Structure of the query with parameters

Consume the web service, the results in a file xml with complex structures.
The function below the structure of the query
< TemplateName CcResultItems = "CgrInfo_1" >
My question is how to reorganize the query to obtain the results of the structure
< TemplateName CcResultItems = "CgrOwners_4" >
which should return three rows.

Kind regards

create or replace
"" ' < soap envelope: xmlns:soap = '"" xmlns: xsi = "" container = "" >. "
< soap: Header >
"< XmlSoapHeader xmlns =" "/>"
< / soap: Header >
< soap: Body >
"< ProcessRequestResponse xmlns ="">."
< ProcessRequestResult > <! [CDATA [< CcResponse >

< TemplateName CcResultItems = "CgrInfo_1" >
< CcResultItem > < InfoMessage > < / InfoMessage > < IsitTerminated > 0 < / IsitTerminated > < IdObject > 365124 < / IdObject > < sanctuary ObjectlName > < / ObjectlName > < ObjectTaxNumber > 305089321502 < / ObjectTaxNumber > < / CcResultItem >
< / CcResultItems >
< TemplateName CcResultItems = "CgrUnits_2" >
< / CcResultItems >
< TemplateName CcResultItems = "CgrActors_3" >
< CcResultItem > < IdObject > 365124 < / IdObject > < UnitNo > 0 < / UnitNo > < EntityTYPEcode > 1 < / EntityTYPEcode > < EntityTYPEdesc > person < / EntityTYPEdesc > < / CcResultItem >
< / CcResultItems >
< TemplateName CcResultItems = "CgrOwners_4" >
< CcResultItem > < IdObject > 365124 < / IdObject > < EntityTYPEcode > 1 < / EntityTYPEcode > < EntityTYPEdesc > person < / EntityTYPEdesc > < OwnerID > 610697843014 < / OwnerID > < OwnerName > ALEX < / OwnerName > < / CcResultItem >
< CcResultItem > < IdObject > 365124 < / IdObject > < EntityTYPEcode > 1 < / EntityTYPEcode > < EntityTYPEdesc > person < / EntityTYPEdesc > < OwnerID > 840645947005 < / OwnerID > < OwnerName > JOHN < / OwnerName > < / CcResultItem >
< CcResultItem > < IdObject > 365124 < / IdObject > < EntityTYPEcode > 2 < / EntityTYPEcode > < company EntityTYPEdesc > < / EntityTYPEdesc > < OwnerID > 703454 < / OwnerID > < OwnerName > BROWN < / OwnerName > < / CcResultItem >
< / CcResultItems >
< TemplateName CcResultItems = "CgrActivities_5" >
< / CcResultItems >
< TemplateName CcResultItems = "CgrMembership_6" >
< / CcResultItems >
< TemplateName CcResultItems = "CgrFounding_7" >
< CcResultItem > < IdObject > 365124 < / IdObject > < FoundingDate > 2007-08-16 13:53 < / FoundingDate > < Total > 146701.00 < / Total > < / CcResultItem >
< / CcResultItems >
[[< / CcResponse >]] > < / ProcessRequestResult >
< / ProcessRequestResponse >
< / soap: Body >
< / envelope soap: >
            ' ' LIKE 'SOAP'
, by default ' '
, ': soap envelope / soap: Body/ProcessRequestResponse/ProcessRequestResult '
by the way XML_VAR
path of CcResponse clob columns '.'
) x 1
' / CcResponse/CcResultItems.
TemplateName VARCHAR2 (140) path "@TemplateName"
, IDOBJECT VARCHAR2 (140) PATH "CcResultItem/IdObject.
, PATH of VARCHAR2 (340) OBJECTLNAME ' CcResultItem/ObjectlName '.

, PATH of VARCHAR2 (140) VRSKA 'CcResultItem '.
) X 2
WHERE X 2. TemplateName = "CgrInfo_1."
-WHERE X 2. TemplateName = "CgrActors_3."
-WHERE X 2. TemplateName = "CgrOwners_4."
DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' IdObject: ' |) R.IDOBJECT |  ' ObjectlName: ' | R.ObjectlName | "TemplateName ' |" R.TemplateName);
DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line ("- end -");

Based on your query, I'll assume that you started with

Extract data from webservice response

In my opinion, it comes of the change you are looking for

   SELECT x2.TemplateName, x3.idobject, x3.OWNERID
      FROM XMLTable(
               '' AS "soap"
             , default ''
           , 'soap:Envelope/soap:Body/ProcessRequestResponse/ProcessRequestResult'
             passing XML_VAR
             CcResponse clob path '.'
           ) x1
      , XMLTABLE(
                  TemplateName  VARCHAR2(20) PATH '@TemplateName'
                , ItemXML       XMLTYPE       PATH 'CcResultItem'
        ) X2
      , XMLTABLE(
          PASSING x2.itemXML
                  IDOBJECT      VARCHAR2(20) PATH 'IdObject'
                , OWNERID       VARCHAR2(20) PATH 'OwnerID'
        ) X3

As Odie post pointed out.  The first (x 1) XMLTable retrieves the content of ProcessRequestRequest and by doing this, delete the CDATA tag.  We now have a CLOB that resembles XML.  The second XMLTable (x 2) converts this CLOB into an XMLType and looking for the node that matches the XPath expression.  It's where I've hardcoded in your query to search for a specific node.  As you want node has a repeated structure that you want to retrieve each row, I spent structures repeatedly in the third XMLTable (x 3) so he could analyze.  You could combine x 2 and x 3 using XQuery, but I suggest starting by this method I found that it's easier to understand what is happening.

To test out your code, simply replace the line

by the way XML_VAR


from XMLTYPE ("... the content of the SOAP Message...")

and run the query.  You can do this to debug the query as you and just do a SELECT * to see what all went from XMLTable to XMLTable, so went to check the correct data.

Tags: Oracle Development

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    SELECT *
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    WHERE object_id = :p_object_id
    OR (object_id is null and :p_object_id is null)

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    Something like that?

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      3  SELECT 'title 2' FROM dual UNION ALL
      4  SELECT 'title 3' FROM dual ),
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    ------- ------------------------------------------------------------
    title 1                                                           14
    title 2                                                           44
    title 3


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    Object [] params = {};
    invokeEL ("#{bindings.setDefaultSubInv.execute}", paramTypes, params);

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    Class [] paramTypes = {String.class};
    Object [] params = {DISP};
    invokeEL ("#{bindings.setDefaultSubInv.execute}", paramTypes, params);

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    Thank you

    Just do the following

    1. your method in the Client Interface.
    2 - Add to Page Def.
    3 - Customize your Script like below one to reach your goal.

    BindingContainer links = getBindings();
    OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("GetUserRoles");
    operationBinding.getParamsMap () .put ("username", "oracle");
    operationBinding.getParamsMap () .put ("role", "F1211");
    operationBinding.getParamsMap () .put ("Connection", "JDBC");
    Object result = operationBinding.execute ();
    If (! operationBinding.getErrors () .isEmpty ()) {}
    Returns a null value.
    Returns a null value.

    I hope it helps you
    Thank you

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    Thank you

    Another option is to convert the request so that you will have the items from the selection
    for example on the query you provided that you can use:

    Select 'Curr' rec_type, x.a, x.b, x.c, x.year,, x.status
    where x.status = "A".
    Union of all the
    Select 'Prev' rec_type, x.a, x.b, x.c, x.year,, x.status
    where x.status in ('c', 'I')

    then, in the workbook, you will be able to create conditions such as:
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    --------------------------------control file ----------------------------------


    ' Public Sub processFormRequest (pageContext OAPageContext, OAWebBean webBean)


    super.processFormRequest (pageContext, webBean);

    Am = (OAApplicationModule) pageContext.getApplicationModule (webBean) OAApplicationModule;

    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getRootApplicationModule ();

    String model = pageContext.getParameter ("ALL");

    String pempno = pageContext.getParameter ("paramEmpNo");

    String phiredt = pageContext.getParameter ("paramHireDate");

    System.out.println ("control controller exucution");

    If (pageContext.getParameter ("GetData")! = null)


    System.out.println ("controller exucution");

    Boolean ExecuteQuery = BooleanUtils.getBoolean (false);

    [Serializable] parameters = {pempno, phiredt, model, executeQuery};

    Class [] paramTypes = {String.class, String.class, String.class, Boolean.class};

    am.invokeMethod ("initSummary", parameters, paramTypes);

    OAAdvancedTableBean = table

    (OAAdvancedTableBean) webBean.findChildRecursive ("ResultsTable");

    When a user of handling started looking, we always need to run

    the query, so we move on 'false' to queryData().

    table.queryData (pageContext, false);




    -Request module file-


    public void initSummary (string model,

    String ParmEmpNum,

    String ParmHireDt,

    String created,

    String showMyOrders,

    Boolean ExecuteQuery)


    xxEmployeeVOImpl vo = getxxEmployeeVO1();

    If (vo is nothing)


    Tokens [] MessageToken = {new MessageToken ("parameter", "xxEmployeeVO")};

    throw new OAException ("AK", "FWK_TBX_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND", chips);


    vo.initQuery (model, ParmEmpNum, ParmHireDt, executeQuery);

    System.out.println ("calling vo...");





    public void initQuery (String, String ParamEmpNum, String ParmHireDt, Boolean executeQuery model)


    StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer (100);

    Whole CheckWhere;

    Vector of parameters = new Vector (3);

    setWhereClause (null);

    setWhereClauseParams (null);

    Integer bindCount = 0;

    String WhereClause = null;

    If ((ParamEmpNum! = null) & & (!("".)) Equals (ParamEmpNum.Trim ()))


    setWhereClause (null);

    setWhereClauseParams (null);

    setWhereClause ("EMPLOYEE_NUMBER =:" + CheckWhere);


    System.out.println ("request" + this.getQuery ());

    System.out.println ("ParamEmpNum" + ParamEmpNum);

    CheckWhere = CheckWhere ++;


    If ((ParmHireDt! = null) & & (!("".)) Equals (ParmHireDt.Trim ()))


    CheckWhere = CheckWhere ++;

    If (CheckWhere > 1)


    setWhereClause (null);

    setWhereClauseParams (null);

    setWhereClause ("AND START_DATE =:" + CheckWhere);


    System.out.println ("request" + this.getQuery ());


    on the other


    {setWhereClause (null);

    setWhereClauseParams (null);

    setWhereClause ("START_DATE =:"+ CheckWhere ");


    System.out.println ("request" + this.getQuery ()) ;}


    System.out.println ("ParamEmpNum" + ParmHireDt);


    System.out.println ("request" + this.getQuery ());


    Try this:

    public void initQuery(String dummy,String ParamEmpNum,String ParmHireDt, Boolean executeQuery)
      System.out.println("ParamEmpNum: "+ ParamEmpNum);
      System.out.println("ParmHireDt : "+ ParmHireDt);
      String WhereClause = null;
      int bindCount = 0;
      HashMap paramMap = new HashMap();
      if  ( (ParamEmpNum != null) && (!("".equals(ParamEmpNum.trim())))  )
      WhereClause = "EMPLOYEE_NUMBER = :"+ (++bindCount) + " AND ";
      if  ( (ParmHireDt != null) && (!("".equals(ParmHireDt.trim())))  )
      WhereClause = WhereClause + ("START_DATE = :"+ (++bindCount) + " AND ");
      if(bindCount > 0)
      // Remove the AND at the end
      WhereClause = WhereClause.substring(0, WhereClause.length()-5);
      for(int i = 0; i < bindCount; i ++) {
      System.out.println("Query "+ this.getQuery());

    You may need to change the START_DATE whereclause as below:

    WhereClause = WhereClause + ("START_DATE = TO_DATE (:" + (++ bindCount) + ', "MON-DD-YYYY" ") AND" ' ");

    Note:-need to specify the correct format.

    See you soon


  • Need help in the design of the structure of the table with the lines of the query


    Need to design a page


    Select empno, emp wage; is my query and returns two columns and four rows

    the four rows should be my values in the structure of the table.

    EmpNo - salary
    1 - 1000
    2 - 2000
    3 - 3000
    4 - 4000

    Kind regards



    One of the ways is to create 2 RowLayouts dynamically like this

    Row1-> Cell1--> HeaderRegion--> StaticStyleText (EMPNO attribute)
    Row2-> Cell1--> StaticStyleText (EMPNO attribute) Cell2--> StaticStyleText (SALARYattribute)

    and iterate this code for all the lines of the vo.

    Kind regards
    Mukesh Uchaniya

  • Control the Structure of the event with text file

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    Now, I'm trying to make the more automated system and to ensure that all the different equipment work in the same code. So, I tried to implement a structure of the event using a text as an input file to try to control events. The text file has a table 1 d of numbers going down vertically (only the line numbers change). So, I used a table of index function to take the numbers one by one, use a loop (while loop in this example) to go to the bottom of the column of numbers. However, the event not register the change, even if the indicator shows the value is changing.

    Attached, it's my test code and the text file that I use to try to control the structure of the event. Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Thank you.

    Oh, now I understand what you tried to say. I'm using a loop and a case structure to activate different events with the entries in the table. I thought case structures and event were the same, but you taught me the event structures are used just for the façade stuff. Thank you all!

  • How to manage the structure of the event with two loops

    I have a question about the structure of the user event with 2 buttons?



    How do I control my

    structure of the event so that it will work? because now that the loop is save data... I can't stop the loop, when I clicked on buttons.

    super_saiyans wrote:

    the problem with moving it is that I don't have control of the DATA RECORD STARTING?

    Of course, you do.  When you get your press conference button, you say your state machine to move to the State of logging.  You must also make sure that you return to visit the State to wait for the event to check out the events of the stop button.

  • Instead of using the structure of the event with the producer consumer?

    I used the architecture of producer-consumer in the past to control a state machine with the structures of the event.  I'm working now with the basic version of LV that does not include the structure of the event.  Can anyone recommend alternatives to the use of the same architecture in this case?  Thank you, David

    Before the introduction of the structure of the event, the only option was the election.  Control terminals are in a time loop (the producer) with shift registers and a wait, usually about 100ms.  At each iteration of the loop, the control's current value is compared to the previous value.  If it has changed, and then take appropriate action.  Andrey suggested, queues are a good way to pass information between the loops.

    It works for the equivalent of the value change events.  Things like mouse to top or filter events were much more difficult or not possible.


  • Structure of the event with value changes

    Hello, I had a problem with the use of a structure of the event. I want the values to change the table itself when the user changes the units, such as the flow rate 4 l / min = 240 l / h... It should appear in the same table. I've already got a code here, but it's quite confusing and does not

    Could you please help?  Thank you

    So that it doesn't?

    How it did not work?

    What you want it to do?

    What did do?

    We cannot read your mind, you must explain in detail.

  • structure of the event with a local variable

    Hello world... I tried to make a simple program with the structure of the event in Labview.
    I need to show a value in a table, when an external signal changes its value. (I read a lot of discussions and many documents and I don't understand the thing... Sorry)
    I want to say that I am getting a value of temperature of a sensor in a controller, it works in asynchronous mode sensor, so that the detector Gets a new value in different sampling rate.
    So the PLC program changes the State of a Boolean variable simple that in Labview, indicates that there is new data (newdatareceived---> 1,0,1,0,1,0...)
    I need this draw Labview (valuereceived) value in a chart when this variable (newdatarecived) changes.
    My problem is that the table always puts a value according to the cycle time in its loop and resumes the values... (I tried, with dynamic events and signage value... and I got the same result... It works fine).
    Thanks in advance.

    And the other way:

    Thanks for your time again.

    STPG wrote:

    I've been doing a little test with xygraph and the example works now (thanks!) but I have a doubt, is this the right way or is there a better way?

    No, this code is meaningless. You write new (mostly the same!) points to the graph xy with each iteration (actually at twice the speed at which data can actually happen: 100 ms vs 200ms!), tax system unecessarily and more internal data structures like crazy.

    All you need is a simple loop with a single structure of matter which is true if the Boolean value is different from the previous iteration. Currently, you must add a point (the time for X, the value in Y) to the xy graph. Here is a quick sketch. (You can either use the meter or the elapsed time for X, according to your needs, so change if necessary).

    Events are mainly for the interaction with the user in order to avoid the loop turn unless necessary. Here you are already running a loop to interrogate the instrument and you can easily have the graphic way the same loop. Right?

    You should also be aware that the execution order is determined by the flow of data and not in a horizontal position. If it's important that OCX nodes running first in an iteration, you create a dependency of data (for example with the wire of the error). Horizontal compensation has no effect. The structure of sequence on the left has also does no work, then why is it there?

  • Can I use Ctlref in a structure of the event with a mouse to an event?

    I have a large number of controls on a front panel. I use a structure of the event that triggers the movement of a given motor when you press the corresponding button. However, I would like to avoid creating events for identical most of N, so I relied on the use of a mouse down on the front panel event, then retrieve the reference command using the Ctlref node (with gives 'Reference to the control on which the event occurred', according to manual labview) and analyze an array of references to know which engine is supposed to move. However, it seems that this node is not (contrary to what the manual said).

    I found other ways to do what I need (I thought using a table containing details of my controls and the coords in the structure of the event node), but I wanted to know why I can't find this node (that is displayed for the event "value change" for example). I'm using Labview 2013.

    No luck for you. Mouse down on the Panel does not have the refnum control because it does not work on a control. Mouse down on a control has it, and since you can configure the mouse down events on multiple controls in the same case of event, it also provides a refnum of control so that you can still use the order in question.

    This is probably also the question that Jeff might have seen. When you set up multiple events for the same frame that LabVIEW displays only the terminal event that are present in all of these events. Terminals that do not exist in at least a specific event of the multiple events for this image are more selectable.

  • Structure of the matter and structure of the event with a condition of the indicator (boolean)


    I read a lot of posts but I can't solve my problem. I would like to set up a business structure and the structure of the event, and the condition to run the code inside is a Boolean indicator, in this case called Wahnelt (screenshot). I know I should use signal value, but I don't know how to implement. Here is the program:

    Any help will be more thankful

    a state machine with timer elapsed...

  • Structure of the event with gray and disabled controls

    I'm working on a data acquisition program that uses the structure of the event to manage the graphic user interface.  I have a 'start logging' button that raises an event when the value changes and starts to collect data.  While collecting data, the program disables and gray on all controls on the front panel except the button "stop logging" that ends a while loop with in the event of data logging.  If this event is active only when you press "stop recording."  There are other events that are triggered by a mouse up/down, action others controls disabled on the front panel.  The problem is that, while the program collect data if you click on one controls disabled and gray that has a mouse up/down, event, the program seems to hang and will not push the button ' stop logging.  I don't know if his attempts to run another event, but he continues to logging data, I just can't stop it.  I have to use the Cancel button to stop the program.

    The real problem is that a control, even when disabled and grayed out, can still trigger a mouse to the high-low event - controlled, it true?  Also, what happens if an event is raised during execution, another event my understanding was that a single event can run at a time.

    Thank you



    By reading between the lines, here a bit...  Looks like you have your data collection and logging code in the box to Start Logging event.  If so, this is part of the problem.  No other case of event cannot run until this one is over.  Move data collection and the registration code to a parallel loop.  Have this loop to sit in an inactive state until you press the Start Logging button.  Then, in case for the button change send a command via a queue to the loop of logging and out the case of the event.  The event loop is then immediately ready to respond to the next event.

    Generally the code within a case of event should run quickly, no more than 10s of milliseconds for maybe 100 ms to avoid slow response to another event.

    Look at the producer/consumer (events) design pattern which comes with LV for an example.


Maybe you are looking for