Select the view v - table

Hi guys,.

I was hoping just to get your opinion on something.
I have a Production process that is taking longer and more time to complete, and sticks to a certain section of code.
The code is an INSERT in the main dimension table.

This procedure works well on the TEST and the code section end much more quickly.
Traffic on the Production is much heavier and there are applications developed by people other than me who SELECT this dimension table. I am assuming, based on the fact that the Test and Production code are identical, this increase in traffic could be eating upwards of bandwidth and slows down the jobs.

So I thought - if I create views and leave the other applications hit the opinions as opposed to the main table, this will help speed it up. I did it before on a Teradata platform using a "dirty read" that has worked very well, but Oracle does not offer this option.

What do you think guys? Impossible this work or do I have to take a different approach.

Thank you.

You are welcome

Tags: Database

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  • SELECT the view doesn't take long, short definition - no difference in execplans

    [Plans Execuion |]


    I have a strange problem and I ran out of ideas already.
    I have a fairly complex vision that selects about 10 long tables (about 4 M records each) and the id of customer pre build a "sentence of customer. I always get only one line from this point of view, for example. Select * from my_view where party_id = XYZ. I will NEVER select the whole view.

    The problem is that running a query:
    Select * from my_view where party_id = XYZ really time consuming, while putting party_id = XYZ condition directly in the view runs in 0.0 seconds.

    After putting a FIRST_ROWS hint (1) ORDERED in a view, the execution plans seems to be the same (or very similar) to the two motions. Unfortunately, I can't transfer anything the screenshot of the environment - this is why I stick plans exec as the screenshots only - pls, follow the link:

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Version of DB is

    View DDL:
    create or replace view my_view as
    select /*+ ORDERED FIRST_ROWS(1) */  pt.party_id
               pt.party_id as id_klienta_mdm,
               pt.master_reference_no as id_klienta_ref_mdm,
               pt.client_type as fo_po,
               pt.prim_id as rodne_cislo_ico,
               pt.c_sid as sid,
               case pt.client_type when f_get_param('CLIENT_TYPE_PRIVATE_INDIVIDUAL') then 1 else 0 end as fi_info_klient_fo,
               1 as fi_meno_klienta,
               pt.p_title_prefix as titul_pred,
               pt.p_first_name as meno,
               pt.p_last_name as priezvisko,
               pt.p_title_suffix as titul_za,
               pt.p_nationality as statna_prislusnost,
               doc.document_type as druh_dokladu,
               doc.document_number as cislo_dokladu,
               pt.p_birth_date as datum_narodenia,
               pi.place_of_birth as miesto_narodenia,
               f_gender2bis(pt.p_gender) as pohlavie,
               case pt.client_type when f_get_param('CLIENT_TYPE_CORPORATE') then 1 else 0 end as fi_info_klient_po_mdm,
               case pt.client_type when f_get_param('CLIENT_TYPE_CORPORATE') then 1 else 0 end as fi_info_klient_po,
               pt.c_name as nazov,
               pt.c_name_short as skr_nazov,
               nico.identification_value as nico,
               corp.sector as sektor,
               corp.nace_code as odvetvie,
               corp.ownership_type as vlastnictvo,
               pt.c_legal_form as pravna_forma,
               pt.c_foundation_date as datum_zalozenia,
               substr(corp.registration_docu_type, 40) as doklad,
               corp.vat_payer as platca_dph,
               corp.tax_office_no as cislo_du,
               corp.accounting_type as uctovnictvo,
               corp.deposit_protection as ochrana_vkladov,
               corp.asset_amount as zakladne_imanie,
               to_number(corp.finantial_situation) as financna_situacia,
               to_number(corp.reporting_period) as periodicita_vykazov,
               corp.first_report_date as datum_vykazu_prvy,
               corp.last_provided_report_date as datum_vykazu_posledny,
               case when exe.execution_type is null then 0 else 1 end as v_likvidacii,
               exe.valid_from as v_likvidacii_od,
               1 as fi_info_profil,
               prof.business_allowance as zvyhodnenie,
               dic.identification_value as dic,
               null as marketing,
               null as prilohy_emailu,
               prof.aml_level as stupen_rizika,
               prof.relation_to_bank as vztah_k_banke,
               prof.client_category as kategoria,
               substr(pt.remark, 160) as poznamka,
               null as tuzemec,
               pt.tax_domicile as domicil,
               case when trvala.address_id is null then 0 else 1 end as fi_trvala_adresa,
               trvala.street_name_short as trvala_adresa_ulica,
               trvala.city_short as trvala_adresa_mesto,
      as trvala_adresa_psc,
               trvala.state as trvala_adresa_stat,
               case when prechodna.address_id is null then 0 else 1 end as fi_prechodna_adresa,
               prechodna.street_name_short as prechodna_adresa_ulica,
               prechodna.city_short as prechodna_adresa_mesto,
      as prechodna_adresa_psc,
               prechodna.state as prechodna_adresa_stat,
               1 as fi_kontakt_klienta,
               tel1.contact_value as tel_cislo1,
               tel2.contact_value as tel_cislo2,
               fax.contact_value as fax_cislo,
               email.contact_value as email,
               email.contact_value as modem, -- ano, naschval posielam do modemu email
               prof.pref_service_point as kontaktne_miesto
          from pt
     left join ucd.party_identification nico
            on nico.party_id = pt.party_id and nico.identification_type = f_get_param('CLIENT_ID_TYPE_NICO')
           and trunc(sysdate) between nvl(nico.valid_from, to_date('1900', 'YYYY')) and nvl(nico.valid_until, to_date('2900', 'YYYY'))
     left join ucd.party_identification dic
            on dic.party_id = pt.party_id and dic.identification_type = f_get_param('CLIENT_ID_TYPE_DIC')
           and trunc(sysdate) between nvl(dic.valid_from, to_date('1900', 'YYYY')) and nvl(dic.valid_until, to_date('2900', 'YYYY'))
     left join ucd.party_profile prof
            on prof.party_id = pt.party_id
     left join ucd.party_corp corp
            on corp.party_id = pt.party_id
     left join ucd.party_pi pi
            on pi.party_id = pt.party_id
     left join ucd.party_corp_execution exe
            on exe.party_id = pt.party_id
           and trunc(sysdate) between nvl(exe.valid_from, to_date('1900', 'YYYY')) and nvl(exe.valid_until, to_date('2900', 'YYYY'))
           and exe.execution_type = f_get_param('EXECUTION_TYPE_LIKVIDACIA')
           and rownum = 1
     left join ucd.address trvala
            on trvala.party_id = pt.party_id
           and trvala.address_type = f_get_param('ADDRESS_TYPE_PERMANENT')
     left join ucd.address prechodna
            on prechodna.party_id = pt.party_id
           and prechodna.address_type = f_get_param('ADDRESS_TYPE_SUBSIDIARY')
     left join (select party_id, document_type, document_number,
                       rank() over (partition by party_id order by document_type asc, issue_date desc, document_number desc nulls last) as rank
                  from ucd.document
                 where status = f_get_param('STATUS_ACTIVE')) doc
            on doc.party_id = pt.party_id
           and doc.rank = 1
     left join tel1
            on tel1.party_id = pt.party_id
           and tel1.contact_category = f_get_param('CONTACT_CATEGORY_TEL')
           and tel1.contact_subcategory = f_get_param('CONTACT_SUBCATEGORY_TEL_PRIMARNY')
     left join tel2
            on tel2.party_id = pt.party_id
           and tel2.contact_category = f_get_param('CONTACT_CATEGORY_TEL')
           and tel2.contact_subcategory = f_get_param('CONTACT_SUBCATEGORY_TEL_SEKUNDARNY')
     left join fax
            on fax.party_id = pt.party_id
           and fax.contact_category = f_get_param('CONTACT_CATEGORY_FAX')
           and fax.contact_subcategory = f_get_param('CONTACT_SUBCATEGORY_FAX_NA')
     left join email
            on email.party_id = pt.party_id
           and email.contact_category = f_get_param('CONTACT_CATEGORY_EMAIL')
           and email.contact_subcategory = f_get_param('CONTACT_SUBCATEGORY_EMAIL_PRIMARNY')
     where pt.tec_active_rec = f_get_param('TEC_ACTIVE_FLG_ACTIVE')
       and pt.source_system = f_get_param('SOURCESYSTEM_MDM')
    Published by: adammsvk on 16.8.2012 23:34

    I managed to get around this by adding
    and pt.party_id = SYS_CONTEXT ('cx_cs', 'party_id')
    and defining the context before selecting view in a package (this is the only package selected from this point of view) but there is a very very dirty, I do not have much

    Published by: adammsvk on 16.8.2012 23:51

    Published by: adammsvk on 20.8.2012 0:57
    Discover DDL added around barcode labels

    If please repeat your post and was able to add tags to code around it
    as in

      select * from dual;


    Now to your problem.
    I think that this use of rownum is a bug.
    Sometimes it might work, but sometimes not. It can also be a reason for the problem you describe.

    left join ucd.party_corp_execution exe
        on exe.party_id = pt.party_id
        and trunc(sysdate) between nvl(exe.valid_from, to_date('1900', 'YYYY')) and nvl(exe.valid_until, to_date('2900', 'YYYY'))
        and exe.execution_type = f_get_param('EXECUTION_TYPE_LIKVIDACIA')
        and rownum = 1 "do not use rownum in such a way!"

    This use of rownum could be one of the reasons why the filter do not spread into the inner query.

    Test what happens if you remove this join the query completely.

  • SELECT the view is long - select on the short view definition.

    Hello everyone-

    There is a view in Oracle called V$ LOCK.

    If I do a number or a select on this point of view I get a result * 45 seconds *.

    There are about 77 records.

    However - if I do a select statement or a statement on the definition of the view (found in V$ FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION)
    I get a result without delay. Immediately.

    I'm registered consequence "sqlplus / as sysdba"

    What is going on??? My feable brain can't understand!

    Thanks for any help,


    There is a view in Oracle called V$ LOCK.
    On 11.2, is not correct. A query on "select * from dba_synonyms, where synonym_name like"% LOCK"shows"

    V$ LOCK => V_LOCK
    GV$ LOCK => GV_$ LOCK



    V$ LOCK is a synonym. And you may be questioning the proper underlying display for each of your requests, but sometimes the queries may not be on the view as you think they are.
    If I do a count or a select on this point of view I get a result in 45 seconds.

    There are about 77 records.

    However - if I do a select statement or a statement on the definition of the view (found in V$ FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION)
    I get a result without delay. Immediately.
    We will see the first time you query data (when maybe there nothing in the cache) it is slower than the second time that you query the same data (when maby there is something in the cache)?

    This is not unusual.
    Well - that's interesting. Still it took 11 seconds to 15 records!
    Reviews? There isn't any "writings." The V$ s are 'dynamic' performance not the tables view (s). And read consistency is not guaranteed for them. Data are updated continuously so if there is no update will not change the data in the view and based on the data display data updates can barely change.

    It is unlikely that much, changed data, between your two queries.

    See "views of dynamic Performance" in the doc database
    Oracle contains a set of views underlying which are maintained by the database server and accessible to the administrator database SYS user. These views are called dynamic views because performance that they are continually being updated when a database is open and in use and their content are mainly related to the performance.

    Although these views seem to be normal database tables, they are not. These views provide data on internal disk structures and memory.
    You can choose from these points of view, but you can never update or change.
    See the NOTE just below (as well as the section dealing with the V$ and the GV$ views)
    Because the information contained in the views V$ dynamic, coherent reading is not guaranteed for SELECT on these points of view operations.

  • SELECT the view queries do not run unless the shared_pool hot flashes


    Need some urgent advice

    We have a system that we are trying to run a simple select statement on a view (nested).

    in a first time - it gives a result in less than a second. After that, it takes an hour.

    Flushing the shared_pool, she will run again in less then a second... and then again an hour.

    flushes of heat if the shared_pool will solve it for a single run.

    I have already increased the shared_pool and it did not help... linux db system is


    SGA_MAX_SIZE 6509559808

    shared_pool_size 2147483648

    pga_aggregate_target 1887436800

    Thank you


    You could get an execution plan different for various reasons. Maybe the comments of cardinality: you might try setting _optimizer_use_feedback = false.

  • How to select the lines/odd table...

    How to select lines / odd in a table?
    Help, please.

    Published by: vaibhav on May 7, 2012 05:30

    This can be done by using the function mod like this:

    For even rows
    Select * from (select rownum rn, nom_table.* from tableName) where mod (rn, 2) = 0;

    For the odd lines
    Select * from (select rownum rn, nom_table.* from tableName) where mod (rn, 2) = 1;

  • Select the feature for tables

    Hello, I am looking for a function similar to a function of SELECTION, but for arrays.

    I'm doing the following:

    Say, 3 functions of random numbers are compared to a value (0.5). If the condition (is greater than) is TRUE, I need to switch a button and keep a logic for the rest of the time - so that I don't like about the value of random after number. It is important for me that the condition was true once. Therefore, it is as a function of cumulative 3 led buttons, who says at the end that the condition has been met at least once to each of the 3 comparisons (if all buttons are met).

    I managed to do it for a unique random number only, using the function SELECT and SHIFT register, but I failed to do with arrays of numbers.

    Maybe it's easy for someone of you a you can help me, because I'm stuck ...

    If this problem has been resolved already, I'm pretty sorry - but I could not find the key word to describe my problem.

    I thank you and have a nice day.


    Here is a simple code as described.

    The VI stops once all Boolean values have been true at least once. I updated the status > 0.98 to spin a bit longer. Modify if needed.

    (Note that even in your original code, a Boolean GOLD is much simpler than the function "select".

  • Set the focus to select the list in table form?

    Version 4.1.1


    I have a tabular presentation that has a display column in the first field, the date field, and then a selection list.

    When the user clicks the button add_row, is it possible to have the focus of cursor by default on the selection list or at least the date field?

    I tried a few suggestions listed in this forum, as the addition of it to add line javascript

    $('select:enabled:visible:last').focus ();

    and a little more. but they do not work.

    Any suggestions please? or this is not possible?

    Thank you

    ECHR wrote:
    Hi Ryan,

    If you know what the column number has the selection list, you can use this snippet of javascript after the AddRow:
    Assume that the selection list is the 3rd column


    It won't work, if f03 is a selection list that the selector must be

  • The view table selection error external references

    Can someone explain why the error near the bottom of the code below? If USER1 grants SELECT on the external table to User2, then USER2 can select the view without any problem; However, I would like to avoid to give User2 access to all the columns in the external table. (I mean only to give USER2 access to two of the four columns).
    Connected as SYS@ as sysdba
    User created.
    User created.
    Grant complete.
    Grant complete.
    Grant complete.
    SQL> CONNECT user1/user1
    Connected as USER1@ 
    SQL> CREATE TABLE emp_xt
      emp_id     NUMBER,
      first_name VARCHAR2(30),
      last_name  VARCHAR2(30),
      phone      VARCHAR2(15)
        OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"'            
      LOCATION ('emp.txt')
    Table created.
    SQL> SELECT COUNT(1) FROM emp_xt
    1 row selected.
    SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW emp_xt_view AS SELECT first_name, last_name FROM emp_xt;
    View created.
    SQL> SELECT COUNT(1) FROM emp_xt_view
    1 row selected.
    SQL> GRANT SELECT ON emp_xt_view TO user2
    Grant complete.
    SQL> CONNECT user2/user2
    Connected as USER2@ 
    SQL> SELECT COUNT(1) from user1.emp_xt_view
    SELECT COUNT(1) from user1.emp_xt_view
    Error at line 0
    ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout
    ORA-29400: data cartridge error
    ORA-04043: object "USER1"."EMP_XT" does not exist
    SQL> CONNECT user1/user1
    Connected as USER1@ 
    SQL> GRANT SELECT ON user1.emp_xt TO user2
    Grant complete.
    SQL> CONNECT user2/user2
    Connected as USER2@ 
    SQL> SELECT COUNT(1) from user1.emp_xt_view
    1 row selected.

    user503699 wrote:

    Sven wrote:
    You have an interesting point for the current user AUTHID. What would be the consequences for that?

    Published by: Sven w. on August 11, 2010 16:45

    I'm not quite familiar with the feature of the data cartridge, nor used TYPEs a lot. But as the external tables use a type defined by the system (ORACLE_LOADER), I think a SQL against an external table called the underlying type procedure/function, and it is where the user rights come into picture.

    This seems very likely. I'm just thinking if there is a way around the problem. An idea might be to select on the view with User1 instead of user2. Perhaps via a loopback database link.

    Complete shot in the dark:

    not tested syntax

    /* do this as user1!  */
    create database link myDb connect to user1 identified by user1 using 'myDB';
    create view testLink_view as select * from externalTable_view@myDB;
    grant select on testLink_view to user2;

    I do not know if you need create the link to the db, since these often telesignalisations are already in place.

  • Cannot select the Dictionary view user USER_TAB_COMMENT?


    I have this weird problem in

    I cannot select the view of the USER_TAB_COMMENT of a user dictionary, but others can.
    If I try to describe it, I get ORA-00942 and ORA-04043 messages.

    Here is my attempt. I create a comment on a table, try desc or select the view from the dictionary. Then connect with SYS and select the comment in the view "dba" to check if the comment was created:
    SQL> conn RODOLFO
    Introduzca la contraseña:
    SQL> show user
    SQL> comment on table DOCUMENTILLOS is 'This is a comment';
    Comentario creado.
    SQL> select table_name, comments from user_tab_comments;
    select table_name, comments from user_tab_comments
    ERROR en línea 1:
    ORA-00942: la tabla o vista no existe
    SQL> desc user_tab_comments;
    ORA-04043: el objeto "SYS"."DBA_TAB_COMMENTS" no existe
    SQL> desc all_tab_comments;
    ORA-04043: el objeto "SYS"."DBA_TAB_COMMENTS" no existe
    SQL> conn / as sysdba
    SQL> show user
    USER es "SYS"
    SQL> select owner, table_name, comments from dba_tab_comments
      2  where owner = 'RODOLFO' and table_name = 'DOCUMENTILLOS'
      3  ;
    OWNER                          TABLE_NAME
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------
    RODOLFO                       DOCUMENTILLOS
    This is a comment
    Other users, I don't have this problem
    SQL> conn MANOLO
    Introduzca la contraseña:
    SQL> show user
    USER es "MANOLO"
    SQL> comment on table DOCS is 'This is a comment';
    Comentario creado.
    SQL> select table_name, comments from user_tab_comments where table_name = 'DOCS';
    This is a comment
    Clues why this is happening?

    Kind regards.

    elvegaa_esp wrote:
    What do you think?

    OK, the question is in the place where he is not pointing?

    Oh, it looks that it points to dba_tab_comments. Since your original post:

    desc user_tab_comments;
    ORA-04043: el objeto "SYS"."DBA_TAB_COMMENTS" no existe

    Who do not have the right of Rodolfo.

    Thus, final to get rid of him.

    And a good thing that you do not 'go to your DBA"as suggested. It was just to choose the wrong solution to an unknown problem.


    Published by: Peter on March 11, 2013 08:49

  • SELECT the list of the table...?

    How to select the (view) on the list of all tables in the database, please?
    I forgot this command and you will not find anywhere? He drives me crazy... ((
    It was something like "SELECT (table names) of user tables.
    I work in SQL * more

    Thank you
    SELECT table_name
      FROM user_tables

    This will show you all the tables that has the current user. You can also query the DBA_TABLES or ALL_TABLES if you want to see all the tables you have access to or all tables in the database.


  • Error ORA-01031 insufficient privilege when selecting a view

    OK, I think it's maybe a stupid question, but I can't understand it:

    The user John won the right to SELECT (directly, not by a database role) to the FRED.table1 schema.
    John user can issue select * from FRED.table1; and it works very well.

    User John then got the right to SELECT (directly, without going through a database role) to the schema

    MARK.view1 selects only FRED.table1. No other table is in the View1.
    Schema MARK questionable views successfully. SELECT * FROM View1 returns results.
    I also checked the MARK scheme to ensure that she got the select on FRED.table1 directly that he has.

    Now, when you're logged in schema John, I try SELECT * to SCORE. VIEW1; and I get error ORA-01031 insufficient privileges.

    I don't know how to solve this. If John is granted SELECT a TABLE, it works of course but I don't want John to have this powerful private.

    As a reminder, SELECT these two brands a John. View1 and the table View1 selects from (FRED. (TABLE 1).
    John can select FRED. Table1: no problem but does not receive a privilege error even if John has SELECT on the BRAND. VIEW1.

    Any thoughts?

    Oh, Oracle EA

    JSebastian wrote:
    OK, I think it's maybe a stupid question, but I can't understand it:

    The user John won the right to SELECT (directly, not by a database role) to the FRED.table1 schema.
    John user can issue select * from FRED.table1; and it works very well.

    User John then got the right to SELECT (directly, without going through a database role) to the schema

    MARK.view1 selects only FRED.table1. No other table is in the View1.
    Schema MARK questionable views successfully. SELECT * FROM View1 returns results.
    I also checked the MARK scheme to ensure that she got the select on FRED.table1 directly that he has.

    Now, when you're logged in schema John, I try SELECT * to SCORE. VIEW1; and I get error ORA-01031 insufficient privileges.

    I don't know how to solve this. If John is granted SELECT a TABLE, it works of course but I don't want John to have this powerful private.

    As a reminder, SELECT these two brands a John. View1 and the table View1 selects from (FRED. (TABLE 1).
    John can select FRED. Table1: no problem but does not receive a privilege error even if John has SELECT on the BRAND. VIEW1.

    Any thoughts?

    Oh, Oracle EA

    Are you sure that John was granted select on Mark.view1? In order for that to work, Mark would have had to select on the WITH GRANT OPTION Fred.table1... otherwise the grant to fail and then John would not be able to select the view because the grant was never issued successfully.

    Here is a basic test case (which I think is consistent with what you said) to make it work.

    drop user u1 cascade;
    drop user u2 cascade;
    drop user u3 cascade;
    create user u1 identified by u1;
    grant connect, resource to u1; 
    create user u2 identified by u2;
    grant connect, resource, create view to u2;
    create user u3 identified by u3;
    grant connect, resource to u3;
    connect u1/u1@orcl
    create table test1 (col1 number);
    grant select on test1 to u2 with grant option; --> this is the important part
    grant select on test1 to u3;
    connect u2/u2@orcl
    create view test2 as select * from u1.test1;
    grant select on test2 to u3;
    connect u3/u3@orcl
    select * from u2.test2;
  • How to select the next item in a table view?

    I want to select the next item, but I have no idea about it? have you any suggestions?
    for example:
    the second element is currently selected, I need to select the third in my code, how can I implement this feature?
    private IntegerProperty index = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
        public final double getIndex() {
            return index.get();
        public final void setIndex(Integer value) {
        public IntegerProperty indexProperty() {
            return index;

    Get the selected item:

    table.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener() {
                public void changed(ObservableValue observable, Object oldvalue, Object newValue) {
                    Person selectedPerson = (Person) newValue;

    Select the following index:

    table.getSelectionModel().select(index.get() +1  );
  • View and edit the currently selected line of ADF Table in the form of ADF

    I have an ADF Table read-only and the shape of the ADF, which were created from the same data control.
    I need to be able to edit the selected table in the form line (as in the 'Controls data binding to your JSF page' part of 'Development of RIA Web Applications with Oracle ADF' tutorial). However, I can't figure out how to make :(

    I found the following solution on the Web: #{bindings. DeptView1.currentRow.dataProvider.dname} - but it does not, since "the oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl class does not have the dataProvider.

    Sorry for the newbie question.
    Thanks in advance for any help!


    As far as I KNOW, the dataProvider only is not supported on ADF BC, where the error.

    If you have created the table on my own reading of the ADF and the form of the same data control simply refresh the form based on the table selection is displayed recording selected, for which this just add partialTriggers property to the panelFormLayout and set its value to the id of table

    Jean Lou

  • Y at - it a table that lists the views created


    I created a view using CREATE or REPLACE, but I forgot to check first if the view name already exists. Since I used the option to replace, if it was be a existing view with the same name, it is automatically replaced by my point of view.

    I want to assure you that I have doesn't replace an existing view. Is there a table that contains a list of all the views created?

    Thank you.

    Select * from user_views OF TIMESTAMP (sysdate-1/24) where view_name = 'MY_VIEW '.

    -to see if a view of that name existed there is 1 hour.  If that were the case, then your REPLACE or ovewritten who discovers.

    Similarly, you can ask about user_objects

    Hemant K Collette

  • Inside af AF:selectOneChoice: table sometimes does not display the appropriate values, based on the results of the query of the view object


    I use jdev 12.1.2.

    I have a few components of af: selectOneChoice that is contained in an af:table element.  The table is extracting lines from database and display data.  Now here's the weird part: sometimes the component of selectOneChoice will have the correct value selected, and other times it will be just left unchecked.  I can verify that the data in the object view lines are indeed correct after I request them.  The LOV for soc components are properly set up (some are configured as static list display objects and some are set up as model driven lists based on display objects).  I have just completely puzzled me as to why they work sometimes and then not work at times even though I am following the exact same steps to reach that point in my application.  Someone at - he never meets this problem before?

    Thanks for reading.

    Problem solved!

    For anyone having this problem in the future: do not try to do a partial trigger on a table that is not in the visible panelTab.  The problem is that when my view criteria applying, I was refreshing the TWO tables.  This caused that was not visible to lose the selectOneChoice selection, while the other table was very good.  Remove the partial relaxation for the table that was not visible caused the data to be maintained properly during the exchange between the tabs and change the view criteria.  Thanks for the help again Ashish, stumbled on the real root of the problem, after following some of your suggestions.

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