SRL on primary

We intend to set up DR env very soon. I have to prepare for him.

Physical standby would be: maximum Performance.

My boss asked me a question.

If you create standby redo logs on a main database, why you set parameter log_file_name_convert primary side?

Outside passage, please clarify my confusion.

> > Primary database of sample log files location (each group has 2 members)

' /U01/pdXX/PDXXXX/oradata/REDOLOG/redo1a.log 50 m

' /U04/pdXX/PDXXXX/oradata/REDOLOG/redo1b.log 50 m

> > Watch redolog created on the primary database (each group has only 1 member)

' /U04/pdXX/PDXXXX/oradata/REDOLOG/stby_redo4.log 50 m

I won't have to create files redo log next to Eve. I hope that rman will do it automatically.

My confusion is in line/standby redo logs on the primary database only.

Standby redo log changes are

Member name, the number of members of each group.

DB is on redhat


log_file_name_convert must be set if the directory structure is different on the eve of the primary.

" LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT converts the file name to a log file on the primary database file to a log file on the standby database name."

«This parameter is required if the standby database is on the same system as the primary database (where diff.directories) or if the directory where data files are located on the standby system is different from the primary system.»

You want to redo the previous day on the primary side is ready for a failover and the change of the main mode in mode ensures.

Primary mode redo standby is not used. Standby mode again is not used, but you want in case of change of mode.

As a general rule, you want a group more sleep than the regular redo group.

RMAN should create redo it on the side of the watch.

Each group has 2 members = OK

Each group has only 1 member = Correct

Of interest


Best regards


Tags: Database

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    Hi all

    11 GR 2


    I checked my log alerts in Reserve, and I see this error:

    Errors in the /home/orauat/UAT/11.2.0/admin/UAT_drdb/diag/rdbms/uat2/UAT/trace/UAT_rfs_22227.trc file:

    ORA-00313: open failed for the members of the newspaper group 5 of the thread 0

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    ORA-27037: unable to get file status

    Linux-x86_64 error: 2: no such file or directory

    Additional information: 3


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    ORA-00313 ORA-00312 ORA-27037

    Errors in the /home/orauat/UAT/11.2.0/admin/UAT_drdb/diag/rdbms/uat2/UAT/trace/UAT_rfs_22227.trc file:

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    ORA-27037: unable to get file status

    Linux-x86_64 error: 2: no such file or directory

    Additional information: 3

    These errors is usually when you have information to controlfile and the file is not physically present.

    You can make the foollwoing out of this problem.

    Go to primary:


    Select the bytes of the log v$.

    < note="" bytes="">

    In standby mode, follow these steps:


    SQL > alter system set standby_file_management = manual;

    SQL > alter database recover managed standby dadtabase cancel;

    SQL > select * v log$;

    SQL > select group # from v$ standby_log;

    Note all groups the query "v$ standby_log ' and drop them.

    alter database drop logfile 10 group;

    example: you get as below. then

    SQL > select group # from v$ standby_log;

    GROUP #.






    You will need to file 10,11,12 and 13

    Once dumped, check that nothing exists in "select group # from v$ standby_log;

    Create now your redologfile Eve,

    alter database add standby logfile group 10'<>' size 52428800.              ---> use your desired location and size copied from the primary database (bytes)

    We always recommend, N + 1 mode sleep, we have to redo logfiles, where N is the number of redo log file online in the primary database (each thread).

    Once you create minimum 1 standb redo log file, you drop and create online redo log files

    Once you fill in for standby and online redo log file, then

    SQL > alter system set standby_file_management = AUTO;

    SQL > alter database recover managed standby dadtabase disconnect;

    All the way, you will need to maintain log_file_name_convert with appropriate values.

    NOTE: If you encounter any problem during a fall redo log mode standby, you may need to disappear before the fall.

    QL > change the database group claire logfile 3;

    Database altered.

    SQL > alter database drop logfile Group 3;

    Database altered.

    If you have access, you can check the doc below:

    Manipulation of the ORL and SRL (Resize) primary and physical mode ensures environmental Dataguard (Doc ID 1532566.1)

    Thank you

  • Primary school ceased to redo data on the site of watch on the ship

    Hi all;

    Primary database suddenly stopped shipping data recovery to the backup site.

    No network problem. (the two are able to ping)

    > > Main site



    --------- ------------------------


    SYS > display the parameter log_archive_dest_2.


    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

    string log_archive_dest_2 = "stby_crmsdb", delay service LGWR ASYNC NOAFFIRM = optional compression 0 = enable max_failure = 0 = 1 = 300 reopen max_connections db_unique_name = "stbycrms" net_timeout = 30, valid_for =(all_logfiles,primary_role)

    SYS > display the parameter log_archive_dest_state_2.


    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------


    SYS > select thread #, max(sequence#) from v$ archived_log group thread #;


    ---------- --------------

    1 15014

    > > Site of sleep

    SYS > select thread #, max(sequence#) from v$ archived_log in case of application = 'YES' group by thread #;


    ---------- --------------

    1 14996

    SYS > select nom_dest, STATUS, TYPE, SRL, DEST_ID, RECOVERY_MODE from v$ archive_dest_status where dest_id = 1;


    ---------   -------------------- --------- ------- ----- ----------------------


    Primary database alert log shows error as msg

    ORA-00604: an error occurred at recursive SQL level

    Heartbeat PING [ARC4]: Unable to connect to the day before "stby_crmsdb". The error is 604.

    Thank you.

    If you open the database read-ONLY the trigger is activated. But if the action of the trigger requires that all WRITING, then it generates an error.

    Don't forget the primary/secondary test where you connect as SYSDBA primary waiting and intelligence in primary. If when you try to connect the connection fails because the logon trigger fails, then connects stop moving and you get a delay until you correct the problem.

    Oracle notes that can help:

    Creation of trigger connection on the primary database, we get errors on physical standby 604 - ORA ORA-1552 (Doc ID 785885.1)

    PHYSICS: ORA - 604 ORA-16000 pending open read-only (Doc ID 730659.1)

    Interesting question, happy he came again because I almost forgot this one!

    Best regards


  • ORA-27037 standby after you have moved the primary files

    I'm under Oracle 11.2 with a physical Data Guard configuration primary and standby on Solaris 10.  Asked me to move all the files belonging to the primary to a new mount point.  This includes the datafiles, tempfiles, ORLs, litigants and the controlfile.  On the main file system files were located on /u07 and are now on /u03.  Pending files are on /u07.

    Here's what I did:

    Cancel managed recovery and stop in standby mode.

    Judgment of the primary.

    A file system has copied on the primary /u07 to /u03.

    Control_files primary init.ora file parameter to point to the new location on /u03 and change log_archive_dest_state_2 = DEFER

    Renamed the primary spfile with a ".bak" then primary would begin by init.ora file.

    Elementary school:

    startup mount;

    Run A SQL script to rename the data files, tempfiles, ORLs and SRls to the new location on /u03.

    ALTER database open;

    Create spfile from pfile;

    stop immediately;

    start-up;  (so primary is now started with a spfile)


    Change these two lines in the init.ora file:

    *.db_file_name_convert='/U03/oradata/mydb/','/U07/oradata/mydb /'

    *.log_file_name_convert='/u03/oradata/MYDB/log','/u07/oradata/MYDB/log_ '

    Note: When Eve was created first, someone created the ORLs with a different name of the primary.  For example, major newspapers are named log1a, log2a and log3a.  The day before, they are named log_1a, log_2a and log_3a.

    Renamed the spfile Eve with a ".bak" then Eve would begin by init.ora file.

    bootable media;

    At this point, I have seen these errors in the standby alert log:

    Errors in the /oracle/diag/rdbms/mydb_stby/MYDB/trace/MYDB_lgwr_27569.trc file:

    ORA-00313: open failed for the members of Group 3, Journal of thread 1

    ORA-00312: wire 3 1 online journal: ' / u07/oradata/MYDB/log3a.dbf'

    ORA-27037: unable to get file status

    SVR4 error: 2: no such file or directory

    Additional information: 3

    ARC3: Started archiving


    Here are my questions: why is the database ensures looking for online newspapers as they are named in the primary?  (Without the underline in the name)

    Should I have set STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT = MANUAL on the primary and standby and renamed implementing the ORLs in the standby?

    What I ended up doing was closing the day before and rename the ORLs on the filesystem depending on how they are named on the primary.  Then, the day before, I did:

    startup mount;

    change retrieve in database managed automatic standby database using the current log file disconnect from the session;

    Then, on the primary, I did: alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2 = ENABLE;

    Everything looks OK, which means, newspapers are shipped from the primary to the standby and applied on the day before.

    I wonder, what would I have done differently to avoid first encountered this error?  Also, is my valid Eve at this point?  I see no problem in the primary alert log or journal alerts in mode standby.

    Mimi Miami wrote:

    Thank you, CKPT.  Now, I understand my misunderstanding with the log_file_name_convert parameter.  The parameter is used to convert file locations of the ORLs on standby, not the name of the file of the BDL himself, correct?  Knowing this, would it not imperative that the file is named game?  In other words, I can't have an ENT named log1a on the primary with his match on the eve log_1a appointed, right?

    Yes, setting gives way where to redirect the log files, but what happens if the mentioned directory does not exist on the database pending?

    As on previous day $ls ltr - / u07/oradata/MYDB/log_

    When there is no available pending directory as you have not mentioned in LOG_FIILE_NAME_CONVERT then it cannot translate the strings either.

    File names, you can have anything but basically LOG_FIILE_NAME_CONVERT is here to rename the log files if there are in different places.

  • Why primary must goes down / unavailable when switching to 'ALTER' help... FINISHING?

    Hi all


    My dataguard Configuration

    Version of the Oracle :-

    Type of Eve:-physical

    Connect the Transport service:-LGWR

    Have the standby log file:-Yes



    Main and emergency ARE in sync.


    The MRP will stop with an error ORA 261 [Standby for primary or secondary Flash requires no RFS partial Srl.]

    Please find below the alerts log

    Media, recovery waiting for thread 1 sequence 45 (in transit)

    Sat Jan 07 18:26:27 2014

    ALTER database recover managed standby database finish

    Terminal recovery: request posted (STAND)

    Sat Jan 07 18:26:58 2014

    Eve at the primary or secondary of the snapshot requires no partial RFS Srl. Journal thread 5 1 seq 45.

    MRP0: Background Media Recovery terminated with error 261

    Errors in the /apps/oracle/diag/rdbms/stand/STAND/trace/STAND_mrp0_10714.trc file:

    ORA-00261: Journal 5 thread 1 is to be archived or modified

    Closure of the slaves of recovery because of the 261 error

    Recovery interrupted!

    Errors in the /apps/oracle/diag/rdbms/stand/STAND/trace/STAND_mrp0_10714.trc file:

    ORA-00261: Journal 5 thread 1 is to be archived or modified

    MRP0: Stopping the process background Media Recovery (STAND)

    Sat Jan 07 18:26:59 2014

    Waiting for pid MRP0 10714 to terminate

    Terminal recovery: completion detected (STAND)

    Completed: alter database recover managed standby database finish

    After that I tried to activate the standby as main using the command


    This command was finished with error because the end of redo log allocation has not been captured recently archived log [END_OF_REDO column in v$ ARCHIVED_LOG is no.], so the transition from role may not be possible with this command.

    So I have to use "ALTER DATABASE ACTIVATE STANDBY DATABASE" for the transition of role.

    But when I tried the thing above [activation sleep by using 'ALTER DATABASE COMMIT to SWITCH to PRIMARY' after 'ALTER...] RECOVER... [COMPLETE '] with closure

    Primary database, 'ALTER DATABASE COMMETTRE at PRIMARY CROSSING"executed successfully.

    I came to know of as ALTER... FINISHING should be used in case of failure of the primary database.

    My question is

    Why primary shut down or unavailable when we do not report to the use of "ALTER DATABASE... COMPLETE"AND"ALTER DATABASE COMMIT... ". Primary school"to help

    LGWR as service of transport of logs with standby redo log?

    I also tried to switch after 'LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_2 = DEFER' primary, but it landed me on the same.

    Help, please...

    Thank you...


    Take a look at this note:

    Data Guard and network disconnects (Doc ID 255959.1)

    The Finish command does that complete recovery on the day before so that you can switch to it.

    If your primary is available then maybe you should do a permutation and not tipping.

    Best regards


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    3. Apple ID - Apple Support
    4. Manage your Apple ID primary, rescue, alternatives, and e-mail addresses of notification - Apple Support
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    My wife is in her pimp for a few years and I did not much else than to send the odd email.

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    She has created an address today for me, for the purpose of the eradication of my hotmail address.  I can't work on that is the primary e-mail address.

    Why my main e-mail address appears as my Apple ID?  It ends in:

    She has created an email address iCloud which ends: It is named as: checked.

    But on the web from iCloud, I says I have '0' 3 aliases.  As a result, the Apple ID cannot be my main email address.  Can he?

    That's all what I can possibly get rid of my hotmail email.

    In my mail, the area of does not show my new address iCloud which ends: iCloud, created today.

    Any ideas?

    Hi nivek51,

    Well, it seems that there is a mixture to the top with knowing what email address is your primary Apple ID! Not to worry. Knowing what email addresses are actually Apple ID should allow you to sort. So it is with the creation of this new email, automatically an another Apple ID in addition to your original ID of Apple. However, this code and your ID cannot be combined or merged. Which, in my opinion, would be the best resolution is to use the Web page of my Apple ID. You can find on this link. Manage your Apple ID

    You must log in using your identifier to Apple of manage.

    This link can help you with any other ID you have location without knowing you have. Recover your Apple ID

    Try entering your name and different email that you use to see if they are also Apple ID.

    These 2 links you should have it on the right track with sort and organize your Apple account information. Thank you to use Apple support communities for help.

    See you soon!

  • Is it possible to configure Thunderbird to send an email to the primary and laternate email outside an address list?

    I use Thunderbird 17.0.6 on a Windows 7 platform.

    Some of the names in my address book have an e-mail address and an alternate email address. Is it possible to send the e-mail sent to this name to two primary and alternative address? I know that I can use a list or a key name in the field on two occasions, by selecting the desired address.

    I was expecting a button that would automatically send e-mail to two address when the alternative e-mail address field has a value.

    There is nothing like this. Usually send the same mail to the person even on the two e-mail addresses would be considered spam them and can see you banned from some e-mail systems.

  • Hello! If you are using an airport extreme and an Airport Express, which must be configured as the primary Base Station?

    I like to keep my extreme in my apartment (which doesn't have an Ethernet port) for reasons of flight. Any tips?

    Given these choices, I would say that you use the extreme as your primary access point.

    However, your comment about no Ethernet port to your apartment. In order to use a base station as your main router, it must be connected to a modem that provides an Ethernet port.

  • Mine is Yahoo where POP is used. Tuberculosis is IMAP. I can receive and send emails, but when doing action on tuberculosis (Del or send) any reflection on the primary server

    My e-mail address is Yahoo and Yahoo by default user POPs.
    I understood from your help file synchronization is only compatible with the IMAP e-mail provider
    I can receive and send emails from TB, but during action on tuberculosis (Del or send) any reflection on the primary server, even when doing the action on the main server (Del or send), no change on tuberculosis

    help from yahoo I managed to find the Setup for IMAP, but could not apply them on TB, TB already have Yahoo as POP in the configuration list
    Please your help on this

    Best regards

    You cannot convert an existing account, but you can set up your Yahoo as IMAP account in parallel to the existing POP account. See

  • How can I send an email to 1 primary with 250 recipients in hidden copy?

    new to TB. sent a test email to 1 primary with bcc to 3 recipients (I own all accounts). primary that came addressed correctly but the BCC email recipients all receipts addressed to primary only. When I check the full header shows the BCC address, but email itself caters to primary and not them. I tried in several ways: put the BCC addresses all in one box (divided by colons and semi-colons). put the BCC addresses in separate boxes; sending through gmail then try Verizon (my service provider). I am planning to do an emailing to 250 recipients the end of the week. - thank you

    primary that came addressed correctly but the BCC email recipients all receipts addressed to primary only.

    That's exactly what's supposed to happen. Corresponding BCC should be anonymous.

    What you previously used, and how that support this task?

    BCC seems sufficient to me for what you do. A useful tip is to invent a group name address to send it to: with all the real recipients Bcc had. They then need to accept than a message addressed to the name of the group is legitimate. I get emails from thunderbird support team addressed this way, sent to: thunderbird-support @...

    In the case otherwise, a merger and mailing can be better tailored to your needs. A message for each recipient, addressed individually.

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    change e-mail address entering promotion to primary

    Hello billk126, firefox doesn't sort or a filter your emails - please send this question to your e-mail service provider...

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    I don't want to create a gmail/hotmail account, I just want to use the iCloud email account that I created in place of my old Talktalk one.   Y at - there someone out there who can advise me if it is to proceed with that, after 19 may Apple will not be able to send me e-mails.  (Or maybe just maybe someone in Apple land will read this and be able to force change through for me)

    Any help or advice would be welcome.

    Thank you in advance


    The address is already an ID separated from Apple. This is why we don't have a field Apple e-mail address (@me, @mac or in the main email to an existing Apple account.

    You can either leave your old account intact and set your password on this account to match your new password in the iCloud account, or you can get a different email address, which uses as a main, and then set up on the existing iCloud account.

    If you leave the old address that you do not want the password the same as your new password in the iCloud account is because all your purchased media is linked to the old Apple ID. You can start purchasing media from that moment with the iCloud ID, but if you want to keep your existing media, then there will be moments where you must provide the password for the old ID. Making the same means that you don't have to worry that a password is asked.

    Good luck


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    Hello Eleanor,.

    If I understand correctly, you want Firefox to save your password and connect to a specific gmail account (the one you dial the #2).

    This is Password Manager - don't forget, delete, edit, and import passwords saved in Firefox. You can see which passwords are stored by Firefox.

    Gmail offers you the ability to stay connected. You can check their documentation that you can then stay connected with the account you want.

    Where you see this message "main account"?

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