Very interesting problem, urgent need for resolution

Hi guys,.

I have weird and interesting problem I repair emergency. Appreciate any help you guys can provide.

I have a query that is running in all our database but Prod. Our UAT is updated every fortnight by Prod, so I'm sure it's not a data problem. I even tried for very small dataset making sure to select the same data in UAT and Prod.


ORA-00932: inconsistent data types: expected NUMBER obtained -

select level ,--works if we reomve this
 xmlelement("L1", XMLATTRIBUTES(resource_name as "L1" ,resource_id as "p_resource_id",resource_manager_id as "p_rm_id",FTE, project_hrs ,
             misc_hrs , total_hrs, avg_tot_hrs, Perc_utilization))
      from (  SELECT   resource_id,
           trim(to_char(round(SUM (FTE),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) FTE,
           trim(to_char(round(SUM (project_hrs),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) project_hrs,
           trim(to_char(round(SUM (misc_hrs),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) misc_hrs,
           trim(to_char(round(SUM (total_hrs),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) total_hrs,
           trim(to_char(round(SUM (total_hrs)/decode(SUM (FTE),0,1,SUM (FTE)),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) avg_tot_hrs,
           trim(to_char(ROUND (SUM (project_hrs) * 100 / decode(SUM (expected_project_hrs),0,1,SUM (expected_project_hrs)), 1), '999,999,999,999.9'))
    FROM   (    SELECT   CONNECT_BY_ROOT resource_name AS resource_name,
                         CONNECT_BY_ROOT resource_id AS resource_id,
                         CONNECT_BY_ROOT resource_manager_id AS resource_manager_id,
                  FROM   (    SELECT   r.username resource_name,
                                FROM   TIME_UTILILIZ_ORG_SUM_L3M_MV r
                          START WITH   resource_id = 129523
                         CONNECT BY   PRIOR r.resource_id = r.resource_manager_id)                
            CONNECT BY   PRIOR resource_id = resource_manager_id)
GROUP BY   resource_id, resource_name, resource_manager_id) 
          start with resource_id =129523 connect by prior resource_id=resource_manager_id; --works if we remove this
If we remove outermost connect, it works so not a problem of xmlelement as well. Any idea?

Published by: 783830 on July 22, 2010 06:58

I don't know if this will help, but:

with my_tab as (select 1 resource_id, 0 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                select 2 resource_id, 1 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                select 3 resource_id, 1 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                select 4 resource_id, 2 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                select 5 resource_id, 2 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                select 6 resource_id, 0 resource_manager_id, 2 project_hrs from dual union all
                select 7 resource_id, 6 resource_manager_id, 2 project_hrs from dual union all
                select 8 resource_id, 7 resource_manager_id, 2 project_hrs from dual),
--- end of mimicking some data
    results as (select resource_id,
                       prior resource_id prev_resource_id,
                       level lvl,
                       sum(project_hrs) over (partition by connect_by_root (resource_id)) tot_project_hrs
                from   my_tab
                connect by prior resource_id = resource_manager_id),
   results2 as (select resource_id,
                       connect_by_root resource_id top_resource_id,
                       prior resource_id prev_resource_id,
                       level lvl
                from   my_tab
                connect by prior resource_id = resource_manager_id
                start with resource_manager_id = 0)
select r1.resource_id,
from   results r1,
       results2 r2
where  r1.resource_id = r2.resource_id
and    r1.lvl = 1
order by resource_id;

----------- ----------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- ----------
          1           1               5               1                           1
          2           1               3               1                1          2
          3           1               1               1                1          2
          4           1               1               1                2          3
          5           1               1               1                2          3
          6           2               6               6                           1
          7           2               4               6                6          2
          8           2               2               6                7          3

Tags: Database

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    Here is a link to Pockmac, there is a download link.

    Watch for the Desktop Manager for Mac come out, you'll like it much better, and on this same page is link to be emailed updates on this version.

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    Table Greeny1

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    var xplodeG1:Greeny1Animation = new Greeny1Animation();

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    xplodeG1.gotoAndPlay (2);

    removeChild (myArrayGreeny1 [i]);

    myArrayGreeny1.splice (i, 1);


    Another yew (beam.hitTestObject (myArrayGreeny1 [i]))


    removeChild (myArrayGreeny1 [i]);

    myArrayGreeny1.splice (i, 1);



    Table Greeny2

    for (var i = 0; i < myArrayGreeny2.length; i ++)


    If (Catcher.hitTestObject (myArrayGreeny2 [i]))


    var xplodeG2:Greeny2Animation = new Greeny2Animation();

    addChild (xplodeG2);

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    xplodeG2.y = myArrayGreeny2 [i] there;

    xplodeG2.gotoAndPlay (2);

    removeChild (myArrayGreeny2 [i]);

    myArrayGreeny2.splice (i, 1);


    Another yew (beam.hitTestObject (myArrayGreeny2 [i]))


    removeChild (myArrayGreeny2 [i]);

    myArrayGreeny2.splice (i, 1);




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    Declare the 'I' variable separately to the top with the other variables and then use it in loops without declaring it.

    var i: uint;

    var myArrayGreeny1:Array = new Array();

    var myArrayGreeny2:Array = new Array();

    for (i = 0; i< myarraygreenyxx.length;="">

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    v_from VARCHAR2 (80): = "[email protected]";
    v_recipient VARCHAR2 (80): = "[email protected]";
    v_subject VARCHAR2 (80): = "test subject";
    v_mail_host VARCHAR2 (30): = "";
    v_mail_conn UTL_SMTP.connection;
    CRLF VARCHAR2 (2): = CHR (13) | CHR (10);
    CURSOR cur_
    Select disconnect_cause in the rawticket_voip;
    w_data VARCHAR2 (31000);

    v_mail_conn: = UTL_SMTP.open_connection (v_mail_host, 25);
    UTL_SMTP. HELO (v_mail_conn, v_mail_host);
    UTL_SMTP.mail (v_mail_conn, v_from);
    UTL_SMTP. RCPT (v_mail_conn, v_recipient);

    w_data: = ' < html >
    < table border = "1" >
    < tr bgcolor = 'Light Blue' > ';
    W_DATA: = W_DATA | "< td >" | C.DISCONNECT_CAUSE | "< table >";
    w_data: = w_data | ' < /tr >
    < /table >
    < / html > ';
    ' Date: '
    || To_char (SYSDATE, ' Dy, hh24:mi:ss DD month YYYY ")
    || CRLF
    || "To:
    || v_from
    || CRLF
    || "Subject:"
    || v_subject
    || CRLF
    || « À : »
    || v_recipient
    || CRLF
    || "MIME-Version: 1.0 '"
    || CRLF
    || ' Content-Type: text/html; "charset ="us-ascii"
    || CRLF
    || w_data
    || CRLF
    UTL_SMTP. Quit (v_mail_conn);
    WHEN UTL_SMTP.transient_error OR UTL_SMTP.permanent_error
    raise_application_error (-20000, "cannot send an email: ' |") SQLERRM);

    Suggest that rather try next approach instead - the start_data() and close_data() calls.

    SQL> declare
      2          type TStrings is table of varchar2(1000);
      4          smtpSender      varchar2(100)   := '[email protected];
      5          smtpRecipient   varchar2(100)   := '[email protected];
      6          mailSubject     varchar2(100)   := 'Sample Mail';
      7          smtpConn         UTL_SMTP.connection;
      9          cursor cur is
     10                  select
     11                          ''||object_type||''||
     12                          object_id||''||object_name||
     13                          ''
     14                  from    user_objects
     15                  order by
     16                          object_id;
     18          mailBody        TStrings;
     20  BEGIN
     21          smtpConn := UTL_SMTP.open_connection( '', 25);
     23          UTL_SMTP.helo( smtpConn, '' ); -- // this needs to be your Oracle server hostname or IP!
     24          UTL_SMTP.mail( smtpConn, smtpSender );
     25          UTL_SMTP.rcpt( smtpConn, smtpRecipient );
     27          -- can be done using an implicit cursor instead
     28          open cur;
     29          fetch cur bulk collect into mailBody;
     30          close cur;
     32          -- start sending mail body using the data command
     33          UTL_SMTP.open_data( smtpConn );
     35          -- write header
     36          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, 'MIME-Version: 1.0'||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     37          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, 'Content-Type: text/html'||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     38          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, 'From: '||smtpSender||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     39          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, 'To: '||smtpRecipient||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     40          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, 'Subject: '||mailSubject||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     42          -- empty line between header and rest of mail body
     43          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, utl_tcp.CRLF );
     45          -- now write the HTML
     46          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, ''||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     47          for i in 1..mailBody.Count
     48          loop
     49                  UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, mailBody(i)||utl_tcp.CRLF );
     50          end loop;
     51          UTL_SMTP.write_data( smtpConn, '
    '||utl_tcp.CRLF ); 52 53 -- close the data command 54 UTL_SMTP.close_data( smtpConn ); 55 56 UTL_SMTP.quit( smtpConn ); 57 end; 58 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>
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    I suggest you post this question in the Windows XP IT Pro forums:

    Thank you.

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    I did a system successfully restore to a previous point, but the problem remains.

    If you are still having problems with Windows Explorer crashing, I suggest to consider the suggestion offered by ShadowKat:

    "Hello people, it seems that some guys out there are still having trouble with this random crashes. I have the same problem, except that it happens every time that I go to my media files on my NAS. It seems that there is a bug or something with windows that causes this problem when you access a folder to storage media like mine, especially when the size of the file is very large (archive all my discs of film there for convenience and continuous =), about 1 TB of data). Windows capable of generating thumbnail images for your files and blocks the Explorer as well.

    I solved this by going to my computer > click the "Organize" (upper-left) > folder and search options > view tab check "Show icons, never thumbnails" option and uncheck the "display file on the photos." This prevents windows to generate images and solved the problem for me. Less visually flashy Yes, but at least not need a cloth and restart is).
    I hope this helps and good luck!
    ShadowKat. »
    If you're still having problems after this, I suggest that to start a new thread in the following location:
    I hope this helps.
  • Cannot install 2 black & white or command conquer games. Error:Setup.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

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    The error that says "Setup.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. »

    To try to fix it already I found a page here which tells me how to install drivers different installshield, and I installed everything that have been listed. My operating system is Windows Xp home edition


    Were you able to install these games without any problem before?
    Step 1: Install all updates of windows on your computer and check the number.

    Step 2: Copy the game on your computer, then check the issue.

    Step 3: Perform the clean boot your computer.

    From your computer by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs so that you can determine if a background program is interfering with your game or program. This type of boot is known as a "clean boot".
    Follow the steps provide in the article below to perform the clean boot.
    Note: To restore your computer to a Normal startup mode, follow these steps:

    1. click on start in the box start the search.
    2. type msconfig and press ENTER.
    If you are prompted for an administrator password or a confirmation, type the password, or provide confirmation.
    3. on the general tab, click Normal Startup - load all device drivers and services and then click OK.
    4. When prompted, click on restart.

    Thanks and greetings
    Umesh P - Microsoft technical support.

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.
    [If this post can help solve your problem, please click the 'Mark as answer' or 'Useful' at the top of this message.] [Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.]

  • How can I fix error Pure Networks Platform Service has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    Whenever my computer load I get this darn error. Pure Networks Platform Service has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience. I also get a pop up nmsrvc.exe Application error. The statement as "0x66f23ff0" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be 'read' PLEASE HELP!

    Hi heat110,
    -What is the brand and model of the router you are using?
    -You "Network Magic" software installed on your computer?
    Method 1: As a first step, try to restart the service of Pure platform of networks on your computer.
    Follow these steps to do the same thing:
    a. Click Start. Click run. Type Services.msc and press ENTER.
    (b) in the Services window, search for Pure Networks Platform service.
    c. right-click on the service and click on restart.
    d. restart the computer and check if you have got rid of the error message.
    Method 2: Uninstall Network Magic software and then re - install the software by downloading from the website of the manufacturer if necessary.
  • "update.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvinience.


    Uses a deployment tool to deploy the patches in the environment, and this time after doing so I am getting an error below

    "update.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvinience.

    Please help its critics.



    It is a forum for specific consumers.

    You will find appropriate support (such as it is) in this forum-online

  • How to fix this error "generic host process for win32 services has encountered a problem and needs to close ' help me please I am using windows xp with SP3

    How to fix this error "generic host process for win32 services has encountered a problem and needs to close ' help me please I am using windows xp with SP3.

    When I close this error or click on send or do not send, my session network remote also network mapped drive United Nations accessible then I restart my computer and I can access my network grows but after awhile once again this error and the same network behavior that I discussed earlier.
    someone has a better solution that take care of this problem.


    Given that the problem is related to the server of the IRIS, IRIS Contact support for assistance:

    Hope the above information is helpful.

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    Original title: I'm under Win XP Pro 64-bit with an amd processor.

    Hi all

    I get "Generic host process for Win32 services has encountered a problem and needs to close" when I first start the computer, the sound works, but after the old generic host appears the sound does not work?  Don't forget that I'm running 64-bit software.

    The search does not work.

    Any help would be great.

    Hi bohawk,

    I got to hit this article the error that you are experiencing with your computer. Refer to the same thing, check if the patch is useful.

    I hope this helps. If this isn't the case, answer so we can look for other options.

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    Spooler SubSystem App has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.


    1. When you get this error message?

    2. that you get this error message when printing?

    3. What is the brand and model of the printer?

    4. don't you make changes to the computer before the show?

    Please provide us with more information on this issue to help you best.

    If you get this error when printing, follow the steps from the link below.

    Important: this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

  • Need help for - LifeCam.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    Trying to get my Microsoft Life Cam HD5000 video work.  He worked until a week on Windows XP there and all of a sudden stopped sending this message

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    I uninstalled the program and reinstalled and this notice appears again with this 'mistake' being

    AppName: lifecam.exe AppVer: ModName: kernel32.dll

    Any ideas on how to fix as all drivers are up-to-date and update of the software.   As mentioned he wasn't working a week so there is no idea why the video suddenly stopped.


    Hi Concerned25,

    This problem may occur if you have one of the programs listed below, installed in conjunction with the lifecam.

    Earthlink total access.

    Venturi VClient


    Studio9 Pinnacle systems software

    F-Secure internet security

    Dell Web cyber coach

    AOL or Yahoo toolbar

    FixIt utility.

    To solve this problem and find workarounds, see the link below.

Maybe you are looking for