Porting to ARM LM3S811, PWM and serial port issues

Read my previous post: http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=420&thread.id=1996

I have problems again, I
corrupted data sent through port sΘrie 0 when you use the OR
pilot series on the LM3S811. I also get code error-1073807339 when reading that
data inside labview with VISA, sent my arm to my PC.

I have
think the timings may be wrong, but I put t know
where to look for baud rate divisor for
UART0. S 3, 811 is Xtal 6 Mhz, 8 Mhz not like the 3S 8962.

I have
also tested the PWM on the frequency and scope dosen t match if I ask
for 1 kHz, I'm moving 666 Hz. Seems like affecting the Xtal 6 Mhz in
uVision is not enough.



OK, here's the solution.

Open 'startup.s '.

Goto line 193:

; set the system clock to run at 50 MHz
;                SYSCTL_XTAL_8MHZ | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN);

LDR R0 = 0X01C002C0
BL SysCtlClockSet

B __main

Replace R0, with the right values in "sysctl.h" line 236:

in my case the value of the 6 Mhz Crystal which is "0x000002C0".

Calendar of PWM is restored and serial port works fine now.

Tags: NI Products

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