utility library error function string?

I'm working on a library Error Handler, slaughtered most of these wonderful for a (Roberto!).  I can't find a generator of string of code error for the functions in the library of good content (in particular, functions like RenameFile, CopyFile, GetDir, SetDir, MakeDir, all file IO functions).

Most people refer to types of maximum error tolerated with some explanations of plain text.  But there is no mention of a nice string code converter function, as it is in other libraries.  For example, for the RS232 library, there are GetRS232ErrorString.  Formatting & IO Library, there is GetFmtIOErrorString.

I don't see it somewhere?  Inside the library of utilities, there is a function called CmtGetErrorMessage multithreaded error code.

You are right: the library of Urility does not include a function that translates into a meaningful text error codes. I guess that it is due to the fact that error codes overlap in part, so a single function could not be used.

For example, the-1 error means file not found in almost all file IO Library functions, but it translates into no file found matching the criteria of research GetFirstFile (), for not more files in GetNextFiles () and invalid parameters in MakePathname ().

Another example: error-2 means GetFirstFile must be called before if returned by GetNextFile () and resulting path too long if returned by MakePathname ().

And cela given that e/s file section of the library!

While developing my own toolbox of utilities, I created the following function I know is far from perfect and covers only the file IO features:

char * CVIFUNC GetULibFileIOErrMsg (int error)

// Messages associated to error codes returned by functions in File Utilities class in Utility Library
    switch (error) {
        case 0: return "Success";
        case -1:    return "One of the path component not found";
        case -2:    return "Resulting pathname longer than 260 chars";
        case -3:    return "General I/O error occurred";
        case -4:    return "Insufficient memory to complete operation";
        case -5:    return "Invalid path";
        case -6:    return "Access denied";
        case -7:    return "Specified path is a directory, not a file";
        case -8:    return "Disk is full";
        case -9:    return "New file already exists";
        default:    return "Unknown error";
    return NULL;

Tags: NI Software

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    v_first_name emp.ename%TYPE;


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    END IF;


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    Dear friends,

    We have a package customized for FTP PLSQL.
    I get ORA-06502: PL/SQL: digital or value error: character string buffer too small when the FTP service running.
    The FTP function call the HOST function that is in fact to launch the above mentioned error.
    Here is the code for FTP and HOST functions.
               result_out IN OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
    ret boolean;
    drun boolean;
    hid number;
       dbms_output.put_line('host1 begin');
       ret := HOST(text_in,result_out,hid,drun,1);
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         dbms_output.put_line('not derun');
          return false;
       end if;
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       return ret;
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     out varchar2(256);
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      return out;
    FUNCTION HOST(text_in      IN VARCHAR2,
              result_out IN OUT VARCHAR2,
              hostid     IN OUT NUMBER ,
              demrunning IN OUT boolean,
      tempid      number;
      tempstat      varchar2(10);
      n           number;
      m           number;
      retry      number;
      mult           number;
      timestamp_date  date;
      lv_result_out varchar2(200);
      --result_out := NULL; --fcxh76
      demrunning := true;
      dbms_output.put_line('host2 begin');
      select XXAR_SHELL_CMD_S.nextval
      into  tempid from dual;
      hostid := tempid;
      n := dbms_pipe.send_message('CMD');
      n := dbms_pipe.send_message ('CMD'||rtrim(to_char(tempid)),0);
      m := dbms_pipe.receive_message('CMDSTAT'||rtrim(to_char(tempid)),5);
      if m = 1 then
          demrunning := false;
          result_out := 'ERROR : GLCC0005 presumed not running';
          dbms_output.put_line('result_out - '||result_out);
          return FALSE;
      elsif m = 0 then
      end if;
      if tempstat = 'ERROR' then
         dbms_output.put_line('tempstat = ERROR');
         result_out := NULL;
         dbms_output.put_line('after result out');
         return FALSE;
      end if;
         m := dbms_pipe.receive_message('RSLT'||rtrim(to_char(tempid)),0);
    if m <> 0 then
        goto CHECK_AGAIN;
    end if;
         if m = 0 then
                return TRUE;
             result_out := 'ERROR : Call to GLCC0006 failed';
             return FALSE;
         end if;
    FUNCTION FTP (program_name in VARCHAR2,
               source_file in VARCHAR2,
               dest_file   in VARCHAR2 default NULL) RETURN BOOLEAN
    fd               utl_file.file_type;
    res            boolean;
    res1           boolean;
    out            varchar2(256);
    out1           varchar2(256);
    ftp_dnsname      varchar2(50);
    ftp_user         varchar2(50);
    ftp_pass         varchar2(50);
    ftp_pre_opt      varchar2(150);
    ftp_post_opt     varchar2(150);
    ftp_override     varchar2(150);
    destination_file varchar2(50);
    ftp_command      varchar2(2000);
    ftp_main         varchar2(2000);
    proc_id           varchar2(10);
    fderr             varchar2(100);
    rec           varchar2(1024);
    temp_buf      varchar2(100);
    base_source       varchar2(100);
    log_dir              varchar2(100) := get_env('$APPLCSF')||'/log';
    fndc_logfile_dir varchar2(100) := 'FNDC_LOGFILE_DIR';
    i            number ;
    ftp_tried        boolean;
     ftp_tried := false;
    for ftp_rec in ( select  attribute1,
                       nvl(attribute5,' ') attribute5,
                       nvl(attribute6,' ') attribute6,
                       nvl(rtrim(attribute7),'put') attribute7
              from fnd_flex_values
              where  flex_value_set_id in
              (select flex_value_set_id
               from fnd_flex_value_sets
               where flex_value_set_name = 'CPC_FTPS'
              and flex_value like program_name
               ftp_tried := true;
              ftp_dnsname      := ftp_rec.attribute1;
              ftp_user         := ftp_rec.attribute2;
              ftp_pass         := ftp_rec.attribute3;
              destination_file := ftp_rec.attribute4;
              if dest_file is not null then
                 destination_file := dest_file;
                    end if;
                                   if destination_file is null then
                    destination_file := base_name(source_file);
                end if;
                ftp_pre_opt      := ftp_rec.attribute5;
              ftp_post_opt     := ftp_rec.attribute6;
              ftp_override     := lower(ftp_rec.attribute7);
              res := HOST('echo $$',proc_id);
              dbms_output.put_line('proc_id - '||proc_id);
         dbms_output.put_line('after host');
         base_source := rtrim(base_name(source_file));
           dbms_output.put_line('host 1');
           res := HOST('>  '||log_dir||'/ftpcmd.'||proc_id ||
              ' ; chmod 777 '||log_dir||'/ftpcmd.'||proc_id,out1);
           dbms_output.put_line('host 2');
           res := HOST('>  '||log_dir||'/ftpmain.'||proc_id ||
              ' ; chmod 777 '||log_dir||'/ftpmain.'||proc_id,out1);
           dbms_output.put_line('host 3');
           res := HOST('>  '||log_dir||'/ftplog.'||proc_id ||
              ' ; chmod 777 '||log_dir||'/ftplog.'||proc_id,out1);
           dbms_output.put_line('host completed');
    Here is the PLSQL block that I will carry out and also the output on this block
    lv_ftp_result boolean; 
    lv_ftp_result := u.FTP('XXAR_REV_PA', ' ' || '/u07/app/qaoa083a/data/outgoing/xxar/PARECREV' || '/' || 'REVENUE_20120319014318.dat','REVENUE_20120319014318.dat');  
    IF lv_ftp_result THEN 
    END IF; 
    when others then 
    dbms_output.put_line('in exception - '||sqlerrm); 
    host1 begin
    host2 begin
    result_out - ERROR : GLCC0005 presumed not running
    not derun
    host1 begin
    host2 begin
    in exception - ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    The flow of execution goes like this:
    1 FTP function called from PL/SQL block
    2 inside of the FTP service, the Sub statement calls the HOST function
    log_dir              varchar2(100) := get_env('$APPLCSF')||'/log';
    3. This HOST function in turn calls another function of overloaded HOST (code shown above).
    4. in the function overloaded with the HOST, the following statements are executed successfully, and FALSE is returned by the function
    result_out := 'ERROR : GLCC0005 presumed not running';
    dbms_output.put_line('result_out - '||result_out);
    5. the remaining code in the FTP service is running and the HOST function is called again using the Sub statement
    res := HOST('echo $$',proc_id);
    6.again, this HOST function in turn calls another function of overloaded HOST (code posted above).
    7. this time, in the function overloaded host, ORA-06502 is thrown when the following statement is executed and the execution stops here that this exception is unhandled.
    result_out := 'ERROR : GLCC0005 presumed not running';
    This statement is very successfully in the previous call to the function of HOST (step 4), but it fails now.

    Any idea on why this error occurs in this scenario? Because the issue of memory?

    DB Info:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    Kind regards

    Published by: Anthony Alix on March 20, 2012 08:53


    HOST (1) calls the function of MODERATOR (2) with his second parameter as result_out

    The first time you call the function of host (1) in the function get_env you use

     out varchar2(256);
      res := HOST('echo '||env,out);

    out is big enough varchar2 (256)

    The second time you call (1) HOST of the FTP function as:

    ftp_main         varchar2(2000);
    proc_id           varchar2(10);
    fderr             varchar2(100);
              res := HOST('echo $$',proc_id);
              dbms_output.put_line('proc_id - '||proc_id);

    Here, use you proc_id which is varchar2 (10)

    And it's not big enough!

    Kind regards


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    for $pdtLineItem in $processLineItem1 / ns1:LineItem / ns1:Product
    where $cmplxPrdtStructure / ns4 = $pdtLineItem/ns1:lineItem/ns1:product/@ID:SAMProductId/text()
    and $pdtLineItem /:lineItem/ns1:product/ns1:attribute/ns1:name/text() = $cmplxPrdtStructure ns1 / ns4:DisplayName/text()
    and exists($pdtLineItem/ns1:lineItem/ns1:product/ns1:attribute/ns1:name)
    and empty($cmplxPrdtStructure/ns4:DefaultValue)
    and $cmplxPrdtStructure / ns4:Required/text() = 'Y '.
    error ("'genericBusinessFault', ' consumer passed incomplete details to process the product")


    Gives me a compilation error-

    Line 76, column 13: {err} XP0004, invalid static type: string {http://www.w3.org/XMLSchema}

    Any ideas what's not here? I use function error correctly?

    Thank you

    See w3c doc: http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#func-error on a valid signature for error().

    The first argument must be a QName.

    FN:Error() because none
    FN: Error($Error As XS:QName) as none
    FN: Error($Error As XS:QName?, $description As XS:String) as none
    FN: Error ($error as XS: QName?,)
    $description as XS: String.
    ($error - object as item() *) as none

    1 fn:error() returns http://www.w3.org/2005/xqt-errors#FOER0000 (or the corresponding XS: QName) to the external processing environment.

    2 fn:error (fn:QName('http://www.example.com/HR',_'myerr:toohighsal'), "Does not apply because salary is too high") returns http://www.example.com/HR#toohighsal and the XS: String "does not apply because salary is too high" (or the corresponding XS: QName) to the external processing environment.


  • Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error - r6025 Assertion

    I m playing game Terrorist Takedown - Covert Operations Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error - r6025 Assertion

    Hey Munir AhmedMengal,.
    It is a problem that must be corrected by the person who wrote the computer program, not by you (the person running the program).
    Check this link for more information:

    Download the Visual C++ package from the link below and install and check if you can play the game successfully.

    Package redistributable Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (x 86)

    Always the same, contact the game manufacturer for assistance.

  • When I try to open a chanel online, it seems to me the message: Microsoft Visual C++ Run time Library Error.Google Chrome and to view a chanel online that I use and the IE toolbar.

    original title: Hello!

    Hey, I have a question. When I try to open a chanel online seems to me the message: Microsoft Visual C++ Run time library error made in Google Chrome and to view a chanel in line that I use and IE toolbar. I'm waiting for a response. Thank you!


    1. is this problem only occurs in Internet Explorer?
    2 may I know which version of IE are you using?

    Method 1:   
    If the problem occurs on Internet Explorer, try the link below.

    Method 2 If on Chrome, I suggest you get contact with Chrome Forums.

    Hope this information helps you.

  • Microsoft Fix It gives me an error "input string was not in a correct format" whenever I try to run it. Run Windows XP Home addition, version 2002, service pack 3.

    Microsoft Fix It gives me an error "input string was not in a correct format" whenever I try to run it.  Run Windows XP Home addition, version 2002, service pack 3.

    Hey H West.

    The forum below would be more suited for that matter.

    Microsoft Fix it Center - NOT for general support questions

    Kind regards

    Shinmila H - Microsoft Support

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • Need to fix a Visual C++ Runtime Library error: failed assertion. mjutil.cpp on how to fix this?

    Im getting the same Visual C ++ Runtime "Assertion failed" but its saying my file is mjutil.cpp, there seems to be a problem with flash player. I installed the new version and still no luck. I don't have real player or quicktime installed on my machine.

    I ran sfc and it did not help.
    I installed 4.5 framework and reinstalled other redistributes like C++ 2008 and 2010, nothing helps.
    I am at my wits end because my laptop computer webcam on a dell computer not working anymore and flash player still crashes. I HATE ADOBE FLASH!

    My computer is a dell running Vista m15.

    Hi Jarrod,

    I imagine the inconvenience that you are experiencing.
    1. don't you make changes to the computer before the show?
    2. When you get the error "Visual C++ Runtime Library error: failed assertion." on mjutil.cpp'?
    3. what exactly is the problem with the webcam?
    For problems with the Webcam Dell, refer to the link and follow the steps:
    Use and troubleshooting of the Webcam Dell and Dell Webcam Central Software
    Problem with Adobe Flash player:
    1. when exactly the reader flash crash?
    2. what web browser do you use?
    Check out these links for assistance:
    Flash Player help / Flash blocks player Internet Explorer | Windows XP, Vista
    Flash Player Help / Crash when leaving the browser page | Flash Player
    Hope this solves the problem. If the problem persists, you can write to us and we will be happy to help you further.
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    When booting I get the Visual C++ runtime library error message

    Hi ToddLynch,

    (1) since when are you facing this problem?

    (2) remember to make changes?

    It is sufficient to indicate the complete error message you receive.

    Put the computer to boot and then check if the problem persists

    Follow step 1 in the link below,

    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7

    If everything works well after a clean boot, you can deduce that some third-party services are at the origin of the problem.

    Continue with the remaining steps to pin-point on the third party service.

    After find you the program that is causing the problem, you will have to perhaps to update or install a newer version of the program, if you rarely use that you should consider uninstalling the software.

    Important: n ' forget not to put the computer to a normal startup follow step 7 in the link.

  • Microsoft Visual C++ Run library error need help ASAP

    Hello. I am trying to download black desert online and I got this message several times:

    Microsoft Visual C++ Run library
    Error, program: C/Daum games/desert black/BlackDesert_downloader
    "This program has requested unexpectedly.

    The windows up to date shows that it is updated. My computer is windows 7 Home premium. I would really like an answer as soon as possible. I tried for two days to download this game. I really want to play XD

    There are many C++ libraries and most of the games that require a special version will install this version.

    The game is still in beta and won't be officially released until 2016, then

    I think you need to ask your question on the developers forums.



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    Whenever I start the system Microsoft visual c ++ run time library error message is display if I click ok, the next window see the windows Explorer has stopped working even as yet, it is repeated until I have goes ti online after you connect to the internet, it disappears.

    Please tell me how to solve what I tried many options.

    Here is the message

    Hi Harshals,

    Method 1:

    You can put your boot system to solve the problem.

    To help resolve the error and other messages, you can start Windows Vista or Windows 7 by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs. This type of boot is known as a "clean boot". A clean boot helps eliminate software conflicts. This article describes how to solve problems in Windows Vista or Windows 7 by performing a clean boot.

    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7


    Note: After troubleshooting, be sure to set the computer to start as usual as mentioned in step 3 of the above article.

    Method 2:

    I would suggest removing all of them and then reinstall the latest version:
  • Microsoft Visual c ++ runtime library error at startup. Runtime error! Program: C:\Windows\Explorer.exe

    Original title: Microsoft Visual c ++ runtime library error to star up

    Microsoft Visual c ++ runtime library error at startup

    Runtime error!
    Program: C:\Windows\Explorer.exe
    I can't solve this problem.
    I tried these solutions:
    I deleted all versions of Microsoft Visual c ++ s old and re-installed Microsoft Visual c ++ 2010 and all other microsoft automatic updates
    AutoFix used to define Internet Explore to the initial state (deleted programs side)
    Clean boot startup: error always happens after I uncheched all stars including Microsoft services services
    Start in safe mode: error persists
    Done a full virus scans (avira and f-secure online)
    I tried to restore Windows but there is error and can't do.


    This error message or when you tried to restore Windows?

    I suggest you try to create a new user account and check if it helps.

    Create a user account:

    If the problem is resolved in the new user account, here is fix a corrupted user account:

  • Visual c ++ runtime library error r6002

    Please help, that all this has happened when I installed avira antivirus in my laptop

    My specs are:

    Reference Dell vostro 3560 64-bit

    Windows 8 pro

    has tried so far tried to uninstall and reinstall Microsoft visual c ++ 2010 x 86

    Hi Yudhvirgodara,

    Especially, this error can be caused by two factors:

    · The Visual C++ library runtime components are missing.

    · Conflict with other software installed on the computer.

    I suggest you follow the suggestion given by Tadasha Mishra on November 9, 2013 from the Microsoft link and check if it solves the problem.


    I hope this helps. If you have any other queries/issues related to Windows, write us and we will be happy to help you further.

  • not able to seeds and release - error report: 06502: PL/SQL: digital or value error: character string buffer too small.


    After an upgrade of 4.2.4 5.0.0 we aren't able to seeds and publish the translation.

    There is report error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: digital or value error: character string buffer too small.

    DB version is

    Main language 'fr', translation 'sk '.

    APEX day language is "en".

    Any thoughts?


    Fortunately, we have solved the problem.

    After upgrading a default sort to the report was to 'language '.

    If report error, that is fair enough to click on a prompt different orders of the report to change the sorting of the report.

    (the blank report is displayed at the bottom of the page, and you can see the guests)

    After the click the report updates and looks OK.

    Good day.

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