Unexpected behavior with the Option "record in the result.


I have unexpected behavior with the Option "record in the result.

I have a few steps in the subsequence 'X', this subsequence passes a Boolean parameter. According to the value of the parameter I change the "Recorgind results" Option to report it or not. The thing is that if 'result Recorgind' set at race time I modofy by changing the value of Step.ResultRecordingOption to "Enable" and "Disable", the step is not reported until the same sous-suite 'X' is called for the second time (without changing the parameter passed).

For example: (Preconditon: result Recorgind Option of all value sous-suite x are defined as Disable)

1 CallSubsequenceX(Parameter: Enable)

2 CallSubsequenceX(Parameter: Enable)

3 CallSubsequenceX(Parameter: Disable)

4 CallSubsequenceX(Parameter: Disable)

Expected result:

1. measures have been reported.

2. measures have been reported.

3. measures have not been reported.

4. measures have not been reported.


1. measures would not same value Step.ResultRecordingOption has been changed to 'enable '. (Not Ok)

2. measures have been reported. (Ok)

3. measures reported same value Step.ResultRecordingOption has been changed to 'disable '. (Not Ok)

4. measures have not been reported. (Ok)

I use TestStand 2013 (

Thanks in advance.


Hi josymar_guzman,

I just review the sequence and indeed we´re experience unexpected behavior with the Step.ResultRecordingOption callback. By a reason when you run the callback in the expression before each step section, the statement runs only until the next sequence is called, which is not what we want.

To avoid this, you can place a statement before each step of the sequence, so you can change the State of the Option "record result" for the sequence running (and it is only the following). You can try something like this

where the expression of the statement will be the recall "RunState.NextStep.ResultRecordingOption is YourCondition". With this, we guarantee that the results of the next step will be saved or not. I also remove the expression in the expression prior to each step section, because the condition is now on the statement before each step.

I tried and it works fine. I´ll set the sequence that you share with me, with the changes. I hope this will help you and solve your problem.

Tags: NI Software

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    You could try the Startup Repair to see if it solves the problem:


    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
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    (rootObject element)


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    [10:43:33.159 2013-12-10] [I] DynamicWrapper (Instance): [PowerShellPSObject]-[class com.vmware.o11n.plugin.powershell.model.result.PSObject] - VALUE: com.vmware.o11n.plugin.powershell.model.result.PSObject@e9e592


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    System.log (rootObj [rootObj.length - 1] .getProperty ("logFile"));

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    Please close this thread and start over in another forum.

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    Please contact National Instruments!
    It is a very strange behavior.  I tested out and seen the exact
    same results you are experiencing.  This was reported to R & D (AUTO ID # 130246) for further investigations.
    From what I can tell the a possible workaround solution that we have documented
    in the post of root Canal.  I can't continue to look into this in order
    to see if there is no other workaround solution or a reason why it is
    run in this way.  Thanks much for the feedback!  If
    you have any other questions on this subject please post them here.
    Have a great day!

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    Any assistance anyone can provide this number will be greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards

    Bill Evans



    I'm looking into your question and he's looking for a little, but I have a few things to try now.

    First of all, once you run the script, could you try to refresh the screen to report? PicUpdate should take care of this, but it does not hurt to be excluded as a possibility.

    Secondly, I found this example on our site on the creation of a new chart and plotting to it: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-3994

    And one thing I notice from this example, it's that they give the channels with D2CChnXName and D2CChnYName rather than D2ChnX and D2ChnY, so here's an example of what their definitions of strings like:

    D2CChnXName = EXAMPLE/Time"."
    D2CChnYName = ' EXAMPLE/speed '.

    I suggest to change this in your own code and see if it makes a difference. It is possible that setting the variables 'name' instead of just the X and the Y will solve the problem.

    If these steps do not resolve the problem, do not hesitate to post back and I'll be happy to work on the issue more in depth and help that understand you why this does not work.

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    ndxEmpl           PLS_INTEGER := 1;
    ndxNewFac        PLS_INTEGER := 1;
    ndxAdid           PLS_INTEGER := 1;
    ndxStdn           PLS_INTEGER := 1;
    ndxNonComp       PLS_INTEGER := 1;
    Say I put the breakpoint on line 3 of the code above. The execution point watch line three has been highlighted to indicate that it is the next line should be run, but when I mouse over ndxNewFac in both, he line shows its value to null. Then I switch to line 4 and ndxNewFac is now list 1, but ndxAdid is null.

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    Published by: gort_industries on Sep 28, 2012 08:28

    Published by: gort_industries on Sep 28, 2012 10:44

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    I'm more concerned to know if it makes a difference when it goes to print, or if it's just weird screen in InDesign.

    Anyone who has heard of this or know why this happens - would like to hear from you.

    Thank you!

    I think it's simply because of full transparency on the page. Should not affect the production of gray images... but check in Acrobat.


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    I have recently upgraded to Windows 10 in Windows 7.  Like so many thousands of people, I problelms of sleep mode.  Mine will not be auto-sleep.  It has been suggested that I saw to run command prompt: powercfg-applications

    It supposedly will list the items running on your computer which can now be auto-sleep to work.  I tried several times and up to now, I get the same item displayed each time.  This is what is displayed: \device\harddiskvolume2\windows\sysWOW64\svchost.exe (hpqddsvc) is followed by this message: a file delete operation is underway

    My first thought is that if there is an operation to remove file in progress all the time, it's maybe the reason why my computer is not auto-sleep.  If there is someone out there who can shed some light on this situation, I would appreciate the help.


    I found the answer to my problem!  After using the control system: powercfg-query and get the answer: \device\harddiskvolume2\windows\sysWOW64\svchost.exe (hpqddsvc) delete file operation is in progress

    I started looking for whatever it is associated with the answer above.  In the Manager of tasks in respect of the services, I found the name of the file hpqddsvc, with a description of HP CUE DeviceDiscovery Service was running.  When I stopped the task and re-tried in opt power standby mode, it worked correctly.  In the Configuration of the system (by typing msconfig at the run prompt) on the Services tab, I unchecked the box for HP CUE DeviceDiscovery Service and rebooted the computer.  The service is no longer running.

    I'm sure that this Service has been added to my computer when I downloaded the hp.com/support product detection tool .  The tool scans your computer to detect and identify HP products.

    This can be useful to others who have the problem of the auto-sleep I've had.

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    Hi all

    We really need your experienced guidance to understand what is happening with the IOM.

    We have activated the account reuse in IOM We use peopleSoft employee reconciliation with flat file as a source of confidence. If the same user exists in the file, IOM created 2 active accounts. When we have activated recon sequence, this problem has been resolved that the second instance will update the first. Does anyone know why IOM creates 2 accounts?

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    After that we apply the rule and the account is created, AD and Exchange provisioning fail!

    If we try again manually create user, AD is created while Exchange remains in a pending state.

    How should we deal with these problematic accounts? They are causing many arguments with the customer.

    Help, please

    Thanks in advance

    There is a api to close the event. I used the following code to get all the events in the State 'Event received' for a certain date and automatically closes the event:

    public void closeReconEvents() {}
    try {}
    Map map = new HashMap();
    Map.put ("Reconciliation Manager.Status", 'Event received');
    set tcResultSet = reconIntf.findReconciliationEvent (map, "2009-01-01", "" 2010-08-29);
    System.out.println (Set.getTotalRowCount ());
    for (int i = 0; i)<>
    set.goToRow (i);
    System.out.println (i);
    reconIntf.closeReconciliationEvent (set.getLongValue ('reconciliation Manager.Key'));
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    e.printStackTrace ();


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    on (release) {}
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    FYI - the page in question here, can be found at: http://gravitygroup.com/testflashy/ the 'our work' section sub navigation, that's what I'm looking at.

    Any ideas? Thank you!

    AHA! figured it out. The problem is that I got my sub - nav buttons grouped together so I could move around as a unit. I have them removed, and everything works now!

    Thank you for taking the time to help!

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