To send an e-mail for 3 days I could open my comcast but can open on other browsers... that make up?

I have been using FIREFOX for YEARS to access my mail on About 3 days ago I am unable to do so. I get the circle going round and round and round and never connect. I can open it on Google Chrome and IE, so this leads me to believe it's a Firefox issue. Help, please.

Hello, please try to reset firefox (this will keep your bookmarks and passwords).

Since you seem to have some suspicious addons installed as well, I also recommend to run a full scan of your system with various security tools such as the free version of malwarebytes and adwcleaner who are specialized in the detection of adware.

Tags: Firefox

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    You can connect otherwise?  USB or FireWire or love at first sight?  You can connect both machines and start the one you want to transfer to target disk mode.  If your other machine is up and running with an account on it and you just want to move files, you can simply drag and drop the FRO the machine mounted TDM, or you can use the migration wizard.

    Or, if the other machine still starts and runs, you can start both computers and connect to the same wifi network and share the hard drive like machines on the network.  Access them in the finder on the new machine files and drag-and - drop, or use the wizard migration, on wifi.

  • Mail for specific days of the user and specific and time

    Hello Experts,

    I use the program below to email each daily hour. This was intended for one person.

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    x_val               long;
    x_cumm_val          long;
    x_title             long;
    x_cumm_title        long;
    x_footer            long;
    x_column_header     long;
    x_column_line       long;
    x_row_header        long;
    x_row_line          long;
    x_cumm_row_line     long;
    x_total_header      long;
    x_total_line        long;
    x_row               long;
    x_cumm_row          long;
    l_rec_time          varchar2(25);
    l_order_id          number;
    l_amt               number;
    l_cumm_amt          number;
    l_instant_cumm_amt  number;
    l_instant_game_id   number :=-1;
    l_instant_col_val   number :=2;
    l_instant_cumm_val  number :=0;--keep cummalative amt for instant
    l_product           varchar2(25);
    no_chance           exception;
    x_cnt               number :=0;
    l_date              date := trunc(sysdate);
    x_to                long ;
    c_cc                 long := '[email protected]';
    x_recipient          long := '[email protected]';
    x_exec_recipien      long := '[email protected]';
    x_gamma_recipient long := '[email protected]';
    CURSOR c_get_values IS
    select nvl(sum(act_amt),0)
    from hourly_sales
    where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
    and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
    and to_char(to_date(rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') = to_char(to_date(l_rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI')
    and order_id =l_order_id;
    CURSOR c_get_Instant_val IS
    select nvl(sum(act_amt),0)
    from hourly_sales
    where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
    and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
    and to_char(to_date(rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') = to_char(to_date(l_rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI')
    and product='INSTANT';
    CURSOR c_get_user IS
    select email_address
    from apex_user
    where user_name =p_person
    and default_schema ='LOTTO_BI';
         x_title := '<html><head> '
                    ||'<h3 align="left"><u><font color="#000080"> Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY')
      x_cumm_title := '<html><head> '
                    ||'<h3 align="left"><u><font color="#000080"> Cumulative Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY')
      x_column_header :=  '<table border="1" bordercolor="#000000" style="background-color:#ffffd2" width="400" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"> '
                           ||'<TR>  <TD>    </TD> ';
       x_footer := '<p>This Email is autogenerated. For any inquiry please '||
                        ' Email on <a '||
                        'href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p>'||
                        '<p> </p>'||
                        '<p> </p></body></html>';
        if p_person is not null then
            OPEN C_GET_USER;
            FETCH C_GET_USER INTO x_to;
              x_val := 'No email address defined for '||p_person;
              raise no_chance;
            END IF;
            CLOSE C_GET_USER;
            x_cc := null;--do n0t copy operations when testing mail  
          if ltrim(rtrim(to_char(SYSDATE,'DAY'))) in('FRIDAY','SATURDAY') then     
           x_to := x_recipient||' , '||x_exec_recipient;
            if ltrim(rtrim(to_char(SYSDATE,'DAY'))) = 'SATURDAY' then
                x_to := x_to||' , '||x_gamma_recipient;
            end if;     
           x_to := x_recipient;
          end if;      
        end if;                 
       for c1 in( select game_id,product product_id,b.display_name product,b.ordering
                  from hourly_sales a,
                       games b
                  where a.game_id
                  and = 'Y'                  --<< Addition of condtion for active games only
                  and trunc(a.sys_date) =l_date
                  and nvl(a.confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
                  group by a.game_id,a.product,b.display_name,b.ordering
                  select -1,'INSTANT','Instant',l_instant_col_val
                  from dual
                  order by 4
                        if c1.product is null then
                           x_val := 'Invalid or Unrecognized Product retrieved from database';
                           raise no_chance;                       
                        end if;
                        x_column_line := x_column_line|| '<TH> ' ||c1.product||' </TH>';
                        x_cnt := x_cnt +1;
                        update hourly_sales
                        set order_id  = x_cnt
                        where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
                        and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y'
                        and game_id =c1.game_id
                        and product =c1.product_id;
                    end loop;--c1
                    x_column_line := x_column_line||' </TR>';
                    if x_cnt =0 then
                        x_val := 'No Hourly sales data to send for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY');
                        raise no_chance;
                   end if;
                    for c2 in(select rec_time
                                 from rec_time
                                 group by rec_time
                                 order by 1
                                    l_rec_time := c2.rec_time;
                                    x_row_header := ' <TR> <TH>'||c2.rec_time||'</TH> ';
                                            for i in 1..x_cnt
                                                l_order_id := i;
                                                l_cumm_amt := null;--reset of cummulatice amt for each game
                                               if l_order_id = l_instant_col_val then --INSTANT Total Sales
                                                  OPEN c_get_Instant_val;
                                                  FETCH c_get_Instant_val INTO l_amt;
                                                  l_instant_cumm_val := l_instant_cumm_val + l_amt;
                                                  IF c_get_Instant_val%NOTFOUND THEN
                                                    x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center"> - </p></TD> ';
                                                    l_cumm_amt := 0;
                                                    x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center">'||to_char(l_amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999')||'</p></TD> ';
                                                   /* Assume @ this stage that if previous record <>0 for instant sales column
                                                      next record should have value else no hourly sales yet input.
                                                    if l_amt = 0 then
                                                     l_cumm_amt := 0 ;
                                                     l_cumm_amt := l_instant_cumm_val;
                                                    end if;
                                                  END IF;
                                                  CLOSE c_get_Instant_val;
                                                OPEN c_get_values;
                                                FETCH c_get_values INTO l_amt;
                                                IF c_get_values%NOTFOUND THEN
                                                   x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center"> - </p></TD> ';
                                                   l_cumm_amt := 0;
                                                  x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center">'||to_char(l_amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999')||'</p></TD> ';
                                                 if l_amt <> 0 then  
                                                   --save values into temp table for cummulative
                                                  insert into cumm_hourly_sales
                                                   select (sum(amt))
                                                   into l_cumm_amt
                                                   from cumm_hourly_sales
                                                   where game_id = l_order_id;
                                                    l_cumm_amt := 0;
                                                 end if;
                                                END IF;
                                                CLOSE c_get_values;
                                                end if;
                                                   x_cumm_row_line := x_cumm_row_line||' <TD><p align="center">'||to_char(l_cumm_amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999')||'</p></TD> ';
                                            end loop;
                                       x_row := x_row||x_row_header||x_row_line;    
                                       x_cumm_row := x_cumm_row||x_row_header||x_cumm_row_line;    
                                       --reinitialise variables
                                       x_row_header := null;
                                       x_row_line := null;
                                       x_cumm_row_line := null;
                                 end loop;--c2
                                  x_total_header := ' <TR> <TH> Total </TH> ';
                                 --Total count
                                 for c3 in( select order_id,sum(act_amt)amt
                                            from hourly_sales
                                            where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
                                            and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
                                            group by order_id
                                            union all
                                            select 2,sum(act_amt)amt--Total for Instant Sales (value 2 should be ok since order 2 do not exist on table) 
                                            from hourly_sales
                                            where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
                                            and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y'
                                            and product ='INSTANT' 
                                            group by 2
                                            order by order_id)
                                             x_total_line := x_total_line||' <TD><p align="center"><strong><em>'||to_char(c3.amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.99')
                                                                   ||'</em></strong></p></TD> ';
                                            end loop;
                                                 x_row := x_row||x_total_header||x_total_line;                
                                                 x_val  :=  x_title||x_column_header||x_column_line||x_row||' </TABLE> '||x_footer;
                                                 x_cumm_val :=x_cumm_title||x_column_header||x_column_line||x_cumm_row||' </TABLE> '||x_footer;
        apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                                    l_to => x_to,
                                    l_body => x_val ,
                                    l_subject => 'Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY'),
                                    l_cc => x_cc
        apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                                    l_to =>  x_to,
                                    l_body => x_cumm_val ,
                                    l_subject => 'Cumulative Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY'),
                                    l_cc => x_cc
    when no_chance then 
    --send mail
    IF c_get_values%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_values;END IF;
    IF c_get_user%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_user;END IF;
    apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                               l_to =>'[email protected]',
                               l_body => x_val ,
                               l_subject => 'Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY'),
                               l_cc => '[email protected]'
    when others then
     --send mail
     IF c_get_values%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_values;END IF;
     IF c_get_user%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_user;END IF;
     x_val :='Unexpected Error '||sqlerrm;
    apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                               l_to =>'[email protected]',
                               l_body => x_val ,
                               l_subject => 'Hourly Sales for '||sysdate,
                               l_cc => '[email protected]'

    Hey Kevin,

    If I understand your condition, you could do this with two tables:
    something like this:

    Table 1: Recipients_lookup
    DAY          RECIPIENTS
    MONDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    TUESDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    WEDNESDAY     [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    THURSDAY     [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    FRIDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    SATURDAY     [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    SUNDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

    First, you must select the recipients in table 1 to help 'day' of sysdate. store in a global variable for that particular day.

    Insert date time records in table 2, something like this:

    Table 2: date_time_lookup
    DATE          TIME          SENT_FLAG
    30-Apr-10     10:00 AM     Y
    30-Apr-10     11:00 AM     Y
    30-Apr-10     12:00 PM     Y
    30-Apr-10     1:00 PM
    30-Apr-10     2:00 PM
    30-Apr-10     3:00 PM
    30-Apr-10     4:00 PM

    Once done, make your program (to generate/send by email) to run for the first hour of the day.
    Use dbms_lock.sleep (3600) to sleep for 1 hour then call your procedure again
    to do this, until you reach some "end time" (7 PM or so consider you want it to be sent only during working hours...) for the day, after which, your code still needs to wait until the next day.

    Tip: just go through this link on dbms_lock.sleep and use accordingly:

    * This is based on my initial understanding of your condition. Could be too long :)


  • Despite several reboots that Firefox does not open for 3 days because apparently he was busy, how can I see what it is and how to close?

    I set up my online banking site but could not sign, or sign out so I closed the website and Firefox. For 3 days I couldn't open Firefox and explore. During the 3 days, I rebooted several times. On the fourth day when I opened Firefox a screen open Firefox saying was embarrassed etc etc... and that I could restore my bank site online that I did. I was able to log in and log out of the account and close the site. My question is when Firefox crashes like that, how do I see if a site is opened in Firefox if I can't open Firefox?

    I am on Windows 7

    Clear the cache and cookies from sites that cause problems.

    "Clear the Cache":

    • Tools > Options > advanced > network > content caching Web: 'clear now '.

    'Delete Cookies' sites causing problems:

    • Tools > Options > privacy > Cookies: "show the Cookies".

    If clearing cookies doesn't work, then it is possible that the cookies.sqlite file that stores the cookies is corrupted.

    Rename (or delete) cookies.sqlite (cookies.sqlite.old) and delete other files to present as cookie cookies.sqlite - journal in the profile folder of Firefox in the case where the cookies.sqlite file has been corrupted.

    Start Firefox in Safe Mode to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/tools > Modules > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is the cause of the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/tools > Modules > appearance).

    • Do NOT click on the reset button on the start safe mode window or make changes.
  • I have a new laptop and that you have installed latest Firefox and none can not get in Google Mail - Guard forces me to re-register I can access with other browsers

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    Many issues of the site can be caused by corrupted cookies or cache. To try to solve these problems, the first step is to clear cookies and cache.
    Note: This will be you temporarily disconnect all sites, you're connected to.
    To clear the cache and cookies to do the following:

    1. Go to Firefox > history > clear recent history or (if no Firefox button is displayed) go to tools > clear recent history.
    2. Under "Time range to clear", select "all".
    3. Now, click the arrow next to details to toggle the active details list.
    4. In the list of details, see the Cache and Cookies and uncheck everything.
    5. Now click the clear now button.

    More information can be found in article to clear your cache, history, and other personal information in Firefox .


    Try Firefox Safe mode to see if the problem goes away. Safe mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most of the modules.

    (If you use it, switch to the default theme).

    • You can open Firefox 4.0 + in Safe Mode holding the key SHIFT key when you open the desktop Firefox or shortcut in the start menu.
    • Or open the Help menu and click on the restart with the disabled... modules menu item while Firefox is running.

    Once you get the pop-up, simply select "" boot mode safe. "

    If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode, your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to understand that one. To do this, please follow article Troubleshooting extensions, themes and problems of hardware acceleration to resolve common Firefox problems .

    To exit safe mode of Firefox, simply close Firefox and wait a few seconds before you open Firefox for normal use again.

    When find you what is causing your problems, please let us know. It might help others who have the same problem.

    Thank you.

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    To start the Cloud

    -Installation, update or uninstall and launching after installation

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    As this last change to Firefox, upgrade 41 and a little, I had problem with access to a variety of regularly used sites and went back to the site of Firefox to download a new version of the software, Firefox now tells me that it can't load my profile. Firefox now won't work at all.

    I am currently using Internet Explorer and have miserably failed to attach a photo again the error message from Firefox. In essence, it says: "cannot load your Firefox profile. It may be missing or inaccessible. »

    Any ideas?

    Hi martin, please press the windows key + R and open: %APPDATA%\protector.exe
    a window of the Explorer is opened upwards, in there rename the folder called "Mozilla" to something like "Mozilla.bak" - then firefox should start over.

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    This forum is not for asking what is probably a matter of Hotmail.

    Ask questions of Hotmail here:

  • If I try to send an e-mail, it remains in the Outbox, showing never sent, but he sends several times.

    Using Outlook Express 6 on windows XP

    When I send an email with an attachment or meet one of my Inbox of the message send by the end of the progress bar, then I get a yellow warning triangle (no error code) and the seat of message in the Outbox to be sent whenever I have send and receive.

    Messages are released (several times which is annoying people), but remain in Outbox marked as pending until I delete them.

    I disabled my McAffee analysis email, but problem remains...


    Found a solution, delete all messages in sent items, and deleted messages.

    It would seem that it is a problem of storage.

    I created an archive folder to keep sent messages, I need then deleted the rest.

    This seems to have solved the problem. : )

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    Every time I have send an email, any email or answer to one, I have a symbol (maybe from the OS X keychain?) which is forces me to put in name of username/password before my email send. A lot of time and unnecessary.

    I just set up a verification of the signature in Adobe and think that it is the source, but it could be a bunch of OS X that has somehow been touched by the signatures of my safety. Can anyone help?

    Hi janteve,

    If you have the option to remember the password please check it after you have entered the user name & password.

    Otherwise, I will recommend you to contact Mac support team to get this problem resolved as they specialize on the devices out there.

    Kind regards

  • can I download other browsers on my phone other firefox since firefox in intex cloud fx phone is not too good for exploitation. ?

    I am facing problem in the browser using ff in intex cloud fx .i dodnot as the browser because its crashing and I couldn't copy or paste something. I want a new version of the browser update.

    From now there is no other available browsers.

  • If a company has purchased several licenses in bulk for PS CS6 years and then added employees recently, can he buy other licenses for CS6?

    I work in an office that uses PS CS6, that always fits his needs, but additional employees were added beyond the number of licenses purchased initially. CS6 additional licenses can be purchased and added?

    Link to buy the CS6 via phone

  • Windows mail the filler of unique active automatic name for a day or two after the last contact with the person.

    Windows mail. Filling of unique active automatic name for a day or two after the last contact with the person. After that, I have to manual search in contacts. Is this normal?

    Thanks in advance

    Hi Abbeypiece Ltd,

    The feature of AutoComplete in Windows Mail doesn't seem to use the Contacts folder. Instead, he uses the history of most recently used contacts.

    For more information, you can consult the following article:

    Change Windows Mail send settings

    Hope this information is useful.

  • Windows Live Mail sends loads of mail sent in a box?

    If I send an email, it duplicates in a box by about 50? but the recipient receives an email that I sent. It does this on my phone Samsung sent box as well. All Advisor, would be appreciated. Is this something to do with the synchronization of all e-mail on the Hotmail account that I use, maybe?

    Thanks Julie

    The problem is with the phone. See here for two solutions: my sent folder went crazy

  • How can I increase size of mail for some users only in exchange 2003 or the smtp server

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    Thank you & best regards


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