Reload main.qml

Can someone tell me how I could reload the main.qml completely?

This is how it is created at startup

    QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
    qml->setContextProperty("_app", this);
    // Create root object for the UI
    AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject();
    // Set created root object as the application scene

I want the old main.qml should be deleted and a new creation.

I'm not so good with c ++ so any help is welcome

Thanks in advance

You can call setScene with a different component.

the question is: why would you do that?
Usually, you can use a spreadsheet to display a deviation from the regular workflow.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    What statement I use within the main.qml?

    is there documentation for things and the statement can be used within the mian.qml (e.g. 'if', 'for', 'while')


    Engine QML use a JavaScript interpreter.

    that statement is bug in Qt 4.8, so it is better to avoid it or explicit use of braces {} in the case branches. Other than that, it is simply JavaScript.

    Syntax information QML is located on the Web site of the project-qt:

    I suggest you browse the other articles there as well.

  • Accessing the context property of main.qml to a custom list in a file item separate qml

    Hi all

    Sorry if this is already covered somewhere.

    I currently have an application with a list view in my main.qml.  I put a context property for my class app c ++ to be "app" in my main.qml.  My list uses a custom list item that is defined in a file separate qml.  The custom list item has a popup menu.  In this context menu, I want to call Q_INVOKABLE functions that are part of my class from the main application in C++.  What is the best way to be able to do?  Should I just set the context property on my file qml of list item custom like I do with my main.qml or is there a better way?

    Thank you

    I think that this has been repeated several times, but as it is not really intuitive:
    a listitemcomponent lies in a different context, it cannot access the context property of the qml file.
    You can use the reference to the listview to reach outside, see ListItem.view

  • Call functions of qml in main.qml of a part of the user interface of the part without application head.

    Hi all;

    I wanted that my application runs in the background (Headless) but first encountered several problems, calculation are qml functions (in main.qml: updateUi() with call javascript *.js files), who should I call their headless part when the part of the user interface is closed by the user? Please help me if you have any solution.

    Thank you very much.

    identify what treatment you need for the game without head and migrate to c + c++ / Qt.

  • Can't push to the navigation of a component outside the main.qml pane

    Here's some of my main.qml

     Container {
                id: main_content
                attachedObjects: [
                    ComponentDefinition {
                        id: listtodo
                        source: "mainList.qml"
                property variant listtodoObj
                onCreationCompleted: {
                    listtodoObj = listtodo.createObject();
                    if (!listtodoObj)
                        listtodoObj = listtodo.createObject();
                    listtodoObj.dataModel = Model.get();

    I have not included of NavigationPane, but in the hand, I have a pane of navigation with the id "navigationPane.

    Here's the part of my mainList.qml:

    gestureHandlers: [
                        TapHandler {
                            attachedObjects: ComponentDefinition {
                                id: infoPage;
                                source: "asset:///taskInfo.qml"
                            onTapped: {
                                var page = infoPage.createObject();

    But I can't access navigationPane. In the console it says: "cannot find variable: navigationPage.

    What can I do?

    This should help:

  • Separating the main.qml in .qml different files, is more pushed page

    Hi all

    My main.qml became very long (NavigationPane with a Page with a container with a label and ListView and a certain objects attached) and I started to break up.  Before that, when I chose a line in the list, it pushed successfully to the details of the page.  However, when I copy and pasted all within the Page to another qml file that I put in main.qml as object, it is more pushed the detail of the page.  I can't for the life of understand me. I saw / experienced with numerous examples of applications where he worked (Battambang in particular), but cannot see a difference between my folders and those.

    Here are the files, dismembered. When the PillListPage.qml content is copied in main.qml, everything works fine.

    //main.qml// Grid view with detail project template
    import bb.cascades 1.0
    //import bb.platform 1.0
    import bb.system 1.0
    import "stringConcatenation.js" as StringConcatenation
    NavigationPane {
        id: navigationPane
        //contains time label and grid list view
        firstPage: PillListPage {
        onCreationCompleted: {
            // this slot is called when declarative scene is created
            // write post creation initialization here
            console.log("NavigationPane - onCreationCompleted()")
            // enable layout to adapt to the device rotation
            // don't forget to enable screen rotation in bar-bescriptor.xml (Application->Orientation->Auto-orient)
            OrientationSupport.supportedDisplayOrientation = SupportedDisplayOrientation.All;
        onPopTransitionEnded: {
            // Transition is done destroy the Page to free up memory
    //PillListPage.qmlimport bb.cascades 1.0
    Page {
        id: pgMain
        content: Container {
            id: rootContainer        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
            Label {
                id: timeLabel
                text: {
                    var currentTime = Qt.formatDateTime(new Date(), "h:mm AP");
                    return currentTime;
            } //Label
            ListView {
                id: listView
                // set object name to let listView be discoverable from C++
                objectName: "listView"
                layout: GridListLayout {
                    verticalCellSpacing: 100
                    cellAspectRatio: 4.0
                    columnCount: 1
                    horizontalCellSpacing: 10.0
                listItemComponents: [
                    // define component which will represent list item GUI appearence
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "item"
                        // list item GUI appearence component is defined in external MyListItem.qml file
                        MyListItem {
                onTriggered: {
                    // When an item is selected we push the detail Page in the chosenItem file attribute.
                    var chosenItem =;
                    // Create the content page and push it on top to drill down to it.
                    var contentpage = pillDetailPageDefinition.createObject();
                    // Set the content properties to reflect the selected image.
                    contentpage.contentImageURL = chosenItem.thumbnail
                    contentpage.contentName = + ", " + chosenItem.mass
                    // Push the content page to the navigation stack
                layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                    spaceQuota: 1.0
                focusPolicy: FocusPolicy.Default
            } //end of pill list
        } //end root Container
        // Attached objects of the Main Content Page
        attachedObjects: [
            ComponentDefinition {
                id: pillDetailPageDefinition
                source: "PillDetailPage.qml"
            } //ComponentDefinition

    Some superfluous code (user interface format stuff) has been removed. I did essentially the same thing with the grid list Basic project template.  Help, please!  My only guess is that perhaps he does not know which is the data model, once he is out of main.qml. Is there something in c ++ I have to do or something I should even in the QML?

    There is no runtime error and the app loaded successfully, with the only problem being that when I click on a list item, there is no response/transition to the details page.

    However, I found a solution of mine.  I pushed my detail view using a function that is called in the onTriggered signal in the list. Copy the following code is a basic example of what I mean I did simply by separating the code of the project template "grid with details view:

    // Grid view with detail project template
    import bb.cascades 1.0
    NavigationPane {
        id: navigationPane
        firstPage: MainPageContent {}
        attachedObjects: [
            ComponentDefinition {
                id: secondPageDefinition
                source: "DetailPage.qml"
        function setDetailItem(item) {
            // show detail page
            var page = secondPageDefinition.createObject();
            page.text = item.text
            page.image = item.image
        onCreationCompleted: {
            // this slot is called when declarative scene is created
            // write post creation initialization here
            console.log("NavigationPane - onCreationCompleted()")
            // enable layout to adapt to the device rotation
            // don't forget to enable screen rotation in bar-bescriptor.xml (Application->Orientation->Auto-orient)
            OrientationSupport.supportedDisplayOrientation = SupportedDisplayOrientation.All;
    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Page {
        id: pgMain
        content: Container {
            ListView {
                id: listView
                // set object name to let listView to be discoverable from C++
                objectName: "listView"
                layout: GridListLayout {
                listItemComponents: [
                    // define component which will represent list item GUI appearence
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "item"
                        // list item GUI appearence component is defined in external MyListItem.qml file
                        MyListItem {
                onTriggered: {
                    console.log("selected_index: " + indexPath)
                    var curr_item =
                    // show detail page for selected item
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                    spaceQuota: 1.0

    Since I saw your response until after that I had changed my code, I can't test, but it can work.  Thanks for the help!

  • call QML in main.cpp


    I want to call a function in main.cpp main.qml!  Is it possible to do this?

    Help me solve this problem!

    Hi Paul24,

    Please check below link


    feel free to press the button like on the right side to thank the user who has helped you.

  • Connection signal of C++ with slot QML

    Before ask you, I searched for answers to this question, but I have not found a satisfactory example.

    I have set up a service network in C++ that performs queries to REST against a backend. An example query would be to download a given element, the id of the item.

    Once the item is extracted, I emit a signal such as:

    itemReceived(QString& itemId, QString& item);

    My question is how can I wire this signal to the slot in a QML page so that the status of the answer? I tried to connect the signal on the Qml in C++ slot, as follows:

    QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
                         SIGNAL(itemReceived(QString&, QString&)),
                         qml, SLOT(onItemReceived(QString&, QString&));

    With a correspondent QML "slot" like this:

        function onItemReceived(x, y) {
            console.log("Item Received!");

    But it does not work. I also tried using the element of connection of the QtQuick lib, but this also fails.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Even if he were to propose a better architecture for the "path of the cascades. Thank you!

    In C++:
    QmlDocument * qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
    QML-> setContextProperty ("_app", this);

    In QML:
    onCreationCompleted: {}
    _APP.itemReceived.connect (onItemReceived)

    function onItemReceived (x, y) {}
    Console.log ("point received!");

    // ...

  • The Devs creating their active Frame for a separate QML file covers? I'm stuck

    Bit in trouble, I do my best to bring my Apps support 10.2.1 10.2.2 I practically everything by working the * beep * covers Active, I did do a check and create the file QML according to less than 10.3 or greater

     ComponentDefinition {
                id: creator;
                source: ""
                function createQMLObject(sourceUrl){source=sourceUrl; creator.createObject()}

    Feel free to use that btw ^.

    if(olderFirmware===true)  Application.setCover(creator.createQMLObject("CoverOlderFirmware.qml"))

    Now for some reason, they do not work, they seem to be created, but do not want to show, normally I would create it from my main.qml but the passport and its lid Multi forced me to separate the covers in their own QML files

    Begins like (not included UI code)

    import bb.cascades 1.2
        SceneCover {
            id: large
            content: Container {
                background: Color.create("#000000")
                layout: DockLayout {}

    Place in a container gives me a weird error on not able to create a list in an object, probably referring to MultiCover and SceneCover as a child of the container.

    Any suggestions?

    I use active selector to do this, find in this application example:

    This method can support 10.2.1 users and below, don't forget to add the lines of c ++ this blog:

    Check your email, I also sent you something on your last post on the forum.

  • Setting a QML property in another file

    I'm pretty new to stunts, so I hope someone could help me with this. This piece of code is supposed to load main.qml, with a button to open a separate sheet (CountryList.qml). On this sheet, it loads a local XML database in a ListView. The user selects one of the items in the ListView, which is supposed to give selectedcountry.text. How would we do that last one?

    hand. QML:

    import bb.cascades 1.2
    Page {
        Container {
            Button {
                text: "Pick a country"
                onClicked: {
            Label {
                text: "Selected Country: "
            Label {
                id: selectedcountry
                text: ""
        attachedObjects: [
                id: countryList


    import bb.cascades 1.2
    import 1.0
    Sheet {
        id: countryList
        content: Page {
            titleBar: TitleBar {
                title: "Pick a Country"
                dismissAction: ActionItem {
                    title: "Close"
                    onTriggered: {
            Container {
                Header {
                    title: "List of countries"
                ListView {
                    id: listView
                    dataModel: repoDataModel
                    listItemComponents: [
                        ListItemComponent {
                            type: "header"
                            Container {
                                Label {
                                    text: ""
                        ListItemComponent {
                            type: "item"
                            Container {
                                Label {
                                    text: ListItemData.countryname
                                Label {
                                    text: "Capital: " +
                                    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.Small
                                Divider {
                    onTriggered: {
                        //Something should go here
        attachedObjects: [
            GroupDataModel {
                id: repoDataModel
                sortingKeys: [
                sortedAscending: false
                grouping: ItemGrouping.ByFullValue
            DataSource {
                id: repoDataSource
                remote: true
                source: "countries.xml"
                query: "repo/country"
                type: DataSourceType.Xml
                onDataLoaded: {
        onCreationCompleted: {

    onTriggered() your worksheet should issue a

    signal countrySelected (country)

    and the opening Page of the sheet must connect to this signal
    a function such as

    function onCountrySelected (country) {}

    selectedcountry. Text = country


    your current solution always sets the value - even if the user does not select something and only closes the leaf

    This must be decoupled

  • Is it possible to include a qml file in another file?


    I am creating a list as an example of stamp,

    However, all these QML files fall within a records

    what I'm trying to do is to create various QML files, and some of these files are shared within other files.

    for example: I break the code of stampcollectorapp qml,.

                        // Second level item see the component in StampItem.qml.
                        ListItemComponent {
                            type: "item"
                            StampItem {

    The line to [StampItem] looking for another QML file,

    If I define StampItem in other current folder, how to write and thank you?

                        // Second level item see the component in StampItem.qml.
                        ListItemComponent {
                            type: "item"
                            myqmlpath???/StampItem {

    I think that you must import them into the upper part of your qml, cites the example of application a qml files in subfolders

    See here:

    EditScreen is imported in main.qml, and EditScreen is in assets/EditScreen/EditScreen.qml

    I don't know if the name of the folder is the same as the qml file name is a convention, then I would try to mess around and see what works.

  • Help C++ QML

    Hello, I am very new to C++ / QML development (I'm familiar with JAVA).

    I try the simplest thing, create a named factorial function that takes a parameter (hard-coded) which displays the result on the screen when the application starts and displays the screen.  Here is my code, please explain what I'm doing wrong.  I'm not clear how everything together "fits".

    Thanks a lot for the help of anyones!


    #include "applicationui.hpp".


    using namespace bb::cascades;


    Create the scene of active main.qml, the parent document is defined
    to make sure that the document is destroyed properly stopped down.
    QmlDocument * qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);

    Create the root for the UI object
    AbstractPane * root = qml->() createRootObject;
    root-> setProperty ("labelText", factorial (5)); ERROR HERE (factorial was not declared in this scope)

    Root object created together as the stage of the application
    Application::instance()-> setScene (root);

    chain of factorial (long n)
    long years = 1;
    for (long I = 2; I have<= n;="" ++i)="">
    years = years * i;
    If (SNA< 0)="">
    Returns - 1;
    Return QString::number (years);


    #ifndef ApplicationUI_HPP_
    #define ApplicationUI_HPP_


    class MyCppObject;

    Class ApplicationUI: public QObject

    Virtual ~ ApplicationUI() {}
    String factorial (long n) () / /ERROR HERE ('string' is not a type, without return, based on non-void return)


    #endif / * ApplicationUI_HPP_ * /.

    hand. QML

    import bb.cascades 1.4

    property alias labelText: label.text
    {Of container
    ID: label
    text: "Label".

    Button {}
    objectName: 'button '.
    text: "Button".

    the error message is "string does not name a type" because the string is not a type of data in c ++.
    (and in java, it would be a String with a capital S)

    Use QString.

  • Function call QML from C++ by signal... it does not work


    Please help me because I'm stuck the last day three...


    In main.qml

    onComplete() / / signal... .to in button click




    function closeProgressBar() / / allows to stop the progress as dwonlaoding data from the internet bar had finished.


    progressIndicator.stop ();


    Now in my file app.c


    Sub rollback();

    in my app.hpp

    Emit Rollback();

    but he calling is not my onComplete method...

    and I am unable to stop my progressabar

    pls help me...

    As I did today my plug-in...

    I am wating for your reply eagerly...

    the connect statement is not correct. to take
    Login.Complete.Connect (closeProgressBar)

    I suggest to connect the signal in the onCreationCompleted of the component slot so that runs only once.

    I also suggest that you use some console.log statements to see if the slot is called.

    Furthermore, you mixed hpp and c (or CPP) in your messages.

  • SEO QML controls a level lower.

    I always got arround without this requirement, but I'm curious to know how this is possible.

    asset > Main.qml

    asset > EditPage.qml

    asset > controls > CustomListView.qml

    asset > controls > MyItem.qml


    import "controls"


            id: myListView
            listItemComponents: [
                    MyItem {}


        id: Item
        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
            text: ListItemData.title
        contextActions: [
                title: ListItemData.title
                    title: Edit    
                            id: editSheet

    EditPage control cannot be resolved because it is at a level lower than MyItem. Is it possible to reference a control / print this page which has lower visibility? How can this be accomplished?

    try adding

    import "../"

    to your MyItem.qml

  • How Textfield text on another page qml property access


    I started 10 BB development recently and need help. I searched this forum but could not find some information exactly related to my problem (unlike only), or I missed something from basically. My main.qml, I want to access the text property of the textfield of the InputControl.qml to be used as a parameter in my SQLQuery (attached object). I tried to use the fieldname method alias property, but it does not work. I can't feature outside. Here is my code:

    hand. QML

    import bb.cascades 1.4
    import bb.cascades.datamanager 1.2
    import bb.system 1.0
    import 1.0
    Page {
        id: root 
        titleBar: UIControls {
        //! [0]
       content: Container {
            leftPadding: ui.du(2)
            rightPadding: ui.du(2)
            topPadding: ui.du(2)
            bottomPadding: ui.du(2)
            InputControl {
            // The ListView that's used to display the artist data
            //! [1]
            ListView {
                id: myListView
                //property variant dq: defaultDataQuery
                // Associate the list view with the data model that's defined in the
                // attachedObjects list
                layout: StackListLayout {
                    headerMode: ListHeaderMode.Sticky
                layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                    spaceQuota: 1.0
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type:  "item"
                        Container {
                            Label {
                                text: ListItemData.Japanisch
                                layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                                topMargin: 5.0
                                textStyle {
                                    base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                                    fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold
                                    color: Color.create("#7a184a")
                            Label {
                                text: ListItemData.Lesung
                                textFit.maxFontSizeValue: 9.0
                                textStyle {
                                    base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                                    fontWeight: FontWeight.Normal
                                    color: Color.create("#ff1818e9")
                            Label {
                                text: ListItemData.Deutsch
                                textStyle {
                                    base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                                    fontWeight: FontWeight.Normal
                                multiline: true
                                textFit.maxFontSizeValue: 8.0
                            Divider {}
                        }// Container
                    // Use a standard list item to display the data in the model
            } // end of ListView
        attachedObjects: [
            //! [2]
            // One of the default provided DataModel's
            GroupDataModel {
                id: dataModel
                grouping: ItemGrouping.None
            DataSource {
                id: dataSource
                // Load the data from an SQL database, based on a specific query
                source: "WadokuJT.db"
                //query: "select Japanisch, Deutsch, Lesung from WadokuJT where Deutsch like '%Wasser%'"
                query: "select Japanisch, Deutsch, Lesung from WadokuJT where Deutsch like '%" + stext + "%'";
                onDataLoaded: {
                    // After the data is loaded, insert it into the data model
                type: DataSourceType.Sql
            } // end of DataSource      
        ]//! [2]  
        actions: [
            //! [8]
            ActionItem {
                title: qsTr("Search")
                imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_search.png"
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.Signature
                onTriggered: {
                    myListView.dataModel = null
                    //myListView.dq = defaultDataQuery
                    myListView.dataModel = dataModel 
            ActionItem {
                title: qsTr("Settings")
                imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_settings.png"
                onTriggered: {
            ActionItem {
                title: qsTr("Help")
                imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_help.png"
                onTriggered: {
    } // end of Page

    And here is my InputControl.qml

    import bb.cascades 1.4
     Container {
         property alias stext: txtSearchText.text
        Label {
            id: lblSearchText
            text: "Searchtext\r\n"
        TextField {
            id: txtSearchText
            layoutProperties: FlowListLayoutProperties {
            hintText: "Enter Searchtext"

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Give InputControl an id (in main.qml), for example someId.

    Access the variable an alias like someId.stext

Maybe you are looking for