Submitting a form by using rest API c# example

Do you have a working example for a sending form using the API Rest Eloqua?

I don't see any reference to the eloqua-csharp-rest-client/EloquaClient to fredsakr/eloqua-csharp-rest-client of master · GitHub repository.

Is this just after the data to the form like this example:- POST/data/form/1011

I understand to access form data we should ask the DOWNLOAD/assets/form / {id}? depth = {depth}

I was wondering if there is nothing available to watch at fsakr

Hi Nicolas,.

You must follow the procedure to submit the form below: -.

1).assets/forms/ID/fields:-a the help of what you will get the details of your form field.

(2) the fields id peek and decorate the JSON to be submitted using POST/data/form/1011

Try this and let us know if you find any number in the same.

Tags: Marketers

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    Can someone send please how to use the library to query PHP found at fredsakr/eloqua-php-request · GitHub to publish form to Eloqua data?

    So far, I have following:

    // include the Eloqua REST client 
    // define the Contact class  
    class ContactForm  
      public $FirstName;  
      public $LastName;  
      public $PhoneNumber;
      public $Institution;  
      public $ContactComment;  
      public $EmailAddress; 
    $client = new EloquaRequest('SITE', 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD', '');
    // instantiate a new instance of the ContactForm class 
    $contact = new ContactForm();  
    $contact->FirstName = 'Sample';  
    $contact->LastName = 'Import'.date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");  
    $contact->PhoneNumber = '111-111-1111';
    $contact->Institution = 'Company Name';
    $contact->ContactComment = 'This is a test of the API';
    $contact->EmailAddress = '[email protected]'; 
    // invoke a POST request to create the contact 
    $response = $client->post('/data/form/45', $contact);

    However, it returns the following:

    array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#318 (4) { ["type"]=> string(21) "ObjectValidationError" ["property"]=> string(11) "fieldValues" ["requirement"]=> object(stdClass)#316 (1) { ["type"]=> string(23) "NoDuplicatesRequirement" } ["value"]=> string(6) "" } }

    Can someone give me a guide step by step on how to do it properly please?

    Hello world

    We have added a 'sample' in the repository of PHP library folder request on Github. The first example shows how to submit form using the API data:

    Please note that you can describe the form fields and other metadata using the following endpoint:

    Hope this helps and please let me know if you need more information.

    Thank you


  • How to pass the elqCustomerGUID as well as data of form through the rest API?

    Hey everybody,

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    Any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you


    I just finished using the CURL approach to imitate the real form post that Eloqua uses.  If you look at the html code of the form, you can see the fields, it took:

    elqFormName, elqCustomerGUID, elqCookieWrite, elqSiteID

    and then the htmlNames in any other field that the form is intended.

    If you post all what to "http://s«.$elqSiteID." "in a tone of param query normal-online configuration of the value, it will count as if you clicked on submit on the real shape."

    Hope that helps! If you have any questions just shoot me a message.

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    Thank you!


    OTHER offers:

    PUT API/REST/1.0/assets/contact/list/{id}

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    Thank you

    Amit Pandya

    apandya Yes you can. You can download the static and dynamic content by launching the REST API calls. See below for an example doc.

    REST API - download Images

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           'libraryDocumentId' =>MY_WIDGET_ID
    'fileInfos' => array(
           'documentURL' => array(
                'url' => 'PATH_TO_ORIGINAL_WIDGET PDF/test.pdf',
                     'name' => 'test.pdf'

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    Thank you!

    Hi James,

    Please contact support about your query. They should be able to help you with this.

    Thank you


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    Thanks and greetings


    Post edited by: Md Shahid

    Here the answer How to recover data for submission of form using REST or SOAP API

  • How to recover data for submission of form using REST or SOAP API

    Hi Topliners,

    Can someone let me know how to recover data using REST or SOAP API, for example, also I need to know how to delete some data from form submission using REST or SOAP API for submission of form. Please answer I need to implement in one of my projects.

    Thanks and greetings


    See REST API - to access form data REST API - Documentation for kernel objects

    Delete only is not supported via the API.

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    Thank you

    Paul, my quick view is that whatever you do will be OK, because even once we add REST API, existing SOAP API will remain for backward compatibility reasons.

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    Thank you

    On the page that egan related, there is a 'RawData' field for FormSubmit activities. In this area, the raw sending the form query string is returned.

    Whatever it is, you can get this info from the activities of the API block, or the endpoints data Rest API.

  • Uploading images using the REST API from PHP

    Does anyone at - he had success with the download of the images through the Eloqua Rest API using PHP?

    I have the final point, but I can't understand what kind of information needs to go the variable $data.

    That's what I currently have:

    <? PHP

    ini_set ("display_errors", 1);

    include("..) /.. ("/ eloquaRequest.php");

    $eloquaRequest = new EloquaRequest ('Instancename', 'username', 'password', '');

    $data = new stdClass();

    $data-> image = file_get_contents("./easy.jpg");

    $data-> name = 'this is a file name ";

    $data-> filename = "luke.jpg";

    $data-> contentType = "image/jpeg";

    $response = $eloquaRequest-> message (' assets/image/content', $data);

    var_dump ($Response);

    The error I get is the following, but I think that it is a standard response, if your image does not go through correctly:

    Array (1) {[0] = > object (stdClass) #3 (2) {["type"] = > string(9) "FileError" ["requirement"] = > object (stdClass) #4 (3) {["type"] = > string (15) "SizeRequirement" ["maxSize"] = > int (52428800) ["minSize'] = > int (1)}}}

    Thank you

    Hi Phil,

    I had to find that it all the time, it took me several hours. I hope that it allows you to save a headache.

    Eloqua is very strict in dealing with the content-type header; See the comment here for a little explanation; REST API - download Images

    So what you need to do in PHP, is to build the query string for the image of yourself. You can do as follows (to adapt to your needs, not yet tested);



    $img_path = '. / easy.jpg';

    $img_info = getimagesize ($img_path);

    $img_real = realpath ($img_path);

    $data = "-ELOQUA_BOUNDARY\r\n".

    ' Content-Disposition: form-data; name =-"Filedata\"; filename =------"".baseName ($img_real). » \"\r\n ».

    "Content-Type: '. '" $img_info ['mime']. "" \r\n ".


    file_get_contents() ($img_real). "" \r\n ".

    ' - ELOQUA_BOUNDARY - ';

    $headers = array ("Content-Length:".strlen ($data),"Content-Type: multipart/form-data;") Boundary = ELOQUA_BOUNDARY");

    $response = $eloquaRequest-> post (' assets/image/content', $data, $headers);


    I have also adapted/reconstructed library Eloqua PHP in order to support the "BOLD" part. You must change the executeRequest function and add something like this to support change the request headers;

    curl_setopt ($this-> ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

  • Using c# to access the REST API - 404 not found

    Hi all!

    Since there is currently no available c# example to access the REST API, I'm going at this from scratch using the Nuget - Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client package.

    I was able to successfully implement a framework for code that is able to make a call to the base_uris method and successfully receive a response.

    I'm doing a transientDocuments call, but I still get a 404 not found error.  I'm hoping somewhere here may be able to enlighten.  I tried to use the current examples of Java to call REST API to get help on how to go about things.

    I create an instance of the AdobeDCREST class, and pass the BaseUrl ( and my key to integration.  When I make a call to the PostTransientDocuments method I pass into the path of the pdf file that I am trying to download.  PostTransientDocuments then deals with the creation of an object the HttpContent (StreamContent) of the file, and then adding the headers, ContentType and ContentDisposition.  The call to GetClient() will determine whether base_uris should be called still or not (I make the call to base_uris and storage of the api_access_point in a variable static for all other calls, as well as the java examples) and returns an object of the HttpClient with the access in the header already token.  The call to base_uris works and returns a api_access_point

    I then add/api/rest/v5 to the url access_point to call transientDocuments. Failure occurs during the call to PostAsync in transientDocuments with a 404 not found error.

    Here's the code I'm using to test things so far.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I've been spinning my wheels on that for too long already.

    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using System.IO;

    using System.Linq;

    using System.Net.Http;

    using System.Net.Http.Headers;

    using System.Text;

    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    namespace Ivezt.Documents {}

    public class AdobeDCREST {}

    < Summary >

    A static variable that is defined by an initial call to GetBaseURIs() and used for all API calls later.

    < / Summary >

    Private Shared ReadOnly Property SERVICES_BASE_URL as string = string. Empty;

    < Summary >

    The end point of API to use.  This aspect will have to be changed if Adobe is moving to a new version of the API and we update this

    the code to use this new version.

    < / Summary >

    Private Shared ReadOnly Property API_URL as string = "api/rest/v5 /";

    < Summary >

    This BaseUrl is passed to the constructor and used to make a call to GetBaseURIs().

    < / Summary >

    private string m_strBaseUrl = string. Empty;

    < Summary >

    The IntegrationKey is passed to the constructor and must be added to the header of each API request.

    < / Summary >

    private string m_strIntegrationKey = string. Empty;

    public AdobeDCREST (string strBaseUrl, string strIntegrationKey) {}

    m_strBaseUrl = strBaseUrl;

    m_strIntegrationKey = strIntegrationKey;


    private HttpClient GetDefaultClient() {}

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

    Add an Accept header for JSON format.

    customer. () DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add

    (new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

    Add the access token

    customer. DefaultRequestHeaders.Add ("Access token", m_strIntegrationKey);

    customer feedback;


    private HttpClient GetClient() {}

    If we have not yet the SERVICES_BASE_URL, then we must do a GetBaseURIs call

    If (SERVICES_BASE_URL. Length == 0) {}

    HttpClient baseClient = GetDefaultClient();

    Use the BaseUrl passed to the constructor

    baseClient.BaseAddress = new Uri (m_strBaseUrl);

    URI BaseURIs_Response = GetBaseURIs (baseClient);

    SERVICES_BASE_URL = string. Format ("{0} {1}", uris.api_access_point, API_URL);

    baseClient.Dispose ();


    If (SERVICES_BASE_URL. Length == 0)

    throw new Exception ("failed to retrieve Adobe Document cloud Base URI");

    HttpClient client = GetDefaultClient();

    customer. BaseAddress = new Uri (SERVICES_BASE_URL).

    customer feedback;


    public BaseURIs_Response GetBaseURIs(HttpClient client) {}

    Call base_uris

    HttpResponseMessage response = client. GetAsync ("base_uris"). Result;  Call blocking!

    If (answer. IsSuccessStatusCode) {}

    Analyze the response body. Blocking!

    answer back (BaseURIs_Response). Content.ReadAsAsync (typeof (BaseURIs_Response)). Result;


    else {}

    throw new Exception (string. Format ("{0} ({1})", (int) response. ") StatusCode, response. ReasonPhrase));



    public TransientDocument_Response PostTransientDocuments (string strFilePath) {}

    Call transientDocuments

    Content the HttpContent = new StreamContent (new FileStream (strFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));

    content. Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/pdf");

    content. Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data") {}

    Name = "file."

    FileName = 'Template.pdf.


    HttpClient client = GetClient();

    HttpResponseMessage response = client. PostAsync ("transientDocuments", content). Result;  Call blocking!

    If (answer. IsSuccessStatusCode) {}

    Analyze the response body. Blocking!

    answer back (TransientDocument_Response). Content.ReadAsAsync (typeof (TransientDocument_Respons e)). Result;


    else {}

    throw new Exception (string. Format ("{0} ({1})", (int) response. ") StatusCode, response. ReasonPhrase));




    public class BaseURIs_Response {}

    public string web_access_point {get; set ;}}

    public string api_access_point {get; set ;}}


    public class TransientDocument_Response {}

    public string transientDocumentId {get; set ;}}



    I think I found my problem.  I was not a multi-part post form data.  Once I changed this, everything worked as expected.  Here is an updated version of the PostTransientDocuments() method that works:

    public TransientDocument_Response PostTransientDocuments (string strFilePath) {}

    Call transientDocuments

    using (var = {GetClient() customer)}

    using (var content = new MultipartFormDataContent()) {}

    var multiplesContent = new StreamContent (new FileStream (strFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));

    fileContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/pdf");

    fileContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data") {}

    Name = "file."

    FileName = 'Template.pdf.


    content. Add (FileContent);

    HttpResponseMessage response = client. PostAsync ("transientDocuments", content). Result;  Call blocking!

    If (answer. IsSuccessStatusCode) {}

    Analyze the response body. Blocking!

    answer back (TransientDocument_Response). Content.ReadAsAsync (typeof (TransientDocument_Respons e)). Result;


    else {}

    throw new Exception (string. Format ("{0} ({1})", (int) response. ") StatusCode, response. ReasonPhrase));





  • Get the 500 error trying to create a table using the REST API


    I tried to create a table using the REST API for Business Intelligence Cloud, but I got 500 Internal Server Error for a while now.

    Here are the details that I use to create a table.


    and the json to create the schema that I use is

    [{'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ["ROWID"]}]

    , {'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ['RELATIONID']},

    {'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ['ID']}

    , {'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['TIMESTAMP'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [0], 'columnName': ['RESPONDEDDATE']},

    {'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [255], 'columnName': ['RESPONSE']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['TIMESTAMP'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [0], 'columnName': ['SYS_CREATEDDATE']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ['SYS_CREATEDBYID']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['TIMESTAMP'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [0], 'columnName': ['SYS_LASTMODIFIEDDATE']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ['SYS_LASTMODIFIEDBYID']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['TIMESTAMP'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [0], 'columnName': ['SYS_SYSTEMMODSTAMP']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [10], 'columnName': ['SYS_ISDELETED']},

    [{'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [50], 'columnName': ['TYPE']}]

    I tried this using postman and code, but I always get the following response error:

    Error 500 - Internal server error

    Of RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1:

    10.5.1 500 internal Server Error

    The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented him from meeting the demand.

    I am able to 'get' existing table schemas, delete the tables, but I'm not able to make put them and post operations. Can someone help me to identify the problem, if there is no fault in my approach.

    Thank you


    I managed to create a table successfully using the API - the only thing I see in your JSON which is different from mine is that you have square brackets around your values JSON where I have not. Here is my CURL request and extract my JSON file (named createtable.txt in the same directory as my CURL executable):

    curl u [email protected]: password UPDATED h x ' X-ID-TENANT-NAME: tenantname ' h ' Content-Type: application/json '-binary data @createtable.txt k



    'columnName': 'ID',

    'dataType': 'DECIMAL ',.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': false



    'columnName': 'NAME',

    'dataType': 'VARCHAR ',.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': true



    "columnName': 'STATUS."

    'dataType': 'VARCHAR ',.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': true



    "columnName': 'CREATED_DATE."

    'dataType': 'TIMESTAMP '.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': true



    'columnName': 'UPDATED_DATE ',.

    'dataType': 'TIMESTAMP '.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': true



  • Get information of possibilities using REST or bulk API of Eloqua

    Hi all

    I am newbie to Eloqua Oracle. I'm trying to extract the information from Oracle Eloquapossibilities. I see that opportunities can be imported from eloqua campaigns page settings button. My task is to get all these opportunities in bulk or REST API. I don't see any endpoint for opportunities in the documentation. Please help me to retrieve the information of possibilities.

    Thank you in advance.

    Best regards

    Mr. Ramana Reddy

    OK - it is not possible to create an opportunity in another Eloqua than downloading manually or important CRM.

    Re: question on leads, Eloqua account campaign responses that are basically drivers.  Note that responses are not available directly through the API, but with automation via the program or canvas, contacts that generate a response can be added to a group/list and exported via the API block.  Apps can also be used on the Web to push the answers out of Eloqua.

  • create the document using the CMIS REST API

    Hello! I would like to integrate my java application with Oracle Webcenter via the REST API of CMIS. I can read, delete documents, but have some problem with creating one.

    I get success only when I create document (type = "/ ucmserver / IDC:GlobalProfile") with the name "idcPrimaryFile". In other cases I have the exception:

    oracle.webcenter.content.integration.RepositoryException: November 12, 2015 08:52:06 oracle.webcenter.content.integration.spi.ucm.DocumentManager mapBinaryPropertiesToTransferFile

    GRAVE: Impossible to perform the action on document with binary because the binary name and the name of the node must be the same, but they are not.  The binary name is XXX and the name of the file is idcPrimaryFile

    My properties:

    Properties =]

    (PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID): type.

    (PropertyIds.NAME): name,.

    "/ ucmserver / IDC:GlobalProfile.ora:p:dDocType ':"Application. "

    ' / ucmserver / IDC:GlobalProfile.ora:p:dDocTitle ': 'Test ',.

    ' / ucmserver / IDC:GlobalProfile.ora:p:dSecurityGroup ': 'Public ',.


    I would appreciate help

    Hello! I solved my problem, but with a workaround.

    I will try to explain the problem and how it is possible to create documents via Oracle Webcenter Content Management API REST CMIS:

    For the next POST request:

    POST/rest/api/cmis/children/ucmserver? UID = IDC:Folder / FLD_USERS & versioningState = none HTTP/1.1


    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X 11; Linux x86_64; RV:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0

    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

    Connection: keep-alive

    Accept-Language: en-US, en; q = 0.5

    Content-Type: application/atom + xml; type = entry

    Cache-Control: no cache

    "' xmlns:cmis =""xmlns:cmisra =""xmlns:chemistry ="">."

    urn: uuid:00000000 - 0000-0000-0000-00000000000


    2015 11-13 T 08: 06:27.014Z

    a text





    / ucmserver / IDC:GlobalProfile

    I get the response from the server

    Error 500 - Internal server error

    oracle.webcenter.content.integration.RepositoryException: 18 November 2015 05:24:04 oracle.webcenter.content.integration.spi.ucm.DocumentManager mapBinaryPropertiesToTransferFile

    GRAVE: Impossible to perform the action on document with binary because the binary name and the name of the node must be the same, but they are not.  The binary name is test , and the name of the file is idcPrimaryFile.

    When the test is the document name.

    This request, I checked with an another compatible services of CMIS (IBM FileNet and OpenCMIS InMemory repository). I created the document with name test it.

    Workaround solution:

    POST request:

    POST/rest/api/cmis/children/ucmserver? UID = IDC:Folder / FLD_USERS & versioningState = none HTTP/1.1


    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X 11; Linux x86_64; RV:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0

    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

    Connection: keep-alive

    Accept-Language: en-US, en; q = 0.5


    Content-Type: application/atomsvc + xml

    Slug: test

    Cache-Control: no cache

    "' xmlns:cmis =""xmlns:cmisra =""xmlns:chemistry ="">."

    urn: uuid:00000000 - 0000-0000-0000-00000000000


    2015 11-13 T 08: 06:27.014Z

    a text





    / ucmserver / IDC:GlobalProfile

    I created the document with the name test in Oracle Webcenter.

    The differences between applications are:

    Content-Type: application/atomsvc + xml

    Slug: test

    So I'm not sure that the Oracle Webcenter Content Management Service STILL provides "correct" implementation of the OASIS CMIS specification, because I found nothing in there on the Slug query parameter and it is not clear to me how the Oracle Webcenter Content Management REST Service works with Content-type application/atom + xml; type = entry (I mean according to CMIS specification().

    It will be very useful for me to get another point of view. Maybe someone could correct me if I'm wrong.

    Thanks in advance.

Maybe you are looking for