The line of the last line of each table page is going to be missing.

Hi Experts,
In OBIEE, I have a report contains more than one line. "When I click on" PDF "Print", the last line of each table page line will be missing. " Why?
Are you facing the same case? How soluve this question? Thank you.

Hey Kobe,

The question, looks lke a bug. Here's the work around, change the table view, click the properties of content next to the text "Table" (at the top of the columns and measures) in the layout-> position In Border pane to choose custom and select only the bottom edge (horizontal line). Now export to pdf format, you must see the border for the last row on each page.

Kind regards

Tags: Business Intelligence

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  • Select the last record of each month


    to select the last docnumber and qty of every month


    Name Null?    Type

    ------------------------------- -------- ----








    in this select query if I take the sum he required all records where, as I want the last record of each month

    SELECT productcode docnumber MAX (Number), planformonth, SUM (clexpectedqty) clexpectedqty (planformonth) MAX.

    SUM (clconfirmqty) clconfirmqty, SUM (clfgbufferqty) clfgbufferqty, cltotprintbuffer OF FGSALESPLAN of the SUM (cltotprintbuffer)

    GROUP BY productcode, (planformonth)



    Thanks its working now the code is written as below:




    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by PRODUCTCODE by DOCNUMBER DESC order) r



    WHERE r = 1 AND

    entryvalid = 'Y '.

    order by Number


  • Select the last value for each day of the table


    I have a table that contains several measures for each day. I need two queries on this table, and I'm not sure how to write them.

    The table stores the rows (sample data)
    *DateCol1                 Value       Database*
    27.09.2009 12:00:00       100           DB1
    27.09.2009 20:00:00       150           DB1
    27.09.2009 12:00:00       1000          DB2
    27.09.2009 20:00:00       1100          DB2
    28.09.2009 12:00:00       200           DB1
    28.09.2009 20:00:00       220           DB1
    28.09.2009 12:00:00       1500          DB2
    28.09.2009 20:00:00       2000          DB2
    Explanation of the data in the sample table:
    We measure the size of the data files belonging to each database to one or more times a day. The value column indicates the size of the files of database for each database at some point (date in DateCol1 European model).

    What I need:
    Query 1:
    The query must return to the last action for each day and the database. Like this:
    *DateCol1       Value      Database*
    27.09.2009        150          DB1
    27.09.2009       1100          DB2
    28.09.2009        220          DB1
    28.09.2009       2000          DB2
    Query 2:
    The query should return the average measurement for each day and the database. Like this:
    *DateCol1       Value      Database*
    27.09.2009       125          DB1
    27.09.2009      1050          DB2
    28.09.2009       210          DB1
    28.09.2009      1750          DB2
    Could someone please help me to write these two queries?

    Please let me know if you need further information.

    Published by: user7066552 on September 29, 2009 10:17

    Published by: user7066552 on September 29, 2009 10:17

    Why two queries when it suffice ;)

    SQL> select dt
      2       , db
      3       , val
      4       , avg_val
      5    from (
      6  select dt
      7       , val
      8       , db
      9       , row_number () over (partition by db, trunc (dt)
     10                                 order by dt desc
     11                            ) rn
     12       , avg (val) over (partition by db, trunc (dt)) avg_val
     13    from test)
     14   where rn = 1
     15  order by dt
     16  /
    DT        DB           VAL    AVG_VAL
    --------- ----- ---------- ----------
    27-SEP-09 DB2         1100       1050
    27-SEP-09 DB1          150        125
    28-SEP-09 DB2         2000       1750
    28-SEP-09 DB1          220        210
  • How to find the child level for each table in a relational model?


    I need your help, and I know that, "Yes, we can change." Change this thread to a question answered.

    So: How to find the child level for each table in a relational model?

    I have a database of relacional (9.2), all right?
         O /* This is a child who makes N references to each of the follow N parent tables (here: three), and so on. */
        /↑\ Fks
       O"O O" <-- level 2 for first table (circle)
      /↑\ Fks
    "o"o"o" <-- level 1 for middle table (circle)
       ↑ Fk
    -Each circle represents a table;
    -Red no tables have foreign key
    -the picture on the front line of tree, for example, a level 3, but when 3 becomes N? How is N? That is the question.

    I started to think about the following:

    First of all, I need to know how to take the kids:
    select distinct child.table_name child
      from all_cons_columns father
      join all_cons_columns child
     using (owner, position)
      join (select child.owner,
                   child.constraint_name fk,
                   child.table_name child,
                   child.r_constraint_name pk,
                   father.table_name father
              from all_constraints father, all_constraints child
             where child.r_owner = father.owner
               and child.r_constraint_name = father.constraint_name
               and father.constraint_type in ('P', 'U')
               and child.constraint_type = 'R'
               and child.owner = 'OWNER') aux
     using (owner)
     where child.constraint_name =
       and child.table_name = aux.child
       and father.constraint_name =
       and father.table_name = aux.father;
    We will share!

    Thanks in advance,

    Published by: BluShadow on April 1st, 2011 15:08
    formatting of code and hierarchy for readbility

    Have you looked to see if there is a cycle in the graph of dependence? Is there a table that has a foreign key to B and B has a back of A foreign key?

    SQL> create table my_emp (
      2    emp_id number primary key,
      3    emp_name varchar2(10),
      4    manager_id number
      5  );
    Table created.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create table my_mgr (
      2    manager_id number primary key,
      3    employee_id number references my_emp( emp_id ),
      4    purchasing_authority number
      5* )
    SQL> /
    Table created.
    SQL> alter table my_emp
      2    add constraint fk_emp_mgr foreign key( manager_id )
      3         references my_mgr( manager_id );
    Table altered.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1   select level lvl,
      2          child_table_name,
      3          sys_connect_by_path( child_table_name, '/' ) path
      4     from (select parent.table_name      parent_table_name,
      5                  parent.constraint_name parent_constraint_name,
      6                  child.table_name        child_table_name,
      7                  child.constraint_name   child_constraint_name
      8             from user_constraints parent,
      9                  user_constraints child
     10            where child.constraint_type = 'R'
     11              and parent.constraint_type = 'P'
     12              and child.r_constraint_name = parent.constraint_name
     13           union all
     14           select null,
     15                  null,
     16                  table_name,
     17                  constraint_name
     18             from user_constraints
     19            where constraint_type = 'P')
     20    start with child_table_name = 'MY_EMP'
     21*  connect by prior child_table_name = parent_table_name
    SQL> /
    ORA-01436: CONNECT BY loop in user data

    If you have a cycle, you have some problems.

    (1) it is a NOCYCLE keyword does not cause the error, but that probably requires an Oracle version which is not so far off support. I don't think it was available at the time 9.2 but I don't have anything old enough to test on

    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1   select level lvl,
      2          child_table_name,
      3          sys_connect_by_path( child_table_name, '/' ) path
      4     from (select parent.table_name      parent_table_name,
      5                  parent.constraint_name parent_constraint_name,
      6                  child.table_name        child_table_name,
      7                  child.constraint_name   child_constraint_name
      8             from user_constraints parent,
      9                  user_constraints child
     10            where child.constraint_type = 'R'
     11              and parent.constraint_type = 'P'
     12              and child.r_constraint_name = parent.constraint_name
     13           union all
     14           select null,
     15                  null,
     16                  table_name,
     17                  constraint_name
     18             from user_constraints
     19            where constraint_type = 'P')
     20    start with child_table_name = 'MY_EMP'
     21*  connect by nocycle prior child_table_name = parent_table_name
    SQL> /
           LVL CHILD_TABLE_NAME               PATH
    ---------- ------------------------------ --------------------
             1 MY_EMP                         /MY_EMP
             2 MY_MGR                         /MY_EMP/MY_MGR
             1 MY_EMP                         /MY_EMP
             2 MY_MGR                         /MY_EMP/MY_MGR

    (2) If you try to write on a table and all of its constraints in a file and do it in a valid order, the entire solution is probably wrong. It is impossible, for example, to generate the DDL for MY_EMP and MY_DEPT such as all instructions for a table come first, and all the instructions for the other are generated second. So even if NOCYCLE to avoid the error, you would end up with an invalid DDL script. If that's the problem, I would rethink the approach.

    -Generate the DDL for all tables without constraint
    -Can generate the DDL for all primary key constraints
    -Can generate the DDL for all unique key constraints
    -Can generate the DDL for all foreign key constraints

    This is not solidarity all the DOF for a given in the file object. But the SQL will be radically simpler writing - there will be no need to even look at the dependency graph.


  • Delete the last column in a table

    Hey there,

    is it possible that a script selects the last column of a table (there are tables with columns 3 and 4 on a page) and deletes it?

    And is it possible that this is happening on a specific layer?


    Hi, ELP,.

    Use the code below:

    //remove column
    var myTable = app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().columns[-1].remove();
    //remove column with layer
    var myTable = app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().getElements();
    for(i=0; i



  • use to insert the last day of each month

    Hi, I wrote this code but it did not insert the 20 December and it is January 1, and next time running is 31 January... I would like to work to make this insert every last day of each month...
      sys.dbms_job.submit(job => :job,
                          what => 'INSERT INTO hisrtu 
                                            SELECT rtunum, linked, dbchkd, chaqty, dbvald, ctrltr, meaadj, qtyrtu, month, year, entity, rtunam 
                                            FROM qtyrtu;',
                          next_date => to_date('31-10-2010 01:00:03', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),
                          interval => 'SYSDATE +30');
    I don't know if it's because I assigned the date 31-10... In November it's just but December has not...

    Best regards, hope you can help me.

    I use oracle 9i


    If you want the job to run at 02:00 the last day of the next month, then the desired argument is:

    interval => 'ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC (SYSDATE, ''MONTH''), 2) - (22 / 24)'

    In other words, if she finishes running at 02:30 on 31 January, then
    TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'MONTH') will be at 00:00:00 January 1
    ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'MONTH'), 1) will be March 1st at 00:00:00
    ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'MONTH'), - 1) (22 / 24) will be 22 hours earlier, i.e. 02:00 on the last day of February.

    logandro wrote:
    I don't know if it's because I assigned the date 31-10... In November it's just but December has not...

    Do you mean this line?

    next_date-online to_date (October 31, 2010 01:00:03 ',' dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),

    I don't think that's a problem. The next_date specifies only when it work baptisms. I guess he ran on October 31; you said it was running well on 30 November, 30 days after that. Something has to happen after November 30.

    Note that the interval argument is relative when the task completes. If a task takes 30 minutes to run, then

    interval => 'SYSDATE +30'

    means that, if it turns to
    01:00:03 October 31, then it will run again about
    01:30:03 November 30, around
    02:00:03 on December 30.
    02:30:03 January 29 and so on. If your business does that for a few seconds, it won't matter much.

    If you decide to use LAST_DAY, don't forget not that the hours-minutes-seconds referring LAST_DAY are the same as those of his argument.

  • getting the last area for each case

    Hello all;

    I have a table with the following information below
    create table tmp_a
           idv number(30),
           personid number(30),
           Area varchar2(200),
           dateadded date,
           is_close number(2)
    insert into tmp_a
      (idv, personid, area, dateadded, is_close)
      (1, 10001, 'ZONE_A', sysdate, 1);
    insert into tmp_a
      (idv, personid, area, dateadded, is_close)
      (2, 10002, 'ZONE_B', sysdate, 0);
    insert into tmp_a
      (idv, personid, area, dateadded, is_close)
      (3, 10003, 'ZONE_A', sysdate, 0);
    insert into tmp_a
      (idv, personid, area, dateadded, is_close)
      (4, 10003, 'ZONE_A', sysdate, 0); 
    Now, I'd like to get this below
    idv   Personid   Area        Dateadded                           Is_clode
    4       10003   Zone_A     3/3/2011 1:00:37PM               0
    2       10002   Zone_B     3/3/2011 12:17;14PM              0
    the output is based on the fact if there are duplicates associated with the area, the query should choose the last... In this case, the last being for zone_A is idv 4.
    Please note, idv is a primary key. How can I do this? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
    select  max(idv) keep(dense_rank last order by dateadded,idv) idv,
            max(personid) keep(dense_rank last order by dateadded,idv) personid,
            max(dateadded) dateadded,
            max(is_close) keep(dense_rank last order by dateadded,idv) is_close
      from  tmp_a
      group by area
      order by area
           IDV   PERSONID AREA                           DATEADDED             IS_CLOSE
    ---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------- ----------
             4      10003 ZONE_A                         03/03/2011 13:12:50          1
             2      10002 ZONE_B                         03/03/2011 13:12:50          0
    2 rows selected.


  • AddRow on enter on the last field in a table

    Hello on 11.2 db APEX

    I am trying to find a way to add a new line when pressing enter in the last field in tabular form. The user does not want to press the new button to add a line every time, but I want to just press on enter the last field, indicating that a new line should be added.

    Anywbody is an easy trick for this (probably the JS that is not my specialty )?



    Hi there,

    Try the following steps below

    Create a dynamic action:

    Event: Down key

    * Type selection: dom

    * DOM object: window

    Condition: Expression of Javascript

    window.event.keyCode is 13;

    Real action

    Action: Run Javascript code

    under settings-> code->::AddRow();

    Check out this old thread for more details: Add addRow tabular without button

    Kind regards


  • How to get the last records of a Table

    Hey Geeks,

    I have this 'conflict '.

    I need to get the 'current balance' for each account, the newest "current_Balance".

    The table looks like this

    1 062 570238 043 51751'022-20'00031.03.2014 17:49:00.808000
    1 062 570238 042 40771'022-20'00031.03.2014 17:33:55.666000
    1 062 570238 042 36891'022-26'00031.03.2014 17:33:20.067000
    1 062 570238 041 273117'022-50,00031.03.2014 17:18:25.189000
    1 062 570238 041 174167'022-10,00031.03.2014 17:16:59.361000
    1 062 570238 038 702177'022-2'50031.03.2014 16:44:58.332000
    5 607 555238 046 7131'026-28'50031.03.2014 18:35:16.212000
    5 607 555238 040 59229'526-100,00031.03.2014 17:10:15.474000

    I need this result:


    5 607 555 1'026

    1 062 570 51'022                   

    How we handle this?

    Thxs for your help

    Ineffective :-)

    SELECT Account_id

    MAX (current_balance) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY transaction_date) current_balance

    MAX (business_transaction_id) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY transaction_date) business_transaction_id

    Of account_balances

    GROUP BY account_id

    See on Oracle: clause to keep



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    It works very well, however, its pages and pages of text, some of them wearing top of the previous page. For example, a page can start with 08:00 and the header is defined at 08:00, that works. 08:00 until almost the end of the next page, but 3 lines from the bottom is 09:00 in this case, I would still like this page to say at 08:00 and I would like to the next page to tell even if the first instance of the style of time on this page is from 10:00 to 09:00

    Any ideas if this is possible?

    Thank you! Much appreciated!

    Probably not without adding a non-printable tag at 08:00 in the page. ID running header variables are defined to use the page in progress, or look back only if there is no instance on the current page.

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    That cannot be avoided.

    Any original page will be faxed a duplex job, the Board of the unit detects only the pages, not their content.


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    Thanks in advance...


    Make the scenario for each interface and expand when the script option is planning.

    Scheduling---> option execution---> select month (day of week)---> monthly date = last & Sunday and schedule accordingly.

    Let me know

    Thank you

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    I use 'Find in page' several times a day, so it's extremely annoying. Is there a setting that I can change so that once I open the search bar remains open for the whole browser and all its tabs?

    Thank you


    It has been changed, you can change it back with this addon.

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    This problem may be caused by an extension that is not working properly.

    Start Firefox in Firefox to solve the issues in Safe Mode to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is the cause of the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > appearance/themes).

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