Rsync for lenovo ix2 with ssh public key

Dear Lenovo,

Bought your ix2.

And I would like to use as a backup device on another place.

So I have a linux sever rsyncing to the ix2.

Cron in order to synchronize the files I need, I want to add the public key in the authorized keys file.

However, this doesn't seem to be possible.

When you enable the rsync rsync user Protocol, but he has a home directory: / pools/A/A0

to which he has no right to write a file of authorized keys.

This is NOT very practical.

Try to synchronize the other way around, through a copy on the ix2 job, is also not an option, because it will then try to copy the entire tree, without being able to clarify what I need to copy

It would be possible to

(1) add a home directory for the user rsync in which to store the file authorized_keys

(2) add the Taks copy module options, to specify what to copy? for example *.db / only the content of the directory, no subdirectories?

(3) give me another solution to this challenge?


Do you have a restart of the ix2.

This reveals another challenge: at each reboot the rsync home dir is deleted

However, as a result of new steps 1-4

then enter the key:

SSH-copy-id - i /root/.ssh/ rsync@nasip

Now it works!

Tags: Lenovo Products

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    Two people (a and b) may share the same secret. Yet they don't trust each other until what they have confirmed that they share the same secret. To check if both share the same secret the following protocol apply (via a communication channel not secure assistance from person c they don't trust either). Also, there is no one which may help to establish trust (i.e. building confidence channels).

    (1) generates the public key / private RSA
    (2) a figure his secret with the RSA public key
    (3) one sends the secret encrypted with its public RSA key for b
    (4) b uses the RSA a public key to encrypt his secret
    (5) in the case of the encrypted secret of a matches the secret encrypted b, then make (6), if a and b do not share the same secret, as they are in conversatzion
    (6) b generates his own public key / private RSA
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    (8) b figure his secret (encrypted with its private key), as well as his public key with the public key of a
    (9) b sends his secret (encrypted with its private key) and its public key in a
    (10) one decrypts the secret and b public key with its private key
    (11) one decrypts the secret with the public key of b
    (12) checks if the secret received b acually meets that one knows = > trust established, finishing

    So, I want to achieve is that the following code prints "true":
    byte[] potentialSecret = new byte[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(RSA);
    KeyPair kp = kpg.generateKeyPair();
    PublicKey key = kp.getPublic();
    Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance(RSA);
    c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
    System.out.println(Arrays.equals(c.doFinal(xy), c.doFinal(xy)));
    I tried to 'tinker' with initialization vectors, but still finished with the exceptions of various type.

    Thank you very much

    How can PS: btw, I markup code? It is my first assignment in the Oracle forums.

    If your security is based on a secret that can be 8bits then you only 8bits of security. An attacker could send a request with their own key pair with all the data. The other party would return the text key and the encryption algorithm and then after less than 256 RSA cryptographic operations you have the secret (if it's 1 byte). You can then send the request with the correct secret.

    See you soon,.

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    Please help me.
    Thank you
    Shinson Yang

    A hotfix is available to block standard users to log on to a computer, Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2-in safe mode

  • Invalid key exception: no type of key: public key RSA Sun, 1024 bits

    I'm trying to recover Microsoft Keystore certificates and extract its key using SunMSCAPI in the jdk 1.6. It gives me an exception for invalid key when I try to wrap the symmetric key (what was once to perform AES encryption on data), using the RSA algorithm.

    Code snippet:
               // RSA 1024 bits Asymmetric encryption of Symmetric AES key              
                // List the certificates from Microsoft KeyStore using SunMSCAPI.
                      System.out.println("List of certificates found in Microsoft Personal Keystore:");
                       KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-MY", "SunMSCAPI"); 
                       ks.load(null, null) ;
                       Enumeration en = ks.aliases() ;
                       PublicKey RSAPubKey = null;
                       Key RSAPrivKey = null;
                       int i = 0;
                       while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
                            String aliasKey = (String)en.nextElement() ;              
                            X509Certificate c = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(aliasKey) ;     
                            String sss = ks.getCertificateAlias(c);
                            System.out.println("---> alias : " + sss) ;
                            i= i + 1;
                            String str = c.toString();
                            System.out.println(" Certificate details : " + str ) ;
                          RSAPubKey = c.getPublicKey();
                            RSAPrivKey = ks.getKey(aliasKey, null);  //"mypassword".toCharArray()
                            Certificate[] chain = ks.getCertificateChain(aliasKey);     
                       System.out.println("No of certificates found from Personal MS Keystore: " + i);
                // Encrypt the generated Symmetric AES Key using RSA cipher      
                        Cipher rsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", ks.getProvider().getName());            
                       rsaCipher.init(Cipher.WRAP_MODE, RSAPubKey);
                       byte[] encryptedSymmKey = rsaCipher.wrap(aeskey);    
                       System.out.println("Encrypted Symmetric Key :" + new String(encryptedSymmKey));
                       System.out.println("Encrypted Symmetric Key Length in Bytes: " + encryptedSymmKey.length);
                       // RSA Decryption of Encrypted Symmetric AES key
                       rsaCipher.init(Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE, RSAPrivKey);
                       Key decryptedKey = rsaCipher.unwrap(encryptedSymmKey, "AES", Cipher.SECRET_KEY);

    List of certificates in Microsoft personal Keystore:
    -> alias: C5151997
    Certificate details:]
    Version: V3
    Object: CN = C5151997, O = SAP - AG, C = OF
    Signature algorithm: SHA1withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5

    Key: Sun public key RSA 1024 bits
    modulus: 171871587533146191561538456391418351861663300588728159334223437391061141885590024223283480319626015611710315581642512941578588886825766256507714725820048129123720143461110410353346492039350478625370269565346566901446816729164309038944197418238814947654954590754593726047828813400082450341775203029183105860831
    public exponent: 65537
    Validity: [from: Mon Jan 24 18:17:49 IST 2011,]
    [To: Wed Jan 23 18:17:49 IST 2013]
    Issuer: CN = SSO_CA, O = SAP - AG, C = OF
    Serial number: [4d12c509 eb85 00000005]

    Certificate extensions: 6
    [1]: ObjectId: criticality = false
    0000: 07 E5 83 A1 B2 B7 DF 6 b 4 b 67 1 and 9 D 42 C9 0 D F4... kKg... A.M..
    0010: 35 76 D3 F7 5v...

    [2]: ObjectId: criticality = false
    0000: E4 C4 2 93 20 AF DA 4 C 53 68 4A C0 CE E7 F2, 30. .. L.ShJ... 0
    0010: 0C 3 B 8 C 9 A. ;.


    [3]: ObjectId: criticality = false
    Unknown extension: coded DER BYTE string =
    0000: 04 30 30 2 06 26 2 b 06 01 04 01 82 37 15 08 82.00... & +... 7...
    0010: D1 E1 73 E4 84 FE 0B FD 84 8 B 15 83 E5 1B 90 83... s.............
    0020: 43 81 62 84 B1 A1 E6 DA 50 14 02 01 64 02 9TH D3... C.b... P...d.
    0030: 01 1B...

    [4]: ObjectId: criticality = false
    RFC822Name: [email protected]

    [5]: ObjectId: criticality = true

    [6]: ObjectId: criticality = true
    PathLen: undefined

    Algorithm: [SHA1withRSA]
    0000: B3 C5 8 66 92 F4 CC D7 ED 6 51 12 63 52 18 B9... f... mQ.c... R.
    0010: B8 A6 78 7 78 18 ED F7 DA 71 09 AE 49 23 C8 C9... .. x...x. q... I have #.
    0020: F5 2F 32 0F D1 C0 08 4 2 B 6 D 3 C B9 5F 5B B5 11. 2 /... L + m <... _ [.]
    0030: 05 D9 CA E6 F9 0 a 94 14 E7 C6 7 a 63 DB FE E5 CE... z.c...
    94 0040:48 8 c 0D 77 92 59 34 6 77 1 a 24 FE E3 C1 H...w. Y .4nw$...
    0050: 0 B 52 6 D8 HAS 7TH 22 13 71 F8 AF 17 64 4F C8 D1 D7... RJ. ». q... dO
    0060: 83 EA 2D 6a CA 7F C3 84 37 15 FE 99 73 1 D 7 C D1... - j... 7... s...
    0070:6 B4 99 09 62 B9 0F 18 33 4 66 C6 7 a 9F C0 DB m... b... 3L. FZ...

    None of the found certificates in personal key MS: 1
    Exception in thread "main" unsupported key type: RSA Sun public key, 1024 bits
    modulus: 171871587533146191561538456391418351861663300588728159334223437391061141885590024223283480319626015611710315581642512941578588886825766256507714725820048129123720143461110410353346492039350478625370269565346566901446816729164309038944197418238814947654954590754593726047828813400082450341775203029183105860831
    public exponent: 65537
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(DashoA13*..)
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(DashoA13*..)

    Published by: sabre150 on July 18, 2011 03:47

    Added [code] tags to make the code readable.

    A little research indicates the key classes gets by

                          RSAPubKey = c.getPublicKey();
                               RSAPrivKey = ks.getKey(aliasKey, null);  //"mypassword".toCharArray()

    are and * mscapi *. RSAPrivateKey. It seems that Cipher objects from the SunMSCAPI provider cannot accept class RSA public keys and that the SunMSCAPI will accept only class RSA private keys.

    This came in another form a couple of years. It makes sense because the packaging/encryption with a public key does not represent a security problem (there no secret in cryptographic operations) once done outside MSCAPI can use any provider who has the ability , BUT unpacking/decryption must be done with the SunMSCAPI provider which it delegates to the MSCAPI.

    My test code of work based on your code for implementation of this approach is:

            // RSA 1024 bits Asymmetric encryption of Symmetric AES key
            // List the certificates from Microsoft KeyStore using SunMSCAPI.
            System.out.println("List of certificates found in Microsoft Personal Keystore:");
            KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-MY", "SunMSCAPI");
            ks.load(null, null);
            Enumeration en = ks.aliases();
            PublicKey RSAPubKey = null;
            Key RSAPrivKey = null;
            int i = 0;
            while (en.hasMoreElements())
                String aliasKey = (String) en.nextElement();
                X509Certificate c = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(aliasKey);
                String sss = ks.getCertificateAlias(c);
                if (sss.equals("rsa_key")) // The alias for my key - make sure you change it back to your alias
                    System.out.println("---> alias : " + sss);
                    i = i + 1;
                    String str = c.toString();
                    System.out.println(" Certificate details : " + str);
                    RSAPubKey = c.getPublicKey();
                   RSAPrivKey = ks.getKey(aliasKey, null);  //"mypassword".toCharArray()
                    Certificate[] chain = ks.getCertificateChain(aliasKey);
            System.out.println("No of certificates found from Personal MS Keystore: " + i);
            Cipher rsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");//, ks.getProvider().getName());       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                rsaCipher.init(Cipher.WRAP_MODE, RSAPubKey);
            byte[] keyBytes =
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
            SecretKey aeskey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "AES");
            byte[] encryptedSymmKey = rsaCipher.wrap(aeskey);
            System.out.println("Encrypted Symmetric Key :" + Arrays.toString(encryptedSymmKey));
            System.out.println("Encrypted Symmetric Key Length in Bytes: " + encryptedSymmKey.length);
            // RSA Decryption of Encrypted Symmetric AES key
            Cipher unwrapRsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", ks.getProvider().getName());       //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            unwrapRsaCipher.init(Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE, RSAPrivKey);
            Key decryptedKey = unwrapRsaCipher.unwrap(encryptedSymmKey, "AES", Cipher.SECRET_KEY);
            System.out.println("Decrypted Symmetric Key :" + Arrays.toString(decryptedKey.getEncoded())); // Matches the 'keyBytes' above
  • Public key


    I have a digital ID and I´d you want to create a public key and send it to my partners to enable their display of my encriptes documents

    How to create a user name public?

    Thank you very much

    Hi Gustavo,

    • Select it Advanced > security settings (in Acrobat) menu item, or the Document > security settings menu item (player)
    • Select digital IDs in the upper part of the tree on the left side of the security settings dialog box
    • Select the digital ID you want to use from the list view on the right side of the security settings dialog box
    • Click on the toolbar to export button (arrow icon gold) in the security settings dialog box
    • Follow the instructions on the screen to save or e-mail the FDF file. If you prefer to use the file, select the P7C the option to Save the data in a file , click Next , and then select * p7c from the Save as Type drop-down list.

    As a side note, other people with the public key certificate that corresponds to your digital ID to encrypt a file to open it. If you want someone to be able to open a PDF file that you previously encrypted using the security certificate, you must again encrypted with their public key certificate file.


  • [SOLVED] How to create public keys to ssh to ESXi to another host?

    I have read a number of different sites trying to find information on how to do it properly, but I had no luck.  I'm afraid at this point I'm all mixed up or miss me something simple [painfully].

    My goal is to create keys so that I can ssh/scp, as root, the ESXi server to another server in linux/unix under a different name.  Most, if not all of the sites I found coverage today the reverse: ssh/scp from another machine to the ESXi server.  I assume that ssh ESXi-> another host via keys is possible...?

    I believe that I'm almost there, but in all honesty, I don't know.  Here's what I've done so far.

    • RSA and DSA keys with dropbear created on the ESXi Server
    • convert keys RSA and DSA dropbear ssh format
    • Cat's public RSA and DSA keys in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server that I would like to ssh/scp
      • even tried to make a copy of authorized_keys as authorized_keys2 on the destination server
      • same CAT had the public keys of the ESXi authorized_keys & authorized_keys2
    • went up to copy the private key (!) from the ESXi server on the server I ssh/scp area in

    In regards to the box, I'm remote in I

    • keys generated with ssh-keygen - t dsa and rsa
    • typed in a sentence
    • CAT had the public key in .ssh/authorized_keys on ESXi box
      • as above in desperation I added it in the file authorized_keys local
      • copied authorized_keys to authorized_keys2
    • copied private keys (!) of the destination inbox ESXi machine

    I tried ssh username FQDN, ssh username@FQDN-l and with the IP address itself, whenever I was asked for a password.  Naturally if I just ssh hostname it trying to connect as root, which is not allowed and will fail.  Again, I apologize because I'm probably all mixed now. might be wise to simply erase all keys & start over.

    Is this possible?

    Is anyone interested in lending a hand?


    I blogged about this recently:

  • I have two vista windows oem sctatch disk at home. You can download it for me, these two are with the product key to the House.

    I have two vista windows oem sctatch disk at home. You can download it for me, these two are with the product key to the House.
    It is upgraded, the other is an integer telling Windows Vista;
    and the little hard up and down, mouse from left to right,.
    or can you please sent a copy of a disc to my address, this is the right path for fixed my windows vista online.
    (try to contact technical support of the direct Vista operating system)
    How about upgrading to windows 7? Give me the vista on 'the base drive OEM' continues for facilities?

    Replacement OEM or software support of system manufacturer in most cases, you must contact the OEM (OEM) manufacturer or the manufacturer of the system directly to replace Microsoft software that was distributed by your computer. However, an exception is made for operating system service pack media *, for which you can contact us directly.

    • Contact information for the manufacturer of the computer, see the Microsoft Web site at the following address: (
    • If the product has been distributed by an OEM or a system integrator, the product ID contains the letters "OEM". Visit the Microsoft Web site at the following address, select the appropriate product family, and then follow the steps to find the product ID: (
    • For OEM software, the certificate of authenticity (COA) lists the name of the manufacturer of the computer under the software version name. For more information on the certificate of authenticity, see the Microsoft Web site at the following address: (

      If you have System Builder software, the COA lists "OEM software" or "OEM product" under the software version name.

    * Note Service pack support only includes what is associated with the service pack itself.

    More information:

    Regarding Windows 7 - frequently asked questions - Upgrade Options TaurArian [MVP] 2005-2010 - Update Services

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    The Windows XP operating system disk

    I found a cd of OS Windows XP in the House who said for distribution only with a new hp or compaq pc, is it legal to install this on my pc tailor-made with a new product key?

    I found a cd of OS Windows XP in the House who said for distribution only with a new hp or compaq pc, is it legal to install this on my pc tailor-made with a new product key?

    No, it is an OEM drive and only good for the computer, it came with.

    If you have a valid license of retail XP but no installation disc:

    How to replace Microsoft software

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    I have a cd for windows xp with sp3 but I lost my product key and there is no keys on my computer

    Is XP still installed and running?

    If so, then use Belarc Advisor to find the key -

  • Activation of the product with the product key valid for windows XP

    To the right:
    I bought an upgrade to windows xp for many years with a valid product key, but recently I had rebuilt my computer and reinstalled windows xp.  Under the limit of 30 for actiavtion, I entered my product key and it was invalid, I called microsoft and gave them 9 blocks of 5 digits, and they were able to activate my product.  When I spoke to a representative, they confirmed that my product key is valid, but they were unable to help me activate my windows OS, except for fees of $ 59.  The second option was to write an email through this site.  Please, if possible give me instructions on how can I activate my product key.  Thank you, Kevin Martin

    "Kevin l. Martin" wrote in message News: c761d8e2-107 d - 4 c 63-beb5-f2f8128326a7...

    To the right:
    I bought an upgrade to windows xp for many years with a valid product key, but recently I had rebuilt my computer and reinstalled windows xp.  Under the limit of 30 for actiavtion, I entered my product key and it was invalid, I called microsoft and gave them 9 blocks of 5 digits, and they were able to activate my product.  When I spoke to a representative, they confirmed that my product key is valid, but they were unable to help me activate my windows OS, except for fees of $ 59.  The second option was to write an email through this site.  Please, if possible give me instructions on how can I activate my product key.  Thank you, Kevin Martin

    I ring back again and get an operator who actually knows what they are doing - XP is still supported for activation problems, regardless of the level of MS, if I understand correctly.
    Your problem seems to be that you have installed a version update of XP without having anything to upgrade? (I don't think that was possible).
    Try to install the missing Service Packs - any attempt activation again.


    Noel Paton | Nil Carborundum Illegitemi | CrashFixPC | The lazy three fingers

  • Configure the router WRT54G with the PUBLIC IP address and use the DHCP protocol for internal computers


    I have a service online Internet with 5 public IP addresses.

    The router and the AP are connected to a switch.

    I would like to set up a WRT54G Router with a public IP address and use DHCP (with private ip address) for the computers that will connect to the AP.

    That the AP is connected to the switch, it is possible that the other wired computers that are connected to the same switch can get an IP from the DHCP?

    Thanks in advance

    In this case, the routing is automatic.

    WRT54G configuration:


    Internet connection: static IP address

    IP address: 180.X. X 170

    Subnet mask:

    Gateway: 180.x.x.x (Ex: 180.x.x.1)

    DNS: servers your ISP DNS


    The IP address of the router:

    DHCP range: of-online

  • My Hp Pavilion laptop 2244sa g6 does not come with the product key for windows8. Is this normal?


    My Hp Pavilion laptop 2244sa g6 does not come with the product key for windows8. Is this normal? I can't see it anywhere, should I worry?

    Some laptops, like my Envy 17-3002ea loan, have the certificate of authenticity Windows hidden in the compartment where the hard drive and the battery are.  First try.

    Other portable latest and which may include yours, have the Windows license key encrypted in the BIOS.  There is a thread on the Microsoft communities that verifies that. The thread is worth reading.

  • Problems with the product key for Windows 7.

    I've got some promblems with my product key for windows 7. PC does not code 25 keys. Help, please.

    Hi Iyatunde,

    Please see the sticky for more information about your question that follows:

    I hope this helps!

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think

  • After you have reinstalled my Window 7 Professional is not activate with the product key, I received with my package & which I used for a long time.

    After you have reinstalled my Window 7 Professional is not activate with the product key, I received with my package & which I used for a long time. I tried to activate using automated phone system, but could not do. What is the solution. I know that this product key I used only on my current desktop & in past I had not faced any problem on reappattage. This time, I had deleted all the parks & reformatted all readers of my Win7 teacher reappattage. This can be a cause of failure of activation?

    Direct activation number: (888) 725-1047


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