.DDC_GetChannelGroupProperty

    # File handles are pointers to 32-bit integer
    Czero = c_int (0)
    File descriptor = point (czero)

    # Retrieve a handle to the file
    DDCErrCode = DDCOpen (' Test_0919.tdms, 'PDM' file descriptor,)
    Print (DDCErrCode) # must be zero
    MyFile = real FileHandle.contents #The file handle

    # Find several groups
    grpnum = c_int (0)
    numPtr = point (grpnum)
    DDCErrCode = DDCNumGroups (myFile, numptr)
    Print (DDCErrCode)
    # Si DDCErrCode == 0: print (numptr.contents, grpnum)

    # Read groups [UNTESTED]
    groups = c_int (0) * grpnum
    grpptr = point (groups) # must be a pointer to the memory to organize grpnum
    Number of fields DDCChannelGrouphandle
    DDCErrCode = DDCReadGroups (myFile, groups, grpnum)
    Print (DDCErrCode)
    If DDCErrCode == 0: Print (groups)

    # Length of name of the Group [UNTESTED]
    namelen = c_int (0)
    nlenptr = point (name)
    DDCErrCode = DDCGroupStrPropLen (groups [0], 'name', namelen)
    Print (DDCErrCode)
    If DDCErrCode == 0: Print (namelen)

    #Make a buffer to hold the name, then get it back [UNTESTED]
    grpname = create_string_buffer(namelen+1)
    nameptr = point (grpname)
    DDCErrCode = DDCGroupProperty (groups [0], 'name', nameptr, namelen + 1)
    Print (DDCErrCode)
    If DDCErrCode == 0: Print (grpname.value)

    # Read the Group channels and get the names [UNTESTED]

    # Read the string # data values [UNTESTED]

    # Read the string of data values [UNTESTED]

    # Process the data values [UNTESTED]

    # Write data processed in a file in a different format [UNTESTED]

    The "TESTED" sections are more or less pseudo-code representing things I have to do for now. The others work. These will be finally in a module.

    Cross-posted on some forums of Python.  Thanks in advance for any help.

    Kind regards

    Can find out:

    or alternative link

    They seem to be exactly what you're looking for... (two years later)

  • Driver dll call

    I am writing a LabView program to control a card scanner. The manufacturer provided a DLL and some examples of C/C++ code for this.  My problem is to find a way to pass the handle from driver in LabView.  C code to call this dll looks like this:

    # define drv_handle void * / / this is the header

    drv_handle hDrv; Returns the handle to the open pilot or NULL in case of error
    hDrv = spcm_hOpen ("/ dev/spcm0"); string the driver to open

    I can get the card to initialize correctly. I can't understand how to move the vacuum * through LabView in other functions.  Any suggestions or places to watch?

    That would have to be a "pointer size whole." signed or unsigned any really, but you should definitely maintain coherent and personally, not signed.

  • From two hexagonal numbers as a variable byte in dll calls

    I imported a DLL, which works well when it was called by C++ codes.  However, a few screws converted did not work properly.  The original functions were supposed to write a set of two hexadecimal numbers (one byte in size) to an address specified in the form of two characters.  Somehow after these functions have been converted to screw, they wrote the first hexagonal number and ignore the rest.  My speculation is that, given that this variable is declared as a type byte, the VIs may only take the first hexadecimal digit as a character (also a byte in size) and ignored the following hexadecimal number.  Has anyone ran into similar problems?

    Configure the setting in COLD LAKE to be a U8 integer instead of a string.

  • LabVIEW DLL called from C

    I would like to create a DLL in LabVIEW which can be called from a C program.

    The purpose of the DLL is to display a dialog box along side a C program user interface and view a picture is updated continuously in the program.

    The LabVIEW DLL would be

    1 would be considered to be a dialog box that opens up along the side of the user interface of the C program.

    2. the DLL would regularly be called with the parameters passed by the C program.

    3. the dialog box would contains a picture that is updated by the parameters of the permanence of program C.

    Is this feasible?  I assume that the DLL has to work like a demon, because the DLL is a dialog that must cover along the side of the user interface of C.  To run a DLL written in LabVIEW, is the needs of PC - the runtime?

    Everything was OK until 5. For 6, you do not get a reference to something C. You simply call the exported function that is the VI 'set params.

    I have included a sample project to give you an idea. The code LabVIEW is written in LV 8.2 and the project with a version of a DLL specification. I used c# for this example, but you can easily translate it c If you wish.

  • DLL calling convention set-match?

    I'm convering an application in a DLL and everything seems to work except when I call it from a stub application I get a Non-fatal runtime error "CVI has detected and the inconsistency of the execution stack" Debugger dialog box when the DLL function returns.

    My heel is using the following to load the function:


    typedef int(* x_calcSAE) (int, int * short *, char *, CXP_PARAM *);
    x_calcSAECG calcSAE = NULL;

    then in main():

    hInstSAE = LoadLibrary ("SAE.dll");
    If (hInstSAE)
    calcSAE = (x_calcSAE) GetProcAddress (hInstSAECG, "CAS");

    My DLL export function is declared:

    int DLLEXPORT sae DLLSTDCALL (int N, int * r, short * data, char * ID, CXP_PARAM * Param);

    How can I delete the error?  It does not appear to be a problem, because if I click on continue and calling other than bad going on nothing other than the popup of debugger on each return.  How can I get a stack dump to see what Setup before the call and the return?

    Hey wally.

    My guess is that you need to change your typedef to the following:

    typedef int (* DLLSTDCALL x_calcSAE) (int, int * short *, char *, CXP_PARAM *);

    Generally, the default value used by convention to call CVI is __cdecl, which does not match your function prototype __stdcall calling convention.  This means that if you do not specify a calling convention for your function pointer, the __cdecl calling convention will be used.  You must update the function pointer type to match the declared function prototype.


    National Instruments

  • LabVIEW dll call struct complex


    I'm just creating a LabVIEW library for a Dll driver. The Dll contains complex structures. I just want to know if I can get around creating a wrapper Dll for these calls.

    It is an example of a function call:

    Error AA_querySlaveInfo (handle hSlave, SlaveInfo * pSlaveInfo,)

    int flags);

    typedef struct {}
    vendorId int;
    int productId;
    review of int;
    int series;
    const char * group;
    const char * image;
    const char * order;
    const char * name;
    int objCount;
    DataObjInfo * objs [1];
    } SlaveInfo;

    typedef struct {}
    the type of object int;
    const char * name;
    int bitLength;
    } DataObjInfo;

    Aid is quite aprechiated.

    Thank you

    Hi Keppi,

    This is not possible, sorry. Without the last entry in the struct that it would work, but this pointer to the another struct... you'll need a wrapper for it!

    I hope this helps,


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