ORA-20001: PAY_7599_SYS_SUP_DT_OUTDATE when you try to create a new employee


I hope someone can help. My script below takes the records to a temporary table and load it into ORACLE Financials via several API but on an initial test (using 1 NEW Record), it fails with the error message:

Employee no.: 00020206
ORACLE file processing error... ORA-20001: PAY_7599_SYS_SUP_DT_OUTDATE

Ive tried google, the error message but nothing - can suggest someone either what this may be or shsow me another way to get a more specific reason for the problem?
/* Formatted on 2009/04/29 11:52 (Formatter Plus v4.8.7) */
SET serveroutput ON SIZE 1000000 FORMAT WRAPPED
SET verify OFF
SET feedback OFF

-- *********
-- Debugging/error handling
-- *********
-- *********
-- Work variables
-- *********

   l_employ_start_date        DATE:= TO_DATE ('01-APR-1999', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
   v_ora_loc_code number                     := 0;
   p_emp_number                     VARCHAR2 (14);
   v_rec_cnt                        NUMBER                          := 0;
   insert_flag                      VARCHAR2 (8);
   err_num                          NUMBER;
   err_msg                          VARCHAR2 (150);
   err_line                         VARCHAR2 (350);
   err_seq                          NUMBER                          := 0;
   l_validate                       BOOLEAN                     DEFAULT FALSE;
   l_std_business_group_id          NUMBER                          := '0';
   l_default_code_comb_id           NUMBER                        := '218048';
   l_organization_id                NUMBER                          := '0';
   l_set_of_books_id                NUMBER                          := '1';
   l_job_id                         NUMBER                          := '10';
   l_obj                            NUMBER;
   l_datetrack_update_mode          VARCHAR2 (30)             := 'CORRECTION';
   l_assignment_sequence            NUMBER;
   l_name_combination_warning       BOOLEAN                         := FALSE;
   l_assign_payroll_warning         BOOLEAN                         := FALSE;
   l_org_now_no_manager_warning     BOOLEAN;
   l_other_manager_warning          BOOLEAN;
   l_spp_delete_warning             BOOLEAN;
   l_entries_changed_warning        VARCHAR2 (30);
   l_tax_district_changed_warning   BOOLEAN;
   l_person_id                      NUMBER;
   l_assignment_id                  NUMBER;
   l_assignment_id2           NUMBER;  -- := '28262';
   l_special_ceiling_step_id        NUMBER;
   l_per_effective_end_date         DATE:= TO_DATE ('11-Jul-2049', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
   l_people_group_id                NUMBER;
   l_group_name                     VARCHAR2 (30);
   l_assignment_number              VARCHAR2 (35);
   l_effective_end_date             DATE := TO_DATE ('11-Jul-2049', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
   l_date                           DATE                           := SYSDATE;
   ip_p_address_id                  per_addresses.address_id%TYPE;
   ip_p_object_version_number       NUMBER;
   ip_p_party_id                    per_addresses.party_id%TYPE;
   l_per_object_version_number      NUMBER;
   l_asg_object_version_number      NUMBER;
   l_full_name                      VARCHAR2 (240);
   l_per_comment_id                 NUMBER;
   l_per_effective_start_date       DATE;
   l_concatenated_segments          VARCHAR2 (240);
   l_soft_coding_keyflex_id         NUMBER;
   l_comment_id                     NUMBER;
   l_no_managers_warning            BOOLEAN;

-- ***********************************
-- Get employee details info from work table
-- ***********************************
   CURSOR get_employee_details
      SELECT std_hire_date, std_last_name, std_sex, std_date_of_birth,
             std_email_address, std_emp_status,
             LPAD (std_employee_number, 8, '0') std_employee_number,
             std_first_name, std_marital_status, std_middle_names,
             std_nationality, std_title, std_national_identifier,
             std_address_line1, std_address_line2, std_address_line3,
             std_address_line4, std_post_code, std_telephone_1, std_country,
             std_region, std_location_id, std_organization_id,
             std_supervisor_id, std_person_id, std_position_id

-- ***********************************
-- Get EXISTING employee details info from ORACLE tables
-- ***********************************
   CURSOR get_existing_employee_details

      SELECT per.person_id, per.business_group_id, per.last_name,
             per.start_date, per.date_of_birth, per.email_address,
             per.employee_number, per.first_name, per.marital_status,
             per.middle_names, per.nationality, per.national_identifier,
             per.sex, per.title, padd.address_id, padd.primary_flag,
             padd.address_line1, padd.address_line2, padd.address_line3,
             padd.town_or_city, padd.postal_code, padd.telephone_number_1, paas.assignment_id,
             paas.assignment_number, paas.object_version_number, paas.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,
     paas.job_id, paas.position_id, paas.location_id, paas.organization_id, paas.assignment_type, paas.supervisor_id,
             paas.default_code_comb_id, paas.set_of_books_id, paas.period_of_service_id
      FROM   per_all_people_f per,
             per_all_assignments_f paas,
             per_addresses padd
     per.person_id = padd.person_id
     --        AND paas.person_id(+) = per.person_id;
        AND paas.person_id(+) = per.person_id;

-- *****************************************
-- checks employee details info from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table
-- *****************************************
   CURSOR c_check_employee (p_emp_number VARCHAR2)
      SELECT per.person_id, per.business_group_id, per.last_name,
             per.start_date, per.date_of_birth, per.email_address,
             per.employee_number, per.first_name, per.marital_status,
             per.middle_names, per.nationality, per.national_identifier,
             per.sex, per.title, padd.address_id, padd.primary_flag,
             padd.address_line1, padd.address_line2, padd.address_line3,
             padd.town_or_city, padd.postal_code, padd.telephone_number_1, paas.assignment_id,
             paas.assignment_number, paas.object_version_number, paas.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,
     paas.job_id, paas.position_id, paas.location_id, paas.organization_id, paas.assignment_type, paas.supervisor_id,
             paas.default_code_comb_id, paas.set_of_books_id, paas.period_of_service_id
      FROM   per_all_people_f per,
             per_all_assignments_f paas,
             per_addresses padd
       WHERE per.employee_number = p_emp_number
         AND per.person_id = padd.person_id
         AND paas.person_id(+) = per.person_id;

   emp_rec                          c_check_employee%ROWTYPE;

-- ***************************************************
-- Cursor retrieves latest Object Version Number from per_assignments_f table..
-- ***************************************************
   CURSOR csr_ovn (cp_person_id IN per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE)
      SELECT MAX (paas.object_version_number)
        FROM per_assignments_f paas, per_all_people_f per
       WHERE paas.person_id = per.person_id
         AND per.employee_number = paas.assignment_number
         AND per.person_id = cp_person_id;

-- ***************************************************
-- Cursor to get Oracle_Loc_Code from SU CHRIS vs ORACLE Locations Table into a variable..
-- ***************************************************

CURSOR csr_ora_loc_code (cp_location_id IN SU_TEMPLOYEE_DETAILS.std_location_id%TYPE) 
     AND std.STD_LOCATION_ID = cp_location_id;

-- ***********************************
-- Process each record in the work table
-- ***********************************
   FOR v_emp IN get_employee_details
-- ************************************
-- determine whether customer already exists
-- ************************************
      OPEN c_check_employee (v_emp.std_employee_number);

      FETCH c_check_employee
       INTO emp_rec;

       l_assignment_id2 := emp_rec.assignment_id;

      IF v_emp.std_emp_status = 'N' and c_check_employee%NOTFOUND 
         insert_flag := 'I';
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Employee No: ' || v_emp.std_employee_number);

      ELSIF v_emp.std_emp_status = 'C'

       -- if c_check_employee%NOTFOUND then raise no_data_found;
        -- elsif l_assignment_id2 is null then
         if l_assignment_id2 is null then
          raise_application_error (-20010, 'Employee No: ' || v_emp.std_employee_number  || ' exists but has no assignment id!');
        end if;

           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Employee No: ' || v_emp.std_employee_number ||  '  already exists, making changes.. '   );
           insert_flag := 'C';

      -- RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20001,  'Employee No: ' || v_emp.std_employee_number  || '  already exists '    );
       END IF;

      CLOSE c_check_employee;

-- ************************************
-- Obtain the most recent Object Version Number..
-- ************************************
      OPEN csr_ovn (v_emp.std_person_id);

      FETCH csr_ovn
       INTO l_obj;

      -- IF csr_ovn%NOTFOUND     THEN        RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND;   END IF;
      CLOSE csr_ovn;

-- ************************************
-- Open Oracle Location Code cursor 
-- ************************************

OPEN csr_ora_loc_code(v_emp.std_location_id);  
      FETCH csr_ora_loc_code
       INTO v_ora_loc_code;
      CLOSE csr_ora_loc_code;

-- ***********************************
-- Create new PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F and PER_ADDRESSES record from
--            info in  table record
-- ***********************************
      IF insert_flag = 'I'

--                      -- Importing Employee Procedure --

                 (p_validate                       => l_validate,
                  p_hire_date                      => l_employ_start_date,
                  p_business_group_id              => l_std_business_group_id,
                  p_date_of_birth                  => v_emp.std_date_of_birth,
                  p_email_address                  => v_emp.std_email_address,
                  p_first_name                     => v_emp.std_first_name,
                  p_middle_names                   => v_emp.std_middle_names,
                  p_last_name                      => v_emp.std_last_name,
                  p_sex                            => v_emp.std_sex,
                  p_ni_number                      => v_emp.std_national_identifier,
                  p_employee_number                => v_emp.std_employee_number,
                  p_person_id                      => l_person_id,
                  p_title                          => v_emp.std_title,
                  p_assignment_id                  => l_assignment_id,
                  p_per_object_version_number      => l_per_object_version_number,
                  p_asg_object_version_number      => l_asg_object_version_number,
                  p_per_effective_start_date       => l_per_effective_start_date,
                  p_per_effective_end_date         => l_per_effective_end_date,
                  p_full_name                      => l_full_name,
                  p_per_comment_id                 => l_per_comment_id,
                  p_assignment_sequence            => l_assignment_sequence,
                  p_assignment_number              => l_assignment_number,
                  p_name_combination_warning       => l_name_combination_warning,
                  p_assign_payroll_warning         => l_assign_payroll_warning
                                  (p_validate                     => l_validate,
                    --            p_effective_date               => v_emp.std_hire_date,
                                   p_effective_date              =>  l_employ_start_date,
                                   p_pradd_ovlapval_override      => NULL,
                                   p_validate_county              => NULL,
                                   p_person_id                    => l_person_id,
                                   p_primary_flag                 => 'Y',
                                   p_style                        => 'GB_GLB',
                                   p_date_from                    => SYSDATE,
                                   p_date_to                      => NULL,
                                   p_address_type                 => NULL,
                                   p_comments                     => NULL,
                                   p_address_line1                => v_emp.std_address_line1,
                                   p_address_line2                => v_emp.std_address_line2,
                                   p_address_line3                => v_emp.std_address_line3,
                                   p_town_or_city                 => v_emp.std_address_line4,
                                   p_region_1                     => NULL,
                                   p_region_2                     => NULL,
                                   p_region_3                     => NULL,
                                   p_postal_code                  => v_emp.std_post_code,
                                   p_country                      => v_emp.std_nationality,
                                   p_telephone_number_1           => NULL,
                                   p_telephone_number_2           => NULL,
                                   p_telephone_number_3           => NULL,
                                   p_party_id                     => ip_p_party_id,
                                   p_address_id                   => ip_p_address_id,
                                   p_object_version_number        => l_obj
                        (p_validate                    => l_validate,
                         p_effective_date              => SYSDATE,  -- l_date,
                         p_datetrack_update_mode       => l_datetrack_update_mode,
                         p_assignment_id               => l_assignment_id,
                         p_object_version_number       => l_obj,
                         p_supervisor_id               => v_emp.std_supervisor_id,
                         p_default_code_comb_id        => l_default_code_comb_id,
                         p_set_of_books_id             => l_set_of_books_id,
                         p_concatenated_segments       => l_concatenated_segments,
                         p_soft_coding_keyflex_id      => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id,
                         p_comment_id                  => l_comment_id,
                         p_effective_start_date        => l_date,     --IN/OUT
                         p_effective_end_date          => l_effective_end_date,
                         p_no_managers_warning         => l_no_managers_warning,
                         p_other_manager_warning       => l_other_manager_warning
             (p_validate                          => l_validate,
              p_effective_date                    => SYSDATE,       -- l_date,
              p_datetrack_update_mode             => l_datetrack_update_mode,
              p_assignment_id                     => l_assignment_id,
              p_object_version_number             => l_obj,
              p_organization_id                   => l_organization_id,
              p_location_id                       => v_ora_loc_code,
              p_job_id                            => l_job_id,
              p_position_id                       => v_emp.std_position_id,
              p_special_ceiling_step_id           => l_special_ceiling_step_id,
              p_effective_start_date              => l_date,
              p_effective_end_date                => l_effective_end_date,
              p_people_group_id                   => l_people_group_id,
              p_group_name                        => l_group_name,    --IN/OUT
              p_org_now_no_manager_warning        => l_org_now_no_manager_warning,
              p_other_manager_warning             => l_other_manager_warning,
              p_spp_delete_warning                => l_spp_delete_warning,
              p_entries_changed_warning           => l_entries_changed_warning,
              p_tax_district_changed_warning      => l_tax_district_changed_warning
         v_rec_cnt := v_rec_cnt + 1;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT (CHR (10));
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (   'There were '
                               || v_rec_cnt
                               || '  records read in..'

-- ***********************************
-- Updating PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F and PER_ADDRESSES record from
--            info in  table record
-- ***********************************

   ELSE IF insert_flag = 'C'

-- ===================================================
-- these next 6 lines is for the initial mass update of existing employee records only     
-- ===================================================

/*IF emp_rec.default_code_comb_id is NULL THEN
     l_default_code_comb_id = 218048;
     END IF;     
     IF emp_rec.job_id is NULL THEN
     l_job_id = 10;
     END IF;      */

-- =========
-- Section end
-- =========

                        (p_validate                    => l_validate,
                p_effective_date              => emp_rec.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,
                         p_datetrack_update_mode       => l_datetrack_update_mode,
                         p_assignment_id               => l_assignment_id2,
                         p_object_version_number       => l_obj,

                         p_supervisor_id               => v_emp.std_supervisor_id,

                         p_default_code_comb_id        => emp_rec.default_code_comb_id,
                         p_set_of_books_id             => emp_rec.set_of_books_id,
                         p_concatenated_segments       => l_concatenated_segments,
                         p_soft_coding_keyflex_id      => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id,
                         p_comment_id                  => l_comment_id,
                         p_effective_start_date        => l_date,     --IN/OUT
                         p_effective_end_date          => l_effective_end_date,
                         p_no_managers_warning         => l_no_managers_warning,
                         p_other_manager_warning       => l_other_manager_warning
             (p_validate                          => l_validate,
              p_effective_date                    => emp_rec.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,
              p_datetrack_update_mode             => l_datetrack_update_mode,
              p_assignment_id                     => l_assignment_id2,
              p_object_version_number             => l_obj,
              p_organization_id                   => emp_rec.organization_id,

              p_location_id                       => v_ora_loc_code,

              p_job_id                            => emp_rec.job_id,
              p_position_id                       => emp_rec.position_id,
              p_special_ceiling_step_id           => l_special_ceiling_step_id,
              p_effective_start_date              => emp_rec.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,
              p_effective_end_date                => l_effective_end_date,
              p_people_group_id                   => l_people_group_id,
              p_group_name                        => l_group_name,    --IN/OUT
              p_org_now_no_manager_warning        => l_org_now_no_manager_warning,
              p_other_manager_warning             => l_other_manager_warning,
              p_spp_delete_warning                => l_spp_delete_warning,
              p_entries_changed_warning           => l_entries_changed_warning,
              p_tax_district_changed_warning      => l_tax_district_changed_warning
         v_rec_cnt := v_rec_cnt + 1;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT (CHR (10));
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (   'There were '
                               || v_rec_cnt
                               || '  records read in..'

         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT (CHR (10));

-- ******************************
-- End of customer related details
-- ******************************
      END IF;

      END IF;

   END   LOOP;




      err_num := TO_CHAR (SQLCODE);
      err_msg := SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 150);
      err_line :=   'ORACLE error occurred processing record.. ' ||  err_msg;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (err_line);



      err_num := TO_CHAR (SQLCODE);
      err_msg := SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 150);
      err_line :=   'ORACLE error occurred processing record.. ' ||  err_msg;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (err_line);



Thank you very much


It seems that the employee supervisor is not active for the duration of the employee record.

Recording using correct supervisor should solve the problem.

Tags: Oracle Applications

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    (The only "new" thing was a disc SSD C... can't believe it would make one difference either, other than speed... and many people use them in 2011...)

  • Version of Photoshop elements Windows 14 - error when you try to create a Photomerge Panorama "documents must be registered before they can be merged. I tried a few of the fixes mentioned in these forums such as Edit-> Preferences-> general-> res

    We know the fix for the bug "documents must be registered before they can be merged" when you try to create a Photomerge Panorama in PSE 14?

    I think I have found workarounds to the question "documents must be registered before they can be merged" (no thank you lack of Adobe customer support):

    Solution #1

    My workflow template is to take pictures with my SLR and save on the memory in the form of RAW files, download the images on my PC, then open the RAW files in Adobe Camera Raw and then save the images to jpeg using PSE. I wasn't able to create Photomerge Panorama with jpeg images I've saved, but I was able to create Photomerge Panorama with the images I have saved IF I save as TIFF 8-bit files in EPS. A condition for this workaround was that I had to save the pictures at their original resolution and not at a reduced resolution.

    Solution #2

    If I have a right-click on an image and selected open with 14 and observed PES Editor (RGB/8) * to the right of the file changes its name, which means PSE think he has not saved to the file. The solution is to go to file-> Save-> Save (replace existing file-Yes)-> OK. You can then use this file and others you perform the same steps to create a Photomerge Panorama.

    Solution #3

    The way to save JPEG files in PSE is to go to file-> save for Web-> Save-> Save. The workaround is to select the file-> save for the Web and then check the box include the color profile , then click on save and then save again. Then I'm able to merge JPEG files using Photomerge Panorama and I don't get the error message "Documents must be registered before they can be merged". I looked back 11 of PSE that is still on my PC and found that the Embed checkbox color profile did NOT have to be checked to get Photomerge to work for jpeg files. So it appears with PSE 14 Adobe changed the Photomerge Panorama script to require the image file the color profile embedded in the image. If the color profile is not embedded, PSE think the image file has unsaved changes. BTW, this bug, or "feature" has not changed with PSE 14.1.

  • I run pc photoshop CS6 on my windows 7 (mac). I have stupidly? the Applications Adobe Manager to update all my Adobe apps. Since that time I now get the following error message when you try to create the Contact Sheet II in my SP6 or 64 PS5.5


    I run Photoshop CS6 on my windows 7 Ultimate (MacPro 2008 via Bootcamp). 12 GB of ram, 512 on the video card. A lot of disk space. None of the questions of knowledge, viruses, malware, etc.

    I have stupidly? the Applications Adobe Manager to update all my Adobe apps. Since that time I now get the following error message when you try to create the Contact Sheet II in any of my SP6 or PS5.5 64-bit or 32-bit versions. «Cold is not complete the plug of command because Photoshop was unable to locate the plugin JavaScript» Re, I installed the latest update, but no change. My installation is built on CS4 extended, then with a version Standard 5, 5.5 and 6 facilities upgrade.

    The Contact Sheet function was working well, until I ran the updates.

    I'm in a bad place, as I am in the middle of multiple projects, everything I need to create Contacts for.  I thank any help or give advice on how to fix this...

    Help, please!

    Try to run Photoshop with the SHIFT key is pressed and skip loading part tird plug-in and try to use the Board contact II.  A version of plug-ins from third parties have been known to break Photoshop Scrippting.

  • Error when you try to create the Contact form PSE13

    I get two error messages when you try to create a contact sheet

    "The operation could not be completed. The file or directory is not found. »


    "Could not complete the command II Board contact because of a program error"

    I'm on iMac OSX Yosemite 10.10.2

    Updated for PSE12 when PSE13 is released

    No problems with PSE12

    If you go to

    (user) Library\Preferences\Adobe\Plugins\Adobe Board Contact II PSE12\Elements

    and remove the

    Adobe Board Contact PSE12 Pref.

    If all goes well, you should be able to use the plugin Contact Sheet II again.

    To view your library, the user in the menu go to the Finder press the Option key, then you should see library listed in the menu to reach.

  • Error code: 0xC0AA020F when you try to create recovery disks

    I get a message from "error code: 0xC0AA020F" when you try to create recovery discs. How fixit?

    Hi t - 1 s,

    What part of creation that encounter you the error? Thank you.

  • When I try to create a (new folder) the Briefcase icon appears instead

    When I try to create a (new folder) the Briefcase icon appears instead. What is going on? When I try to create a (new folder) in some files, it tells me that the choice is 'empty' what can I do to get the files works again?

    * original title - cannot create a "new folder."


    ·         Did you make any changes before the show?

    I suggest that you create a new user account and check if the problem persists since the new user account:


    If the problem does not persist and then follow the link below to fix the corrupted account:


  • When I try to create a new folder of file I get the error Code 0 x 80070570

    When I try to create a new folder of file I get the error Code 0 x 80070570

    Hello Denny,

    Thanks for the reply with the State of the question, sorry for the caused incontinence.
    I suggest you follow the suggestion of Babu V replied on 16 may 2013

    CHKDSK WARNING: Running chkdsk on the drive if bad sectors are found on the disk hard when chkdsk attempts to repair this area if all available on which data can be lost.

    Please respond with the State of the question of assistance in
  • LDIF syntax error: what is the reason of this failure when you try to import the new user

    What is the reason of this failure when you try to import the new user, followed the book syntax

    C:\Users\Administrator\Documents>ldifde-i f Newusers.ldf
    Connecting to "practice01.testa01.com".
    Registration as current user using SSPI
    Import directory of the file "Newusers.ldf".
    Loading entries.
    There is a syntax error in the input file
    Failure on line 3.  The last token starts with 'C '.
    0 entries modified with success.
    An error has occurred in the program


    The question you have posted is related to LDIFDE with Active Directory in a domain environment, and would be better suited to the TechNet community. Please visit the link below to find a community that will provide the best support.


  • Disabled-Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro on old PC. Implementation error when you try to install the new PC. "Invalid serial number."

    Disabled-Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro on old PC. Implementation error when you try to install the new PC. "Invalid serial number."

    Please see the following documents.

    1. Error "invalid serial number". Acrobat 9 | CS4
    2. Invalid serial number error

    Let us know if that helps.

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