problem with tabs and filter the lines of memory cache

Dear all I have a problem with the oaf page has two tabs under two of them consists of a table and add the button to the row. Second tab, it's a detail of the first tab, which means that each line in the first tab may refer to one or more lines in the second tab, my problem is when I add the line in the first tab and go to the second tab to add lines to this line of the display of the page added all lines not only the matching lines.

my code:

1 - controller

When press Tab of Lot lines (partial action)
If (goLotsTab".equals (pageContext.getParameter (OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM))) {" "}

String trxLineId = "38";//row.getAttribute("TrxLineId").toString(); "
AddLotParam serializable [] = {trxLineId};
am.invokeMethod ("getTrxLot", addLotParam);
What press Add button lines of lots (partial action)
If (addLot".equals (pageContext.getParameter (OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM))) {" "}
String trxLineId = "38"; row.getAttribute("TrxLineId").toString ();
AddLotParam serializable [] = {trxLineId};
am.invokeMethod ("addTrxLot", addLotParam);

When press Add a tab line (partial action)
If (addLine".equals (pageContext.getParameter (OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM))) {" "}
am.invokeMethod ("addLine", params);

Methods 2 - am

public void getTrxLot (String pTrxLineId)
OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject) getXXSiteLotsVO1 ();
LinVo OAViewObject = (OAViewObject) getXXSiteLineVO2 ();

Line linRow = linVo.getFirstFilteredRow ("SelectLineFlag", "Y");
pTrxLineId = linRow.getAttribute("TrxLineId").toString ();

If (!) VO.isPreparedForExecution ())
try {}
String existringWhereClause = vo.getWhereClause ();
vo.setWhereClauseParams (null);
vo.setWhereClauseParam (0, (pTrxLineId) Number);
vo.executeQuery ();
vo.setWhereClauseParams (null);
vo.setWhereClause (existringWhereClause);
catch (Exception exceptionl)
throw OAException.wrapperException (exceptionl);

// }
following line is commented, but I think that it will contribute to the memory of the filter
cached data to be mapped.

Rank [] lotRows = vo.getFilteredRows ("TrxLineId1", pTrxLineId);

public void addTrxLot (String pTrxLineId)
OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject) getXXSiteLotsVO1 ();
LinVo OAViewObject = (OAViewObject) getXXSiteLineVO2 ();

Line linRow = linVo.getFirstFilteredRow ("SelectLineFlag", "Y");
pTrxLineId = linRow.getAttribute("TrxLineId").toString ();

If (vo.getFetchedRowCount () == 0) {}
vo.setMaxFetchSize (0);
// }

VO. Last();
VO. Next();
Line = vo.createRow ();
row.setAttribute ("TrxLineId", pTrxLineId);
vo.insertRow (row);
row.setNewRowState (Row.STATUS_INITIALIZED);

OK, I'll share my latest code using other

public void createTransaction() {}

OAViewObjectImpl vo = getXXSiteHeaderVO1();

If (! vo.isPreparedForExecution ()) {}

vo.executeQuery ();


If (vo.getFetchedRowCount () == 0)


vo.setMaxFetchSize (0);


String status = "incomplete."

OADBTransaction txn = (OADBTransaction) getOADBTransaction ();

  • oracle.jbo.domain.Date currentDate = txn.getCurrentUserDate ();

Line = vo.createRow ();

row.setAttribute ("TrxStatus", status);

  1. row.setAttribute ("TrxDate", currentDate);

vo.insertRow (row);

row.setNewRowState (Row.STATUS_INITIALIZED);


{} public void addLine (String pTrxHeeaderId)

OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject) this.getXXSiteTrxVL1 () .getDestination ();

VO. Last();

VO. Next();

Line = vo.createRow ();

int linNum = vo.getFetchedRowCount () + 1;

row.setAttribute ("TrxHeaderId", pTrxHeeaderId);

row.setAttribute ("LineNum", String.valueOf (linNum));

row.setAttribute ("SelectLineFlag", "Y");

vo.insertRow (row);

row.setNewRowState (Row.STATUS_INITIALIZED);


Public Sub getTrxLot()


LinVo OAViewObject = (OAViewObject) this.getXXSiteTrxVL1 () .getDestination ();

Line linRow = linVo.getFirstFilteredRow ("SelectLineFlag", "Y");

String pTrxLineId = linRow.getAttribute("TrxLineId").toString ();

linVo.setCurrentRow (linRow);

OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject) this.getXXSiteLineLotsVL1 () .getDestination ();


Public Sub addTrxLot()


LinVo OAViewObject = (OAViewObject) this.getXXSiteTrxVL1 () .getDestination ();

Line linRow = linVo.getFirstFilteredRow ("SelectLineFlag", "Y");

String pTrxLineId = linRow.getAttribute("TrxLineId").toString ();

linVo.setCurrentRow (linRow);

OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject) this.getXXSiteLineLotsVL1 () .getDestination ();

VO. Last();

VO. Next();

Line = vo.createRow ();

row.setAttribute ("TrxLineId", pTrxLineId);

row.setAttribute ("RowKey", new oracle.jbo.domain.Number (1));

vo.insertRow (row);

row.setNewRowState (Row.STATUS_INITIALIZED);


Tags: Oracle Applications

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    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: only objects serializable or ByteBuffer can be used as data with the format of data [subListPlayers]


    at javafx.scene.input.Clipboard.setContent(

    (1) what should be the DataFormat used to be able to drag and drop multiple lines? Looks like we don't have for the type of object, so I created the following which does not solve the problem.

    private DataFormat dataFormat = new DataFormat ("subListPlayers");

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    Can someone Guide please if there is an easy way to implement this behavior?



    public class player


    private String name;

    public player (String name)


    myIdName = name;


    public String getName()


    return the name.


    public void setName (String name)


    myIdName = name;



    public boolean equals (Object o)


    If (this == o) return true;

    If (o == null | getClass()! = o.getClass ()) return false;

    A player = o (player);

    If (name! = null? name.equals (! = null) return false;

    Returns true;



    public int hashCode()


    return the name of! = null? name.hashCode (): 0;



    SerializableAttribute public class JavaFXDnDApplication extends Application


    private final static ListView < drive > playersListView = new ListView < drive > ();

    private final static ObservableList < drive > /playerslist is FXCollections.observableArrayList ();.

    private final static ListView < drive > teamListView = new ListView < drive > ();

    private final static GridPane rootPane = new GridPane();

    private DataFormat dataFormat = new DataFormat ("subListPlayers");

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args)


    Launch (args);



    public void start (point primaryStage)


    primaryStage.setTitle ("Drag and Drop Application");





    primaryStage.setScene (new scene (rootPane, 400, 325)); ();


    Private Sub initializeListeners()


    playersListView.setOnDragDetected (new EventHandler < MouseEvent >)



    public void handle (event MouseEvent)


    System.out.println ("setOnDragDetected");

    Dragboard dragBoard = (TransferMode.MOVE) playersListView.startDragAndDrop;

    ClipboardContent content = new ClipboardContent();

    content.putString (playersListView.getSelectionModel () .getSelectedItem () .getName ());

    Content.put (dataFormat, playersListView.getSelectionModel () .getSelectedItems ());

    dragBoard.setContent (content);



    teamListView.setOnDragOver (new EventHandler < DragEvent >)



    public void handle (DragEvent dragEvent)


    dragEvent.acceptTransferModes (TransferMode.MOVE);



    teamListView.setOnDragDropped (new EventHandler < DragEvent >)



    public void handle (DragEvent dragEvent)


    String player = dragEvent.getDragboard () .getString ();

    ObservableList < drive > drive = dragEvent.getDragboard () .getContent (dataFormat) (< drive > ObservableList);

    String player = dragEvent.getDragboard () .getString ();

    teamListView.getItems () .addAll (New Player (player));

    playersList.remove (new Player (player));

    dragEvent.setDropCompleted (true);




    Private Sub buildGUI()


    rootPane.setGridLinesVisible (true);

    rootPane.setPadding (new Insets (10));

    rootPane.setPrefHeight (30);

    rootPane.setPrefWidth (100);

    rootPane.setVgap (20);

    rootPane.setHgap (20);

    rootPane.add (playersListView, 0, 0);

    rootPane.add (teamListView, 1, 0);


    Private Sub populateData()


    () playersList.addAll

    New Player("Adam"), New Player("Alex"), Player ("Alfred") New Player("Albert") new,.

    New Player("Brenda"), New Player("Connie"), Player ("Derek") new new Player ("Donny").

    Player ("Lynne") new, New Player ("Myrtle"), Player ("pink") New Player("Rudolph") new,.

    Player("Tony") new, New Player ("Trudy"), Player ("Williams") New Player ("Zach") new


    playersListView.setItems (playersList);


    Private Sub initializeComponents()


    playersListView.setPrefSize (250, 290);

    playersListView.setEditable (true);

    playersListView.getSelectionModel () .setSelectionMode (SelectionMode.MULTIPLE);

    playersListView.setCellFactory (new reminder < < drive > ListView, ListCell < drive > > ())



    public call for ListCell < drive > (ListView < drive > playerListView)


    return again ListCell < drive >)



    protected void updateItem (player, boolean b)


    super.updateItem (reader, b);

    If (player! = null)


    setText (player.getName ());






    teamListView.setPrefSize (250, 290);

    teamListView.setEditable (true);

    teamListView.getSelectionModel () .setSelectionMode (SelectionMode.MULTIPLE);

    teamListView.setCellFactory (new reminder < < drive > ListView, ListCell < drive > > ())



    public call for ListCell < drive > (ListView < drive > playerListView)


    return again ListCell < drive >)



    protected void updateItem (player, boolean b)


    super.updateItem (reader, b);

    If (player! = null)


    setText (player.getName ());









    Yes, it is a pain. I filed earlier. Go ahead and vote in favour if you're inclined...

    I think that the problem in your case, it is the observable list provided by MultipleSelectionModel.getSelectedItems () is not serializable. So even if you make your player Serializable class, the list is not. The first thing I would try, I think, is to make player implements Serializable and pass in an ArrayList instead of the observable list. If you can do

    content.put(dataFormat, new ArrayList(playersListView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems()));


    List player = (List) dragEvent.getDragboard().getContent(dataFormat);

    If it does not, a solution is simply to store the "slipped" into a property list:

    final ListProperty draggedPlayers = new SimpleListProperty();
    // Drag detected handler:
    // Drag dropped handler:
    if (dragboard.hasString() && dragboard.getString().equals("players")) {
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    Perhaps it would be easier to pick the flower of the image enlarged and paste the selection in the field of flower photo. Then, you can resize and reposition the flower according to the needs:

    If this isn't your scenario, please specify.

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    Transaction Type Count
    01, 02                +1
    06, 07                +1
    09, 10                -1
    03                       0
    01                              01                       22/OCT/2011                  2
    02                              01                       22/OCT/2011                  2
    04                              02                       23/OCT/2011                  3
    05                              02                       28/OCT/2011                  4
    05                              09                       30/OCT/2011                  2
    02                              09                       30/OCT/2011                  2
    05                              06                       03/NOV/2011                  3
    05                              03                       03/NOV/2011                  3
    05                              09                       05/NOV/2011                  0
    01                              09                       05/NOV/2011                  0
    04                              09                       05/NOV/2011                  0
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    drop table PC_COVKEY_PD;
    create table PC_COVKEY_PD (PC_COVKEY varchar(30),
    POLICY_NUMBER varchar(30),
    TERM_IDENT varchar(3),
    COVERAGE_NUMBER varchar(3),
    TRANSACTION_TYPE varchar(3),
    COV_CHG_EFF_DATE date,
    delete from PC_COVKEY_PD;
    insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10695337P3021MC0020012', '10695337P3', '021', '002', '02', to_date('22/OCT/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'), cast('22/SEP/2011 03:10:12.523408 AM' as timestamp));
    insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10695337P3021MC0010012', '10695337P3', '021', '001', '02', to_date('22/OCT/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'), cast('22/SEP/2011 03:10:12.523508 AM' as timestamp));
    insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10695337P3021MC0040012', '10695337P3', '021', '004', '02', to_date('22/OCT/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'), cast('22/SEP/2011 03:10:12.864153 AM' as timestamp));
    insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10695337P3021MC0040032', '10695337P3', '021', '004', '03', to_date('22/OCT/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'), cast('22/SEP/2011 03:10:12.865153 AM' as timestamp));
    insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10695337P3021MC0050012', '10695337P3', '021', '005', '02', to_date('22/OCT/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'), cast('22/SEP/2011 03:10:12.976483 AM' as timestamp));
    insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10695337P3021MC0020042', '10695337P3', '021', '002', '09', to_date('22/NOV/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'), cast('16/FEB/2012 02:26:00.006435 PM' as timestamp));
    insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10695337P3021MC0040042', '10695337P3', '021', '004', '03', to_date('22/NOV/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'), cast('16/FEB/2012 02:26:00.135059 PM' as timestamp));
    insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10695337P3021MC0050042', '10695337P3', '021', '004', '09', to_date('22/NOV/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'), cast('16/FEB/2012 02:26:00.253340 PM' as timestamp));
    insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10695337P3021MC0020042', '10695337P3', '021', '004', '03', to_date('22/NOV/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'), cast('16/FEB/2012 02:26:00.363340 PM' as timestamp));
    insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10695337P3021MC0040032', '10695337P3', '021', '005', '09', to_date('29/NOV/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'), cast('16/FEB/2012 02:26:00.463340 PM' as timestamp));
    insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10695337P3021MC0050032', '10695337P3', '021', '005', '03', to_date('29/DEC/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'), cast('16/FEB/2012 02:26:00.563340 PM' as timestamp));
    insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10695337P3021MC0020012', '10695337P3', '021', '002', '03', to_date('30/DEC/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'), cast('16/FEB/2012 02:26:00.663340 PM' as timestamp));
    Published by: 966820 on October 30, 2012 20:30
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    I'm not sure when the problem occurred, maybe 2-3 weeks ago and trying to create a restore date system before the 'problem'... the dates do not go far enough?

    Hi Kabramble,

    ·         Did you the latest changes on the computer?

    Check out the link to the Apple Web site and try the steps mentioned below.

    Bugs and Error Messages

    For further assistance, you can post your request in the forums of Apple.

    You will no more find system restore points if they are not created.

    Restore points are saved until the system restore reserves HDD space is filled. As new restore points are created, old ones are deleted. If you disable the Protection System (the feature that creates restore points) on a disk, all restore points are deleted from this drive. When you turn System Protection, new restore points are created.

    System Restore: frequently asked questions

    I hope this helps!

    Halima S - Microsoft technical support.

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • 2 problems with slicing and change the color of a section

    Hi guys,.

    Pretty new on this Forum...

    Well I'm new to Fireworks and I have a project for the College to do... .This is what I try to reach it please help!

    I am trying to create an image rectangle can I use as my main content area, that is to say rectangle with a roundness of 20% filling would be black, I would like to know how I can make this look as it is see through (I can see half of the background image) it would be its transparency or opacity level? I'm not sure.

    Then, I want to do this export and import the given in dreamweaver, I know you use the tool range but when I cut a picture of roundness and export it, it do not crop it should I can still see a little white around the corners... hope that makes sense!

    then how can last thing, I insert this into my main content div tag?

    Sorry for the million and a Q... I'm a member of the site tutorial video macPro and they have not a tutorial for Fireworks... is there a place I can get

    which has lessons starting good for Fireworks, I know youtube is good, but can be confusing at the same time and messy.

    Thanks in advance for your help...

    "Image 1 has just the round standard all round edges, image 2 has ridges on the corners of the 2 first and then around the edges on the lower corners, they also have the transparency / opacity, I am looking." I'm really looking to see how to make the image 2. »

    Ok. I see what you're trying to do. Draw the rectangle on a transparent canvas. Reduce the opacity of the fill you want. Optimize in the Control Panel, set the file format to export PNG 8, indexed for adaptive palette, 256 colors and transparent matte color. Select Alpha transparency. Export.

    Note that the transparency of the image may not display correctly in Internet Explorer 6 and earlier without a specific markup. You can read about it here:

  • problem with Safari and the opening of sites

    problem with Safari and the opening of sites

    Please describe the problem in more detail?

    Try to reset the settings of Safari:

    1. open Safari

    2. click on the Safari menu at the top (to the right of the Apple logo)

    3. Select the Preferences/Privacy tab

    4. click on remove all data from the Web site

    5. close Safari.

    Remove cache Safari files:

    1. click on finder

    2. look for the menu GO to top

    3. click on GO and hold down the option key. This will show a user library folder.

    4. click library and find the Caches folder

    5. in the folder caches Ouvrezledossier

    6. move the Cache.db file Trash.

    This should solve the problem. If it does not help, try to disable the Safari extensions

    1. open Safari

    2. click on the Safari menu at the top (to the right of the Apple logo)

    3. Select Preferences

    4. find the Extensions tab

    5 disable all extensions of

    6. relaunch Safari

  • Printing problems with XP and Lexmark-documents are just stuck in the print queue

    Original title: printing problems with XP and Lexmark

    Until yesterday, I was able to print OK using Windows XP and a Lexmark Printer series 3500-4500 with wireless capabilities.  Reported network test wireless (on printer) and report indicates that there are no reported problem, also did the diagnostic test and which shows no problem either.  I can't print and documents are just stuck in the print queue - please can someone help, it drives me crazy because it's probably a very simple solution.

    I guess you do not have all of the error messages.

    It is possible that comes to mind that your printer has received a new IP address of your router (this could easily happen if you have several computers and other devices that connect to your wireless network).

    Find the IP address of the printer of his network diagnostic page.
    Click Start > printers and faxes, right-click the printer and select Properties
    Select the Ports tab, then click on the button "Configure Port" (be careful NOT to click anywhere in the list of ports)
    Make sure that the IP address in 'Port settings' is identical to that shown on the diagnosis of your network printer page.

    To avoid this problem in the future, you must configure the printer to have a static IP address.  See your printer User Guide for instructions.

    Choose an appropriate subnet address (i.e., has the first 3 groups of numbers the same as the other addresses in your network) but who is not in the range of addresses assigned by the DHCP server on your router.  See the User Guide of your router for more details.

  • I have a problem with scrolling and typing on the computer.

    Original title: I have problems with scrolling and typinging after a minute or so without the computer trying to go in the background, any help would be great because I will to throw the mouse across the screen very soon

    as noted above, totally tired, I must right click of mouse to wake up on this page, I did it while typing grrrr big time. Help pleeeease


    Thanks for posting your question in the Microsoft community.

    I see that you have a hard time to work with the mouse.

    1. What is the brand and model of the mouse?
    2. The problem occurs on any program or when you perform a task in a particular program?

    Try these steps and see if that solves the problem of performance of your mouse.

    Method 1:

    You can check that the mouse buttons are set correct.

    Refer to the section "Change how the mouse buttons works", from following link to learn more about the same:

    Change the settings of the mouse

    Method 2:

    You can uninstall and reinstall the drivers for the mouse on your computer, to do so follow the steps mentioned below.

    a. click Start, click Control Panel , and then click Device Manager. If you are prompted for an administrator password or a confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
    b. in the Device Manager, look for the device under the mouse and other pointing devicesand then double-click the device name.
    c. click on the Driver tab, and then click uninstall the driver.

    d. restart the computer and it will automatically re - install the drivers of.


    You can also update mouse drivers by visiting the manufacturer's Web site.

    See this link for more information:

    Updated a hardware driver that is not working properly ' t-work correctly

    Let us know if you need help on this question or any question about Windows.

  • Does anyone know what the cause some programs not being able to access the Internet? I had this problem with TurboTax and now with my Magic Jack.

    The TurboTax program told me that I was not connected to the Internet, even though I was and now my Majic Jack, who has worked 10 months told me the same thing.  I did nothing g to my computer except upgrades of Microsoft/Windows and I am at a loss as what to do.  Can anyone help?

    Hi CherieRadigan,

    1. are you able to connect to the internet successfully?

    2. facing a similar problem with other programs on the computer?

    3. What is the full error message that you receive?

    4. do you have security software installed on the computer?

    If you encounter a problem with internet connectivity to TurboTax and MagicJack program, then check out the links below to the Publisher of the software and check if it helps.


    Error failed to configure magicJack / if please connect to the internet and double click here / Internet provider cannot be found. Make sure that you have an internet connection / unable to connect to the service provider


    Connectivity errors

  • Problems with clicking and scrolling when you are using the mouse in IE

    Separated from this thread.

    Original title:

    Problems with clicking and scrolling when you are using the mouse

    I have the same problem.  My touchscreen responds but my touchpad and mouse are unable to save a click in IE.  I need to reboot to rectify.  It seems to be more common when the laptop comes out of fashion 'sleep'.   I tried all the steps above, everything is up-to-date.

    Hello Fred,.

    Thanks for the reply.

    I appreciate your efforts to resolve the issue.

    I would suggest trying the following methods and check if it helps.

    Method 1:
    Run the hardware and devices Troubleshooter and check. Please follow these steps:

    a. press Windows + W keys, type Troubleshooting in the search box and press on Enter.
    b. click on 'show all' and then click 'hardware and devices'.
    c. click 'Next' and then follow the on-screen instructions.

    If this does not help, then use method 2.

    Method 2:
    Start your computer in safe mode and check the number.
    Refer to this article:
    Start settings for Windows (including safe mode)

    I hope this information helps.

    Please let us know if you need more help.

    Thank you

  • I've updated the plan of the photographer and since the download, I had problems nonstop with fluidity and now the bridge is not displayed large previews, a few thumbnails. I restarted and reset the tool, is there anything else I can do or should I cancel

    I've updated the plan of the photographer and since the download, I had problems with non stop with fluidity and now the bridge is not displayed large previews, a few thumbnails. I restarted and reset the tool, is there anything else I can do or do I cancel my subscription to the CC and return to the CS6?

    The problem of fluidity can be the result of a graphics card problem:

    Try to uncheck the box in the preferences > performance > graphics processor use, then by restarting Photoshop. If this solves the problem, check with the manufacturer about a possible update.

    On the bridge: when you select an image and press the space bar, what happens?

  • problem with bind variables in the SQL query view object

    Hi all

    I use JDev

    I have a problem with bind variables in the SQL query view object.

    This is my original SQL

    SELECT sum(t.TIME) , t.legertype_id
    WHERE t.nctuser_id = '20022' 
          AND to_char(t.insertdate,'YYYYMMDD') in ('20130930','20130929')
    group by t.legertype_id

    In my view .xml object query tab, I am writing this

    SELECT sum(t.TIME) , t.legertype_id
    WHERE   t.nctuser_id = '20022'
        AND to_char(t.insertdate,'YYYYMMDD') in :dddd
    group by t.legertype_id

    Davis here is a variable of Type liaison: String, updatable and necessary.

    I try to deal with Davis as ('20130930 ', ' 20130929') hoping the view object, run as my original SQL.

    But failed. The view object retrieves 0 line after that I run.


    Thank you! ('2original SQL0130930', '20130929') ('20130930 ', ' 20130929')

    A variable binding cannot be used as this is why you must use years table. Check decompilation binary ADF: using oracle.jbo.domain.Array with ViewCriteria to see a solution.


  • Problem with video Capture where the connection settings are unavailable

    I have two capture - Dazzle Platinum 100 and Game2 PC cards. The issue is the same with both, so it must be something to do with a setting on my laptop.  I can't access the setting of the video input in the Capture menu of one of the capture software I've tried. I can select the device in the Source menu, but nothing happens when I click on the menus of the video input (the options are missing). As such, I can't select the composite input. The audio seems ok.

    The xbox and tv are connected using a separator and the component drive with connectors yellow, red and white coming on TV and I tried the two Pal 50 and 60 in the settings menu of xbox. I have set the settings to capture PAL and have also tried all the others.

    I also disabled the webcam and uninstalled the webcam software in the case which has been cause of conflict. The dazzle card detects an entry but cela there is no picture, just a white screen with lines. The dazzle card also caused regular dumps while the Game2PC only gives the incorrect parameter error 0 x 80070057/11878 they both.

    I've now provided all that may be in conflict has been uninstalled. I tried to change the capture settings and they are not available. Device Manager checked again and it appears Windows detects the device as device not video and Audio. Why would you think?

    I solved this by downloading a new driver from the manufacturer's website. The disk driver provided seems to have been inconsistent with Windows and caused the device to be considered an audio device only. Windows drivers has also caused this problem.

  • Is there a problem with ValueChangeListener and af: table?


    I use JDeveloper

    Is there a problem with ValueChangeListener and af: table.

    Here my problem...

    I have two inputtext in af:table and I want to change the value of inputtext2 when I change the value of inputtext1
    so I put the autosubmit = "true" to inputtext1 and set the valuechangelistener method that is in the page bean
    and I put the partial inputtext2 trigger = "inputtext1 id".

    but when I run the page and change the value of inputtext1 that nothing happens.

    But if I have the previous scenario in af:panelFormLayout instead of af: table its work and the value of inputtext2 is changed to the user.

    any ideas...


    Sorry for the delay... :(

    And why if I use page JSF is the binding property disappears
    in the tab advanced in the property inspector.

    If you cannot power discovered the binding property in the palette of the means, your jsff page is automatically linked.
    If only the problem.

    try to create the new page jsff, while creating jsff, finally there is radio box something like
    do not expose the UI components automatically. check and create.

    and create a java file. Then you can bind components with the java file as you wish.

    to check your jsff page is autobinded are no means?
    Open your jsff page.

    Menu's that are on it - in this section. You can see the design menu that struck. If you hit it means you see Wizard property page go to the tab component binding
    There is a check box available

    If the box is ticked means that you page are automatically linked. If this isn't the case, you must link.

    -edited lately.

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