update a record is updated the first record in the comic book... Help!

I'm going again and again to this new and can not find the problem.

I have a form that sends an email to the emails that are on a database mysql php however when I update some documents it is always update the first record in the comics... I looked on this so many times and can not see what goes wrong

the user ID is not auto_increment but is based on the username (which are all unique)

I include the code to see if I'm missing something

<? php require_once('.. / Connections/hostprop.php');? >

<? PHP

If (! function_exists ("GetSQLValueString")) {}

function GetSQLValueString ($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")


If (via PHP_VERSION < 6) {}

$theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc()? stripslashes ($TheValue): $theValue;


$theValue = function_exists ("mysql_real_escape_string")? mysql_real_escape_string ($TheValue): mysql_escape_string ($theValue);

Switch ($theType) {}

case 'text ':

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


case "long":

case "int":

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? intval ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


case "double":

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? doubleVal ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


case "date":

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


case "set":

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? $theDefinedValue: $theNotDefinedValue;



Return $theValue;



$editFormAction = $_SERVER ['PHP_SELF'];

If (isset {}

$editFormAction. = « ? ». htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);


If ((isset($_POST["MM_update"])) & & ($_POST ["MM_update"] == "form1")) {}

$updateSQL = sprintf ("UPDATE plus_signup SET email = %s, emailerSubject = %s emailerContent = %s WHERE userid = %s",

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['email'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['emailerSubject'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['emailerContent'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ["userid"], "text"));

@mysql_select_db ($database_hostprop, $hostprop);

$Result1 = mysql_query ($updateSQL, $hostprop) or die (mysql_error ());

Guarantor of the e-mail

$to = $_POST ['email'];

$subject = "email property student Host."

$message ="

< html >

< head >

< title > expensive ".» GetSQLValueString ($_POST ["userid"], "text"). "< /title >

< / head >

< body >

                              <img src=\" http://www.hoststudent.co.UK/beta/images/hostlogo.gif ' -' alt =------"-www.HostStudent.co.uk" / >

< h2 > year students host Email < / h2 >

< br / > < br / >

< table >

< b >

Subject of the E-mail < td >: < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td >. GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['emailerSubject'], "text"). "< table >

< /tr >

< b >

Content of the < td > < table > e-mail

< /tr >

< b >

< td >. GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['emailerContent'], "text"). "< table >

< /tr >

< /table >

< / body >

< / html >


Content-type always defined when sending HTML email

$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0 '. « \r\n » ;

$headers. = "content-type: text / html;" charset = iso-8859-1 ". « \r\n » ;

$headers. = "from: HostStudent.co.uk < " [email protected] > '. "\r\n";

$send = mail ($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

$updateGoTo = "TenantEmailSent.php";

If (isset {}

$updateGoTo. = (strpos ($updateGoTo, '?'))? « & » : « ? » ;

$updateGoTo. = $_SERVER ['QUERY_STRING'];


header (sprintf ("location: %s", $updateGoTo));


@mysql_select_db ($database_hostprop, $hostprop);

$query_Recordset1 = "SELECT username, email, emailerSubject, emailerContent FROM plus_signup";

$Recordset1 = mysql_query ($query_Recordset1, $hostprop) or die (mysql_error ());

$row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc ($Recordset1);

$totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows ($Recordset1);

? >



if(!$_SESSION['loggedIn']) / / if the user IS NOT connected, before they return to the login page




? >

< script type = "text/javascript" >

function loadFields (Value) {}

var guarantor = Value.split("|");

pseudo1 var = guarantor [0];

var GuName = guarantor [1];

var GuPhoneEmail = guarantor [2];

document.getElementById('userid1').value = pseudo1;

document.getElementById('GuName').value = GuName;

document.getElementById('GuPhoneEmail').value = GuPhoneEmail;


< /script >

< do action = "<?" PHP echo $editFormAction;? ">" method = "post" name = "form2" id = "form2" >

< table align = "center" >

< tr valign = 'of basic">

< td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > < table >

< td > < select name = "userid" id = "userid" onchange = "loadFields (this.value)" >

< option value = "select sponsor" > select guarantor < / option >

<? PHP


? >

< option value = "<?" PHP echo $row_Recordset1 ['userid']. '|' . $row_Recordset1 ["GuName"]. '|' . $row_Recordset1 ["GuPhoneEmail"];? > "> <?" PHP echo $row_Recordset1 ['userid']. " , " . $row_Recordset1 ["GuName"]. " , " . $row_Recordset1 ["GuPhoneEmail"];? > < / option >

<? PHP

} While ($row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc ($Recordset1));

$rows = mysql_num_rows ($Recordset1);

If ($rows > 0) {}

mysql_data_seek ($Recordset1, 0);

$row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc ($Recordset1);


? >

< / select > < table >

< /tr >

< tr valign = 'of basic">

< td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > tenant name < table >

< td > < input type = "text" name = "pseudo1" id = "pseudo1" readonly = "readonly" = value "<?" PHP echo htmlentities ($row_Recordset1 ['userid'], ENT_COMPAT, ' utf - 8');? ">" size = "32" / > < table >

< /tr >

< tr valign = 'of basic">

< td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > GuName: < table >

< td > < input type = "text" name = "GuName" id = "GuName" readonly = "readonly" = value "<?" PHP echo htmlentities ($row_Recordset1 ['GuName'], ENT_COMPAT, ' utf - 8');? ">" size = "32" / > < table >

< /tr >

< tr valign = 'of basic">

< td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > GuPhoneEmail: < table >

< td > < input type = "text" name = "GuPhoneEmail" id = "GuPhoneEmail" readonly = "readonly" = value "<?" PHP echo htmlentities ($row_Recordset1 ['GuPhoneEmail'], ENT_COMPAT, ' utf - 8');? ">" size = "32" / > < table >

< /tr >

< tr valign = 'of basic">

< td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > GuEmailerSubject: < table >

< td > < input type = "text" name = "GuEmailerSubject" value = "" size = "32" / > < table > "

< /tr >

< tr valign = 'of basic">

< td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > GuEmailerContent: < table >

< td > < textarea name = "GuEmailerContent" cols = "45" rows = "5" > < / textarea > < table >

< /tr >

< tr valign = 'of basic">

< td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > < table >

< td > < input type = "submit" value = "Email" / > < table >

< /tr >

< tr valign = 'of basic">

< td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< /table >

< input type = "hidden" name = "MM_update" value = "form2" / >

< input type = "hidden" name = "userid" value = "<?" PHP echo $row_Recordset1 ['userid'];? ">" / >

< / make >

I found the problem, there are two forms of the same name...

Thank you

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    I suggest to refer to the procedure described in the link below and check if it helps to resolve the issue.


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    This should be done in a single sql statement, not in a loop of cursor (which is what it looks like you're doing). If sample_desc already contains records for samples, so it should look like:

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                  WHERE sdesc.sample = sdest.sample)

    If sample_desc does not already contain records (unknown from your description), then it would be an insert as:

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    You should find XML columns stored in binary form or CLOB using the DBA_XML_TAB_COLS view referenced in http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e23094/xdb01int.htm#g644983.

    You should find XML tables using storage relational object in the view DBA_OBJECT_TABLES with:


    To abstract data type, you can query DBA_TAB_COLUMNS using ADT as literal for DATA_TYPE column:

    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    SQL> drop table t purge;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> drop type adt;
    Type dropped.
    SQL> --
    SQL> create type adt is object
      2  (
      3   c1 number,
      4   c2 varchar2(30)
      5  ) final
      6  /
    Type created.
    SQL> show errors
    No errors.
    SQL> create table t
      2  (
      3  c adt
      4  )
      5  /
    Table created.
    SQL> show errors
    No errors.
    SQL> --
    SQL> column table_name format a10
    SQL> column column_name format a10
    SQL> column data_type format a10
    SQL> select
      2  table_name,
      3  column_name,
      4  data_type
      5  from user_tab_columns
      6  where
      7  table_name='T';
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    T          C          ADT

    Edited by: P. Forstmann on 8 Apr. 2013 20:28

    Edited by: P. Forstmann on 8 Apr. 2013 21:05

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    Hi Darlene,

    1. do you get an error message?
    2. what updates are getting failed?
    3. what version of Internet Explorer is installed?
    4. what version of Windows is installed on the computer?

    I suggest you try the steps from the following link:

    Cannot install updates in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2

    Note: this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article: back up the registry in Windows Vista

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    You can create a type of source directory to the "Manual of the list" and type in your contacts. Create a directory, and then add the source. That should do the trick.

    / Magnus

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    Max log generation: 900 GB/day

    Archive log diskgroup size: 4 TB

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    Tuesday-> level 1 backup

    Wednesday-> level 0 backup

    Thursday-> level 1 backup

    Friday-> level 1 backup

    Saturday-> level 1 backup

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    delete noprompt archivelog until 'SYSDATE -2";

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    N ° DELETE OBSOLETE removes old newspapers also all the log_archive_dest.

    I could be wrong, but this is the first I hear of this and on a quick scan, I found no support in that either rman reference or guide the user to rman.  Could cite your source?

    DELETE OBSOLETE is not the same thing as REMOVE EXPIRES.


    Never mind.  I found it.


    OBSOLETE Removes backups of data files and copies stored in the repository RMAN which are obsolete, in other words, is no longer required (see example 2-66). RMAN also deletes the log of the obsolete filesand archived redo log backups.

    RMAN determines what backups and copies of data files are no longer needed, which in turn determines what records (and backups of logs) are no longer needed. RMAN considers that the creation of a data file as a backup to decide which connects to keep.

    Post edited by: EdStevens

    Historically, I saved my archivelogs with the option to DELETE the ENTRIES, I never had reason to notice or question this behavior... a rman DELETE OBSOLETE reach out to the archivelogs themselves.   Thinking maybe it was related to the maintenance of the FRA, I just tried a little test in two ways... archivlogs wrote to FRA and archivelogs writes destined for non - FRA.  Of course, anyway DELETE OBSOLETE also deleted real archivelogs.  I don't know that I'll change my procedures as well, but it is good to know.

    I learned something new today.  Can I go home now?

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    delete from table1 where AID = '0320';
    delete from table2 where id not in 
     ( select detail_id as id from table1 ) 

    Oracle will just acquire a lock level line on the lines that you delete (except something like a bitmap index or trigger that causes DML on other objects). Now, to be pedantic, Oracle will acquire a lock to prevent another session to DDL on the table. But that will not affect the ability of other sessions to DML on different lines.


  • Query and update the large result set

    I do need to update 50,000 lines in the comic book. Because I can not load the set(50K) of any result in memory as I'm reading the rows per batch, 200 lines of each loop by incrementing fetchStart of the view object and then do a re - interview.

    I think pointed out that time elapse for every loop slows down over time.

    Here is the code snippet:

    range final int = 200;
    int fetchStart = 0;
    fetchSize int = range;
    int range = increment;
    Boolean doFetch = true;
    Product list = new ArrayList (range);
    so that {(doFetch)
    products = getProducts (fetchStart, fetchSize); view //Modifies with the fetchStart and the re object - interview.

    fetchStart = index + 1;
    increment = increment + range;

    for (product p: products) {}
    modify the product
    updateProduct (p);
    transaction.Commit ();
    Products.Clear ();

    Can I do so that I get at least each loop to have a time of constant treatment for ex every loop taking only 3 to 5 seconds to complete?
    Currently, the time flow increases as the loop to continue processing the remaining records.

    Thank you.

    Frank is right with his suggestion. A pl/sql procedure or an sql update statement (if all updates are the same) is best for update several lines.

    To clarify my last post:
    a VO can have only a single mode of access at any given time. Don't forget that you can switch the mode during execution. Range paging allows you to browse on all lines of the VO, before only not as its name suggests. Memory consumption is different because access only to the front only holds the level lines in memory. If you browse (forward) the memory of the old lines is released (when gc sets in). Therefore forward only has the smallest memory footprint (from ADFbc point of view) and can be used to manipulate the games the same outline. Still a pl/sql procedure is faster and more often the best choice.

    The workflow are:
    1. use a VO in access mode forward only
    2 run your query
    3. use (vo.next ()) {...} to work on each line

    If you use the pagination of range rather than forward only you are able to use vo.prev () and other methods of navigation on the vo.


  • af: popuo closing by program does not update the caller

    Hi all

    I use jdeveloper 11g and adf business components.
    I have a simple page that displays a database table (a display object). On this table, I need to insert, update, delete operations.
    I sent the following link and was able to create the whole process.

    For the update feature, I implemented an af popup element that opens the current record as a pop-up and it works fine.
    I should add validation by updating, so the button submit popup, I added my validation code and show the message, I added partialsubmit = true on the submit button.
    Now it shows postings, but even once it is validated, it remains on the pop up, does not close the window.
    To close the window, I added code to popup in my grain of closing.
          StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
          FacesContext context =  FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
               script.append("var popup = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('").append("p1").append("'); ")            
                   .append("if (popup.isPopupVisible()) { ").append("popup.hide();}");
               ExtendedRenderKitService erks =
                           Service.getService(context.getRenderKit(), ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
               erks.addScript(context, script.toString());
    After this the pop up is closed but does not show the updated line (even if it's upadted in the comic book), it is the table of the appellant is not refreshed.
    The work around is that I add one more button soemthing like "save" which does not any action involves and just close the pop up and refreshes the page.
    But I don't want the user to have 2 buttons for a single operation, so would like to know if there is any other way to do this.
    In addition, lets say I make a few changes on the form of popup, but click Cancel, the table reflects the changes (no change is made in the comic book)
     <af:commandButton text="Cancel" id="cb8"/>
    To resolve this issue, I added an actionlisterner on the Cancel button that closes the pop-up window, so that the table is not updated with the modified values programmatically.
    But if I click the same link again that fills the popup, inputtext components displays the value that was changed before you click Cancel.
    I don't know how I should resolve this thing, I don't know I'm missing something.
    any help is appreciated.
    Thank you

    Update the table in the code to java with addPartialTarget()?
    And if he does not rerun the query of the ViewObject, then refresh.

  • I can't get the page numbers in my table of contents to update when I update the book.

    I use Framemaker 11 and I have two tables of contents in my book: one in English and French. Each table of contents to links to various documents in the same book. The reference page for each table of contents is defined and properly displays the positions 1 and 2, I said that it appears, but numbers not updated when the contents of my document files change to another page. I checked the settings of conditional text in my document files; they are correct. When I update the book, I choose to update the numbers, all the cross-references, all text inserts, OLE links, generate a Table of contents, lists, and indexes. What I am doing wrong? Thank you.

    If they are not knocked down, then they are certainly not generated files. See the example in the help of FM11: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FrameMaker/11.0/Using/images/bk_hier_books.png

    The 'K' is a TOC file that FM recognizes a generated file.

    Because you have created your table of the contents of the French with the help of another structure of the book, you could import reference this TOC file in another file of FM (for example to create an inset text) in the main book you want. However, you need to make updates in two steps. First update the French book to revise the table of contents. Then update the main book to get the rest of the correct pages (and given that the table of french contents are imported by reference, FM always uses the most recent version).

  • Update the list of features supported

    I suggest that you update the guide for help on the supported features.

    Recently I was wrong due to this list on the supported features, horizontal sliding, flattened articles on Android devices.

    The list shows that its not supported on Android, but in fact it is.


    Sorry, I missed that one. I've updated the help article. Thanks for reporting the error.

  • vCenter does not update the guest operating system


    using 4.0.0 vCenter and vSphere Client 4.0.0 I changed the flag of the BONE invited "SuSE Linux Enterprise 9/8..." to «SuSE Linux Enterprise 10»...

    I can see the correct indicator in the .vmx file and in the dialog box settings of the virtual machine - also when I connect directly to the ESX host using vSphere Client, I see the flag right in the Summary tab. But vCenter still shows the old value in mode summary VM, also a query against the vCenter Perl API returns an incorrect value.

    Any ideas?

    See you soon


    the information is in the comic book, but if you remove the VM of the inventory and re - add to the inventory which should fix.

  • Change in the merger of insert and create a procedure for updating the records after


    I have a table that contains about 50 M lines of partition, and every day I have an application that performs a merge to insert records statement about 100 k per day and it's 300 M updates a day.

    Because I both update and insert the application performs a merge.
    I need to make at least 500 M, updated day by day, and for this reason this solution doesn't have enough performance for what I'm asking.

    I think another solution that I will try to implement now, and I just posted this in an attempt to get help on the option that I may have to do.

    I want to start putting in place:
    -Locations is updated 'last_record_date' using 'KEY1' and 'Key2' "KEY3";
    -Change the application to only inserts into a temporary table.
    -Have two procedures, one that takes the new records from the temporary table and inserts it into the final table, and another that selects records which is updated and perform an update.
    -This two procedures will choose the records and delete them from the temporary table (or mark them as updated\inserted).

    The volume is very large, so performance is a challenge! That's why I'm writing this, because a solution with enough performance for the intermediate stage will be difficult.
    My final table is partitioned by date and the date is the area that I need to update (instead of create daily partitions in order to reduce the frequency of the movement of the line, I create monthly partitions)!
    It is currently my table definition:
        (KEY1                           VARCHAR2(50 BYTE) ,
        KEY2                         VARCHAR2(50 BYTE) NOT NULL,
        KEY3                           VARCHAR2(50 BYTE) ,
        last_record_date                    VARCHAR2(50 BYTE) NOT NULL)
      PCTFREE     10
      INITRANS    1
      MAXTRANS    255
       STORAGE   (
      PARTITION BY RANGE (last_record_date)
      PCTFREE     10
      INITRANS    1
      MAXTRANS    255
      PCTFREE     10
      INITRANS    1
      MAXTRANS    255
      PCTFREE     10
      INITRANS    1
      MAXTRANS    255
      PCTFREE     10
      INITRANS    1
      MAXTRANS    255
    -- Constraints for MY_TEST_TABLE
      PCTFREE     10
      INITRANS    2
      MAXTRANS    255
    Thank you
    Ricardo Tomas

    naoseionome wrote:

    My version is:
    Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production

    It's the DOF I used to create the database.

    The merger is common during every day for about 10 M records.

    There are several methods to do the update, but they do sequencially to avoid deadlocks (because I can't control the source and each process can update the same keys.

    The update uses "KEY1, KEY2, KEY3" to update the value 'LAST_RECORD_DATE' have impact by being date or varchar2?

    I'm still waiting to receive permissions in order to follow up the matter, but in the meantime, in that I am trying to implement this work around in order to accelerate a development in the case where it would be necessary! Comments only I have at the moment, it is that he is not able to process the total amount of records timely (order book is generated).

    Thank you

    Well, the first thing we do is to change the type of data type varchar to a date. The main impact is that a date is not a string, it's a date. If you are adding data processes in different date formats (which is possible when you use a character to store information) you're going to be very sad (good luck converting back an effective date).

    An example of how this can happen easily.

    ME_TUBBZ?select to_char(sysdate) from dual;
    12-jan-2012 10 55:33
    1 row selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    ME_TUBBZ?alter session set nls_date_format = 'yyyy-mon-dd';
    Session altered.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    ME_TUBBZ?select to_char(sysdate) from dual;
    1 row selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

    Assuming that the client passes the column as an Oracle DATE will make an (implicit) conversion to store the data as a string, which will be based on the current settings of the NLS for the session. This allows also for someone to completely non-jour the information in the column (super bad). It's just really bad form to use strings to store dates, numbers, anything that is not naturally a string.

    Based on the description of your problem, I can't imagine how your partitioning scheme performs one action in another that require more work in order to process the updates (which are most of your needs). Partitioning does not equate to increase performance. It is a tool that, like every tool has its place, but I do not think that this is justified for what you do (certainly not how you currently use it anyway).

    I say no partitioning can not be useful for you, but I don't think that on the column that you are currently using is 'good '.

    Something I would like to personally study (must be able to compare this approach to your course, if you need parameters for comparison) if I were you would be using a Table Index organized for it. It will take more time to perform the operations insertion, but that is a small part of all the work that you do for this process. For updates, it should eliminate a lot of IO, assuming that you are doing an INDEX seek followed by a table access by ROWID to perform updates. This recommendation assumes that everything you said is true. You have 4 columns in your table, of which 3 are components of the primary key and the 4th is a date (note I did not string :)) and that you refresh mainly, not fit.) Also that you have no 'secondary' on this entity index (and none are needed).

    I would investigate this approach before the solution of temporary table that you are currently studying.

    See you soon,.

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