Number of unknown member during an attempt to propertyMap

In my application, I have a main.qml that has a TabbedPane.

The 2nd part is the LeadInformation.qml page, which has a NavigationPane manipulated a several page questionnaire.

From the first page, I have a menu option that pushes a page of BarcodeScan.qml to scan the barcode.  When data is read, I want to fill in the fields on the LeadInformation.qml.

I added a function in the ApplicationUI to analyze the data of barcode.

When the data are analyzed, I try to use the propertyMap update fields on the page.

QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///LeadInformation.qml");
QDeclarativePropertyMap* propertyMap = new QDeclarativePropertyMap;

propertyMap->insert("iFirstName", data.mid(m_startSpot, m_endSpot - m_startSpot));

qml->setContextProperty("propertyMap", propertyMap);

And in the LeadInformation.qml page

TextField {
                    id: tfLeadFirstName
                    hintText: "Lead First Name"
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                    text: propertyMap.iFirstName;


In the qml page, I get one! symbol and 'unknown member '.

I guess I need to declare something somewhere else to make it work.  Examples are to change the values in the main.qml page.  I have not seen an example to change values on another page.

This is what worked.

Instead of calling to a source of the page, I just added the Page as an object.

In the main.qml, I added the NavigationPane (LeadInformation.qml)

import bb.cascades 1.0
import bb.system 1.0

TabbedPane {
    id: mainTabPane
    showTabsOnActionBar: true

    property bool databaseOpen: false

    tabs: [
        Tab {
            title: qsTr("User List")
            imageSource: "asset:///icons/ic_view_list.png"

            PageBase {
                databaseOpen: mainTabPane.databaseOpen
                page: "LeadsList.qml"
        Tab {
            title: qsTr("Add User")
            imageSource: "asset:///icons/AddSubscription.png"
            LeadInformation {


In the Navigation pane, which contains all of the fields that fills in the barcode data, I added the BarcodeScan page in the ComponentDefinition for action that calls the bar code

import bb.cascades 1.0
import bb.system 1.0

NavigationPane {
    id: navigationPane
    property string barcodeOutput;
    property int currentLeadID;

    onCreationCompleted: {

    Page {
        id: leadsInformation
        titleBar: TitleBar {
            // Localized text with the dynamic translation and locale updates support
            title: qsTr("Lead Information") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
            appearance: TitleBarAppearance.Branded;

        ScrollView {
            scrollViewProperties.scrollMode: ScrollMode.Vertical
            Container {
                layoutProperties: FlowListLayoutProperties {}
                clipContentToBounds: false

                Picker {
                    id: pkEmployee
                    title: "Bell and Howell Employee"
                    kind: PickerKind.Expandable

                    rootIndexPath: []
                    dataModel: XmlDataModel {
                        id: dmEmployees
                        source: "xml/employees.xml" }

                    pickerItemComponents: [

                        PickerItemComponent {
                            type: "employee"
                            content: Container {
                                Label {


                    onSelectedValueChanging: {
                        console.debug("selectedIndex = " + selectedIndex(0))
                        var selectedEmployee =[0, selectedIndex(0)])
                        console.debug("selectedEmployee 0,0 email = " +

                        lbEmployee.text =

                    onSelectedValueChanged: {
                        console.debug("selectedIndex = " + selectedIndex(0))
                        var selectedEmployee =[0, selectedIndex(0)])
                        console.debug("selectedEmployee 0,0 email = " +

                        lbEmployee.text =

                        if(lbEmployee.text.length > 2 && lbSelectedShow.text.length > 2) {
                            if(aiNextButton.enabled == false) { aiNextButton.enabled = true }
                Label {
                    id: lbEmployee
                    textStyle.fontStyle: FontStyle.Italic
                    textStyle.fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold

                Picker {
                    id: pkShow
                    title: "Show"
                    kind: PickerKind.Expandable

                    rootIndexPath: []
                    dataModel: XmlDataModel { source: "xml/show.xml" }

                    pickerItemComponents: [
                        PickerItemComponent {
                            type: "show"

                            content: Container {
                                Label {

                    onSelectedValueChanging: {
                        console.debug("selectedIndex = " + selectedIndex(0))
                        var selectedShow =[0, selectedIndex(0)])
                        console.debug("selectedShow 0,0 name = " +

                        lbSelectedShow.text =

                    onSelectedValueChanged: {
                        console.debug("selectedIndex = " + selectedIndex(0))
                        var selectedShow =[0, selectedIndex(0)])
                        console.debug("selectedShow 0,0 name = " +

                        lbSelectedShow.text =

                        if(lbEmployee.text.length > 2 && lbSelectedShow.text.length > 2) {
                            if(aiNextButton.enabled == false) { aiNextButton.enabled = true }


                Label {
                    id: lbSelectedShow
                    textStyle.fontStyle: FontStyle.Italic
                    textStyle.fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold

                Header {
                    title: "Lead Information"

                TextField {
                    id: tfLeadFirstName
                    hintText: "Lead First Name"
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None


                TextField {
                    id: tfLeadLastName
                    hintText: "Lead Last Name"
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None


                Header {
                    title: "Company Information"

                TextField {
                    id: tfCompanyName
                    hintText: "Company Name"
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None

                TextField {
                    id: tfJobTitle
                    hintText: "Job Title"
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None

                TextField {
                    id: tfAddrLine1
                    hintText: "Address Line 1"
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                TextField {
                    id: tfAddrLine2
                    hintText: "Address Line 2"
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None

                TextField {
                    id: tfCity
                    hintText: "City"
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                TextField {
                    id: tfStateRegion
                    hintText: "State / Region"
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None 

                TextField {
                    id: tfCountry
                    hintText: "Country"
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None

                TextField {
                    id: tfPostalCode
                    hintText: "PostalCode"
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None

                Header {
                    title: "Contact Information"

                TextField {
                    id: tfPhone
                    hintText: "Phone"
                    inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.PhoneNumber
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None

                TextField {
                    id: tfPhoneExt
                    hintText: "Phone Extension"
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None

                TextField {
                    id: tfFax
                    hintText: "Fax"
                    inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.PhoneNumber
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None

                TextField {
                    id: tfEmail
                    hintText: "eMail"
                    inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.EmailAddress
                    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None

        actions: [
            ActionItem {
                id: aiNextButton
                enabled: false
                title: qsTr("Purchasing Timeframe") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                imageSource: "asset:///icons/ic_next.png"

                onTriggered: {
                    currentLeadID = _app.getLastLeadID();
                    if(currentLeadID == 0) {
                        // Create new Sales Leads
                        console.debug("New Sales Lead - Create")
                    } else {
                        // Update current Sales Lead
                            console.debug("Existing Sales Lead - Update Sales Lead ID: " + currentLeadID)
                    _app.readLeadRecords(); // Refresh the list view.

            ActionItem {
                id: aiScanButton
                enabled: true
                title: qsTr("Scan Barcode") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.InOverflow
                imageSource: "asset:///icons/ic_scan_barcode.png"

                onTriggered: {



        attachedObjects: [
            // Definition of the second Page, used to dynamically create the Page above.
            ComponentDefinition {
                id: purchasingTimeframeDefinition
                source: "PurchasingTimeframe.qml"
            ComponentDefinition {
                id: barcodeScanDefinition
                BarcodeScan {



    onPopTransitionEnded: {
        // Destroy the popped Page once the back transition has ended.
    backButtonsVisible: false


Then, on the page BarcodeScan.qml, I just referenced the fields and added to the white list.  Instead of calling C++ code to analyze the data, I just analyzed it on the page.  QString provides a better string manager that the regular chain, so it's not as clean as I wanted it to be.

Page {
    property string decodeString
    property string tmpString
    property int initStartSpot: 0;
    property int startSpot: 0;
    property int endSpot: 0;
    property int x:0;

    property int vcard: 0
    property int vcard2_1: 1
    property int vcard3: 2
    property int print2013: 3
    property int codeType: 0

    Container {
        id: cMain
        layout: StackLayout {

        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
        background: Color.create(0x9CDCF6)

        Container {
            id: cCameraReader

            layout: AbsoluteLayout {

            background: Color.White
            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

            Camera {
                id: camera
                preferredWidth: 450
                preferredHeight: 450

                onCameraOpened: {

            BarcodeDetectorVisuals {
                id: bdvScanner
                preferredWidth: 450
                preferredHeight: 450
                barcodeDetector: barcodeDetector

                onDetected: {
                    // Set the UserID to 0

                    decodeString = data;
                    dataArea.text = decodeString;

                    if(decodeString.indexOf("VCARD") > 0) {
                        if(decodeString.indexOf("VERSION:3.0") > 0) {
                            codeType = vcard3;
                        } else if(decodeString.indexOf("VERSION:2.1") > 0) {
                            codeType = vcard2_1;
                        } else {
                            codeType = vcard;

                    } else {
                        codeType = print2013;

                    dataArea.text += "\n " + codeType;

                    switch(codeType) {
                        case vcard2_1:
                        case vcard:
                        case vcard3:
                            // Get Name
                            tmpString = decodeString.substr(decodeString.indexOf("N:"), decodeString.indexOf("TITLE:"));

                            tfLeadFirstName.text = tmpString.substr(0, tmpString.indexOf(";"));
                            tfLeadLastName.text = tmpString.substr(tmpString.indexOf(";") + 1, tmpString.length);
                        case print2013:
                            //qDebug() << " Last End spot = " << decodeString.lastIndexOf(QString("$"));
                            //qDebug() << " $ counts = " << decodeString.count(QString("$"));
                            startSpot = 0;
                            initStartSpot = decodeString.indexOf("$", startSpot + 1);
                            for(x=0; x < 22; x++) {
                                endSpot = decodeString.indexOf("$", startSpot + 1);

                                dataArea.text += "\n x:" + x + " endSpot = " + endSpot;
                                if(endSpot != -1) {
                                    switch(x) {
                                        case 0:
                                            // badge ID
                                            //qDebug() << " Badget ID = " << decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 1:
                                            // blank or Show ID
                                            //qDebug() << " Show ID = " << decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 2:
                                            // First Name
                                            tfLeadFirstName.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 3:
                                            //Last Name
                                            tfLeadLastName.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 4:
                                            tfJobTitle.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 5:
                                            tfCompanyName.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 6:
                                            tfAddrLine1.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 7:
                                            tfAddrLine2.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 8:
                                            tfCity.text =  decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 9:
                                            tfStateRegion.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 10:
                                            tfPostalCode.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 11:
                                            tfCountry.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 12:
                                            tfPhone.text =  decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 13:
                                            tfPhoneExt.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 14:
                                            tfFax.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 15:
                                            tfEmail.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 16:
                                            //tftext = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 17:
                                            //tftext = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 18:
                                            //Primary Job Function:
                                            //tftext = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 19:
                                            //Influence in your company's buying decision
                                            //tftext = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 20:
                                            //Number of Employees
                                            //tftext = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 21:
                                            //Annual Sales Volume:
                                            //tftext = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        case 22:
                                            //Products you are interested in (Multiple Answer/Comma Delimited)
                                            //leadContainer.tftext =  decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);

                                    startSpot = endSpot + 1;
                                } else {

        attachedObjects: [

            BarcodeDetector {
                id: barcodeDetector
                formats: BarcodeFormat.Any
                camera: camera
        TextArea {
            text: ""
            textFormat: TextFormat.Auto
            maximumLength: 400


    onCreationCompleted: {
       if (camera.allCamerasAccessible) {
            console.debug("rear camera opened")
       } else {
            dataArea.text = "Cameras are not accessible"

It is the solution.  This works.

Not the solution I was looking for, but I don't have the time now to try again.

My guess is that propertyMap will now also work with the way I'm treated Page calls.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    So a few things that you need to try, rather than a magic bullet and a recommendation to change the underlying meaning.


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    HI ramin251,

    Thanks for asking this question to Microsoft Community.
    I will definitely help you with this.

    When your getting the exact messages downloading or error before?

    Follow the steps below.
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    Problems with installing updates

    Method 2:

    Synchronize the App license:

    What to do if you have problems with a soft

    Method 3:

    Resolution of the problems of the app.

    Let us know if you need more assistance. We will be happy to help you.

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    Please update your Adobe Acrobat Reader CD player.

    You can also use export PDF files web service:

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    * 1 ; *

    * 0 ; *


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    Results = xmlContainer.getAllDocuments (documentConfig) XmlResults;

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    Well I can't yet reproduce your error, even with the resolver that you gave. Nothing in your resolver is clearly wrong, although it seems strange that you use tntManager to create the stream buffer instead of the XmlManager spent by the funtion. Try calling

    return xmlManager.createMemBufInputStream(null, 0, false);

    Instead of

    return tntManager.createMemBufInputStream(null, 0, false);

    Lauren Foutz

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    Hi Christophe,

    It may be a bug corrupting your data. Please, fill a bug by following these instructions:

    Generally the bookmarks are not the majority of the data synchronized (story takes a big piece of storage).

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    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Service number: ADMIN NOTE: maintain the label removed by privacy policy >

    In trying to dual boot my system with Ubuntu, I accidentally erased Windows 7 during the partition. I bought my system used in a store and now I need a way to get Windows 7. I don't want to pay too much for the support. I talked to a Dell technician and they said for security systems that they charged $120 for each case. I don't know how true it is or if there are exceptions. I'm not quite willing to pay $120 for support, because I paid only about US $300 for the system. If I were asked to pay US $120 for it, I might as well buy a new one right? It is not that I am not willing to pay for support, but if the charge is a significant percentage of the value of the system, I am not prepared to pay for it.

    Any help you can give me in this regard will be highly appreciated.

    Thank you


    You can try Windows 10 TH2 by yourself... If you like it then you don't need to pay Windows 7 media and/or to obtain from an unofficial source.

    There are always positive and negative comments on versions of Windows. Windows ME, Vista and 8 in particular had the worst critics... In my opinion Windows 10 is a good successor to Windows 7 (Windows 8 was not).

    If you don't like it then you can get the DVD on eBay. The restorediscs is probably just copied a DVD to reinstall Dell Windows 7 send. There are debates or no eBay or these sources media buy is authentic or not. The license is tied to the Windows 7 COA affixed to your computer, so from a technical point of view it does not matter where you get the installation media.

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    I think I know how to change the information on the SIM on my old "BOLD", but how do change you in the Z10? I went into the settings from-> about-> SIM card, but it shows just the existing information in the SIM, but not how to change this information.

    Whoops, nevermind, the edit function is under settings-> Security and privacy-> SIM card, instead.

Maybe you are looking for