.. . QML:141: ReferenceError: can't find variable: cppObject


I'm getting a

ReferenceError: can't find variable: cppObject

in the following code, if I run the formatCurrency even the raised any event works fine.,.

I am trying to format a monetary value of float before presenting it to the screen,

ListView {
                id: searchListView
                dataModel: searchDataModel
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: ""
                        SearchResultsListItem {
                            title: ListItemData.Title
                            pubPrice: cppObject.formatCurrency( parseFloat(ListItemData.Price) )


ListItemComponents have different context. Something like this should work:

ListView {
                function getCppObject() {
                  return cppObject
                id: searchListView
                dataModel: searchDataModel
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: ""
                        SearchResultsListItem {
                            title: ListItemData.Title
                            pubPrice: ListItem.view.getCppObject().formatCurrency( parseFloat(ListItemData.Price) )

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Feel free to use our reference samples to.  Here's how to add the event listener to my samples:


    But yes, you are either without waiting for the webworks ready event before calling a blackberry API, or you are not including the webworks sdk correctly in your application.  You can see an example of this as well, here: https://github.com/blackberry/BB10-WebWorks-Samples/blob/master/Accelerometer-Fight/index.html#L33

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    This should help you might not be exact because don't know what operating system you are using. It is composed of windows 7 form

    Right click and go to the well - go to the shortcut - open the file location\ find target

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    Flash player will not appear in your programs all-Flash is a web browser plug-in that is used in the web browser.

    If Flash player is already on the computer, completely uninstall, then reinstall the latest version:

    Uninstall Flash Player | Windows:

    Install the latest version of Flash:

    Installation problems | Flash Player | Windows:


    Adobe Flash support:


    Adobe Flash Forum:


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    Application contextfile $INST_TOP/appl/admin find the setting "nm_jvm_startup_properties".

    grep nm_jvm_startup_properties context_file.xml

    Thank you

    A H E E R X

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    How can I find a large amount of data to a stored procedure in an effective way?

    For example do not use a cursor to go through all the lines and then assign values to variables.
    Leave the query to create the object back to you.

    Declare a cursor in a package specification than the result set gives you desired. And to declare a TYPE in the package specification which returns a table composed of % rowtype to this cursor.

    Then use this type as the function's return type. Here is the code example that shows how easy it is.

    create or replace
        package pkg4
            CURSOR emp_cur is (SELECT empno, ename, job, mgr, deptno FROM emp);
            type pkg_emp_table_type is table of emp_cur%rowtype;
            function get_emp(
                             p_deptno number
              return pkg_emp_table_type
     create or replace
        package body pkg4
            function get_emp(
                             p_deptno number
              return pkg_emp_table_type
                v_emp_rec emp_cur%rowtype;
                  open emp_cur;
                    fetch emp_cur into v_emp_rec;
                    exit when emp_cur%notfound;
                    pipe row(v_emp_rec);
                  end loop;
    select * from table(pkg4.get_emp(20));
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR     DEPTNO
    ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------
          7369 DALLAS     CLERK2          7902         20
          7566 DALLAS     MANAGER         7839         20
          7788 DALLAS     ANALYST         7566         20
          7876 DALLAS     CLERK           7788         20
          7902 DALLAS     ANALYST         7566         20

    If you return a line an actual table (all columns of the table) so you don't need to create a cursor with the query a copy you can just declare the type like this % rowtype tables table.

     create or replace
        package pkg3
            type emp_table_type
                table of emp%rowtype;
            function get_emp(
                             p_deptno number
              return emp_table_type
     create or replace
        package body pkg3
            function get_emp(
                             p_deptno number
              return emp_table_type
                  for v_rec in (select * from emp where deptno = p_deptno) loop
                    pipe row(v_rec);
                  end loop;
  • Cannot find variable

    How to resolve these?
    45 results of the object = operationBinding.execute ();
    46 if (! operationBinding.getErrors () .isEmpty ()) {}

    Error (45.25): cannot find variable operationBinding
    Error (46,14): cannot find variable operationBinding

    Oh ho...

    no problem with your import declaration.

    thing is: Error (45.25): cannot find variable operationBinding
    Error (46,14): cannot find variable operationBinding.

    variable 'operationBinding' can not identified by the compiler. Why the compiler is not identified. you did not define who

    so I define the operation binding and intializse that.

            BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
            OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Here your operation"); //..this is line compiler is expecting. to avoid that.
    45    Object result = operationBinding.execute();
    46    if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
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    Hi guys im ripping my hair out on this, sorry if its a noob question extreme, but I know its quite a problem and I'm sure that someone here should be able to help the Commons.

    After debugging my project here is the error message-

    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Tracker Variable is not defined.

    to CustomsConnect / buttonClick () [C:\Users\LiamT\Desktop\please\CustomsConnect\CustomsConnect.as: 443]

    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()

    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()

    Shell::Button/buttonClick() [C:\Users\LiamT\Desktop\please\CustomsConnect\shell\Button.as:47]

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    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer me.

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    Since he has only 43 lines of code to the error, feel free to show all 43 lines.

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    I have a new server, RHEL5, with the latest installation of the LAMP on it, and I just install Coldfusion 9.

    When I visit my site, I get the Coldfusion error saying

    File not found: /index.cfm

    If I navigate to an HTML or php is very good, they server properly. And the error I get is the blue/gray coldfusion, then the coldfusion server is running.

    And I've narrowed the problem to this...

    /var/www/vhosts/site.co.uk/index.cfm - this is served

    but the root of my site is really

    /var/www/vhosts/site.co.uk/httpdocs/index.cfm - coldfusion cannot see this file!

    I found this


    in the cfserver.log. But I can not find anywhere which refers to "/ var/www/vhosts/site.co.uk/" as root.

    JRun - Web.xml is a system path to /var/www/vhosts/site.co.uk/httpdocs and inside "bin/coldfusion" the DOCROOT is set to the value

    "/ var/www/vhosts/site.co.uk/httpdocs".

    What I am doing wrong?

    I got it fixed, the problem was the RUNTIME_USER variable has been defined in various places to "nobody".

    I managed to solve the problem through this blog entry


    The "nobody" user had no rights of access to view the files. I did the mistake of installing with the default value of 'nobody' user name too.

    Thanks for your help anyway.

  • I can not find the method in this interface!

    Is a service interface and query method in the following scripts? But I can not find the method of query in this interface. What is the function of new?
    Map map = service.query (new FreeMemAgent(), null);

    Thank you

    Published by: jetq on June 7, 2009 21:05

    Hi Frank,.

    the service is a reference variable refers to an instance of a class that implements the query() method that returns a reference to an instance of a class that implements the map interface If service to refer to an instance of a class that implements the InvocationService interface, you can find consistency method 3.4.2 documentation at InvocationService. The new keyword is a Java operator that creates an object. Using the hypothesis according to which the service refers to an instance of a class that implements the InvocationService interface, the class FreeMemAgent must implement the given interface. A reference to a 'new' FreeMemAgent object is delegated to the query() method.

    Kind regards


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