Two quick questions (hopefully) - right way to dynamically change the CSS class and put of Splash screen implemented

Couple of quick questions have left me speechless!

So, it seems obvious that many JavaFX applications want to dynamically change the CSS styles.  Is the best way to do it through la.getStyleClass () .add ("classname") < node >?  The underlying data structure is a list of observable.  So let's say we have 5 styles that simply to change the fill color of a circle of 5 different colors, respectively.  So if I have a condition in which I want to dynamically apply 1 of these 5 styles, as I do now it's by setting all 5 styles as a string in a list by using a static initializer, then I call < node > .getStyleClass () .removeAll (list), then getStyleClass () .add ("classname").  I do this to avoid adding again and still the same style and inflate the underlying list.  What is the right way to manage dynamic CSS styles?

Finally a very simple I think.  So I know there's a little differently to implement a splash screen.  My app has certainly got bigger in the last few months of development and I noticed there are about a 5 second delay between when I run the application when I see the main stage.  I was thinking what a splash screen would be nice to fill that time.  I had no time to prototype using a Preloader and I fear that using another, early stage start-up again would be too long of a delay.  "I actually thought that using the Nice and simple JVM argument" - splash: image name > "would be simple, easy and effective.  Unfortunately when I try to do, the splash screen appears but never goes away.  Anyone know what is happening with this?

Your mechanism to manage the css style classes is a good approach; I've used several times. I wonder why the style classes have been implemented as a list, instead of a game, but there may be cases of good use for the use of a list.

In some cases you can also consider using CSS PsuedoClasses, which were presented in JavaFX 8. Here is a little easier to use, especially if you have two options. But a use case might look like:

public class Message {
    public enum Status { NORMAL, WARNING, CRITICAL }

    private final ObjectProperty status = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(Status.NORMAL);
    private final StringProperty message = new SimpleStringProperty();

    // constructor, getters, setters, and property accessors....
public Label createLabel(Message message) {
    PseudoClass warning = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("warning");
    PseudoClass critical = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("critical");

    Label label = new Label();
    message.statusProperty().addListener((obs, oldStatus, newStatus) -> {
        label.pseudoClassStateChanged(warning, newStatus == Message.Status.WARNING);
        label.pseudoClassStateChanged(critical, newStatus == Message.Status.CRITICAL);
    return label ;

And then your css looks like

.label:warning {
    -fx-text-fill: orange ;
.label:critical {
    -fx-text-fill: red ;

Tags: Java

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    PreparedStatement.getParameterMetaData () subject is exactly what you need for this task.

    Once you have the ParameterMetaData you can ask how many parameters are present, and how they are. Parameters are numbered from 1 to n, and you can use ParameterMetaData.getParameterMode (1); to get the function of parameter 1. The modes are defined as static values of the ParameterMetaData object. Check out the doc at


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    You can convert the string "1,15,25,55" online like this

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      2    from dual
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      4  /

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    Why do you think you have "32-bit and 64-bit" versions of Windows 7 installed?

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    Maybe this will help--> 32-bit and 64-bit Windows: frequently asked questions

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          stage.setTitle("Stage Title");
          final LogAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis();
          final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis();
          final LineChart<Number, Number> chart = new LineChart<>(xAxis, yAxis);
          // each bar is a line from x,0 to x,y
          int width = 24; // pixels
          for (int i = 0; i < ydata.length; i++)
             String css = "";
             // TODO: dynamically calculate unique width for each "bar"
             final XYChart.Series data = new XYChart.Series();
             data.setName("Series" + (i + 1));
             data.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(xdata[i], 0.0f));
             data.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(xdata[i], ydata[i]));
             // Dynamically set style instead of reading from file
             // Assign each "bar" data series a color and line width
             css += ".chart-series-line{ -fx-stroke: red; -fx-stroke-width: ";
             css += width;
             css += "px; }\n";
             System.out.println("node style: " + data.getNode().getStyle());
             System.out.println("node style class: " + data.getNode().getStyleClass());
             width *= 3; // TODO: replace this with dynamic calculation of width
          } // end for
          final Scene scene = new Scene(chart, 800, 600);
          System.out.println("Scene stylesheet: " + scene.getStylesheets());
          System.out.println("chart style: " + chart.getStyle());
          System.out.println("chart style class: " + chart.getStyleClass());
          System.out.println("chart style sheet: " + chart.getStylesheets());

    The Node #setStyle (String) method only supports the statements, not the rule full css. The setStyle call with '.chart-series-line {-fx-stroke...} '. "should give an error in the parser. Something like "whereas IDENT.

    You might find the line you want in the series. If series.getNode () is a form (as it will be for a line chart), you can just get the node in a form and call the setStrokeWidth() directly.

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    I write a procedure that dynamically build the query data and insert in the table "dq_summary".
    enforcement procedure with success and data not inserted into the table 'dq_summary '.

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    FOR rep IN cur_di_attr
            dbms_output.put_line ('d: ');   
              EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT table_name FROM ' || sum_tab || ' WHERE id = ' || rep.attribute_id INTO rep_tab;
              dbms_output.put_line ('rep_tab: '||rep_tab);
              run_query := run_query || ' ' || rep_tab || ' WHERE ' || nvl(wh_cond, '1 = 1');
              EXECUTE IMMEDIATE run_query INTO end_rslt;
              EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE dq_summary SET ' || prop || '_' || p_code || ' = ' || end_rslt || ' WHERE attribute_id = ' || rep.attribute_id;
              dbms_output.put_line ('e: ');      
              dbms_output.put_line ('rep_tab: '||rep_tab);
              dbms_output.put_line ('end_rslt: '||end_rslt);
              dbms_output.put_line ('f: '); 
              WHEN no_data_found THEN
                rep_tab := '';
                sum_tab := '';
          END LOOP;    
    but in the procedure below must be run several times
    create or replace
      prop                              di_proposition.pro_name%type;
      col_var                           VARCHAR2(100);
      p_code                            dq_parameter.para_code%type;
      sum_tab                           di_proposition.summary_table%type;
      run_query                         dq_parameter.run_query%type;
      wh_cond                           dq_parameter.where_cond%type;
      end_rslt                          VARCHAR2(20);
      rep_tab                           VARCHAR2(50);
      v_error_msg                       VARCHAR2(200);   
      v_error_code                      VARCHAR2(200);  
      v_object_name                     VARCHAR2(50)                          DEFAULT 'DQ_REPORT_PROC';
      v_iss_no                          VARCHAR2(20)                          DEFAULT NULL;
      CURSOR cur_di_prop IS 
        SELECT upper(replace(replace(pro_name, ' '),'-')) pro_name
          FROM di_proposition;
      CURSOR cur_di_para IS
        SELECT upper(para_code) para_code, run_query, where_cond
          FROM dq_parameter;
      CURSOR cur_di_attr IS 
        SELECT attribute_id
          FROM dq_summary;
      DELETE FROM dq_summary;
      INSERT INTO dq_summary (attribute_id, entity_name, attribute_name, data_champ) 
        SELECT a.attribute_id, b.entity_name, a.attribute_name, a.data_champ
          FROM di_attribute_master a, di_entity_master b
         WHERE a.entity_id = b.entity_id;
      FOR c_prop IN cur_di_prop
        prop := c_prop.pro_name;
          SELECT distinct SUBSTR(column_name, 1, INSTR(column_name, '_')-1), summary_table
            INTO col_var, sum_tab
            FROM user_tab_cols a, di_proposition b
           WHERE a.table_name = 'DQ_SUMMARY'
             AND upper(replace(replace(b.pro_name, ' '),'-')) = prop
             AND SUBSTR(a.column_name, 1, INSTR(a.column_name, '_')-1) = upper(replace(replace(b.pro_name, ' '),'-'))
             AND upper(b.status) = 'Y';
             dbms_output.put_line ('col_var: '||col_var);
             dbms_output.put_line ('sum_tab: '||sum_tab);
          WHEN no_data_found THEN
            col_var := '';
            sum_tab := '';
        dbms_output.put_line ('a: ');
        FOR para IN cur_di_para
         dbms_output.put_line ('b: ');
          p_code := para.para_code;
          run_query := para.run_query;
          wh_cond := para.where_cond;
          dbms_output.put_line ('c: ');
          FOR rep IN cur_di_attr
            dbms_output.put_line ('d: ');   
              EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT table_name FROM ' || sum_tab || ' WHERE id = ' || rep.attribute_id INTO rep_tab;
              dbms_output.put_line ('rep_tab: '||rep_tab);
              run_query := run_query || ' ' || rep_tab || ' WHERE ' || nvl(wh_cond, '1 = 1');
              EXECUTE IMMEDIATE run_query INTO end_rslt;
              EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE dq_summary SET ' || prop || '_' || p_code || ' = ' || end_rslt || ' WHERE attribute_id = ' || rep.attribute_id;
              dbms_output.put_line ('e: ');      
              dbms_output.put_line ('rep_tab: '||rep_tab);
              dbms_output.put_line ('end_rslt: '||end_rslt);
              dbms_output.put_line ('f: '); 
              WHEN no_data_found THEN
                rep_tab := '';
                sum_tab := '';
          END LOOP;    
        END LOOP;
      END LOOP; 
             v_error_msg   := SQLERRM;
             v_error_code  := SQLCODE;  
             TRACKER_LOG_EXECEPTION(v_iss_no, v_object_name, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, v_error_msg, v_error_code);
    Published by: BluShadow on February 7, 2012 12:04
    addition of {noformat}
    {noformat} tags.  Please read {message:id=9360002} and learn to do this yourself in future.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

    903830 wrote:

    I write a procedure that dynamically build the query data and insert in the table "dq_summary".
    enforcement procedure with success and data not inserted into the table 'dq_summary '.

    I'm sorry. But there is no kind of say that way. The code is undesirable. The approach is wrong. This will not happen. This will cause the fragmentation of memory in the shared Pool. This will lead to another session being impossible to analyze the sliders because of the fragmented memory.

    Not only that. The underlying data model is questionable.

    All this seems a candidate perfect as an example of how NOT to design and code and use Oracle.

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    You can set a path to the specific report for any sequence that you run via the entry points of process model using the reminder of your sequence ReportOptions. It will allow you to change the current settings in the Options report (including the path) for the execution of this sequence. This allows each of your sequences have unique report options.

    If I understand your question, you want to do is exactly what is meant recall ReportOptions.


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    My application connects to a server once a week and draws new content and 2 new icons.

    Can I use the icons drawn recently to replace the existing icons.

    Thank you.

    My glance, you have codes is about right.  Note that you will need to provide the images you downloaded as Bitmaps.  There are a number of discussions on this Forum dealing with requirements to download the files and convert them to Bitmaps, so have a look round for help with that.

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    You can use the NoSquint extension to define the size of the font (zoom text/page) and the color of the text on web pages.

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    Best regards


    Yamaeda wrote:

    The POP in separate windows, and you can have as much as you want.

    Or make separate them windows, and then set up a child-parent relationship in Windows, it seems as if it was all about a user interface.

    It's nice enough for the demo beta like software, but works.

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    Hi mxbot221,

    It is very unfortunate to know that you have lost the game disc. It is indeed a nice game that requires precision and work of the spirit.

    But the good thing is that you can download the demo version of the game among the links below and then, can enter the product key to unlock all its features.

    Here are the links: 1)


    In addition, you can try to contact the Microsoft Supplemental Parts team for a replacement CD. To locate the phone number, visit the following Microsoft Web site:; EN-US; CNTACTMS

    Ref: How to replace Microsoft software or hardware, order service packs and upgrades, and replace product manuals

    You can also try Games Microsoft support forum> for more discussions about the game.

    Hope this information was useful.
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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