Use of data from the system services

My iPhone starts 5s have a huge use of Data Services system. For a minute, it takes 100 MB (in detail its all used in general). Anyone knows what is coming? Because until now was without any problem. Thank you.

Hello LucieMai,

Thank you for reaching out to the Community Support from Apple. I know how it is important to keep the data, and I will do everything I can to help. Every time we see an increase of the data after a recent update as 9.3.3 is a good idea to restart if you have not already. If the behavior persists after restarting, you may want to try to reset the network settings. This will ensure that your phone is using the last settings contact your carrier and your Wi - Fi access. Don't worry, this will only affect the settings like Wi - Fi and VPN passwords. Your content is not deleted. You have to reenter your Wi - Fi password once your device restarts.

Make then select settings > general > reset > reset the network settings on your device.

If you have any questions or concerns, the entire community is here to help.

-Best regards

Tags: iPhone

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    Thank you


    I found the solution problem is in the DSN. I've been using the user instead of DSN system DSN.

    It's important to create the system DSN if you want your VI of web service to communicate with the database.

    PS Please put feature bundle format timestamp and XY graph in the web user interface designer. It's complicated to trace data with datetime on X axis without them.

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    SELECT loc.*
    OF my_xml PO,.
    "urn: schemas-microsoft-com: XML-diffgram-v1" as "diffgr".
    ,'http://api. .com / "as"ns0"
    ,'/ ns0:DataSet / diffgr:diffgram/NewDataSet/OptOutAll '
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    / Zab

    If I use the XML (stored in the table XMLType TMP_XML) below:

                  Subscriber confirmed
                  Subscriber confirmed
                  Subscriber confirmed
                  Subscriber confirmed

    Then I can do:

    SQL> SELECT x.*
      2  FROM tmp_xml t
      3     , XMLTable(
      4         XMLNamespaces(
      5           '' as "soap"
      6         , 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1' as "diffgr"
      7         , 'http://api.***.com/' as "ns0"
      8         )
      9       , '/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/ns0:GetOptOutAllResponse/ns0:GetOptOutAllResult/diffgr:diffgram/NewDataSet/OptOutAll'
     10         PASSING t.object_value
     11         COLUMNS OptOutTime  TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE PATH 'OptOutTime'
     12               , MailingList VARCHAR2(100)            PATH 'MailingList'
     13               , Reason      VARCHAR2(150)            PATH 'Reason'
     14       ) x
     15  ;
    OPTOUTTIME                          MAILINGLIST                    REASON
    ----------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    09/05/12 22:40:00,000000 +02:00     information                    Subscriber confirmed
    07/06/12 22:30:00,000000 +02:00     information                    Subscriber confirmed
    14/06/12 00:20:00,000000 +02:00     information                    Subscriber confirmed
    19/06/12 20:50:00,000000 +02:00     information                    Subscriber confirmed

    Are you getting something different?

  • Houston-25080 error on the use of data to the web service control

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    I'm trying to use Jdev 11 g to build a simple web application. The application page uses a web service (called "theAssetType") data control. But I get the following error message when I try to get the message 'return' on the page widget. The name of the service on the server is CM_RJCP2.

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    oracle.jbo.NoDefException: Houston-25080: definition name: CM_RJCP2 does not correspond to the file in which it is responsible for: oracle.myweb.model.theAssetType.CM_RJCP2. CM_RJCP2
    at oracle.adf.model.bean.DCBeanDataControl.findStructureDef(
    at oracle.adf.model.bean.DCBeanDataControl.getAttributeDefs(
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    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.MyIteratorBinding.getAttributeDefs(
    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.fetchAttrDefs(
    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.getAttributeDefs(
    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.getAttributeDef(
    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.getAttributeDef(
    to oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding$ 1JUAttributeDefHintsMap. < init > (
    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.getAttributeHintsMap(
    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.getHints(
    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.internalGet(
    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlAttrsBinding.internalGet(
    at oracle.adf.model.binding.DCControlBinding.get(
    at javax.el.MapELResolver.getValue(
    at javax.el.CompositeELResolver.getValue(

    Published by: rjcovert on December 29, 2009 09:11

    Published by: rjcovert on January 3, 2010 08:31

    There is a bug with datacontrol whose name is the same as the package directory.
    I think that you can run in this case - you can try working in a different package name?
    (or try to refactor-> move your files).

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    Again, could you please show me how you have implemented that?

    Let's take a step back. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? You want to find the index position? Can find reference should do the job for you.

  • Exception during consumption of huge data from a web service.


    I m developing an application to receive data from a Web Service and retain the data received on the device.

    App is developed for OS 4.3.0

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    Chain rg.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException:unexpected type (position: TEXT entity request in T...@1:24 in

    When I debugged using Eclipse, this exception is thrown on this statement (soapAction, envelope);

    Would it be because of a time-out? OT is because the Analyzer is not able to analyze huge data?

    Given that this exception occurs on the declaration of, I guess the problem is with the web service call and not with the code for persistent storage.

    I have included the code here... Is could someone please show me what the problem is?

    C ode to call Web Services

    public Vector getWebData(String count)
       Vector personsVectorto = new Vector();
        StringBuffer receivedContent = new StringBuffer();
        String serviceUrl = "........";
        String serviceNamespace = ".....";
        String soapAction = ".........";
       SoapObject rpc = new SoapObject(serviceNamespace, "GetContactsList");
            //rpc.addProperty("listSize", "5");
            rpc.addProperty("listSize", count);
         SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
            envelope.bodyOut = rpc;
            envelope.dotNet = true;
            envelope.encodingStyle = SoapSerializationEnvelope.XSD;
            HttpTransport ht = new HttpTransport(serviceUrl);
            ht.debug = true;
  , envelope); // This is where thexmlpullparser exception occurs
     Object obj = envelope.getResponse();
            SoapObject soapResult = (SoapObject)obj;
                for(int i=0; i < soapResult.getPropertyCount(); i++)
                  PersonDTO personto = new PersonDTO();
               SoapObject choice = (SoapObject)soapResult.getProperty(i);
                if( choice!=null)
                    for(int j = 0; j < choice.getPropertyCount(); j++)
                      receivedContent.append(" Reading Property Number" + String.valueOf(j) + " Value = " + choice.getProperty(j).toString());
         if (j==0) personto.setElement(1,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
        if (j==1) personto.setElement(2,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
        if (j==2) personto.setElement(3,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
        if (j==3) personto.setElement(4,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
        if (j==4) personto.setElement(5,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
         if (j==5) personto.setElement(6,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
         if (j==6) personto.setElement(7,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
          if (j==7) personto.setElement(8,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
         if (j==8) personto.setElement(9,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
       if (j==9) personto.setElement(10,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
            }catch(org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException ex2)
                String bah1 = ex2.toString();
                Dialog.alert("String: " + bah1);
                String bah2 = ex2.getMessage();
                Dialog.alert("Message: " + bah2); 
            catch(Exception ex){
                String bah = ex.toString();
                Dialog.alert("Response: " + bah);
                return personsVectorto;

    Thank you

    Hi Philippe,.

    First Question: Print server response

    Yes - I think for you too in fact just print the answer you'll have to do a regular HTTP call to the server and print it like this:

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

    int thumb;

    HttpConnection httpConn = (HttpConnection) (url);

    httpConn.setRequestMethod (HttpConnection.GET); or by POST depending on your needs

    in = httpConn.openInputStream ();

    While ((thumb = ())! = - 1).


    SB. Append ((Char) inCh);


    System.out.println ("server response:" + sb.toString ());

    Try and see if you get a request too large entity. Note: you should probably put your SOAP request in GET or POST http request.

    Second Question: Is zipping required?

    This is how I chose to do for my particular needs that transfer me a large amount of data and the compression algorithm seems to keep all my data well below 40 k. However, it is not the only way, you could actually make several requests and get data piece by piece, but I don't know if it works well with SOAP responses. Depending on the type of Network Setup Blackberry you have, you can also set this limit to be higher (I think a maximum of 1 024 Ko for BES).

    Third Question: Timeout Logging

    For wait times, usually the exception you get should indicate that there was a timeout, but if you are suspicious that it's a timeout check your web service and see.

    Hope that helps!


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    Hi, experts,

    now I have a new system, the design of the system is to use raw (16) column as the key column in all tables of database.
    of course, when the new system goes live (in production), new records of transactions are written to the new database system.
    When the new system inserts new records, it manages itself to avoid any conflict of the raw key column value (16)

    Now, I'm dealing with this problem:

    I need to import data from the old system to the new system, I use sys_guid() to fill the column raw (16) into the new database system.
    How can I avoid conflicts of raw column value (16) between the old system data and the new data of database system?

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    insert into new_sys_table_a (key_column_raw_16,...,...)
    Select sys_guid(), old_sys_col_a, old_sys_col_b
    of old_sys_table_a;
    insert into new_sys_table_a (key_column_raw_16, col1, col2 )
    select key_column_raw_16, col1, col2
    from old_sys_table_a;
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    Can someone help me?

    See you soon,.


    Hello Steven,

    I think that what was Hossein trying to send you is the following:

    How to connect and configure a device with RS-485 2-wire

    Can you also tell me a little more what you use to read the data? What environment. You have 2-wire or 4-wire Modbus RTU?

    Kind regards

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    2.i would use the data type variant for sending my data.

    Can someone help me please. Thank you

    Regardless of the meaning. Once you have a connection each end allows it to send data to another. Just create what you want to look like interaction.

    Do you want the client sends a command that request data?
    How do you think the response data to look like?

    You can send variants, but probably not worth the effort.


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    type it the password of the account, it says the user profile service Service failed the profile logon.user cannot be loaded.on from the system restore, it said: System Restore could not start. What should I do?

    Have a look here:
    or here:

  • Message from blackBerry Smartphones: the page you requested was created using data from the form.

    While closing a link to a message come to say: the page you requested was created using data from the form. This page is no longer available.  If you resend the data, any action that has been specified by the form will be repeated.  You want to resubmit the data?  When I click Yes or no, nothing happens except that the message just reappears.  I can't get rid of it so I can't do anything else on my phone, except to answer a call if someone calls me.  How can I get rid of this message from my phone?  I tried to turn it works... even by leaving off the coast for 5 minutes before turning turn it back on.  I can't even check my OS because I do not what anyone on my phone.  I hope someone can help me with this.

    Have you tried a battery pull?  This should fix a problem as you described.

    With your phone, remove the battery, then replace a minute later.  This will do all sorts of wonderful things to your phone for free unclaimed memory, delete no cited source points and make your phone run smoothly.

    Try it and let us know if it does the trick.

  • The lateset, 2015.5 edition, does not transfer data from the metadata, only the focal length objective. Disappointment when you want to know what that lens you used. (It allows to rename the files but after you create a second copy. "It's an improvement.)

    The last edition, 2015.5, does not transfer data from the metadata, only the focal length objective. Disappointment when you want to know what that lens you used. (It allows to rename the files but after you create a second copy. "It's an improvement.)

    Yes, copied files from Nikon NEF, DNG.

  • Pulling data from the SAP ERP system in ColdFusion

    Has anyone tried to extract data from the SAP ERP system in ColdFusion?
    Y at - it any documentation on how to do this?

    Any help and suggestions would be very appreciated.

    Thank you, Rob.

    You are right. I don't know Java and when I looked at JCo stuff, I got confused.
    Thnaks for recommend bTalk. I met with them soon.

  • Unable to delete the data from the Safari Web site...


    I need help with my Safari browser on my Mac.

    Im trying to remove all Web site data with the following procedure:

    Safari-> Preferences-> privacy-> Remove All Data Web site...

    His does not work. Before clicking on the button I have 108 Web sites stored cookies or other data, I click the button, and nothing happens... I'm still 108 cookies.

    I also did the following:

    . - activate the Menu developer and Cache empty and tried again... nothing

    . - used CleanMyMac v3 and it says I don't have cookies.

    . - order iCloud Sync of Safari on the computer and try again... same problem

    . - removed manually Safari. Secure

    Any help will be great. Please let me know if you need any additional info.

    Thank you.

    Hello DZanvettor,

    Thank you for using communities of Apple Support.

    If I understand your message that nothing happens when you try to remove the Safari Web site data. I know how it is important for you to be able to remove the Safari Web site data. I recommend that you restart your Mac into safe mode and see if you can remove the data from the Web site in secure mode.

    Here are the steps to restart your Mac in safe mode:

    Safe mode (sometimes called secure boot) is a way to start up your Mac so that it performs certain checks and prevents certain software from loading automatically or opening.

    From your Mac in safe mode does the following:

    * Check your startup disk and attempts to fix problems if necessary directory
    * Loads only required kernel extensions
    * Prevents the elements start and the login items open automatically
    * Disables installed user fonts
    * Delete font caches, hiding the kernel and other files of the system cache
    * Together, these changes can help resolve or isolate issues related to your startup disk.

    Follow these steps to start in safe mode.

    1. start or restart your Mac.
    2. as soon as you hear the startup tone, hold down the SHIFT key.
    3. release the SHIFT key when you see the Apple logo appears on the screen.

    After you delete data from the Web site in safe mode restart your Mac and allow it to start up as usual. Then test the issue again.

    Best regards.

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    Hi Justin

    Well, what recovery CD you want to use?
    As much as I know several months Toshiba uses a new version of the CD recovery called Reco.
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Maybe you are looking for

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