Tabular - submit custom and insert/updated data in records

I have a tabular layout with 2 columns representing the data in the table and custom 5 columns.

The task ID Name of the task 07/10/2013-10 13, 2013 14/10/2013 to 20/10/2013 21/10/2013-10 27, 2013 28/10/2013-03/11/2013 11 04, 2013 at 10/11/2013

I use a sql that returns null for columns 3 to 7 values. Can I use the html form of the apex option and jquery to add change the headers for weeks and add checkboxes.

My sql: select task_id, TaskName, null, null, semaine2, null, null semaine4 semaine3 week1, week5 < table name > null

My table has columns task id, task name, start_date and end_date.

When the user clicks on the button submit, I need to send the box to my stored procedure and insert records into the table. I can't find out how to send a mapping of the task_id, date in each column headers and data box at the apex back end and treat them. For example, if the first check box in the first row is checked, I have to insert a row with the values "1, TASK1, 07/10/2013, 13/10/2013. I have also read data from the table and display it in the same format. Please let me know how to proceed in the apex.

instead of using the null value, you can use apex_item api to create checkboxes


You can set the value of checkboxes using apex_item api, then the value may be captured in your process of

Check this: Martin Giffy D'Souza on Oracle APEX: APEX (Advanced) with checkboxes report.

Let me know if that answers your query in the active thread

Kind regards


Oracle APEX 4.2 reports | Packt Publishing

Vishal blog

Tags: Database

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    Hey wassa,.

    You can make the web server behave like any other by going to http://localhost:3580 , you can change the port 80, you can remove the: 8080 and there should be no firewall problem.

    Kind regards

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    You are approaching this the wrong way.  Create an external table based on the file.  External tables are CSV, fixed width data in a queryable table.

    You will need to create an oracle directory to put the file in (MY_ORA_DIR) I leave it for you to do, and then perform the following...

    create table BASELINE)

    ITEM_ID varchar2 (32)









    LOGFILE "dinput.log".

    BADFILE "dinput.bad."







    LOCATION ("dinput.txt")




    All the dubious records appear in dinput.bad. Dinput.log will give you information.

    External tables are read-only, so once you set up your file, you can create editable as a normal table.

    create table ITABLE_EDITABLE as

    Select * from BASELINE


    Work done, a few lines of code.

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            "titleArabic" : "Chepesky",
            "shortDesc":"[email protected]",
            "title" : "Westlee",
            "titleArabic" : "Barichak",
            "shortDesc":"[email protected]",
            "title" : "Ian",
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    Hi SumiSadiq,

    The problem is in the format of your .json file. Remove the comma after the value of the last attribute (shortDescArabic) it will do the job. I tried the code by using the sample application stampcollector and the map values were retrieved correctly on the console.

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    < code >

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    Values (...);
    While others then

    < code >

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    I highly recommend the use of MERGE - make an update-so-insertion or insertion-so-update leaves you open to the clashes during two sessions try and add a new line at the same time.

    If you are not able to use MERGE for whatever reason, then I would work out who is most likely to happen - an insert or an update and do that first, followed by the other in the exception.

    For example. If your system inserts rows into the table in question a lot, but only updates rarely, so first the insert and manage the update in the exceptions. Conversely, if your system updates a lot but doesn't insert only rarely. In this way, you are minimizing the amount of work you have to do.

    Opt for a MERGER if possible, though. I don't know Oracle Forms, but can you not to call a stored procedure that could do the MERGE if you are not able to use MERGE directly in forms?

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    Make sure that you dragged the VO based EO.

    Also make sure that the VO attributes based EO Updatable property.

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    See you soon


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    Thank you!

    Create four new columns in your table called Created_On, Created_By, Last_Updated_On and Last_Updated_By.

    You can create a trigger for the rest:

    create or replace trigger ""
      before insert or update on ""
      for each row
      if inserting then
        :NEW.Created_On := sysdate;
        :NEW.Created_By := v('APP_USER');
      end if;
      if updating then
        :NEW.Last_Updated_On := sysdate;
        :NEW.Last_Updated_By := v('APP_USER');
      end if;

    Whenever you will add or modify data in this table, the trigger will automatically fill these fields.

    Kind regards

  • You want to capture update dates, with trigger on a view to refresh quickly materialized. But trigger on MV consider inserting and updates are inserts only.

    Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production

    PL/SQL Release - Production

    CORE Production

    AMT for Linux: Version - Production

    NLSRTL Version - Production

    I create the structure of the table like that.

    create table test1 (a primary key, b (2) char number, date c, d varchar2 (10), date of e);

    create table test2 (number of ab, cd (2) tank, date of the ef, gh varchar2 (10), date of the ij, kl varchar2 (100));

    Create materialized view log on test1;

    create materialized view fast refresh test1_v on commit in select * from test1;

    I have create a trigger of the sample



    ON test1_v



    lr_test2 test2% ROWTYPE;

    lv_error VARCHAR2 (4000);


    lr_test2. AB: =: NEW.a;

    lr_test2. CD: =: NEW.b;

    lr_test2. GH: =: NEW.d;



    lr_test2. EF: = SYSDATE;

    lr_test2.IJ: = SYSDATE;

    lr_test2.KL: = 'INSERT ';

    INSERT INTO test2

    VALUES lr_test2;



    lr_test2.IJ: = SYSDATE;

    lr_test2.KL: = 'UPDATE ';

    UPDATE test2 = lr_test2 ab WHERE = LINE: OLD.a;



    DELETE FROM test2

    AB = WHERE: old.a;

    END IF;




    lv_error: = SQLERRM;


    VALUES ('test1_trig',

    : OLD.a,.





    END test1_trig;


    So, if check you my code,.

    When I insert EF = SYSDATE, IJ = SYSDATE.

    Update EF is not changed, IJ = SYSDATE.

    So I like to capture their insertion and update dates.

    But if updates or insert arrives on the materialized table. The trigger themselves as an INSERT only.

    So how do you capture the updates?

    I use the statemnet with out merger with performance and also able to capture the update dates.

    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER test1_trig_merge


    ON test1_v



    lr_test2 test2% ROWTYPE;

    lv_error VARCHAR2 (4000);




    DELETE FROM test2

        AB = WHERE: old.a;



    MERGE INTO test2 one

    B using (SELECT 1 FROM DUAL)

    WE (ab =: new.a)



    UPDATE the VALUE ab =: NEW.a.

    CD =: NEW.b,

    GH =: NEW.c


    KL = "Update"

    AB WHERE =: old.a




    : NEW.b,.

    : NEW.c.

    : NEW.d,.

    : NEW.e,.


    END IF;




    lv_error: = SQLERRM;


    VALUES ('test1_trig',

    : OLD.a,.




    END test1_trig_merge;



  • Insert the date and time in a model of Pages 5,6

    When I open one of the default templates provided with 5.6 Pages (for example, a letter), I noticed that the document opens with the current date correctly inserted. Yet when I create my own model and save it as a document template (if in my models or elsewhere) the date stamp is no longer up-to-date. Whenever I have create a new document from the template, it gets stuck on the date that I created the template. This means that I have to click on the date each time and select 'Set today' (it's easy to forget).

    My understanding is that the inserted date stamps have is no longer an option of automatic update in Pages 5.x, so I was surprised to see their update automatically in the default templates provided with Pages. How Apple did this, and how do I get the same effect in my own registered designs?

    Pages v5.6.2 and OS X 10.11.5.

    I do not believe that something has changed with the way that Pages manages the dates that we insert into documents, or our new custom templates. The date will not automatically update for me when I create a new custom with a date of month template or a new document with a stamp of date/time in it. In both cases, wait 15 minutes, when I open it or the other, the date of the month in the model does not change and or don't have time in my document on my desktop.

    It stays with v5.6.2 Pages, if you want a date automatically update a model, or in a document current/Sour, you need to use a single table cell, without borders, which is the date of formatting, and has a single equation: = now.

    What I can not explain, for example, is the model of research paper that uses a date inserted regular field current date will appear automatically when opened for the first time in a new document. There are no tables in this model. There is no new parameters in v5.6.2 of Pages that can explain this behavior. This does not work for the user created templates. Pages could have been programmed to update only the date in the models grouped fields, but not user models - and if that were true, then it conforms to the demi-cuite nature in all of this application.

  • Insertion and extraction of data from a database by USING SQL Developer al32UTF8

    Hi guys,.

    Before I post my questions, I think it's better for me to give you guys my first understandings so that it is easier to understand where / if I have gone wrong...

    I use Windows XP and Oracle 10 g

    Non-unicode client - a client program that needs to use the code page of the operating system for the mapping of unicode data retrieved from the database as well as the support to display/insert characters from the code page to the database.
    For example sqlplusw.exe

    Therefore, when you use a non-unicode client

    (1) we define the code page of the OS (Control Panel - regional and language of the parameter - advance - the language for non-unicode programs) to the code page that contain the characters that we will view/insert.

    (2) we also defined the NLS_LANG characterset on the character set of code page, that we'll insert so that when we do an insert (for example in thai), oracle will and automatic conversion to Unicode can take place. This is also true when recover us the database unicode data so that the correct character set conversion can take place.

    THAI->-> UNICODE conversion

    THAI <-conversion <-UNICODE

    I hope that my basic understanding is correct up to this point.

    Unicode client - a client program that supports display/inserting unicode characters without the need to set the code page of the operating system (Control Panel - regional and language setting - control - language for non-unicode programs advance)
    For example isqlplus http or SQL Developer


    (1) there are still set the NLS_LANG so that the correct conversion can take place between the client and the database.
    For example, when the recovery if we set NLS_LANG value ZHS16GBK (Chinese) character and store data in Unicode in the database is for example (THAI), then the conversion would be a mistake.
    It's a supported unicode client, then the NLS_LANG character set should be set to UNICODE as well.


    Those are my questions
    * Important - please help if you're busy and don't have the time to answer the remaining questions

    (* Q1) if I had to use a unicode client, what should I put my character NLS_LANG set?

    (* T2) where can I put the NLS_LANG information of character in SQL Developer, I know there is a metalink for setting NLS_LANG using isqlplus but I cant seem to google each led for SQL developer.

    Q3) is my basic understanding of up to this point? If no, please explain in a term more widespread that I'm really not familiar with character sets code page, unicode and fonts, glyphs...

    A unicode client (Q4) didn't need to refer to the OS codepage (regional and language updates), y at - it a code page UNICODE for the customer to refer to, or is there an available window API?

    , there are still set the NLS_LANG so that the correct conversion can take place between the customer and the > > database.
    For example, when recovery if we set NLS_LANG value ZHS16GBK (Chinese) character and the data store in > > unicode in the database is for example (THAI), then the conversion would be erroneous.
    I'm just on this point for customer UNICODE supported?

    Thank you for spending the time to read my questions and I hope to hear soon tips from you guys.
    Million thanks again for sharing.

    Best regards
    Noob, but eager to learn

    The requirement to always set NLS_LANG is not true for JDBC, which ignores the NLS_LANG altogether. Java programs extract the textual data in string variables, which uses Unicode UTF-16 by design. JDBC defines the conversion of character sets so that data is converted between UTF - 16 and the database or the national character set.

    The obligation to set NLS_LANG is not generally true for the OIC, either. The first call to a problem of the BEAK may be OCIEnvNlsCreate(). This call has two parameters that allow the caller to set the character set to use for the text of VARCHAR2/TANK/LONG/CLOB/statement and the character set to be used for NCHAR/NVARCHAR2/NCLOB. Only if these character sets is specified as 0, character set NLS_LANG is used. Also, the OIC programs can specify different character for each binding sets or set the variable (i.e. the buffer input/output). Note: The OIC programs always use NLS_LANG to initialize the language settings and the territory for the client program and the database session. Only the character set can be specified is OCIEnvNlsCreate().

    OCIEnvNlsCreate() can specify the client character set to UTF-16 (platform boutien) format. This is not possible with NLS_LANG.

    Various interfaces based on the BEAK, such as ODBC Oracle and .NET for the ODP, explicitly initialize OCI with character set Unicode and therefore ignore the NLS_LANG character set as well.


  • SQL query generated by insertion/update of data vi?


    I'm new to LabView, now rated as my company's management plans to buy licenses for several developers. I'm now playing with the database connectivity toolkit and try to insert/updated updated data sets. Everything is good with simple tables, but when I try to execute relatively complex queries are often mistakes LabView diagnosed everything as "syntax error in Update statement" or something like that with no specific details.

    Is it possible to read the actual SQL queries generated by these vi or is there a (preferably free) tool to monitor all SQL queries called by my LabView program?

    Here is the link I promised last night. It includes a review of the issues with the CSD and why it is not necessary. There is also a link with some drivers that allow you to do what you need to do and are free - and a brief tutorial on the access to databases.


  • Filling of updated by and the last Date of update in Wizard generated shape tab



    I have a wizard generated shape tab and I have to fill two columns last updated by and last Date of update.

    I have a horrible time to do something which should be easy enough.

    I created a page process:




    UPDATE high_level_estimate

    SET last_updated_date = SYSDATE

    , last_updated_by =: APP_USER

    WHERE high_level_estimate_id = APEX_APPLICATION.g_f03 (i);



    But the columns are not updated.

    The primary key column and the primary key column appears in do not appear that's why I think the columns are not updated.

    So when a new row is added or an existing row is updated when the user clicks on the button submit these two columns need to be updated.

    Can someone help me get this to work?

    Can what information I provide?

    Thank you



    Wow! Thanks for checking back!

    I had finally it works. Sorry I didn't update the post.

    I used the trigger approach, although I do not like but it is.

    What I did try to find out which of these two areas were the origin of the problem. So said the two fields in the query and ran the page and update the page and there is no error of course since I commented on the columns.

    Then I've uncommented a column, repeated updates, and worked, and this column has been updated.

    I uncommented the other column, repeated that updates and work again and again update the two columns.

    I have NO IDEA why. Somehow something has been corrupted, and comment and uncomment the columns set.

    I have no change to relax during this process. The relaxation I posted earlier is the same code.

    Thank you very much for your help Jen!

    Thank you


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