Slog2 logfile send

Hello together,

I am currently facing a bug, which can be found in the production, I wanted to add the ability to send the log file of the application for me. I did the following:

Button {
            text: qsTr("Logfile an Entwickler senden")
            onClicked: {
                console.log("logfilepath = " + _ApplicationUI.getLogfile());
                emailInvocation.query.uri = "mailto:[email protected][email protected]&subject=ceAuToApp%20Logdatei&attachment=file:///" + _ApplicationUI.getLogfile();
            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center

Invocation {
            id: emailInvocation
            query.mimeType: "message/rfc822"
            query.invokeTargetId: ""
            query.invokeActionId: "bb.action.SENDEMAIL"
            onArmed: {

The code for c ++ is the following:

QString ApplicationUI::getLogfile()
    QString filePath = QDir::current().absoluteFilePath("logs/");

    FILE *file = fopen(filePath.toStdString().c_str(), "w");
    return filePath;

I get the error from the linker:

qcc -Vgcc_ntox86 -c -Wc,-include -Wc,o-g/.obj/ceAuToApp -Wno-psabi -lang-c++ -fstack-protector -fstack-protector-all -g -Wno-psabi -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_IMPORT_QT47_QML -DQ_OS_BLACKBERRY -DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG -DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB -DQT_XML_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/blackberry-x86-qcc -I../../ceAuToApp -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include/qt4/QtXml -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include/qt4 -ID:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include/qt4/QtSql -Io-g/.moc -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include/freetype2 -I. -o o-g/.obj/moc_qtsoap.o o-g/.moc/moc_qtsoap.cpp
qcc -Vgcc_ntox86 -c -Wc,-include -Wc,o-g/.obj/ceAuToApp -Wno-psabi -lang-c++ -fstack-protector -fstack-protector-all -g -Wno-psabi -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_IMPORT_QT47_QML -DQ_OS_BLACKBERRY -DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG -DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB -DQT_XML_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/blackberry-x86-qcc -I../../ceAuToApp -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include/qt4/QtXml -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include/qt4 -ID:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include/qt4/QtSql -Io-g/.moc -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include -Id:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/usr/include/freetype2 -I. -o o-g/.obj/moc_AppSettings.o o-g/.moc/moc_AppSettings.cpp
qcc -Vgcc_ntox86 -lang-c++ -Wl,-rpath-link,D:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/x86/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,D:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/x86/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,D:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/x86/usr/lib/qt4/lib -o o-g/ceAuToApp o-g/.obj/applicationui.o o-g/.obj/Address.o o-g/.obj/Execution.o o-g/.obj/Order.o o-g/.obj/VehicleItem.o o-g/.obj/OrderManager.o o-g/.obj/qtsoap.o o-g/.obj/main.o o-g/.obj/AppSettings.o o-g/.obj/moc_applicationui.o o-g/.obj/moc_Address.o o-g/.obj/moc_Execution.o o-g/.obj/moc_Order.o o-g/.obj/moc_VehicleItem.o o-g/.obj/moc_OrderManager.o o-g/.obj/moc_qtsoap.o o-g/.obj/moc_AppSettings.o    -LD:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/x86/lib -LD:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/x86/usr/lib -LD:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/x86/usr/lib/qt4/lib -LD:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6//usr/lib/qt4/lib -lbbdata -lbbsystem -lbbcascades -lQtDeclarative -lQtScript -lQtSvg -lQtSql -lsqlite3 -lz -lQtXmlPatterns -lQtGui -lQtNetwork -lsocket -lQtXml -lQtCore -lm -lbps
D:\bbndk\host_10_2_0_15\win32\x86\usr\bin\ntox86-ld: o-g/.obj/applicationui.o: undefined reference to symbol 'slog2_dump_logs_to_file'
D:\bbndk\host_10_2_0_15\win32\x86\usr\bin\ntox86-ld: note: 'slog2_dump_logs_to_file' is defined in DSO D:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/x86/lib/ so try adding it to the linker command line
D:/bbndk/target_10_2_0_1155/qnx6/x86/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
cc: D:/bbndk/host_10_2_0_15/win32/x86/usr/bin/ntox86-ld caught signal 1
make[2]: *** [o-g/ceAuToApp] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `D:/MomenticsWorkspaces/ceAuTo/src/ceAuToApp/x86'
make[1]: *** [debug] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `D:/MomenticsWorkspaces/ceAuTo/src/ceAuToApp/x86'
make: *** [Simulator-Debug] Error 2

What Miss me? Thanks for your help .

Well, I already had the more things myself, but now I am facing a strange problem:

void ApplicationUI::sendLogfile()
    InvokeRequest request;
    QVariantMap data;
    data["to"] = (QVariantList() << "[email protected]" << "[email protected]");
    data["subject"] = "ceAuToApp Logdatei";
    QString fileName = QString("log.txt.%1").arg(QDate::currentDate().toString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
    QString filePath = QString("logs/%1").arg(fileName);
    //QString logpath = "/accounts/1000/shared/downloads/listen.pls";
    QString logpath = "logs/log.txt";
    QString logpathEncoded = QString(QUrl("/accounts/1000/appdata/de.carexpert.ceAuToApp.testDev_t_ceAuToApp72c58f33/tmp/log.txt").toEncoded());
    data["attachment"] = (QVariantList() << logpathEncoded);
    QVariantMap moreData;
    moreData["data"] = data;
    bool ok;
    request.setData(bb::PpsObject::encode(moreData, &ok));
    InvokeManager manager(this);

The above method works using a path like "/ accounts/1000/shared/downloads/listen.pls" (the file exists, I downloaded it myself), but refuses to join the file when I use the path "/ log/log.txt". Any ideas, why does not work? I also tried the full path, copied what he tmp, this also does not work. I'm really confused. Thanks for your help .

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Thank you!

    I would add to what Nate said above in this Hypergammas are rather flat and are rank very well, but not quite all of the sensor. The middle range in the Hypergammas is still quite linear and close standard gamma. So, the correction tools normal ranking or color found in most applications to edit will be able to manipulate the images very well. Images recorded using a curve of saturated paper can be difficult to quality with tools designed for standard gamma, you adjust the medians and highlights blow very quickly. Log is the best ranked either with dedicated journal ranking tools, normally a dedicated ranking package that has newspaper corrections. Or you need send off first images you can use the normal linear correction.

    So if your not to go to a dedicated leaderboard following then Hypergammas can give a better final result. If however you plan on a full step with appropriate classification tools in your workflow job ranking journal gives then the greater flexibility without the expense of raw usage data.

  • Problem sending Mails with attachment binary BlackBerry 4.5


    my code well testet, sending binary content as an attachment no longer works on 4.5.0:


    settings specified in the signature of mtehod
    String url = "blackberry20@test";
    Byte [] requestdata / /... of the binary data (really!)

    create new message
    final Message message = New Message();

    define the recipient (as it appears in the url)
    message.addRecipients (Message.RecipientType.TO,
    new address [] {new address (url, url)});
    String msgID = (DeviceInfo.getDeviceId () + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis ()) .toUpperCase ();
    message.setSubject (msgID);

    create the body... empty text
    Several multipart part = new Multipart();
    TextBodyPart txtBody = new TextBodyPart (multipart);
    multipart.addBodyPart (txtBody);

    create attachments and add
    AttachmentPart SupportedAttachmentPart = new SupportedAttachmentPart (multipart);
    attachmentPart.setFilename (msgID);
    attachmentPart.setContent (requestData);

    multipart.addBodyPart (attachmentPart);
    message.setContent (multipart);

    Send mail in own thread
    Thread thread = new Thread ('Send Mail Thread') {}

    public void run() {}
    try {}
    Transport.Send (message);
    } catch (Throwable e) {}
    System.Err.println ("error sending message" + e.getClass () .getName () + "/" + e.getMessage ());
    thread. Start();


    This code has been compiled with JDE 4.0 and worked fine on 4.0, 4.1, 4.2

    It works on my _not_ shrimp (BES 4.1.4) and on a "BOLD" customer (4.6.0.X/BES > = 4.1.4)

    It seems to be an attachment API on 4.5.0, of the major changes that are not compatible with older versions.

    -Are there workarounds?
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    -Are there serious documentation out there how to set the ContentType, Filename, etc.?

    Would be great if some have had a (customers get angry response

    Thanx, Jens Kinzel

    Hello Mark,

    I tried the example excatly you mentioned: If the content was about 60Bytes.

    The following code does NOT work on > = 4.5:
    public static sendHTMLMailRIMExample (String address) Sub throws {MessagingException}

    create a multipart
    Multipart MP = new Multipart();

    data for the content of the file
    FileData = string"just a simple test";
    String messageData = "Mail attachment Demo";

    create the file
    SAP SupportedAttachmentPart = new SupportedAttachmentPart (mp, "text/html", "upploadare", fileData.getBytes ());

    The PTB TextBodyPart = new TextBodyPart (mp, messageData);

    Add the file to the multipart
    mp.addBodyPart (BSC);
    mp.addBodyPart (sap);

    create a message in the sent items folder
    Folder folders [] is Session.getDefaultInstance () .getStore () .list (Folder.SENT);.

    Message message = new Message(folders[0]);

    Add recipients to the message and send it

    Address = new address (address, address);
    [ToAdds] address = new address [1];
    toAdds [0] = n;
    message.addRecipients (Message.RecipientType.TO, toAdds);
    message.setContent (mp);

    Transport.Send (message);

    I found that the problem is a combination of Firmware and BES. Here are the relevant areas of the BES-Logfile:

    Example 1: Mail is rejected
    [40000] (12/17 13:58:31.943): {0x14C8} [BENNETT] received datagram, Tag = 64192
    [40700] (12/17 13:58:31.943): {0 x 1534} {[email protected]} received device package, size is 199, TransactionId = 1152541538, Tag = 64192, content type = CMIME, cmd = 0 x 3
    [20212] (12/17 13:58:31.943): {0 x 1534} {[email protected]} StreamToMessage() failed, Tag = 64192
    [40275] (12/17 13:58:31.943): {0 x 1534} {[email protected]} error in transaction of sending to the device for the transaction 1152541538, size = 40, TransactionId = 920681772, Tag = 140390
    [40279] (12/17 13:58:31.943): {0 x 1534} {[email protected]} SubmitToRelaySendQ, Tag = 140390
    [40000] (12/17 13:58:31.943): {0x14D0} [BENNETT] send data, Tag = 140390
    [40279] (12/17 13:58:31.943): {0 x 1534} {[email protected]} SubmitToRelaySendQ, Tag = 64192
    [40000] (12/17 13:58:31.943): {0x14D0} [BENNETT] send status DATA_ACCEPTED, Tag = 64192
    [40000] (12/17 13:58:32.896): {0x14C8} [BENNETT] received State DELIVERED, Tag = 140390

    [30222] (12/17 13:58:31.943): {0 x 1104} {myBlackBerry} MFH: contentType = CMIME, sizeOTA = 172, sizeOTW = 162, TransactionId = 1152541538, Tag = 1705182
    [30308] (12/17 13:58:31.943): {0 x 1104} [BIPPa] {myBlackBerry} transfer data to BES Agent (S10096620_001), size = 199, intTag = 64192, Tag = 1705182
    [30311] (12/17 13:58:31.943): {0x110C} {myBlackBerry} Forwarding status of relay, intTag = 64192, Tag = 1705182, Status = 1
    [30368] (12/17 13:58:32.896): {0 x 1110} {myBlackBerry} package was delivered to the device, Tag = 233560
    [30388] (12/17 13:58:32.896): {0 x 1110} [BIPPa] {myBlackBerry} status transfer to BES Agent (S10096620_001), intTag = 140390, extTag = 233560

    [30000] (12/17 13:58:31.990): {0x5F4} EventLog::ThreadProc: received notification, treatment...
    [30000] (12/17 13:58:31.990): {0x5F4} [Alarm::ActivateAlarm] alarm Queuing: | BlackBerry messaging Agent Agent of S-05-005 1 (S-05-005 applications event log). 2008-12-17 13:58:31 (AFFF4EF4)-> {[email protected]} StreamToMessage() failed, Tag = 64192
    [30000] (12/17 13:58:31.990): {0x5C0} Alarm::ThreadProc: received an alarm message

    Example 2: The mail is sent
    [40000] (12/17 14:11:33.109): {0x14C8} [BENNETT] received datagram, Tag = 64209
    [40700] (12/17 14:11:33.109): {0 x 1540} {[email protected]} received device package, size is 243, TransactionId = 201738721, = 64209, content type Tag = CMIME, cmd = 0 x 3
    [30112] (12/17 14:11:33.125): {0 x 1540} {[email protected]} receipt message to the device, RefId = 1323541580, Tag 64209, TransactionId = 201738721 =
    [40292] (12/17 14:11:33.687): {0 x 1540} {[email protected]} E-mail message sent to device, Tag = 64209
    [40279] (12/17 14:11:33.687): {0 x 1540} {[email protected]} SubmitToRelaySendQ, Tag = 64209
    [40000] (12/17 14:11:33.687): {0x14D0} [BENNETT] send status DATA_ACCEPTED, Tag = 64209

    After fiddling around with the structure of the MIME multipart-message Types, I found a solution that works for me:

    ' Private Sub sendRequest (String url, byte [] requestData) get {MessagingException}

    create new message
    final Message message = New Message();

    define the recipient (as it appears in the url)
    message.addRecipients (Message.RecipientType.TO,
    new address [] {new address (url, url)});

    create topic: device over the current timestamp
    String msgID = ("DATA"_System.currentTimeMillis ()) .toUpperCase ();
    message.setSubject (msgID);

    create the body... a text
    Several multipart part = new Multipart();
    TextBodyPart txtBody = new TextBodyPart (multipart);
    txtBody.setContent (msgID);
    multipart.addBodyPart (txtBody);

    create attachments and add
    AttachmentPart SupportedAttachmentPart = new SupportedAttachmentPart (multipart);

    attachmentPart.setContent (requestData);
    attachmentPart.setFilename (msgID + ".xml");
    multipart.addBodyPart (attachmentPart);
    message.setContent (multipart);
    Transport.Send (message);

    Let me say thank you for your ideas a Council. From my side, the problem is closed so far-
    even though im not sure if it will work for all environments.

    I'm not shure where the initial problem was (Firmware / BES - combination?) or something else.

    Thank you

    Jens Kinzel
    LÍNEAS Informationstechnik GmbH
    D-38122 Braunschweig, Germany

  • I'm trying to send some files to an external drive but error message: device i/o error.

    I have an external drive that is used only for embroidery designs. I am trying to send a few folders on the drive but get the I/O device error message. What should I do to fix the error?

    Original title: error message: device i/o error.

    It may be a cable, a system problem or failure of the HD.  You have saved the data?

    You can test the drive by running chkdsk /f as indicated below

    A CHKDSK F: /R

    CHKDSK WARNING: while running chkdsk on the drive if bad sectors are found when chkdsk attempts to repair this sector all the data available in this area may be lost.

    Run CHKDSK/r/f of a high (run as administrator) command prompt.

    Do this for each hard drive on your system.

    When he tells you, he cannot do at the moment – and ask you if you do not want to do it at the next reset - answer Y (for Yes) and press ENTER.

    Then restart and let the test to run.

    It may take some time for him to run, but keep an occasional eye on it to see if it generates errors.

    See "CHKDSK LogFile' below to verify the test results.

    B Elevated Command Prompt:

    Click on start and type "cmd.exe" (without the quotes)

    At the top of the search box, right-click on Cmd.exe and select "Run as Administrator"

    C CHKDSK LogFile:

    Click Start and type "eventvwr.msc" (without the quotes) and press enter

    Expand the topic the Windows logs, and then select the Application log file entry.

    Double-click the Source column heading.

    Scroll down the list until you find the entrance to Chkdsk (wininit for Win7) (winlogon for XP).

    Copy / paste the results in your next post.

  • How to send the request to set the id as a parameter in the second competitor program that uses the host program.


    I created a set request of 2 concurrent programs. And when I start the game of demand, I need to spend the game id ask competitor second program as parameter. I tried adding the parameter to the second concurrent program using the sql statement and the query such as "select fnd_global.conc_priority_request from" dual But when I submit the application together, by the way-1 as a default setting.

    Can one please let me know how can I move the set request id as parameter to the second program in my game application.

    Thank you.

    Hi my requirement is to send the first programs simultaneous logfile as an attachment in the email when the second program runs. Then for the second program I use a unix script. I used REQID = $4, which will be the ongoing execution of the programs require id and I'm this passage in the following sql query:

    SELECT SUBSTR (fr.logfile_name, INSTR (fr.logfile_name, "/",-1) + 1) filename

    OF LIF, fnd_concurrent_requests en fnd_conc_req_summary_v

    WHERE frv.request_id = fr.request_id

    AND frv.program_short_name LIKE '... »

    AND frv.priority_request_id in (select priority_request_id from fnd_conc_req_summary_v

    where request_id = $REQID);

    This query will be the name of the log file and using the unix command I send you emails.

    Thank you.

  • Send an email or not, depending on the conditions

    I want to send an email from unix script in the select condition
    SPOOL TOD_error_report.csv
    count=select * from test2 where STATUS='ERROR'; 
    select * from test2 where STATUS='ERROR'; 
    I want if the count >=0 , send email message out of the select 
    send email message from
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< bat file is
    cd /home/ajax/stu_roles
    date > ~/stu_roles/log/stu_roles_bat.log
    cat ~/result/ | sqlplus [email protected] @DDT_role_report >> ~/stu_roles/log/stu_roles_bat.log
    SUBJECT="Roles Report"
    EMAIL_ADDR="[email protected]"
    cat ~/stu_roles/DDT_role_report.csv | mailx -s "$SUBJECT" "$EMAIL_ADDR"
    Edited by: Hjava on Mar 1, 2012 4:58 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


    Hjava wrote:
    Since I select it in the queue file, grep or cat the error only works on the firs time, you run the script? for example
    first day: run the script, sql select find mistake, write to the file and sends the mail.
    two day run the script, sql doesn't have not find the error, not assume email on, but the file keep track of the day before, he still send an email.

    Well, no, it won't send any day two mail, since you by

    date > $LOGFILE

    Resets the log file, that is, it is the same as deleting the journal at the beginning of the script file.

    If you want to keep logs for historical or other reasons, I suggest including a date or day-of-week-part in the file name, for example

    LOGFILE=$BASEDIR/logfile_$(date +%F).log

    that today would give you a file name of logfile_2012-03 - 02.log

    is told in passing which is a way to select a table if status = select zip 'error' sending of two table if status = "error" mail in a script?

    Well, what you will get in your log file is purely up to which selects you made in your script file. Or I misunderstood your question?


  • iBot send as a link analysis

    Hi guys,.
    Is it possible to send the analysis/dashboard as a URL in the e-mail rather than sending the report itself? I went in the options, but unable to see such an option.
    In addition, if there is a way, we can check if the iBot is hitting the cache or DB table? any logfile... coz I see not sub manage Sessions.

    Thank you!!

    user4839281 wrote:
    Hi guys,.
    Is it possible to send the analysis/dashboard as a URL in the e-mail rather than sending the report itself? I went in the options, but unable to see such an option.
    In addition, if there is a way, we can check if the iBot is hitting the cache or DB table? any logfile... coz I see not sub manage Sessions.

    Thank you!!

    Usage tracking will tell you whether a cache hit has occurred, as well as the log of queries NQ.

  • error of the oracle database to send alerts log

    Hi all

    actually I'm wondering about the status of database mail, and is the error produced in the last 24 hours in the critical mission of oracle database every day... I set up SMTP and UTL_MAIL on the server but do not know how to send alert.log error and listener.log in the last 24 hours?

    I can handle the other requirements, but it will really be difficult to mail that a few lines and error codes occurred in the last 24 hours in the alert.log there any table in the database that records all error messages written in the alert.log with description?

    I have my using RHEL5.2 ACE. so any help will be much appreciated...

    Thanks and greetings


    How can I insert the latest 24 hours of UTL_FILE data? I have that in mind to create the file and send it and there is no parameter "attr_inline" I think it shows mesga ein mail itself...

    I do not have you here.

    so, how can I insert 24 hours of data in this file?

    For this you have to use some OS commands to read the data of alertlog last 24 hours being transferred to the tempfile.

    Try to play the file using UTL_FILE and type checking 'ORA' messages and if found none and then concatenates the string to clob variable and you can use it in utl_mail.

    I use this code to read the log file of the last until the (300) limit in size. It will return the contents of the logfile from lastline.

    UTL_FILE. FSEEK (F1, flength - 300);
    I'm in reverse 0... Flength-2
    -utl_file.fseek (F1, null,-2);
    UTL_FILE.get_line (F1, Err1);
    Exp_error: = Exp_error | LRC | Err1;
    When no_data_found then
    p_Exp_error: = Exp_error;
    -output when Err1 is null;
    end loop;

    Kind regards

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    Don't hit the Send button until you are ready to send it...

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    David sends what looks like his social security number (it is not, we test all this), and the message appears on my locked iPhone.

    So if I left my phone sitting around, everyone could use Siri to do things like this for the information of anyone in my Contacts, even though I have a 6-digit code and fingerprints id put in place.

    What settings I need to change on my iPhone 6 to ensure that ever happening?

    Where they have found out about this:

    Post edited by: Phlac - add source my children found.

    Disable Siri "access on the lock screen.

    Settings > Siri

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    Thank you

    Lynnski70 wrote:

    Given that I have updated to iOS 10.0.2, I can't send photos by text message. My MMS and iMessage are both turned on. Can someone please give me a solution for this?

    Thank you

    If you cannot send or receive messages on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch - Apple Support

    If the link doesn't help you contact your telephone operator, MMS is a function of carrier.

  • IMSG hacked account, sending a lot of international text in current bill

    So yesterday my pirate apple account (connected from a unknown macbook) and I noticed someone was frantically sends many messages from my phone, images which got also sent as normal text to an international number. After noticing, I quickly changed password. Checked my mobile BT phone bill, and he had already executed a bill for all these messages sent to international numbers. The appeal of BT until you see what they can do and they just said, you will have to pay for the Bill and that was that.

    What to do about this? my password was normally good security level and don't even know how he hacked. How would stop it doesn't happen because it looks just like any time I could just be landed with a massive Bill. Fortunately, I noticed pretty quickly this time, so the Bill does not accumulate to something that would be unfeasible. But with the telephone companies want to help at all, it seems extremely unfair!

    Try to use the two-step verification!

    Details here for Apple ID - Apple Support two-step verification

  • Mail - can not send attachments


    I recently bought a MacBook Pro (mid-2015).  I used the Migration Assistant to migrate files to my MBP (mid-2010) and had no problems.  I found on my MBP, I can't send messages with attachments.  When I try to send a message, I get the following popup, "this message contains attachments that are still loading.  Please wait for the accessory complete and try again. "The attachment that I tried to send was about 570K in size, not very big.  I even let sit all night and when I tried to send the message the next day, I received the same message.  I noticed that when this happens, I have to kill Mail to get out the message.  Whenever I try to close the message or save it in the project, I got the same popup.  Which is weird, I can send the same message with an attachment from my old MBP.  These two MBP running Sierra.  I have checked the Interwebs and ran across an article talking about the Mail option rebuild.  I ran it without change in my number.  I also removed the email account and re added without success.  I have Setup email for Gmail and Comcast.


    I ended up contact the Apple Support and after reset memory and several reboots, my problem with attachments is solved.


    So I download an app from Wal-Mart, and I have not anything bought on iTunes in a while, if I have $17.07 to credit. I noticed a "pending" charge of $1.00 and think someone's trying to see if the account will accept the charge pending in order to come back and 'buy' something bigger. So, I call Discover and report any suspicious activity, and cancel us the credit card! I then called the phone number on the charge waiting to see if iTune can tell me who are the load, only to get a recording to go to the web site.  What I did.  Nothing on the web site indicates that Apple will send you from time to time pending charge to CHECK a credit card that has not been used! I got Apple Support call me and they told me it! WHY IS THERE NO EMAIL SENT TO THE ADDRESS ON FILE TO EXPLAIN THAT?

    It's normal...  Apple places hold a $1 authorization, but you will be refunded within two to three business days.

    Any payment holds card authorization in the iTunes Store - Apple Support

    I noticed a "pending" charge of $1.00 and think someone's trying to see if the account will accept the charge pending in order to come back and 'buy' something bigger.

    It is simply a waiting for permission. Nothing more.

  • Send to compressor: how to choose the camera


    I apologize if this is a really stupid question, I'm quite new to Motion 5.

    If I am not mistaken, with send to compressor, using the multi-passages option, and other compressor optimized parameters will result in the export of better quality, if this is true, it's the method that I would use for my final exports.  (If I'm wrong, please correct me and let me know which will give the best final ProRes 4444 60 fps 1080 p export - I then import them using FCPX and do a little cut etc, then exporting to h.264 final 60 fps 1080 p).

    Anyway, to my question, how choose them which camera I want to export?

    I choose 'Export using compressor settings,' and then I give myself the opportunity to choose which camera, but I no longer like the options of compressor, where I can choose to use multi-pass and all other settings.

    I tried selecting the camera that I want to export, and then "Send to compressor", but that does not work, it does not use the camera, I chose.  I have a total of eight cameras, so to choose which device I export is quite important for this odd project.

    The answer could be made obvious, once again, I apologize if this is a really stupid question.

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

    (Motion 5, compressor 4, El Capitan)

    If you use 'Export using compressor settings' this essentially load presets created in compressor without going into the application, so it has minimal options for adjustment.  What you want to do, you should be able to create a preset in compressor with the settings you need.  Then moving when you use "Compressor to help export settings" select your preset and in the Render tab, there is the section of 3D rendering, you can select the camera you want to copy.  By default, it should be 'Active Caméra', but you can select your other cameras as well.

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    OK, switch the connection to the local network to your wireless network. First: restart the computer, then turn on the Flash ("C:\Program Files\Toshiba\FlashCards\TCrdMain.exe") cards, at this point your Fn + F8 should work to check and turn on WIFI.

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