return the value of the result cell of other content of the cell

I have a worksheet that has a lot of names and addresses from my database.

It is filled with sex but no title.

I would like a formula that will check to see if it is M or F in the Gender column and place Sir or Madam, in the column title, as required.

Is it still possible? I can't make head or tail of numbers features.

Thanks in advance.

Hi mooseworks,

Here is a solution that will leave the title blank until a sex is added.

If you don't mind tagging of individuals not "Mrs.", you can get by with:

IF (D4 = "m", "Mr.", "ms.")


Tags: iWork

Similar Questions

  • How the procedure returns a value as a result of the query

    Dear Sir

    I have a requirement that I want to get a tabular output, we will for example

    Create procedure my_test_ret_chr is

    Table type is table of the varchar2 (30) index directory.

    a table;

    procedure p (table array_in)



    I'm looping 1.array_in.count

    dbms_output.put_line (array_in (i));

    end loop;



    a.1: = 'Apple ';

    (2): = "banana";

    3 a: = "Pear";

    p a;


    Select double my_test_ret_chr

    When I run this query, it shows the result in a table records like select empno emp;

    Then use function pipeline as already say:

      2  TYPE t_col IS RECORD(
      3  i NUMBER,
      4  n VARCHAR2(30));
      5  TYPE t_nested_table IS TABLE OF t_col;
      6   FUNCTION return_table RETURN t_nested_table PIPELINED;
      7  END my_pkg;
      8  /

    Package created
      2   FUNCTION return_table RETURN t_nested_table PIPELINED IS
      3  l_row t_col;
      4   BEGIN
      5  l_row.i := 1;
      6  l_row.n := 'one';
      7  PIPE ROW(l_row);
      8  l_row.i := 2;
      9  l_row.n := 'two';
    10  PIPE ROW(l_row);
    11   RETURN;
    12   END;
    13  END my_pkg;
    14  /

    Package body created

    SQL> select * from table(my_pkg.return_table);

    I N
    ---------- ------------------------------
       1 one
       2 two

    Oracle - collection function packaged for use in select return - Stack Overflow

  • % ROWCOUNT SQL does not return the expected result

    I have the following function within a package:

    --Update APPERY_JTI_deleted_USERS table:
    FUNCTION fn_updt_app_jti_dlt_usr(
        p_update_co      IN VARCHAR2,
        p_appery_user_id IN APPERY_JTI_deleted_USERS.appery_user_id%TYPE,
        p_outlet_code    IN APPERY_JTI_deleted_USERS.outlet_code%TYPE)
    lv_sql       VARCHAR2(4000);
    lv_rowcount  NUMBER := 0;
    lv_sql := 'UPDATE APPERY_JTI_deleted_USERS SET '||p_update_co||' = 1 WHERE '||p_update_co||' = 0 AND OUTLET_CODE = '''||p_outlet_code||''' AND APPERY_USER_ID = '''||p_appery_user_id||'''';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'BEGIN ' || lv_sql || '; :z := sql%rowcount; END; ' USING OUT lv_rowcount ;
    RETURN lv_rowcount;
      RETURN -1;  
    END fn_updt_app_jti_dlt_usr;

    The function called several times as part of a job. Basically, the main function (Say M), call a few functions (for example A1... A9). Each of these functions is to do something and updated the application using the above function. Therefore, each of the nine functions will call the above function with different parameters.

    The problem that I am facing is:

    First run, invoke only first of all for the above function will return the positive result ($sql rowcount > 0). When I run M the second time, only first and second calls for the above function will be to return positive results and so on.

    How odd, it's that if I change the values again and run a function M, it will start from the beginning. And what strange more, the dynamic update statement is executed correctly and data are updated successfully. It's just sql rowcount % do not return is not the expected results.

    I tried to run execute immediately without (begin, end). I also tried to run it without HELP ON. It's always the same. I'm really confused, what Miss me here.

    I don't know if this is relevant. But for what it's worth, invoking the function above updates the SAME lines in the table appery_jti_deleted_users that the columns are different. So for all the work, the same lines need to be updated. Each function (A1... A9) will call the above function to update a different column of these lines.

    If you REALLY want to help you having US SHOW, not tell us:

    1. WHAT you do

    2. HOW to

    3. WHAT results you get

    4. WHAT results you expect to get

    First run, invoke only first of all for the above function will return the positive result ($sql rowcount > 0). When I run M the second time, only first and second calls for the above function will be to return positive results and so on.

    How odd, it's that if I change the values again and run a function M, it will start from the beginning. And what strange more, the dynamic update statement is executed correctly and data are updated successfully. It's just sql rowcount % do not return is not the expected results.

    Perhaps that the foregoing is true and maybe he's not. We have NO WAY of knowing because you don't SHOW US anything.

    I tried to run execute immediately without (begin, end). I also tried to run it without HELP ON. It's always the same.

    Yet once you showed us NOTHING >

    You do NOT FOLLOW best practices when you use dynamic sql statements: the sql statement real so that you can print:

    1 SEE what's running - make sure there are no syntax errors, and it seems to be what you wanted

    2 EXECUTE/TEST manually - to see if he really runs without error and see what results it really give.

    3. FIX any syntax or other problems and retest it

    Instrument properly your code and you won't have the problems you are having.

    You should know by now what are the parameters are transmitted when you run the function. So, there are at least three sets of these parameters.

    So you should be able to:

    1 run the instrumented manually function three times

    2. see that all three SQL statements are

    3 manually run these instructions

    4. see that the number of lines is after each execution

    We have no idea of what the output of the function is every time you call it. Apparently, you have, if you save the results of the function somewhere, but you didn't post any of this info.

    We need real details to help you - just listen to your story is not enough.

  • Returns the value of column line

    Greetings!  I currently have a request we will tell



    Period value


    100.0002 1 JANUARY 14

    -35.68 1 DECEMBER 14

    -1943.67 NOVEMBER 1, 14

    678.0013 OCTOBER 1, 14

    This continues for about 15 results by cf_keyword_ID.

    I'm looking to return the VALUE first in a new column called PREV1, the second value of PREV2, third in PREV3 and so on.  The same goes for the dates.  And all this for only the first 10 values of each cf_keyword_ID.  Can anyone suggest the best way to achieve this?

    Thank you!!


    This is called pivoting.  Because I don't have a copy of your table test, I'll use scott.emp to illustrate.

    This shows the first 3 employees for each job, in order by hiredate, along with their hiredates:

    WITH relevant_data AS


    SELECT ename, job, hiredate

    row_number () taken OVER (PARTITION OF work

    ORDER BY hiredate

    ) AS r_num

    FROM scott.emp


    SELECT *.

    OF relevant_data

    PIVOT (MIN (ename) AS ename

    MIN (hiredate) AS hiredate

    FOR r_num (1, 2, 3)


    ORDER BY job




    --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- -----------

    ANALYST FORD 3 December 1981 SCOTT April 19, 1987

    The CLERK SMITH December 17, 1980, 3 December 1981 JAMES MILLER January 23, 1982

    MANAGER JONES 2 April 1981 BLAKE 1 May 1981 CLARK June 9, 1981

    PRESIDENT KING November 17, 1981

    SELLER ALLEN 20 February 1981 WARD 22 February 1981 TURNER 08-Sep-1981

    There are actually more than 3 SECRETARIES and SALESMEN.  Which does not cause an error; the only first 3 are shown.

    As you can see, having less of 3 does not cause any errors, either.

    For more info on pivots, see the FAQ of the Forum:

    Re: 4. How can I convert rows to columns?

    I hope that answers your question.

    If this isn't the case, please post a small example of data (CREATE TABLE and only relevant columns, INSERT statements) for all of the tables involved and also publish outcomes from these data.

    Explain, using specific examples, how you get these results from these data.

    If yod post rather a problem using scott.emp, then you need not display the sample data; just results and explanations.

    Always say what version of Oracle you are using (for example,

    See the FAQ forum:

    Re: 2. How can I ask a question in the forums?

  • How to get AFExecuteThisScript to return the value of Net.HTTP.request (asynchronous)?

    I have an Acrobat only plugin, developed in 2005 VS.  Originally with Acrobat 7 SDK, now updated to use Acrobat 9 SDK.  The ultimate goal of this feature is to open a PDF file from a web server Agile: If a user string, a URL is created, a request sent to the URL, then pay back the answer.  The answer can be either the PDF itself or a string path to the PDF file.  I thought it would be easier to use the version of PDF path to simply open the new PDF of the http:// address.

    I created a folder level javascript with a call to Net.HTTP.request confidence.  I have a script that works when invoked from a menu item added by the folder level javascript file.  But when you use this same command in my C++ with AFExecuteThisScript code, I can't get the HTTP response to finish pending in the code for the result.

    The Net.HTTP.request and the asynchronous callbacks confuse me, so maybe that's my big problem.  I could not Net.HTTP.request to return a value in a service simple javascript right now, I'm trying to use a "global" variable in the JavaScript folder level and two calls.  The first call "sets" the global variable, the other "becomes" it.  But this seems to be the issue.  When I have my code debugging or stop execution, the part of the response of the Net.HTTP.request is never called.  But when I left to go beyond this step with error recovery, the answer appears later.

    So how kick off of the Net.HTTP.request and be notified when it's over?  either in JavaScript or VC ++?

    Any help is appreciated.  Even if the best option is to stream the file from the web server to a local file and then open the (this is the option that I take in another tool that runs outside of Acrobat).

    Here's the code.

    Javascript controls at the level of the files (urls truncated for the post)

    var THE_PATH = '';
    function setTHE_PATH ( gURL ) {
        console.println('setTHE_PATH Begin');
        var params =
            cVerb: 'GET',
            cURL: gURL,
                    response: function( msg, uri, e)
                        console.println('response method: Setting Path');
                        THE_PATH = SOAP.stringFromStream( msg );
                        console.println('<<' + THE_PATH + '>>');
        console.println('URL: ' + params.cURL + '\n  oHandler: ' + params.oHandler );
        console.println('Path: ' + THE_PATH );
        var netResult = trustedNetHTTPrequest(params);
        console.println('setTHE_PATH End');
        return THE_PATH;
    trustedNetHTTPrequest = app.trustedFunction( 
        function ( params ) {
            console.println('trustedNetHTTPrequest begin');
            var netResult = Net.HTTP.request( params );
            console.println('trustedNetHTTPrequest end');
            return netResult;

    Added MenuItems with JavaScript at the folder level

    app.addMenuItem( { 
        cName: "mysetTHE_PATH", 
        cUser: "set THE_PATH", cParent: "Tools", 
        cExec: "setTHE_PATH('http://......&getURL=true');",
        nPos: 0 
    } );    
    app.addMenuItem( { 
        cName: "mygetTHE_PATH", 
        cUser: "get THE_PATH", cParent: "Tools", 
        cExec: "console.println( THE_PATH );",
        nPos: 0 
    } );   

    Here's the JavaScript Console output when you run these two commands:

    setTHE_PATH Begin
    URL: http://......&getURL=true
      oHandler: [object Object]
    trustedNetHTTPrequest begin
    trustedNetHTTPrequest end
    setTHE_PATH End
    response method: Setting Path

    Here is the function in the plugin C++, with additional measures to prove AFExecuteThisScript works here

    sprintf(jsScript, "testVal='%s';event.value = testVal;", strURL.c_str() );
    AFExecuteThisScript( aPdDoc, jsScript, &pReturnValue );
    // After this, pReturnValue is the passed-in URL, as expected.
    sprintf(jsScript, "setTHE_PATH('%s');event.value = 'Step 1 Worked!!';", strURL.c_str() );
    AFExecuteThisScript( aPdDoc, jsScript, &pReturnValue );
    // After this, pReturnValue is 'Step 1 Worked!!', as expected.
    sprintf(jsScript, "event.value = THE_PATH;", strURL.c_str() );
    AFExecuteThisScript( aPdDoc, jsScript, &pReturnValue );
    // After this, pReturnValue is NULL

    This is the JavaScript Console output when you run the commands using the plugin (mode debugger, to wait after step 1)

    setTHE_PATH Begin
    URL: http://......&getURL=true
      oHandler: [object Object]
    trustedNetHTTPrequest begin
    trustedNetHTTPrequest end
    setTHE_PATH End

    Note that he never gets to the part of the "method of response.

    Thank you!

    Tim James

    You need not limit yourself to the plugin API. The requests HTTP from C/C++ is a fairly common condition, just observe the restrictions in my answer.

  • Subquery returns the same value but no returnet lines

    HY all

    First of all excuse me for my English. I know that is very bad.

    I have a very annoying problem...

    I habe a query like this

    Select the car of cars where car_color = (select color color where car_id = '5452')

    My real Qery is mor complicated, but this is how it works.

    Now the problem:

    If I run the first query select car of cars where car_color = 'black' the query returns a value.

    If I run the subquery *(select color from Colors where car_id ='5452') * the subquery returns a value (black)

    If I run the query and subquery select car of cars where car_color = (select color color where car_id = '5452')
    I get no value :(

    How this bee? If I take the (black) result of the subquery, and paste of STIs in the first request, then I get a value.
    But if I use the two querys it works.

    Thank you for your support

    Welcomes Burillo

    user13568585 wrote:

    I can see that the results are not the same, but how can it happen?
    Without your thing, I'll never be able to see the problem. Toad is really stupid as I think?

    It has nothing to do with the toad. You will get the same results in SQL * more. Most of the tools on the client side display the nonprinting characters such as spaces. And in your case, string returned by the subquery has had new line at the end. Anyway, the other way to understand would compare dumps of returned strings:

    select DUMP(LTRIM(RTRIM(rem.PSTREM_KURZ_BEZ))) from p_pveps_episode eps,  p_pvrep_re rep, p_strem_rechempf rem
    eps.allmnd_mandant='Test' and
    eps.ppveps_aufnr='101224' and
    eps.allmnd_mandant=rep.allmnd_mandant and
    eps.ppveps_epsnr=rep.ppveps_epsnr and rep.pstrem_ident=rem.pstrem_ident -- {and ltrim(rtrim(rem.PSTREM_KURZ_BEZ)) =} quotet to show result


  • Return multiple values at once of the listOfValues region


    I created a (listOfValues) region that has 4 fields/columns

    ResponsibilityName, ResponsibilityId, ApplicationName, ApplicationId

    I assigned a responsibility field ResponsibilityName of the listOfValues in a page.

    It works fine when I select a value in this LOV. It returns a value to the field of 'Responsibility' of the page.

    Is it possible to return the other 3 fields so while selecting ResponsibilityName in LOV. for example while you select a value for the field 'Responsibility', can the LOV return ResponsibilityId LOV to the 'ResponsibilityId' field in the page, at the same time?

    1 selection can return values 1 to the fields?

    You can return multiple values in the LOV. Simply create a result to the mapping of the array element Lov to the basic element of page. Once you select a value from the LOV, the element of basic page could get filled in with the value on the table of lov whereby it has been mapped.


  • : Nom_element and V ('ITEM_NAME') do not return the same value

    Hi all

    I'm developing a shared application process that is called by an AJAX request.

    For the pl/sql code, stored procedure validation e development support I moved the logic inside a database.
    So I have this situation:

    Application process

    : MYITEM: = wwv_flow.g_x01; -received setting of ajax call I want to put


    v('MYITEM') - here I use value MyItem

    The problem is that when I call v ('MYITEM') the value I get is the previous and not one that I put with: MYITEM: = wwv_flow.g_x01;
    I have the same problem if I set the V ('MYITEM') inside the apex application process.

    I saw that it worked right if I use the following to set the value of the element in the application process:


    Is this a bug?
    I was expecting to get the value of the item: MONELEMENT and v ('MYITEM') are equivalent...

    Thank you


    If you encode the block like that, you should get the results you expect:

    : P100_VAR1: = '1'. : P100_VAR1;
    : P100_TEST: =: P100_VAR1;

    The reason why this block does not give you what you expect:

    : P100_VAR1: = '1'. : P100_VAR1;
    : P100_TEST: = v ('P100_VAR1');

    ... is that v ('P100_VAR1') returns the current value of the item in the table of PL/SQL State session as it existed before the execution of the block. The assignment to the variable binding: P100_VAR1 has registered only a value in storage variable to bind the dynamic execution at this time and has not yet spread to session state, which is located at the end of the execution of the block. It's a little weird, we know.


    I figured that the: xxxx points have been settled during the loading of the page with what the source is...

    They contain the session state value and can be read or written in notation variable bind.

    However, they are updated only in the session when you send page...

    They are updated in session state when the particular block is completed and a commit is issued at this time there.

    In order to update a piece of code PL/SQL session state, you must use... apex_util.set_session_state.

    You must be careful to call it when scoring also bind variable to set the session state may cause one to deny the other. Using one method or the other should work very well.


  • Windows Update search updates with no results or returns the 8007000e error code. Windows Update Troubleshooter tried unsuccessfully

    Just installed Win7 Sp1 on Inspiron 1525 after you mount the new HARD drive. Works very well. However, Windows Update search updates with no results or returns the 8007000e error code. Tried troubleshooting of Windows Update without success. Indeed, I am unable to update Windows.

    Please run the Windows Update Troubleshooter:

    Please provide the exact details of any problem it reports as not fixed.

  • NotificationsDialog returns the same value for the two buttons

    I have a NotificationsDialog with two SystemUiButtons, now when I click on buttons and console the result they both return the number two, I don't really understand why.

    ID: alertdialog
    Title: "Alarm" - + alarmTime
    body: Setting.get ("alarmCompletedMessage")
    repeat: true
    label: "Stop".
    label: "Snooze."
    onFinished: {}
    Console.log ('result' + result)
    Console.log (Error)

    Is there a better way to identify which button has been activated?

    Wish a little, she supported confirm and Cancel buttons, or SystemUIButtons have their own onClicked properties

    Thank you

    Use buttonSelection () instead of the result .label

  • Returns the time value zero calendar

    Hi, I write code with calendar that return the value zero for HOUR_OF_DAY and MINUTE when I run this code in Strom2(9550- below.

    Calendar calendar = Calendar.GetInstance ();
    Date date = new Date (this.arrivalTimeField.getDate ());
    calendar.setTime (date);
    Day int = calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
    int minute = calendar.get (Calendar.MINUTE);

    So please help me for this problem and thanks in advanced

    I had a lot of problems like myself.  Invariably, I find that the bug is my code.  Usually, it is not difficult to find using the appropriate debug or SimpleDateFormat (because times are difficult to interpret, it is good to let the system do it for you!).  I suggest you do the same thing here.

    If you find that the system does not have it that you wait, then give us the details, for example, give us the long value that you provide to the calendar and the time you go out. You should be able to do it in two or three lines, just using the standard Java RIM (i.e. None of your classes).  You can also indicate the time zone that you are testing in.

  • Do stuff to PL/SQl that returns the value and redirect to modal page by setting this value


    a button click Page1 I would perform a PL/SQL procedure that returns a value in P1_ITEMVAL and then redirect to a page 2 (modal page) and the value of an item on this page with the value previously returned. To do the same thing with a normal page is quite easy:

    Button action is present, then process of PL/SQL that returns the value in the P1_ITEMVAL element and, finally, a branch at page 2 that sets P2_ITEMVAL with P1_ITEMVAL. I really have no idea how to do the same thing when the target is a modal page.

    I created a unit test on (application 1554 - redir_to_modal)

    Workspace: tests

    USER: supporter

    PWD: supporter1234

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Kind regards



    If you prepare a URL using the value calculated in the PLSQL of DA part you can then use a subsequent stage of javascript to set the location of the window.

    This will jump to the top of the page of the modal dialog box

    : P1_URL: = apex_util.prepare_url)

    ' f ? p ='|| : APP_ID - Application id

    |': 2' - Page id

    ||': ' || : APP_SESSION - Session id

    ||':'                      -- Request

    ||':NO'                    -- Debug

    : ': ' - Clear Cache

    : ': ' - Settings

    ||' P2_ITEMVAL'

    : ': ' - Parameter values

    || (: P1_ITEMVAL);

    then in the action of javascript

    Window.Location.Replace ($v ('P1_URL'));

    Hope this is of some use



  • List of input values (multi-column) must return the output text once the value is selected


    I am trying to achieve conditional:

    I create a searchVO(select '' empNumber from dual) - to accept the input value (name empNumber).

    I create empLovVO (select enum,ename, addr, city of emp). lov attached to empNumber (searchVO).

    In the list of values when I select a value (emp 1, a, xyz, abc), it must return the default aby associated with emp values 1 to my output texts

    the name of the EMP one.

    addr xyz

    City abc

    It should also automatically change the values if I select another empNumber.

    Please let me know how to achieve this.

    Thank you

    Firstly, for the searchVO, add a three other attributes, name, address, and City, the type of string:

    and make sure they are still editable:

    Then, you're mapped LOV enum attribute EmpNumber, right?

    Do similar for the newly created attributes, in the list of values dialog box validation:

    Ename--> name,

    --> addr addr,

    City--> City

    Then, just to show these attributes in the form of output text, and you'll get what you want...

  • DBMS_CRYPTO. HASH returns the value encrypted letters

    Hi all

    SE 12.1

    I'm using dbms_crypto. Hash to encrypt the values. But encrypted the returned string is at the top of the case. Calling WebService Im externally requires the proper case...  I've seen other ciphers (java-based) hash functions that seem to properly encrypt with a mixture of cases, what I need.

    Is it possible to return the string that is encrypted in the proper case.


    l_ccn_raw RAW (128);


    l_ccn_raw: = utl_raw.cast_to_raw('1234');

    l_ccn_raw: = dbms_crypto.hash (l_ccn_raw, dbms_crypto.hash_sh256);

    dbms_output.put_line (' TOKEN: ' |) ( l_ccn_raw) ;


    You can always try dbms_output.put_line (' TOKEN: ': bass (l_ccn_raw));

    But are you sure that you don't need a hashvalue base64-coded?

    dbms_output.put_line (' TOKEN: ' | utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_encode (l_ccn_raw)));

  • GetCurrentRow returns the null value while trying to values defined in table advanced VO

    Hi all

    I'm trying to set default values to a bean advanced table according to the selection of LOV in another region. Here is the code and getCurrentRow returns the value null and null pointer exception is throwed. Please let me know where Iam going bad.

       if (pageContext. ) isLovEvent ())

    LovInputSourceId = string pageContext. getLovInputSourceId ();

       if ("poNumber". ) is equal to ()lovInputSourceId))

    pageContext . putDialogMessage (new OAException()"inside Onclick"));

    OAViewObject VO = (OAViewObject) am . findViewObject ()"L3APNonprojbasedpoVO1");

    VO1 OAViewObject = (OAViewObject) am . findViewObject ()"L3APCodingInfoEOVO1");

      VO . setWhereClause (null);

      VO . setWhereClauseParams (null);

      VO . executeQuery ();

      VO1 . setWhereClause (null);

      VO1 . setWhereClauseParams (null);

      VO1 . setWhereClause ("1=2");

      VO1 . executeQuery ();

       if (null! = VO )

       Row ReqRow = (Row) VO.first();  

       if (null ! = ReqRow )

       int idx = VO . getRowCount ();

       for (int xx = 0; xx < idx ; xx ++)

    String Description = (String)VO. getCurrentRow (). getAttribute ()"ItemDescription");

       Number Amount = (Number)VO. getCurrentRow (). getAttribute ("Amount");

       String Company = (String)VO. getCurrentRow (). getAttribute ("Company");

    String ProfitCenter = (String)VO. getCurrentRow (). getAttribute ()'ProfitCenter');

       String Dept = (String)VO. getCurrentRow (). getAttribute ("Dept");

       String Lob = (String)VO. getCurrentRow (). getAttribute ("Lob");

       String Account = (String)VO. getCurrentRow (). getAttribute ("Account");

    pageContext . putDialogMessage (new OAException()"inside loops'));

       if (null! = VO1 )

      { am. invokeMethod ("createRow");

    VO1 . getCurrentRow (). setAttribute ()'Description',Description);

      VO1 . getCurrentRow (). setAttribute ("Amount",Amount);

      VO1 . getCurrentRow (). setAttribute ("Company",Company);

      } ReqRow = (Row); }

       else {}



    Here is the method in AM.

    Public Sub createRow()

    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject) getL3APCodingProjectEOVO1 ();

    vo.clearCache ();

    If (!) VO.isPreparedForExecution ())
    System.out.println ("project VO executed");
    vo.setWhereClause (null);
    vo.setWhereClauseParams (null);
    vo.setWhereClause ("1 = 2");
    vo.executeQuery ();
    Line = vo.createRow ();
    vo.insertRow (row);
    row.setNewRowState (Row.STATUS_INITIALIZED);


    I modified your code a bit. This code does not require a method of AM.

    If the problem still not solved.

    If you want you can try this and let us know what happens.

    if (pageContext.isLovEvent())
       String lovInputSourceId = pageContext.getLovInputSourceId();
      pageContext.putDialogMessage(new OAException("Inside Onclick"));
      OAViewObject VO=(OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("L3APNonprojbasedpoVO1");
      OAViewObject VO1=(OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("L3APCodingInfoEOVO1");
      if (VO != null)
      for( Row ReqRow = (Row) VO.first();  ReqRow != null; ReqRow = (Row)
      String Description = (String)ReqRow.getAttribute("ItemDescription");
      Number Amount = (Number)ReqRow.getAttribute("Amount");
      String Company = (String)ReqRow.getAttribute("Company");
      String ProfitCenter = (String)ReqRow.getAttribute("ProfitCenter");
      String Dept = (String)ReqRow.getAttribute("Dept");
      String Lob = (String)ReqRow.getAttribute("Lob");
      String Account = (String)ReqRow.getAttribute("Account");
      pageContext.putDialogMessage(new OAException("Inside for Loop"));
      if (VO1 != null)
      Row newRow  = VO1.createRow();

    See you soon


  • PLSQL function to return the result of the query

    Dear all,

    Oracle Database SE1

    I need to create a plsql function which should accept SQL as a parameter, execute it and return the result set.

    Is this possible?

    Madhu.149 wrote:

    I need to create a plsql function which should accept SQL as a parameter, execute it and return the result set.

    Be careful - results games indicate a set of data stored in memory. This is not what are sliders. This isn't how Oracle should be used.

    Imagine that you implement such a result set function - which, on average, requires 1 MB of memory (private server) to store the results of the SQL query. A 100 users mean a 100 MB of memory required server. This is not suitable. Not at all. Never.

    The correct back 'thing' is a handle to SQL cursor (called a ref cursor in this case). A SQL cursor is a "program" - that the appellant runs via the fetch command and generates one or more lines accordingly. Appellant repeatedly runs this slider through calls to fetch until this slider found and returns all rows affected (using consistent readings).

    If you want an abstraction interface that the client can call via PL/SQL code in the database, so this crafting optimal SQL interface, creates the SQL cursor and returns the handle of the cursor (via the ref cursor data type) to the client.

Maybe you are looking for

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