SQL query takes too long to run (1 h 25 min)... pls help how to set up the query.


Could someone please help how to tune the query as its takes a long time to retrieve the results.














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Sum (rate18)

Sum (rate19),

Sum (rate20)


Table 1 - 13, 25, 99, 400 records

Table2 - 13, 45, 1000 records

Table 3 - 4, 50, 000 records

Table 4 - 1,00,000 records

table5 - 30 000 records

where tabl1.col1 = table2.col2,

Table1.Col1 = table3.col1.

table2.col2 = table3.col2...


Sum (volume1),

Sum (volume2),

Sum (volume3),

Sum (volume4),

Sum (volume5),

Sum (volume6),

Sum (volume7),

Sum (volume8),

Sum (volume9),

Sum (volume10),

Sum (volume11),

Sum (volume12),

Sum (volume13),

Sum (volume14),

Sum (volume15),

Sum (volume16),

Sum (volume17),

Sum (Volume18),

Sum (volume19),

Sum (volume20),

Sum (rate1),

Sum (rate2),

Sum (rate3),

Sum (rate4),

Sum (rate5),

Sum (rate6),

Sum (rate7),

Sum (rate8),

Sum (rate9),

Sum (rate10),

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Sum (rate15),

Sum (rate16),

Sum (rate17),

Sum (rate18)

Sum (rate19),

Sum (rate20)

Thank you


> Could someone please help how to tune the query as its takes a long time to retrieve the results.

The query you posted is obviously fake.

If you ask to give us a request that you do not post and we cannot see.

For real?

Tags: Database

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    I am trying to run this update statement. But its takes too long to run.
        UPDATE ops_forecast_extract b SET position_id = (SELECT a.row_id
            FROM s_postn a
            WHERE UPPER(a.desc_text) = UPPER(TRIM(B.POSITION_NAME)))
            WHERE position_level = 7
            AND b.am_id IS NULL;
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    Thank you

    polasa wrote:
    Hi all

    I am trying to run this update statement. But its takes too long to run.

    What could be the reason for the update statement to run so long?

    You did not say what means "too long", but a simple and good reason might be that the scalar subquery on "s_postn" using a full table for each run scan. Potentially this subquery is executed for each row of the table "ops_forecast_extract" that satisfies your filter predicates. 'Potentially' due to "filter/subquery optimization" cunning of the Oracle execution engine that tries to cache results of already executed of instances of subquery. Given that the in-memory hash table that contains these cached results is limited in size, the optimization algorithm depends on the sort order of data and could suffer collisions of hash that it is unpredictable, how this optimization works in your particular case.

    You can view the execution plan, it should at least tell you how Oracle will run the scalar subquery (that tell you nothing about this "filter/subquery optimization" feature).

    Follow the generic guidelines how to generate a useful plan explain output and how to post here:

    Could please post a correctly formatted explain you plan output using DBMS_XPLAN. SCREEN, including the 'Predicate information' section below the plan to provide more details about your statement. Please use the noformat} [{noformat} code {noformat}] {noformat} before tag and {noformat} [{noformat} / code {noformat}] {noformat} tag or after the noformat} {{noformat} code {noformat}} {noformat} tag before and after to improve the readability of the outing:

    In SQL * more:


    Note that the DBMS_XPLAN package. DISPLAY is only available from 9i on.

    In 9i and above, if "Predicate information" section is missing from the DBMS_XPLAN. Output display, but you get the message "Plan table is old version" instead, you must recreate your plan table using the script server '$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlxplan.sql '.

    In previous versions, you can run the following in SQL * Plus (on the server) instead:


    A different approach in SQL * more:


    also displays the execution plan.

    In order to get a better understanding where your statement passes the time, you might want to turn on SQL tracing as described here:

    When your query takes too long...

    and after the "tkprof' out here, too.

    Kind regards

    Oracle related blog stuff:

    SQLTools ++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):
    http://www.sqltools-plusplus.org:7676 /.

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    We have a query that works well in our development environment and take about 15 seconds to run the query. When we run the same query with the same parameters in a recently cloned instance, the query takes 1200 dry run.
    Please help us on this issue.

    Thank you

    Thanks for any response.
    We have solved the problem by using indicators of index.

    Thanks for the update!

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    How can you know which application takes too long to run in a database? and most of the resources consumption?

    user3636719 wrote:
    How can you know which application takes too long to run in a database? and most of the resources consumption?

    Try to use the following text:

    V $ sql
    ORDER BY DESC elapsed_time)

    Also, try the v$ session_longops querying:

    Select * from)
    Select the target, sofar, less, totalwork.
    units, elapsed_seconds, message
    from v$ session_longops by start_time desc)
    where rownum<>

    Kind regards
    Rizwan Wangde
    SR Oracle DBA.

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    The following query takes too long to run and not give the result. As I've tried a few tricks SQL Oracle but it forces developed.
    distinct B.TABLE_NAME, 'Y' 
        OR B.STATUS = 'INVALID';
    Please guide me what to do? to run this query in a fast paced mode...

    Thanks in advance...

    Your query is incorrect. It returns all tables if A.STATUS = "UNUSABLE" or B.STATUS = "INVALID". Most likely, you meant:

    distinct B.TABLE_NAME, 'Y'
        OR B.STATUS = 'INVALID');

    But the above will return sous-partitionnee tables not valid/no usable index. He ain't no non-sous-partitioned tables partitioned index/index not valid/not usable with same partitions in the form of tables not partitioned with valid/no unusable indexes. If you want to get any table with indexes not valid/not usable, you outer join that's going to hurt even more performance. I suggest you use the UNION:

      FROM  (
             UNION ALL
             UNION ALL
            ) A,
            USER_INDEXES B


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    Thank you!


    You can create a profile... and limit...

    CPU_PER_CALL 3000 (about 30 seconds)

    ALTER USER myuser PROFILE prof_low;

    Joao Oliveira

  • Executed scripts takes too long


    I hope for more help with improvement / reducing the amount of time required to get a script to run. I have provided the following script to our CMDB group but they say it take too long to run (full day).

    I already use the get-view option to extract the details. Maybe someone can advise how they would improve this script. For the record, we have 2000 + vm in our environment.

    Script is attached.

    Any help is very appreciated.

    Hello, VM_.

    Well, nobody likes a slow script, that's for sure.  And a script of the day?  Double boo to that.

    I had a quick glance, and there were some spots of improvement.  I have them made here:

    Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
    function Get-VMSerial {  ## rewrote to take UUID; already being gotten in properties below  # param([VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineImpl]$VirtualMachine)  # $s = ($VirtualMachine.ExtensionData.Config.Uuid).Replace("-", "")  param([string]$Uuid)  $s = $Uuid.Replace("-", "")  $Uuid = "VMware-"  for ($i = 0; $i -lt $s.Length; $i += 2)  {    $Uuid += ("{0:x2}" -f [byte]("0x" + $s.Substring($i, 2)))    if ($Uuid.Length -eq 30) { $Uuid += "-" } else { $Uuid += " " }  }
      return $Uuid.TrimEnd()}
    # Connect to vcenterConnect-VIServer vcenter
    #Gathering VM settingsWrite-Verbose -Verbose "Gathering VM statistics"$VMReport = @()$Count = 0
    ## no need to use Get-VM#Get-VM | % {## moved outside of the Foreach-Object scriptblock, so this Get-View only gets called once, not 2000+ times (not once per VM, just once at all)$filter = @{"Config.Template"="false"}Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Filter $filter -Property Name,Guest.HostName,summary.config.numcpu,summary.config.memorysizemb,summary.config.numEthernetCards,Summary.Config.NumVirtualDisks,Config.Uuid,Parent,Guest.GuestFamily,config.tools.toolsversion,guest.toolsstatus,config.Version,Config.ChangeTrackingEnabled,Datastore,AvailableField,Value | %{    ## $vm is the View of the current VM    $vm = $_    ## not used -- removed it    # $CustomDetails = Get-VM $_ | Select -ExpandProperty customfields    ## rewrote to use Get-View or UpdateViewData()    # $LunTierStringArray = Get-VM $_ | Get-Datastore    $LunTierStringArray = Get-View -Property Name -Id $vm.Datastore    $LunTierString = $LunTierStringArray.Name -split "_"    $vms = "" | Select-Object VMName, Cluster, DnsName, TotalCPU, TotalMemory, TotalNics, Disks, DiskTier, SDF, UUID, Folder, OS, ToolsVersion, ToolsStatus, HardwareVersion, CBT, Serial    $vms.VMName = $vm.Name    ## rewrote to use UpdateViewData()    # $vms.Cluster = $(Get-vm $_ | Get-cluster).Name    $vms.Cluster = &{$vm.UpdateViewData("Runtime.Host.Parent.Name"); $vm.Runtime.LinkedView.Host.LinkedView.Parent.Name}    $vms.DnsName = $vm.Guest.HostName    $vms.TotalCPU = $vm.summary.config.numcpu    $vms.TotalMemory = $vm.summary.config.memorysizemb    $vms.TotalNics = $vm.summary.config.numEthernetCards    $vms.Disks = $vm.Summary.Config.NumVirtualDisks    $vms.DiskTier = $LunTierString[0]    ## getting this in some other way, from the    # $vms.SDF = ($_ | Get-Annotation -CustomAttribute 'School/Division/Faculty').Value    $vms.SDF = & {$intCustomAttributeKey = ($vm.AvailableField | ?{$_.Name -eq "School/Division/Faculty"}).Key; ($vm.Value | ?{$_.Key -eq $intCustomAttributeKey}).Value}    $vms.UUID = $vm.Config.Uuid    ## add -Property Name, though, with " | Out-Null", does this even work?    # $current = Get-View $vm.Parent | Out-Null    $current = Get-View $vm.Parent -Property Name,Parent -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue    $path = $vm.Name    do {         $parent = $current         if($parent.Name -ne "vm"){$path =  $parent.Name + "\" + $path}         ## add -Property Name, though, with " | Out-Null", does this even work?         $current = if ($null -ne $current.Parent) {Get-View $current.Parent -Property Name,Parent -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue}    } while ($current.Parent -ne $null)    $vms.Folder = $path    $vms.OS = $vm.Guest.GuestFamily    $vms.ToolsVersion = $vm.config.tools.toolsversion    $vms.ToolsStatus = $vm.guest.toolsstatus    $vms.HardwareVersion = $vm.config.Version    $vms.CBT = $vm.Config.ChangeTrackingEnabled    $vms.Serial = Get-VMSerial -Uuid $vm.Config.Uuid    $VMReport += $vms    $Count++    ## added Write-Verbose so that the pipeline does not get polluted with strings (for the day that this code is returning objects for further manipulation down the pipeline, instead of going straight to CSV)  Write-Verbose -Verbose $Count}#Output$VMReport | Export-Csv vcenter_vm_report.csv_tmp -NoTypeInformation -UseCultureCopy-Item vcenter_vm_report.csv_tmp vcenter_vm_report.csv

    I commented on the changes I made (and why) and commented on by the code I replaced.  Give a run and see if it is not faster for you / your CMDB crew.

    Message has been edited by Matt Boren on February 24, 2015: correction of the piece that gets the path of the inventory of the VM (were able only to return a parent level previously) minor

  • query takes too long


    The following query takes too long (more than 30 minutes), work with 11g.
    The table has three columns RID, ida, geometry and index has been created on all of the columns.
    The table has about 5,40,000 documents of point geometries.

    Please help me with your suggestions. I want to select the geometry in double point where ida = STRING.

    SQL > select a.rid, b.rid from totalrecords, totalrecords b where a.ida = 'CORD' and b.idat = 'CORD' and
    sdo_equal (a.geometry, b.geometry) = 'TRUE' and a.rid! = b.rid order of 1,2;



    Just glad it helped, don't forget to award points ;-).

    The SDO_JOIN will use the spatial index for a spatial comparison.
    First of all, it will use the index to check which geometries MBR interact, it is the primary filter: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/appdev.111/b28400/sdo_intro.htm#g1000087

    Secondly, you should apply a space MASK, pair of geometries that comes out of the primary filter is then compared according to the MASK, MASK for example = EQUAL, will check these pair of geoms are equal.

    Now, because you have points, the members are the points themselves, so that if their MBR interact, points to interact, which means they are equal.
    This means that the result of the SDO_JOIN points, in this case even a self-join, will give you all the points that are equal.

    But as points are also equal in their car, the join join reflexive sdo, will give you: a = b & one = one but also a b.
    To this effect, you set the a.rowid< b.rowid,="" to="" avoid="" a="a" but="" also="" b="">

    I hope this explains it a little, again read and read great literature (early!), will have a better understanding.

    Good luck


  • Query takes too long, but the cost is low

    Hi guys,.

    I run a query on two databases that were created in the same way and have the same data.

    On one, the cost is almost 1 million, and it runs in the space of a few seconds
    On the other hand, the cost is 40,000, and it does not end execution

    I looked at the plan to explain it and there is no Cartesian merge on the second query join, but it takes so long. What can I do to study this?

    Thank you

    The sqlxtplan provides comprehensive information on the query that was executed, or running, depending on the mode you choose. It has all the information of dbms_xplan plus much more. for example all the table definitions used in the query, filters of predicate query, plans for execution, his stats of all tables, indexes, etc... used in the query.
    I find the way the fastest to get an overview of how the optimizer made its decision. If it is running run mode, it, rather than using the id of sql or hash, it also gives a 10053 trace.

  • Windows update takes too long to find the updates

    I had just installed a new hard drive on my laptop Dell inspiron N5050. I did a reinstall of system clean of my operating system to windows 7. After that, I started to run windows update to get all the necessary updates that I need to update completely from the computer. He has worked for a very long time with no result. In addition, at least 2 hours. all the settings for windows update is set to the settings recommended. but for some reason, in my view, takes too long to get updates. can someone help me please this possible issue

    Hello Darrin,

    Thanks for posting your query on the Microsoft Community.

    According to the description, the Windows updates take a long time to find the updates.

    I suggest to follow the methods below and check if that helps.

    Method 1: If your computer is experiencing problems find and install updates of the operating system, try using the troubleshooter.to of update of Windows the problem fix. He makes sure your computer is connected to the Internet and checks to see if your network card and Windows Update services are running properly.


    Open the Windows Update troubleshooting tool

    If the problem persists, try Method 2,

    Method 2: run the clean boot: Place your system in the clean boot state helps determine if third-party applications or startup items are causing the problem. Check this question in the clean boot state.

    Reference: How to perform a clean boot in Windows



    Note: After the boot minimum troubleshooting step, read the sections "How to reset the computer to start as usual after a clean boot troubleshooting" in the link provided to return the computer to a Normal startup mode.

    See also:

    Problems with installing updates

    Hope this information is useful. Let us know if you need more help, we will be happy to help you.

  • "Unable to configure windows update, changes the way back" takes too long...

    My PC just newly formatted and now I can see a problem when I turn it off, he just starts to day and after that it fails... I'm worried about what it takes too long... from 10:00 until 16:00? I read an article on them, she'll just take up to 20-30 minutes, but watch?

    Is there something I can do? Can normally on my return from PC? or what I need to reformat?

    Hi Andrei,

    Thanks for posting your query in Microsoft Community.

    I understand your concern, and we as a community will try to help you in the best possible way we can.

    Here are solutions to some common problems with installing updates. You might be able to fix some problems automatically by running the Windows Update Troubleshooter.

    I suggest you check out the link below and check if it helps.

    "Configuration of the Windows updates failed. Restoration of the changes. Do not turn off your computer"error when you try to install Windows updates


    Hope the information helps, if you have any additional questions, feel free to post. We are here to help you.

    Kind regards

    Guru Kiran

  • Hyperion EPM services take too long to start


    Windows 2008 R2

    32 GB of memory on each server

    Java 1.6.35

    Server environment four (Foundation/FDMEE, planning, Essbase and SQL server).

    Some how it takes too long to start the services of Hyperion. Using the batch script to start all services. Can someone advise where to start looking. Here's the log of HyS9Planning_SERVER-sysout. If this can give an idea

    < 12 February 2014 12:40:34 hours EST > < Info > < security > < BEA-090905 > < disabling CryptoJ JCE provider auto-intégrité for better startup performance. To allow this control, enter - Dweblogic.security.allowCryptoJDefaultJCEVerification = true >

    < 12 February 2014 12:40:35 hours EST > < Info > < security > < BEA-090906 > < change the default Random Number Generator in RSA CryptoJ of ECDRBG to FIPS186PRNG. To disable this change, specify - Dweblogic.security.allowCryptoJDefaultPRNG = true >

    < 12 February 2014 12:40:35 hours EST > < opinion > < WebLogicServer > < BEA-000395 > < according to the contents of the extensions added at the end of the classpath directory:


    < 12 February 2014 12:40:35 hours EST > < Info > < WebLogicServer > < BEA-000377 > < start WebLogic Server with Oracle JRockit (R) Version R28.2.5-50-153520-1.6.0_37-20121220-0844-windows-x86_64 of Oracle Corporation >

    < 12 February 2014 12:41:19 hours EST > < Info > < management > < BEA-141107 > < Version: WebLogic Server Mar 15 08:52:36 PST Nov 2011 1441050 >

    < 12 February 2014 12:41:43 hours EST > < emergency > < management > < BEA-141151 > < Management Server could not be reached at http://hydevf01.uts.mcmaster.ca:7001. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:41:43 hours EST > < Info > < Configuration Management > < BEA-150018 > < this server will be started in mode of managed server independence in the absence of the admin server. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:41:43 hours EST > < opinion > < WebLogicServer > < BEA-000365 > < server status changed initially >

    < 12 February 2014 12:41:43 hours EST > < Info > < WorkManager > < BEA-002900 > < self-adjusting Initializing of thread pool >

    < 12 February 2014 12:41:44 hours EST > < opinion > < LoggingService > < BEA-320400 > < D:\u01\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\EPMSystemHYDEV\servers\Planning0\logs\Planning0.log log file will be rotated. Reopen the log file if stopped tailings. This can happen on some platforms such as Windows. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:41:44 hours EST > < opinion > < LoggingService > < BEA-320401 > < log file was shot in D:\u01\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\EPMSystemHYDEV\servers\Planning0\logs\Planning0.log00014. Log messages will continue to be logged in D:\u01\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\EPMSystemHYDEV\servers\Planning0\logs\Planning0.log. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:41:44 hours EST > < opinion > < Log Management > < BEA-170019 > < D:\u01\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\EPMSystemHYDEV\servers\Planning0\logs\Planning0.log server log file is opened. All events in the log server-side will be written to this file. >

    OracleFileSSOWalletImpl.getWalletData: enter...

    OracleFileSSOWalletImpl.getWalletData: System.getProperty (user.name) = sp_hydevadm

    OracleFileSSOWalletImpl.getWalletData: dummy sso (shared) file locking...

    OracleFileSSOWalletImpl.getWalletData: locking (shared) file sso...

    Oracle Wallet: Pocket size 12573

    OracleWallet: getSecretStore

    OracleSecretStore: load flow wallet

    OracleSSOKeyStoreImpl: engineLoad

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Load flow wallet

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Safe opening 0

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Safe opening 0

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found cert bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found cert bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found cert bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found cert bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found cert bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found cert bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found cert bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found cert bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Safe opening 0

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found secret store bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found secret store bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found secret store bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found secret store bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found secret store bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found secret store bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found secret store bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found secret store bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Safe opening 0

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Safe opening 0

    Treatment TP 0

    Storage TP 0 as CN = Entrust .net Secure Server Certification Authority

    TP-1 treatment

    Storage TP 1 as CN = Entrust .net Secure Server Certification Authority 1

    Treatment of TP 2

    TP 2 storing as authority of Certification CN = Entrust .net (2048)

    Treatment TP 3

    Storage of TP 3 in CN = GTE CyberTrust Global Root

    TP 4 of treatment

    TP 4 storing as OU = Secure Server Certification Authority

    Treatment TP 5

    TP 5 storing as UO = class public primary Certification Authority 1

    Treatment TP 6

    TP 6 by storing like UO = class public primary Certification Authority 2

    TP treatment 7

    TP 7 by storing like UO = class public primary Certification Authority 3

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Storage Secret0

    Get the sequence of bag

    Get the alias of sequence

    Get the secret of the sequence

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Storage Secret1

    Get the sequence of bag

    Get the alias of sequence

    Get the secret of the sequence

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Storage Secret2

    Get the sequence of bag

    Get the alias of sequence

    Get the secret of the sequence

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Storage Secret3

    Get the sequence of bag

    Get the alias of sequence

    Get the secret of the sequence

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Storage of Secret4

    Get the sequence of bag

    Get the alias of sequence

    Get the secret of the sequence

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Storage Secret5

    Get the sequence of bag

    Get the alias of sequence

    Get the secret of the sequence

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Storage Secret6

    Get the sequence of bag

    Get the alias of sequence

    Get the secret of the sequence

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Storage Secret7

    Get the sequence of bag

    Get the alias of sequence

    Get the secret of the sequence

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Keystore loaded

    OracleWallet: getSecretStore

    OracleFileSSOWalletImpl.getWalletData: enter...

    OracleFileSSOWalletImpl.getWalletData: System.getProperty (user.name) = sp_hydevadm

    OracleFileSSOWalletImpl.getWalletData: dummy sso (shared) file locking...

    OracleFileSSOWalletImpl.getWalletData: locking (shared) file sso...

    Oracle Wallet: Pocket size 3941

    OracleWallet: getSecretStore

    OracleSecretStore: load flow wallet

    OracleSSOKeyStoreImpl: engineLoad

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Load flow wallet

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Safe opening 0

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Safe opening 0

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found cert bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found cert bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found cert bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found cert bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Safe opening 0

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found secret store bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found secret store bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found secret store bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: found secret store bag

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Safe opening 0

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Safe opening 0

    Treatment TP 0

    Storing TP 0 as UO = class public primary Certification Authority 1

    TP-1 treatment

    Storage of TP 1 in CN = GTE CyberTrust Global Root

    Treatment of TP 2

    TP 2 by storing like UO = class public primary Certification Authority 2

    Treatment TP 3

    TP 3 by storing like UO = class public primary Certification Authority 3

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Storage Secret0

    Get the sequence of bag

    Get the alias of sequence

    Get the secret of the sequence

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Storage Secret1

    Get the sequence of bag

    Get the alias of sequence

    Get the secret of the sequence

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Storage Secret2

    Get the sequence of bag

    Get the alias of sequence

    Get the secret of the sequence

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Storage Secret3

    Get the sequence of bag

    Get the alias of sequence

    Get the secret of the sequence

    OracleKeyStoreSpi: Keystore loaded

    OracleWallet: getSecretStore

    < 12 February 2014 12:42:11 hours EST > < opinion > < security > < BEA-090082 > < security initialization using security realm myrealm. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:42:55 hours EST > < WARNING > < JTA > < BEA-110503 > < migration tool (the AdminServer for JTA manual migration policy, or the captain Singleton for automatic migration JTA strategy) is not available. Jump JTA TRS restoration because isStrictOwnershipCheck is [false]. This may cause corruption of potential TLOG if TRS of Planning0 has been migrated to the backup server and the backup server accesses the TLOG of Planning0. More security can be achieved by setting isStrictOwnershipCheck [true]. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:42:56 hours EST > < opinion > < LoggingService > < BEA-320400 > < D:\u01\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\EPMSystemHYDEV\servers\Planning0\logs\access.log log file will be rotated. Reopen the log file if stopped tailings. This can happen on some platforms such as Windows. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:42:56 hours EST > < opinion > < LoggingService > < BEA-320401 > < log file was shot in D:\u01\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\EPMSystemHYDEV\servers\Planning0\logs\access.log00030. Log messages will continue to be logged in D:\u01\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\EPMSystemHYDEV\servers\Planning0\logs\access.log. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:43:01 hours EST > < WARNING > < oracle.dms.jrockit.jfr > < DMS-58041 > < The JRockit FlightRecorder class declares that it is not active and so the DMS cannot use it. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:44:01 hours EST > < opinion > < WebLogicServer > < BEA-000365 > < server changed to STANDBY status >

    < 12 February 2014 12:44:01 hours EST > < opinion > < WebLogicServer > < BEA-000365 > < server status changed initially >

    Using the OraclePKI provider

    taken javax.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory supported

    taken javax.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory supported

    Using the OracleJSSE103 provider

    < 12 February 2014 12:47:37 hours EST > < WARNING > < security > < BEA-090668 > < ignored the role 'Admin' resource deployment ' type = < url >, application is DMS Application #, contextPath = / dms, uri = / ">".

    < 12 February 2014 12:51:03 hours EST > < WARNING > < oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.partition.FeatureUtils > < ADF_FACES-30130 > < without taking into account the dependence of the feature on the function "AdfDvtCommon".  There is no such feature. >

    ATTENTION: From post-deployment of ADF library jar on WebLogic Server. "Provider-lazy-inited" init-param missing LibraryFilter? Ignore this warning if the ADFJspResourceProvider is not used.

    On the road: ADF library non-ADFJspResourceProvider after deployment

    Finishing: ADF library non-ADFJspResourceProvider after deployment (millis): 16


    < 12 February 2014 12:51:17 hours EST > < opinion > < Cluster > < BEA-000197 > < listening for cluster communications using unicast cluster messaging >

    < 12 February 2014 12:51:17 hours EST > < opinion > < Cluster > < BEA-000133 > < waiting to synchronize with other members in the planning stages. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:51:22 hours EST > < WARNING > < Log Management > < BEA-170011 > < The LogBroadcaster on this server has no messages to the server admin log. The server administrator can not run. Emissions of message to the administrator of the server will be disabled. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:51:48 hours EST > < opinion > < WebLogicServer > < BEA-000365 > < server status changed to ADMIN >

    < 12 February 2014 12:51:48 hours EST > < opinion > < WebLogicServer > < BEA-000365 > < Server State has changed for RESUMING >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:24 hours EST > < opinion > < Cluster > < BEA-000162 > < "async" replication service to start with remote cluster address "null" >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:24 hours EST > < opinion > < Server > < BEA-002613 > < Channel "Default" is now listening on for protocols iiop, t3, CLUSTER-STREAM, ldap, snmp, http. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:24 hours EST > < opinion > < Server > < BEA-002613 > < Channel "Default [2]" is now listening on fe80:0:0:0:0:100:7f:fffe:8300 for protocols iiop, t3, CLUSTER-STREAM, ldap, snmp, http. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:24 hours EST > < opinion > < Server > < BEA-002613 > < channel 'by default [5]' now listen on 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8300 for protocols iiop, t3, CLUSTER-STREAM, ldap, snmp, http. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:24 hours EST > < opinion > < Server > < BEA-002613 > < Channel "Default [4]" now listen on for protocols iiop, t3, CLUSTER-STREAM, ldap, snmp, http. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:24 hours EST > < opinion > < Server > < BEA-002613 > < Channel "[1] by default ' is now listening on fe80:0:0:0:385e:468:a776:2aac:8300 for protocols iiop, t3, CLUSTER-STREAM, ldap, snmp, http. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:24 hours EST > < opinion > < Server > < BEA-002613 > < Channel "Default [3]" is now listening on fe80:0:0:0:0:5efe:ac1a:3777:8300 for protocols iiop, t3, CLUSTER-STREAM, ldap, snmp, http. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:24 hours EST > < WARNING > < Server > < BEA-002611 > < Hostname "HYDEVP01.uts.mcmaster.ca", corresponds to multiple IP addresses:, fe80:0:0:0:385e:468:a776:2aac % 14 >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:24 hours EST > < opinion > < WebLogicServer > < BEA-000358 > < started WebLogic independent server managed by "Planning0" for the domain "EPMSystemHYDEV" running in Production Mode >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:24 hours EST > < WARNING > < JMX > < BEA-149510 > < could not establish connectivity JMX with the Administration Server AdminServer to < JMXServiceURL:null >. >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:39 hours EST > < WARNING > < Socket > < BEA-000449 > < socket closure as no data read on,430 for the configured timeout of 5 seconds >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:39 hours EST > < WARNING > < Socket > < BEA-000449 > < socket closure as no data read on,427 for the configured timeout of 5 seconds >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:39 hours EST > < WARNING > < Socket > < BEA-000449 > < socket closure as no data read on,429 for the configured timeout of 5 seconds >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:40 hours P.M. > < WARNING > < Socket > < BEA-000449 > < socket closure as no data read on,428 for the configured timeout of 5 seconds >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:49 hours EST > < WARNING > < Socket > < BEA-000449 > < socket closure as no data read on,441 for the configured timeout of 5 seconds >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:49 hours EST > < WARNING > < Socket > < BEA-000449 > < socket closure as no data read on,442 for the configured timeout of 5 seconds >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:49 hours EST > < WARNING > < Socket > < BEA-000449 > < socket closure as no data read on,443 for the configured timeout of 5 seconds >

    < 12 February 2014 12:52:49 hours EST > < WARNING > < Socket > < BEA-000449 > < socket closure as no data read on,439 for the configured timeout of 5 seconds >

    Do you still have this problem after restarting the server?

    See you soon



  • HP ENVY 15-j110, takes too long to start

    Hey guys I have HP ENVY 15-j110 I bought recently, but now, after a month it takes too long to open and sometimes only a black screen.


    Product number is this #ACJ F6C58PA

    answer as soon as possible.

    This could be due to the application running in the back ground and starting applications. Try

    Selective startup:


  • My computer became very slow (startup takes a huge time and even my internet browser takes too long to load.

    Original title: slow down the computer

    Hello world

    I am running a Win7 on an hp w1858 pavilion. My computer became very slow (startup takes a huge time and even my internet browser takes too long to load. I use Google Chrome btw)

    I also have Norton Security Suite via Comcast which shows that my system is clean, so I don't really know what the problem is. I would be grateful :) all tips thank you

    Yes svchost.exe is eating all your cpu about

    Cause the most common was that the windows update system stuck

    Please go to start and Panel and Windows updates

    On the top left click on change settings update.

    Switch to never look for updates,

    After the above, restart your machine.

    After reboot see if these updates are installed if not install it.

    KB3161664 main download page


    Win 7 32 bit


    Win 7 64 bit


    Same deal with it if it is not already installed

    Main download page,


    Win-7 32-bit


    Win-7 64-bit


    Once the two of them are installed,

    Change your settings to update them and manually check the updates, if this is not after the passage of the parameters and save the changes.

  • Flgam takes too long to stop

    Here I would start troubleshooting in a fglam that takes too long to stop?

    Solaris 10

    Flgam version

    The full list of former agents running

    [myname@myhost bin] $ sudo. / fglam - wq

    2013-06-12 22:18:48.000 INFO [natives] send request stop at "AgentManager.

    process running in/opt/Foglight/fglam/state/default (pid 26893).

    2013-06-12 22:18:48.000 INFO [native] transmitted stay application.

    2013-06-12 22:18:48.000 INFO [native] Meanwhile the process of "AgentManager.

    (pid 26893) stopped

    I'll just kill him at this time, but I had to know exactly, what happened with her. It is not the first report of the fglam power issues I've had.

    You can start with a beam of support from fglam and then analyze it to see if the repetition of messages are written.

    How long you wait for the fglam to terminate?

    David Mendoza

Maybe you are looking for